Tarot cards devil meaning and interpretation. Devil Tarot - interpretation of the Major Arcana

Brief description of the map

The design of the Devil card was based on Eliphas Levi's famous drawing of Baphomet.
We will not even find out who Baphomet is and which of the many Baphomets was meant.

It might even be the classic Baphomet of the Templars

Hermaphroditic figure (Baphomet). Sculpture at the portal of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Chateau. 19th century, France, Languedoc

The Devil card can be classified as triangular, as can the Hierophant, Lovers, 2 of Cups, 6 of Pentacles cards.

Katz and Goodwin write that "The other two figures are borrowed from the Ettail and Papus versions."

And if it is obvious from Ettail that we are talking about a deck called "Type I", then what was meant by the Papus deck is completely incomprehensible.

The deck of Gabriel Gulin, which illustrated Papus's book "The Predictive Tarot", appeared in 1909, and whether Waite saw it before finishing work on his book and deck is unknown.

And in the book Bohemian Tarot, Papus uses Wirth cards and the Tarot of Marseilles, which are very similar in design.
But in any case, both Wirth and Gulin relied on the design proposed in the Marseille deck.

So, if we talk about borrowing, then the Marseille Tarot should be considered as a prototype.

Although, sometimes the Devil is very original, such as in the deck of Jacques Vieville.

Map keywords

  • Temptation
  • Temptation
  • Addictions
  • Passion
  • Information, advertising

Key Ideas of the Map

  • Perversions, vices
  • Mental complexes
  • Manipulator scripts
  • Fears, phobias

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The main meaning of the card

Carried away by the analysis of the details of the image, Waite only in the last lines of the text about the Devil card tells us that this is “Guards at the Threshold of the Mystic Garden, from which those who tasted the forbidden fruit came out”

In fact, it is believed that it is not the Devil who is doing this, but the Archangel Michael, armed with a fiery or flaming sword.

But more adequate values ​​are given in the supplementary chapter. Waite sees a straight card as violence, cruelty, a fatal accident. And inverted - lack of will, pettiness and blindness.

The modern meanings of the card represent the Devil card, first of all, as the concentration of Evil. Attempts to attribute at least some positive meanings to this card are dangerous. No wonder the Devil is called the Prince of Lies. Fears, mental complexes, perversions, jealousy and greed - the list is endless.

Of the neutral values, information and advertising can be noted, unless, of course, advertising can be considered neutral.

Video: The meaning of the Devil card

The meaning of the card in relationships

Open-closed card

The Devil is an open card. But its openness is akin to the openness of a trap. Just like the Seven of Cups, it is easy to enter and almost impossible to exit.

Relationship Intensity

The intensity of relations in this card is the highest. Hamlet's passions, emotional storms on a cosmic scale. Jealousy, envy, thirst for possession - all this is inherent in the Devil card.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

Formally, the Devil card can describe a huge number of relationship scenarios. But there is something in common between them. First, it's an obsession. Obsession with an idea, the transformation of something or someone (a person, thing, idea) into a fetish. Obsession, reaching to mania, to insanity, to a complete loss of touch with reality.

Secondly, according to the Devil card, the second side in a relationship is always a thing, an object. An object of worship, desire. A threat. The personal qualities of a person do not matter. In practice, in the Devil card, a person does not deal with reality at all, but only with his devilishly distorted perception of it.

One of the features of the Devil card is an obsession with sex. Moreover, sex, whatever it may be, is always perceived beyond the boundaries of norms. Something dirty, forbidden, perverted, obscene. What can't be done and what can't be done.

And as the icing on the cake, the Devil card can indicate extremely painful relationship patterns. For example, between Mayakovsky and Lilya Brik or Turgenev and Polina Viardot.

Combined with the Major Arcana

  • in combination with a card : Roulette wheel
  • in combination with the card: Struggle against temptations
  • in combination with the card: Fears and mental disorders

Psychological condition

The card describes a whole series of emotional states. But, no matter how they look outwardly - jealousy or envy, they are almost always based on fear. And the Devil points out that it is fear that currently controls the behavior of a person, his thoughts and actions.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the card: Ambition and inconsistency of actions
  • in combination with the card : Battle with demons
  • in combination with the card: Hide from the Devil in the desert

The meaning of the card in matters of health

The Devil is a very unpleasant card in matters of health. It can indicate blood problems, tumors, both benign and malignant, inflammatory processes.

The devil is associated with numerous mental problems, the manifestation of phobias.
Also, the Devil card can talk about sexual perversions.

Combined with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with the card: Go over the heads to achieve your goal
  • in combination with the card: Live exclusively for your own pleasure
  • in combination with the card: Self-deception

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Considering that you are able to manage or control this situation, you are mistaken. But there is such a possibility. The card is under the control of the Devil, and if you act together, playing on human weaknesses, you also control the situation. Being on the other side of the barricades, I'm sorry - you are a victim of your own weaknesses. For example, a greedy bank created a loan agreement at 2% and attributed in small letters "plus your apartment." The greedy man grabbed the contract, not seeing and not wanting to see the small letters. For the bank, the situation of greed was manageable, but for the client it was unmanageable, and he "put his head in the noose."

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The use of human weaknesses is an unplowed field for generating income. Our vices (greed, envy, sexual preoccupation), even harmless hobbies (stamps, cacti, scuba diving) are all someone's profitable business. But with the Devil, the process is brought to perfection. Seduction, false advertising, outright lies. In this sense, it is difficult to draw a line with the Moon card in the meaning of "deception". And yet, a deal with the Devil is an even more sophisticated lie: they lied like a sucker, without saying a word of untruth.
A separate article is the sale of forbidden pleasures that fall under the criminal code.

General state of finances and trends

For those who are on the hook of addiction (and you can't refuse the Devil's fantasy: from elite cigars to plastic surgery, from playing poker to Forex betting) - a complete disaster. The ghost of money - about to win, about to live! For those who add fuel to the fire - income is in the black. Mammon patronizes.

In the future, the situation will worsen for the former and improve for the latter.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

Much depends on the ability of the “entrepreneur” to kindle passions in the soul of the consumer, which are alien to him from the very beginning. Fear included.

Bes beguiled. How could I buy it, make it? Lack of self-control can lead to the fact that a person does not distinguish between his own needs and suggested, false ones. There is nothing positive for them. Moreover, there are problems that are not immediately noticeable. Interest runs not only on material debts, but also on karmic ones. And in this sense, everyone is equal for the Devil: both his victims and his voluntary assistants.

Don't let your fears control you.

Card of the day Caution

Today the Devil is playing against you.

Combined with the suit of Pentacles

  • in combination with the card: The devil pushes by the arm
  • in combination with the card : Help, as a way to amuse the Feeling of Self-Importance
  • in combination with the card: A hidden threat to family well-being

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • What tempts you?
  • Why and what are you jealous of?
  • Think about what hidden dangers can threaten you?
  • Are you really going to outsmart the Devil?

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In traditional interpretations Tarot card Devil(The Devil), perhaps the most negative in the entire deck. It reflects attachment addiction and other destructive or self-limiting behavior. Therefore, it is rather problematic when interpreting for advice to describe the actions proposed by the card. However, I offer several possible alternative explanations. One of them will probably suit your situation.

Tarot depicts the devil as disgusting, terrifying. This card can fall when you are in a situation that requires you to be tough, even ruthless. While most of life's problems are best resolved through courtesy, communication, and negotiation, unfortunately, the opposite is also true. There are some people, agencies or forces that are immune to reason and kindness, it is useless to be on good terms with them. You have to act as if you are dealing with scammers, property hunters and other criminal elements. In such cases tarot card Devil tells you about the need to take tough measures against unscrupulous people, to do everything necessary to protect yourself and your interests. Sometimes you need to follow your predator instincts to protect yourself from being attacked by another predator. If the matter is urgent and very dangerous, destructive magic can be used for self-defense. So the feminist sorceress Budapest recommends using the "hexagon of justice." However, she points out that hexes "can be used if you know for sure, and not just assume that someone has harmed you."

Sometimes you have to deal with things that in themselves are not negative and do not carry evil, but can make you the devil in the eyes of others. People tend to consider evil that which puts limits on them. Some systems of interpretation associate the Devil with Capricorn and its lord Saturn, the planet of limitations. IN modern society many play roles in life that require a certain order and impose restrictions. In doing so, they perform the functions of the devilish Saturn. For example, even if a teacher respects the self-esteem of his students, there are times when you need to apply pressure, punish students who go beyond decent behavior. No matter how much a police officer likes to settle matters through negotiation and other humane methods, there are times when brute force must be used to calm a fighter. So, although we think well of ourselves and want to please others, the appearance of the Devil card tells us that now is not the time to be good to everyone. This may be of particular importance if we usually avoid putting pressure on others, but such is life. Sometimes you need to use force.

Alternative interpretations of the map are also possible. Tarot Devil. For example, you need to make a choice between two unattractive possibilities. It's better to pick a trait you already know than to mess with a new trait who's up to no one knows what. In other words, choose what you know more about or are better at.

Another use of the Devil card may refer to two human or half-human figures. They are depicted in the picture in front of the devil and voluntarily serve him. As a card that gives advice, it invites you to completely indulge in any business. You may even hate it, but you still need to do it to achieve a certain goal. This will not be to your taste, but life sometimes puts us in situations where we have to severely limit ourselves.
Most versions of the Devil card use sexual and animal symbolism when depicting the devil and his henchmen. So the artists emphasize the connection of the card with animal drives. In the usual interpretation of Tarot cards, the fall of this card means a tendency to inclination, base instincts make you get carried away with sex, money or power. For humans, this is the most limiting factor. However, when interpreting Tarot cards for advice, the appearance of the Devil may mean a desire to awaken your libido - the primary animal instincts and sexual desire, this colossal source of energy and desires.

This is exactly what you need to do if you asked the Tarot for advice: “What should I do with the lack of vital energy and the loss of desires?” In the past, religious dogma often led people to repress their sexuality and other physical needs. IN modern world there are no such restrictions, but even now you should not treat your body as someone else's. Neglect of attention to yourself causes a large waste of time to put yourself in order and is reflected in work. Such troubles are caused by the modern way of life, which is why the Tarot recommends that you become a little disgusting in order to awaken your desires and feelings.

If, in a scenario, the Devil appears upside down to receive advice, it may be necessary to break attachments, restrictions, and ties with bad partners. You can act gradually, for example, as people quit smoking: limit smoking and take anti-nicotine pills. Maybe you need to limit your dependence on some kind of connection, without stopping it altogether. This may be related to both work and family: you continue to perform certain duties, but your feelings are far away.

The reversed card often encourages us to look inward. Inverted Devil offers to deal with the shadow sides of his nature. The shadow sides of the personality consist of repressed instincts or qualities. These are qualities that are unacceptable to society, as well as those that would prevent you from living and acting normally in the modern world.

Some critics and others who do not understand the depth of the spiritual movement of the individual find the release of the shadow sides very dangerous. So I'm emphasizing that this is not "pulling out the killer's hatchet" but an acknowledgment that you have several dark urges. Realizing this will allow you to stop lashing out at others, blaming them for all mortal sins.

However, there is also a "positive shadow". Depending on the circumstances, perhaps some of us have suppressed our courage, our honesty, our ability to lead. Uncovering these qualities a great victory in the fight against the shadow.

Divination has been known to mankind since time immemorial. Each nation has its own set of techniques with which you can look into the past and the future. But cards have always been used by fortune tellers as the surest tool to get the right information. Tarot cards are of particular importance. They carry mystical knowledge, which is contained in each image individually and in a combination of different symbols. Perhaps the most frightening of the entire deck is the Devil Tarot card. Is it really worth it to be scared?

Tarot Cards: Gift or Curse of Humanity?

If you are familiar with Tarot cards, then you know how powerful they are. Almost every fortune teller will tell you how much they have changed her life. But is it really so? To whom does mankind owe the appearance of Tarot cards?

It's hard to say when these multi-colored decks appeared. Historians find references to the Tarot in the records of seventeenth-century European courtiers. But in those days, cards were used for entertainment, no one thought to give them any special meaning.

By the eighteenth century, the Tarot fell into the hands of the gypsies and became the main source of income for wandering fortune-tellers. They interpreted the meanings of the cards with great success and generously predicted various joys of life and material wealth to their gullible clients. It was during this time period that the court magicians showed interest in Tarot cards. They began to refine the images and write down the interpretation of the cards. It should be noted that in Europe there were no common standard for images on a card deck, so there were pictures with animals, Egyptian deities and even Greek muses. But for some reason, it is today's type of Tarot cards that has become unified and has survived to this day. It is believed that one of the French aristocrats, who was part-time mystic and occultist, created the modern look of Tarot cards, based on ancient books and magical knowledge. Be that as it may, but this deck is still used by fortune-tellers for predictions and black rituals.

Minor and Major Arcana in Tarot

The Tarot deck has seventy-eight cards, of which twenty-two cards belong to the Major Arcana. They are used in fortune-telling as defining symbols of human life and can tell the whole path of one particular person. Among the images of the Major Arcana there are many incomprehensible and even frightening symbols for the average person. For example, almost every fortuneteller experiences sacred horror if the Devil falls on the table.

Tarot cards have colorful images, but this only applies to the Major Arcana. The younger ones are more like regular ones playing cards. In divination, they symbolize the meaning human actions and are not as important as the previous cards.

Historians believe that the Minor Arcana were almost always known, but the Elders became an addition made by occultists. This is evidenced by such images as the Priestess, the Hanged Man, the Hermit and the Devil. Tarot completely repeats the old engravings that were found in rare medieval treatises on magic.

How to read Tarot cards?

Divination methods using a deck of Tarot cards have not changed for several centuries. Over time, the layouts only improve, but the interpretation of the cards is very doubtful. All fortunetellers unanimously claim that Tarot is a very unusual tool for divination - they are able to independently change their meanings in the hands of a fortuneteller. Only experience will tell you how best to interpret the card from the Major Arcana. After all, there are cases when even the Devil Tarot card that fell out of the deck had a positive and promising meaning.

Beginners need to understand this. If you have no experience, but by all means you decide to learn how to predict the future using Tarot, then do not be afraid of the Devil Tarot card that appears in the layout. Its meaning in your particular case may differ significantly from the generally accepted one.

Before starting fortune-telling, you should hold the cards in your hands. You must feel the energy of each lasso, imbued with it. You should not lay out the cards for the first time in front of someone, in this case it will be very difficult to get the truth from the Tarot. Therefore, until you begin to feel your cards, do not guess to someone. All occultists of antiquity advised to treat the Tarot with great respect and never give your deck into the wrong hands.

The Devil's Tarot Card: Meaning and Description

To understand the meaning of the card, you need to carefully examine it. The Devil Tarot card is the most terrifying of all. Against a cloudy background, a creature with horns, furry legs and wings sits. It is the same image of the devil that was adopted in the Middle Ages. A goatee can be seen on the face of the creature, and a pentagram is depicted on the right unfolded palm, indicating belonging to deep dark magic. The second hand is lowered down to the ground, it contains a burning torch, symbolizing the destruction of order and all life on Earth.

The Devil Tarot card, in addition to the terrible creature sitting on the cube, has the image of a man and a woman. They represent Adam and Eve, expelled from paradise. Each of them is chained to the throne of the devil with chains, the throne itself symbolizes the material world. Both people are drawn with horns and tails, such liberty is interpreted as people's involvement in the animal world. That is, every reasonable person has an animal nature, which the devil will be happy to reveal. The chains are not tight, but keep people firmly tied. This speaks of the existing chance to defeat your dark side, but only through a long and difficult path of restrictions.

It is believed that the Devil's card in the Tarot, the meaning of which is ambiguous, carries great sense. After all, man himself is the creator of everything bad in his life. He is easily ready to submit to the material to the detriment of the spiritual, and to be a faithful slave of this changing world.

The meaning of the Devil card in divination

The Devil Tarot card is the most controversial of all the images of the Major Arcana. This is due to the fact that each person is subject to his own vices and has his own devil in his head. Therefore, it is always difficult to correctly interpret this dropped card. But we will still try to define the Devil's card in divination.

Each card in the deck has two meanings. They are polar but balance each other. A positive interpretation of the Devil Tarot card means passion, but a negative one is associated with satiety. These meanings are especially acute in divination for love. The Devil Tarot card has approximately the same meaning in relationships.

The general meaning of the card can be listed in a few words:

  • fatality;
  • doom;
  • temptation;
  • pleasure;
  • sex;
  • self-destruction and the like.

But Tarot cards are not so simple. The combination of the Devil cards and other images of the Major Arcana makes a lot of sense. From this, in some layouts, the value of the dropped card changes dramatically. Therefore, novice fortunetellers should pay special attention to combinations of cards in order to correctly read the prediction.

Card number

Each card in the Major Arcana has its own number, it also carries a special sacred meaning. And in no case should you forget about it. The Devil Tarot card is number fifteen. According to astrology and occult knowledge, this is the number of the full moon. Each complex number is decomposed into prime numbers. Based on this rule of numerology, fifteen is decomposed into one and five, where one means the human mind, and six means the collapse of everything conceived.

If we act according to the same rules, then two prime numbers must be summed into one prime. The resulting six carries the meaning of the Lovers Tarot card. That is, we can say with confidence that the Devil Tarot card, which has the number fifteen in its meaning, symbolizes relationships. But it's no secret that they are completely different. Therefore, the Devil Tarot meaning in a relationship is dual and ambiguous.

The direct meaning of the Devil's card in divination: hitting a person

Having fallen out in its direct meaning, the Devil card means a magical and dark nature. She says that a person is completely and completely subject to his low side. He actively seeks material wealth and completely forgets about his spiritual component. Such a person goes through life, controlled only by instincts, and most of them are capable of leading to self-destruction of an integral nature.

If the Devil card points to a certain person, then it can be said with certainty that he is an excellent psychologist and revolutionary. Almost all the surrounding people are fascinated by such a personality, because they are under hypnotic charm and charisma. Such a person has a wonderful sense of humor and amazing intuition. It is very difficult to resist him, because he is a real tempter, for whom there are no insurmountable barriers.

It is very bad if the Devil card characterizes your chosen one. In this case, you need to urgently decide whether to continue communicating with this person. Your relationship will not be simple, such a man will greatly influence your spiritual world. Most likely, it will significantly change your karma, bringing it to the brink of good and evil.

Devil's card in direct divination: the line of the past and the future

If the Devil card falls into the past or the future, then it can be interpreted in different ways. Getting into the past means that the temptations are already behind. But now, is it possible to completely relax, the nearest lasso will tell you. If the Devil appears in the future, then this is a warning. After all, a person cannot always independently cope with the temptation that awaits him by dark forces.

In some cases, the Devil card can mean a person in your close circle. It has a great influence on you and leads to destruction. You must immediately get rid of such people, sooner or later they will find a way to cause you irreparable harm.

Devil card reversed, Tarot: meaning

When reversed, the Devil card carries an even more complicated meaning. The inverted Devil Tarot is a sign of trouble that has already happened. It means that the person has already completely plunged into the dark world and was under the influence of the sin of acquisitiveness. Such a person spends all his strength on obtaining material wealth, not noticing the suffering of loved ones.

If you have a similar card, then you should completely reconsider your life in order to break free from the captivity of base passions. The main thing is to get rid of your ego and start doing good to others. This will be the first step towards moving to a new level.

The inverted Devil in the layout can carry a warning value. This is a symbol of the fact that trouble is already on the threshold, but you still have time to change the situation.

Combination of cards in layouts

At the Devil Tarot card, the combination with other arcana is read most clearly. In any scenario, you must carefully look at all the cards that have fallen out nearby. Only with their help can one understand true value Devil cards.

For example, a combination with Lovers means a relationship built on sex and the satisfaction of one's instincts. In general, it is worth knowing that the Devil Tarot card in a relationship gives all the other arcana a deep dark color. The combination with Moderation symbolizes immense greed, and with the Magician, the use of dark forces for their own purposes.

The combination with the Hierophant is rather unpleasant, it signals that a person covers up his base passions with good goals. We can say that he submits to his lust, but passes it off as holiness.

If the Devil card falls next to the Jester, then this may indicate a mental handicapped person. In the same way, Tarot determines drug addicts and people with other addictions.

The meaning of many combinations also depends on how the card falls out. For example, the Devil with the Empress in any scenario means a criminal passion, satiety with carnal pleasures. But now, if the Empress falls next to the Devil upside down, then this indicates homosexuality.

In any case, the Devil card in the Tarot emphasizes the dark side of any card drawn. Be very careful in the layouts, because it is impossible to learn absolutely all the meanings of symbol combinations.

Tarot cards can be treated differently. After all, not everyone believes in their ability to predict the future and discover the secrets of the past. In any case, this cannot change the fact that Tarot is the most popular and widespread divination tool in the world. Every second fortuneteller has a deck of these cards in her arsenal and never part with them. And if you feel some magical abilities in yourself, then be sure to study the meanings of the Tarot symbols and test yourself by asking the cards the most exciting question for you.

The interpretation of the tarot card the devil in the upright position

A strong bias towards the material. Depravity, base instincts, openly manifested sexuality. Pride. Excessive and therefore destructive charisma. There is almost nothing you can do, as you are completely dependent either on the situation or on the person. Only the manifestation of unbending will can change something.

  • bound will, your will and personality are transferred to another, the desire for physical love, mistakes due to fear, commercialism, dependence, self-deception
  • anger, hatred, violence, destruction, disorder, doom, misfortune
  • something predetermined and therefore inevitable, but not necessarily evil

The Devil Tarot card means trapping, which is created either by a hopeless situation, or by people, or by passions that darken the mind. A person tries to free himself from bondage and from his weaknesses. He is clearly aware of his position, but he does not have the strength to extricate himself, he becomes embittered and breaks down. However, neighboring cards may suggest ways to improve the situation.

Remembering evil, we should not forget that fire can be both light and hell. The Devil Tarot card can symbolize a tormenting thirst for material or purely physical well-being, as well as a desire to rule over others.

The interpretation of the tarot card the devil in an inverted position

Crime, bad influence, intrigues of enemies, lack of strength. The meanings inherent in a straight card are enhanced when the card is reversed. This is an almost guaranteed failure of your plans. Illness, an insurmountable barrier. It is better to reconsider your plans and go the other way.

  • catastrophe, devastation, severe disorder
  • pettiness, weakness, blindness, jealousy, illness, bad luck, wrong choice
  • you are completely dependent on something or someone, your will is broken, failure of plans and intentions
  • in the end, something must happen, but for evil

The inverted Devil Tarot card also speaks of some kind of bondage, but in this case the feeling of frustration is much stronger. However, that is why a person will begin to take steps towards liberation and direct his will to achieve better goals.

The reversed Tarot Devil indicates stiffness, dependence, perhaps some kind of bad habit that interferes with moving forward, affects the darkest sides of your personality.

Map Description

In some Tarot decks, the Devil on the card is depicted traditionally, with horns, hooves, a tail and a pitchfork. He towers over a single pathetic figure. His pose, with his hand raised like a puppeteer, parodies the figure of the Priest.

Most Tarot decks feature a large Devil and two smaller figures, male and female, standing at the foot of his throne. These smaller figures may be demons, humans, or horned creatures. In all such decks, they are chained or tied to the foot of the throne of the Devil. Note that the poses of all three figures are a repetition or parody of the poses depicted on the Priest (Hierophant) Arcana.

The central figure of the Devil Tarot in these decks can take a variety of forms - from a horned goat to the likeness of a man. He can be both attractive and intimidating. Whatever the form, there are almost always wings and horns, sometimes an inverted pentagram is present on the forehead or on the crown.

In almost all decks, the Devil raises or extends his hand over the two souls chained to his throne. The main figure is usually seated, but may also be standing; on his face is either a seductive smile or rage. His mood directly affects the other two figures. If the Devil smiles, so do his minions; if he frowns, his slaves either mourn or tremble in fear.

The image of this powerful figure who governs all who fall under her influence can be read either as an antithesis or as sarcasm over the blessing that the Priest of the Tarot gives. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether the two lesser figures are his captives, slaves, or favorites; one way or another, they are implicitly subject to his will.

Note that the figures standing on the sides not only repeat the minor priests of the Fifth Arcana, but also symbolize the two columns present on the cards of the Major Arcana.

inner meaning. Provided for understanding direct position cards

The Devil of the Tarot embodies all the dark sides of the other tarot arcana: black magic, lust, corruption, greed, temptation and an attractive shell. You are offered a quick solution to your problems. If you are impatient enough to agree, you can see the collapse of your hopes and plans. Succeed on your own. Resist the temptation, which is very attractive, to cut corners and do not be afraid of hard work, continue it alone.

Be careful. The power you have over your subordinates is intoxicating, and you may enjoy manipulating, controlling, and even playing with their lives. But the real Devil has one road - to hell.

The Devil of the Tarot is the antithesis of good, symbolizes the forces that seek to disrupt the harmony of existence. Not just individualism or the desire to go his own way makes him the embodiment of evil. The tarot magician is also trying to impose his will on the world, and in fact the result of doing the tarot path is your ability to truly control your own destiny.

The allegory here is not an independent will, but a mind working to destroy the divine balance. His goal is to overthrow the Divine law and plunge the world into a state of chaos.

The ancients taught that there is an order for the world in which all living beings are able to find their best destination. Divine law is called upon to establish and maintain this order. The Devil Tarot seeks to break and overthrow him. He can act as a tempter or rule through fear, but in any case, his goal is to lead astray.

As Tarot teaches true path- approach the divine power. At this stage of spiritual development, you are dedicated enough to become a valuable servant of the forces of evil. It is at this point that you can choose whether to continue towards the final destination or take another path that ends here. At this moment, the temptation for the seeker is especially great. You simply have to wait until your tasks are completed (Temperance). The devil seems to indicate a way to achieve the same goal without waiting and without labor.

The power on offer is enormous, but the price is even higher. Don't forget that you can achieve your goal without the help of the Devil. He is only interested in you because your potential far exceeds anything he hoped to get by stopping you.

You are not offered an easy road. For the power that the Devil Tarot offers, you will have to give up your free will.

September 10, 2015

Tarot Meaning - Devil

Tarot Card - Devil
Upright value

Arcana Devil, deck
Rider White Tarot, Ramses Tarot, Thoth Tarot

General description of the lasso:
Excessive materialism, dangerous proposition, addiction. You can find yourself in a difficult, and even dangerous situation. You will probably receive a tempting offer that will be difficult to refuse. You can not think only materially - not everything can be bought. You are faced with a difficult choice, and if you turn off the right path, you will fall into a long and painful addiction. The lasso Devil warns about committing rash acts, about dangerous situations as a result of one's own recklessness or the desire to get something without making any effort. "Free cheese in a mousetrap."

Arcana Tarot Devil falling out in a love scenario means that your relationship is an illusion. You know very little of the person with whom you want to connect your fate. Everything suits you; your loved one is smart, handsome, passionate, and you undoubtedly believe his exquisite promises. Stop looking at such "love" through rose-colored glasses - it will be very painful for you to find out the whole truth when the person you love appears before you in his true form. Forget about your independence in relations with this person - when the time comes, you will realize that you are no longer in control of your destiny. It all depends on your perception of the world and love relationship, if it is quite enough for you to limit yourself to only physical intimacy, without thinking about a joint future, you can take risks. If you are single, in the near future you will meet a person who will make a strong impression on you, you will constantly think about him. However, be careful and prudent, because you do not want to be alone again? Wait a little more, and Heaven will send you true and bright Love.

The Arcana Tarot Devil personifies an imperious, prudent person, prone to cruelty and perversion.

Excessive materialism, unjustified risk, bad choice.

In matters of work, business, career, the Arcanum Devil means that you have to make an important choice. Perhaps you will be offered promising cooperation, interesting work, a high position. But no matter how profitable and interesting this offer may be, you need to act prudently, since the appearance of the Arcana Devil in fortune-telling speaks of checking your values, temptation. If you refuse a tempting offer, you may even suffer significant losses, lose your job or position, but in the end, these events will force you to go on the right path. It all depends on your worldview, therefore, if you are interested in quick money, an easy, well-paid job, a high position that allows you to manipulate subordinates - this Arcana will be favorable for you in all respects. If you live for today and do not pay attention to your soul, you can be sure that for some time you will live in abundance, even luxury. However, you will have to pay for this pleasure at the cost of health, and maybe life.

You can get into a dependent position from an influential person. Nothing depends on your will.

Advice: material values Nothing compared to real freedom. Be careful when making an important decision. Don't use your position to manipulate other people. Not everything can be bought with money.

Tarot Card - Devil
Reversed value

Arcana Devil, deck
Tarot Durer, Tarot Dwarfs, Tarot 78 doors

General description of the lasso:
Overcoming difficulties, liberation from shackling circumstances, connections. You have found a way out of a difficult situation. Thanks to the power of positive thinking, overcoming fears and temptations, you are freed from the shackles that bound you before. You have learned to perceive the world not only materially, and you understand that you can achieve a good result, a stable position only by your own efforts. You made the right choice, even if it cost you a lot, you should not regret it. You have not lost anything, but only gained wisdom and learned an important life lesson, thanks to which you have the opportunity to build your Destiny according to your own scenario (not without the help of the Light Forces, of course).

Meaning in love layouts:
The inverted Arcana Devil means that you are freed from the shackles that have closely tied you to another person for a long time. You no longer depend on the will of the one who made you lose faith in yourself and faith in pure, sincere love, without humiliation and suffering. However, you still need time to be able to awaken real feelings in yourself. In order to no longer have a difficult situation in your personal life, you need to learn to judge people not only by outward signs And beautiful words but also by actions, even insignificant ones, from which the general impression of a person is formed. This Arcana also means getting rid of the burden of loneliness and sadness, a new life.

Value in the layouts for work:
Overcoming difficulties, making the right choice, positive thinking. In matters of work, business, career, the Arcanum Devil in an inverted position means that you were able to get out of a difficult situation due to the rejection of circumstances that constrain you. You were able to overcome your fear of losing your job, position, losing promising business opportunities. Perhaps the result of your right choice material difficulties have become, the loss of a job or position, but you are already ready to move on towards prosperity and success. Do not expect what you wish to be fulfilled very soon; you need to think carefully about your next steps, decide on a goal. Slow but steady progress towards your goal is much better than a quick result.

Advice - it's time to free yourself from the circumstances that bind you. It is not worth the risk - the time favorable for you has not yet come.

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