Modal particles in Russian language list table. Pointing particles: examples

Service. It is intended to denote various emotional and semantic shades. Also, with its help, completely new words and their forms are formed.

All particles in Russian are divided into two large categories:

1) those that express shades of various meanings and emotions (modal);

2) formative and word-forming.

Such a division is based on what meaning and what role this part of speech plays in the sentence.

Modal particles in Russian

Depending on the shades of meanings and emotions they express, the particles, in turn, are divided into the following groups:

1) incentive: let, well, -ka, well, let's, come on;

2) negative and affirmative: no, yes, not, exactly, not at all;

3) exclamatory-evaluative particles: well, still, what kind, oh how, oh what;

4) interrogative: what, really, really, whether;

5) intensifying particles: yes and, and, even, even;

6) concessive at least, nevertheless, nevertheless;

7) comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly, as if;

8) excretory-limiting particles: only, only, only, exclusively, almost;

9) clarifying: just, exactly, exactly, precisely;

10) demonstrative: here and, out and, here, this, out, that.

Formative and word-forming particles in Russian

The latter are:

1) particles neither and not, if they are used as prefixes to form adjectives, nouns, adverbs, as well as pronouns (indefinite and negative): not true, someone, nothing, etc .;

2) particles - either, - something, - something, something. They are used as affixes. With their help, indefinite pronouns and adverbs are formed: something, somewhere, somewhere, etc.

Shape particle- would. With its help, the mood of the verb can be changed to the subjunctive: I would help, I would win.

Particles in Russian. Origin Classification

In Russian, some particles originate from various parts of speech, while others do not. On this basis, they are classified as follows:

1. Derivatives. They can come from adverbs: barely, directly, only, etc.; from verbs: let, let, see, etc .; from pronouns: -something, everything, -what, it, etc.; from unions: and, yes, the same, but, whether, -or, etc.

2. Non-derivative particles. Their origin is not connected with any parts of speech: -ka, out, here, etc.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "not" is merged with words

The unstressed particle is not used when one intends to express negation. It is written together with words only in the following cases:

a) if it serves as a prefix for nouns, adverbs and adjectives: unkind, sad, failure;

b) if the word without it is not found in use: ridiculous, out of place, slob;

c) if the forms of indefinite and negative pronouns are unprepositional: nobody, somebody, nothing, somebody;

d) if there are no dependent words with full communion: unheated sun, uncorrected mistake.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "ni" is merged with words

This unstressed particle is used to express amplification. It is written together with words in those cases when it acts as a prefix:

a) in negative adverbs: not at all, nowhere, nowhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, nowhere;

b) in negative pronouns (in their non-prepositional forms): I did not have a chance to take anyone on the road.

Dyachenko S.V.
junior researcher
IRA them. V.V. Vinogradov RAS

How to recognize a particle in a sentence

What is a particle? As we know from morphology, a particle is a service part of speech that helps to express different shades of meaning. But how exactly are particles involved in changing the shades of our speech?

Shaping particles help us form new forms of words, for example, the conditional or subjunctive mood of verbs: I AM would like visit Florence. These forms denote a special relationship of the speaker with the outside world: his wishes and dreams, aspirations, needs, requests and orders, assessments of objects and events.

*Remember that formative particles can also form the imperative mood of verbs and degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Find particles in the sentences and explain their role in each case:

1. The concert turned out to be longer than the organizers wanted, as the artists were often called for an encore.

2. May this year bring joy and success to all of us!

3. If I could play the piano, I would play Chopin every evening.

4. It was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life.

5. The teacher said that my essay about Lermontov turned out to be less interesting than the essay about Pushkin.

6. Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

7. I would love to show you this letter, but I can't.

8. This time the student was more attentive in preparation and made fewer mistakes in the work.

9. “Tell your father, let him take tickets not to the mezzanine, but to the stalls,” my mother asked.

10. The most terrible thing was that, along with the key, the opportunity to get a brand new travel magazine from the mailbox disappeared.

11. After the business trip, Mr. N began to express himself even more grandiloquently than before.

Of course, in addition to the shaping particles, there are brighter, more understandable particles for us - semantic. They help us express the feelings and emotions that are associated with the subject of the conversation: uncertainty and doubt in someone's words, surprise or indifference. In addition, these particles help organize information: they highlight the subject, point to it, clarify the information or reinforce the meaning. For example, a proposal It will always be summer here we can change with the help of particles so that we get a completely different meanings(think about it):

It won't always be summer here.

Let there always be summer here.

And it will always be summer here.

Will it always be summer here?

It will always be summer here..

And it will always be summer here...

So, semantic particles help us to unobtrusively express different feelings and thoughts and, moreover, do not attract attention to themselves - that's why they particles! But besides modest small particles, other parts of speech operate in sentences, designed to form syntactic connections and express emotions. How to distinguish a particle from a conjunction, preposition or interjection?

Union always associated with parts of one whole: it occurs at homogeneous members or with parts complex sentence. That is why the union has its own place in the sentence, and it cannot “run” around the sentence back and forth: If you write a dictation well, we will watch a movie in the next lesson. We can't move the "if" conditional to the end: * Will you write a dictation well if we watch a movie- sounds comical and incomprehensible, not in Russian, as they say. The particle, unlike the union, does not depend so much on the ratio of the parts, the beginning and the end of the sentence. It can move more freely, like a particle "would", or together with the word to which it is attached: Which- then the boy gave the veteran flowers. - The veteran was given flowers by some then boy.

As you noticed, the connection of a particle with a word often leads to writing with a hyphen or even together - this is how the negative prefixes “not-” and “ni-” appear:

I asked for a small green bag instead of a big bag. I handed her a small green bag.

Pretext associated with cases of nouns and is used only with them. We cannot tear off the preposition from the noun and transfer it to another part of the sentence, just as we cannot designate the emotion or idea that the preposition expresses : During For five years, Oleg has been diligently studying music.

The interjection in its functions is very close to the particle: this part of speech also expresses our emotions, secret movements of the soul and reactions to what is happening. To distinguish between particles and interjections, checking for connection with other members of the sentence will help: usually the particle is connected with the rest of the sentence, and the interjection can be separated into a separate exclamation: Oh, I haven't been to the theater for a long time! – Oh! How long have I not been to the theater!

! Remember: if we come across a one-word sentence expressing doubt or irony, we should be careful:

I got an A for my dictation today. – Really?

We were going to the cinema today. - Is it?

* Think about what part of speech the words are in these sentences really and unless. You will find the answer at the end of the article.

Exercise. Find prepositions, conjunctions, particles and interjections in sentences. Explain the role of these parts of speech.

1. After many years, this story has acquired details and has become more exciting than many modern detective stories.

2. I am talking exclusively about those biologists who prefer fieldwork.

3. And even if I was scared, how can you check me?

4. Alas, time flies too imperceptibly for young people!

5. Far from the native land, the heart becomes chilly and uncomfortable.

6. What a strange person our neighbor is!

7. Ah, how beautiful it is to get up on a June morning and go out into the dew-breathing garden!

8. And why didn't I think of calling you!

9. It was thanks to the horizontal extent of Eurasia that ancient people were able to exchange their inventions, plant seeds and domesticated animals.

10. Mother did not even remember the words spoken at dinner.

11. I would gladly drop everything and leave to explore the desert, but I could not break the promise.

Answer(task to determine the part of speech of words really and unless:

These words are semantic particles in these sentences - the sentences are incomplete, therefore the remaining members are omitted.

Particles do not have lexical meanings(and in this they differ from the significant parts of speech) and do not express grammatical relations between words and sentences (and in this they differ from the service parts of speech).

Particles are:

Amplifying (or, even, then, and, neither, after all, etc.)

Restrictive (only, only, etc.)

Index (here, there, this)

Interrogative (whether, really, really, really, but)

Exclamatory (what for, how, etc.)

Negative (not, not at all, far from, not at all)

Formative particles that serve to form word forms and new words occupy an intermediate position between function words and prefixes and suffixes:

1) particles would, let, let, yes, -ka, it was, serving to express moods or shades of moods in verbs;

2) undefined particles: something, something, something, something;

3) negative particle "not" serves not only to express negation, but also to form words with the opposite meaning. In this case, it acts as a prefix:

friend - foe, cheerful - sad, smart - stupid.

Separate writing of particles

1) Particles would (b), same (g), whether (l) written separately:

I would read it if, here, what kind, however, however, hardly, hardly.

The rule does not apply to cases where these particles are part of the word: to, also, too, really, or and etc.

2) Particles after all, out, here, even, they say written separately:

so after all, over there, like this, even he; brought, they say.

Hyphenating Particles

1) Particles are written through a hyphen -de, -ka, something- (koi-), (-kas - dial.), -either, -something, -s, -tka, -tko, -that:

you-de, she-de, na-ka, nate-ka, look, someone, something, someone, some, from somewhere, yes, sir, well, look- tko, somewhere, sometime, something.

Particle -de(colloquial) is used when transmitting someone else's speech, as well as in the meaning of the verb says (they say) and in the meaning of the particles "say", "say":

And if I see, de, that the execution is small for him, I will immediately hang all the judges around the table.

My fellow countryman turned to the commander at a halt: so and so, - allow me to leave, they say, the case is expensive, they say, since a local resident, it’s within easy reach of the yard.

2) Particle say(colloquial) was formed by the merger of two words: de and say.

3) Particle -With(derived from the word sir) gives a shade of servility, obsequiousness:

Chatsky. Caught honors and nobility?

Molchalin. No, sir, everyone has their own talent ...

Chatsky. You?

Molchalin. Two-sir: moderation and accuracy.

If between the particle koe- (koi-) and the pronoun there is a preposition, then the whole combination is written apart:

from someone, on something, someone with someone, something with someone.

4) Particle still("still", "however", "nevertheless", "indeed", "in the end") is written with a hyphen:

after verbs - persuaded, nevertheless, appeared;

after adverbs - true, long, again, again;

after the particles - after all, quite, really, downright.

In other cases, the particle is still written separately:

The secretary, although he felt his slight dissatisfaction, nevertheless rejoiced at the presence of such old women among the district's assets.

But although the temptation was great, I still managed to overcome myself.

5) Particle -then is added with a hyphen to pronouns and adverbs both to express uncertainty and to give the statement an emotional coloring:

Why is your heart broken?

Note 1. Separately, the combination is written like that ("namely") before listing homogeneous members:

In mixed forests there are various trees, such as: birch, aspen, cedar, pine.

Note 2. If the particle "-then" is inside a compound word written with a hyphen, then the hyphen is placed before the particle, and after it is omitted:

Bandage something crosswise (compare: crosswise);

Exactly exactly, but that's not the point (compare: exactly the same).

Note 3. If a particle that is written with a hyphen comes after another particle, then the hyphen is not written:

all the same, somewhere; with whom, they say, this does not happen (compare: after all, with someone, they say, this does not happen).

An exception: before the particle -с, the hyphen is preserved: Do you have a bite-s?

Particles "not" and "neither" - in the next post.

Particle- this is a service part of speech, which serves to express shades of the meanings of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms. Particles do not change, are not members of the sentence. (In school grammar, however, it is customary to emphasize the negative particle not along with the word to which it refers; especially for verbs). Depending on the transmitted additional values, there are: semantic particles (here he, approximately two), modal particles(Yes, we have met, Well, go) and shaping particles which convey different grammatical meanings: Let goes. Yes hello meeting participants!

Basic semantic particles






out, here it is and etc.

point to objects

1. Here bream, offal, here sterlet slice(I. Krylov). 2. The medical profession it feat, it requires selflessness, purity of soul and purity of thoughts(A. Chekhov).


exactly, almost, exactly, exactly and etc.

specify a word or expression

Mother nearly didn't pay attention to me(I. Turgenev).


only, just, just, only and etc.

give a word or group of words a restrictive connotation

Who am I? What am I? Only a dreamer who has lost the blue of his eyes in the darkness...(S. Yesenin)


even, after all, the same, and, neither and etc.

underline certain words

Even the clerk made some disapproving sound(L. Tolstoy).


is it, is it, is it, is it and etc.

express the question in interrogative sentences

Is can i doubt it?(L. Tolstoy)


not, not at all, not at all, not at all, far from and etc.

express denial.

Particle No used when answering a question in the negative and separated by a comma

Independence, a sense of freedom and personal initiative in science not less needed than, for example, in art or trade(V. Chekhov).

« So are you coming to us?" - " Not I won't come"(L. Tolstoy).


yes, exactly, yes and etc.

express a statement

"Is already married?" - " Yes, the third year went from Filippovka"(L. Tolstoy).

Separated by a comma.


as, as if, as if, as if, exactly and etc.

express comparison.

Used with a predicate

1. Dubrovsky as if woke up from sleep(A. Pushkin). 2. Ripe rye how golden sea.


what the, how, oh and etc.

express emotions

1. Dove, how good! Well what the neck, what the eyes!(I. Krylov). 2. To you, Kazbek, O guardian of the east, I, a wanderer, brought my bow(M. Lermontov).

Shaping particles

Grammatical form



Imperative verb

let, let, yes, come on

Let the crowd will trample on my crown: the singer's crown, the crown of thorns!(M. Lermontov)

Conditional verb

would, b

I AM b forever forgotten taverns and poems wouldI gave up writing(S. Yesenin)

Obsolete past tense of the verb

It was

We have begun It was talk about the new district leader, when suddenly Olga's voice was heard at the door: "Tea is ready"(I. Turgenev).

modal particles




Will (same meaning for shape particles)

Give- (ka), well, well, well, come on, let it, let it, come on

Not, I don't love you so passionately(P.)

Attitude to action: question, affirmation, negation, comparison

Yes, no, whether, as it were

You know whether you Ukrainian night? ( G.) do it how you know.


What the, -s

Well what the neck, what the eyes! (Cr.)

TO formative particles include particles that serve to form the forms of conditional and imperative mood verb. These include the following: would(conditional mood indicator), let, let, yes, come on (those)(indicators of the imperative mood). Unlike semantic particles, formative particles are components of the verb form and are part of the same member of the sentence as the verb, they are underlined along with it even in a non-contact arrangement, for example: I AM would not late if would it didn't rain .

semantic particles express the semantic shades, feelings and attitudes of the speaker.

In some studies, other groups of particles are distinguished, since not all particles can be included in these groups (for example, supposedly, supposedly).

Particle neither acts as a negative in constructions impersonal offer with the predicate omitted ( In the room neither sound) and as an intensifier in the presence of an already expressed negation ( In the room not heard neither sound). When repeating a particle neither acts as a repeating coordinating conjunction ( Can't hear in the room neither rustles, neither other sounds).

Postfixes are not particles - Xia (-camping), -then, either, something and prefixes not and neither as part of negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, as well as participles and adjectives, regardless of continuous or separate spelling.

semantic particle - then must be distinguished from the word-forming postfix - then acting as a means of forming indefinite pronouns and adverbs. Compare: which- then, where- then (postfix) - I AM- then know where to go(particle).

A particle is a service part of speech, which, without having its own completely independent lexical meaning, gives different shades to words and sentences or serves to create word forms.

Particles do not change, do not have an independent lexical meaning and are not members of sentences, but may be part of the members of a sentence.
The main area of ​​use of particles is oral speech, fiction and journalism with elements of colloquial speech. The use of particles in speech gives the statements greater expressiveness, emotionality. Excessive use of particles leads to clogging of speech and loss of semantic accuracy.

The main role of particles (general grammatical meaning) is to add additional shades to the meanings of other words, groups of words or sentences. Particles clarify, highlight, strengthen those words that are necessary for a more accurate expression of the content: « Already the sky breathed in autumn, Already the sun shone less.» ( Pushkin A.S.) Already is a particle with an amplifying value.

Particles arose later than other parts of speech. By origin, particles are associated with different parts of speech: with adverbs ( just, just, just, just, just and etc.); with verbs ( let, let, come on, give, it would, after all, you see and etc.); with unions (and, yes, and and etc.); with pronouns ( everything, it, what for, then, this, yourself etc.), with interjections ( out, well and etc.). Some particles are not related to other parts of speech in origin: here, is it and etc.

There are few particles in Russian. In terms of frequency of use, they are in the first hundred most used words (as well as , conjunctions and some pronouns). This hundred of the most frequent words includes 11 particles ( not, well, here, only, yet, already, well, not, even, whether, after all ).

Comparison with other parts of speech

In their structure and functions, the particles are close to adverbs, conjunctions and interjections.

Particles differ from significant parts of speech in that they do not have lexical meanings, therefore particles are not members of a sentence, but can be part of sentence members. Particles differ from prepositions and conjunctions in that they do not express grammatical relationships between words and sentences, i.e. the particle never binds anything.

When parsing the particle is singled out together with the word to which it refers or not singled out at all.

In the science of the Russian language does not exist consensus according to particle classification. Different authors have different classifications.

Discharges of particles.

According to the meaning and role in the sentence, the particles are divided into categories.

  • shaping,
  • negative,
  • semantic (modal).

Shaping particles

- particles that are involved in the formation of certain forms of various parts of speech (verbs, adjectives, adverbs, state names, pronouns).

  • Particles that serve to form the mood forms of the verb:
    • imperative mood - yes, let (let), come on (let's) :long live, let him go, let's (let's) go;
    • subjunctive (conditional) mood - would(b): said would, helped would , put on b ; what would did not happen.
      Particle would(b) can stand before the verb to which it refers, after the verb, can be separated from the verb in other words: I b went to work. I wanted would live in Moscow. I made more would it is better. I AM would did even better.

    Particles would, let, let, yes, let's (let's) are part of the verb form and are part of the same member of the sentence as the verb, are underlined with it. The formative particle is a component of the verb form and is written out with the verb in the morphological analysis of the verb as a part of speech.

  • Particles that form forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives, adverbs, state names - more, less : more important, less important; more interesting, less boring.
    The value of the comparative degree can be enhanced by particles more and all : more scarier all more interesting.

When forming forms, particles approach morphemes: more important (the degree of comparison is formed with the help of a suffix) - more important (the degree of comparison is formed with the help of a particle).

Postfixes are not particles -sya (s), -something, -either, -something and no, neither as part of negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, participles and adjectives, regardless of continuous or separate spelling. Particle should be distinguished -then and -then : which -then, where -then ( ) - I AM -then I know everything. (particle)


In the complex of Babaitseva in the Russian language, some other authors (Glazunov, Svetlysheva) proposed a different approach, where something, something, something - referred to derivational particles and form pronouns and adverbs : who - someone, someone, someone, anyone; some - some, some etc. Negative particles are also classified as word-forming particles. not and neither : who - no one, no one; when never, never etc. In this case, the particles are converted into .
With a particle not Words with the opposite meaning are formed: friend - foe, happiness - misfortune.
Some words without not no longer exist: bad weather, slob, ignorant, impossible and etc.
These questions should be clarified with your teacher.

negative particles

No, neitherare the most frequent particles. Moreover: no, not at all, not at all.

Particle NOT plays the main role in the expression of negation, attaches the following meanings:

  • negative value for the whole sentence: Do not be this.
  • negative value to a separate member of the sentence: Before us was not a small, but a large clearing.
  • positive value, assertion (via double negation with not): could not help but help, i.e. should have helped; could not say.

Most often a negative particle not is included in the predicate: At night did not have rain. ( did not have- predicate) I do not know. (do not know- saying)

Particle NI gives:

  • negative meaning in a sentence without a subject: Neither from place!
  • strengthening of negation in sentences with the word not (no), which expresses the main negation: Around No neither souls. Not it is seen neither zgi. In the sky No neither cloud. Sometimes neither used without not : In the sky neither cloud.
  • amplification and generalization of any statement made in the main sentence (for this, in subordinate clause particle is used neither ): What neither (= everything) would do, everything worked out for him. Where neither (= everywhere) look, there are fields and fields everywhere.
  • When repeating a particle neither becomes important coordinating (connecting) union : Neither Sun, neither air won't help me. ( neither - union)
  • Negative particles include the words no. It is used in the negative answer to the expressed or unspoken question: Want? Not . To reinforce the negation word No repeated or used before a negative predicate: No, I don't want to.
    Particle No corresponds in its role in the sentence to the affirmative particle Yes : Will you go? Yes .
  • not at all, not at all, not at all .

It is necessary to distinguish nor (not) prefix, particle and union. The prefix is ​​written together ( someone, no one, no one). Particle and union are written separately: no not a soul (particle, reinforces negation); Neither (union) rain, neither The (union) snow couldn't stop him.

Sense Particles

Semantic (modal) particles are particles that introduce various semantic shades into the sentence (clarify, emphasize, reinforce), express the feelings and attitude of the speaker.

Groups of particles by value:

  • Contribute semantic shades:
    • interrogativewhether (l), is it, really :
      Really This is true? Truth whether it? Is don't you agree with me?

      Is and really often act as synonyms: Is it (is it) did not you recognize me? But, they can also have different meanings.
      In offers with unless doubt is expressed, the speaker seems to argue with the interlocutor, he is sure of the inadmissibility of the fact: Is can you lie?
      In offers with really there is doubt and surprise: Really did he deceive us?
    • indexhere (and here), out (and out), here and, there and .
      Highlight the subject to which you need to pay attention: Here my village.
    • specifyingexactly, just, almost, almost, exactly, exactly, exactly : Exactly she told me about it. Just he knew about it.
      Particles exactly , just serve to highlight the most important information.
    • express selection, limitation(restrictive-excretory) - only, only, exclusively, almost, exclusively : I am not sick, only) tired a little.
  • particles that express the feeling and attitude of the speaker:
    • exclamatory particles - what the how , Well: What a soul! That's lovely! oh well!
      These particles express admiration, surprise, indignation.
      Particle how has a homonym how - pronoun how and union how .
      Particle how usually used in exclamatory sentences: How delightful evenings in Russia!
      Pronoun-adverb how used in interrogative sentences and is a member of the proposal : How do you feel? How - circumstance.
      Union how - in complex sentences: I will tell you, how to live on.
    • express doubthardly, hardly Barely whether it will do. Unlikely he will agree.
    • amplifying particles - even, even, not, well, really, after all, after all, only, only and etc.
      Particles highlight words in a sentence: Masha is familiar only famous monuments. ( Only - amplifying particle, in the sentence is part of the definition only known).
      Some particles of this discharge can perform the role of unions : The moon got brighter, the stars same just turned blue. Particle same highlights the word stars and connects the first and second sentences.
    • express relaxation of requirements — —ka.
      In combination with imperative verbs, this particle softens the meaning of the verb: Do It! - Do It -ka .


  • And day and night the cat is a scientist all walks around the chain. (A. Pushkin) - amplifying value
  • Well what the neck, what theeyes! (I. Krylov) - exclamation value
  • Yeshello sun,Yesthe darkness will hide (A. Pushkin) Let the brown one burst stronger. (M. Gorky) - forms the form of the imperative mood of the verb
  • Same word, but not the samewouldsaid. - forms a shape subjunctive mood verb.
  • What we've been talking about before only thought, now realized. Just thought -only not an adverb, not a union, since it does not connect anything, but enhances the meaning of the verb (they thought, but did not). Therefore, it is a particle.