Why windows leak and how to fix it. Plastic windows are leaking: what to do? Why plastic windows leak in severe frosts

Such an unpleasant phenomenon as condensation on windows can appear regardless of the time of year under the influence of various factors. Metal-plastic or wooden products have served faithfully for many years, but one fine day, the residents of the apartment find puddles on the windowsill or see drops on the glass surface. The liquid first gradually accumulates, then begins to flow down or freezes, which spoils the appearance of the room, and also makes it difficult to see. To eliminate all causes of condensation, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of its occurrence.

It is known from the school course that when heated, ice turns into water, and when the temperature drops below zero, the opposite process is observed. This is what is called moisture condensation. Air at high temperature contains some volume of liquid in the form of vapor. On cooling, the situation begins to change. Air is not able to hold the same amount of liquid, because it decreases in volume, and moisture settles in places with the lowest temperature. Window glass is the coldest place in the house, as it borders on the street (where the thermometer readings can be much below zero), so condensation forms on it. At extremely low temperatures outside the window, it turns into frost.

It seems that the condensate is not dangerous, although this is a misconception. With the regular appearance of liquid, wetting is possible building structures, followed by a weakening of the rigidity of the structure and the appearance of mold fungus. Obviously, you need to answer the question of why they sweat as soon as possible. plastic windows, and stop the destructive physical process.

Reasons for condensation

One of the functions of wooden or plastic windows is to protect the premises from freezing. However, products do not always fulfill their intended purpose, as they are operated incorrectly. The following are common causes of condensation:

  • a significant temperature difference inside and outside the house;
  • increased humidity in the room;
  • too wide window sill above the battery;
  • poor ventilation (clogged);
  • non-compliance with the operating modes of windows (some double-glazed windows have two modes - winter and summer);
  • the room is rarely ventilated (or never);
  • a window is incorrectly selected for a certain room;
  • the presence of plants on the windowsills.

There is another group of reasons that contribute to the formation of moisture on the glass. We are talking about errors in the production of windows, as well as inaccuracies during the installation of double-glazed windows. These factors will be discussed in more detail below.

Self-elimination of the causes of condensation

When you wake up one morning, you find water stains on the windows or puddles on the windowsills. What to do if plastic windows sweat? The main goal is to normalize the microclimate of the room. The task includes the reduction of humidity and the maximum heating of the inner glass (when installing a two-chamber package). To do this, you will have to perform a number of actions.

The first step is to check the ventilation. The system is designed to remove moist air. When the ventilation is clogged, it accumulates inside and later settles on the windows. Perhaps a lot of dust, dirt has accumulated inside the air conditioning system; this hinders its normal operation. It is very easy to assess the degree of clogging - just bring a lit match or lighter to the outlet. If the fire goes out or fluctuates, the ventilation is good; otherwise, you will have to clean it.

A wide window sill located above the heating system prevents proper air circulation. The right warmth does not flow to the window, due to which, as it cools, water forms on it. There are two ways to fix the problem:

  • try to reduce the window sill so that the flow of warm air from the battery goes to the window;
  • if possible, push the heating radiator out from under the windowsill;
  • find another way to heat the window.

The presence of plants on the windowsill also complicates the normal circulation of air masses. Green organisms abundantly replenish the air with moisture, which later causes windows to fog up. By removing the plants from the windowsill, you can eradicate another factor in the appearance of condensate.

Part of the double-glazed windows sold has two modes of operation - summer and winter. If the transition from one mode to another is not made in a timely manner, then over time the windows will “cry”, because inner side cools down a lot. Before the onset of cold weather (October or November), it is recommended to make the transition of the structure to winter mode.

Especially often, moisture condensation on glass occurs inside the apartments of heat-loving people who rarely open even the windows. What to do to avoid fogging? Ventilate the house at least 15-20 minutes daily. This will ensure not only a good circulation of air masses, which prevents the formation of condensate, but also an influx of fresh air, which has a beneficial effect on breathing.

It is also quite possible to insulate the space around the window. It is advisable to work with drywall. This is very effective material in terms of thermal insulation properties. Need to be insulated window slopes, a place under the windowsill, outer wall. The more reliable the drywall finish is, the less likely it is that condensation will occur. An increase in temperature in the house will lead to warming of the space near the window.

All these actions can be performed independently very quickly. However, it happens that all the above points are taken into account, but the window sweats from the inside as before. Then more serious factors influenced the appearance of condensate.

Errors associated with the production or installation of double-glazed windows

Although plastic window installers position themselves as professionals, even they sometimes make mistakes. Some oversights are made by the tenants of the apartment in which the packages are changed. This group of reasons for the appearance of condensate include:

  • errors in the design or manufacture of windows;
  • purchase of unsuitable double-glazed windows for a particular room;
  • installation errors.

It is unlikely that the consumer will in any way affect the process of manufacturing double-glazed windows. Moreover, low-quality products should be immediately corrected or disposed of. However, it is up to the buyer to carefully select good windows for your apartment.

If you plan to install the product inside rooms or on a loggia (rooms bordering cold street air), you should opt for two-chamber models. Windows with one chamber are suitable, for example, for a kitchen that borders on glazed loggia(after all, it does not require additional insulation). Sometimes, due to economy, the consumer relies on thin glasses (single-chamber), hoping that they will adequately protect from the cold and prevent condensation. But this is just a delusion, and then you don’t need to be surprised why plastic windows on the balcony or in the room are crying.

When plastic windows replace wooden ones, you should be prepared for a radical change in the ventilation regime. If PVC is a very hermetic material, which by definition increases the humidity inside the house, then the tree has cracks in the structure through which air exchange is carried out well. Comparing the plastic and wooden sets of two-chamber windows, one difference will be obvious - the inner glass of the first has a lower temperature than the second. Therefore, it condenses more quickly.

Installation (construction) errors are divided into three categories:

  • incorrect foaming of cracks;
  • the emergence of a "cold bridge" - a zone of junction of plastic or wood to the side of the wall with a negative temperature;
  • masonry blowing - occurs when horizontal or vertical joints between bricks are destroyed.

If the consumer wants to get a durable construction, he should follow each stage of the window installation work. Also, you do not need to order a wide window sill.

Features of condensation of wooden window frames

As mentioned earlier, wood is much better than PVC for breathability; ceteris paribus, it is less prone to the formation of condensate. However, if they sweat wooden windows, to fix the problem, it is worth starting from how they were insulated.

In order to normalize the microclimate in a house where there are double-glazed windows made of wood, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  • Remove the sealing gum from the top of the frame (if any) and mounting foam, observe the condition of the glass. If condensation still forms, you will have to leave the window frame without the elements removed until it dries completely. In order to speed up the process, you can use blowing from a heat gun, a fan with warm air.
  • Condensation may occur due to improper installation of heating radiators or their poor quality. Sometimes windows sweat and cry because the heating equipment is located far from them. Sooner or later, to eliminate condensate, you will have to move them closer to the double-glazed windows.
  • Wood is more sensitive to air currents than plastic. Condensation occurs even because of such trifles as an open door to a room, a leaking kitchen faucet. It is necessary to avoid such ways of getting moisture into the air.
  • Washed things drying on batteries also have a negative effect on windows.
  • Thick curtains darken the room and also increase the chance of condensation.

It is worth noting that wooden window sets are more preferable than PVC, as they form less moisture on the glass due to the surface structure, which transmits and evenly distributes heat.

It is good if the consumer monitors the condition of double-glazed windows regularly, taking measures to stabilize the microclimate. When he neglects the recommendations, even the most reliable two-chamber windows cry in winter, as they do in other seasons of the year.

If you briefly list the main tips for eliminating condensate, you get the following list:

  • periodically check the performance of the ventilation system;
  • ventilate the room several times daily for 10-15 minutes;
  • do not seek to save on single-chamber sets;
  • follow the careful foaming of the joint between the frame and the wall, as well as other installation steps;
  • avoid wide window sills that completely cover the battery;
  • if the double-glazed window has several modes, change them based on the season;
  • pay attention to the careful sealing of window slopes;
  • maintain normal humidity at home (45-60%).

Following the recommendations above, it is very easy to eradicate condensation if the windows on the balcony, in the room or in the kitchen are sweating. Glasses that allow you to see the world around you must always be clean and beautiful. Make them so affordable for everyone.

The most famous disadvantage of PVC windows is fogging, the appearance of condensate. Condensation flows down the glass, puddles appear on the windowsill. In a neglected form, this problem leads to serious consequences: the walls begin to collapse, a fungus starts on them. The air in the room becomes suffocating. Why do plastic windows leak?

Causes of condensation

There are two of them, and they work together:

high humidity in the room or directly in the glass area;

A sharp contrast between the temperatures of warm air and the cold surface of the package.

Condensation occurs when heated steam comes into contact with ice glass.

What causes these two conditions?

There is a single package on the window, there is not enough air gap to keep the inner glass warm;

Video "Why plastic windows flow and how to deal with it":

Window seals broken. Due to poor-quality installation or due to shrinkage of the house, there are gaps between the frame and the walls of the opening. Through the cracks, cold outside air flows to the glass;

A window sill that is too deep overlaps the radiator located under it from above. Convection currents do not reach the glass;

Thick curtains can also be a reason why plastic windows leak - they prevent free convection;

Poor ventilation in the apartment. Sometimes, after installing new windows, residents by inertia continue to ventilate the room in the same mode as before. Previously, when there were old through-blown windows, this was enough. New hermetic structures do not “breathe”, there is no natural ventilation, and humidity does not decrease.

Humidity is increased due to various reasons:

Vapors come from the kitchen, bathroom;

From indoor flowers on the windowsill;

You regularly dry wet mittens on the radiator;

Recently renovated, dehydrated Decoration Materials: putties, emulsion paints, wallpaper glue, etc.

What to do when windows leak

Replace the package with a double one. This is not the case when you can save;

Check the adjoining frames to the slopes for cracks.

Tip: if the cracks are not visible to the naked eye, and the draft is not clearly expressed, you can test the perimeter with a lit match.

If the installation was carried out recently, call the masters to eliminate their own defect;

If there is nowhere to turn, and plastic windows are leaking, seal the cracks with foam yourself. It also makes sense to insulate the outer slopes with foam;

Provide full ventilation: supply valves, a fan or air conditioning with a dehumidification function, regular ventilation in intensive mode;

Close the doors to the kitchen when cooking and to the bathroom;

Do not keep indoor flowers and other sources of moisture near the windows;

Replace the window sill if it is too wide, ensure a free flow of warm air to the glass.

If wooden windows flow

New wooden window structures are arranged in the same way as plastic ones and wooden windows flow as well. And their frame covers are often airtight. Although wood is considered to "breathe", a new wooden window is the same hermetically sealed chamber as PVC. Accordingly, the prerequisites for sweating are the same.

Or the owners took too much care of sealing the old window, sealed it and completely filled all the cracks, joints, holes with sealants, insulation, sealants and foam. The result was a hand-made imitation of an airtight window structure, which is why double-glazed windows and windows flow.

This is not as paradoxical as it seems. When there are holey frames from Soviet times in the openings, it is cold in the house. Because of this, you decided to replace windows in our difficult time of crisis.

The house is cold because natural ventilation: the air is renewed through the cracks, the vapors leave, there is no strong contrast between the room and outdoor temperatures. And new windows (or carefully clogged old ones) prevent free air exchange, that is:

Couples stay in the room;

It's hot in the house;

And at the same time, cold air can flow to the glasses themselves, there are “cold bridges”.

If wooden windows are leaking, then this is worse than PVC. Wood absorbs moisture and swells. If the fungus on the walls is quite treatable, then the destroyed, deformed, cracked frame is only a replacement.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remove heaters, seals, sealants from the frames and dry the window thoroughly with a building hair dryer. And after that, proceed to a full-fledged well-thought-out thermal insulation of the opening.

The article discusses why plastic windows flow, wooden ones and methods for solving this problem. The main thing is not to waste time and follow all the recommendations as quickly as possible.

plastic windows are leaking

For those who have a problem with leaks that require an EMERGENCY solution and who want to IMMEDIATELY solve this problem, I recommend urgently reading this unique information:

This article was forced to write ... RAIN. Rather, a flurry of calls from the owners of plastic windows with the same complaint: "PLASTIC WINDOWS LEAK during the rain!"

People are in a state of shock - vaunted plastic windows are leaking! Someone has a puddle on the windowsills after the rain, and someone has a whole flood.

Having gone to two applications, I conclude: indeed, water from outside enters the room through a plastic window in a closed state.

"What to do? Is it really time to change old plastic windows for new plastic windows?" customers ask. My answer: "No way - it's all a solvable problem without such extremes!"

And now I will tell you what is happening and why the plastic window is leaking.

In 90% of cases, water during slanting rain enters the room through the gap between the sash and the frame (box). STOP!"And where are the drainage holes in the frame to drain moisture back to the street?" But what about the sealing rubber - TWO WHOLE CONTOURS! "- even not very advanced users of plastic windows will angrily ask.

"I answer in order."

1. Drainage holes may simply not be able to handle the large amount of water that will "overflow" onto your window sill and even your floor. Drainage holes can become clogged over the years and throughput decreases, and even completely overlaps.

There were cases when drains were milled incorrectly at the factory and had no way out, that is, moisture filled the profile chambers where it froze inside at low temperatures! !! Or the drains were clogged with chips after milling (drilling).

Or... WARNING! They stupidly forgot to drill them! And what? - in the early 2000s, there were garage productions in Russia, mushrooms after the rain! Therefore, no one particularly bothered to comply with the technology.

So check your windows for drainage.

FOUND? Now type in a glass of water and start pouring into the frame. Water should freely come out through the hole from the outside. If this does not happen, then you need to look for the cause and urgently eliminate it. It is better to entrust it to the master.

To be honest, the cause of the drainage holes is less relevant than WHAT YOU READ NEXT ...

2. THIS IS THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF PLASTIC WINDOWS LEAKING It's a broken sealing rubber! This happens in five to seven years. The rubber shrunk, deformed, roughly speaking, became oak. Accordingly, through such a "seal" almost UNOBSTRUCTED, in addition to water, cold air, dust and noise from the street also pass.

And if you still think that "some kind of rubber band cannot affect the entire window..."


With such defects, the meaning in plastic windows is completely lost!

And now it's time to find out"How to fix leaky plastic windows"

I WILL START WITH A STORY, how literally today I solved these problems with my own hands.

Taking with me super-rubbers - "non-blowing" about a hundred meters, I come to the first client. Puddles of water were removed from the window sill after the rain, but there was still fresh water inside the frame.

So. DIAGNOSTICS. Windows are eight years old. KBE profile. The ROTO fittings work flawlessly. There are enough pressure points around the perimeter. The overlap of the sash on the frame is perfect. Rubber worthless single-petal. All clear! . Just in case, I check the work of the training holes - I pour water from the glass into the profile - the water comes out in a vigorous stream.

Conclusion: Plastic windows leak through the slain rubber compressor. The drains do not cope with the flow of rain and water entering the frame through the first circuit of a non-working seal, overflows into the room through the second circuit of the same quality. REPLACEMENT OF THE RUBBER SEAL IS REQUIRED! Everything!

Eight doors of fifteen minutes each - in two hours I was already out of another happy client. Something like that!

Problem GUARANTEED fixed! Checked a hundred times!

Do you want to be a happy customer? Then call right now - stop on duty with a rag by the window!


Installing plastic windows, we spend a lot of money, while we hope to get warmth, comfort and beauty in the house as a result, especially when the cold season comes. But with the advent of winter, the windows suddenly become covered with numerous droplets of moisture and you see that the plastic windows are crying, you don’t know what to do. As a result, only unnecessary problems appear: puddles form on the windowsill, dampness appears in the house, and sometimes even worse - mold and fungus on the slopes.

Even if you wipe the window dry very carefully, water will still appear on it, sometimes trickling down onto the new window sill, leaving streaks and small puddles. What can I say, the phenomena are very unpleasant.

Faced with the problem of weeping windows, many of us begin to accuse manufacturers of cheating. That is why it is first of all necessary to dispel the myth of poor quality products. It is a paradox, but still, the fact that plastic windows are leaking is a confirmation that they are installed in accordance with all requirements: the windows are completely sealed and reliably protect your home from cold air entering. So how do you understand why windows are crying, what is the reason and how to deal with this problem?

There is a widespread belief that only plastic windows get wet, but this does not happen with wooden ones. This is not true. Any modern window under certain conditions (we will consider them below) cry, regardless of the material from which they are made - wood or plastic. Of course, wooden Finnish windows, which have double frames, get wet less than, for example, single plastic or wooden euro windows. The reason for this is not at all in the binding material, but in the fact that two-frame structures are distinguished by higher thermal insulation properties.

Another example can be given: the old Soviet wooden windows, unlike the plastic ones that are fashionable today, almost did not leak. However, here also the material is absolutely irrelevant. If old windows are provided with high-quality seals in the porch, and all gaps between window frames and glass are removed, then these old windows will also get wet, and even more so than plastic ones. Why do plastic windows get wet? Why does condensation appear on them?

Condensation on windows is usually caused by a number of reasons. The main reason is the increased humidity in the room. In winter, the temperature on the surface of the plastic window drops significantly and often reaches the dew point. Experts call this the temperature at which air, which has a certain initial temperature and relative humidity, can no longer absorb moisture. We encounter the dew point every day. For example, when you get out of the shower, you can see that the mirror in the bathroom is completely fogged up, or in winter, when you enter a warm room from a frost, glasses usually fog up immediately.

Why is there high humidity in the room? There are many reasons for this. Moisture is always released in the kitchen while cooking, drying and washing clothes, showering or hot bath, using the toilet. Located on the windowsill houseplants or an aquarium in a room are also sources of moisture. The person himself, in addition, when breathing, usually releases about 50 g of water per hour.

In addition, the cause of condensation on plastic windows may be as follows:

  • carrying out construction works or renovations of apartments using such wet processes as painting walls with water-dispersed paints, plastering work, pasting walls with wallpaper, whitewashing ceilings, etc .;
  • various redevelopments in the house, which were independently carried out by residents without taking into account design standards, in violation existing system ventilation, as well as the demolition of interior partitions.


Often the reason why condensation on plastic windows is incorrect or faulty ventilation in the house. In apartments, ventilation systems are arranged in this way: an exhaust hood in the bathroom or toilet, as well as in the kitchen. Over time, the hood can simply become clogged with debris, which often accumulates here, and fail. In addition, plastic windows have a very high degree of tightness, and this prevents the penetration of street air into the room. As a result, the heat exchange in the room changes dramatically - the stagnant air of an unventilated room comes into contact with the cooled window glass, on which condensation forms.

This problem is especially acute in rooms with increased activity. First of all, the kitchen can be attributed to such premises. It is here that there are many multifunctional household appliances in addition, it is often located next to the bathroom. In such areas, it is clear why plastic windows are leaking.

Often, residents of the upper floors of houses face a problem, since dirty, moist air penetrates through the ventilation openings from the apartments below. Of course, windows on the first floors also often leak, since dirty air comes here from the basement or through the floor slabs. To avoid heavy condensation on plastic windows, it is enough just to equip the ventilation openings in the apartment with forced ventilation fans with check valve. In fact, the houses that were built according to the USSR SNiPs are designed for the fact that the air flow into the premises will be carried out through the slots in the windows (the principle of supply and exhaust ventilation). Sealed plastic windows practically do not allow air to pass through, which makes natural air flow impossible. Because of this, moisture accumulates in the apartment, which later falls as condensation on PVC windows, and in severe frost, ice forms on the aluminum frame.


The central heating system plays a very important role in the problem of condensate. Radiators must be serviceable and quite powerful. In another case, the apartment may have insufficient heat transfer and low temperature. Batteries must be strictly under the window. It should be borne in mind that heating radiators perform a very important function - they heat the window opening. If you install too wide window sills above the heating radiator, this can lead to difficulty in the convection of warm air from the radiator, and therefore, the moisture content will increase. Make sure the radiators are not cluttered foreign objects. Often, curtains and curtains in apartments touch the window sill, which is why a sufficient amount of warm air does not enter the window opening.

How to deal with condensation on windows?

The best way to resist the formation of condensation on plastic windows is to achieve a uniform distribution of humidity and air temperature in the room. According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the optimum air temperature should not be lower than twenty degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity should not be higher than 45%.

When the windows cry what to do with the room? Do not forget to air it regularly, at least three times a day. It is worth noting that in winter period, it is better not to use the micro-ventilation mode. To avoid freezing window fittings, as well as hypothermia of the slopes, it is better to fully open the window for about 5-6 minutes. This time is enough to remove all excess moisture, while the heat from the room will not have time to leave.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oak0zSRCzIQ Video can "t be loaded: Fighting condensation on plastic windows (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oak0zSRCzIQ)

If you are only planning to install plastic windows, choose window frames with the thickest possible profile to reduce depth. You will lose, or rather, not gain, just a couple of centimeters of the window sill, but you will definitely have much less hassle. In addition, it is worth ordering a triple, not a double-glazed window. Also suitable double with one more additional glass. In this case, you will have absolute sound insulation, and the glass will not freeze even in forty degrees of frost.

If you have already installed plastic windows, then the problem of leaking windows, what to do, can be solved only with the help of forced ventilation. In other words, it is necessary to somehow organize air exchange in the window niche.

How to do it? Below are a few simple ways

1 way - romantic (very easy and cheap)

In winter, when it is very cold outside, place several candlesticks with slowly burning candles on the windowsill, as close to the glass as possible. Thick decorative candles are best suited. For the whole winter, just a couple of candles per window will be enough for you. The costs are quite small, but the result is very significant. Of course, this is not about the heat that you get when burning a candle, but about the convection of air that is formed during the combustion process. In addition, a candle is also very useful for plants on the windowsill, because it drives carbon dioxide for them, and, as you know, for indoor flowers, this is a favorite delicacy.

2 way - advanced

If there are no plants on the windowsill, and you are a fan of witty technical solutions and like to make something with your own hands, then try making convection screens. These are such narrow plates that transport warm air from the radiator to the window niche. The plate should be fixed at an angle of 30-60 degrees to the window sill. So part of the warm air will be forcibly directed to the glass. If you show imagination, then such screens can easily be made an original piece of decor. It should be noted that this is a rather laborious method.

3 way - the easiest

Almost every home has fans. As a rule, they work only 3-4 months a year when it is hot. But during the period of cold weather, they can be used again for their intended purpose, because in the window niche you just need to create any movement of air. Therefore, you can simply set the minimum airflow rate and, if possible, set the fan in such a way that it blows several windows at the same time.

4 way - chemical

Buy at the auto cosmetics store any anti-fog aerosol that is used to treat car windows so that they do not get wet. Treat apartment glasses with such an aerosol. Remember to thoroughly wash and dry the window first, and then apply the anti-fogging agent to it. This will lower the dew point of the glass a little. True, this method cannot radically solve the problem. In addition, such aerosols are quite expensive and contain many specific chemical compounds and substances.

5 way - exotic

Stick a thin conductive film or foil around the perimeter of the window and apply low voltage (about 12-24 volts) to it. It will warm up that part of the window that is most prone to freezing. In other words, make glass with electric heating, like in a car.

So, if you carefully make sure that the technology for installing plastic windows is fully observed, choose a high-quality design, and then constantly monitor the level of humidity in the apartment, then you will definitely never again see excess moisture flowing through your plastic windows.

When faced with the case of the current window, many believe that window manufacturers or installers are to blame. They are partly right, but fogging most often indicates good tightness of plastic windows and reliable protection of the apartment from noise and cold.

Then what is the reason for the formation of moisture?

Common Causes of Moisture

Long-term use of plastic windows in various weather conditions, allows you to highlight possible reasons for moisture.

  1. Increased indoor humidity.

You can check the humidity in a room with a hygrometer.

In any apartment there are sources of moisture. Some of them can lead to its increase to a very high level. These primarily include:

  • washing clothes and drying;
  • cooking hot food;
  • water procedures in hot water;
  • houseplants;
  • aquarium;
  • wet repairs;
  • redevelopment of the apartment.

In addition, the level of humidity affects health. Fortunately, the problem is eliminated very simply: just ventilate the room. It is better not to forget about it even in winter.

  1. Violation of ventilation.

Check exhaust ventilation possible with fire

Very common cause leading to the formation of condensation on the windows.

V ordinary apartment for ventilation, hoods are used in the toilet, bathroom and kitchen. Ventilation ducts are brought to the roof of the building and are regularly serviced.

The reasons for the violation of ventilation can be:

  • foreign debris entering the ventilation duct;
  • exit roof closure ventilation duct satellite dish;
  • destruction of the protective grille at the inlet of the ventilation duct;
  • intentional closing by residents of the entrance part of the ventilation duct, as a source of cold air entering the apartment.

If the ventilation is faulty, the heat exchange in the apartment is disturbed. Warm air, touching the cold glass, turns into condensate.

Houses built in Soviet times had leaky windows, so there was air circulation in the apartment. Plastic windows have sharply limited the flow of air from the street, as a result, humidity rises, which condenses on the windows.

Ventilation is greatly improved by installing exhaust fans.

If your supply ventilation is not working properly, install an exhaust fan.

Cases are not excluded when, during redevelopment, building codes for ventilation of the apartment are not taken into account. The consequences are observed on the glass windows.

  1. Violation of natural convection.

In winter, the condition of the windows is greatly influenced by the heating system.

Due to convection, the air heated by the battery moves up, then moves along the ceiling, where it cools, and falls to the floor along the wall opposite from the battery.

As a rule, batteries are installed under the windows, so moving warm masses heat the glass. It is known that humid air condenses when it comes into contact with a cold surface.

If the natural convection in the apartment is not disturbed, then the windows always remain dry.

Violation of convection occurs for various reasons:

  • a wide window sill is installed, which limits the flow of warm air to the windows. The problem disappears after holes are made in the windowsill;
  • mounted decorative lattice, hiding the heating battery and preventing the movement of warm air masses. For the period of the heating season, it is better to remove such a grate;
  • massive curtains and curtains were hung, blocking the free flow of warm air to the frames. It is required to constantly monitor their position in relation to the battery.
  1. Depressurization of a double-glazed window.

Moisture inside the glass is a sign of depressurization of the double-glazed window

The construction of glass fixed at a distance is a standard double-glazed window. High sealing is created between the glasses, on which the internal state of the package depends. This design never fogs up from the inside due to the adsorbent that absorbs moisture during the manufacturing stage.

Only the destruction of the sealant, which is smeared around the perimeter of the bag, leads to moisture getting inside, and the glasses fog up.

During installation work first of all, the frame is attached, and then the package is installed on special gaskets. This operation requires special care.

  1. Compaction mode set incorrectly.

With the help of a hexagon, you can independently change the sealing mode

For plastic windows, there are two sealing modes: summer and winter.

In winter, in the summer version, the sashes are pressed against the frame less, so the thermal insulation is not high enough, which means that cold air is able to penetrate into a warm apartment. The window fogs up.

To select the desired temperature regime, it is enough to adjust the eccentrics on the side of the sash with a key.

  1. Poor quality installation.

Many mistakes made during the installation of windows do not appear immediately, but after a month or a year. These errors primarily include:

  • when measuring, gaps were not taken into account;
  • installation was carried out in an uneven and uncleaned opening;
  • mounting seams are filled with low-quality material or are not completely filled;
  • insufficient frame mounting depth selected;
  • slope restoration technology is broken.

These errors lead to a violation of the temperature state of the double-glazed windows and, as a rule, to the appearance of condensate.

Poor installation - leads to sad consequences

Small video example:

What to do when windows leak

The easiest way to avoid current plastic windows is ventilation, in which humidity and temperature are evenly distributed throughout the room.

Under different conditions are selected different ways ventilation.

  1. Micro-ventilation.

This is a function provided by the design of the window. It is enough to set the handle to the upper position, and the sash will move a short distance for free access of air from the street.

  1. Using a comb.

The comb can be bought at a hardware store

This is an additional fitting that limits the angle of inclination of the sash. The slope is selectable in steps up to 60 degrees. As a limiter, a hook is used, which is mounted on the frame.

  1. Climate valve installation.

This is an additional device that is mounted on the top of the frame. It is connected to the outdoor air and controls its flow into the room. The air supply is set manually or automatically. The ventilation process in automatic mode is controlled by the level of humidity in the room.

Other ways to prevent the current windows from appearing include:

  • installation of an air conditioner with a split system to maintain standard humidity and temperature;
  • increase in glass area when replacing windows. Large glasses warm up better and cool down longer;
  • placing a convection screen on the windowsill that directs warm air onto the glass;
  • installing a fan in a window opening to move air;
  • glass treatment with anti-fogging agent for cars;
  • glass equipment with low-voltage electric heating, as in a car;
  • use transparent and thin curtains that cannot block the movement of air masses. In addition, they will be a moisture filter;
  • do not force the window sill with bulky objects, flowers, containers with liquid;
  • put a container with lime or salt on the windowsill. These compounds absorb moisture and dry the air;
  • contact window installers if there is a suspicion of poor-quality products or violations during installation.

In order for the windows to serve for a long time, they must be properly looked after. This is especially important if there have been cases of moisture on the windows. Simple Tips help arrange care.

Tip 1. Regularly clean surfaces and wash glass.

The surface is cleaned with a damp viscose cloth once a month. Detergents must not contain solvents. Do not clean with sharp objects. Once every six months, a protective agent is applied to the profile.

Chemicals are used to clean double-glazed windows. During cleaning, it is necessary to prevent such a product from getting on the profile.

Tip 2: Treat rubber seals.

Rubber strips, reinforced around the perimeter of the window, create tightness of the sash. They are subject to increased wear. To keep them longer, you need to take care of them: wipe and lubricate. The cleaning quality will be greatly improved, the elasticity of the rubber will increase after using silicone oil.

Tip 3. Take care of the fittings.

Regular care of the fittings is required after a year of operation.

Movable elements must be protected from sand, debris, dust. The handle requires special attention: loose fasteners are immediately tightened.

The fittings will serve for a long time if they are annually lubricated with grease or car oil.

For lubrication, there are special slots in the mechanism.

The service life of the fittings will increase when the summer or winter mode is correctly set. In this case, the degree of pressing the sash to the profile changes. Adjustment is carried out with the help of eccentrics and does not require experience.

Tip 4. Use the mosquito net correctly.

Before the onset of cold weather, the mesh is removed, washed and stored for storage. The mesh left for the winter collects moisture that destroys the profile.

Tip 5. Regularly clean the drainage channels.

There are holes in the window frame to remove moisture. Very often they become clogged with dirt, and the water stagnates. In this case, traces of moisture appear inside the windows. Cleaning the channels with a wooden or plastic stick takes no more than three minutes.

Tip 6. Monitor the condition of the valves.

The plastic window should not be left open for a long time. In this case, the moving elements are deformed, in addition, the sashes sag.

For repair, linings are removed from the adjusting mechanism, and subsidence is eliminated.

So if selected quality windows, the technology of their installation is not violated, organized proper care, then excess moisture will never appear on the windows.