Maya in Buddhism - what is the meaning of this concept? New Philosophical Encyclopedia - Mayan Parable of Solomon “Everything will pass.”

“What is the world? Mayan.
What is the reason for this? Again Maya"

Maya is an illusion caused by limited mind, hatred and desire,
but maya is also the source of this illusion.

Primordial man manifested himself as a powerful seven-fold being, the highest aspect of which the Hindus called “Atman”. The Atman is immortal, but cannot be manifested, since it is obscured by mortal earthly manifestations. In many ancient Indian scriptures, subtle or dense matter, including the physical body, was called "maya". To free the Atman from the grip of matter, one must turn to the divine core in the heart, the “jewel in the lotus.”
Maya is a cosmic force that creates illusions and forces us to perceive them. Only something immutable and unchangeable is considered real in Hinduism. Everything that changes, perishes and is destroyed, that is, has a beginning and an end, is Maya. With the help of this power, humanity created a world of temporary phenomena with which it identified itself. Thus man became maya, illusory and unreal.

One with Brahma
All elements, substances and forces are potentially present in primary matter, just as the principle of eternity is present in all mortal phenomena. The heart still contains this "eternity potential", but it has gradually lost its divine consciousness. There are two diametrically opposed states of consciousness: the consciousness of a person - a captive of Maya and a person united with Brahma, in which the Atman manifests itself in its purest form. Everything perishable does not belong to the true reality described by the ancient Hindus. That which is contained in the lower consciousness does not really exist and is called "maya". The world of illusions opposes the world of the Creator; nothing exists outside the Creator. That which is still perishable is the unliberated or unmanifested divine life. These apparent creations appear and disappear by the power of Maya, while the ever-existing Atman remains.

Unaffected by birth, development and death
Now the question may arise: to what extent is personality real and to what extent is it illusory? For earthly man, daily life with its pain and joy represents the only reality. He doesn't know anything else. He constantly struggles to guard against fading happiness, imaginary ideals, an aging body, failing health, mental illusions, vanishing powers, and diminishing or increasing possessions. But he is weakening and in the end he will have to give up the fight and lose everything, because this is Maya. His distorted consciousness does not allow him to penetrate into the Divine, and therefore he cannot recognize the only reality in it. He denies and fights the existence of the Divine because it affects and devalues ​​the few certainties he believes he has.

The veils of maya are destroyed
In the spiritual tradition of India, death is viewed differently than in the modern materialistic world. If life in matter is nothing more than an illusion, maya, then a person cannot lose anything essential due to death. Death only removes one of the many veils of maya. It is possible to achieve divine consciousness only after the Atman is found in the depths of one’s own being. The Atman must awaken within a person.
The world of illusion, the world of Maya can be compared to a mirage. A wanderer in the desert of life believes that he sees an oasis in the distance. The water sparkles, shady palm trees attract people and animals, entire cities loom in the distance. But as you approach, everything disappears. Fantastic reality turns out to be just a mirage. This is Maya! Deception of feelings, deception of limited consciousness.
Sometimes life is like a dream. Consciousness cannot distinguish between dream and reality. This is why Indian wisdom says that the world during waking life is no more real than in sleep. One who is captured by his earthly consciousness believes that his world is real. But he who can break through this limitation and in whom the spiritual core awakens, who can expose the reality hidden by Maya, will find that the everyday world has nothing to do with the divine reality.
"Will you bring
Should I have some water?
Thousands of years ago, the sages of India longed to leave this world of dreams and deception and merge with the Atman. Between these two states of consciousness there was a veil of maya. Since there is nothing outside Brahma, the source of Maya must be within him. Thus, by trying to find a way through the veil, one can recognize the nature of illusions. This is told in the story of how Vishnu revealed the secret of Maya to the ascetic Narada.
“Show me the magic of Maya,” Narada asked.
And God answered: “Okay, come with me!”
Vishnu brought Narada out of the shadow of his shelter and led him to a place that sparkled like a piece of metal under the scorching sun. Soon they both felt thirsty. In the merciless light of day, they saw the thatched roofs of a village ahead, and Vishnu asked Narada: “Bring me some water.” “Of course, my lord,” the saint replied and walked towards the huts, while Vishnu sat down in the shadow of a rock to wait.
Narada entered the village and knocked on the first door. The charming girl opened it and looked at Narada with beautiful eyes. The saint was overcome with a feeling of joy because her wonderful eyes were very similar to the eyes of his divine lord and friend Vishnu. Stunned, he froze in place and forgot what he came for. The girl invited him in, and her gentle voice coiled around him like a golden snake around his neck. Plunging into a doze, he entered the house. The inhabitants were very friendly and were not at all shy about him. They showed him respect as a saint, not as a stranger. For them, he was more like a well-known venerable sage who had finally returned home.
Narada was touched by their cheerfulness and hospitality, and he felt at home. Nobody asked him why he came.
After some time, he asked the girl’s father for her hand in marriage, and it happened so naturally that no one could have imagined that it could be otherwise. Narada became a member of the family and shared with it the hard work and joys of peasant life.

“Now have you understood the secret of my maya?”
Twelve years passed, three sons were born to Narada. When his father-in-law passed away, he became the head of the family, inherited the land and plowed it. He raised livestock and cultivated the soil.
However, in the twelfth year there was more rain than usual. The rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the small village. Thatched huts and livestock were carried away and the inhabitants fled for their lives.
Narada grabbed his wife with one hand, lifted his two children with the other, and placed the youngest on his shoulders. He walked, hurrying with all his might, in the darkness of the night under a terrible downpour. Streams of mud made him stagger. The whirlpools pulled him in and he could barely carry his load. Suddenly he stumbled, and the child disappeared into the darkness. He let out a cry of despair and released the other two children to catch the youngest, but it was too late. At the same moment, the stream picked up two other children and before he even had time to understand what had happened, his wife was also carried away by the flow of raging water. Eventually Narada caught hold of a rock and lost consciousness. And when he woke up, he saw only fields covered with mud and puddles. He began to cry.
“My son,” said a familiar voice that made his heart stop, “where is the water you went for? I’ve been waiting for almost half an hour!”
Narada turned and saw desert instead of water, glistening in the rays of the midday sun. Vishnu sat nearby: “Have you now understood the secret of my maya?”
Maya Vishnu can manifest in different forms. These forms captivated Narada with their spell, and he identified himself with their names and images. He forgot about the question that was asked. He forgot that Vishnu was waiting for him, and his imaginary life overshadowed reality. He was lost for half an hour in a world of illusions, but it felt like 12 years - just as a story that lasts hours or years in a dream lasts only a few seconds. Time, space and forms depend on consciousness. For Vishnu, Narada only stretched his legs...
Narada wanted to know the secret of Maya. He encountered her in the form of a beautiful girl. Maya appears here as the force that tempts Narada to surrender to the world of illusions. He leaves heaven, and the gates slam behind him. Thus the fall of Narada becomes a fact. He will have to share the hard work and joys of the peasants. He cultivates the earth and becomes part of the process of birth and death. He experiences joys and sorrows and learns that he cannot hold on to what is mortal. So he loses his possessions, his wife, children, himself and his entire world of maya...
Narada is the image of a person who has succumbed to temptation through ignorance and desires. For this reason, everything he receives is taken away from him. His ignorance of life imprisons him, incarnation after incarnation, in the prison of space and time. He sinks into matter and becomes a natural being, completely controlled by the forces of nature.
After many centuries, the consciousness of materialistic and intellectually educated man has proven its inability to simply push aside the “veil of Maya.” These days there is another way for such people. It begins in the remaining seed atom, which contains knowledge of how to avoid or overcome obstacles that did not yet exist or were present to a very small extent in the times of Ancient India. The primordial divine core in the heart awaits release, and modern humanity receives all the help it needs to break through the state of crystallization, liberate it and awaken it to new life. Just as the eternal once “died” in the temporal, so now the temporal must die in eternity. Whoever wants to lose his “I am” will gain the divine “I am.” In this process of life and death, the core of the immortal man is freed from the schematic thinking and fears that - as in the case of Narada - kept him imprisoned.
This is man's goal yesterday, today and tomorrow: to reach the divine field of life, to return to the Father's house. But the teachings and the path must be adapted to changes in consciousness so that it is always possible to recognize the desired teaching and follow that path.
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Golden Rosenkreutz
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I have noticed that many people involved in the dissemination of Primordial Knowledge have an extremely zealous attitude towards it, which in some places is reflected in restraint in individual self-knowledge for fear of distortion in the transfer of this knowledge. Such people, accordingly, are guided by the “approved opinions” of authorities, “higher ones,” “especially close ones,” and so on, and, of course, do not undertake an independent in-depth study, and therefore, put forward personal hypotheses, warning themselves and others that “ substitutions are possible" or "what is passed through the mind cannot be the truth." On the other hand, books and reports have a lot of ellipsis, clearly providing for a purely individual path of personal development, often openly pushing the reader to further independent study and hinting that without the application of mental effort you cannot understand the subject deeper. What to do in this case? Dare and explore, building hypotheses, or sit and wait for someone to do it for you? I think that in the first case there is a much greater chance of getting to the bottom of the Truth than in the second, because it is unknown what the percentage of those who are zealously waiting is.

The possibility of expansion of the material Universe is limited by the size of the ezoosmic lattice...

Outside the ezoosmic grid, which is also stated in the ancient sacred traditions of different peoples of the world, there is a spiritual world - a qualitatively different world that has nothing in common with the material world, its laws and problems.

The EZOOSMIC GRID is stable and motionless. It consists of a certain number of identical EZOOSMIC CELLS, which in three-dimensional space have the shape of a cube (however, for dimensions above the third, the design becomes more complicated). Each ezoosmic cell consists of, relatively speaking, six “walls” in the form of EZOOSMIC MEMBRANES.N. Inside, in the center of the cube of each ezoosmic cell, there is a STATIONARY PARTICLE of...

That is, what happens is that a person, let’s take him for example, as a typical material object consisting of an incredibly huge number of interconnected phantom Po particles, in the ordinary process of life, continuously “flows” (or runs across, jumps over, seeps...) through this ezoosmic lattice (matrix), without realizing it or noticing it at all.

I propose to break it down even more primitively: let’s say a person consists of a decillion (10 33) phantom Po particles. This is the maximum mathematical number that I know thanks to Wikipedia and therefore I take it purely conditionally. This decillion of particles are interconnected in such an amazing way that we see in a mirror image a creature called man. (Like, in general, everything else in the world around us!!!) How such a miraculous transformation took place, thanks to which a decillion of particles united into a person, is not a question for me, but for God. By the way, the reason for this transformation - that is, the fact that a decillion of Po particles turned into a person - lies in the connecting link, a unique phantom Po particle named allat! Read more about it. It was thanks to her, allat, that at the most different levels of interactions (we will not go into details for now), the coupling, connection, connection of a decillion of phantom particles occurred, resulting in a person. I hope it's clear.

Relevant quote from the report:

Allat is the smallest in size and most unique in function phantom Po particle. Being part of an elementary particle, it plays an important role as power particle and universal link between phantom Po particles, which have an incompatible internal potential and cannot be located next to each other in the structure of an elementary particle. It exists only in conjunction with other phantom particles of Po...

It is precisely because of its universality and exclusivity due to its very nature that this Po particle is called Allatov phantom Po particle or abbreviated as allat.

It turns out that a material object called a person, consisting of a decillion of phantom Po particles, interconnected by a connecting particle Allat, living out its allotted time on the planet - doing something, running, jumping, traveling, being awake and asleep, roughly speaking, in every second of life it just moves in the matrix - along the ezoosmic lattice. A decillion of particles flow, run across, jump from one cell to another, inevitably leaking through what? Through the ezoosmic membrane. I will not now focus on its features, because this will require a separate article, and since our tasks are only to partially present the process itself that underlies life, I will continue with associative examples.

The man is coming, let's see what's going on?

He thinks that he, as a real physical body, is sent in the real physical world on some really important matters, but in fact, in real reality, a decillion of phantom Po particles (linked with allat) moves along the ezoosmic lattice (matrix), again inevitable and inevitable passing through the ezoosmic membrane. In approximate form it looks like this:

Where a particle of a person (one in a decillion) is a blue ball passing on the image plane, as shown, along an arcuate path above. This trajectory has a spiral structure. What is the withdrawal of potential by a stationary particle Po (or the Devil in common parlance), we will also not consider for now, so as not to deviate from the intended course. These are all very extensive topics, I hope we’ll get to them soon. So, once again, a person, taking a step in three dimensions, essentially flows with his “decillion of phantom Po particles” through a certain number of ezoosmic cells, and again I will repeat, because this is important, every time he passes through the membrane. This mysterious membrane contains the whole essence of any movement and existence of matter as such.

Let's return to the original thesis:

It is through the ezoosmic membrane (its center) that the main action takes place, giving life to the entire material system - EZOOSMOS process.

About the inexplicable (from the point of view of a person of materialistic views) internal space of the ezoosmic membrane, which on the one hand in three dimensions has no thickness, but at the same time her real space is limitless, in ancient treatises and legends it was written differently. That the boundless, eternal space from which the creative force comes(energy; in the book “AllatRa” the ancient term “power of Allat” is used) and the original plan (information; in the book “AllatRa” the ancient term “plane of the Primary Lotus” is used), called the “spiritual world”, “the world where gods are born” , “primordial”, “eternal”, “what was eternal before the creation of this world.” Moreover, the spiritual world was initially referred to in the plural (for example, the world of the gods), as an idea of ​​something uniting the plural (“one in many”), and the material system - as a single one, allegorically comparing it “with the cosmic body”, the “mortal Self” ( Ego; from the Latin word “Ego” - “I”). Only much later, with the development of the institutions of religion and politics in human society, the emergence of patriarchy, the spiritual world began to be called in the singular (the world of God), and in the plural - the world of matter, the creative feminine divine principle was designated evil, and the aggressive masculine principle was designated good. That is, the signs were deliberately changed by the priests and those in power from “+” to “‒” and everything became exactly the opposite, to please the system of the material mind.

Now let's try to be a little more specific that the membrane is the boundless, eternal space from which the creative force and original plan. Membrane - "spiritual world" the world where gods are born", "primordial", "eternal", " what happened before the creation of the world"! A membrane, simply put, is an exit to the world of God! What happens, many will exclaim in an unexpected burst of insight, we are all like separate material objects with their own decillions of phantom Poe particles, just as the entire surrounding world similarly consists of connected Poe particles to another plane of decillions of particles - all of us taken together - are practically in God??? Or rather, what separates us from Him is just some microscopic thickness of the ezoosmic membrane, tens, maybe hundreds of times thinner than an ordinary human hair? Moreover, even being in an absolutely motionless state, the human body is literally permeated by God. Do you understand what I’m talking about? We are all in Him, or rather, we are He, and He is us. Or He is everything, and everything is Him !

When someone thinks that God lives high, high, in the twelfth heaven, or that He knows nothing about the chaos that is happening on Earth, or “He left us!”, or about “what we will tell God after death,” when the opportunity finally presents itself to meet with the Almighty (it will be very funny to review the program of TV presenter V. Posner), such people, unfortunately, are greatly mistaken.

Here we can get pretty philosophical, but we will still return to the concept of “ezoosmosis”. The time has come for me to express my opinion.

In my opinion, Ezoosmos is that life-giving impulse, thanks to which (using the example of the human physical body) a decillion of its phantom particles enter the ezoosmic membrane a decillion times - approximately the same number of times "pushed" out of it, thereby setting an impulse (in the form of potential or program). The pushing force is called allat. I would compare it with the breath of God; without it, not even the smallest speck of dust would have formed not only on Earth, but throughout the entire Universe. Can you imagine this scale? Every “milimant” in the Universe there is a movement, as a result of which Po particles pass through the membrane, through the world of God, receiving a new energy impulse to life.

Another living example. At the moment I am in front of my laptop and enthusiastically writing this article through a kind of triad: IDEA, PLAN and IMPLEMENTATION, where IDEA is some higher concept that I am not ready to talk about yet, it’s too early, PLAN is, in fact, an orientation towards what needs to be done in order for the article to be born, and IMPLEMENTATION can be considered both search, study, comparison, analysis and reduction of information, as well as manipulation in three-dimensional space with a chain of sequential events, including interaction with a computer, typing on keyboard, finger work, storing data via the Internet on the server where the site is based and distributing it on the Internet. I will touch only on the last, third stage - implementation. While my the finger moves 10 cm in the air and touches the letter “A” on the keyboard, a decillion of phantom Po particles will slip through (approximately) a decillion of ezoosmic membranes and cells, while a decillion times the devil, in turn, will remove his customs fee for passage through his domain and a decillion times entering the world of God, the Po particles will receive a new impetus for further existence in the world of matter. Our every movement, even the most imperceptible sigh, is the passage of an immeasurably large number of Poe particles both through the reality of God, receiving a “vital push of ezoosmosis,” and through the reality of the devil. Do you understand? Moreover, in an unimaginably huge number of times.

And here we finally come to the most complex secret operation, which for me personally is not yet entirely clear, but which is certainly worth talking about in the future together and in more detail. The whole point is that the phantom Po particle - entering the ezoosmic membrane - disappears! And then, pushed out by this energy push, it appears again. To disappear into the next membrane and then, pushed out again, to appear again. To disappear again in the next one and pop up again in a new ezoosmic cell. And so on endlessly!

Here's what the report says about this:


Thanks to the process of ezoosmosis, a phantom particle, according to the old, or updated, .

What does renewed mean for the material world? internal potential of a phantom Po particle , which is replenished and “corrected” every time in the process of ezoosmosis? This can be called in general: evolution (creation, transformation, destruction, renewal), resources, reserves and capabilities . This reserve of unique energy, supplied by a phantom Po particle from the immaterial world, was called the forces of Allat in ancient times. (note: for more information about the power of Allat, see the book “AllatRa”). This is the force due to which the entire material world exists.

Let's define the area where the ezoosmosis process occurs - in the membrane:

I will try to explain this process in my interpretation, I warn you, it is as simplified as possible, only so that the reader can understand more clearly what we are talking about. Anyone who wants to understand can download for free on the Internet a report on the Primordial Physics of AllatRa, as well as the book “Ezoosmos”, in order to better understand the meaning of what is happening, but my task within the framework of this analytical article is only to consider this mechanism at a superficial level, with the position of a person who is completely ignorant of physics.

Well, the situation is approximately this way: by pressing the letter “J” with my finger on the laptop keyboard, I perform an action in the physical world, measurable by the spatial movement of my hand by just some 10 centimeters. During this spatial segment of movement, a decillion of particles passed along my hand, passing through the ezoosmic membrane a decillion times DISAPPEARED AND APPEARED AGAIN being PUSHED BACK FROM THE MEMBRANE(spiritual world) by a real force called allat. Actually, in my opinion, this is the very energy push,

carrying potential, that is, the power and information program for any action in the material world, including the origin of life (Primordial AllatRa Physics)

thanks to which the entire surrounding reality exists in all its diversity. It can be complicated, however, I repeat, I am deliberately simplifying. Every second we disappear from this world and appear in it again. Thanks to just this push - Allat - the breath of God, the blood of Allah. Hypothetically, if the push stops, at that very moment all matter in the Universe will cease to exist.

Whether we want to believe it or not, whether we like it or not, in fact we, you, in the understanding to which our consciousness is accustomed, do not exist! Our physical bodies are phantoms, having only a short burst of life.- a jump in ezoosmosis in the distance of the ezoosmic cell from one membrane to another. And only a new pushed-out impulse, which has an internal potential already changed in the spiritual world, will allow matter to exist in the next moment. Which means

The whole world is indeed maya, a short-term illusion!

In other words, if we take our physical bodies for example, every “mini-moment” our decillion Po particles continuously disappear from the material world and are pushed back into it by the will of the One who created everything. By the will of God. Perhaps it is this miracle that the ancient wisdom speaks about: “Everything is the will of God (Allah).”

How can you prove this? Yes, at least by the scientifically known fact of the jumping energy of an atom (the quantum transition of an atom from one stationary state to another):

all matter has a discrete nature of its movement (from the Latin discretus - divided, intermittent) (Primordial AllatRa Physics)

The explanation for this, as we have already, I hope, understood, lies in the very process of ezoosmosis, in the “spasmodic breathing of life”...

Another proof of the ezoosmic grid theory is the known cases of teleportation. Teleportation(Greek τήλε - far and lat. portare- carry) - a hypothetical change in the coordinates of an object (movement), in which the trajectory of the object cannot be described mathematically by a continuous function of time.

On the Internet you can find cases of material objects appearing out of nowhere, captured on video cameras. In my opinion, there are a lot of fakes out there. For what? Yes, at least because you can make money from the number of views on YouTube, and such short videos easily become popular. However, there are some rather interesting footage from road video recorders. I made a short video compilation:

In the video we can observe “glitches in the program” when material objects are unexpectedly pushed out of the ezoosmic membrane in other spatial coordinates. Why this happens is unknown. However, there is also an explanation for this in the above-mentioned report, in the section describing the properties of phantom Po particles:

They move through ezoosmic cells, penetrate the ezoosmic membrane, and participate in the process of ezoosomosis. They can instantly appear and instantly disappear in different areas of the ezoosmic grid. ()


I hope I didn’t deviate too much from the original essence set out in the source - the books of A. Novykh. I will certainly repeat that the above interpretation of the ezoosmosis process is only the individual vision of the author of these lines. It is presented briefly and deliberately simplified, which provides the opportunity for further interpretations and reflections in a similar spirit, aimed at the ordinary reader, not savvy in physics.

Based on this, what conclusions can be drawn?

  • We are in the matrix!
  • The exit to the world of God is within us!
  • We are separated from the world of God by a space thousands of times smaller than a human hair,
  • Ezoosmos is an “instantaneous” impulse from the spiritual world that underlies the existence of all matter,
  • This process is continuous
  • This process is spasmodic. Matter is discrete (discontinuous) thanks to ezoosmosis,
  • No ezoosmosis - no material Universe,
  • Ezoosmosis can also be considered as an energy exchange that allows, after the end of the life of one object, to transform into another form of life,
  • Our life is like a flash or a divine spark,
  • Matter is maya, illusion,
  • All is the will of Allah!
  • Etc., etc., etc...

Regarding time, you can quote from the book “Ezoosmos”:

Time, as I already said, - a huge energy that arose as a result of the transformation of Allat’s power into a particle of Po’s energy, which in turn gave birth to Po’s ezoosmosis. Time flows in only one direction from the past to the future. It is tightly connected to gravity. As time spreads, so does gravity. Time is characterized by cause and effect. Between cause and effect there is a space-time point, or the present. It belongs neither to cause nor effect. However, it is through it that the transformation of cause into effect occurs.

These few sentences may well lead to several new articles).

In conclusion, I want to say that I have only touched the tip of a huge iceberg; this topic can be developed and developed. If you are interested, dear readers, please join us. The attention of one shapes a small reality, the attention of the majority shapes a huge world. We'll figure it out and we'll be able to interest others. Perhaps this is one of the effective areas, thanks to which the world can really be changed for the better.

Prepared by: Ah...

Articles from the section:


Svetlana 11/16/2017 19:53

When everything is described in a complex way and nothing is clear, then either the theory is crude, or people themselves have not understood it, or... it is an incorrect theory. Everything that is understandable and true can be explained in simple words and accessible language, and most importantly, any part of the statement will fit perfectly into any life process (spiritual, material, afterlife, etc.). The truth is always easy to know and feel. When the jungle begins and there are more questions than answers, look for something else. Everything is very simple and wisely arranged in our world.

n 02/27/2017 09:55

Oh, don't blame us for our moans
Creator of worlds. He is innocent.
He did not create earthly laws.
He himself is against the law.

He's the one in our hurricane
Keeps the heavens calm, -
Resist all pain,
There is a counterbalance to all gravity.

It fills our souls
And meaning breathes into nature.
He does not mold us and does not destroy us,
He is. That's all.

And blurs all boundaries
Invading us, His surf.
He is. And that's why it's happening
The universe itself.

Happening every moment
Earth and sky again and again.
God is the infinity of Sunday,
Unburnt love.

Anti-ice, anti-stone
And all my ends are over,
My undying flame
Immortal, inner Creator.

Every moment is happening - this is ezoosmosis

Sergey 02/05/2017 19:48

Thank you for your work.

In the process of reading the articles (this and “ezoosmos”), a question arose: if all matter, being in constant motion (the galaxy, the universe, the Solar system, the earth, man) constantly “passes” through the EM (the world of the Creator), then through this same world they pass and all other living beings, which means they also have the ezoosmic impulse and energy of Alat? That is, they pass through the same Spiritual world. Or, the space that is hidden “inside” the EM and all movement through it is simply such a “construction” of the material world. I can’t find a place in this structure for Spirit, Soul and Personality.)

But I feel that by working together we will figure it out :)

Pavel 02/05/2017 16:45

I want to clarify one point.

1) Does a phantom Po particle “ignite” a stationary Po particle, giving it potential? How electricity lights up a pixel in a monitor. Thus, manifesting a material object in the three-dimensional world?

Ah... ✎ Pavel 02/05/2017 18:20

A stationary Po particle is the devil. It seems to me that the main “electricity supplier of the material world” is Allat, or, to summarize, God. What is the role of the devil, I think, is also worth examining in more detail, all together, but a little later. Much has been written about this in books and reports.

miraz7777 ✎ A... 02/05/2017 23:19

I agree (I finally registered (former Pavel)))

It turns out that any membrane in the ezoosmic lattice is the very gate through which we can go to God. And there are countless of them. And the state here and now in matter is a state of motion in real time with the Po particle. And to get out of this world, it is enough to stop in this movement “inside” the membrane.

Lada 02/05/2017 16:37

Thank you for deepening the topic!

After reading this article, new thoughts appeared and I see some of my conclusions as incorrect after reading the first article. So, the process of cognition is underway, caused by ezoosmosis, thanks to you, dear, A)

EM is a kind of portal to higher dimensions (above the 6th), where there is no concept of space and time, which are inherent in the lower 6 dimensions, and beyond which an instantaneous change occurs for us (since there is no time there) of particles of phantom Po -their potential changes (adding or draining gasoline figuratively), the information program may change. This change in potential will be a force jump - a push of ezoosmosis. Changing the information program by a leap of information ezoosmosis. Who or what performs this process? Workers of the spiritual world are spiritual entities.

“In an ezoosmic cell, an important process of partial redistribution of energy and information occurs (the removal of a certain part of energy by a real Po particle and the reading of information from a passing phantom Po particle).”

We call the dimensions above the 6th the spiritual world, the world of subtle matter, energies of dimensions 7-72 ​​(66). There is some confusion of concepts here: the spiritual world and the world of God.

In my understanding, the world of God is outside the ER (ezoosmic grid), but the ER itself is located in the world of God, because everything is in it) and going deeper through 66 dimensions into the coarser matter of the ZhR (6), which are a kind of protection-superstructure from each other.

“Beyond the ezoosmic grid, which is also stated in the ancient sacred traditions of different peoples of the world, there is a spiritual world - a qualitatively different world that has nothing in common with the material world, its laws and problems.”

What has not yet been taken into account is the fact that the Po particles themselves, both phantom and real, consist of septons - small tornado-vortexes rotating in a spiral; this is the inclusion of the power of Allat and the mirror-reflections of Allat in anti-Allat, giving life in matter , but illusory, in essence, a reflection in the mirror of true life.

Each particle carries out its own information program, which changes periodically, and the potential changes constantly. A set of particles form more complex elements, which in turn form even more complex material objects; all these information programs work simultaneously, investing in each other, like in a PC, figuratively.

And a person is the most complex set of information building blocks. A Personality, as an individual Observer, can also influence and create his own programs, and change them by observation himself. The choice of Personality gives its spiritual ezoosmosis, directing the vector of programs towards life or death (destruction).

If it is clear that the totality of stationary Po particles form the septon field of the ZhR, in particular, Consciousness, as a septon field, is part of the Animal Mind. Who the Personality is is not entirely clear... An individual rational entity undergoing development in the process of gaining experience and choice..., part of the Holy Spirit, i.e. a kind of clot of Allat forces...

Attention of the Personality gives direction and application to the power of Allat and potential to the laid ezoosmosis. I see a certain analogy of the work of the Personality, with spiritual entities working behind the EM, only the Personality performs work in 6 dimensions of gross matter, therefore it attacks the SJR all the time and gives it the power of Allat, feeding it with energy. Also, stationary Po particles take away potential and read information from phantom particles, there are similarities...

But they can’t take anything from the Allat particles... like from the Holy Spirit...

And, of course, a person has a Soul, a choice of Personality, work with oneself, consciously directed ezoosmosis - all this should lead to the merging of the Personality with the Soul, transformation into a Spiritual essence and departure from the SZhR. There is also an interesting point here: “But outside the Universe there is a world qualitatively different from itself - the spiritual world, the world of God, where, in fact, a person can get, as a new Spiritual Being. At the same time, it is enough for him to reach the seventh dimension, breaking out of material captivity, in order to then, at will, move into the spiritual world,” i.e. the opportunity to go beyond 72 dimensions into the world of God, or to remain in higher dimensions, if I understand correctly.

A... ✎ Lada 02/06/2017 00:42

Thanks for the comment).

I don’t quite see it as correct that all human particles reside in God, with the instantaneous jump of phantom Po particles through the EM (ezoosmic membrane).

It’s difficult for me to express myself more precisely here. By giving an associative example, I only wanted to undermine the human concept of itself as an integral and solid material object, which believes that it lives locally and completely independently of the participation of God. Do you understand?

Regarding the 7th and 72nd dimensions, of course, it is necessary to clarify over time, but I think that the topics should not be overloaded, lumping everything into a heap, so that the reader’s consciousness can more easily assimilate the fragments. For this reason, I deliberately did not touch on the topic of septons, the septonic field and personality.

In general, it is not so easy to consider even individual moments, since one thing leads to another, and a third, and a fourth. It will take a series of articles to connect at least the main and most important things.

Pavel 02/05/2017 14:42

Good article, especially the understanding of the constant pushing out (revitalization) of matter from the spiritual world. It seems that this description fits inanimate (or lacking freedom of choice) matter.

Julia 02/04/2017 22:16

And for some time now, after a series of sensory realizations, I have been very interested in the question, who is this Personality really??? I had a crazy thought - what if the report does not reveal all the information regarding the individual? The phantom particle of Poe is not a Personality, and not a component of it. When a person gains the experience of, let’s say, a long-term stay in the Spirit, that is, the Personality moves along the ezoosmic membrane, if I understand correctly, and does not jump out of habit on phantom Pos in cells with real Pos, the body continues to exist, that is, ezoosmosis of the body continues, despite the fact that the Personality is increasingly absent from the septon field, that is, from the field of consciousness. And after the merging of the Personality with the soul, the Angel remaining in the body constantly lives in the ezoosmic membrane - so who is the Personality and where is it located in this entire dual structure of the world order? What exactly does it consist of? Is this some form of Allat? How is it that a Personality has individuality? Both before and after merging with the soul. Maybe it is somehow initially, after the birth of a person, “attached” either to the Allat Pos or to the phantom Pos? Or, at first, separately from them, and as a person grows up and acquires patterns, it sticks to the real Po??? There is so much still unknown...)))))

P 02/04/2017 20:50

It turns out that the so-called laws of nature do not act autonomously in this world, but are the brainchild of ezoosmosis. The work of “those” who “on the other side” work tirelessly to maintain compliance with these same laws “here.” In this regard, we recall the works of Blavatsky, where she tried to convey to people the idea that all the forces of nature (electricity, magnetism, gravity, nuclear, etc.) are alive. What we take for granted is the painstaking work of many invisible workers.

Ah..., excellent article, high quality, thanks for your work.

Sergey 02/04/2017 13:38

Don’t take this as literalism, but in this passage the meaning of “hundreds of times” is more subtle: “ Or rather, we are separated from Him by just some microscopic thickness of the ezoosmic membrane, tens, or maybe hundreds of times thinner than an ordinary human hair?” does not display the true thickness of the grid and membrane. The thickness of a hair is ~0.06mm, 0.06/1000 = 6 * 10^-5m, and the radius of the same electron is2.82* 10^-15m. But the electron itself also consists of 13 phantom particles of software.

Any of our movements, even the most imperceptible sigh, is the passage of an immeasurably large number of Po particles both through the reality of God, receiving a “vital push of ezoosmosis,” and through the reality of the devil. Do you understand? Moreover, in an unimaginably huge number of times.”

Here it should be clarified that we are never at one point, and the universe is constantly moving, so it doesn’t matter whether I write or not,

the phantom seeds of “my” body cross the ezoosmic lattice in any case.

"IN This world is truly Maya, a short-term illusion!

By the way, physicists are already openly talking about the illusory nature of our world:

“Professor Kostas Skenderis of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton explains: “Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) in fact emanates from a flat two-dimensional field.” The idea is similar to that of ordinary holograms where a three-dimensional image is encoded in a two-dimensional surface, such as in the hologram on a credit card. However, this time, the entire universe is encoded.”
Although not an example with holographic properties, it could be thought of as rather like watching a 3-D film in a cinema. We see the pictures as having height, width and crucially, depth-when in fact it all originates from a flat 2-D screen. The difference, in our 3-D universe, is that we can touch objects and the ‘projection’ is ‘real’ from our perspective"

“Professor Costas Skenderis of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Southampton explains: “Imagine that everything you see, feel and hear in three dimensions (and your perception of time) actually comes from a flat two-dimensional field. The idea is similar to conventional holograms, where a three-dimensional image is encoded into a two-dimensional surface, such as the holograms on a credit card. However, this time, the entire universe is encoded.”
Although this example lacks holographic properties, it is reminiscent of watching a 3D movie in a movie theater. We see pictures that have height, width and most importantly, depth - when in fact all this happens on a flat 2-D screen. The difference, in our 3D Universe, is that we can touch objects but this “projection” is “reality” from our point of view.”

Regarding the following quote:

Thanks to the process of ezoosmosis, the phantom particlePo appears in another ezoosmic cell with renewed energy reserves, according to the old or updatedor a completely new program that was embedded in it at the moment of being in the internal space of the membrane.

It seems to me that somewhere around here The Personality comes into the “game”. Perhaps it is she who, with her choice, sets a new or confirms an old program of action.

This moment is also interesting from the book Ezoosmos

Time is a huge energy that arose as a result transforming the power of Allat into a particle of Po energy, which in turn gave rise to ezoosmosis Po. Time flows in only one direction from the past to the future. It is tightly connected to gravity. As time spreads, so does gravity. Time is characterized by cause and effect. Between reason And consequence there is a space-time point, or the present. It belongs neither to cause nor effect. However, it is through her that happens transformation causes into effects.

Time flows in only one direction from the past to the future; Time is characterized by cause and effect-- essentially for global time (see Ezoosmos) the cause is the creation of the creation of the universe and the effect is the moment of its disappearance. Where there is a beginning, there is also an end.

Overall, thanks for the article!

A... ✎ Sergey 02/04/2017 14:40

The fact is that I did not pursue the goal of providing more accurate calculations and going deeper into the topic; unfortunately, people are not interested in this yet. The same applies to the Personality... Of course, it is possible to write a cumbersome article in scientific language, but who will understand it? Let's be consistent.

Thanks for your comment.

Sergey 02/04/2017 11:47

Very curious and interesting. But knowing myself, I don’t know how long I can keep my attention on the interest and movement in understanding this issue. I read the article, a push was born, ezoosmosis began. Now, dear author, you have given me an idea, where and where is the impetus coming from? You became an impetus, or rather, your curiosity and thirst for knowledge gave an impetus, ezoosmosis began, when I showed interest, I was now given attention. Now the question remains how long I can hold my attention. I’ll go put the kettle on, feed my household and they’ll quickly switch me to another topic)))). That's all ezoosmosis. It’s very interesting about teleportation, I remember after the movie it caught fire, then went out.

MS 02/04/2017 10:09

Here I would like to highlight a few more nuances that are important, it seems to me, for understanding:

1. Visible matter is formed phantom Po particle, participates in ezoosmosis, passes through the EM, where, to put it simply, the phantom particle is “recharged”.
At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that during the push of ezoosmosis, which occurs inside the EM, the program (information part) of the particle may remain the same, and the charge is replenished (Allat powers), and the particle program can also change completely.
2. Invisible matter - is formed with the help of a stationary Po particle, does not participate in ezoosmosis, collects energy from phantom particles.
3. It is the phantom Po particle, passing through the EM, ensures the dynamics and discreteness of matter, that is, the intermittency of its movement in the broad sense of the word, which at the level of matter is expressed not only in movement and change, as such, but also in the finitude of existence of ALL material structures, their death, as well as the new birth of material objects. Although at a subtle level there is no complete destruction of material objects, since informational building blocks are indestructible and we can say that there is simply a transformation of some material structures with their destruction into new material structures with their origin. But for macro-objects of the material world, death (destruction), like the death of a body, is a reality.

I also think it is important to understand importance of programs, embedded in phantom particles, at the moment of the push of ezoosmosis.
Moreover, all the time visible The material world is formed from phantom particles, then it is according to certain programs and information that phantom particles, through certain combinations with each other, form strictly defined microparticles and chemical elements. And their certain combinations form EVERYTHING in space, from “non-living” material objects to animals and humans.
What, specifically, will be formed during the primary impulse of ezoosmosis, which determines origin of this or that object of the material world depends again on programs, that is, information.

Also, a certain program will determine life expectancy and animals, and humans, and flies, and planets. All these formations have different ezoosmosis, with different speeds and flows.

And here is the moment, if we approach ezoosmosis in a very simplified way, it turns out that when a person moves, all human cells should be energetically renewed, since they pass through the EM and restore their potential, in theory, a person should always be full of strength and energy, there should be no aging effects body and fatigue, as well as illness.

The man waved his hand and the cells in motion flew through the EM and were renewed...)))

Vasilisa waved her right hand - lake, waved her left hand - swans... She waved another 200 grams... and the hallucinations began to become more complex and intricate...
From the site

But! according to earlier program, embedded in the genetic code of the human body and determining its primary ezoosmosis- complete renewal and rejuvenation of cells does not occur, because the Lifespan of the human body, its physics and biochemistry, as a macro-object, rests on the laws of software-information emanating from the genetic material: A person gets sick, gets tired, gets old, the total supply of Allat in the body over time decreases and sooner or later the death of the macro-object occurs.

4. The discreteness of phantom particles (discontinuity of movement), in particular, and all matter in general, is determined by the moment the phantom particles enter the EM - the world of God, where there's just no time! This is why a time gap occurs when particles from this world simply disappear.

And finally, I previously gave an example in my commentary on the article about ezoosmosis two types of birth of Life: Material, that is, the birth of a body (through the fusion of the sex gametes of a man and a woman) and spiritual(through the merging of the soul - the egg" and the sperm - personality). This analogy was cited as an example by I.M. Danilov in the video. And what would I like to say here on the topic of ezoosmosis, despite the fact that “ We are separated from the world of God by a space thousands of times smaller than a human hair.”the entry into the world of God (EM) of phantom particles of software and the entry into the world of God (Soul) of a person is not at all the same thing. The first happens spontaneously without our work and participation, according to laid down programs, and the second happens, although with the help of human ezoosmosis, but solely as a result of his conscious Choice and spiritual work, and if the first action is aimed at supporting and living in the matrix, then the second action is aimed at exiting the matrix . And these are very different moments...)))

Victoria ✎ MS 02/05/2017 10:54

MS, I disagree with you on this paragraph: “complete renewal and rejuvenation of cells does not occur, because the Lifespan of the human body, its physics and biochemistry, as a macro-object, rests on the laws of software-information emanating from the genetic material: A person gets sick, gets tired aging, the total reserve of Allat in the body decreases over time and sooner or later the death of the macro-object occurs.”

1. When a person enters the spiritual world (7th dimension), many problems of the physical body disappear, the process of healing and restoration begins;

Yes, I am generally a supporter of knowledge, I am for such articles to be published! Vaughn couldn’t even stand it and reacted by writing comments...)))
Articles like this give people an impetus to try to know something, rethink it, understand it for themselves, remember it, so thank you for the articles. I enjoyed reading it so much. And the fact that there may be errors in understanding or it may not be complete, so how can the process of cognition be error-free, without getting into trouble? Or is a more complete understanding given without difficulty and perhaps even some unpleasant experience? Without hitting the bumps, there is only “naked” quoting of other people’s knowledge and experience, as well as marking time. IMHO...)))

Zhenya 02/04/2017 09:42

Very intelligible and figurative :-). The example with pixels and a screen (= ezoosmic lattice) also helps to visualize...

I have a question, the answer to which I am trying to understand: What role does (or what place does) our attention play in this? As far as I understand (at the moment), with the help of attention we can, as it were, with act in the direction of the power of Allat? Thus setting the vector for this energy push?

Thank you in advance.

Dmitry K 02/04/2017 09:12

The ezoosmic grid for me is easier to understand as computer RAM or Monitor. There are conductive threads in the form of a lattice through which current flows (Allat) and we see the image (Mauya).

Life is flashes - we are constantly born and die, just like the blinking frequency of the monitor.

I'm more interested in how the rectangular lattice relates to the expanding spiral of the material world in the 6-dimensional part of this lattice. It seems like the resulting lattice (size 1x72) should be larger in size than the material world - 6 dimensions, there are also 72 dimensions. But this contradicts the information that there is nothing beyond the outer boundary of the outermost galaxies - there is no allat. Somehow I don’t quite get the idea of ​​a lattice rectangle with a spiral of galaxies in my head.

Thank you very much for the teleportation video. It seems to me that there is not only a lattice, there are also parallel worlds with other frequencies, from where people and objects can also appear. Although parallel worlds are also in the grid :).

And in order to get out of the software matrix, you need to increase the frequency of your phantom software. By changing your frequency, as far as I understand, we can both change parallel worlds and dimensions.

Material illusion is called maya. This means “unreality, deception, forgetfulness” - something that does not exist. Under the influence of maya one thinks that he can be happy in this temporary material world. Maya, the illusory energy of the Supreme, does not act independently, but is under His control.

“It is because of illusion (maya) that they (jivas) lose their freedom. Know that Nature is an illusion (Maya) and the mighty God is the creator of this illusion.”

Maya is so strong that no matter how much suffering a person experiences, he will think that he is happy. “Maya is the cause of human suffering and powerlessness. Because of it, a person forgets about his divine nature.” When the jiva identifies himself with the body, he develops thousands of desires, which he then tries to fulfill. The nature of the material world is such that the more the jiva tries to benefit from his position, the more he becomes entangled in the net of maya. Acting under the influence of maya, the jiva places himself under the rule of the law of karma, the law of cause and effect.

Regarding the origin of maya, Bhagavan Krishna says: “It is difficult to overcome this divine energy (maya) of Mine, which consists of the three modes of material nature.” The Vedas add to this: “Although maya (illusion) is false or transitory, behind it is the supreme sorcerer, the Personality of Godhead, who is Mahesvara, the supreme controller.”
In essence, maya is nothing but an illusion, a deception, a mirage that misleads people into thinking that eternity and happiness can be found in the activities of the material world (which is actually transitory and full of suffering). Even highly educated and intelligent people can fall under the spell of Maya. The Bhagavad Gita defines such people as myaypahta-jna - "those whose knowledge is stolen by maya." The purpose of Vedic literature is to liberate all living beings from the bondage of Maya. “Getting rid of the shackles of this illusion, which has somehow taken possession of the human race, is the crown of all efforts.” The Bhagavad-gita says that it is very difficult for a jiva to break free from the bonds of maya: “This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is very difficult to overcome. But one who surrenders to Me can easily come out from under its influence.”

Maya or Illusion is the Inner space of matter.
The average person associates illusion with the circus and illusionists and magic tricks.
And occultists associate Maya or Illusion with our real life in the interior of the planet. Occultists don't say "on the planet." Because in reality we live in the interior of the planet’s bodies. And not only do we live within the bodies of the planet, but our bodies are also formed from the energy of the planet. We, as subtle bodies - monads, seep from the External space of matter into the Internal space of matter.

And most ordinary people call this internal space “life.”

I don't want to offend anyone. But you must admit, “most people are concerned with survival and arranging their lives,” “vanity, vanity.” And naturally, few people notice at least part of the illusion of this life.

In part, we ourselves are an illusion. Firstly, the biggest illusion is our personalities. Both good and bad, strong and weak. Absolutely any. By the way, if you look from the point of view of the TRUTH, there is nothing good or bad, including personalities. Firstly, everything is relative, and secondly, everything develops and changes. And most importantly, it is necessary, this is one of the properties of illusion.
For example, a bad person did something bad to another person, and that other person, thanks to this, was able to realize something and become better. It turns out that a bad person did well. Any evil can be used for good. (As I always say, “everything is for the future, everything is for the future.” And there is no one better and more useful than our enemies. Thanks to them, we “grow”).

For occultists, Maya is the main topic for study and knowledge. And, as I already wrote, Maya, “is not at all against people studying her.”
First of all, occultists study the structure of the universe. And also the laws and principles of existence in the Inner space of matter. This study includes dimensions in the Internal space of matter and the illusion of time, the time that their temporary spaces create.

Very often, people may notice that sometimes events in their lives “compact.” Life is in full swing. And sometimes there are few or no events. Life has “stopped.” This is “guilty” time. Almost no joke.

The more people understand the Inner Space of Matter, the greater their chances of survival. Nowadays, many of us understand the value of information and knowledge. Because “opportunity” directly depends on knowledge.

Occultism is “immense”, as is illusion – Maya.

But there are practitioners who call themselves occultists and magicians. They themselves are confident in their knowledge and assure others “of their greatness.” But as I already wrote, there are no “bad” ones. Probably society needs them. To some extent, the level of such “occultism” indicates the level of CONSCIOUSNESS in our society. A true occultist will say “that he knows nothing.” Because the more you learn, the more you understand “that you don’t know and can’t do anything.” Consciousness helps to get rid of pride.

Who can compare with the Great Illusion, Maya, the CREATOR?

Why exactly two? Read it for the first time and you will find out. I am part of a lost generation And I refuse to believe that I can change this world. I understand that maybe it is...

In this article I will talk about the meaning and energy of different zones of the female body. At trainings we discuss this in more detail, with exercises. Today is the main thing. When...

ind. word meaning illusion): in Vedanta and Hindu philosophy, usually a set of desires, individual inclinations that prevent us from seeing our true destiny. Maya is a “veil of illusion,” like a mirage in the desert. In Buddhist philosophy it denotes the lowest degree of knowledge (which is also characteristic of the philosophy of Schopenhauer, who relied on Hindu thought).

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


Skt. maya - illusion, appearance) - in the Indian religious and philosophical tradition, a special force (shakti), or energy, which simultaneously hides the true nature of the world and helps this world manifest itself in all its diversity. The first mention of maya is contained in the Prashna Upanishad (1.16), where it refers to one of the divine forces capable of creating illusory images. In the Vedanta tradition, Maya first appears in Gaudapada's Mandukya-karikas; It is here that Maya appears as a principle that helps explain the transition from the real, eternal and indivisible Brahman to the multiple and transitory elements of the world. At the same time, Gaudapada likens Maya to an illusory dream that darkens the consciousness of an individual soul; going beyond maya is seen as "awakening" to true knowledge. The concept of maya plays a key role in Shankara's Advaita Vedanta. The only reality is recognized here as pure Atman-Rahman, devoid of properties and definitions (nirguna); from the point of view of the “highest truth”, nothing ever happened to this Brahman, but the universe owes its appearance to the grandiose “cosmic illusion” - Maya, which creates the mirage appearance of objects and numerous souls. Maya is entirely dependent on Brahman and is considered as its “power”, creative potency (shakti). At the same time, Maya completely coincides with avidya, i.e. “ignorance” - not just the obscurity of a separate consciousness, but the only way of our perception and reasoning, vivarta (appearance), alhyasa (imposition), etc. Maya does not have the same degree of reality , which is the highest Brahman, however, it cannot be considered completely unreal; Maya itself, as well as the universe, which owes its phenomenal existence to it, is considered in Advaita as “sad-asad-anirvachaniya,” that is, “not definable in the categories of the real and the unreal.” In the Commentary on the Brahma Sutras, Shankara identifies six main properties of maya: this power is “beginningless” (anadi), that is, it has no time boundaries; it is stopped only by true knowledge (jnana-nivartya); it simultaneously acts as a “concealing veil” (avaran) and the principle of “fragmentation” (vikshepa), i.e., a force that projects all the diversity of the world: it is fundamentally “ineffable” (anabhilapya, anirvachaniya); it represents a certain positive essence (bhava-rupa), and not just a naked negation of the highest reality; finally, its locus and support (ashraya) is both the individual soul and the highest Brahman. If for Shankara the identification of Maya and Avidya was fundamental, then later Advaitis considered Maya rather the ontological and cosmological foundation of the world, while Avidya for them reflected the degree of ignorance of the individual soul. Vishishta Advaita strongly criticizes the Advaitist version of Maya; Ramanuja considers Shankara's teaching on Maya to be a direct concession to Buddhism. Of the “seven objections” (sapta-anupapatti) raised by Ramanuja against Advaita, the main one can be considered the question of the “container” (ashraya) and the source of maya. For Ramanuja himself, Maya is the magical and beneficial power of Ishvara, thanks to which he actually creates the world. In Kashmir Shaivism, Maya is considered the eternal and real energy of Shiva, thanks to which the hierarchically organized ladder of existence unfolds. Maya is essentially personified here in the image of Shakti - the beloved Shiva, who personifies the free creativity of the Lord, his cosmic “game” (lila).

Lit.: Devanandan P. D. The Concept of Maya. L., 1950; Hacker P., Eigentumlichkeiten der Lehre und Terminologie Sankaras: Avidya, Namarupa, Maya, isvara. - “Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Gesellschaft”, No. 100, 1950, S. 246-86; Idem. Vivarta: Studien zur Geschichte der illusionistischen Kosmologie und Erkenntnistheorie der Inder. - “Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Abhandlungen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Klasse.” Wiesbaden, 1953, No. 5, S. 187-242; Cobum T. Encountering the Goddess. Albany, 1991.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


(first found in the Indian texts of the Upanishads and Brahmanas) - the name of the goddess who embodied the principle of deception in the world. Mayan...

(first found in the Indian texts of the Upanishads and Brahmanas) - the name of the goddess who embodied the principle of deception in the world. Maya - Indian word. It also denotes the art by which miracles are caused, or these miracles themselves. Finally, in the philosophy of Shankara, “maya” is the designation of the “inverting” (vivarta), the transforming principle that determines the existence of the world. In the West, this word became known thanks to Schopenhauer’s expression “the veil of Maya,” with which he wanted to express the illusory nature of the world (see also Indian philosophy).


(Indian word meaning illusion): (Sanskrit): means relativity, relative truth, created by the mind and physical...

(Ind. word meaning illusion): (Sanskrit): means relativity, relative truth, a world created by the mind and physical force that does not give a complete idea of ​​reality; an untrue, illusory world created by ignorance, in contrast to the unconventional, inseparable being that stands behind it and which, from the point of view of Buddhism, is the true reality. In Buddhist philosophy it denotes the lowest degree of knowledge (which is also characteristic of the philosophy of Schopenhauer, who relied on Hindu thought).


(Sanskrit “illusion”, “deception”) is one of the main terms related to the fundamental world system...

(Sanskrit “illusion”, “deception”) - one of the main terms related to the fundamental world-system concepts of the Hindu and Buddhist religious and philosophical traditions. First found in the Vedas as a characteristic of the abilities of gods (deva), demons (asura, rakshas) and elemental spirits take on the forms necessary for action in this world. In a similar sense, M is widely used in the Puranas (“tales of the ancients”), epics, and local folklore. Thus, according to the plot of the Ramayana, the rakshasa Ravana kidnaps Sita, taking on the guise of an ascetic saint. In this case, the meaning of M. does not go beyond the principles of “universal werewolf” and the magical power of reincarnation that are characteristic of the mythical and fairy-tale traditions of the world. Already in the early Hindu (Brahmanic) tradition, M. acquired an increasingly wider meaning. A personal image of the many-faced, polymorphic Mayan deity is being formed, who, however, did not play an important role in religious and cult practice. M. receives its conceptual and categorical design during the development of Buddhist doctrine and philosophical worldview. In the early Buddhist sutras, M. becomes one of the main tools for overcoming orthodox Brahmanistic ideas about the world as the really existing body of Brahma, Prajapati, Purusha, structured by analogy with the varna social system. Thanks to this hierarchical principle, the fulfillment of the social precepts of each varna was equated with sacred actions, including the study and worship of Vedic texts for the brahmins themselves. Buddhism radically rejects sociocentrism of this kind, declaring the entirety of phenomenal existence illusory. Understanding the external objective-actional world as M. is the first step of the “middle path” proclaimed by the Buddha as the path to salvation. “False consciousness,” which perceives M. as reality and is one of the causes of suffering, in addition to its egocentric orientation, is characterized by ignorance (avidya). The latter also includes faith in the purifying power of sacred texts, cleansing rituals, sacrifices, the mediation of brahmins and ascetics in appealing to the gods, etc. Overcoming superstitions, passions, affective desires and “demons of fear” guiding “false consciousness” opens the way to contemplation the world as an all-pervading flow of dharmas, eternal formation and variability. The true reality comprehended on this path - spiritual existence - is fully actualized only in nirvana. Early Buddhism (Hinayana) generally maintains the idea of ​​the substantiality of the spiritual and the secondary nature of the corporeal and material, inherent in most religious and philosophical traditions. With the development of Mahayanist trends, the concept of M. extends to the spiritual sphere. Thus, in the teachings of the Yogacara school (2nd century AD), the thesis about the total unreality of existence is developed: the phenomena of the external world are images generated by monastic meditation. All the diversity of the dharmic movement is reduced to the modes of a single and inexpressible “treasury consciousness” (alayavijnana), which correlates with the illusory manifestations of the worlds of karma. This consciousness only potentially possesses substantiality, gravitating to become “suchness” (tathata) - a nirvanic non-state that eliminates all movement and difference. Thus, any consciousness gives rise to erroneous ideas and is subject to classification as M., being inevitably a form of movement (perception and construction of ideas). Yogacara radicalizes Buddhist ideas, challenging the bodily-elementary substrate of the nature of Buddha Gautama: the latter’s body in earthly existence is only a visible form (nirmanakaya), accepted by the eternal Absolute Buddha for communication and salvation of people. The absolute itself was and remains transcendental, turning out to be a manifestation of M in this world. These motifs are associated with the fundamental concept of emptiness (shunya, shunyata), developed by Nagarjuna (presumably 1st - 2nd centuries AD). According to his provisions, everything that exists and appears as such is emptiness, including dharmas and the dharmic substratum of consciousness. All creations of consciousness are “dependent” and “connected” with “here-being”, or M. Consequently, sign-symbolic systems of any kind (especially concepts - voiced or written down) do not in any way correlate with true reality, do not allow achieving it even in sphere of representation. Hence, there is doubt about the necessity of the sacred texts of Buddhism itself, the iconic form of which rather obscures their meaning and can only serve as a preparatory stage for “those who have entered the stream.” This concept (apoha), introduced by Dignaga (6th century), became the conceptual basis of the Chan/Zen schools of China and Japan. The teachings of Bodhidharma (d. 528) substantiate the path to enlightenment not through scholarship and prescribed virtue, but through the synthesis of meditative intuition and everyday practical activity. Master Chan Daoyi (701 – 788) affirms the identity of everyday speech and activity practice with the “acts of the Buddha.” Accordingly, all kinds of ideas about the reality of the “heavenly Buddha”, nirvana, transcendental ascension are manifestations of the same order as M. In the subsequent Chan/Zen tradition, the maxim “See Buddha - kill Buddha” was strengthened, aimed at the radical destruction of the piety inherent in religious consciousness before the sacred, divine, super-existent. The concept of M. in Chan Buddhism in certain aspects merges with the fundamental Taoist principle of wu-wei - non-action, the strength of which is drawn from silence and absence. Externally ordered and mobile existence hides the horizon of truth, immersion in it cuts off from naturalness, gives rise to vanity and, as a consequence, dissatisfaction. Enlightenment (in the understanding inherent in the Chan tradition) is not the result of a consistent process and cannot be transmitted through sign discourse, imitation and veneration. Outside such a broadly defined sphere of M. there is only the true body of the Buddha - the dharmakaya, identical to the universe-absolute, equal in all living things, given in it as an unclear and inexpressible tathata. From here come the cardinal formulas of the Mahayana - “Buddha and an ordinary person are one essence” and the Japanese school of Shingon-shu - “Become a Buddha in this body”, aimed at the non-rational disclosure of the “inner” dhyani-buddha or bodhisattva in every person. Unlike Buddhism, the heterodox tradition of Jainism actually does not attach importance to the concept of M., affirming the reality and plurality of substance. A single substance is eternal and constant, the multiplicity of phenomena are its modes. The obscurity of existence as the existence of the soul is presupposed by the latter’s “infection” with material particles. Knowing reality and getting rid of passions and vices provide liberation. Both problems are solved by referring to the texts of Tirthankar teachers and... reverence for their authority. At the same time, in the philosophy of Jainism, the existence of God is considered illusory (due to the impossibility of reliable knowledge about it). In classical Hindu thought, which was formed taking into account the experience of Buddhism and Jainism, the idea of ​​M. acquires important meaning and conceptual design. In the Advaita Vedanta school, founded by Shankara (c. 788 - c. 820), the concept of M. takes on a double meaning: for God M. - the desire to create a “magical appearance” of creation, recorded in the texts of the early Vedas; For most people, M. is ignorance that gives rise to illusion. In the second case, the concepts of ajnana (unconsciousness) and avidya (ignorance) are synonymous with M. Shankara claims that M., as the magical power of God, is not his attributive sign, since God is able to arbitrarily dispose of it - even to the point of refusal. At the same time, M. does not constitute a special substance or essence in Brahman, being inseparable from it as the power of burning - from fire or the power of will - from the volitional mind. Shankara considers M. as a certain material element of the divine primary source - prakriti. It is precisely this that is the world-creating basis; although the creation of the world itself in this case is only the appearance of changes (vivarta-vada). Objects of the world arise from materialism in an evolutionary way; combinations of “subtle primary elements” give rise to multiple beings. But the wise and knowing the identity of the world and Brahman does not succumb to M.’s tricks, directly seeing the divine primal unity through the “veil of Maya.” In the theory of Advaita Vedanta, provisions are developed that develop the semantic motives of the concept of M.: “the effect does not differ from the cause”, “form and quality do not differ from substance”, “true being is otherworldly and unchangeable for all objects”, “being is the self-revelation of consciousness” , “true existence is the existence of God, or Brahman.” Based on this, Shankara postulates the juxtaposition of “dream experience” and “experience of waking consciousness,” since both of them are different aspects of M. Consequently, the world (appearing in three aspects - visible, empirical and absolute) is fundamentally indescribable (anirvachanya), can be considered neither real nor unreal: “All particular ways of being with different names and forms are real as being, but unreal as particulars” (Chandogya, 6.3.2.). The goal aspect of the world and life is expressed in the need to “disappear into being” in order to gain true self-essence: the body is unreal, only consciousness is real, but as self-identity with the consciousness of Brahman. Understanding and achieving this is eternal abiding in the bliss of self-existent and absolute consciousness. Subsequently, the teaching of Advaitavedanta was declared a superphilosophy and a unified world religion by Ramakrishna (1834 - 1886) and Vivekananda (1862 - 1902). Unlike Shankara, Ramanuja (c. 1056 - 1137) considers M. as the really existing magical power and potency of God, his ability to creatively influence his own material-elementary substrate (prakriti). Consequently, the creation of the world is a real divine act, and the world itself is by no means illusory. M. cannot be outside the understanding of reality, outside the beginning, outside the basis. Its unknowability is not associated with the transcendence of nature, but with the real difficulties of representing and cognition of illusory objects, so that M. is only indefinable, but not limitless and beginningless (anadi). Brahman includes in its nature pure matter and limited (individual) souls. In its pure form it is unmanifested causality, in its objectified form it is identical to the world of objects and animate forms. God and man are identical and different: identical, because man is God incarnate, different, because they exist in different modes. Liberation of the soul is achieved by living a righteous life and overcoming the illusion of the complete difference between man and God. In other schools of Indian orthodox philosophy, the problem of M. is solved and developed in various aspects. Thus, according to the Nyaya teachings, an analogue of M. can be a delusion - the identification of the Self with the body, feelings and mind (manas). M. is considered in a similar way in the Vaisheshika school, which, together with Nyaya, affirms the reality of the elements of the universe. Although the elements (buddhi) are eternal, their combinations are temporary; belief in the stability and eternity of the world can be characterized as M. Sankhya declares that the main cause of suffering is ignorance - the inability to distinguish the Self from the non-Self. The pure one-multiple Self (purusha) is free from any manifestation of movement, change and displeasure. The state of dependence of the Self on the non-Self (body, mind, world of objects) is M. According to yoga philosophy, suffering is caused by five reasons: ignorance, identification of the Self with the mind, thirst for pleasure, fear of pain, fear of death. These properties inherent in individuals are a version of M., hiding the truth and the path to liberation. Some Mimamsa schools put forward the thesis that belief in the reality of the existence of God is a consequence of M. In general, the various concepts of M. correspond to one of the main incentives of Indian religious and philosophical thought: the justification of the path to liberation of the personal self from the connections and dependencies of a changeable and unstable world, causing suffering, darkness, limitation and ignorance.

E. V. Gutov


1) in Buddhism, the mother of Prince Gautama, the future Buddha; 2). Philosopher category in various directions of Hinduism and Buddhism:...

1) in Buddhism, the mother of Prince Gautama, the future Buddha; 2). Philosopher category in various directions of Hinduism and Buddhism: a) the cause of visibility, appearance, illusoryness of the world, the special power of God, with the help of which the eternal, infinite, united Brahman appears finite, multiple, changeable, i.e. the reason that makes it possible to see the one in many and many in one; b) M. is the hidden desire of God to create the appearance of existence.