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Hey JJ
Probably, many of you have encountered the problem of cleaning Twitter from unnecessary tweets. Manually deleting a couple of thousand records is burdensome for busy business people, as is keeping moldy thoughts on the server. The popularization of the service gave rise to the expected crutches, both in the form of utilities for friend collection and projects from the suicide machine series. Let's consider the latter. Suggest other methods of cleaning, if you find any.

To begin with, I could not find the ideal working service. Each of them has some limitations that must be taken into account. This is either the number of records to be deleted at a time, or the speed and convenience of the deletion process itself. Or the appetites of the creators.

The most common tweet scraping service, its ads have been seen in many corners of the web. Easy to use and versatile: authorization under your account + launching the removal process with the corresponding button. Minus: it is impossible to somehow control the removal process. We clean everything at once. And even after deletion, you will have to manually cancel all retweets, which, sorry, is also time-consuming (if you are an avid reposter). Well, the final nail in the coffin of this service - it has become very buggy in Lately, I'm not sure if it still works. However, try.

The service is designed mainly for major users of iOS systems and their more rogue Android counterparts. The main page colorfully describes to us the reasons for a possible emergency cleansing from sins

If you believe the declared functionality, then we are dealing with a quality contraption. It combines the advantages of the two previous ones, contains flexible settings, but has one significant drawback - paid. Therefore, I did not manage to fully enjoy its capabilities. Looking forward to buying an iPhone. The free version only removes all tweets for the current day, which can be tested in the web version of the remover.
In principle, the site is suitable for those who follow the advice posted there: “Press the button once a day before going to bed,” because it does not require unnecessary gestures and does not torment a tired look with banners. Those who have everything too running, will have to fork out.

It also declares its unmeasured capabilities, however, as a result of a freebie, I was able to fully verify them. Let's start with lies. More precisely, with a statement about the complete removal of all tweets (if we are to be completely accurate, then up to 3200 pieces - the Twitter API simply won’t give more). Let me remind you that only TwitWipe could do this, and even then without taking into account retweets. So, I was disappointed. Although the program reports the successful cleaning of everything and everything, when we reload the page, we see the same entries almost in full. Experimentally, I have set the number of tweets deleted in one pass - 40. Sparsely. The state of affairs brightens up the fact that the rest of the service is cooler than the related Delete. Twitlan:

Nice interface
- No ads
- Deletes not only tweets, but also private messages
- There is a mobile version
- There is a search and removal by text and hashtags
- Advanced deletion by date ("earlier than..." , "from... to present" and between two arbitrary dates)
- Finally, the selection of all records loaded for demolition is screwed up, which partially compensates for the small pass at a time

In general, TweetEraser is probably the best of the free and unintegrated solutions.

I talked about the Japanese miracle client Tween in a separate post. The project has changed several addresses of residence and at the moment, having taken a sip of competition (we look out the window of the former Tween house and are amazed), it has taken refuge on The pros, as well as the cons, of this method of deletion lie in the attachment to the program, which must be downloaded separately. Also, it won't work without Net.Framework. However, you don’t need to understand what it is, the program itself will check for the presence of this and ask you to politely install the required component.

For the daredevils who decide to install Tween and enjoy all the delights of working on Twitter with him, I will describe the sequence of cleaning actions. I’ll make a reservation right away that Tween loads the smallest number of tweets among the considered solutions in one pass - only 20. But the tape principle of operation allows you to speed up this very work at times. So, being logged into the program:

1) Open the tab with your tweets
Command - Show your profile - Statuses
2) Rhythmically pressing the combination Shift + F5 (Fetch previous tweets) quickly unloads our goodness into the feed (20 pieces per click)
3) Hover over the formed feed and select Select all through the context menu (select all tweets)
4) Call the context menu again and select the Delete item

The program may hang for a while from such impudence, but so far there have been no crashes or missed tweets. However, I tested when I had a couple of hundred tweets left, so I'm not responsible for stability with a larger volume of tweets, up to the API limit. In any case, this cleaning method turned out to be the fastest for me.

UPD. Wandered the Internet and found a couple more ways. Here they are

A way to delete tweets for those who are in no hurry. The peculiarity of the service is that the cleaning does not take place immediately at the request of the customer, but strictly once a day. The purge is not based on the number of entries, but on the time of publication from one week to a year. The idea is not without common sense, but I was too lazy to test and wait so long.

The link contains the code being implemented on the page and a detailed video instruction. The advantage is that you do not need to trust your login and password to a third-party program, the disadvantage is that the code only works for one page. Pages with tweets are dynamic and load as you scroll. Therefore, before using the method, it is worth downloading all the tweets to the end, which reduces efficiency and saves time.

- an unusual thing. In fact, this is a short message service, the maximum length of which is only 140 characters. Despite this, the project is ready to compete with Facebook in terms of popularity and is something between a social network and news portal(Yes, yes, this is where the latest news appears).

Almost every person who has access to the Internet has a Twitter account. I also have a couple of accounts, but they are not used at all to write news or talk about my adventures - with them I conduct various experiments related to website promotion and indexing. I recently needed to delete all tweets from my account. I wanted to do this, but there were so many tweets that it would take me a good part of the day to delete them all. I had to solve the problem using the Google search engine. It turned out that there are several ways to solve this issue. Today I will share them with you.

We will talk about applications for Twitter, which must be connected to the account. I'll start with the TwitWipe app. For some reason they say it doesn't work. It's not, I specifically checked. Let's move on to action.

  • First. We go to the TwitWipe website.
  • Here we see the description of the application on English language. You can read it if you like. Those who do not want to do this will scroll the page to the very bottom. Here is the Get Started button, click on it once.
  • opens new page. Next, enter a simple captcha and press the Proceed button (or Enter on the keyboard).
  • If you are not authorized in Twiiter, then you will have to do this (the application does not see your password).
  • Then the message “Do you want the TwitWipe app to access your account?” appears. Click "Authorize", noticing along the way that TwitWipe will be able to update your profile, publish tweets on your behalf, recommend users, and also read tweets from the feed. Pay no attention to it.
  • Give the application access to your account. It can do exactly the same thing as TwitWipe, that is, read the feed, post tweets, and even update your profile.
  • You are redirected back to the app's website. Click on the red button that says Delete the Tweets Permanently and wait. You also have the option to choose which tweets to keep by ticking the box next to them.

I also found DELETER, an iOS app that does exactly the same thing with Twitter messages, but only from a phone. I did not check the performance, since its functionality is probably as similar as possible to the applications described above.

Initially, the service offers us to delete tweets using a special drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the publication.

But if you need to clear the entire tape, this method definitely does not seem preferable. Especially if there are more than a dozen tweets. For this, batch processing services for publications were developed, of which, it is worth noting, there are not so many on the Web. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


And the first on our list is by far the most popular service of its kind - TwitWipe. Its functionality is as simple as possible and is aimed at performing a specific task - the complete cleaning of the Twitter feed. So, let's start a large-scale "cleansing" of our tweets.

The service is simple and convenient, but it only allows you to completely clear the tape. We cannot define any specific criteria for deleting tweets here. Fortunately, other applications like TweetDelete and TweetDeleter provide similar opportunities. We will consider them further.


This tool is a free online product from Memset, a cloud solutions company. The service is as simple as possible, but it has more options for deleting tweets than the same TwitWipe. TweetDelete allows you to automatically delete messages older than a specified age. Well, the process of cleaning the Twitter feed should also not cause any difficulties.

Using the service is as simple as possible, and cleaning the tape takes a minimum of time. TweetDelete is a great solution for deleting old tweets that no longer match the style or content of your account.

Delete Multiple Tweets

Service Delete Multiple Tweets allows you to do exactly everything that the previous two. But it also has a number of significant differences, which we will discuss further.

Each of the above applications perfectly copes with its tasks. Which one to use is up to you. We only note that in order to completely clear the Twitter feed best solution is TwitWipe, and both TweetDelete and Delete Multiple Tweets will do just fine for deleting a specific number of tweets.

In order to learn how to delete tweets on twitter, it is important to know a few things. To delete tweets, you will need to use one of the programs below.

  1. Twidium Accounter. Quite a handy program for maintaining a personal account on Twitter. One of its options is to delete tweets.
  2. Deleter (DLTR). This software refers to mobile applications. One of its functions is to delete multiple tweets at the same time. This program is available for download on and iPhone.
  3. Tweet removal service TweetDelete is another way to delete all tweets on twitter. To use the web service, you need to register and authorize on the site. There are several options for deleting tweets: by date, for example (tweets posted for a certain time). After selecting the appropriate period, click on "Activate TweetDelete". And then, be patient and wait for the removal process to complete.
  4. TweetEraser Service. Here you will also need authorization and appropriate settings. However, on this service you will have a more extensive list of actions for working with your Twitter account.

There are many more applications, services and programs on this topic on the Internet. The most effective and common ones are described here.

On a note! If we have already talked about in social networks, then I will advise you a couple of articles on the topic, or where possible. I also wrote an article about that, be sure to read everything.

This is where all my friends are! By downloading such software, you will no longer have questions about how to delete tweets on twitter. Do not forget to ask your questions in the comments, as well as like the article if it helped you. I wish you all health and warmth!

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Anyone can feel the need to completely clear their Twitter feed. The reasons for this may be different, but the problem is the same - the developers of the service did not provide us with the opportunity to delete all tweets in a couple of clicks. To clear the feed completely, you will have to methodically delete publications one by one. It is easy to understand that it will take a lot of time, especially if the microblogging has been going on for a long time.

However, this obstacle can be bypassed without much difficulty. So let's find out how to delete all tweets on Twitter at once with a minimum of steps.

magic button "Delete all tweets" Unfortunately, you won't find it on Twitter. Accordingly, it will not work in any way to solve our problem using the built-in social network tools. To do this, we will use third-party web services.

Method 1: TwitWipe

This service is by far the most popular solution for automated deletion of tweets. TweetWipe is a simple and easy to use service; contains functions that ensure the reliable performance of a specific task.

Note that TwitWipe does not contain restrictions on the number of deleted tweets and is also perfectly adapted for mobile devices.

Method 2: tweetDelete

This web service from MEMSET is also great for solving our problem. At the same time, tweetDelete is even more functional than the above TwitWipe.

With tweetDelete, you can set specific options for deleting tweets. Here you can specify a specific period of time before or after which the user's Twitter feed should be cleared.

So, let's figure out how to use this web application for clearing tweets.

tweetDelete web service - indeed good decision for those who need to "clean up" not all tweets, but only a certain part of them. Or, if the scope of TweetDivide is too large for you and you want to remove a fairly small sample, the solution below can help with this.

Want to clean up your Twitter from old posts? Or did you decide to completely change the field of activity? In any case, you can delete all tweets on twitter at once. At the moment, the functionality of the resource does not allow you to delete many tweets at once. However, specifically for this task, there is a special application Twit Wipe, which in a couple of clicks will help you get rid of absolutely all the posts that are on your wall.

To delete, go to the main site

  1. First, you need to integrate your account with this helper. Although presented entirely in English, the interface is intuitive.
  2. On the first screen, tap the Get Started button. This important button will help you delete all tweets.
  3. Scroll down after clicking. Enter the captcha. Without it, you won't be able to quickly delete tweets.
  4. Next, let the app join your Twitter. On the page that opens, tap the blue authorization button.
  5. After 2 seconds you will be redirected back to the app. Scroll just below the first screen. You will see your account and a question from the app - do you really want to get rid of all tweets? If the intention to clear your page from old entries has not changed, feel free to click on the "YES" button.
  6. Do not close the window while the uninstall process is in progress. The upload slider will show you how many tweets have already been deleted.
  7. If you have accumulated too many posts, you will have to wait 10 minutes. After that, go to your profile and tap the F5 key. The page will refresh and you will see a completely clean wall in front of you.
  8. Twitter will prompt you to make the very first tweet.

Please note that this procedure does not work backwards. If you deleted tweets at once, you won't be able to restore them just as quickly. Therefore, before deleting, make an archive copy of your tweets. You may change your mind and decide to add some posts back to the feed.

How to quickly delete all tweets on Twitter

Quickly delete all tweets on Twitter also possible thanks to the customer On this resource, you will see only one button that will help you clear the wall in one click.

As in the previous application, it is important to integrate one service with another. After, the application will show you the total number of your posts. The convenience here is that you can select a specific number of tweets to delete. To do this, tap the area opposite Display Twits From and select the number of posts you want to delete.

By refreshing your page, you will also notice that the application has successfully completed this task. Now you can make new entries. If you are developing your popularity, then it is best to choose one theme for

Imagine the situation: you are scrolling through your Twitter feed, when you suddenly stumble upon a tweet that you are very interested in. It can be some extremely funny tweet or a tweet asking for information, for example. The developers of twitter made sure that you do not have to manually copy such a tweet. You simply click "retweet" and the tweet appears as your repost to your readers. However, what do you do when you accidentally retweeted something that you didn't want at all, or you just got bored with some retweet and decided to get rid of it? There is a solution - just remove it.

How to delete a retweet from a computer

Everything is more than simple. You need to go to your profile and in the "Tweets" tab find the very retweet that you do not like. Retweets can also be found in your general news feed, in which case you can easily distinguish them by the green icon in the form of two arrows. It only glows on your retweets. Removing a retweet from your feed will not require much effort from you - just click on this icon, the retweet will be automatically canceled. Reload the page and you won't see it again.

Finding a retweet and deleting it

How to delete retweet from phone

This procedure looks just as simple on the phone. Open the feed, find the retweet and cancel it.

Finding a retweet in your feed

We click on the button with two arrows and such a window pops up. Cancel

Everything is ready. This retweet has been removed.

How to delete all retweets

Unfortunately, such a function is not yet available, and it will not work to delete only all retweets. However, you can completely clear your feed of all tweets, including all retweets. For this you will need:

A small instruction for those who want to quickly clear their twitter from past messages. There are situations when a Twitter account is abandoned and eventually remembered and restored. Especially search engines index tweets well, especially if the account was created a long time ago, which can be in a good way promoting your own product or service.

So, the first service for deleting tweets - Twitwipe

TwitWipe allows you to delete absolutely all tweets with a couple of mouse clicks. It is worth noting that if you need to leave several tweets, then this service is not suitable. In addition, search robots in this case (deleting all tweets) may begin to doubt the reliability of the Twitter account.

Deleting all tweets is very easy. The procedure for deleting tweets is as follows:

  1. Go to the TwitWipe website:
  2. Click on the "Get Started" button. Then there is a redirect to another page, on which you will need to prove that you are not a bot by entering captcha and click the "Proceed" button.
  3. At this stage, the application is authorized on Twitter. TwitWipe sets a request to grant an application access to a twitter account. At this stage, you need to click "Authorize" if everything fits.
  4. After that, there is a return to TwitWipe.
  5. TwitWipe asks one last follow-up question before deleting all tweets. If you are sure that you need to delete absolutely all tweets, then agree and press YES, if you change your mind then NO.

Selectively deleting tweets

The second service to delete tweets - Delete Twitlan allows you to selectively delete tweets in your account.

With Delete Twitlan, more time is spent deleting messages, but in the end, you can leave some of them in your own account.

The service loads up to 100 tweets from which you need to select those that we need to delete.

The procedure for deleting tweets is as follows:

  1. We go to the site Delete Twitlan and log in through Twitter.
  2. We give authorization permission for the Delete Multiple Tweets application.
  3. We return to the application and select which record to start deleting from.
  4. Select the tweets to delete and click Delete the Tweets Permanently.
  5. After deletion, statistics will appear on how many tweets were deleted. During deletion, you cannot refresh or close the page. In total, the time for deleting tweets can be about a minute.
  6. Logging out of Delete Twitlan.