My school is in French. Topic in French "Mon école" (My school)

Les enfants doivent obligatoirement aller a l'ecole de 6 a 16 ans au moins. Ce sont leurs parents qui choissent l'etablissement scolaire. L'enfant peut frequenter l'ecole publique ou privee. A l'ecole comme au college ou au lycee, l'enfant apprend les matieres fondamentales: francais, mathematiques, physique, chimie, les sciences naturelles, histoire, geographie, langues etrangeres. Il y pratique aussi les sports collectifs ou individuels. Les eleves apprennent a vivre en collectivite. Les etablissements scolaires se divisent en ecoles primaires: de la maternelle a la septieme; college, de la classe de sixieme a celle de troisieme; lycee, de la classe de deuxieme au baccalaureat.

Children between the ages of 6 and at least 16 must attend school. Parents choose an educational institution for them. The child can attend both public and private schools. At school, as well as in college and lyceum, the child also studies the basic subjects: French, mathematics, physics, chemistry, natural Sciences, history, geography, foreign languages. She also plays sports in general and individual groups. Students learn to live in a team. Educational institutions are divided into primary school (from kindergarten to the seventh grade), college (from the sixth grade to the third) and lyceum (from the second grade to the bachelor's degree).

L'elevedoit respecter les regulations de son ecole. Il doit obeir aux professeurs, mais ceux-ci sont egalement astreints a certaines obligations: respect des horaires et des programmes, interdiction des chatiments corporels. En France les etablissements d'enseignement

comprennent un personel nombreux. Il y a un directeur, un censeur, des surveillants, un economiste, des secretaires, des psychologues, des infirmieres, des inspecteurs, etc. Ils sont, comme les professeurs, indispensables au bon fonctionnement d'un etablissement. Dans l'enseignement primaire il y a, en generale, un seul maitre par classe. Les professeurs au college enseignent deux ou une seule matiere. Durant les deux premieres annees, les eleves apprennent une langue etrangere. En classe de quatrieme ils choissent deuxieme langue.

La rentree aux ecoles francaises a lieu le 15 septembre, la fin d'etudes le 15 juillet. The student must respect the rules of his school. He must obey the teachers, who have certain obligations: not to raise the schedule of classes, to set out the program, not to succeed in corporal punishment. In France, educational institutions employ numerous staff. These are the director, educator, next, economist, secretary, psychologists, nurses, inspectors, etc. The effective work of the educational institution depends on the activities of these people, as well as on teachers. Primary school classrooms usually have one teacher. A college teacher teaches two or one subject. During the first two years, students study one foreign language. In the fourth grade, they choose a foreign language to study for a friend. The beginning of the school year in French schools falls on September 15, and ends on July 15. Lesystemedelsensesignment prescolaire et primaire en France. L'enseignement en France est obligatoire, gratuit pour les enfants de 6 a 16 ans. Mais il y aussi des etablissements prives. Le systeme educatif releve principalement de l'Etat et donc du ministere de l'Education Nationale. Le premier cycle - l'enseignement prescolaire. Les enfants de 2 a 6 ans frequentent les ecoles maternelles. L'enseignement y est assure en majorite par des institutrices ainsi que par un petit nombre d'instituteurs. La scolarisation en maternelle n'est pas obligatoire mais elle fait l'objet d'une forte demande. Elle permet aux enfants de faire l'apprentissage de la vie en societe, de former leur personnalite et de developper la pratique du langage.

Preschool and primary education in France. In France, education for children from 6 to 16 years old is compulsory and free. But there are also private schools. The education system is under the tutelage of the state, or rather, the Ministry of National Education. The first cycle is preschool education. Children from 2 to 6 years old attend kindergartens. They are brought up by female teachers, less often by men. Kindergarten attendance is not mandatory, however kindergarten is in high demand. Children there are taught to behave in society, their personality is formed, speech habits develop. Les plus grands enfants peuvent y commencer l'apprentissage de la lecture. Le deuxieme cycle - c'est l'enseignement primaire qui est obligatoire et gratuit pour les enfants de 6 a 11 ans. La duree normale de la scolarite est cinq ans. Ce sont: les trois premieres annees, celles du cours preparatoire et du cours elementaire, sont regroupees avec la derniere annee de maternelle en un cycle des apprentissages fondamentaux. Le cycle d'approfondissement couvre

le reste de la scolarite. Pendant ces cinq annees les eleves apprennent la lecture, l'ecriture et le calcul. Les enfants frequentent d'abord la classe de onzieme puis passent a la dixieme, neuvieme, huitieme, et septieme. Les enseignants de l'ecoles primaire sont les instituteurs et les institutrices.

The oldestchildren can learn to read there. The second cycle - primary education - is compulsory and free for children from 6 to 11 years old. Typically, training here lasts five years. Of these, the first three years are preparatory and primary education; The last year of kindergarten forms the basic education cycle. The deep learning cycle is the following years. During these five years, students learn reading, writing and counting. Children first attend the eleventh grade, then move on to the tenth, ninth, eighth and seventh. Primary school teachers are teachers and teachers.


  • une enumeration - counting, designation, numbering
  • inverse - opposite, -a
  • choisir - to choose
  • une matiere - academic subject
  • fondamental, -e - main, -a; fundamental, a
  • respecter qch - respect, observe
  • un chatiment - punishment
  • indispensable - responsible, -a
  • durant - throughout, throughout
  • Discussion
  • Qu'est-ce que c'est que l'ecole primaire?
  • Combien d'annees dure l'instruction a ce cycle?
  • Quel est le personnel d'une ecole francaise?
  • Quelles sont des obligeances des eleves?
  • Existe-t-il le chatiment a l'ecole?
  • Vocabulary
  • educatif, -ve - educational, -a; educational, -a
  • assurer - to provide, to fulfill
  • une scolarisation - visiting an educational institution
  • un apprentissage - practical training, internship
  • une personnalite - personality
  • un approfondissement - deepening
  • un enseignant - teacher, educator
  • Discussion
  • Des enfants de quel age frequentent-ils les ecoles maternelles?
  • Pour les enfants de quel age l'enseignement en France est obligatoire et gratuit?
  • Qu'est-ce qui permet aux enfants la scolarisation en maternelle?
  • Qu'est-ce que c'est que le deuxieme cycle?
  • Ce cycle est-il obligatoire et gratuit?

We are happy to welcome all fans of the French language! Each of us has a literary or film character, an actor, an athlete, an artist, from whom we are crazy and whom we want to be equal to. It can be ordinary people from our lives: our mom or dad, our school teacher or mentor, friend or senior comrade. We admire these people and want to be like them. As you may have guessed, friends, today we will try to write an essay on the topic “My Hero” in French.

In any educational institution, and sometimes when applying for a job, you may be asked to write an essay or essay about a person who has influenced your life or yourself. Of course, first of all, we write about who we admire, who causes positive emotions in us.

If you study French at school or in another educational institution, then you will definitely face the task of telling about your hero orally or writing an essay on the topic “My hero”. Today we will help you deal with it in this article.

Some rules for writing an essay

Friends, for sure, you immediately have a question: how to write an essay? Where to start, what phrases and phrases are best to use, what conclusion to draw at the end? Everything is very simple, the main thing is to clearly define what hero, character or person you want to write about.

First things first, we need an introduction. After all, we do not immediately jump right off the bat, and are taken directly to the description of the hero. The introduction is the first paragraph, which consists of several sentences. Here you can write that you read a lot of books, watch a lot of movies, communicate with different people. Every person has a hero they want to be like, and you also have a hero. You can start with these phrases:

  • Chacun de nous vit parmi les gens… – EveryonefromUSlivesamongof people
  • Nous sommes entourés par les gens, les personnages littéraires et cinématographiques… – Wesurroundedpeople, literaryAndcinematiccharacters
  • Je lis beaucoup de livres, je regarde les filmes et je parle avec les personnes différentes… – II readmanybooks, IlookfilmsAndcommunicatefromvariouspeople
  • Chacundenousaunpersonnagequ'iladmireetqu'ilaime… – Each of us has a character that we admire and love…
  • Il y a des personnes qui influencent notre vie ... - There are people who influence our lives ...
  • Chaquepersonnechoisitsonheros… – Each person chooses his hero…
  • Moiaussi,j'aiunherosquim'inspire… – I also have my hero who inspires me…

We already have a start. Now smoothly move on to the story of your favorite hero. This is a new paragraph. You can start by saying that you have many preferences, but the best of your favorite characters is the one you will talk about:

  • J'admire beaucoup de personnes et personnages ... - IadmiremanypeopleAndcharacters
  • Je suis heureux de faire connaissance avec plusieur personnes. - Ihappy, whatImetcomanypeople.
  • Mon meilleur héros, c'est ... - Mybesthero- this
Favorite children's heroes - the ancient Gauls Asterix and Obelix
  • Il est mon meilleur ami - Hemybestfriend
  • Il a un bon coeur - He has a good heart
  • ilm'aidbeaucoup - He helps me a lot
  • ilm'inspire - He inspires me
  • nousnousestimons - We respect each other
  • nousaidonsl'unl'autre - We help each other
  • Raisonnable - prudent
  • Bon - good, kind
  • Interessant - interesting
  • Curieux - curious
  • Fidèle - faithful, devoted
  • Calme - calm
  • Intelligent - smart
  • Vrai ami is a true friend

Write about how you draw inspiration from this person / character, how he influences you and your actions, what new things he brought into your life, what example he sets for you, what unites you, what tests you have passed.

And, finally, the completion of the essay, the conclusion. Here you can write approximately similar phrases as at the beginning of the composition. Tell me how happy you are that you have just such a hero, he is the best. Write that you cannot imagine yourself without him, and you are grateful to him for inspiration and positive emotions:

  • Je suis heureux que cette personne / ce personnage est mon héros - I amhappy, whatthishuman/ thisthe charactermyhero.
  • C'est le meilleur héros - This isbesthero.
  • Jen'imaginepasmavieSansmonheros - I can't imagine my life without my hero.
  • Je le remercie pour son influence et son bon exemple - Ithankfulto himbehindhisinfluenceAndhisKindexample.

Well, here, friends, you got acquainted with the basic rules, now you can start writing the essay “My Hero”!

We are writing an essay "My Hero" in French!

So, friends, armed with the necessary vocabulary, preparatory phrases and a dictionary, we are ready to write an essay about your favorite hero!

The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

J'ai lu plusieurs livres et j'ai quelques personnages preférés. Mais plus de tous je prefere un personnage. Mon héros préféré littéraire, c'est le Petit Prince d'un conte de l'écrivain français, aviateur Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

C'est un petit garçon avec les cheveux blonds en désordre. Il est touchant et solitaire. Il vit seul sur une petite planète de la taille de la maison; le matin et nettoie sa petite planète, il arrase les graines de baobab. De même il a soin de la belle Rose qu'une fois a germé des graines. Mais la Rose offense souvent le Petit Prince, elle est tres capricieuse. Et un jour, le Petit Prince quitte sa Rose, il se lance dans un voyage.

Mon héros visite quelques planètes, et il se sent toujours comme unétranger. Il a rencontré le roi, qui se vantait qu'il était meilleur et plus beau que l'autre, bien qu'il ait vécu sur cette planète seul. Ilétait a un ivrogne. Il buvait pour oublier qu'il avait honte de boire. Il a vu un homme d'affaires, qui n'avait pas le temps de vivre en raison du calcul des nombres inutiles. Il a rencontré le scientifique, ne voyant rien à cause des livres. Le Petit Prince se demandait pourquoi les choses stupides involved les gens. Le garçon avait espéré trouver des amis, mais était encore plus solitaire. Et il a compris qu'il n'y a rien de mieux que sa planète d'origine et sa belle Rose.

Ce conte n'est pas pour les enfants. C'est un conte philosophique, il touche des problèmes sérieux. Le Petit Prince est raisonnable et curieux. Il cherche des amis et le sens de vie. Et il le comprend.

Mon héros m'attire par son immédiateté, sa simplicité, sa gentillesse, le sens de l'humour, l'intelligence. Il est constant dans ses affections, privées de toutes les aspirations cupides. L'enfant réfléchit sérieusement à sa vie, il comprend sa valeur. La vie est donnée à l'homme de vivre avec d'autres, avec ceux qui ont besoin de vous. Dans ce livre on dit qu'"on ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur".

This is the essay “My Hero” we got, we hope it will come in handy for you, friends! See you on our website!

My school is very big and not very old with its traditions. It is named after V.V. Mayakovski. On the ground floor there are several classrooms of English for the Primary school and workshops, a cloakroom and a canteen, a library and a headmaster office. There are a lot of interesting books in the library. In the library there are many portraits of famous Russian writers on the walls. Our school has two PT classrooms. One of them is situated on the underground floor. This PT classroom is smaller than another one, which is located between the ground and underground floor. This PT classroom is very useful for our students. And in our canteen room we always buy very tasty cakes.

The classrooms of the first, second and the third form are on the first floor. But sometimes we spend there some breaks. My favorite classroom is the Biology classroom and English. Biology classroom is very beautiful; there are many flowers and animals there. And in English classroom there are not many tables, because our class is learned by three teachers. In our class there is a map of Great Britain. I like English, because it "s a subject I am interesting in. I like to learn new words, to dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things.

There are 500 pupils in our school. Some of them love our school but some of them think that it is a load of their life. I thought this way some years ago, but now I understand that all these ages I have spent in my school - the best ages in my life.

School year begin, as a rule, on the 1st of September and ends in May. It lasts 9 months: from September to May. We have 4 holidays a year. The Summer holidays are long. They last 3 months. The winter holidays are shorter, they last only two weeks. During the holidays we don't study, we have a rest. We go to school every day except Sundays and Saturdays. On weekdays we work hard. On weekends we have a rest, as a rule.

All pupils of our school learn some foreign languages. All pupils of our class learn English and German or French (on their mind).

At the lessons we check our home tasks. We ask and answer the questions, we read English texts and translate sentences both from English into Russian and from Russian into English. We describe pictures and speak on various topics. During the English lesson we do many exercises, we speak, read and write English. Sometimes we listen to the tapes. We don "t speak Russian in class. As I want to learn, to speak and to read English, I must be attentive in class and I must always prepare my homework.

Each lesson lasts forty minutes. During the breaks we just stand outside, talk, play and repeat our homework. We haven't got lunch. But some students eat in the canteen, but most bring their own lunch. WE usually have a lot of homework and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart.

I like my school, because I"ve got many friends there and I always remember: "Education brings a child the world."


My school is very big, but not very old with its traditions. It is named after V.V. Mayakovsky. On the ground floor there are several English classes for elementary school and seminars, a cloakroom and dining room, a library and the director's office. There are many interesting books in the library. The library has many portraits of famous Russian writers on the walls. Our school has two PT classes. One of them is located on the ground floor. This PT class is smaller than the other one which is located between ground and underground floor. This PT class is very helpful for our students. And in our dining room, the room we always buy delicious cakes.

Classes of the first second and third level are located on the ground floor. Sometimes we spend some breaks there. My favorite class is biology and English classes. The biology classroom is very beautiful, there are many flowers and animals there. And in the English class there are not so many tables, because there are three teachers in our class. Our class has a map of the UK. I like English language so I'm interested in learning. I would like to learn new words, act out texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things.

Our school has 500 students. Some of them love our school, but some of them think it's their life's work. I thought the same a few years ago, but now I understand that all this time that I spent at my school - best age in my life.

The academic year usually starts on September 1st and ends in May. It lasts 9 months: from September to May. We have 4 vacations a year. Summer holidays are long. They last 3 months. Winter holidays are shorter, they last only two weeks. During the holidays we do not study - we rest. We go to school every day except Sunday and Saturday. On weekdays we work hard. On weekends we usually rest.

All pupils of our school learn some foreign languages. All students in our class study English and German or French.

We check our homework in class. We ask and answer questions, we read English text and we translate sentences from English into Russian, and from Russian into English. We describe pictures and talk about various topics. During English lessons we do a lot of exercises, we speak, read and write in English. Sometimes we listen to records. We do not use Russian in the classroom. Since I want to learn, speak and read English, I must be attentive in class and I must always prepare my homework.

Each lesson lasts forty minutes. During breaks, we just stand outside, talking, playing and repeating our homework. We don't have lunch. But some students eat in the cafeteria, but most bring their own lunch. We usually have a lot of homework and it takes us several hours to complete it. Sometimes you have to write an essay, prepare a report or learn a poem by heart.

I like my school because I have many friends there and I always remember: "Education brings peace to a child"

One of the important lexical topics in French for schoolchildren/primary school students is the topic "School supplies". Presentation of the topic in the classroom by the teacher involves the use of a variety of visual materials, interactive whiteboards, multimedia presentations and a range of didactic methods.

On the site, it is proposed to learn words on this topic using a table containing words, their translation and transcription, as well as pictures depicting school supplies and interesting tasks aimed at consolidating the studied material.

In addition, in order to practice pronunciation, reading skills and memory development, students are presented with a rhyme about school supplies, which must be read, translated and memorized.

Les materiels scolaires

Word French equivalent Transcription*
Bookun livereEn livre
NotebookUn cahierAn kaye
Pencilun crayonAn kreeong
Penun styloAn stylo
RulerUne regleYun ragle
A diaryUn livret scolaireen livery scolaire
NotebookLe bloc-notesLe notebook
Pencil caseLe plumierLe plumier
EraserUne gommeyun gom
Briefcaseun cartableAn kartabl
TableLe bureaule bureau
DeskUne tableYun tabl
ChairsDes chaisesDe shez
BoardLe tableauLe scoreboard
MapUne carteYun cards
CalculatorUn calculateurAn calculator
Sharpener for pencilUn taille-crayonAn tai-kreong
CompassUn compasAn compa
a piece of chalkLa craiela cré
MarkerLe souligneurLe souliner

*It should be noted that for children starting to learn French, it can be very difficult to deal with sounds and transcription icons, so at first it is better to convey the sound of a word in writing using Russian letters. So, for example, a child will quickly remember how it sounds or reads a word un Cahier , seeing not the real transcription -, but the "Russian" - kaye.

Tasks to consolidate knowledge

To better remember new words and learn how to pronounce them correctly, complete the task in the picture. Look at the picture carefully and say who is holding what.

Sample: Lucie, qu'est-ce qu'elle a dans sa main?

Elle a la loupe.

Read and translate the poem into Russian.

Le cartable

Dans un cartable d'ecolier

Beaucoup de choses on peut trouver:

Gomme, stylo, crayons, cahiers,

Regle, livre et plumier.

Now look at the picture and verbally list what is usually in the student's bag, using both the words from the poem and other words from the lesson.

Orally answer the question using the following phrases:

  • Qu'est-ce qu'on peut trouver dans un cartable d'ecolier?
  • Dans un cartable (d'ecolier) on peut trouver…

Try to recite the poem by heart without peeking, J!

"Monécole - My school"

Je viens de finir mes études à l'école et je voudrais vous raconter un peu ma vie scolaire. Mon école n'est pas tres grande. C'est un edifice moderne à deux étages. Plus de 400 eleves y font leurs études. C'est une école spécialisée en langues étrangères, elle est connue pour le haut niveau de renseignement et une discipline sévère. Les eleves ont un vestiaire au rez-de-chaussée. La salle de sport, la cantine, la bibliothèque et les ateliers sont disposés aussi au rez-de-chaussée. On a deux ateliers: un pour les filles où elles apprennent à faire la cuisine, coudre et tricoter et un autre pour les garçons. Notre salle de sport est grande et tres bien équipée. Au premier se trouve une grande salle de reunion. On y organize des fêtes, des assemblées et parfois des soirées. A cet étage même le cabinet du directeur est situé, pas très loin on a une classe des ordinateurs et une classe pour les auditions. Les laboratoires chimiques, physiques et biologiques sont installées au deuxième étage. Les classes pour les petits sont aménagées au premier, pour les grands - au deuxième. Chaque classe est equipée de 2 ou 3 rankées de pupitres. La table de professeur est toujours disposée devant
celles des eleves pour qu'ils puissent bien le voir et l'entendre. Là-bas il y a aussi un tableau et une bibliothèque, des tableaux et des cartes sur les tables. Les classes réservées aux cours de français sont munis de magnétophones pour écouter les textes sur les cassettes, de la télévision et du magnétoscope: ainsi on a la possibilité de voir les programs d'apprentissage. A l'école je travaillais six jours par semaine. Les cours commençaient à huit heures et demie, mais j'arrivais d'habitude dix minutes en avance. Chaque courses dure 40 minutes. Après trois ou quatre leçons on reservait aux élèves une pause d'une demi-heure. Pendant cette récréation on déjeunait à la cantine. D'habitude nous avions six leçons par jour et nous étions déjà libres à trois heures de l'après-midi. Mais malgré cela on avait pas mal de devoirs à faire. Leur preparation me prenait quelques heures. De temps en temps elle occupait même tout mon temps libre: il fallait par exemple beaucoup travailler pour écrire une dissertation, préparer un exposé, traduire un article du français en russe ou encore apprendre une poésie par cœur. Après les cours je ne rentrais pas directement à la maison, car on suivait parfois des cours supplementaires. On organisait également de différentes activites culturelles. Les uns jouaient dans l'orchestre, d'autres chantaient dans un chœur, il y avait ceux qui faisaient de la peinture. Moi, par exemple, je faisais du theater.

Notre program scolaire comprenait les matières plus strictes comme le russe, la littérature, les mathématiques, la biologie, la géographie, la physique, la chimie, le français, l'anglais, l'histoire et la programmation des ordinateurs. Le dessin, la musique et le sport étaient aussi inscrits dans nos horaires. Je preferais le français parmi les autres cours. C'était très intéressant et curieux d'apprendre les mots nouveaux, de lire les textes par rôles, de construire des dialogues. On discutait en français les problèmes de jeunesse, on apprenait à faire des exposés sur les sujets divers, on essayait même de jouer de petits spectacles. Au contraire je n'arrivais pas à bien apprendre la chimie, à se souvenir des formules et notions. Notre professeur de chimie exigeait peut-être trop et était très académique. Ses cours me paraissaient un peu ennuyeux. Elle n'essayait pas de nous initier à sa matière en nous présentant d'une façon plus simple formules et notions. A l'école j'avais beaucoup d'amis qui étudiaient dans ma classe. Notre classe était comme une deuxieme maison pour moi. Mes copains étaient tres gentils. On passait beaucoup de temps ensemble même en dehors de l'école.

"My school"

I just graduated from high school and would like to tell you a little about it. My school is not very big. It is a modern three-storey building with over 400 students. The school is specialized, it is famous for its high level of education and strict discipline. There is a cloakroom for students on the ground floor. Gym, canteen, library and workshopsalso located on the ground floor. We have two workshops: one for girls, where they learn to cook, sew and knit, and the other for boys. We have a large and well equipped gym. On the second floor there is a large assembly hall. Holidays are celebrated there, meetings are held, I sometimes have parties. The second floor also houses the director's office, a computer room and an auditing room. Physical, chemical and biological laboratories are located on the third floor. The classrooms for junior classes are on the second floor, for senior classes - on the third. In each classroom there are two or three rows of desks, in front of them is the teacher's table so that the students can see and hear him. There is also a blackboard and a bookcase, pictures and maps on the tables.Classrooms designed for learning French are equipped with tape recorders for listening to texts on cassettes,TV and video player for watching educational programs. I went to school six days a week. The lessons started at half past eight in the morning, but I usually got to school ten minutes early. Each lesson lasted forty minutes. After three or four lessons we had a half hour break. During this break we went to the dining room for breakfast. Every day we had six lessons, they ended at three in the afternoon. We usually had a lot of homework and it took me several hours to prepare it. Sometimes I had to sit up to write an essay, prepare a report, translate a newspaper article from French into Russian, or memorize a poem. After school, I usually didn't go straight home. We had some extracurricular activities. Our social and cultural life was well organized. For example, we had an orchestra, a choir, an art club. I studied in the drama club. Our school program included lessons in Russian, literature, mathematics, biology, geography, physics, chemistry, French and English but , history and computer programming. We also did music, physical education and fine arts. French was my favorite subject. I loved learning new words, role-playing texts and dialogues. I liked when we discussed issues of interest to young people, when we were taught to make reports on various topics, when we had group discussions or role-playing games. But I was not particularly good at chemistry, I could not learn the formulas and terms properly. Perhaps our chemistry teacher was too demanding and academic and her lessons were boring. She did not try to interest us in her subject, presenting us with more simple formulas and concepts. I liked my class. I have always felt at home there. All my classmates were friendly. We often spent free time together.

Repondez aux questions:
1. Pouvez-vous décrire l'edifice de votre école?
2. Combien de jours par semaine travailliez-vous à l'école?
3. Combien de cours par jours aviez-vous?
4. Aviez-vous quelques activités à l'école après les classes?
5. Quelle était votre matiere preférée? Pourquoi?
6. Vos devoirs vous prenaient-ils beaucoup de temps?
7. Est-ce qu'il y avait dos matières que vous n'aimiez pas trop?
8. A votre avis quelles matières pourraient être rajoutées à celles qu'on enseigne déjà à l'école?
9. Faut-il ouvrir les différentes écoles pour les enfants plus ou moins doués, qu'en pensez-vous?