What part of speech are formative particles. Particles in Russian

Particle- this is an invariable service part of speech that will give, clarify or specify various semantic (gradual, evaluative, optative, etc.), modal, emotional and expressive meanings of words, parts of a sentence or sentences and participate in the formation of individual morphological categories, and also expresses attitude speaking to reality or reported. For instance: I AM sameI will give my life for you; The enemy is near notsuffer etc. Wed: [Chatsky] Why so secret? - [Molchalin] In my summers not must dare / Have one's own judgment. – [ Chatsky] Have mercy, we are with you not guys / why same other people's opinions only holy? (A. Griboyedov); Only the Black Sea is noisy ... (A. Pushkin); Here the master will come - the master will judge us (N. Nekrasov); Here is the mill! She already fell apart (A. Pushkin); Here youth! .. read! ., and then grab! (A. Griboedov), etc.

By structure particles can be primitive(not, is it, just) and derivatives (just everything was etc.). In turn, derivatives particles are divided according to the nature of the relationship with those parts of speech from which they originated:

  • adverbial (simply, directly, precisely);
  • pronominal (all);
  • verbal (was, used to be, give);
  • - excretory particles associated with unions(What thethe charm of these tales; I AM, but,I won't follow you)
  • - particles similar in meaning to prepositions (like).

In terms of performance functions particles are:

  • a) shaping(let, come on, let, let, would (Let it burst out stronger storm! (M. Gorky)) and derivational(derivational. then, or etc. (someone, anyone etc.));
  • b) semantic, emotional and expressive and modal.

TO semantic include the following particles:

  • - index (here, there, this);
  • - definitive and clarifying (exactly, exactly, exactly, almost);
  • - excretory-restrictive (. only);
  • - amplifying ( same, directly, after all, simply);

TO emotionally expressive(they are pronounced with force, pressure) particles are what for, something, where is it, what is there, well, well, well and etc.

TO modal, expressing the subjective attitude the speaker to the reported, the particles are added:

  • - affirmative (Yes of course);
  • – negative (neither, no, no, not at all, how);
  • - interrogative (and, is it really);
  • - comparative (exactly, as if, as if);
  • - pointing to someone else's speech (de, they sayI say I don't know etc.).

In the texts of works of art, particles express

various semantic shades words, phrases and sentences:

Wed: I same told you! Said same I to you! Or me whether you not talked about it? Is I to you not talked about it? Knew whether you about it? etc. - What the aces in Moscow live and die! (A. Griboyedov). I AM whether to you not own, i whether to you not close, / I am the memory of the village or not cherish? (S. Yesenin).

In Russian, two particles are distinguished expressing the meaning denial, not and neither. In connection with the particle not particle neither receives amplifying meaning: Neitherdrops notafraid; Neithertrait notI know. The scope of the particle not in Russian is very wide, especially since it "merged two homonyms that previously differed phonetically (not and n)". The complexity of the grammatical nature of the particle not expressed in fluctuations in its use. She has prefix agglutination. (indecent, independent etc.) and the negative particle function.

Particle neither expresses negation or in the very structure of a non-extended sentence (not a soul; not a sound; not moving) or when spreading a negative sentence, combining the meaning denial with meaning amplification (We didn't hear anysound) or with the value of the allied transfers (For you no letter, no parcel,neither telegrams). In a particle neither there is an element of the meaning of the completeness of the absence or the categorical nature of the negation. Particle neither reinforces negation and participates in the formation of "hidden" meanings in the structure of counter opposition. Qualitative enhancement of the feature particle neither expresses itself. Wed:

Not bad, not good, not average.

All of them in their places

Where neither the first nor the last...

They all rested there.

(A. Akhmatova)

// There are no bad ones, no good ones, no average ones, no first ones, nolatest... // = "none" is the lowest degree of the attribute.

Terminology issues

In modern Russian studies, there is an opinion that particles are not a special part of speech, but a special function the words. As an argument, the linguistic fact is given that the modified word can also be a particle.

Particles team up with pretexts and unions syntactic nature of the meaning: they do not express concepts they are assigned those semantic increments that the statement receives when a particle is introduced into it. For example, in sentences I drink in the morning only coffee with milk and I drink in the morning coffee with milk it is reported that coffee with milk is an the only drink which the (I) drink in the morning. Since the above sentences differ in composition only by the word only, we can say that the indicated restrictive-selective meaning is introduced by the particle, is its meaning. If in a proposal Rain is coming introduce a particle even if, the content of its syntactic modality will change: instead of the denoted real fact the sentence will call desirable(optimal) fact. As a result even if turns out to be a particle with a desirability value.

Particles are part of one or another member of the sentence, if these particles are shape-building. Would say you tell me about it(form subjunctive inclinations); Yes, shine your name(form imperative inclinations). Some modal particles are also part of the members of the sentence, for example, the particle not: He told me did not believe.

Different parts of speech can pass into the category of particles. For instance: In the audience only girls or In the room stood one table(one/one = "just; nothing/nobody else"); Outside one prank,grows here one nettle - the formation of particles from the names of numerals. Another example - Think: giveI'll say maybe I'll believe shows education verbal particles. Or compare: Everythingthe space was occupied by roses, He did alldepending on him cases of using pronouns, according to: And he everything is silent and silent -everything is amplifying particle.

Particles are widely used in sentences, communicative goal which is expression of the degree of the attribute value. For instance, low the degree of the attribute is conveyed by the amplifying particle simply in the meaning of "perfectly": Our business is very badUS just nothing to live(A. Ostrovsky) // just nothing to live = we have absolutely nothing to live on.

Restrictive particle only appears in the statement in the first and second meanings of the particle only:

  • 1) "not more than so much, nothing else but "- It's only worth (= "only; total" five rubles // It's only worth it(just only)five rubles, that's just(= "only") Start // This just the beginningand to be continued;
  • 2) "only, exclusively" Only(= "only") in the villageresting // I rest only in the village, nowhere else, Only(= "only") youpity me // Only you feel sorry for me, no one else. Wed: union only carries the meaning "as soon as": Just enteredshe meets him // How just enteredshe is facing him.

High the degree of manifestation of the feature is expressed by the amplifying particle only(or combined "not + verb") in preposition in relation to the pronoun and adverb in negative sentences, used to reinforce the idea of ​​a large number, volume, girth, etc. For example: Who hasn't beenin Gorky's house, who did not writehim, what kind of things were not interested inhe!(P. Pavlenko) // Who just doesn't... + verb = "very many (almost all)"; what only (affairs) not + verb= "very many (almost all)".

With a numeral, with a word Total or without it, particle only used in the sense of "no more than, just": He raged only three hoursbut laid down two hundred and forty spawners and an uncountable offspring(I. Ilf, E. Petrov). With a word more or without particle only indicates the limitation of the action, the phenomenon of the initial, preliminary, etc. moment in the meaning of "still, yet": It's just(= "still") Start , expresses the meaning gains - Everyone has been at work for a long time, and he only(= "still") dressing up, only(= "yet") seven weekshow he received the regiment(L. Tolstoy). Wed: union only combined with words as, only, barely or without them attaches a temporary or conditional subordinate clause in the meaning "at that moment, as, now, as": Just sayI will come // As soon as you say, I will come. Like an adversarial union only used in the sense of "however, but, on condition": I agree to go just not nowI agree to go however, not now.

Particle even used to emphasize and strengthen the word to which it refers: Evenhe will come; Here Pasha Emilievich, who possessed a supernatural instinct, realized whatnow hiswill be beaten, maybe even kicking(I. Ilf, E. Petrov).

In modern Russian, the lexeme simply functions as particle, adverb, predicate(short form of adjective simple), union and state category word.

As particles lexeme simply functions in the preposition position in the following combinations:

  • simple + adjective(simplyclumsy) ,
  • simply + noun (It was just a boyfrom the next street, It's just a mockery preposition in relation to the predicate expressed by the noun);
  • simply + verb (he just doesn't lookon me, me just wanthome in an impersonal sentence);
  • simple + state category word (Just can'tbelieve, here just deep).

In modern Russian adverb- one of the most productive and semantically full-fledged grammatical categories. On its periphery, transitional types of words are observed, close to particles, conjunctions and prepositions. As an adverb, a lexeme simply occurs mainly in the position of postposition in relation to the predicate expressed by conjugated and non-conjugated forms of the verb: He said simply; Write simplyand clear.

lexeme simply belong to the class predicatives (short adjectives) based on the expression quality state and syntactic role predicate. The solution to the problem is quite simply ,Everything was simply ,war / / simply - short form of adjective simple in the function of a part of a compound nominal predicate: Solution (was) simply,The state of affairs was extreme simply ,Everything simplyand clear.

As union lexeme simply speaks for communication homogeneous members sentences and in compound sentences: He didn't hit simplylowered his fist on the table; ... my haste was not due to the fact that I was happy to be released from classes, simplyI tried to do as quickly as possible what the teacher told me(F. Iskander).

The element is expressive enough simply in the variant of gradational union not only but. Such expressiveness is created as a result of the adjective inherited from the name simple, adverbs simply and particles simply values. The only feature of sememes is the seme "not complex" (archiseme "measure, degree"). In all sentences as part of the gradation union, the element simply conveys the meanings: 1) "not containing many parts"; 2) "easier - more difficult"; "without intention - with a purpose"; "ordinary - extraordinary, standing out from others." The first meaning is present in composing sentences with gradational unions.

Element simply as part of a gradational union marks an equal component denoting a simple action, and with its lexical meaning indicates that the value of the first peer component is simple compared to the value of the second peer component : He not so easynoticed errors but alsotried to fix them. The first equal component is notice contains the sememe "see, discover", the second component - try to fix Sememe "try to eliminate shortcomings in something." The second component causes in the minds of the speaker and listener what is named by the first: one action, indicated by the predicate notice is a precondition for the other try to fix. Such a ratio of two equal components of the syntactic construction creates material grade, because one of the peer components actually includes another peer component in its content. Element simply as part of the union emphasizes the importance material gradation.

Particle even in terms of implementation gradual semantics and grading sentence-statement is a productive amplifying agent and is freely used in combination with all the syntactic elements of the sentence as predicative so non-predicative plan. Particle even freely combined with the words of all significant parts of speech in all their forms.

amplifying Components and, but, well either alone or in combination with other gradators (cf. and even, but even, well, even; and simple, but simple, well, simple; and more, by (a) more, well (a) more etc.), highlighting the word with which they are used, often require the statement of this word at the beginning of the syntagma: And the poor man can be happy!(A. Chekhov).

Particle more in different contexts expresses a number of meanings, for example, in the text of I. Ilf and E. Petrov: The janitor stood at the workshop three more minutesfilled with the most venomous feelings... additional value; Viktor Mikhailovich for a long timeswaggered; Never beforeVarfolomey Korobeinikov was not so vilely deceived- in combination with the pronoun particle more used to emphasize something. When used after pronouns and adverbs more acts as a particle to enhance expressiveness: Which one elsegift to him! In colloquial speech what else is used in the meaning of "amazing, wonderful, exceptional", and the combination nothing yet - in the sense of "satisfactory to some extent": This nothing yet!He's been doing this for years and never got caught where more with previous union and yes stands in the meaning of "besides, in addition, in addition, in addition." Particle more expresses the presence of sufficient time, sufficient conditions for some action:

In the center such subtropics long gone, but on the periphery, in the field - still found; Madame Kuznetsova for a long time she would tell about flour, about the high cost, and about how she found Claudia Ivanovna lying by the tiled stove...

Combination and also... used in the meaning of reproach, irony, condemnation ( And also a doctor!); to strengthen the expression of a greater degree:

And Ostap Bender told Ippolit Matveyevich a story, the amazing beginning of which excited all secular Petersburg, and an even more amazing end was lost and passed completely unnoticed by anyone in recent years.

Wed: Didn't I know that this would be the case?? O, how else did you know! knew very well(N. Sergeev-Tsensky); What elseMishka? NoneBears do not know(M. Gorky) - amplifying particle more used in the adverb how(or pronoun what) to emphasize a sign, a fact - I knew very well; Didn't know any Mishka. Like a bounding particle more used to clarify, emphasize any sign, fact: Here, see where still at the bottomrows of mowed hay lie, here is the bridge(L. Tolstoy).

The functioning of the particle in the text

Particle more very productive and is used in constructions with the following values:

  • 1) recall, reference to the known: But Lizaveta, the merchant, you don’t know ? She went down here. More made your shirt(F. Dostoevsky);
  • 2) concerns: ... He will come, yes, perhaps more rude(M. Saltykov-Shchedrin);
  • 3) inconsistencies (more often with complicated elements a, i): I am a peasant, but I will not do this. And alsonobleman! (N. Gogol); Ek far enough! Alsosmart man...(N. Gogol);
  • 4) condemnation, discontent, doubts: Here is the beast, still talking! (V. Garshin); Yes, where did you get? Sister is healthy. - Hurry up some more!(A. Ostrovsky);
  • 5) assumptions;
  • 6) Accent: More, as if on purpose, with the newest pieces of paper(N. Gogol);
  • 7) amplification (with pronominal words how, what)". And how else draws beautifully...; What elsedexterous...

Particle all can bring into the sentence a variety of meanings and shades. This is an adverbial particle used in constructions with the meaning long-term, permanent and dominant feature : Do you know why he is like that? allsad, allsilent, you know? (I. Turgenev). lexeme all in this sentence it is a particle, introduces a semantic ring of a long and permanent sign, emphasizes that someone for a long time unhappy, sad, silent etc. The proposal is two-part; particle all is part of the nominal predicate (not so funny) and into the composition verbal predicate (everything is silent) located immediately before the significant word (happy- adjective, is silent- verb). The particle introduces into the sentence, in addition to semantic, a stylistic shade of colloquialism. Similarly: The father will even be glad; he keeps pushing me to serve, and I keep trying ill health(F. Dostoevsky).

A touch of colloquialism gives the statement a complicated anyway. Wed: He lies day and day in a hole, he doesn’t sleep at night, he doesn’t eat a piece, and still thinks: "It seems that I'm alive? .."(M. Saltykov-Shchedrin) - particle all introduces into the sentence the meaning of the constancy of the action and the predominance of the mental process of the face, and the morph - then, adjoining the particle, highlights, emphasizes, accentuates the semantic ring of the verb-predicate thinks.

Complex particle so in modern Russian it functions in verb sentences with the following meanings:

  • 1) intensively and full emerging predicative sign (Rain so it pours; The sun so it burns);
  • 2) sign like completion or identifying prior state (I'm leaving,so I don't know truth; Bed so it was unfinished);
  • 3) confident and defiant (So scared of you!).

A. A. Shakhmatov saw in combination so"an adverb meaning relationship, i.e. one or another degree of manifestation of a feature" and, accordingly, "a complementary circumstance". According to him, building " so + verb in the form present, past,(less common) future time" in modern Russian colloquial speech are extremely common. For example: Boards below it so they bend, so they crack(I. Turgenev) - present tense verb; So it blew misfortune from his figure(L. Tolstoy) - past tense; Me so it shook laughing(A. Chekhov) - past tense.

Particle So may be complicated by the element here, and then the syntactic construction conveys the meaning of direct and unimpeded detection of the predicative feature:

All the lower back hurts, and the leg, which is higher than the bone, so it breaks(N. Gogol); So all and hide in the shop when you see him (N. Gogol); “How I love your Pokrovskoye,” he said, interrupting the conversation. - So would all life and sat here on the terrace (L. Tolstoy).

Combination so is also used in η constructions with the value completion or identifying a previous condition. A predictive sign expressed by a combination so and, characterized as the result or natural completion of another sign that prepared it, independent and dissimilar to the final one ( cried all night sofell asleep), close and similar to it ( been sick for a long time so he died), or the same sign emanating from the past, which lasted for some time and naturally ended by itself ( never arrivedvisit). Meaning of syntactic parts with so revealed as a result of comparison, cf. so she fell asleep, so she died, and did not come etc.: ... he realized that he was gone, that there was no return, that the end had come, completely the end, but doubt it is not allowed, it will remain sodoubt(L. Tolstoy).

The meaning of "very, to a large extent" is conveyed amplifying particle where in colloquial speech: Whereyou cold and dry!(A. Pushkin). In combination with an adjective (or an adverb in a comparative degree) a particle where means "significantly, incomparably, much" (MAC) and is characteristic of colloquial speech: Much prettier, Much cheaperWork in progress much friendlier;...our oil pipeline - much more deservingan object for literature than all the charms primevaltaiga(V. Azhaev).

with a particle where formed infinitive sentences with the meaning of confident denial of the possibility of performing an action - the dative subject is usually used as part of the sentence (as a rule, the particle begins the sentence): Whereme, catechumen, to go to big bars ...(M. Saltykov-Shchedrin). Usually this particle is complicated by amplifying elements already, there, here, same:

Well, where are should she marry, should she marry? Here I marry, so I marry (Gogol); Oh, no, sir... don't take me to the hospital, don't touch me. I'll just take more flour there. Where can I be treated!.. (I. Turgenev).

Particle sentences where, conveying the meaning of negating the possibility of performing one or another action, can only consist of a particle and the following dative subject: Where to him! Where are you going! Where are you here!

Particle same way has the meaning of mocking disapproval, irony, assertion of the inconsistency of the sign with the internal capabilities, qualities of its carrier. The particle can be used both at the beginning and at the end of a syntactic construction - a one-part, nominal or verbal sentence: Every creature same wayclimbs to love! (I. Goncharov); Same way,from funny...(A. Griboyedov).

Widespread sentences that use complicated amplification particle Well -Well; well... same; well, and; well, yes and ... well; well; well and :

Well, ball! Well, Famusov! (A. Griboyedov); Well you have a build, brother (A. Rybakov); Well was well the pig is a real lion! (K. Paustovsky); Well, really House! I got to the spot! (A. Ostrovsky); Well, really and glad same I saw you! (I. Turgenev); Well stupid same this girl... kind, but... stupid - unbearably! (M. Gorky).

The meaning of the graded assessment, conveyed by these linguistic units, is supported by the lexical meaning of the words that make up the sentence. A negative or positive assessment is revealed directly from the sentence itself, the modal meaning of which can be defined as an accentuated assessment in combination with surprise caused by a certain quality or nature of a feature, process, object or phenomenon.

Function amplification transmits a particle already in constructions where the predicative unit includes a word with a qualitatively characterizing meaning - a verb or a name denoting a sign that manifests itself to a greater or lesser extent, an adverb of measure and degree or a pronominal such, as:

And here we are fighting, so we are fighting with money... How necessary, how necessary!(A. Ostrovsky); I don't understand how you can deal with such a fool. So stupid here already true varmint! (L. Tolstoy); And the dowry: a stone house in the Moscow part, about two eltazh, so profitable that true pleasure (N. Gogol).

Complicated particle - too; already and ... same; really ... then; and already; really- often used in one-part nominal sentences, less often - in verbal or two-part sentences. Such uses are characteristic primarily of colloquial and artistic speech:

Already and bear same was (I. Gorbunov); Already and horse! Kabardian lov-brand (L. Tolstoy); Don't blink your eyes when it's all over. And I'm a grandmother, a midwife! (K. Fedin); Already not angry whether he? (A. Ostrovsky); What does it mean? Already not suitors whether? (N. Gogol).

Accent particle Yes quite productive in terms of use, including in sentences with gradual semantics. A characteristic feature of the particle is the fact that Yes in sentences with meaning accentuated opposition is located between the opposing components, which can be any members of the sentence, but with the obligatory condition that the predicate, the main member of the sentence or the entire predicative basis enter into this group. Wed: you yesdon't you understand?With him - Yesnot agree? (I. Turgenev); yes youwork, go, you can't! – Minesweeper, Yescan not!(Yu. Nagibin) - the discrepancy between the predicative feature and its carrier (object) is emphasized.

From the point of view of pronunciation, such constructions are distinguished by a longer pause between the compared words. The pause is intensified and emphasized also in the case when the particle is followed by so that dividing the structure of the sentence into two parts: With his ability Yesnot to study! // With his ability yes tonot to study; At the forester yes tothere was no money! (A. Chekhov).

Among the sentences of accentuated opposition, the meanings concessionary restriction(N. Yu. Shvedova) and "affective expression"(A. A. Shakhmatov).

In offers concessionary restriction(with an unknown subject, object or circumstance) must include adverbs or pronouns something, somebody, somewhere, somewhere, for some reason:

And always anything yes stuck to his uniform ... (N. Gogol); to someone yes to be killed or wounded - that's right (L. Tolstoy); Mechanics and me something yes standing (A. Krylov).

Such sentences convey the meaning of such an accented sign, which is always combined with the meaning of confidence in its presence: "at least something (someone, something, etc.), but be sure ..." - stick; will be killed or wounded; has a price etc.

Offers affective expression are replicas of a dialogue in which a message is emphasized (not always an answer) with an emotional connotation of meaning - irritation, bewilderment, confidence, evaluation, etc. In such utterances, the particle always starts a replica, and the accentuation of the sentence is enhanced due to the complication of the construction by the particle same, following the logically selected word.

Wed in the works of L. Tolstoy:

  • “Natasha, lie down in the middle,” said Sonya.
  • “No, I’m here,” Natasha said. . - Go to bed, she added with annoyance.
  • (War and peace)

Vasily Lenidich I told you - those shoes. I can't wear these! Gregory. Yes and those they are standing there.

Vasily Leonidich. Yes, where is it?

Gregory. Yes there same.

Vasily Leonidich. You're lying!

Gregory. Yes here you will see.

(Fruits of enlightenment)

Obviously, the presence of particles in a sentence-statement implies both the selection of one of the words and a wide plan of messages, and an attempt to remove particles narrows, impoverishes and even distorts the content of the statement. The role of the particle is not only and not even so much in allocation, how many in instructions on the broader meanings. values. These shades are usually worn measuring character.

  • Wed: Starodumova E. A. Russian particles (written monologue speech): monograph. Vladivostok, 1996; Shibanova A. E. Semantic-functional characteristic of a particle even// Russian language at school. 1974. No. 1. S. 33-35; Nagorny I. A. Expression of predicativity in sentences with modal-persuasive particles: author's abstract, thesis .... Dr. philol. Sciences. M., 1999.
  • Shakhmatov Λ. A. The syntax of the Russian language. (1941). S. 404.
  • See additional: Kolesnikova S. M. Particle "here" in the Russian sentence: grammatical transformation, desemantization and gradual function // Russian language at school. 2013. No. 6. P. 92–97.


If you need to learn how to find particles in the text, then first of all remember that this is a service part of speech. Therefore, you will not be able to put a question to this word, as, for example, to independent parts of speech (noun, verb, adverb, etc.).

Learn to distinguish the particle from other service parts of speech (prepositions, conjunctions). It is also impossible to put a question to them, as well as to particles. But conjunctions do a different job in a sentence. If prepositions connect words in syntactic constructions, and unions - or simple sentences as part of a complex one, then we need particles, for example, in order to form a mood in a verb.

Use the verb "to be friends" in the imperative and in the conditional. You need to use shape particles for this. So, the particles "would", "b" form the conditional mood "would be friends." But such particles as "let", "let", "yes", "come on", "let's" will help you express some kind of request or order, i.e. use a verb in the form: "let them be friends."

Keep in mind that particles are also necessary in order to express your thoughts: to clarify something, to express an affirmation or denial, to point out some detail, to soften the requirement, etc. For example, the particles "not" and "neither" will help you communicate the absence of something, the particles "only", "only" - to clarify something, etc. And in the sentence "Over there, beyond the mountains, the sun appeared," the particle "out" indicates action.

Learn to distinguish the particle "neither" from the repeated union "neither". For example, in the sentence "I can neither cry nor laugh," the words "no-no" are a repeated conjunction, because they connect homogeneous predicates. But in the sentence "Wherever he was, he found friends everywhere," the word "neither" is a particle, because. introduces an additional meaning (statement) into the given syntactic construction.

Learn to distinguish between the particle "that", which is necessary to soften the requirement, from suffixes in indefinite pronouns or adverbs. So, in the sentence "Did you manage to exercise?" the particle "that" helps to add an additional shade. But in the adverb "somewhere" or in the pronoun "someone", "that" is a suffix, with the help of which new words are formed from interrogative pronouns and adverbs. Remember that the particle "that" is written with a hyphen with nouns.

Be aware that particles are not members of a sentence, like all other auxiliary parts of speech. But in some cases, for example, when using a verb with particles "not", "would", "b", they will play a syntactic role simultaneously with the predicate.

What is a particle in Russian? Previously, particles meant all service parts of speech. In the 19th century A. V. Dobiash, a representative of the Kharkov linguistic school, began to single out particles in a separate category, which was the beginning of a narrow approach to the issue of particles. V. V. Vinogradov also devoted his work to their study.

Indicative particles in Russian are included in the category To learn how to correctly identify examples of indicative particles in a sentence, it is not enough to learn this list, it is necessary to correctly determine the semantic relationships within a phrase or sentence.

Particle as a separate part of speech

In modern morphology, a particle is a service part of speech that carries an additional semantic, evaluative or emotional meaning of a word, phrase or sentence, and can also serve to form some forms of a word.

The particles themselves do not express lexical meaning, but they may be homonymous with some significant words.


  1. She has not yet arrived (yet - adverb). When else will she arrive? (also a particle)
  2. The summer was cold (it was a verb). She went, but returned (it was - a particle).

The main difference between particles and prepositions and conjunctions is their inability to express grammatical relations. They are related to the rest of the service words by immutability and the absence of a syntactic role (that is, they are not members of sentences). However, it is worth noting that the word "yes" as an affirmative particle, and the word "no" as a negative, no can become independent inseparable sentences. But at the same time, one should not confuse the particle "no" and the negative word "no", which is used in impersonal sentences. For example: "No, you just listen to how she sings!" (no - particle). "I don't have time" (no is a negative word). During parsing, a particle may be highlighted along with the main word on which it depends, or not highlighted at all.

Types of particles depending on their composition

According to their composition, the particles are divided into simple and composite. Simple ones consist of one word (if, whether, same), and compound ones consist of two (rarely more) words (that would be, nevertheless, hardly). Compounds, in turn, can be dissected, when it is possible to divide the particle in a sentence in other words.

  1. Here to go to Moscow.
  2. I would like to go to Moscow.

And inseparable, when the separation of the particle in other words is impossible. Phraseological particles, those combinations of functional words, the semantic connection between which has now lost its original meaning, are also inseparable.

Particle Functions

In oral and written speech, particles perform the following expression functions:

  • motivation, subjunctiveness, conventions, desirability;
  • subjective-modal characteristics and assessments;
  • goals, questions, affirmations or denials;
  • action or state depending on its course in time, its completeness or incompleteness, the result of its implementation.

Particle Discharges

In accordance with the functions performed, all particles are divided into categories:

  1. Form-building (let, yes, let's, and so on). Used to form the imperative and conditional mood (let him run, he would run).
  2. Negative (no water, no bread; does not bring, not at all funny).
  3. Expressing a sign (action, state) depending on its course in time, its completeness or incompleteness, the result of its implementation.
  4. modal particles. They carry additional semantic shades or express feelings.

Types of Modal Particles

Group modal particles quite extensive and can be divided into several types:

  1. Indicative particles (here, out).
  2. Interrogative particles (is it, is it, is it really).
  3. Clarifying particles (exactly, exactly).
  4. Excretory-restrictive particles (only, simply, if only).
  5. Reinforcing particles (even, after all, after all).
  6. Exclamation particles (like, what the, well, right).
  7. Particles expressing doubt (hardly, hardly).
  8. Affirmative particles (exactly, so, yes).
  9. Particles expressing softening to the requirement (-ka).

pointing particles

The discharge of a particular particle can only be determined in context, since many of them are homonymous. Therefore, it is necessary to know what values ​​the particles of each category have. Indicative particles are those that point to objects, actions and phenomena of the surrounding reality, as well as link and demonstratively emphasize words. The most common examples of this type are: this, here, out, it, colloquial - in, some others. According to some studies, a postpositive particle also adjoins the indicative particles - also in combinations of the type: then, there, the same, in the same place, where it is combined with pronouns by the agglutination method. Examples of pointing particles: "Here is my house", "There is my garden", "What is this song playing?".

Some features of pointer particles

The specifics of the use of indicative particles can be considered on the example of an indicative particle - out. The fact is that in the process of using this particle in various contexts, there is a shift in emphasis from it. For example, in the sentences: "There he goes" and "There it is," the intonational difference is clearly traced.

More clearly, one can trace the relationship of the remaining particle digits with the index ones in the table.

Modal (express semantic shades and feelings)


this, out, here, here


exactly, exactly, almost


whether, really, really


just what the, well, straight


only, at least (would), only, only, just, just


after all, only, after all, even


yes yes exactly

express doubt

hardly, hardly

express mitigation

Ka (come on)


form an imperative mood

yes, let's, let's, let, let

Let there be light!

form a conditional mood

I would like to ride.


complete negation when used before the predicate

Mom didn't come.

partial negation when used before the rest of the sentence

Mom didn't come.

for approval in exclamatory and interrogative sentences

Whom I have not met!

inside stable combinations

almost, not at all, almost

with double negative

for amplification in negation

There are no songs or poems.

Neither fish nor meat, neither.

to strengthen the statement in subordinate clauses with a concessive connotation

Wherever you go, remember home.

Particles are often used both in oral and written speech, therefore, for their competent use, you need to be able to determine their meaning and category. To practice this skill, you can look for examples of pointing particles or other digits in works of art with daily reading.

§one. general characteristics particles

A particle is a service part of speech.

Once upon a time, the linguistic tradition contrasted particles of speech with parts of speech (small auxiliary words - large words with independent meaning) and included all auxiliary words. Then it was understood that prepositions and conjunctions are separate classes of words, each with its own functions. And the term particle began to use in a new way, in a narrower sense.

Like all "small" words, particles have a number of important features:

1) do not change themselves,
2) are not members of the proposal (but some particles may be included in their composition).
They are distinguished from other non-independent words by the fact that they serve to convey a wide range of additional meanings, emotions, feelings, assessments of the speaker. Without particles, which are especially often represented in colloquial speech, the Russian language would be less rich. Compare:

Really did he not call? (surprise) ≠ He didn't call? (question)
Just I dreamed about this! (clarification, underlining, expression) ≠ I dreamed about this (neutral message)
What the night! (exclamation, evaluation) ≠ Night. (name offer)

Even from these examples it is clear that the particles are very diverse. At the same time, as for all service words, for particles their function (role) is determining, according to which they are divided into formative and semantic.

§2. Shaping particles

There are very few shaping particles.
These are particles: would, let, let, yes, come on (those). They serve to form the forms of the conditional and imperative.

Not it would rain, we would spend all day outside.

Particle would serves as an indicator of the conditional mood of the verb. It is a component of the verb form. The particle is included in the predicate along with the verb form. This means that the shaping particles will be included in the members of the sentences.

Let's go out of town!

Particle let's - imperative indicator. let's go It is an incentive for joint action. Here it is the predicate of a definite-personal sentence.

This means that the formative particles are the particles involved in the formation of the forms of the conditional and imperative moods of the verb. In a sentence, they act together with the verb, even if they do not stand side by side, and are one member of the sentence (separate particles cannot be members of the sentence).

§3. semantic particles. Ranks by value

The bulk of Russian particles are semantic particles. Since they can express a wide range of meanings, it is important to know what value digits they are divided into.

Ranks by value:

  1. Negative: not, not at all, far from, not at all
  2. Interrogative: really, really, whether (l)
  3. Indicative: this, out, here, in (colloquial)
  4. Clarifying: exactly, just, exactly, exactly, exactly
  5. Restrictive excretory : only, only, exclusively, almost, exclusively
  6. Exclamation points: what for, well, how
  7. Amplifying: well, after all, even, really, after all, not, well, still, and, yes, but
  8. Doubts: whether, hardly, hardly

Do not confuse:

1) Particles and, uh, yeah- homonymous with coordinating conjunctions.
AND do not say! AND do not ask! AND do not wait! (here and- amplifying particle)
Yes do not say! Yes do not ask! Yes don't wait for him, he won't come! (yes - amplifying particle)
A, whatever happens! ( a- amplifying particle)

2) Particle -then homonymous with the suffix -to in indefinite pronouns: someone, some etc.
He -then knows what he's talking about! We- then we know... Ivan -then knows... (here -then- particle)

3) Particle how homonymous with pronoun how.
How breathe well after a thunderstorm!, How it's horrible!, How I feel bad! (here how- exclamatory particle)
How the word is written? (interrogative pronoun)
I do not know, how this word is written. (relative pronoun)


Some particles may belong not to one, but to different categories, for example: whether or not and others. Compare:
In the House neither soul (= no one, negative) ≠ There was no room neither souls (amplifying)
Say you called whether anyone? (interrogative) ≠ Will come in whether is he today? will have time whether? (doubt)

test of strength

Check your understanding of the contents of this chapter.

Final test

  1. Is it correct to consider particles as an independent part of speech?

  2. Is the part of speech of the particle changeable?

  3. Can particles be part of sentence members?

  4. What particles can be part of the sentence members?

    • semantic
    • Form-building
  5. What particles help form the imperative and conditional moods?

    • semantic
    • Form-building
  6. Particles are formative or semantic not and neither?

    • semantic
    • Form-building
  7. Form-forming or semantic particles are: would, let, let, yes, come on -?

    • semantic
    • Form-building

By itself, the word "particle" says that it is a small part of something. Ever since school, we remember the concept of a particle from the Russian language, as well as an elementary particle from the course of physics and chemistry. Let's figure out what a particle is in a particular science.

What is a particle in Russian?

In Russian, a particle is a non-significant or auxiliary part of speech, which serves to give shade to various words, phrases, sentences, as well as to form words, for example. It is possible to distinguish particles, like other service parts of speech - a preposition, conjunctions, interjections, by the fact that it is impossible to ask a question to them.

There are several types of particles:

  1. Formative - they serve to form a verb of a conditional and imperative form. For example, "would", "let", "let", "come on". Unlike other particles, they are components of the verb form and are the same sentence member as the verb.
  2. Semantic particles - serve to express the shades of feelings of the speaking person. According to the semantic meaning, particles can be divided into negative (neither, not); interrogative (really, perhaps); index (here, this, that); clarifying (exactly, exactly the same); amplifying (even, after all, after all), and others.

Many philologists believe that particles are close to adverbs, conjunctions and interjections, as well as introductory words. The particle does not have its own meaning, but the meaning takes on the one that is expressed by it in the sentence.

What is an elementary particle?

Elementary particles are the smallest indivisible objects that make up the atom. Their structure is studied by elementary particle physics, and from 1932 to the present day, more than 400 elementary particles have been discovered.

All elementary particles are usually divided into three large groups, which are distinguished depending on their electromagnetic and gravitational behavior.

  • So, bosons are carriers of the weak electromagnetic interaction. Also, bosons are characterized by a half-integer spin. This group includes photons, neutrons, protons.
  • Leptons are direct participants in the electromagnetic interaction. To date, about 6 leptons are known. The most famous of them is the electron (e), and this elementary particle has the smallest atomic mass.
  • Hadrons are the heaviest elementary particles that also participate in electromagnetic and gravitational interaction. By mass, hadrons are divided into three groups - baryons, mesons and resonances. The most famous baryon is the proton.

Each elementary particle is characterized by mass, lifetime, spin and electric discharge. The discovery of elementary particles made it possible to make a big step both in nuclear physics and in molecular kinetics. Today it is believed that the true elementary particles are leptons and quarks.

So, now you know what a preposition, union, particle is, and how the particle differs from other service parts of speech. And, also, what characterizes elementary particles in physics.