We are 1.5 as long as we can walk in the fall. How much, at what time and at what temperature is it best to walk with a baby

You can walk with a newborn from the second week of his life. You need to start with a quarter of an hour in the fresh air, adding five to ten minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration of walks to two to three hours - depending on the weather, the mother's capabilities and desires. In the cold season, walks are usually shorter than in the warm season. Since the ability to thermoregulate in a child develops gradually, it is necessary to properly dress the child - in order to prevent both hypothermia and overheating.

When to start walking with a newborn?

For the first walk, the child can be taken out already in the second week of his life, if the weather and the mother's well-being allow. Of course, this applies to the warm season. If the baby was born in winter, pediatricians recommend waiting a few days. When the frost is below 10-12 degrees, it is better to postpone the first walks with a newborn for a while, starting, for example, with a short sleep on a glazed balcony.

Why do you need daily walks?

The baby (and mother too) needs fresh air - after walking, appetite increases, blood circulation improves, it becomes calmer and deeper, besides, temperature changes contribute to hardening. Sunlight is necessary for the production of vitamin D, which prevents the child from developing rickets.

How many times a day should you go out for a walk with your baby?

It primarily depends on the weather. In summer, the baby can be on the street almost the whole day. In winter, the total duration of walks with a one-month-old baby should be at least one and a half hours - and it is best to make several exits to the street for 30-40 minutes a day.

How to properly dress a newborn for a walk?

If the mother is alone at home with the child, then first she dresses herself, then she dresses the baby, otherwise the child will sweat before going outside and may catch a cold there. It is very important to remember that overheating for a baby can be even more dangerous than hypothermia, so you can’t overwrap a child. On the street, from time to time, you can carefully check with your hand if the baby is sweating under the clothes.
When dressing a child for a walk, you can rely on the “plus one” rule - that is, a newborn needs one more layer of clothes than an adult. However, it is extremely important to ensure that the child's head, arms and legs do not freeze.
It is not worth wrapping a child tightly for a walk - he should be able to move, besides, a tightly swaddled baby can freeze faster. The child's face remains open during the walk.
To determine whether the baby is comfortable, you need to pay attention to the color of his face: if the child is flushed, it is most likely that he is hot, if he is paler than usual, it is cold.

Can sleeping on a balcony be considered an alternative to a walk?

Sleeping a baby in a stroller on the balcony gives mom a wonderful opportunity to relax a little, or do household chores, or avoid going outside when feeling unwell.
If the house is located in a quiet green area and the balcony does not face a busy, gassed street, then the child can be left in a stroller. The main condition should be the complete safety of the baby: first of all, parents must be absolutely sure that they will not get into the stroller foreign objects from the roof, from the street or from the upper floors. In order not to miss the moment when the child woke up, you can use a baby monitor.
For safety reasons, you can leave the child to sleep on the balcony unattended until he learns to sit in the stroller himself or get on all fours, because then he will be able to get out of the stroller and fall to the floor.

Why are too long walks with a newborn not recommended?

First of all, the duration of the walk depends on the weather conditions and the level of adaptation of the child to them: from five to ten minutes at first to one and a half to two hours in a month.

It is difficult to walk with a newborn for too long - after all, the baby needs to be breastfed often, and short walks are more suitable for his needs, especially if it is not possible to feed the baby “on demand” on the street. Although this problem is solved by the presence of a mother in the arsenal, there remains a seasonal restriction - it is very difficult to fully feed a child outside the home during the cold season.

Another important point is the cleanliness of the diaper. Of course, going for a walk, you need to put on a fresh diaper. However, the baby does not know how to control his natural functions, and a long stay on the street in a soiled diaper can cause him great discomfort.

Don't increase your walk too fast. The psychological adaptation of the child to new conditions and new space should occur gradually: first, in the first week and a half, the child gets used to his bed and room, then begins to “master” the stroller and sling.

All parents know that newborns need outdoor walks. The kid must adapt to the world around him, get used to the microclimate, begin to harden, and just breathe fresh air. Young mothers are wondering how long to walk with a newborn? It all depends on what time and under what weather conditions walks are made, on the state of health and age of the baby.

The benefits of walking

Walking down the street for the baby is very useful, and no matter what time of year. Naturally, there is much more oxygen outside than in any room, and this is very important for the normal development of the baby. How much to walk with a newborn is another question, but no one disputes that it is necessary to do this.

Firstly, during the day the air stagnates in the apartment, it becomes difficult for the child to breathe, and this has a bad effect on his well-being. The kid becomes capricious, sleeps badly, appetite disappears. After giving birth, he needs strength for active development and growth.

Secondly, walking with a baby on the street helps to strengthen his immunity. Those temperature drops when leaving the house, which seem dangerous to us, actually increase the resistance of the young organism. In the interseasonal periods, this process is more intense.

Early autumn can give your baby the sun's rays, and this is an excellent recharge with vitamin D. It helps to strengthen the child's skeletal system. Walking in the park with a leisurely step with a newborn, know that at this time you are forming his immunity.

Moms also benefit from walking. After giving birth, when walking, they better restore their health, breathe oxygen, relax, and simply enjoy life, because household chores for caring for a baby negatively affect their well-being. Be sure to disconnect from problems and let your body relax. On the street, mothers get to know each other, find common interests and sometimes become friends. Children in the future can go to one kindergarten, and then to school.

How long to walk with a newborn after discharge

Previously, doctors recommended that you go out with a newborn after forty days after birth. Maybe this tradition goes back to the distant past, when it was believed that it was possible to show the baby for the first time at christening. They were performed on the fortieth day after birth. Now, on the question of how much to walk with a newborn and how long after giving birth, pediatricians have a different opinion and recommend going out with the baby in the summer on the 5-7th day, and in the autumn-winter - on the 10-14th day. During this time after birth, the baby is already quite adapted to environment, his immunity begins to develop, and fresh air, pure oxygen will only contribute to this.

How long can you walk with a newborn in autumn

It is better to start walking with 10-15 minutes. Every day add ten minutes, so gradually bring the time up to 2-3 hours a day. In summer, of course, the time for walking can increase. In the off-season, wet weather is not worth walking for a long time. Naturally, you need to take into account the well-being of the baby, the time of year, weather conditions. So how much to walk with a newborn in the fall? In the off-season, the weather is very changeable: the sun had just shone, when a minute later it started to rain. In autumn, it is recommended to walk with a newborn for no more than fifteen minutes. By a month, the walk can be increased to forty minutes, despite the fact that the weather allows it. You should not walk with your baby in rainy weather, even if there is a rain cover in the stroller. It creates a greenhouse effect, the microclimate in the stroller becomes uncomfortable. The raincoat is only for emergencies (run to the house when it starts to rain).

Winter walks

If the baby was born in the cold season, the question arises: how long can you walk with a newborn in winter? Many parents generally doubt whether it is worth taking the child out into the street. Recommendations of pediatricians - go out, depending on the weather, no earlier than on the 14th day after childbirth. Things to consider in winter:

  • At a temperature of -5 degrees, you can walk for no more than 15 minutes.
  • The thermometer shows up to 15 degrees of frost - the walk should not last more than 10 minutes.
  • Do not go outside when the wind is biting or severe frost. You can wrap the body, but the baby's cheeks and nose can freeze. You can replace the street with a walk on the balcony or good ventilation of the children's room.
  • The total walking time per day should not exceed 1.5 hours, it is better to go out twice - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Put on the baby overalls-transformer. It is very comfortable, easy to take off / put on, the baby can sleep peacefully, you will not particularly disturb him.

What to wear for a walk

How to properly dress a baby so that he does not freeze, but at the same time does not get too cold? Stick to one principle - clothes should not be too thick, dress the baby according to the cabbage method (a few things). This way, heat is better retained, and if necessary, it will be easier for you to remove something superfluous from it. During the off-season, dress appropriately for the weather. Early autumn allows you not to wrap the child. At a temperature of 10 degrees, the following set would be optimal: a bodysuit with a sleeve, sliders and an autumn light overalls, a thin cap, a hood.

If mom is walking and the baby is in her sling, then it must be taken into account that the child is warmed by the heat from her body, it is not worth wrapping it up much, because it will only be uncomfortable from overheating. V winter time it is better to use knitted soft things that retain heat well, but it is important not to overdo it, not to overheat the child. It depends on weather conditions how much you can walk with a newborn, while choosing the right clothes. Modern children's overalls perfectly help to protect yourself from wind and frost while walking. Take a light blanket with you outside, if the wind suddenly starts, it will help protect the baby.

It is very important for walks to purchase a high-quality stroller that is comfortable for the baby. It does not matter how long you will walk with your newborn, the baby should feel comfortable in it. The bottom should be flat, the wheels - with shock absorbers, the mattress - made of natural ingredients. Before a walk, mommy must first get herself together, and only then dress the child so that he does not have time to sweat and overheat. The walk should be done in between feedings, then:

  • it will last longer
  • the baby will sleep calm and deep sleep,
  • baby won't freeze.

Walking is best away from highways, noisy highways. Choose parks, squares, quiet courtyards, playgrounds. Be sure to have a few pacifiers in your travel bag. With prolonged crying in cold air, the baby may experience a sore throat. If it's too cold outside, it's best not to go out. However, you need to get your portion of oxygen, so organize balcony walks.

How can you tell if a baby is cold? The main criterion is the very behavior of the child. If he freezes, he reacts very violently - he screams, moves his legs and arms, the skin becomes pale. A cold nose, heels, handles do not mean that the body is hypothermic. If the baby is calm, does not complain about anything, you can safely continue the walk.

If the baby is cold, you need to take him in your arms and warm him with your own warmth. Older children should be actively moving, this will make the blood circulate faster. Cover the child with a blanket or another layer of clothing.

When you can not walk with the baby

As pediatricians say, you need to walk with children in any weather, including in the off-season. But this applies to healthy babies. If the child is sick, he has a fever, do not take him out into the street. In order for it to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, ventilate the room, provide a fresh supply of air.

In the summer, with good weather, gradually adding time, you can walk with your newborn for as long as possible, and this will only benefit him. In winter, the picture is different. Be sure to take a look at the thermometer. If the temperature is below -15 degrees, if the wind is cold, piercing, it is better to refuse a walk. You can only do harm.

How to walk on the balcony

Winter children do not always have the opportunity to go out with their mother for a full walk. In this case, those who have a balcony are lucky, better, of course, of a closed type. If the frost is below -15 degrees outside, take your baby for a walk on the balcony. Ventilate the room well beforehand, then close the windows if there is a draft. Collect the baby, as for a walk. Put the stroller or the basket itself from the stroller on the balcony and put the baby in it. The door to the room must be closed. There are a lot of opinions about balcony walks, someone claims that they are useless. But for sure, many will agree that in some cases, when weather conditions do not allow you to go for a full walk and get your dose of oxygen, the balcony comes to the rescue. Fresh, cool air has a hardening effect on the child in this case too.

How long can you stay on the balcony

How long can you walk with a newborn on the balcony in winter? The criteria are the same as on the street. Start with 10-15 minutes, adding 10 minutes a day. If the baby gets used to sleeping in the fresh air, his sleep is deep and calm, then you can increase the time of the walk. The main thing is to make sure that the baby is well dressed, not supercooled. Drafts are not allowed on the balcony. Of course, balcony walks cannot replace street walks. Moms should also walk, relax, breathe fresh air and restore their health after childbirth, because the further development of the baby depends on the mother’s health and condition.

You can walk with your baby at any time of the year

Walking with a newborn is an important component proper care for the child. They are necessary for good health, the prevention of allergies and colds, and the development of the baby as a whole. Nevertheless, the first exit with a baby on the street may turn out to be for mom. daunting task. We will tell you how and when to walk with a newborn in different time year and what to pay attention to.

First walk with a newborn

When can I walk with a newborn after the hospital? If the child is absolutely healthy, eats normally and feels well, the first exit can be scheduled in 2 weeks - most pediatricians adhere to this period. 14 days is enough for a small organism for primary adaptation to new conditions, temperature changes and others. external factors so walking outside won't be stressful. There are 3 questions that are of interest to almost every young mother.

1. How to walk with a newborn?

For the first time, the child is taken outside for 10-15 minutes. You don’t need a stroller for this, you can hold the baby in your arms so that he feels the presence of his mother and does not feel fear. The duration of the walk increases by 5 minutes every day.

2. How long should you walk with a newborn?

Gradually, it is necessary to come to 2-3 hours of walking per day in the warm season and to 1.5-2 in the cold. In fact, there is no “maximum allowed” for being outside, especially when it comes to summer. If parents want to walk longer, you need to consider feeding, take enough diapers and wet wipes with you, remember to change clothes if the weather suddenly changes. In a word, if the comfort of the child is always a priority, then there will be no harm from a long walk. In winter, it is better to walk for an hour several times a day.

You don't need a stroller for the very first walk.

3. How to dress a baby to walk on the street?

The main fear of parents is that the child will freeze on the street, because. lies all the time and cannot move to keep warm. In fact, the thermoregulation of infants is different from that of an adult. In order not to worry, you can follow a simple rule: the child must be dressed in the same way as the mother, adding 1 more layer of clothing. That is, if a mother walks in jeans, a T-shirt and a windbreaker, the child may wear thin cotton overalls, longsleeves, trousers and light outerwear. For "peace of mind" of parents, you can put a warm baby blanket in the basket of the stroller. It should be borne in mind that it is very difficult to supercool a child, while due to excessively warm clothes, the baby will quickly sweat and catch a cold. Sling-mums should be even more careful in choosing clothes and dress the child in the same way as themselves: the material of the sling “works” as an additional layer, besides, the child feels warmth from the mother’s body.

Summer walks

The first walk with a newborn in the summer is a real pleasure for parents, but, as in the cold season, you need to take care of the comfort and safety of the baby:

  • the mattress in the stroller must be natural, polyurethane models get very hot;
  • ideal things - from natural fabrics, for example, soft cotton, knitwear or bamboo;
  • at temperatures above 30 degrees, you should not walk during the “dangerous” hours from 12 to 16, it is better to go outside in the morning and in the evening;
  • must be taken with you drinking water to supplement the child;
  • the baby should be protected from direct sunlight with a stroller visor or a thin cover; in the evening and in nature, a thin cover will be useful mosquito net;
  • in extreme heat, it is better not to wear disposable diapers for a baby: even the most expensive diapers prevent the free movement of air, which can cause sensitive skin to start to spit.

Summer walks are the most pleasant, but you need to be wary of extreme heat

Make sure that the child does not overheat: if the skin of the face turns red and sweat appears on the forehead, you need to reduce the amount of clothing, give the child water and stay in the shade.

Autumn and spring

The first walks with a newborn in autumn or spring raise a lot of questions: the weather changes constantly during the day, and it can be difficult for parents to figure out clothes and the length of their stay on the street.

At temperatures above +10 degrees Celsius, for example, in September or May, it is enough to put on a child a base layer (a cotton jumpsuit or a set with a vest and sliders), a light autumn overall and a moderately warm hat. At temperatures from +5 to +10 degrees, we replace the autumn overalls with winter ones, and add a thin cotton cap to the cap. In colder temperatures, it is worth adding an extra layer or replacing a light jacket with a warm overall made of soft hypoallergenic wool or thin fleece.

In autumn, it should be warm for a walk, but not hot.

For the cold off-season, the most practical thing will be a transformer overalls. Outerwear of this type is complemented by a removable lining that warms even in sub-zero temperatures. In addition, such models have removable booties and mittens, fur trim on the hood is usually easily unfastened.

For long walks, you need to take an extra blanket or blanket with you: if the wind rises or it gets colder, you can wrap the child up. By the way, in autumn and spring, a windproof cape and a rain cover should always be in a stroller for walking with a newborn.


1. How much time to walk with a newborn in autumn?

A day - 2.5-3 hours, more if the child feels well and the temperature is not too low. In early spring or in late autumn it is better to distribute this time for 2 or 3 exits to the street.

2. In what weather is it impossible to walk with a child?

You can walk with the baby in any weather - high sides of the stroller and a hood protect it from the wind, a special cover protects it from rain and wet snow. Another issue is the comfort of the mother, who is much more difficult to hide from the weather.

3. When can a newborn be taken outside in autumn?

The universal rule is the same for any time of the year - after 2 weeks from the date of birth, you can go for a short 10-minute walk. It is best to choose a time for her when the child has eaten, but does not fall asleep yet.

Transformer overalls - comfortable clothes for the transitional season

How to walk with a newborn in winter?

The cold season is not a reason to refuse walks. To make being outdoors safe and beneficial for the baby, you need to take care of the right clothes first of all:

  • at temperatures from -5 to 0 degrees, we put on a base layer of cotton, a moderately warm jacket, trousers and socks, as well as winter overalls. The headdress should be a cotton cap - it will absorb excess moisture and protect delicate skin from irritation. On the legs - warm booties, on the hands - mittens.
  • at temperatures from -10 to -5 degrees, winter overalls must be supplemented with a warm intermediate layer, for example, a double slip with fleece and knitwear or woolen clothing, you must definitely take a warm blanket for a walk;
  • at temperatures up to -15 degrees, especially in damp frost or with wind, you need to put a fur envelope in the stroller and put the dressed child in it.

At what temperature can you walk with a baby? Minus 15 degrees is a conditional restriction, in a stronger cold it is better to stay at home and replace a walk on the street alternative. For example, you can leave a warmly dressed child to rest in an open room, take it out to the balcony for a while, or glazed loggia so that he can breathe fresh air, but not freeze.

Winter walks are very useful!

When can a newborn be taken outside in winter? Again, 2 weeks should pass from the day of birth. For the first exit, it is better to choose a day without wind or heavy snow. If the temperature is above -5 degrees, for the first time you can stay with the baby on the street for 15 minutes, if it is below -5 - 10 minutes is enough.

When you can not walk with a newborn

Walking with a newborn is of great benefit, but there are situations when you should not go out with a baby.

1. The child does not feel well

In the first weeks, the baby may be disturbed by colic, sleep problems, and the period of adaptation in children proceeds differently. If by the day of the planned first walk the child is naughty and behaves restlessly, it is better to reschedule the “event” for a better time.

2. Outdoor temperature

In summer, when the heat is above +30 degrees, you should not walk during the day, if possible, you need to go outside in the morning or before going to bed, when the heat recedes. In winter, temperatures below -15 degrees, a blizzard or other extreme weather conditions will be undesirable.

3. The first days after the illness

If the baby has suffered an illness with fever, in the first days of recovery, even under ideal weather conditions, it is worth staying at home. The need for fresh air can be compensated by more frequent ventilation.

It is worth going outside after feeding, otherwise hunger can be a cause for concern for the baby. The first and subsequent walks with a newborn should be pleasant for both the child and the parents. There are no very strict rules associated with this component of care, so you should always focus on your baby and your own condition.

Every infant should receive everything necessary for its full development and growth. It is the responsibility of adults to watch over and take care of him every day. Walking in the fresh air is an integral part of the daily routine of the baby. Most pediatric doctors recommend walking with newborn babies from the first days of their lives. During walks, the body is saturated with oxygen. In turn, this helps to improve metabolism and strengthen the immunity of not only the baby, but also his parents. When planning to go outside, all mothers need to know how much you can walk with a newborn in different seasons of the year.

Much depends on how many days the baby will need to adapt. In most cases, walking a newborn should begin immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. The first exits to fresh air should be of a short nature, since the baby's fragile body has not yet sufficiently adapted to the outside world. Babies born during the colder months may stay indoors for a while, and parents should take time out for walks. It will be possible to start their implementation two weeks later. In case of health problems in the baby, you should consult with the local pediatrician, after how much you can start walking with the newborn.

The first trip to the street is not safe if the air temperature is above +30 degrees or below -10 °C. In the case when the thermometer readings are closer to those recommended, the exit to the street should not be postponed. The duration of the first walk is determined by the season:

  • winter - 15-20 minutes;
  • spring-autumn - 25-35 minutes;
  • summer - 30-45 min.

There is no doubt that daily portions of oxygen are extremely important for a growing organism. In addition, being outdoors allows you to temper the baby, which is important in the first year of his life.

How much to walk with a newborn in winter

In the winter season, air baths are by no means canceled. At first, you should go out for a walk once, but by the age of one month, the frequency of going out can be 2-3 times a day.

When planning a trip to the street, you must always take into account the readings of the street thermometer. It is better to postpone it for a while if the frost has intensified outside, a sharp wind has risen or a snowstorm is sweeping. At temperatures above -10 degrees and the absence of adverse natural factors, you can safely go for a walk with your baby. Under such weather conditions, a half-hour walk will be useful.

Gradually, its duration should increase, on average by 10-15 minutes each time. A peanut at the age of one month can be walked for longer, usually at least an hour.

On gloomy days, you should not deprive your baby of fresh air. Like any person, he needs him all year round. To compensate for the lack of a full walk, you can take the pram with the baby to the balcony and leave it there for a while. Airing the room is also able to come to the rescue and provide the necessary supply of oxygen.

It is necessary to dress the baby for a walk in the winter season warmly. The child, lying in a stroller, hardly moves, so it can quickly freeze. At the same time, it is undesirable to allow overheating. Parents should learn the art of properly equipping their baby as soon as possible, as both overheating and hypothermia pose a danger to children's health. In the cold season, one should not forget about how much time it is supposed to walk with a newborn in the winter in a stroller.

If a child cries on the street, it is worth offering him a pacifier so that he does not catch the frosty air. When walking, you need to check from time to time if the baby is cold. An indicator of this will be a cold nose and arms of the baby. In this case, the event should be stopped and returned home.

Walks in spring and autumn

It is equally important to know how much to walk with a newborn in spring and autumn. The average duration of walks with a newborn during this period can be already one and a half hours.

Modern baby carriages are maximally protected from the effects of weather factors, however, in rain and slush, it is worthwhile to wait a little with a walk. A rain cover will not be a good solution to the problem, as it will significantly complicate the access of oxygen to the stroller and make it difficult for the child to breathe. In inclement weather, a balcony, loggia or a well-ventilated room will be a good alternative to a full-fledged exercise.

During the off-season and spring winds, you can easily catch a cold. At this time of the year, weather conditions can change dramatically and unpredictably. When collecting a little one on the street, you need to dress him warmly, but according to the weather. Having steamed out, he can catch a cold from the slightest draft.

In the off-season, the newborn should be provided with both warm and thin things. Parents should purchase children's clothing with external seams and only from natural fabrics. Such things are able to create maximum comfort for the baby and will not cause allergies and irritation on delicate baby skin.

In spring and autumn, the baby's outfit may consist of several layers. If it gets warmer outside, you can remove an element of outerwear from the child. This will help avoid unwanted and dangerous overheating.

We must not forget to check if the baby is freezing. If by all indications this happened, you should immediately bring it into the room, and in the future be more careful about the selection of things.

The summer season provides more opportunities for regular access to fresh air. At this time, you need to give the body the opportunity to get and stock up on vitamin D, which is so important for development. It is its lack that can lead to rickets.

In summer, it is recommended to go outside in the morning or evening hours, when there is no sweltering heat outside. In this season of the year, it is useful to walk for at least two hours. If you have the right conditions for caring for your baby, you can be outside almost all day, avoiding being in the sun in the midst of his activity. Sunbathing is extremely useful, but do not overdo it. Too much sun exposure will do more harm than good.

For a comfortable pastime in the fresh air, a light shirt, summer socks and a diaper will be enough for a toddler. It is necessary to take care of protection from harmful insects. The mosquito net adapted to the stroller is able to protect well from their penetration inside.

Overheating becomes a frequent problem on summer days. Wet back and neck, skin reddened after a walk, and a baby's hot body will be indicators that he was dressed incorrectly. In this case, you should not forget to dress it a little lighter next time.

Parents should be very attentive to the organization of walks and take into account the importance of such points:

  • do not walk with a sick child;
  • being on the street, the baby must be sure to be full;
  • in the cold season, it is enough to take a walk once a day, and in the warm season - up to three times;
  • in any season of the year, the baby should have a headdress and shoes in accordance with the weather;
  • slings popular among mothers are not particularly effective, the best way to take a walk is a “tour” in a stroller or in your arms;
  • going out, you need to remember to take a bottle of water, change clothes, a diaper and wet baby wipes with you;
  • The best times to go outside are 10 am and 2 pm.

The choice of a place for walking is no less important. Parks and squares, located away from the noisy roadway, will be the best choice. If possible, you should go with your baby to the forest for a breath of clean air.

Crowded places should be avoided due to the risk of catching a viral infection.

Responsible attitude on the part of adults to the organization of walks is extremely important. Parents will notice that regular, well-organized exits to fresh air will immediately affect appearance and the behavior of their child - a healthy blush will instantly appear on the cheeks, sleep and appetite will improve. Such children develop better and faster and are less prone to colds.

They say that children born in winter grow stronger and healthier. It is hard to say whether there is a sound rational grain here, but it is known for certain that parents of winter children have more reasons to worry, because it is important to prevent vitamin D deficiency, and you also need to walk with the child, but it’s frost or snow slush on the street! Evgeny Komarovsky, a pediatrician and author of numerous books on children's health, tells how to walk with newborns who were born in the cold season.

Walking is natural

For a person, life under a roof is a necessity that appeared over time, when civilization began to conquer natural inclinations, Komarovsky believes. Adults will name 150 reasons why they need a roof over their heads. The child does not know any reason, he is closer to nature, and the requirements of a civilized society are alien to him. That is why with a child, even born in the cold season, you can and should walk.

There are always more viruses and bacteria indoors than outdoors, there is no sunlight at home (the light from the window does not replace them). Fresh air and sunlight the child only get outside. Walking with a child, according to Komarovsky, parents also need to be taught. After all, the fear of taking a child out in the cold in winter, the fear that he will breathe frosty air and get sick, is still firmly in the minds of moms and dads.

All parents should remember that while the child breathes fresh air, his lungs and bronchi are freed from house dust that accumulates in the respiratory system.

The upper respiratory tract is also cleansed and moisturized, which reduces the risk of getting a respiratory infection. All systems of the organism of the peanut begin to work more intensively, because a small organism needs to maintain the level of energy consumption (at low temperatures, for example).

Rules for walking with a newborn

The first walk with a newborn is a special event for the whole family. Komarovsky advises not to delay this, and start walking already on the 10th day after discharge from the hospital. The duration of the first exit to the air - no more than 10-15 minutes. But the very next day you can make two exits at the same time. Gradually, by a month, the child should spend as much time outdoors as parents and the prevailing weather conditions can afford.

It is very good to immediately determine the place where the child will walk in the first few months.

It is not at all necessary to drag a heavy stroller up the stairs, first down and then back, in order to ride the little one along a busy street for ten minutes, where different people walk, including carriers of SARS and influenza.

It is most preferable to walk in the winter on the balcony. If there is no balcony, then in the courtyard of your own house. If this is not possible, choose quiet places for walking, where there are no large crowds of people, in winter these are parks and squares. Riding through the streets can only be caused by an urgent need - you need to get to the clinic, you need to go to the pharmacy or store, but there are no assistants.

An important question is how to dress a child, especially in winter. You should not be afraid of wind, snowfall, frost, because a healthy child, who is also properly dressed, will not feel the slightest discomfort from a walk. This, however, does not mean that you need to carry the baby outside in any frost.

Komarovsky advises to remember a simple rule that will allow you to quickly figure out whether to walk today or not. For each month of a child's life - minus 5 degrees, but not lower than 15 degrees for any baby. Thus, if the child is 1 month old, then you can walk with him at minus five, and if two months old, then already at minus ten.

There are no universal tips on how to dress a baby. You can understand whether you did it correctly only after returning from the first walk. If the baby is sweating, blushing, the next time you need to reduce the amount of clothing. Cold is the fear of all adults without exception. But, according to Komarovsky, frozen children are hundreds of times less common than children who have been carefully wrapped up. It is easy to understand that a child is hot - he begins to act up, cry, turn out of his clothes, does not want to enjoy a walk and refuses to sleep on the street.

Children have a completely different metabolic rate, and therefore, where mom and dad are cold, children are fine, and where adult family members are warm, the child becomes hot. Therefore, it should be dressed a little easier than the grandmother requires. There are more diseases from sweating than from mild hypothermia.

If the child is sick

The immunity of a newborn is far from perfect, and if the mother is breastfeeding, then the protection is somewhat higher than that of artificial ones. Quite often, after discharge from the hospital, the baby gets sick. Parents at this moment do not even allow the thought of possible walks.

Yevgeny Komarovsky argues that the only contraindication for breathing winter air can only be heat. If there is no heat, go for a walk with your snotty little one without a shadow of a doubt.

If, after several walks, the baby develops a wet cough, do not be afraid, this is a very positive change in his condition, indicating that the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs began to moisten, the baby began to cough.

Whether walks with newborns in winter are useful, see below in Dr. Komarovsky's program.