A short test to determine the level of English. Online English tests

beginner. It is also called primary. This is the level of knowledge of a student who starts learning English from scratch. At this level, they study the alphabet, initial grammar and elementary vocabulary, and features of the pronunciation of sounds. Your vocabulary is about 500 words and phrases.

Elementary. This level assumes that you can discuss elementary topics in English. You can express your thoughts in typical daily situations. You can also tell about yourself, understand simple texts in English, signs and simple content. Have basic knowledge of grammar. The vocabulary ranges from 1000 to 1500 words. This level is also called the “required minimum” level.

Pre-intermediate. Possessors of knowledge of English at this level are guided in standard concepts, but they are not lost in new topics, and they also know how to maintain a short conversation in an "unusual" situation. You understand fairly complex texts such as magazine or newspaper articles, travel guides. Your vocabulary is about 2000 words and phrases.

intermediate. This level assumes that you can understand the everyday speech of native speakers with little difficulty, as well as communicate with them. It is also called "medium". With this level of knowledge, you can conduct friendly or business correspondence in English, read adapted literature and watch films in English with subtitles without much difficulty. You have a good vocabulary, about 3000 words, but you are not always confident in using it.

Upper Intermediate. This level is called "above average". You understand spoken language very well and communicate in English on a wide range of topics without preparation. This level assumes the ability to read non-adapted literature and understand complex content in English. Your vocabulary is 3500-4000 words and phrases. You own complex grammatical structures, but sometimes you make lexical and grammatical errors.

advanced. This is an advanced level of language proficiency. You can communicate on any, even the most complex topics, understand complex texts and retell English-language content or someone else's speech without loss of meaning, although sometimes you have to resort to subtitles when watching movies. Your vocabulary can reach 6000 words and phrases. You know a large number of idioms, set expressions, abbreviations. In a conversation, you use complex grammatical constructions, operate with all tenses.

If you want to take a more in-depth test of your English level, namely: listening to English, your spoken English, we offer you to take a free lesson with one of the methodologists of our school.

The linguistic portal site provides all its users with a unique opportunity to accurately determine their language level by answering 60 questions from the field of vocabulary and grammar of the English language. Online test for English language to determine the level is compiled by the best British teachers (native speakers), specializing in the development of conversational skills in teaching English as a foreign language.

Online test in English is designed for 25 minutes, but can be completed ahead of schedule.

Having passed the online English test, you will be able to more accurately determine your level of language proficiency and receive additional recommendations from specialists on choosing the textbook and training program that suits you, as well as outline the range of problems that need to be resolved as soon as possible.

This English language test is used by many foreign language schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in other cities of Russia, tutors and school teachers.

At the same time, recruitment agencies and employers use this test to check the level of English of applicants. The test is carried out on gratuitous basis. site, in collaboration with leading Western experts, has developed one of the best level tests on the Internet.The test shows a real picture of English language skills, and is also accompanied by an analysis of knowledge gaps and offers the most suitable Study Plan for you.


Thank you for making this English test available online! It was sent to me by a friend who, having accurately determined her level, managed to prepare and got a job in a Western company. I, too, was about to have an interview in English in a Western company. I was very worried, and I needed to make sure of my abilities, since I had not practiced the language for a very long time. To my surprise, at the interview I came across an almost identical test. I passed it with ease. Thanks! Svetlana, Moscow

I am grateful to fate for the fact that I got this test to test my English in a recruitment agency! I had previously completed it and already knew the correct answers. Maxim, St. Petersburg

I was going to send my daughter to study in the UK. We visited many schools and several tutors, some of them offered this particular English test to determine the level. As experience has shown, this test was the most accurate in assessing the level of English proficiency. When her daughter was already in England taking a test at school, she said that she had almost the same one. Thanks! Nina, Russia

The test has already been passed 55495 times

Summary table of results (test as of 03/30/2019):

Placement Test

1. I'm a nurse. And what do you do?
how what who which
2. Can I have ___ fruit, please?
a lot any no some
3. We go on picnics ___ in the summer.
a lot a lot of many never
4. We're thirsty! Is there ___ juice left?
a lot any no some
5. Mary can ___ all night long.
dancing to dance dance dances
6. ___ boys over there are Spanish.
This That These Those
7. Jim is a security guard. He sleeps during the day and works ___ night.
at at the in on
8. Nick is a ___ tennis player than Tom.
bad badly worse worst
9. Mary drives ___ car to work every day.
she her hers an
10. They want to visit China ___ they love Chinese cuisine.
because but so why
11. We've been good friends ___ many years.
during for from since
12. You ___ pay for the tickets. They're free.
have to don't have doesn't have to needn't
13. These are the photos ___ we took on holiday.
which what where who
14. He doesn't smoke now, but he ___ a lot when he was young.
has smoked used to smoke smokes was smoked
15. Nicolas plays chess ___ anyone else I know.
more good than as best as better as better than
16. I promise I ___ you with the washing-up as soon as I finish this cleaning.
am helping am going to help will help help
17. How about ___ out tonight?
eat to eat eating for eating
18. I didn't like the film. ___. I think it was really boring.
So did I me too Neither did I So I didn't
19. We won't go on holiday ___ we save enough money.
if unless when as soon as
20. Jill went down with flu and ___ stay in bed for a week.
mustn't have to had to need
21. Excuse me can you ___ me the way to the station, please?
give speak tell say
22. I ___ to the cinema since last year.
didn't go haven't gone haven't been don't go
23. ___ bag is this? - It's Neil's.
Which What Whose Where
24. Who was the man ___?
spoke to you you were speaking to that you spoke you were telling
25. This suitcase is too heavy for me ___ lift.
to for that too
26. There wasn't anything interesting on TV last night, ___?
wasn't it was there wasn't there is there
27. I ___ lunch when somebody knocked on the door.
had was having am having have
28. There's a five-hour time difference ___ London and New York.
among in beyond between
29. They wanted ___ to come to dinner, but we couldn't go.
we us our ours
30. I have been playing ___ piano since I was five.
a an the
31. I'm going to visit Mexico and ___ United States.
a an the
32. You will pass the test if you work ___.
excellent hard hardly good
33. You certainly wouldn't like ___ in such a bad company.
to have seen to be seen to see to be seen
34. I've lost my watch. Will you help me look ___ it?
at after for for up
35. I often ___ money from my parents.
lend borrow save owe
36. He ___ on a business trip next Monday.
goes is going will go has gone
37. Greg married my mother after my parents divorced, so he's my ___.
father stepfather father-in-law nephew
38. He used to be a chain smoker, but he gave ___ smoking ten years ago.
up out in away
39. I tried to call you but your line was ___.
taken occupied engaged connected
40. The ___ is downstairs in the kitchen.
sink bath toilet washbasin
41. I ___ early in the morning now, but before I wasn't.
used to get up got up am used to getting up am getting up
42. I'm looking forward ___ on holiday in summer.
at going to go to go go
43. I want you to ___ me the truth!
tell say pronounce speak
44. ___ I felt ill, I went to the party.
In spite despite Although Yet
45. I couldn't change my sweater at the store because I had lost my ___.
receipt recipe prescription check
46. ​​Unfortunately, the traffic held me up. When I arrived at the airport, the plane ___.
had already left already left will have left already leaves
47. I'm exhausted. I ___ a lot recently.
am working work have been working worked
48. If I ___ the mistake, I would have corrected it.
noticed have noticed had noticed notice
49. There were a lot of people on the platform, waiting ___ arrive.
for the train the train to for train to for the train to
50. There are a lot of educational websites ___ this one.
the same than similar than similar to same as
51. You ___ take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.
have to had better may shall
52. Sheila's engagement ring is enormous! It ___ have cost a fortune.
must can't need should
53. He came ___ a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work.
out into with away
54. Maggie put the blanket ___ her son to keep him warm as he slept.
away in over off
55. If you really want to send that letter off today, it's ___ time you went to the post office.
high quick proper right
56. No sooner ___ I shut the door, than the telephone rank.
have did will had
57. I must admit I ___ thought how the story would finish before I read the book.
haven't hadn't aren't couldn't
58. ___ me if I've told you this before.
Stopping Stopped stop Stops
59. That stupid dog ___ all day long.
does always bark always is barking has always barked is always barking
60. Your clothing is so ___ of date. You need a modern wardrobe.
up into under out

Take an online test that is suitable for determining the level of English for the exam.


Correct answer A comment
1 what I'm a nurse. And what do you do?

We choose this answer option because the question implies occupation.

2 some Can I have some fruit, please?

We choose the option some”, not “any”, as this sentence contains a request.

3 a lot We go on picnics a lot in the summer.

In this sentence, the word in the gap describes the verb "go". In this regard, "many" or "a lot of" do not suit us, since they are used with nouns. However, we also cannot choose "never" because its position is immediately before the verb. Therefore, we choose " a lot».

4 any We're thirsty! Is there any juice left?

In this sentence, we are simply interested in the presence of an object, using the construction "There is" in the interrogative form, so we choose " any».

5 dance Mary can dance all night long.

We choose this answer because the modal verb "can" should be followed by an infinitive without the particle "to".

6 Those Those boys over there are Spanish.

We choose this answer because, firstly, the noun is in the form plural, and secondly, the sentence contains clarifying information “over there”, which indicates that the group of objects is far from the speaker.

7 at Jim is a security guard. He sleeps during the day and works at night.

We choose this answer, since the word "night" is an exception to the rule, and unlike other words that name parts of the day, it is used with the preposition "at" and without the article.

8 worse Nick is a worse tennis player than Tom.

We choose this answer option, since we need an adjective in a comparative degree in this sentence, and only this option satisfies all the conditions.

9 her Mary drives her car to work every day.

In this sentence, we need to use a possessive pronoun, so we choose the option " her».

10 because They want to visit China because they love Chinese food.

This sentence does not contain either alternative or opposition, it explains the reason why the action will subsequently be performed, so we choose " because».

11 for We've been good friends for many years.

In this sentence, we are given information about the "length of the period of time", so with the perfect we choose " for».

12 needn't You needn't pay for the tickets. They're free.

In this sentence, the second part indicates to us that there is no need to perform an action. However, the options "don't have" and "doesn't have to" are not grammatical, so we choose " neednt».

13 which These are the photos which we took on holiday.

In this sentence, we have an attributive clause, but we are talking about an inanimate object, so we choose " which».

14 used to smoke He doesn't smoke now, but he used to smoke a lot when he was young.

In this sentence, we are talking about a past habit as opposed to a situation in the present, so we choose the “used to + verb” construction.

15 better than Nickolas plays chess better than anyone else I know.

In this sentence, we need an adverb in the comparative degree and a suitable conjunction, so we choose " better than».

16 will help I promise I will help you with the washing-up as soon as I finish this cleaning.

In this sentence, we choose "will" after the verb "promise".

17 eating How about eating out tonight?

In this sentence, we need to use the -ing form after the preposition "about".

18 Neither did I I didn't like the film. Neither did I. I think it was really boring.

In this sentence, the speaker agrees with the negative statement, so we choose the only correct option.

19 unless We won't go on holiday unless we save enough money.

In this conditional, we need a conjunction with a negative value, so we choose "unless".

20 had to Jill went down with the flu and had to stay in bed for a week.

This sentence refers to the last episode. In order to show the need / compulsion to perform some action in the past, we choose the option “ had to».

21 tell Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station, please?

We choose this answer option, since we are dealing with the stable expression “to tell somebody the way”.

22 haven't been I haven't been to the cinema since last year.

In this proposal, we need present perfect, but the option “haven’t gone” is not suitable for us, since this would mean moving in one direction, which in this case is meaningless “did not go to the cinema - means did not go and did not return”, so we choose “ havent been».

23 Whose Whose bag is this? - It's Neil's.

In this sentence, we are asking about the owner, about who owns the thing, so we choose this option.

24 you were speaking to Who was the man you were speaking to?

In this sentence, we choose the only grammatically correct option, in which there is both a preposition and a grammatically tense form that is necessary here.

25 to This suitcase is too heavy for me to lift.

In this sentence, we need the particle “to” before the verb, since, according to the rule, just such an infinitive is required after the construction “too + adjective”.

26 was there There wasn't anything interesting on TV last night, was there?

This sentence is a disjunctive question, and the sentence itself is negative, so we choose the option with a plus sign - “ was there».

27 was having I was having lunch when somebody knocked on the door.

This sentence refers to a continuous action that was interrupted by another single action. Therefore, to show this duration, we need the past continuous form.

28 between There's a five-hour time difference between London and New York.

In this sentence, we are talking about two subjects between which there is a certain difference, so we choose the option “ between».

29 us They wanted us to come to dinner, but we couldn't go.

In this sentence, we are dealing with the construction "want somebody do something". And since the verb is usually followed by the form object case pronouns, we choose the option " us».

30 the I have been playing the piano since I was five.

In this sentence, we must use definite article before the name of a musical instrument.

31 the I'm going to visit Mexico and the United States.

In this sentence, we must use the definite article before the name of the country that includes the administrative term (in this case, the States).

32 hard You will pass the test if you work hard.

In this sentence, we need an adverb that would describe the verb "work". However, “hardly” does not suit us, since it has a negative meaning and stands either before the verb, defining it, or before another adverb.

33 to be seen You certainly wouldn't like to be seen in such a bad company.

In this sentence, to convey the meaning - “You don’t want you were seen in such terrible company" - we need a passive design, so we choose the option " to be seen».

34 for I've lost my watch. Will you help me look for it?

In this sentence, we need a phrasal verb with the meaning "search - look", the verb "look" acquires such a meaning in combination with the preposition " for».

35 borrow I often borrow money from my parents.

In this sentence, we need to convey the idea of ​​“borrowing money”, for this we only need “ borrow».

36 is going He is going on a business trip next Monday.

In this sentence, we are talking about an action planned for the future, so we should use here present continuous.

37 stepfather Greg married my mother after my parents divorced, so he's my stepfather.

We choose this answer option because it is the only one that matches the description given in the first part of the sentence.

38 up He used to be a chain smoker, but he gave up smoking ten years ago.

In this sentence, we need a phrasal verb with the meaning “stop - quit”, the verb “give” acquires such a meaning in combination with the preposition “ up».

39 engaged I tried to call you but your line was engaged.

We choose this answer because it is the only one used to describe such a situation along with "busy".

40 sink The sink is downstairs in the kitchen.

We choose this answer option, because of the listed options, only it can be in the kitchen.

41 am used to getting up I am used to getting up early in the morning now, but before I wasn't.

In this sentence, we need to convey the idea that at the moment a person has developed a certain habit and this action no longer causes him discomfort, so we choose the construction “be used to doing something”.

42 to go I'm looking forward to go holiday in summer.

Here we need to choose the right preposition, and this is “to” and remember that after prepositions it is used - ing form verbs.

43 tell I want you to tell me the truth!

In this sentence, we are dealing with the stable expression "tell the truth".

44 Although Although I felt ill, I went to the party.

In this sentence, only the “although” variant is grammatically suitable for us, since after despite and in spite of (there is no preposition in the answer options), either a noun or the –ing form of the verb is used, and “yet” usually stands in that part of the sentence that names the action taken. For example, I felt ill, yet I went to the party.

45 receipt I couldn't change my sweater at the store because I had lost my receipt.

In this sentence, only the indicated option is suitable for us, since all other words have a different meaning and scope.

46 had already left Unfortunately, the traffic held me up. When I arrived at the airport, the plane had already left.

In this sentence, we are talking about an action that happened before the next one. To show this, we need the past perfect.

47 have been working I'm exhausted. I have been working a lot recently.

In this case, we are dealing with a standard construction of a sentence - the first part describes the situation in the present (the state of a person), and the second one tells what action, performed over a certain period of time, led to this. According to the rules, it is necessary to use the present perfect continuous here.

48 had noticed If I had noticed the mistake, I would have corrected it.

In this case, we are dealing with a standard type 3 conditional sentence (Conditional III), where in the “If ...” part we need to use the past perfect.

49 for the train to There were a lot of people on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive.

In this sentence, we are dealing with a construction similar to “want somebody do something”, only here the verb “wait” is used, which, if there is an object, is used with the preposition “for” and we are talking about an inanimate object that must perform a certain action, which in turn is expressed by the verb in the initial form with the particle "to".

50 similar to There are a lot of educational websites similar to this one.

Among the given answer options, only " similar to". In the case of "same", it should be "the same as".

51 had better You had better take along some cash. The restaurant may not accept credit cards.

This sentence contains advice that, along with "should" or "ought to", can be expressed with "had better".

52 must Sheila's engagement ring is enormous! It must have cost a fortune.

In this sentence, with the help of a modal verb, we need to express a positive conclusion of a high degree of certainty, which can be done with the help of "must".

53 into He came into a lot of money at a very early age, so he has never had to work.

In this sentence, we need a phrasal verb with the meaning "inherit - inherit", the verb "come" acquires such a meaning in combination with the preposition " into».

54 over Maggie put the blanket over her son to keep him warm as he slept.

In this case, we just need to choose a preposition that would suit us in meaning. Since the woman covered the boy with a blanket, it means that she put it "on top" of the child, so we choose the "over" option.

55 high If you really want to send that letter off today, it's high time you went to the post office.

In this sentence, we are dealing with the stable expression "It's high time ...".

56 had No sooner had I shut the door, when the telephone rank.

In this sentence, we are dealing with an inversion designed to emphasize that as soon as one action happened, something else happened after it. In such sentences, the past perfect is used to show this boundary.

57 hadn't I must admit I hadn't thought how the story would finish before I read the book.

In this sentence, we need to show that it was precisely before reading the book (and this was in the past) that it never occurred to the speaker that the story could end in this way. And to show an action that happened earlier, the past perfect is used.

58 stop stop me if I've told you this before.

Here we are dealing with a request expressed through imperative mood, and in this case the initial form of the verb without the particle "to" is used.

59 is always barking That stupid dog is always barking all day long.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses irritation about an action that is repeated too often, for this the present continuous and "always" are used.

60 out Your clothing is so out of date. You need a modern wardrobe.

In this sentence, we are dealing with the stable expression "out of date".

Explanation of test results:

At the end of the test, you will see how many tasks were completed correctly. For example: 34 out of 60 tasks were completed correctly. Below you will find that if you scored 34, then scores from 30 to 45 correspond to the Pre-intermediate level.

Points: 0-3 - Starter

Apparently, you have never studied English before, but now is the time to start.

Points: 4-15 - 1 Beginner

Beginner level learners can hear and reproduce familiar phrases used in the process of everyday communication, aimed at satisfying a certain type of language needs. They can introduce themselves, and also talk about where they live, people they know and things they own, and ask follow-up questions. They are able to maintain a simple conversation, provided that the interlocutor speaks slowly and clearly and is ready to explain, or repeat the phrase in case of misunderstanding.

Points: 16-29 - 2 Elementary

Elementary level learners are able to understand simple utterances and frequently used expressions related to such commonly used areas as personal and family information, shopping, getting around the city, work. They can support a simple exchange of remarks on familiar topics. Can talk about themselves and others within the framework of basic language needs and maintain a conversation on general topics.

Points: 30-45 - 3 Pre-intermediate

Students of the "pre-intermediate" level are able to perceive and reproduce information on commonly used topics, such as work, education, leisure, etc. They feel quite confident in most situations that arise when traveling around a country where others speak the language they are learning. Can produce short related texts on familiar topics or topics of personal interest. Can share experiences by describing events and incidents, talk about plans for the future, and give short description reasons for what happened, or briefly state your opinion about what you heard.

Points: 46-56 - 4 Intermediate

Intermediate students are able to understand the main idea of ​​a complex text, both concrete and abstract, and participate in technical discussions within their area of ​​specialization. Can communicate quite freely and spontaneously with native speakers without the need to resort to the help of a third party. Able to produce clear and coherent texts on a large number of topics and express their point of view on the issue under discussion, dwelling on the merits and demerits of various ways of solving the problem.

Points: 57-58 - 5 Upper-intermediate

Upper-intermediate students are able to understand hidden meaning a wide range of complex and lengthy texts. They are able to express themselves freely and spontaneously without obvious difficulty in choosing the right words. They can effectively use the language units they know when communicating on personal, professional and highly professional topics. Within the framework of complex topics, they are able to produce clear, well-structured texts, including a detailed description, and also successfully operate with syntactic constructions, introductory and allied words.

Points: 59 - 6 Advanced

Advanced students are able to visually or aurally perceive almost everything they see and hear. They can summarize information from various sound or written sources, transform it, and subsequently present the information received with reason. They are able to express themselves extremely freely and clearly, distinguishing subtle shades of meaning even in the most difficult situations of communication.

Points: 60 - 7 Proficiency

Congratulations, the test showed that your level of English is at an excellent level.

Our section is created especially for lovers of smaller words and big actions. English tests for children and adults will help you consolidate your theoretical knowledge and acquire new ones in practice. Even a perfect knowledge of the rules loses its value if it is not used in concrete examples and assignments.

Lexical tests will help not only check vocabulary level but also expand it. And they can also be useful to everyone, regardless of the depth of knowledge in English.

Grammar tests will test your level of tenses, as well as the ability to coordinate tenses in a sentence. They will assess the knowledge of the correct arrangement of words in a sentence and such special parts of speech of the English language as gerund, article, etc. Modal verbs, prepositions, participles, passive voice, infinitive and other topics are also not deprived of attention in this section. You also have the opportunity to check grammar for free on iloveenglish.

Such parts of speech as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are separated into independent subsections due to the variety of issues covered. In the “Nouns” section, knowledge of vocabulary is checked at the same time, and clarity is introduced into the understanding of the differences between words similar in meaning. In other sections, you can be tested on the knowledge of the most common words belonging to a particular part of speech, the details of their use in English are specified.

The most popular electronic test is the English level test and it is available on our website.

English tests will help to identify gaps in knowledge and at the same time improve previously acquired ones. For example, identify your catch-up gaps in Skype English classes. Complete tasks online and get instant results - easy and convenient way get closer to excellence in learning English.

Do you want to take an English level test right now and find out your level of language proficiency? What are your strengths and what do you still have to learn? We invite you to go online free test(no registration or entry required) Email), consisting of 60 questions. You will receive the result as soon as you answer the last question.

English level test - instructions

The test determines the level of knowledge of the English language and divides students into 5 groups - from elementary (elementary) to advanced.

The test tests knowledge of language constructions (36 questions) and vocabulary (24 questions). A total of 60 questions must be answered, each of which is given a choice of one of four answers. If you do not know the correct answer to a question and do not mark anything, then the answer on it will be considered incorrect.

There is no time limit for passing the test, but try to keep within 40-45 minutes - this is the time for which this test is designed. For a more accurate assessment of knowledge, it is better not to use dictionaries and textbooks.

Determining the level of English

You can determine the result yourself in accordance with the table below, depending on the number of points you have scored. Read also our articles on how to prepare for and pass international tests: and.

% LevelLevel on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR)
0 – 20 Beginner, ElementaryA1+ to A2
21 – 40 Pre-intermediateA2 + to B1
41 – 60 intermediateB1
61 – 80 Upper-intermediateB2
81 – 100 AdvancedC1

Please note that the English level test only provides estimates and cannot be used for admission to educational institutions. In addition, this test does not assess your writing, reading, or speaking skills.

CEFR level ( Common European Framework of Reference - The level of the Common European Scale of Language Competencies) is a unified system for assessing language knowledge, using which you can even compare knowledge of different languages ​​​​with each other, for example, you have English at level B1, and Chinese - at level A2.

So let's take the test

TEST (60 questions)

Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question

Start Quiz
Today we will analyze in detail the initial testing to determine the level of knowledge in the English language.

In order for the study of English to be fully productive and comfortable, it is necessary to clearly answer 2 fundamental questions:

  • First, find out what your motivation is, or rather, the goal, based on which you intend to immerse yourself in the world of the English language.
  • Secondly, to determine the current level of knowledge in English, which will allow you to choose the necessary program for further study.

And if the answer to the first question must be formulated by you personally, then you can find out your level of English proficiency with the help of our comprehensive online test for the level of English proficiency.

Benefits of our English Proficiency Test


To find out your level of English knowledge online, you need to assess 4 areas of knowledge:

  • vocabulary volume,
  • temporary forms and grammatical turns,
  • perception of living English speech aurally ,
  • ability to read texts on various topics.

A short but no less capacious test, consisting of 25 questions, will allow only 7 minutes fully learn your level of English.


The era of digital technologies of the 21st century allows you to no longer waste precious time, effort and finances on the test. Today, the required English language test is carried out online and is free for everyone. Moreover, you can take the test while at home, in a familiar environment with a hot cup of invigorating coffee, without wasting time on a long road to another part of the city.


An online English test, through which you will find out your level of English proficiency, a hobby questionnaire, as well as the subsequent identification of a goal in learning the language - all this forms a training program that corresponds to the field of interest, individual needs and needs of each student, regardless of age, specifics of work and lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions about the English Level Test

Why take this test?

To adequately determine your level of English proficiency, without being a qualified specialist in linguistics, is problematic and time-consuming. No wonder, because each level assumes that the speaker must own a special layer of vocabulary on various topics and grammatical phrases. And it is not always possible to clearly distinguish this line from the first time.

In this regard, there are tests to determine the level of English online. This online English proficiency test is primarily designed to find out your level of knowledge, which will allow you to create the most suitable and effective program for you in the subsequent stages of learning.

How is the assessment going?

English proficiency grading is based on Common European Proficiency Standards foreign language(The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, CEFR). Based on this system, there are several levels of knowledge from zero (Starter) to the highest level of English proficiency at the level of a native speaker (Proficiency).

Now let's talk about each level. More information about ranking levels can also be found.

The beginning of time. You are just starting to get acquainted with the English-speaking world. It is necessary to focus on the most important thing, namely, on the alphabet and the basics of grammar. Moreover, you need to pay attention to the basic set of vocabulary and work on the correct pronunciation. And also, master 3 verbs in the present tense: “to be”, “to have” and “to do”.

You are already showing progress in reading simple texts, but you still need to work on building a sentence. Time to expand your vocabulary and learn 500 new English words. Also, do not forget about the above verbs in the present, past and future tenses, language practice and speaking.

Knowledge of English is already at a fairly good level. Now you need to aim to work on vocabulary and more insidious grammatical topics, such as: the tenses of the “Perfect” group, the differences between the gerund and the infinitive, modal verbs and details of their use.

Decent online test results. But knowledge always requires further development. Grammar, exceptions to the rules, reading non-adapted literature and more communication in English are waiting for you. One of effective ways are considered: online correspondence on forums or in in social networks with foreigners, watching your favorite movies or series in the original, listening to music.

You have good knowledge of English. It's time to be patient and focus on consolidating what you already know in speaking practice. Give preference to authentic literature, without resorting to the help of a Russian-English dictionary, watch quizzes, talk shows and scientific programs in English. Personally for you! We are interested in everyone's opinion!


We hope that this article turned out to be useful for you, now you know exactly how to check the level of English and understand what exactly is the need and advantages of passing online testing for knowledge of the English language.

Let learning English bring you only pleasure and positive emotions. Achieve your goals and always strive for excellence.

Your potential is endless. Never forget that.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom