Marketing research of consumers of banking services. Analysis of the market for banking products and services The main consumers of banking services are

Portrait of banking services consumers

Three quarters of all residents over 16 years of age are users of banking services in Russia. The bulk of bank clients are Russians who resort to such services as needed: payment of utility bills, government duties, fines; receiving wages to a bank card issued by the employer, etc.

Users of banking services in general are women in 59% of cases and men in 41%.

Women are more often users of “mandatory” banking services, such as making utility payments, and when choosing additional options, they are more often guided by the advice of friends or bank employees.

Preferences of Russian users by type of banking products

According to Comcon, about 69% of all users of banking services in the Russian Federation visit bank branches to pay bills and make utility payments. Demand for the second most popular banking service - depositing and withdrawing money from a current account - was demonstrated by only 27% of Russians who are bank clients. No more than 15% make transactions with a deposit - this is the third most popular banking service in the Russian Federation.

13% of Russians over 16 years of age (7.4 million people), using banking services, use the Internet to obtain information about banking products. At the same time, about 42% of all Russians today have access to the Internet. The spread of Internet access in the regions of Russia, the growth of household incomes, the constant improvement of security systems for electronic banking transactions, the expansion of the range of services provided online, the growth of audience confidence in Internet banking - all these factors contribute to a significant increase in the importance of the Internet not only as a tool search for information, but also one of the key channels for consuming banking services.

The main development potential, in our opinion, is associated with the increase in the number of Internet banking users. By the beginning of 2011, about 2.1% of Russians over the age of 16 used the Internet banking service in Russia, although less than six months ago their share was only 1%.

Preferences of Russian users by bank brand

It is obvious that almost every Russian who uses banking services knows the brand of the oldest Russian bank - Sberbank (brand knowledge is 93% among bank client users). Despite constant complaints about long lines, unfriendly staff and low interest rates, at least 82% of all users of banking services use the services of this bank, and about 82% of all Russian depositors keep an open deposit with the same bank.

Bank website traffic and brand awareness

The correlation coefficient characterizing the relationship between traffic to the bank’s website and the level of consumption of its services by the Internet audience (a group of users of banking services who use the Internet as the main source of information) is 0.9. Thus, the observed relationship is quite strong.

If we separately consider the group of Russian Internet banking users, then this category of consumers is the most informed: more than half named 10 or more bank brands.

Factors determining the choice of bank by Russians

Memories of the events of 2008 and even 1998 are still fresh, Russians want guarantees and security, so many still prefer to keep their savings in cash rather than as a deposit. It is not surprising that bank reliability is a key factor.

So, when choosing a bank, users of banking services are guided by three main criteria:
- bank reliability;
- convenient, close territorial location of a bank branch;
- fame of the bank.

Internet banking is increasingly becoming a determining factor when choosing a bank in which consumers decide to open an account or issue a card. This is confirmed by research data from Profi Online Research: almost a third of all men and a quarter of women living in Moscow and Moscow Region consider the availability of the Internet banking service to be the determining criterion when choosing a bank.

For a high-income group of the population, Internet banking is already a necessary service: about 38% of Muscovites and Moscow Region residents with an income level above 80,000 rubles. consider the service as an important advantage of the bank. More than a third of the region’s residents earn between 25,000 and 80,000 rubles. Be sure to pay attention to the availability of Internet banking services when deciding which bank is better to open an account with.

Sources of information influencing the choice of banking services by Russian consumers

Russian users of banking services are guided by three main sources of information: advice from family and friends (65%), consultations with specialists (42%), and information on the Internet (20%).

For consumers of banking services who use the Internet as the main source of information, two other sources are also advice from family and friends (50%) and advice from specialists (40%). Internet banking users use the Internet in 65% of cases to obtain information about services, in 48% - advice from friends and in 43% - advice from specialists.

The main factors determining the success of entrepreneurship in the field services, are the search and use of data regarding clients for further event planning marketing, as well as reasonable feedback between customers and employees. Carrying out marketing research will help to identify a set of options that are satisfied by the offer of these suppliers services, and on this basis adjust the program marketing in order to achieve a competitive advantage. Marketing research are a means of maintaining constant contact with customers, helping to understand the mechanism they use to evaluate the service process before purchase, during service delivery and after consumption.

The following main directions can be identified marketing service market research:

  • research of consumer needs (the goal is to identify the basic needs that the consumer seeks to satisfy, as well as to identify needs that are currently not satisfied (for example, for a client of a commercial bank, the main need that he is trying to satisfy by opening a time deposit is the need for savings and saving));
  • consumer expectations research (studying the service standards that customers expect from purchasing a service - for example, regarding the cost of the service);
  • research of client perception (study of the most important criteria of service quality from the client’s point of view - what he expects and what he hopes to receive by purchasing the service);
  • service monitoring (service providers measure technical aspects of service, such as the reliability and timeliness of bank fund transfers);
  • studying operational methods and customer reactions to service offerings - for example, modeling and forecasting demand for banking services;
  • research on service intermediaries (brokers, sales agents, dealers and other intermediaries close to consumers);
  • studying key clients (most service organizations view some clients as more important than others, most often due to asset size or profitability);
  • maintaining constant contact with current and potential clients by creating a consumer panel;
  • obtaining valuable information regarding customer expectations regarding service quality through service analysis;
  • analysis of complaints (organizations providing services quite often consider complaints from customers as a positive source of information, since if a complaint is reported to management, then this information will help eliminate the causes and avoid repetition of these precedents in the future);
  • personnel research (as part of an internal marketing program - employee research is often carried out by service organizations - for example, studying motivation).

The marketing research process usually begins with the formulation of the problem and objectives of the study.

The objectives of marketing research in the service sector are different - here are some of them:

  • determination of market characteristics (for example, determination of banking services required by consumers going on vacation, and the identified range of services can be quite significant - from plastic cards to traveler's checks);
  • description of market characteristics (for example, description of the behavior of an investor purchasing securities from a bank);
  • measuring market characteristics (for example, determining the bank's share of the deposit market);
  • analysis of market characteristics (a more complete study of the above information - for example, analysis of bank depositors according to criteria such as age, income, etc.).

The choice of research methods (qualitative or quantitative analysis) will depend on the purpose of the research being conducted, as well as on the sources of available information.

Collecting primary market information is a part of the research that is best entrusted to marketing agencies rather than carried out by the service provider itself.

Analysis of qualitative research information allows us to identify the relationship between incentives and consumer behavior - the highly structured nature of the data obtained as a result of quantitative research; on the other hand, it provides the possibility of their exhaustive analysis.

In fact, consumer choice is determined by a set of possible options, which can be ranked according to their selectivity:

  • full range (includes all services that satisfy this need);
  • a set of expectations (includes those services that the consumer knows);
  • totality of consideration (includes those services within the expectations and desires that the consumer includes when considering a purchase);
  • the totality of the assortment (a group of services on the basis of which the final decision on the purchase of services was made);
  • infeasible set (in the process of determining a set of options, some services may be rejected because they are unavailable, impossible, inappropriate, etc.).

Consumer behavior in the service market can be divided into three stages.

Pre-consumption stage includes a series of actions that a consumer typically takes before purchasing a service, from identifying a problem, collecting information, and ending with defining a set of possible options. At this stage, consumers determine their desires and expectations from purchasing a service, and also identify options that are acceptable to them (a certain standard).

On the next stage - consumption consumers actually decide based on their own experience which of the options being considered is best. During this stage, the needs and expectations identified by the consumer during the pre-consumption stage are compared with the actual provision of the service.

On post-consumption stages the entire process of providing the service is assessed, which determines whether the consumer will retain the motives and desire to continue purchasing the service. By providing the proper level of service, satisfying the client's requests and expectations regarding the quality of the service, the organization can retain existing clients and attract new ones, increasing its market share.

The consumer has two main approaches to assessing the quality of a service. First can be defined as a strictly regulated quality standard for those services for which objective quality has been established, measured by a third party or by some other means. Second - “floating”, that is, quality is based on the subjective perception of the consumer, on the value determined by him.

During the evaluation process, services are distinguished five stages , influencing the assessment of the quality of service provision, which can be defined as the intervals between expected and actual service.

First interval- between the client’s expectations of benefits from purchasing a service and the perception of these expectations by the service provider. If the service provider does not understand the customer's wants and expectations, it is unlikely that the purchase will take place at all.

Second interval- between a correct understanding of the needs and expectations of the consumer and the criteria for the service provided by the service provider in order to meet the hopes and expectations of the client.

Third interval- between service quality standards and actual service, that is, the ability of the service provider to provide the required level of service. In meeting service requirements, the service provider must support the service process with appropriate resources and training of personnel.

Fourth interval- between the promised and actually provided service.

These stages are summarized in the fifth interval, in which the consumer's expectations regarding the service and the perception of the service provided take place.

Fundamentals of marketing activities of a credit and financial organization in competitive markets. Analysis of the marketing activities of the Abakan branch No. 8602 of Sberbank of Russia. Marketing research of consumer satisfaction with banking services.

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    The modern banking sector is the most important sector of the national economy of any state. In recent years it has undergone significant changes. Dynamic shifts in the banking systems of market economies are due to serious changes. These changes and the real economic situation in Russia today have led to the vital need for banks to master modern marketing techniques and methods. This is oriented towards the universalization of banking activities, its expansion beyond the boundaries of traditional operations, increased competition with foreign banks, and the emergence of competitors in the form of non-banking institutions: insurance, brokerage, various funds, commercial, industrial and financial corporations. To survive, banks need to fight for every customer. In these conditions, banking marketing takes on special importance, which explains the relevance of the chosen topic.

    Many, both legal entities and individuals, are thinking about how to survive, how, in what area of ​​economic activity to apply their knowledge, skills and abilities with maximum benefit for themselves, or how (and where) to invest accumulated funds so that they bring the greatest possible benefit , or, if losses are inevitable, reduce them to a minimum /1/.

    New commercial banks are being created, existing ones are being enlarged, and those that cannot withstand competition are disappearing. Other financial institutions are also being created. Modern marketing is considered by specialists as a system for organizing all bank activities in the development, production and sale of goods, provision of services based on a comprehensive study of the market and real customer requests, in order to obtain maximum profit.

    Marketing is known as a system for managing and organizing the activities of companies, firms, and banks, which comprehensively takes into account the processes occurring in the market. Banking marketing, due to its specificity, is a special branch of marketing. This is the external and internal ideology, strategy, tactics and policy of the bank’s activities, determined by the specific socio-political and economic situation. Recent changes in the banking system and the real economic situation in Russia today have led to the vital need for banks to master modern marketing techniques and methods /2/. This is driven by the universalization of banking activities, its expansion beyond the boundaries of traditional operations, increased competition with foreign banks, and the emergence of competitors in the form of non-banking institutions.

    To survive in competition, banks are developing new types of services, new forms of business, putting not only the interests of shareholders first, but also fighting for every client /3/. Currently, banking marketing acts as a combination of specific technical techniques with the new thinking of bank employees. Marketing underlies the work of all divisions of the bank. The market is studied, the necessary information is collected, analyzed, after which strategies for market development are developed /4/.

    In Russia, the development of marketing in the field of banking services occurs in very difficult conditions. In the current political and economic situation in Russia, state funding is noticeably reduced and increasingly carried out through commercial structures. This in turn leads to wide coverage by commercial banks of a significant number of enterprises with powerful financial resources.

    As the creation of new banks becomes increasingly difficult, recourse to the services of existing banks is expanding. In this environment, banks' attention to marketing problems is increasing. With a minimum of experience, methodological developments, qualified specialists, and information environment, each bank independently masters such a difficult area of ​​activity as marketing through trial and error.

    The purpose of the research in this thesis is to find ways to increase the competitiveness of the Abakan branch No. 8602 of Sberbank of Russia in the banking services market of the Republic of Khakassia and to identify factors influencing the choice of a bank for service by potential clients.

    To achieve the goal set within the framework of the thesis, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    a) consider the credit and financial sector as an object of marketing application;

    b) characterize the process of marketing management of a financial institution;

    c) assess the competitive position of the bank and the choice of its competitive strategy;

    d) characterize the Abakan branch No. 8602 of Sberbank of Russia as a subject of the financial services market of the Republic of Khakassia;

    e) analyze the bank’s market opportunities, its target markets, and main competitors;

    f) consider the bank’s marketing mix;

    g) conduct a marketing study of consumer satisfaction with banking services in the Abakan branch;

    The object of research in this thesis is the Abakan branch No. 8602 of Sberbank of Russia, organizationally subordinate to the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation - a stable, established, developed - organizationally and financially - structure, which, in addition to the huge size of controlled funds, has an extensive network of branches.

    The subject of the study refers to aspects of marketing research and factors influencing the increase in the competitiveness of the bank in the regional banking services market.

    The methodological and theoretical basis of this work was the translated works of Western scientists, as well as the works of leading Russian scientists in the field of marketing, such as Golubkov E.P., Danko T.P., Balakireva O.N., Rommat E.V., Mkhitaryan S. .V., Krylov I.V., Yadov V.V., Yanenko Y., Mani I.B., Simionova N.G., Dibb S., Silekin P., Pustotin V., and others.

    1. Theoretical foundations of marketing activities of a financial institution in competitive markets

    1.1 Credit and financial sphere as an object of marketing application

    The state's monetary policy is the strongest method of regulating (but not creating) investment activity and, therefore, an important condition for the emergence of a favorable investment climate.

    State regulation of banking activities in a market economy is carried out, first of all, within the banking system itself and is expressed in the impact on commercial banks of the Central Bank. It is necessary for the implementation of legally defined tasks of social reproduction.

    In the Russian banking system, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is designated as the main bank of the country and the lender of last resort. It is state-owned and serves as the main subject of state regulation of the functioning of commercial banks. The Central Bank is called upon to bring their activities into line with the overall economic strategy, and acts as a key agent of state monetary policy.

    One of the key tasks of the Central Bank in managing monetary relations is to ensure reliability and maintain stability of the banking system, allowing to avoid bank bankruptcies that are destructive to the economy. Reliability and stability of the banking system is necessary for the following reasons: commercial banks play a role in the production process; economic development depends on their stability; The activities of commercial banks are characterized by increased financial vulnerability due to the high share of their passive attracted funds, including centralized bank loans.

    The Central Bank’s influence on the activities of commercial banks is carried out in the following main areas:

    a) creation of general legislative, executive, judicial conditions allowing commercial banks to realize their economic interests;

    b) carrying out monetary regulation measures that influence the volume and structure of the money supply in circulation through changing the size of the resources of commercial banks, which can be used for credit investments in the economy;