How to make a man love more. How to make all men love you

How to make a guy fall in love is of interest to a huge number of girls. We all strive to find our soul mate in this world and live happily ever after with it. But, alas, it is not always possible to get what you want. Before you ask yourself how to make a guy fall in love, you need to understand that you are unlikely to be able to force it. If you absolutely do not fit his type and do not correspond to the ideas of what kind of girl should be next to him, then there is no need to start a fight. After all, the bitterness of defeat can be unbearable. But if a girl at one fine moment realized that she fell in love with handsome guy, but he remains cold and impregnable, you need to start acting. No need to rush, carefully consider each step. After all, it is still not known for certain why guys fall in love. Love in general is beyond logic, stereotypes and public opinion.

If you do not know how to make a guy fall in love, first of all, make sure that he pays attention to you. Perhaps, while he simply does not see you, therefore he is not able to appreciate you. Make sure that he pays attention to you, and then try to impress him with your originality and dissimilarity to others. Many guys complain that all girls are the same - stupid and empty dolls who are not interested in anything other than glossy magazines, fashion hangouts and money. But you're different, right? You should try to behave naturally and not go too far, pretending to be who knows what.

Girls who are interested in how to make a guy fall in love should understand that, contrary to popular belief, guys really appreciate the mind in their chosen one. Intelligence must be shown in moderation, as tediousness can repel a man. You can talk about art, movies, religion, philosophy, weather, sports, and so on. If a guy has a very narrow circle of interests, which is limited to the nearest pub and a game of billiards with friends, then perhaps you need to think about whether it is worth trying to make him fall in love with you, it’s probably better to look for someone more worthy of your beauty and mind.

If you are interested in how to make a guy fall in love, then it's time to take care of your own appearance. Of course, intelligence and sociability are good, but appearance Girls play a huge role for any man. You must take care of yourself, keep your hair, nails, skin in order, and most importantly, periodically critically evaluate your wardrobe. Many people think that guys are absolutely ignorant of fashion and pay little attention to girls' clothes. In fact, they see the big picture, which should look sexy, attractive and elegant. Wide hoodies and old, washed out, stretched things are unlikely to look appetizing on you.

Always show interest in the affairs and hobbies of the guy. Men love it when they pay more attention than girlfriends or shopping trips. Perhaps a guy will fall in love with you if you help him cope with a difficult life situation or problem. Remember that he must feel your sincerity, and falsehood is simply unacceptable in such cases.

Stop trying to make yourself into a person that you really are not. All the same, it is impossible to play any role for a long time. The guy should love you the way you are inside, with relatives, friends and loved ones. In addition, if you want to know the answer to the question of how to make a guy fall in love, remember - you can not impose. So you can push a person away and he will be lost to you forever. For men, there is nothing worse than obsessive women. Be self-confident, moderately mysterious and persistent, interesting and try to arrange everything in such a way that the guy later thinks that he himself made a choice.

Loves, doesn't love... Loves, doesn't love... He will definitely fall in love if you play your cards right. Try some simple strategies to get this guy thinking of you as more than just a girlfriend, like charm his friends and start flirting with your body language. Then start to get closer little by little, show your weaknesses, find out what makes him happy. Be your best and be confident.


Change his attitude towards you

    Spend more time with him so that he thinks about you as often as possible. The more time you spend together, the more he thinks about you. At first it happens subconsciously. For example, try to go to different events where he will definitely be (for example, sports games), have fun in his favorite places, such as cafes, where he often visits.

    • But do not chase the guy and follow him: if he realizes that you "randomly" appear wherever he spends time, he will definitely suspect something is wrong and will feel uncomfortable.
    • Try to get this guy to see you in best light. For example, if you know you will definitely meet him at the gym, wear something cute and seductive. If you're going to be active in the park, challenge him to play table tennis with you (or find a way to showcase your other talent!)
  1. Try together something unusually memorable, something adventurous - thanks to positive emotions, he will have a feeling of attraction to you. The fact is that adrenaline and fear affect our brain in the same way as the feeling of attraction and sympathy for a person, so it is worth planning something exciting and extreme. For example, it could be rock climbing or a rollercoaster ride at an amusement park. Over time, the guy will begin to associate this excitement and arousal with you, and not with a specific situation.

    • You can start small, like watching a horror movie together. And you can go to something global, for example, to skydiving.
    • Of course, it’s better to arrange such dates when you are just the two of you, so that he associates these feelings and emotions only with you, but, in fact, no one bothers you to go have fun in the company. The main thing is to have a good time with him.
  2. Charm his friends so he knows he can trust you. People always tend to trust their friends and listen to their opinion. If a guy sees that you get along great with his friends, he will be much more comfortable with you. Find out what his friends like, what their preferences and interests are, and then plan to get everyone together and go on a picnic or go bowling - there you can chat with them and get to know each other better.

    • By the way, you can invite your friends and introduce them to this guy.
    • Before meeting with his friends, it is better to first find out about their interests. For example, you can read their accounts in in social networks. After all, it is very important to know that Dima just recently broke up with his girlfriend, moreover, it is better to find out this information before you ask how they are doing.
    • If a guy doesn’t invite you to meet his friends, and you’ve been communicating well for a couple of weeks now, try to offer to meet yourself. For example, say, "I think it would be great to get our friends together for the weekend to watch a sports game, what do you think?"
    • Never make fun of his friends or say bad things about them. Even if the guy himself jokingly laughs at them, don't take it as an invitation. If you can't say anything pleasant or interesting, it's best to keep silent altogether.
  3. Talk about love and romance from time to time so that the guy subconsciously begins to associate you with these wonderful feelings. If you want him to regard you as a potential lover, make sure that your image in his head is accompanied by certain words, thoughts and feelings at the mere thought of you. This can be achieved by raising certain topics in a conversation. For example, when talking with him, you can often say the word "love" or "love" and so on, you can tell a cute story about your girlfriend's new boyfriend, you can admire some beautiful couple.

    • Try to carefully bring these topics into the conversation so that your message is not too obvious.
    • For example, you can say that today is your parents' wedding anniversary, or you can ask if he watched a romantic comedy that came out last week. Say, "I love the new Jennifer Lawrence movie. Romantic comedies are so cute!"
    • For the same purpose, you can try to use certain images and sounds. For example, put on some cute romantic music when he's around, or wear a cute t-shirt with a romantic print like a heart.

Use proper body language

  1. To make a guy feel special to you, make eye contact. If a person is in love, he usually looks at the beloved person in a completely different way than he looks at other people. If you look a guy in the eye often, especially during a conversation, it can automatically awaken in him the same feelings that he experienced when he was in love. Now these pleasant exciting emotions will be associated with you.

    • You should not constantly stare at him continuously, otherwise you will just scare him. Look at it from time to time, then look away, and then look again.
    • You can flirtatiously pat your eyelashes. When you like a person, we automatically blink rapidly. Therefore, this will be a subtle hint that the guy is nice to you.
  2. Start to "mirror" his movements - this will be a sign that you are "on the same wavelength." If you seem to copy (but not too obviously!) His body language, tone and behavior, he will feel that you are fully included in the communication. Smile when he smiles, soften the tone of your voice, if he speaks rather quietly, take a similar posture.

    • For example, if he folded his hands on the table or rested his chin with one hand, do the same.
    • This rule also works when you are just walking somewhere together. For example, speed up or, conversely, slow down your step to match his pace.
    • Of course, in no case do not repeat his every movement! Your behavior should look as natural as possible, it should not be a frightening repetition of every gesture and movement.
  3. To strengthen physical contact, touch him more often. Research has shown that touch increases our attractiveness in the eyes of another person. Try to find some reason to touch him. It could be a light touch on his arm while he tells a story or a joke, or a goodbye hug.

    • Your touch should look as natural as possible if you don't want the guy to get suspicious. For example, touch his arm when you are about to drink something, or lightly touch his leg under the table.
    • Your touch should be above the waist, you don't want to cross certain personal boundaries and embarrass the guy. Best Places are arms, shoulders and face.

    Other Ways to Get His Attention Using Body Language

    Lightly bite your upper lip when he looks at you.

    smile more often to look positive and happy

    See first into his eyes, and then look at his lips.

    Lean a little towards him or sit next to or opposite and turn to face him.

Strengthen Relationships

    Find out what makes this guy feel loved and important the most? Each of us is convinced of the love of another person in our own way. For some, touches are important, and for others, gifts. Pay attention to what actions and words on your part (and on the part of his friends) please him the most, make him happier - this will help determine through what a person feels love for himself. And then focus on doing things that make him feel happy more often. This will show that you really understand him.

    • For example, if he likes to be told he's special, say something like, "Thank you for helping me with my homework. You're so smart!" more often. or "I love it so much that you always find a way to make me laugh."

    Find out what makes a guy feel loved

    If he likes being complimented, words can be a way to show him your love. In this case, start telling him about your feelings more often, send him cute touching messages, write him a love note.

    If he feels happy when you help him, with some business, The best way show him your love - do something meaningful for him, help with some business. For example, you can offer to help him with math problems or lend a shoulder and listen if he has problems.

    If he shines every time you give him a present, it means that he considers gifts and surprises to be an expression of love. The next time you see each other, give him his favorite chocolate bar.

    If a guy is sad when you don't see each other for a long time, it means that the time you spend together is proof of your love for him. Schedule a romantic date or spend your Saturday lounging around at home together.

    If he constantly wants to hug and hold hands, so physical contact is most important to him. Hug him often, put your legs in his lap when you sit together on the couch.

  1. Fill the hole in his life so he realizes how much he needs you. If you can give him something that no one has done for him before, chances are he will develop strong feelings for you. For example, if no one supports his dream of becoming professional athlete, become his main support group.

    • Think about your strengths. If you are a good listener, you can easily become a person to whom he can entrust his thoughts and secrets.
    • For example, if he constantly mentions how difficult it is for him to tell his friends when he is sad, you can say: "Listen, I'm always there if you need to speak up. I won't judge you!"
    • Don't try to "fix" it. There is a big difference between just being around and trying to change a person, "remake him for yourself."
  2. To get even closer, share secrets with each other. Be open and sincere - this is how you show that you trust him and want to become emotionally closer. Tell him something about yourself that you don't tell many people, and listen carefully when it's his turn to open up to you.

    • Start small and gradually open up more and more, tell something personal and intimate about yourself - this will bring you closer.
    • For example, on a first date, you might reveal that you actually like goofy reality shows. And on the tenth date, you can share your feelings about your parents' divorce.

If you are communicating with someone for the first time and want to leave a positive impression about yourself, then you should not throw out as much information about your person as possible on the head of the interlocutor. Dr. Diana Tamir and Dr. Jason Mitchell, scientists at Harvard, found in a 2012 study that a person who listens more than speaks makes a much better impression. This effect is greatly enhanced if you allow your counterpart to talk about his beloved. At the same time, scientists note, the same pleasure centers are activated in the human brain as when eating or having sex.

Ask the people whose favor you want to win for some advice. All people love to give advice and moralizing, as this emphasizes their status and value. At the same time, it is important not to lose a sense of proportion and not cross the invisible line, since in case of excessive importunity, you will get the exact opposite result. Dr. Adam Grant, in his book Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success, calls this one of the best ways to build trust with the person you need. In addition, you get an additional bonus in the form of useful information and (bingo!) sometimes really valuable tips.

3. Direct the conversation in a positive direction

It should be remembered that in any communication the law of amplification and absorption of emotions operates. This law says that equally charged emotions are amplified, and opposite ones absorb each other. This rule formed the basis of a technique developed by Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman. He proposes to start the conversation necessarily with a positive message or question, and only then move on to the point. It looks primitive, but positive attitude the first minutes will help your interlocutor to perceive your request or even negative information easier.

4. Repeat the last phrase

People want to be heard. Let them know by simply repeating the last few words of the sentence periodically with appropriate intonation.

Such a conversation can be maintained for hours, with little to no effort. At the same time, your friend will be in full confidence that you are keenly interested in his story and are the best conversationalist in his life. Leil Lowndes, communications expert, writes in his paper that this technique can make you a genius listener in just a few seconds.

5. Don't focus on the negative

The human psyche is designed in such a way that we are drawn to discuss other people's misdeeds, disasters or emergencies. However, it should be remembered that the information you reproduce will subconsciously influence the attitude of people towards you. Gradually, you will be associated with those phenomena and events that you most often talk about. As Dr. Richard Wiseman argues in his book, each person has a kind of "emotional memory" in which the image of other people is imprinted. If you manage to leave a positive imprint in it, then any of your actions will cause approval and sympathy.

Helpful Hints

How to arrange the object of sympathy that interests you?

Of course, only the most femme fatale or a real witch can make any man fall in love with her.

But if that same spark has already flared up between two people, you can try to ignite the fire of love and passion from it.

And this is where the right strategy is important.

A man cannot be forced to love himself, but if he already likes you, you can increase this sympathy, thanks to some female tricks and simple psychological tricks.

Here are 11 PSYCHOLOGICAL Tricks that will surely help you get the man of your dreams:

How to get a man

1. Ask him for a favor

© Kzenon

Research shows that people tend to show sympathy for those whom they have helped or rendered some kind of service, even if they initially did not like this person.

Perhaps this is because we subconsciously believe that this person will do the same for us.

This psychological moment is also known as the Benjamin Franklin effect, since it was he who discovered this strange psychological trick.

2. Compliment him in moderation

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Most guys don't get compliments as often as women do. But they also like it when they are praised and told nice things to them. Therefore, as a rule, they are led to any pleasant things that the opposite sex tells them.

The only problem is that compliments lose their value if they are spoken too often.

Therefore, pronounce them in doses, a maximum of one per day.

3. Make eye contact a little longer than usual.

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Eyes can make a person fall in love. And this is true.

Numerous studies have shown that prolonged eye contact makes it possible for a man to show sympathy and fall in love with you, even if this woman is not the ideal that the man initially aspired to.

4. Call him by his first name

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Our names, spoken by others, are music to our ears.

When we are called by name, it flatters our consciousness and involuntarily disposes to the person who pronounces the name.

According to research, the regular use of a man's name in a conversation good way charm him and bring him closer.

How to charm a man

5. Display his gestures

© Denisfilm/Getty Images

One of the most common ways people show connection to someone is by mimicking their gestures.

This simple trick really works. A person on a subconscious level perceives another person better if their gestures are similar.

Psychologists note that it is possible to create a closer connection by copying the gestures of a person, even if these gestures are reproduced completely consciously.

6. Don't be afraid to show him your flaws.

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Many women want to hide their flaws in order to look perfect in the eyes of a potential partner.

Thus, they expect to attract a man.

Although you definitely don't need to immediately reveal all your flaws, it's still worth showing him that you are an ordinary person with your own weaknesses and shortcomings. And that's completely normal.

So he will understand that you are a real woman, not an artificial doll.

7. Expect good things from him.

© DragonImages

Psychologists call the moment when we form expectations and project them onto a person the Pygmalion effect.

If you think a person is a clown or a fool, that is exactly what he will behave. With your expectations, you push him to certain actions and actions.

On a subconscious level, you lay down a person's behavior towards you and others.

Therefore, expect him to be kind and sweet to you, and believe me, that is exactly what he will be.

8. Let him talk about himself.

© JackF / Getty Images

People love to talk about themselves.

We and our life is a favorite topic, even if we are not natural narcissists.

By asking him questions about himself, about what he is interested in in life, what he likes and what not, you make him open up to you.

This psychological trick helps a potential partner begin to feel sympathy for you and may even fall in love.

9. Know how to enjoy life without him

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Despite the fact that men like to feel important and significant, none of them will like it if a woman makes him the center of her universe.

Only a tyrant and an insecure person will like this.

Operate from the opposite: show the man that you are not a desperate woman, not an obsessive, but a completely independent person who can perfectly live without a man.

woman leading active life always attracts the opposite sex.

And a man should just be a pleasant bonus in her life, but certainly not its most important constituent element.

Greetings, dear girls! I often hear about the same women's problem: He loves me, but I don't love him. It's no secret that it often happens in a relationship when one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. But in order to achieve harmony, mutual sympathy is needed. So today I want to talk about how to love a guy who loves you.

Love on demand

Scientists have been trying for many years to answer questions such as: why do we fall in love; How do we find the right partner for ourselves? what makes us; how the process of falling in love proceeds at the chemical level, and so on.

If you want to understand how women fall in love depending on their age, then I have a wonderful article for you: How Girls Fall in Love. In it, I look at the various factors that affect women at different ages.

Can you force yourself to love someone? Love is a very deep feeling that does not arise just like that, by magic. You need to go to this, work hard, work on relationships, achieve mutual understanding and so on.

Falling in love is a completely different matter. Therefore, today I will not talk about passion and butterflies in the stomach, but about a deep and strong feeling that is undeniably always accompanied by and.
Let's take a closer look at the ways that will help you fall in love with your boyfriend.

Don't compare with others

If you want to evoke feelings in yourself for this particular person, then in no case should you compare him with other men. One of my clients constantly compares current young people and ex-boyfriends. Do you think she manages to live in the present and enjoy? No.

You need to see the personality of the person.

  • Understand what exactly he is good at
  • what he does better than others
  • how it differs and why you can love it.
  • What are his qualities that attract you?
  • And which are repulsive?

Ask yourself the question: why do I constantly compare him with someone? What does this comparison give you? Regular thoughts on the topic that he is not worthy, not so good, and so on. When you stop comparing, you will simply see the person himself. And it will be much easier for you to get into it.

Find common

It doesn’t matter if you are younger or he is older or vice versa. Surely you have something in common. Maybe you both love Silver Age literature? Or do you both take your breath away from extreme sports?

In order to find common interests, you need to communicate more. Learn from your partner. Talk not only about yourself, but also carefully monitor him. Do you know what he sincerely loves and what he is fond of? How well do you know the person? Can you easily answer ten questions about him?

When you find a common interest, you will become much more pleasant to communicate. You will share joint successes, tell new things and share your impressions.

Be together more often

Banal advice, but working. When you spend a lot of time together, you rub on each other. And it helps you get to know the person even closer.

Go to exhibitions, cinema, theater or just walk around the city. Find five places you would like to visit and this month, be sure to fulfill your long-held dreams.

You can find a hobby that you can do together. Clay modeling, dancing, new language lessons. Absolutely any occupation will do. You can even just cook together at home.

Emphasis on "+"

Try not to pay attention to the pros and cons. After all, you are not Miss Perfect. When you dwell on the bad sides of a person, then the overall impression becomes negative. If you change the pole, then you yourself will be surprised how much your opinion can change.

You just need to start thinking more positively and paying attention to the merits. Don't be afraid to give thanks. Find things you can thank the person for. Surely he cares, pays attention, makes gifts or surprises.

If you think about it, we really rarely thank our loved ones, considering their behavior to be something ordinary. When you begin to focus on such trifles, then your inner feeling will change.

Make it a habit

You know this phrase: tell a person that he is a fool 25 times and by 26 he himself will say that he is a fool. This setting works for any statement. Therefore, if you think that you have already fallen in love with him, that he is the dearest, closest and dearest person, then over time it will become so.

Become not just a lover, but a girl in love. Instill in yourself habits and young ladies. Demand attention, text and call him often, go on dates, kiss and hug more often, go to the movies in the last row.

Vulnerability state

The teachings noticed that girls most often fall in love with young men, being in a vulnerable position. What does it mean? When she has problems, an illness, she is more likely to fall in love with a guy whom she might not have even noticed before.

So, my friend was going through a serious crisis due to the loss of her job. She was in an extremely depressed state and suddenly changed beyond recognition. When I asked what happened, the answer struck me greatly: she fell in love with her neighbor, whom she had known for more than ten years, but never paid attention to him.

What is the need

But before you try to fall in love with a person, think about why you need it. If the guy is really good, loves you immensely and you want to build a family with him, then, of course, it's worth a try.

But if you want to fall in love with a young man, for example, in order to take revenge on the former, or out of habit, or at the request of your parents, then think carefully. In the article "" I talk about the pros and cons of this situation.

Listen carefully to yours, believe me, it never fails. One has only to learn how to correctly recognize its signals and signs.

What attracts you to this young man? What is repulsive? How often do you spend time together? How does he show his love for you?

Listen to your heart and be happy!