Henri Chenot, doctor-nutritionist from France: the secrets of recovery. "The Henri Chenot System: Diet, Sleep and Positive Attitude Detoxification by Dr. Henri Chenot Program

The technique of the cult nutritionist Henri Chenot can be called a symbiosis of Europe and China, because it intricately intertwined the most advanced European developments in the field of studying the vital activity of the body and the ancient teachings of Chinese medicine about its energy channels (they say that they are inside a person).

Detox by Henri Chenot

This is the name of the treatment method in the clinic of Dr. Chenot in the Italian town of Merano. It includes:

  • strict diet (banned meat, milk, coffee, alcohol);
  • massage of energy points;
  • spa treatments;
  • sharko shower;
  • complete rest.

The course is designed for 7 days, is developed individually for each patient and costs from 2 thousand euros. Although Mr. Chenot himself does not consider his clinic a business and fundamentally does not “clone” it across countries and continents (probably at such prices, even one clinic is enough for caviar and hazel grouse). It is true that there are several spas open under his name, but they medical services do not provide. The “dietetic guru” believes that an effective technique can only be in Merano, because this is a place with a special energy, great air and peaceful, unusually beautiful landscapes (or maybe he’s just too lazy to travel).

The goal of the Henri Chenot method is not to lose weight, but to completely cleanse the body of toxins and toxins accumulated due to an unhealthy lifestyle and thoughtless diet. Signs of a solid collection of this harmful ballast are malfunctions of the digestive system, tingling in the left or right side, skin rashes, fatigue, psychological depression, and much more (I'm sure many have recognized themselves in these signs).

All patients of the Palace Merano clinic undergo a mandatory test on special equipment, which measures the voltage value at bioenergy points. This allows you to diagnose the body, find problem areas and draw up a recovery plan. Although all these bioenergetic points are such controversial matters that it may well turn out that in fact a man just comes, smartly attaches a dozen electrodes to the body, stares thoughtfully at an empty screen, sighs and from time to time clicks in French, then fills form and leave. And the patient directly “feels” how he was pierced through the entire “aura” with the latest equipment. The main thing is to pick up a man with a confidence-inspiring look and smart non-greedy eyes.

A daily procedure in the detox process is hydrofangotherapy, which includes:

  • taking a hot tub with special solutions;
  • wraps with therapeutic mud;
  • Charcot shower.

Of great importance in the Chenot method is the massage of energy points. True, as patients admit, this is a very painful procedure. However, after it, the state of health noticeably improves, at least it should. Although who saw them, these dots?

Hydrocolonotherapy (deep bowel cleansing) is also prescribed for almost all patients of the clinic. The occupation is unpleasant, but after it the digestive tract begins to work like clockwork.

Well, no less important component is a detox diet, very tough, consisting of small portions of vegetable and fruit dishes, a large number of various herbal teas.

Farewell, prosciutto and jamon!

This is what most people who have undergone a detox with Henri Chenot say. At parting, each patient is given recommendations on the diet, which he should adhere to so that the kilograms lost after cleansing the body do not return. And even if you can't afford to go to Merano for 2,000 euros, then Dr. Chenot's advice on nutrition works in Russia too.

Dr. Chenot never tires of explaining to his patients how important it is what and when they eat. Fruit, for example, he recommends eating before the main meal, and not after it. The fact is that they are absorbed quickly, giving the body energy, but if fruits are put “in line” after the main food, then they begin to ferment and add toxins.

The famous nutritionist rejects the generally accepted postulate that breakfast must be dense. As a result of many years of research, he found that in the morning the human body is tuned to get rid of toxins, so there is no need to load it with "long-playing" food. The assimilation phase begins to work optimally already in the afternoon, then you can have a bite to eat, but without much fanaticism.

At night, the body should not be loaded with food either, because after 20 hours it again seeks to detoxify and restore, says Dr. Chenot.

The famous nutritionist recommends parting with coffee. If such a sacrifice is beyond human strength, then it should be drunk once a day, after meals. It should be a strong espresso, and even better - a ristretto (the same espresso, but brewed in a smaller volume of water. It is consumed, as Toto Cutugno sings, "italiano vero" - true Italians). Dr. Chenot categorically does not recommend drinking coffee with milk, he says that it is this product in undigested form that is found during autopsy of the stomach. These two components are so incompatible!

And in general, milk, due to poor absorption of lactose, should also be excluded from the diet. Monsieur Henri believes that it is necessary for a person only in infancy, for an adult, milk is “not useful at all, and especially for the condition of the teeth.”

Therefore, the ideal breakfast, according to his teachings, is fruits and. Mr. Chenot recommends sticking to something like this menu:

  • 6 hours - first breakfast: fruits and herbal tea;
  • 11 o'clock - second breakfast: also a small amount of fruit;
  • 13:00 - lunch: lean meat, raw vegetable salad, whole grain bread;
  • 17:00 - fruit lunch;
  • 19 hours - dinner: vegetable soup, stewed vegetables.

You can, of course, sometimes arrange a "holiday of the stomach", but not more than once a week, so as not to harm yourself.

  1. First of all, you need to accustom the body to "slow" carbohydrates, so you should increase the amount of various cereals in your diet.
  2. It is better not to eat confectionery at all, reduce sugar to a minimum, replace salt with spices and spices, which are known to improve metabolism.
  3. For lunch, give preference to raw vegetables, and for dinner - boiled and stewed.
  4. Every 7 years, the metabolism in the human body changes, therefore it is necessary to review your diet and not only throw out the most unhealthy from it, but also reduce the overall amount of food you eat. “We do not get younger with age,” emphasizes Dr. Chenot.

But no matter what, you need to set yourself up for positive, learn to rejoice and live in harmony with the world around you.

Initial data

I can’t say that when I went to Dr. Chenot, I really wanted to lose weight. Although now I understand that it was where to lose weight. A not too elastic belly, “ears”, folds on the sides and hips are slightly wider than expected, 5-6 obviously extra pounds - the standard set of a slim urban young lady who rarely goes in for sports, does not always eat right and does not see herself in a bikini too often. What else? Fatigue, rather lethargy. And I wanted to be a little more cheerful. I also wanted my legs not to swell in the evening, and my back not to ache. I didn’t particularly complain about my stomach and digestion, but I suspected that it was prickling in my right side for a reason, that my stomach ached for a reason, and periodic skin rashes could no longer be attributed to teenage acne. The toxins that Dr. Chenault talks about so much are a much more plausible reason. In short, I wanted to feel better, slimmer and have a healthy complexion.

I was warned that there would be very little food, a lot of procedures, no alcohol, clean air, go to bed, like in a pioneer camp, at 10 pm. And what else to do in a small Italian town in the mountains on the border with Austria? So I ended up in the Palace Merano, in a room overlooking the snow-capped mountain peaks, in silence, peace and with a clear intention to lead a healthy lifestyle.

The first day

I was given a canvas bag, a bathrobe, slippers and a medical card with a schedule of mandatory procedures and visits to the doctor. For breakfast and lunch, you are supposed to go out right in your bathrobe, changing clothes only for dinner. If it weren’t for the five-star interior, foreign language, mountains outside the window and the concierge, ready to fulfill any request, except for tiramisu in the room, I would have decided that I ended up in the sanatorium of the 4th department from the times of my parents’ youth. At dinner, a waiter in a bow tie, speaking all European languages ​​and even a little Russian, escorted me to my (yes, yes, like in a sanatorium) impeccably served table with a menu in Russian. What I read sounded quite good: “Pineapple and melon composition, vegetable cream soup, eggplant soufflé with tomato stew.” Of course, no meat, no fish, no oysters, no champagne, but I will not die of hunger.

"Are you violating?" - vacationers were secretly interested in each other. “Well, what are you! Just a piece of chocolate, one little piece of chocolate." Young Russian ladies at the next table in ugg boots and Juicy Couture suits persuaded the waiters to bring a second portion of vegetable soufflé, complained of malnutrition. Nearby is an elderly French couple: she is with a straight back and in diamonds, he is gray-haired and very noble. Seriously, in small pieces they absorbed low calorie dinner, chatted leisurely about art and a newly purchased painting on that right French, which is spoken by real counts, writers and graduates of Soviet special schools.

Dinner was tasty (albeit without salt, only herbs spices), but completely unnutritious. Herbal tea was served for dessert. Fruits, according to the Chenot method, should be eaten only before meals, otherwise there is no benefit from them - only toxins. And sugar and sweets are better not to eat at all. After dinner we moved to the bar. There, instead of cocktails, there are 25 varieties of herbal tea with sweet guava juice, similar to honey. Vacationers try not to think about food and alcohol; they go to bed at 9, sometimes 10 pm. However, there is absolutely nothing else to do, except for a romantic walk under the moon to the waterfall.

When I returned to my room, I realized that I was hungry. Hoping for a small piece of chocolate or a few nuts, I opened the mini-bar: there were only two bottles mineral water without gas. She went to bed hungry, looking forward to tomorrow's breakfast. At night, I dreamed of spaghetti and prosciutto.

Second day

At eight in the morning I went down to the restaurant in high spirits, expecting a warm croissant, rustic butter, homemade jam, yellow-yellow yolk eggs, fresh fruit - in a word, healthy and tasty, organic products. But the restaurant turned out to be somehow suspiciously deserted and did not smell of croissants. I was brought a tiny bowl of fruit salad and offered a choice of herbal tea or chicory coffee. And this is at 8 in the morning, and lunch is only at 12. I obediently went to the doctor and to the procedures.

The spa smelled of algae, herbs and healthy living. Daily ritual - hydrofangotherapy. I was dipped in a hot tub with several beneficial solutions for half an hour, then wrapped in mud for another half an hour, then put under, which mercilessly beat on problem areas. After an hour of executions, I felt that the process had started, my body cheered up. I got on the scales - 65.5 kg. Where are my 17 years old? And it looks like nothing, slender.

A strict Italian doctor (you can take an interpreter) asked me what I eat, drink, how I live, when I want to eat the most.

— At five o'clock? Does your pancreas hurt?

— Yes, yes, a little.

- What else?

- Gases, swelling, stress, there are problems with the skin, a few extra pounds.

- Desserts are bad (I guess), not to eat at night (of course, who would doubt it).

The doctor prescribed one day, (the most strict), bifidobacteria in tablets for digestion, wrote instructions to the massage therapist and sent to. It's half an hour in dark room alone with the monitor and wires. The bottom line is that the body is connected to a device that measures the voltage in bioenergy, those that are actively used. Dr. Chenot respects Chinese medicine, diagnoses problems with its help, and uses it in medicine.

I love massage, especially hard, slightly painful, penetrating to the bone so that the back, exhausted at the computer, does not hurt, and the right leg, pressing on the gas seven days a week, does not numb. Russian masseur Danila, who has been living and working in Merano for a long time, turned out to be a genius. He first broke my clamps, muscle knots and problem areas with his hands, and then with cans, the very ones from childhood - it hurt a little, but overall it was good, lightness was clearly felt in the legs. He even praised my figure, too much, he says, quite a bit, and when he heard that I was eating pasta and cakes at night, he said that my figure was good, just the cakes spread evenly over it.

In the sauna, relaxing after a massage, I got into a conversation with a big (in the literal sense) man from big business. He complained about how hard it was for him - he had to fly all over the world, no one could be trusted with his business. The man's belly was impressive. He proudly declared that he had already lost 10 kg in the past week. Going to stay a week to lose ten more. I think it's a feat, honestly.

For lunch there was a dessert of Indian quinoa, before the main course - a light vegetable salad ( raw vegetables, according to Chenot, should be eaten for lunch, and boiled or in the form of soup for dinner) and two tiny soy patties. For dinner - soup and rice timbalu. Everything is delicious, refined and, as always, unnutritious. After the meal, they brought Purge, prescribed by the doctor, or, as the Russians called it, "blizzard", or, more simply, a laxative - a white powder that must be diluted with water. My ironic neighbor immediately warned: do not go far from the room. How right he was! Spaghetti is no longer a dream. As if they are no longer on this planet. In general, the way it was.

Day Three

For breakfast, which starts at 7.30, I got up without an alarm clock. The results of the bioenergetic test became known: I have problems with the pancreas, swelling and general stress. Another mandatory procedure of the course, which takes half an hour every other day, is the impact of current on problematic bioenergy points. Following the points and meridians, the massage therapist is taken, strictly following the medical instructions in the map. The meridian that ran along my legs turned out to be extremely painful. I began to gasp, groan and even yell out loud, and in the end I felt that my back became soft and supple. It is necessary to weigh yourself daily, after all procedures. Standing on the scales, I found that exactly one kg had disappeared, evaporated. Was there yesterday!

As soon as I went out for a walk, I had an Italian admirer. Parking his miniature open-top Porsche next to the promenade leading to the waterfall, he resolutely went to get acquainted with me, of course, with the words “Ciao, white!” I courageously refused a cup of coffee with a delicious cake, then I refused lunch at the best, according to him, local restaurant. Half an hour later, after drinking green tea without sugar on the terrace in a cafe, I ran away for dinner, promising another date, but tomorrow. The fact that tomorrow I am not supposed to eat at all (the so-called fasting day, that is, a hunger strike), I remembered only at dinner, from which the daily hunger strike began. They brought me liquid-pre-liquid broth and the same herbal tea. There were two broths - one vegetable, with a slight lemon flavor, and the second - mushroom; both are served in silver coffee pots by an ever-smiling waiter, with the words "bon appetit" in Russian. No, no, he did not scoff at all. There were several such starving people around me, we tried not to look in the direction of those lucky ones who were supposed to have a tiny portion of soy spaghetti, as well as those who are completely happy and not worried about their weight, who eat on the Biolight menu and eat mouth-watering sushi with pleasure. I went to bed early, having drunk half a bottle of still water. I couldn’t even read - you will definitely read something about food.

Day four

It makes no sense to go to breakfast, just stir your soul, anyway, they won’t give you anything except tea, but you can drink it in the SPA. Therefore, I decided to start the day with yoga and a pool. She spread the rug, opened the window wide open in the hall, breathed in the clean mountain air, listened to the sound of the mountain river, made a “salutation to the Sun”, depicted a “downward-facing dog”, stretched her back and hip joints, lay down in shavasana. It is a pity that there is no yoga instructor in Merano, only Pilates. Slowly and sadly she swam in the pool, sensitively listening to her feelings. I even felt energized. I remembered that when you lose weight, first of all, your chest loses weight. I was frightened and went to the simulators to pump my chest so that my hands ached. In vain, it turns out, rocked. Masseur Danila explained to me in the evening that when you don’t eat, you can’t give a special load.

And by 11 in the morning, after the simulators, I was covered. I came to the room, lay down on the bed and realized that I couldn’t get up, my head was spinning, my body was weak and nauseous, and after dinner (a conditional dinner of two thin broths and tea) I also had a date with a handsome Italian. It became easier when she drank a soluble bag of mineral salts, issued by a doctor in case of emergency.

Having taken a sip of the prescribed broths at dinner, I fluttered out on a date. I don’t know if it was due to starvation or the Italian’s dark, laughing eyes, but I felt light, airy, and somehow incredible. They say that fasting affects the brain like falling in love. There is definitely something to this. The date on an empty stomach went off with a bang. We walked around the old city for several hours past the windows with jamon and cakes, which did not evoke any emotions in me, discussed books, films, architecture, relations between West and East, friendship and love, stopped, argued, laughed, hid from the rain and kissed.

The scales showed another minus one kg and one hundred g. The chest seemed to be in place. There was only an hour left before dinner. I paced the room, flipped through the TV channels, took up a book, watched the sunset, wrote text messages to my friends “ah, I'm dying of hunger here”, drank water in glasses and counted the cherished minutes. For dinner, I ran. The only time in the whole week after fasting was supposed to be fish, and a small piece of steamed sea bream seemed to me the most delicious food in the world. A friend in misfortune at the next table said that her fasting had not gone so well: in the afternoon she almost fainted, and the doctors fed her. And the male neighbor joyfully shared physiological details: he became ill at night, at first he thought he would die, but then it turned out that his stone went out and came out safely. Before going to bed, I, full and satisfied, mentally said goodbye to another portion of toxins.

Day five

I no longer suffer from hunger, despite tiny portions of soy spaghetti or baked barley cake with aromatic herbs. I don’t think about food, I think about the eternal. Lying in a wrap of useful mud, for some reason I remembered how lightly and sincerely I love one person and how I would like to hug him instead of making claims. Entering the room between treatments, I wrote two articles in one breath, had an unusually calm conversation with my assistant and did not get angry at three completely incompetent business calls. And in the evening, walking along the mountain river, one by one I recalled the poems that I once loved and knew by heart, including those from the school curriculum. But during the massage, I couldn’t think about anything, even about the eternal. The most painful was the meridian, which led through the arms, to the shoulders and chest. I screamed in pain, jumped up on the couch and begged for mercy. But it was not there. At first, Danila passed through each painful meridian with his hands, then with a current, my ears rang and sparks poured from my eyes. But I got up from the couch cheerful, fit, with the usual lightness in my legs, back, neck. Another kilogram has disappeared on the scales.

At dinner, she asked her neighbors what it is worth to please yourself from the cosmetic menu so that it is beautiful and without sacrifice. And then from medical massages and body wraps, the pleasure in the process is still doubtful. Like at a doctor's appointment, not like in a spa. As a result, I signed up for a head massage (everyone advised, even men), a procedure for the face and chest on cosmetics, which is being developed by the wife of Dr. Chenot, Dominique. There were also injections for cellulite on the menu, but my neighbor did not advise doing them - it hurts, but it’s of little use, massage is more effective.

Day six

The morning started with colon hydrotherapy. There is little pleasant, but there is a lightness that I don’t want to spoil with any food. It's still minus 900 on the scales.

Head massage is not in vain so praised by everyone. Dividing the hair into partings, as during dyeing, they first do acupressure with their hands, and then they massage the head, just don’t be alarmed, with a huge anti-cellulite nozzle on the body shaping apparatus. I don't know who came up with it, but the feeling is unforgettable. The mask is generously applied to the hair, wrapped in foil and it is recommended to walk like this for an hour. After an hour, the hair becomes pleasant to the touch.

In the evenings, Dr. Chenot personally lectures on toxins. Lectures are held just before dinner and completely beat off the appetite. For example, the doctor explains why fruits should be eaten before meals. It turns out that they are digested quickly and provide energy, and the main food is digested for a long time, and fruits eaten after that stand in line and roam, adding toxins to the body. Then the doctor praises unrefined cereals, which just get rid of toxins. He recommends observing the daily routine and not eating at night, because after eight in the evening the body is engaged in recovery and detox, and food and alcohol greatly interfere with this process. Sounds convincing. “Even the Italians,” complains Henri Chenot, “stopped eating at home. They walk, bite, and then wonder why they first get fat, and then get divorced. Because there are no more family dinners.” The residents of the boarding house obediently listen. “Metabolism,” says Dr. Chenault, “changes every seven years. Every seven years, you should review your diet and reduce the amount of food. We are not getting younger." From the concentrated faces around, it becomes clear that the people are calculating what else to eat and lose weight. In the evening I noticed that my jeans began to fall off. Thought they were just falling apart. I measured everything that was with me - everything falls down. And the dresses fit well.

Day seven

For the last time I stand on the scales: another 600 g have left. A total of five kg in a week. Their absence is felt. The most annoying thing is that the trousers that were bought in Milan fall off and fit perfectly. I wonder how quickly the treasured five will return? The nutritionist has already prepared three and a half pages of "morals". A detailed menu for breakfast-lunch-dinner looks, of course, more nutritious than here in Merano, but still quite strict. Favorites are vegetables, buckwheat, brown rice, grain bread; no creamy sauces, forget about sour cream, do not eat pineapples after meals, snack on dried fruits, drink only water and green tea. Meat, fish, chicken is possible, but always with vegetables. “If you really want something, eat it,” the nutritionist reassures me, “the main thing is that the harmful does not become a habit.” The doctor finally advises to do more sports and meditate.

Dinner was regular spaghetti, not soy, with vegetable sauce. But they don't really want to. For breakfast - a feast of the stomach: in addition to a bowl of fruit, a glass of yogurt, two grain loaves, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of jam. I managed to eat some yogurt, one loaf and a spoonful of honey. I don't want it anymore, really! Before leaving, I buy prosciutto for friends and colleagues. I didn’t try a single piece in the butcher shop, although everyone knows how much I love prosciutto. I live in this mode for another week at home, scaring my relatives, friends and colleagues: I don’t want anything, even bread in Paris with foie gras. After two weeks, everything gradually returned to normal, but it still didn’t reach cakes and spaghetti for the night.

So. Six months have passed, the kilograms have not returned back. People still ask when they meet, “Have you lost weight?” Fruits - before meals, I almost don’t eat bread, sour cream too, from time to time I reread the diet and exclude something else harmful from the diet, one thing, so as not to be sad. But that's from spaghetti to cream sauce Until then, I can't refuse. But maybe not?

  1. The human digestive system, according to Chenot, is most active from 12 to 20 o'clock - it would be good to squeeze lunch and dinner into this interval. You eat at night - and the liver will have to participate in digestion to the detriment of the nightly cleansing of the body.
  2. In his clinic, Henri practices balneotherapy - you can try it too if your faucet has a bulk temperature and time control function. Twice a day for 10 minutes you need to splash in water at 36 ° C, and immediately after - the same amount at 39 ° C. Even a slight change in temperature expands the capillaries, which has a great effect on the circulation of the lymphatic fluid and the removal of toxins. To enhance the effect, add a few drops to the water. essential oil lavender, thyme, cypress, cinnamon or citrus. Finished? Wrap yourself in a bathrobe, wrap your head in a towel and lie down for 20 minutes - let your skin sweat well.
  3. In order to improve liver function, make it a rule to add to drinking water apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water). If you exchange it for half a lemon, you will normalize the level of blood acidity.
  4. Your body requires 45 g of protein per day. Ideally, it would be good to eat it in the morning and evening at 7.5 g and 30 g in the middle of the day. A lot of protein is not only in meat and fish, but also in legumes. By the way, According to the expert, vaunted protein diets lead to rapid weight loss but have little effect on fat. That is, in this case, you will lose weight due to a decrease in muscle mass and bone density - and this is already a risk of having osteoporosis.
  5. For breakfast, Chenot himself always eats fruits, explaining that they contribute to cleansing. But not everything, but with a low glycemic index. Avoid grapes, melons, figs, dates, overripe bananas. Grab: apples, pears, plums, oranges, tangerines, apricots, kiwis, strawberries, cherries, grapefruit and mangoes.
  6. To keep fit it is not necessary to work out hours in the gym 3 times a week. It's enough just to walk more every day, according to the doctor. By the way, do not forget to turn on the pedometer and post screenshots with the hashtag on Instagram #hosmashey. The editor-in-chief of WH promises to give gifts from himself personally to the most active!

Henri Chenot Home Detox Program

Highlight 1 day a week or do it once a month, but 3 days in a row.

The night before: Dissolve 1 tbsp. l. magnesium chloride (laxative) in a glass of water and drink before bed.

For breakfast: 2 any fruit or 200 g of fruit salad. And green or herbal tea.

For lunch: 1 fruit, raw vegetables (200 g). Basmati or whole rice (60–80 g) and 200 g boiled vegetables. Fill them with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, lemon juice and fresh herbs. For example, rosemary or sage - these herbs also improve the functioning of the liver and biliary tract.

For an afternoon snack: 1 fruit.

For dinner: 200 g steamed vegetables and 60 g basmati or whole rice.

He was born on March 25, 1943 in a Catalan family, but France became his second home. Hestudiedbiology at the Research Center for Marine Biology at the Sorbonne department in Baniels-sur-Mer, with special emphasis on anthropology, philosophy and Chinese medicine (to which he devoted more than ten years to study), as well as bioenergetic psychologyandnaturopathy (natural remedies for the treatment of diseases).

Early sixties HenriChenot creates the first of a series of laboratories phytocosmetics and herbal medicine, developing, together with their colleagues, new methods of thalassotherapy.

Chenot, as president and founderinternationalassociationsvegetablecosmetics, makes a number of trips around Europe in order to clearly illustrate his idea of ​​disease prevention based on proper nutrition, adequate lifestyle and use naturalfunds.

Hereceivesdegreemaster's and a Doctor of Psychology and an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Kensington University.

In 1974, Henri Chenot opens the first EspaceHenriChenot at the Cannes Polyclinic, and in the early eighties he moved to Alto Adige, where he founded Espace Henri Chenot in Merano.

In 1999, Henri Chenot creates a bio-ontology - new concept evolutionary studies of psychophysical aging. In 2004 he founded the Academy of Bio-Ontology and in 2008 the Laboratory of Bio-Ontology.

An outstanding French nutritionist shared the secrets of his work and explained why such famous people as Silvio Berlusconi, Elena Baturina and Mikheil Saakashvili turn to him for help.

Mongait: Hello! Today, people with money can afford any form of body-modification. When should you stop?

Chenot: It is necessary to stop when all this becomes a miserable sight. It is impossible to completely change the psychophysical appearance - after all, changes in the body impose changes on the psyche. So you can completely lose yourself, and there can be nothing good in this. Many people - most often women - change their appearance so much with the help of operations that their entire physiology changes. But there is no getting away from the fact that the appearance in modern society plays a huge role.

Mongait: I know that your clinics are visited by people who today in modern culture are usually called celebrities, for example, there ex-president Saakashvili of Georgia, the famous Russian oligarch Elena Baturina, Silvio Berlusconi himself.. Why are they coming to you?

Chenot: We are engaged in prevention and even health forecasting. Prevention means preventing possible problems. Nutrigenetics and research at the DNA level play a significant role in forecasting. In some cases, it is possible to foresee what might happen after, say, 7 years, and we are trying to influence this, to give advice for the future. Within 8 days we study a person, we study his reactions. Our laboratory finds out how capable of recovery he is, how his problems can be solved, and then we give a number of recommendations: what to do after leaving the clinic. We have an individual approach, we study the genetic properties and the ability to regenerate.

Mongait: I have read in several of your interviews that you criticize some of the popular diets. Right now, one of the most popular diets in Russia is the Dukan diet. You call it almost a stimulus for development oncological diseases. Why?

Chenot: It's not only me who says that the Dukan diet can cause cancer, everyone who is serious is saying this. medical specialists. The chief Italian oncologist Veronesi has always adhered to this position. This is not about me. Many years ago, an American named Atkins came up with protein diet. Then he lost many trials, because protein, of course, is very important for the body, but, as I said, the main thing is how much we get during the day. If an excess is formed, the body is not able to process it: cadaverine, putrescine and similar toxins begin to be produced - substances that can contribute to the occurrence of rectal cancer and other diseases. It is a fact.

Mongait: Have you yourself experienced victims of the wrong trendy diets? Have you ever corrected someone else's mistakes?

Chenot: Oh yes, alas. Because people who stick to the wrong diets for some time may lose weight, but be careful! They lose not fat, but bone and muscle mass. As soon as the diet ends, they immediately return to their previous weight or even add.

Mongait: Now, being in Russia, do you order traditional Russian food? Here, for example, how is the vinaigrette?

Chenot: This? But this is new Russian cuisine, hasn't this happened before? What do you call it, vinaigrette? In France, vinaigrette is a completely different dish. Is there vinegar in there? In general, a good thing: vegetables, mousse, somewhere inside there is vinegar, there is some kind of bitterness that perfectly sets off the taste. A very pleasant dish.

Mongait: How do you limit yourself in food? Here you are personally, and in principle, what is, in your opinion, the taboo that cannot be violated for sure?

Chenot: I am already 70 years old, and I must take into account the peculiarities of the work of the heart, lungs, intestines at the age of 70. The best thing for me: for breakfast - a lot of green tea with fruits, and I have breakfast very early. At lunch - first, be sure to have a large portion of salad, because at least six hours have passed since breakfast. Hunger is a nervous phenomenon. Chewing the salad, you begin to calm down a little. Then - necessarily carbohydrates: rice or pasta. In the evening I eat vegetable soup - I generally really like vegetable soups- and something protein: fish, chicken, sometimes even meat. This is normal food for me. But in a month I definitely arrange myself three days of detox.

Mongait: I would like to ask you a few questions in a blitz mode, that is, short questions related to stamps in the mass consciousness. Here we consider, for example, that coffee is harmful. Is it really harmful?

Chenot: No, coffee is a good thing, it's good for the brain, it's just that the degree of roasting of the beans is very important here. And the less liquid it contains, the better. The most correct thing is to drink very strong coffee with a minimum of liquid, and then drink it with water. But you can’t drink coffee more than twice a day: the first one in the morning, at breakfast, the second one in the afternoon. If you drink coffee in the evening, it will be difficult to get enough sleep. But two good ristrettos a day help the brain a lot.

Mongait: What about alcohol?

Chenot: I love wine very much, especially red wine, and even participated in various wine congresses. But I never drink wine at dinner: its time comes in the evening, after eating. Then you can taste it properly, because good wine must be tasted. Food is often washed down with wine - in a restaurant you often see how a dish brought hastily is swallowed along with wine. I never do that. So drinking wine every day is good, but it is important not to overdo it. Wine contains polyphenols and antioxidants, it has a lot of good properties.

Mongait: What about food after six?

Chenot: I have lunch around noon and dinner at 8 pm.

Mongait: They say you shouldn't drink water while eating.

Chenot: The problem is not that people drink with their food. What matters is how they chew. Teeth aren't just for smiling. They are designed to be chewed on. If you chew well and slowly - namely, for this we are given different types teeth - the brain has time to register information and transfer it to the stomach so that it begins to prepare digestive enzymes. Then everything goes right. If eaten too quickly, excess proteins cause the formation of toxins. Hydrocarbons - bread and pasta - start the fermentation process, as a result of which excess fats are formed. In other words, careful chewing is very important. If you chew properly, you will want to drink much less during meals. And if you do not really chew food, of course, it is impossible to swallow it without wine or water.

Mongait: Is it possible to eat fruit immediately after a meal?

Chenot: It is better not to eat fruits immediately after eating - they are more good as an aperitif than a digestif. I personally eat fruit for breakfast. If I have a lecture or a conference in the evening, I try to eat some fruit at 5 o'clock to raise my blood sugar. Best of all - apples, because they have many good properties. Also, I play golf, which means I walk a lot, and in the middle of a game I try to eat some fruit to give me energy.

Mongait: Is it true that you should eat mostly local produce?

Chenot: Some advise to eat not just local products, but exclusively those that have grown within a radius of 5 kilometers from the place where you are. Question: what then is there for those who live in Moscow? What do they want, start beds at home? Today, both transportation and storage of products are better organized than before. To refuse this is ecological fanaticism: well, yes, transport, pollution, distances ... But these are fantasies far from modern world. I always cite Milan as an example. If you force people to eat what grows in Milan, they will starve to death. There is no sea - and therefore no fish. The oranges are from Sicily, the apples are from Alto Adige, the Milanese themselves have nothing.

Mongait: Do you believe in the concept of “organic food” at all, or is it just another marketing ploy?

Chenot: We have a nutrition research lab where we can analyze whatever we want. With organic products, you also need to be very careful: yes, if you can eat them, this is not bad, but not necessarily useful - it all depends on many factors. This phenomenon is more ideological than scientific. If you can eat an organically grown apple and it tastes good too, great. But today, organic products do not always have all the properties necessary for a person. Let's take a piece of land. organic Agriculture involves strictly defined methods of its processing. But there are many other sites around, and environmental restrictions are not observed there. A completely unecological rain falls from above. In general, a lot of attendant circumstances. This battle is difficult to combine with reality. In addition, healthy food can be obtained without organic farming. If desired, you can very strictly control the quality of products.

Mongait: A professional, looking at a person, a media person, can you say he, this person leads a healthy lifestyle, does he need, for example, your help or not? For example, looking at Vladimir Putin, is it possible to say that he looks like a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and does not need a detox?

Chenot: I don't put the question that way. I had a wonderful story about 30 years ago, just with television. I'm coming to Italy, I'm invited to a very famous program, live. I did not suspect anything and was going to just talk about different diets. And so I go up to the podium, there are five people sitting there, and they tell me: you have to guess what their health problems are. Around full of people, the hall is packed. At one time I was engaged in Chinese medicine, and there some pathologies are already detected during imaging. That is, they are visible right on the face. I look at the first person - and guess. The same happens with the second, third, fourth and fifth. Ovation in the hall. I protest: “Wait, I'm not a magician! I just learned it!" But on the way to the airport, it turned out that a lot of people watched this program. They caught me and asked: “What is my diagnosis?” "What do I have?" And I had to explain everything again. Chinese medicine was not organized like ours: doctors were paid there to keep the patient healthy. Therefore, they very carefully studied all the signs that made it possible to recognize and prevent the disease.

Mongait: Some time ago I made a program about Russian oligarchs. And one well-known Russian journalist told me that, in fact, their main concern today is that they all think about their own immortality. What do you think about modern attitudes towards death?

Chenot: Since I am already 70, I have a fairly close relationship with death, and I know for sure that I will not live another 70 years. Death is one of the key problems of life, but if you dwell on it, it will be terrible. We need to think differently. I firmly learned that the main thing is how to live and how to fill the day. If you understand to yourself that you can no longer waste time in vain, doing meaningless things, you begin to understand that, first of all, you must strive to help others. This is my creed. For me, a good day is a day when I managed to do something good, not for myself, but first of all for others. Then life takes on new value. I don't wonder if I'm going to die tomorrow, in a year or in five years. I wonder how to live this day well, and remember how lucky I am to have this opportunity.