Tulips love light or shade. Tulips - flowers of spring

What flowers to plant in the shade? This question is of interest to many people who have their own homes and have little idea where and what plants will be planted. Moreover, in almost any garden there are places where the rays of the sun do not fall, and they are often considered unfavorable for planting crops. However, in such a place with a shady surface, many plants, trees and flowers can be placed. It is shade-loving plants that delight the eye with embossed, bright, beautiful leaves, which are sometimes more attractive than the flowers themselves. Shade-loving plants are very different from light-loving ones not only in their preferences, but also in appearance.

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    Choosing a place for planting shade-loving plants

    Before landing, it is necessary to assess the place, namely:

    1. 1 The density of the shade on the site, as there are plants that love solid shade, and there are those that will not be harmed by an hour in the sun.
    2. 2 The presence of trees is an important factor, since many plants are best planted under trees, bushes, thickets.
    3. 3 Soil quality. There are plants that will survive in any soil, while others need a special substrate.
    4. 4 Proximity ground water. Many shade-loving plants love moisture, and some can do without it.
    5. 5 Probability of flooding. It is very important that crops that can carry large amounts of water are planted in places where flooding is possible.

    After choosing a site, you can start planting plants.

    Kinds of flowers

    Trees and shrubs are more often planted in the shady zone, but flowering crops here can also please the eye.

    Flowers growing in the shade are divided into:

    1. 1 Shade-loving plants are plants that do not like the sun. They cannot be planted in a hot place - they will not survive. Representatives of such flowers are: hosta, periwinkle, lily of the valley, hoof, kupena, ever-flowering begonia.
    2. 2 Shade-tolerant plants can grow not only in the shade, but also in the sun. The shade-tolerant ones include: doronicum, astilbe, aquilegia, clobuche aconite, bergenia, Waller's balsam, dicenter, tenacious, or ayuga, iris, daylily, forget-me-not, liverwort, fragrant violet.

    Both are suitable for landscaping shaded areas in the garden.

    You should immediately decide which ones you want to plant and for how long: there are annuals and perennials.

    Shade-loving annuals

    Annuals sprout, grow, flower, produce seeds and die in one growing season. If plants develop very quickly, then these are ephemera. If they sprout in the fall, then these are winter. Annual flowers are brighter than perennials. In another way, we can say that annuals develop in the spring, and die off in the fall.

    Among the shade-resistant annuals, pansies, daisies, etc. can be distinguished. They create beauty on the site even in the shade. Such cultures have rich colors, but only bloom for a season.

    Pansies grassy - fragrant and beautiful, light-loving, but perfectly exists in the shade. The flower loves moderate humidity. It blooms in spring, summer or autumn. Height from 10 to 50 cm.

    Pansies are one-year-olds (with the exception of two-year-olds). They have thin stems with a branched structure. The leaves are beautiful, heart-shaped or oblong. The buds are large, up to 10 cm in diameter, on long stems, grow one at a time. The color of the buds is different: they can be both monophonic and in three colors at the same time:

    • yellow;
    • blue;
    • blue;
    • white;
    • purple.

    Daisies bloom very beautifully, forming thickets where weeds do not germinate. This is an annual that loves both light and shade. Can be a perennial in full sun. Daisies are indifferent to winter. This plant blooms in May-June. There are creeping, up to 5-7 cm, and growing, from 10 to 60 cm. It is worth noting that this plant is edible. Daisy can be an ornament from early spring to late autumn.

    All the plants that bloom in early spring and are bulbous, can be attributed to annual plants, loving shade. These are flowers such as: snowdrops, galanthus, scillas, muscari, daffodils, tulips, white flowers, ornithogalum (bird-farming), crocosmia. Grow them under shrubs. Such plants bloom in early spring, when the trees are still bare.

    Overview of perennials

    Perennials are the most common plants that live more than 2 years. When they reach a certain age, they can bloom again without dying. Their root system penetrates deeper into the soil than that of annual plants. Plants can repeat flowering many times. They also adapt easily to environmental changes.

    Mostly perennials are shade-loving. Most of them are resistant to cold, but there are those that need to be covered or even dug up to be transferred to a fairly cool place where the temperature is not lower than -5 ° C. In some flowers, the leaves fall off for the winter, and in many they retain their vital activity all year round.

    It is shade-loving, unpretentious, does not require special treatments, does not cause allergies, is invulnerable to almost all insects and diseases. The main advantage of moss is its evergreenness. Moss grows well under trees, independently creates decorative compositions. They are decorated with fences, tree trunks, walls, sculptures and even roofs. It also helps to preserve the harvest in winter: carrots, beets, apples and other vegetables and fruits are stored in dry moss (the moss is dried in advance). Fruits that are stored in moss do not lose their smell and aroma, do not rot or freeze, as the moss absorbs excess moisture.

    indoor cultures

    In our time, plants appeared that were only indoor, and now they are planted in gardens. For example, ever-flowering begonia and Waller's balsam. New varieties of these crops are cold-hardy. Now they are grown in the garden. They are just right for shady places.

    In gardens, you can often find tuberous begonias and calla lilies. Although they can be grown in shaded areas, they should overwinter in a house or basement.

    Some houseplants for the summer period they are transplanted into the garden. It is better to do this after the 20th of May and before the 10th of June. The soil must be fertilized with humus, the bush should be inserted into the hole without destroying the root assistance. It is advisable to transplant where there is no constant exposure to sunlight.

    Plants such as fatshedera, helksina, cymbidium, some types of citrus, myrtle, palm, adenium, acocanter can spend the summer outside.

    The most common options

    Beautiful daffodils, delicate violets, charming primroses, tulips, magnificent hyacinths, early lilies of the valley are among best plants that do great in the shade. They must be planted alternately near shrubs or under trees, they will grow beautifully and please the eye. It is important that all these crops have time to bloom even before the leaves open, so they are practically not shaded.

    The magnificent dicentra looks very beautiful, which can decorate any shady area after its flowering. It is very interesting: flowers bloom on an arched stem. And it looks like someone strung the buds of a plant on a thin thread.

    Another gorgeous flower that loves shade is the bluebell lactiflora.

    Large-rhizome geranium is popularly called the old-timer of garden plots. This culture - a favorite neighbor of many plants - is unpretentious in care, not capricious. It blooms very beautifully and for a long time. There are many benefits to this plant.

    The Japanese anemone has bright beautiful flowers and large leaves that will decorate any darkened area in the garden.

    There is a flower that stands until the very cold weather - fuchsia. It will add charm to any clearing. Aconite grows well next to fuchsia. It can be planted in the shade, where it will bloom until winter.

    Watershed is awesome shade-loving flower: blue, purple, pink, red. It will delight with its flowering from spring to autumn.

    Snapdragon - shade plant, a flower with a wide variety of buds. Grows over a meter.

    If you do not like flowers, you can use plants with unusual decorative leaves. You should choose:

    1. 1 Hosta, which is able to create blue and green oases from magnificent openwork leaves. Their shape depends on the variety. This plant is loved by snails, but to remove them from the site, you can use a container with a small amount of beer. As the snails accumulate, the containers are taken out of the territory.
    2. 2 Ferns. They will bring the atmosphere of wild nature into the garden.
    3. 3 Foxglove loves shade and propagates by self-seeding. It comes in pink, red, yellow and white.

    There are a lot of plants that can be planted in the garden in places where shade prevails or there is no sun at all. Which plants to use depends only on the preferences of the person. Some people like flowers, others are more attracted to leaves. All cultures are very beautiful in their own way. Annuals will help you change the appearance of the site every year, and perennials will eventually become an element of its decor.

    The main thing when choosing plants is to remember that growing in the shade is a serious test for plants, and not everyone can stand it, so you need to choose shade-loving, unpretentious species. It is necessary to water flowers in the shade infrequently, moderate watering is optimal. It is better to plant and transplant flowers in May.

    Choose the right flowers that can be planted in the shade in the country, follow the recommendations, and the plants will delight you for a long time.

    Tulip is a perennial herbaceous bulbous plant of the Liliaceae family, which has earned an enviable popularity in the world of breeding and horticulture in its history and occupies a prominent place in the list of the most sought-after ornamental plants.


    The homeland of the tulip is Turkey. In the middle of the 16th century, despite all the strictness for export, the flower was transported to the capital of Austria, and then to Holland. English, French, German merchants are fond of growing tulips. In those distant times, they are grown in the gardens of only noble and wealthy people. In Russia, these flowers appear during the time of Peter I.


    There are many beautiful legends associated with tulips and symbolic meanings. Gentle and touching, they symbolize love, joy, happiness. The time of flowering tulips is associated with the arrival of spring, holidays and good mood.


    The plant admires the variety of varieties. The color of the flowers is striking in its color. They can be of the same color (white, yellow, red, purple, etc.), or they can combine several different shades.

    The shape of the flower is bell-shaped, goblet-shaped, cup-shaped, in the form of a lily.

    Goblet Cupped Oval Parrot Lilyflowered
    Double Fringed Flower Forms

    According to the terms, the varieties are divided into two types:

    • Early flowering;
    • Late flowering.

    The beginning of the point of growth is a bulb, from which a straight stem appears with several leaves and one flower. The fruit is a trihedral box with triangular, flat, brown seeds.

    Tulips grow well in full sun. An important condition is protection from the wind. In such places, tulips look healthier, brighter, bloom earlier.

    Tulips are grown in group plantings of one or more varieties. Tulips prefer light, loose, rich, moderately moist soils. An important condition for growing are "clean beds", freed from weeds.


    The bulbs are planted in the fall, when the period of natural biological dormancy ends in tulips. Only healthy bulbs are used for planting. Choose a time before the soil freezes, otherwise the bulbs may not have time to take root.

    The landing pattern can be very different. Planting density is maintained up to 15-20 cm, depth up to 10-15 cm. Prepared holes or grooves are thoroughly watered and the bulbs are laid out in them with the bottom down. They fall asleep with earth, a layer of 5-10 cm.

    Tulips tolerate winter well. In winters with little snow and low temperatures, plantings are covered with insulating organic material - peat, humus, leaves.


    Growing tulips is easy. These are hardy plants that require little care. Start care in the spring. After the snow cover has melted, the plantings are carefully loosened, with dry soil, regular, moderate watering is carried out. Tulips love moisture.

    During the growth period of the tulip, three top dressings are carried out using solutions of organic and mineral fertilizers:

    • The first is carried out after the emergence of shoots;
    • The second - during budding;
    • The third - after flowering.

    Regularly carry out weeding and loosening. Blooming tulips are not cut off, but broken off, leaving as many leaves as possible. After flowering, watering is reduced, wilted flowers are removed so that the plant does not waste energy on seed ripening. After yellowing and wilting of the leaves, the bulbs are dug up. So that the bulbs do not shrink, the digging procedure is repeated every season.
    Before storage, the bulbs are disinfected in a four percent solution of karbofos to prevent diseases and protect against pests. Then dry in the shade, in the open air, for a week.

    Before storage, the bulbs are sorted, selecting large and medium sizes. Children are separated at the same time. Storage areas should have low ambient light and good ventilation.

    The storage temperature should be around 17-20 degrees C. Under such conditions, the bulbs are stored until planting in open ground.


    You can propagate tulips:

    • seeds;
    • With the help of bulbs.

    Seed propagation is used more often by breeders. Reproduction with bulbs is faster and more efficient. For these purposes, bulbs with a diameter of at least 12 cm are selected. It is believed that these are the ones that inherit the main varietal characteristics. Smaller bulbs need to be grown at home before planting in open ground.

    Diseases and pests

    Tulips can be affected by viral diseases. One of these is variegation, which is manifested by the presence of spots, strokes, stripes on leaves and flower petals. It is very difficult to deal with such diseases. It is important to observe disinfection measures, and if the plant is damaged, it is better to destroy it.

    Fungal diseases may occur. These include various rots:

    • Root;
    • Gray;
    • White;
    • soft;
    • wet;
    • Tobacco necrosis virus, known as "August disease".

    Plants affected by these diseases are also best removed, and the planting site and neighboring plants are disinfected with antifungal drugs. Ash treatment can be applied.

    To protect against pests (bears, scoops, slugs), traps are placed and hung. Against rodents, the bulbs are sprayed with iron minium and mousetraps are placed.

    A flower bed with tulips will be colorful and healthy if the gardener chooses the right place for its organization, prepares purchased or own bulbs and soil for planting, selects the optimal planting time, and provides quality care for the planted flowers and the entire flower bed.

    Few amateur growers do not have at least a couple of varieties of tulips in their collection. These flowers are easy to care for and come in a wide variety of shapes and colors, which makes them such a desirable flower bed decoration. Every spring, millions of flower beds bloom across the country, where these wonderful plants are planted. And although it is believed that there is no more optimal time for their landing than early autumn, experienced gardeners know a few tricks on how to plant tulips in the spring so that they bloom.

    Preparing purchased bulbs

    If the bulbs were at your disposal in the fall, then it is better to plant them in the fall. Optimal time for this September - the beginning of October. If the planting material fell into your hands in late autumn or winter, there is no point in planting it in open ground, even if the weather allows.

    Until spring, it is recommended to store the bulbs in a cool, dry place, such as a refrigerator (but not a freezer). Under the influence of low temperatures, special chemical and physiological processes take place in them, which then contribute to better germination and flowering of plants. Even if you purchased the bulbs just in time for planting, they still need to be kept in the cold for at least 12 hours so that they germinate better.

    In late February - early March, after wintering, planting material must be disinfected in a weakly concentrated manganese solution. Bulbs should be kept in it for half an hour before planting tulips at home in a pot (only in spring they can be transplanted into open ground). The distance between the bulbs can be minimal. From above, they are covered with a five-centimeter layer of earth and left in a warm (heated) room for about a month until sprouts appear. Only after that, tulips can be planted in open ground.

    If the spring turned out to be early and the snow melted already in March, you can try to plant the bulbs immediately in open ground. But in this case, be prepared that in the event of more or less serious frosts, the plants may die, and if this does not happen, then the flowers will in any case appear noticeably later than those tulips that were planted in the fall.

    It should also be noted that if you decide to plant blooming tulips in the spring, it’s better to just move the pot to the flower bed and leave it like that. V last resort you can carefully remove them from the pot, trying not to disturb the clod of earth, because otherwise the plant will not be able to take root and will die.

    Preparing your bulbs

    If you use bulbs obtained from your own flower garden as seed, they should also be subjected to preplant preparation. Before planting tulips in the spring, they must be subjected to the following procedures:

    • The bulbs dug out of the flower bed must be cleaned of the hard outer peel and the bare bulb should be examined for defects and diseases. In addition, a "naked" bulb is able to more efficiently obtain nutrients from the soil.
    • Next, the planting material is degreased and disinfected. To do this, you can use the already mentioned potassium permanganate solution or a special preparation. An alternative to chemistry is a solution of celandine, in which the bulbs should be kept for about half an hour. This will help destroy fungi and bacteria that can harm the bulbs.
    • When planting bulbs in pots, it is recommended to use only a clean substrate, since soil taken simply from a flower bed may contain putrefactive bacteria. By the way, the top layer of soil in the flower bed itself is also recommended to be completely replaced for the same reasons.

    Soil preparation

    So, we have already answered the question of whether it is possible to plant tulips in spring. You can if you know some tricks. But in general, the process of spring planting is not much different from autumn. The most important thing in the spring planting of tulips, as well as roses, lilies, or any other flowers, is proper preparation land plot.

    The soil in the flower bed needs to be dug up to the depth of the shovel bayonet, that is, by about 25 cm. To increase the permeability of the soil (do not forget that tulip bulbs do not tolerate high humidity), it is recommended to add coarse sand to it. Also do not forget about fertilizers, in particular about humus (but just do not use fresh manure).

    For preventive purposes, the flower garden can be treated with a light fungicidal solution that will kill the fungal diseases contained in the soil. If the problem is already found on adult plants, treatment with a solution of twenty grams of the working substance per 10 liters of water is recommended.

    Spring Planting Tricks

    In open ground, adult large bulbs are usually planted one at a time, but last year's "kids" can be placed in groups of five to ten pieces in one hole. Since the stems of tulips rise high enough above the ground to create a continuous carpet of ornamental plants in the flower bed, they can be planted with low-growing flowers (for example, forget-me-nots or daisies), or ornamental grasses - hostas, astilba, or bruners.

    Planting depth also depends on the size of the bulbs used. Large ones are located at a depth of 10-15 cm, small ones - 7-8 cm. The distance between planted plants should also be about 8-10 cm. The indent between rows should be more - 20-25 cm.

    When placing the bulbs in the garden, they must be carefully placed in the hole, but in no case should they be pressed into the soil, as this can damage root system, which at best will slow down the growth of shoots.

    Since tulips do not tolerate excess moisture, make sure the flower bed is sloping. It is unacceptable that there are pits and depressions in the flower garden that can accumulate rainwater.

    It is also worth telling another tricky way how to plant tulips in the spring in the country. Dutch professional flower growers practice the so-called "floor method" of planting bulbous flowers, which today has been adopted by many domestic gardeners. This method allows you to simultaneously plant several types of flowers in one flower bed with different periods flowering. Planting technology is extremely simple and involves planting bulbs at different depths. For example, tulip bulbs are first planted, covered with a five-centimeter layer of soil, and then, for example, hyacinths are planted on top. Another layer of earth is placed on top of the hyacinths and, say, crocuses are planted in it. As a result, you get a flower bed where three types of flowers bloom and fade at once, while you simply admire them and do nothing.

    Now let's take a closer look at the question of when you can plant tulips in the spring so that they give strong shoots that can bloom beautifully. This issue is no less important than the preparation of the flower bed, since the survival of plants depends on how optimal the planting time was.

    As already mentioned, it is best to plant tulips in the fall between early September and mid-October. However, since we are talking about spring planting, there are own rules here, and there is an optimal period for planting in open ground.

    If the bulbs are planted too early and germinate before the night frost is over, the young shoots, and possibly the entire bulb, will die. If you delay planting longer than it should, the plants will germinate normally and nothing will threaten them, but there is a high risk that they will not bloom this year.

    It is believed that tulips can be planted in open ground when the ground at the planting depth warms up to 9-10 degrees Celsius. Depending on the region, this may be the period from mid-March to early May.

    Flower garden care

    Since spring planting is not a biological norm for tulips, the issue of high-quality and timely plant nutrition becomes even more relevant. Whether tulips planted in spring will bloom depends to a large extent on this. In order for the shoots to give beautiful flowers, and then form strong viable bulbs, they need to be fed three times:

    1. For the first time, fertilizers are applied immediately after germination.
    2. The second top dressing is carried out shortly before the start of flowering, which will require a lot of energy from the plants.
    3. The last time tulips are fed immediately after flowering, when the active formation of new bulbs begins.

    For top dressing, you can use complex fertilizers created specifically for tulips. If this method does not suit you for some reason, you can fertilize separately. In particular, tulips can be fed with nitrogen (ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, etc.), potassium sulfate, phosphorus (superphosphate, calcium phosphate, bone meal).

    Choosing a site for a flower garden

    In conclusion, it is worth talking a little about where exactly tulips should be planted. These flowers have certain preferences for growing conditions, so by providing them with such conditions, you can achieve truly amazing results. In particular, when choosing a landing site, consider that:

    • Tulips love light and dislike shade. Make sure that the flower bed is not shaded by trees or buildings or other structures during the day.
    • Blooming tulips are afraid of strong winds. To prevent the buds from crumbling ahead of time, protect the flower garden with a barrier of some shrubs or create a low fence from the most windy directions.
    • In excessively moist soil, the bulbs rot. If the soil in your area is oversaturated with moisture, raise the flower bed 25-30 cm above the general ground level and create drainage in it by pouring a layer of crushed stone, broken brick or at least coarse sand under it.

    Hello dear friends!

    Today we will talk about the features growing tulips about how they differ from others

    There is no such garden where tulips do not bloom and already in April their pointed seedlings pierce the melting snow - the leaves begin to grow.

    And after 20-30 days they bloom and we can admire their luxurious flowering for up to 35 days.

    In order to make it easy and enjoyable, you must follow a number of simple rules.

    Growing Rules

    1. Immediately at the beginning of spring, as soon as the snow melts (and even better in the snow), you need to feed the tulips with chemical fertilizers - 15-30 g per 1 m 2 , but not more. When fertilizing, try to remember that tulips do not grow well with high salt concentrations in the soil and therefore only half the dose recommended for bulb crops should be applied. I usually feed tulips with nitroammophos or special fertilizers for garden flowers: the first dressing is in the snow, the second is at the beginning of budding, the third is a week after flowering.
    2. As of appearance tulips can determine which elements are missing in the soil. For example, if there is not enough nitrogen, then the leaf plates of the tulip become narrow and are no longer able to maintain a vertical position. The stems and leaves, at the same time, gradually acquire a red tint. With a lack of potassium and phosphorus in the soil, a blue-green color appears along the edges of the tulip leaves.

    3. Basic spring care for tulips is to remove diseased plants, moreover, together with the bulb, roots and adjacent soil. At the same time, the hole is filled with a solution of potassium permanganate, which is sometimes recommended to be heated to a temperature of 70-100 ° C.
    4. All agricultural practices - loosening, weeding, fertilizing, removing diseased and viral plants - must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the leaves and roots of healthy plants, because they are the ones that “feed” the bulb.

      Leaves, stems, flowers grow very quickly in tulips, and even underground, active work is underway to increase the size of the daughter bulb and grandchild bulbs are laid. And this explains their short period of life. These rapid processes require large amounts of nutrients and moisture in the soil. Therefore, during the period of budding and flowering, especially in the absence of rain, it is necessary to water the plants regularly. And also, in order to get a properly formed large replacement bulb, tulips must be watered for another two weeks after flowering.

      In order to get large flowers in the second year and so that the bulb does not break up into small onions, a seed box should not be allowed to appear - when the flower begins to wither, you must immediately remove it (tear off with your hands, and not cut with a knife). At the same time, it is imperative to leave at least two leaves on the stem, because the future flower and bulb will feed on them.

      Tulips love sun and well-drained, light soil. As a rule, bulbs are dug up every year, but if you plant tulips deeper and remember to feed them during growth and after flowering, they can grow in one place for several years. I transplant tulips every 3-4 years.

      In June, as soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, dig up the bulbs, dry them in the shade and store them in boxes until autumn, signing the name of the variety. Tulip bulbs can't stand direct sunlight. and, therefore (I want to repeat once again) they must be dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place.

      In September, it's time to plant tulips on the ridges. To do this, we make trenches 30 cm wide and about 20 cm deep. We pour superphosphate on the bottom. Attention! I remind you that in no case should you put manure under tulips (as well as under all bulbs), as this leads to rotting of the bulbs. First, we lay out large bulbs in trenches with the bottom down and lightly sprinkle with earth. Then we plant smaller ones between them and sprinkle again, and lay out the children along the edges. From above we fall asleep with the remaining earth. With this planting, the beds look more decorative in spring and there is no need to dig up tulips every year.

    5. In winters with little snow, severe freezing of the soil to a depth of up to 20 cm is possible. If tulips survive the freezing temperature of the soil to minus 4 ° C without consequences and bloom normally in the spring, then freezing to minus 9 ° C is fraught with various deformations of the flower. Therefore, after the first frost, when the soil freezes at night and thaws during the day, it is better to cover the tulip plantings with peat, humus, sawdust or straw with a layer of 10-15 cm.

    Diseases and pests

    If the tulip bulbs have sprouted, but the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry, then we can talk about the disease of the plant. Very often, diseases spread after damage by both a root onion mite, a bear, click beetles, and mechanical ones.

    Symptoms fusarium rot (fusarium) are: sudden yellowing and drying of the ground part of the plant, the bulbs begin to turn brown and dry, a weak grayish coating of mycelium with spores appears.

    penicillium rot manifests itself as follows: the scales on the surface of the bulb begin to turn yellow and then dense bluish-green sporulation rapidly grows. Rotting begins with flower buds and flower stalks and very often the bulb rots completely.

    Bacterial rot (bacteriosis) develops mainly as a result of damage to the root onion mite, which feeds on the bottom and young roots of the bulb, sometimes nematodes also provoke the disease. With this disease, the bulbs turn brown and rot, an unpleasant odor appears.

    One of the most common and dangerous viral diseases of tulips is considered variegation virus. Outwardly, it appears on the petals of tulips in the form of various stripes and specks, which often look decorative and unusual. However, the virus infects all parts of the plant, slows down metabolic processes, provokes a delay in flowering and early yellowing of the leaves.

    Or maybe you have your own interesting secrets in growing tulips, dear readers? Share with us!