I can't empty myself completely. Defecation and stool disorders

Gut problems are delicate, and often people who encounter them are afraid and embarrassed to talk about it. But ignoring such a symptom as a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines can be a signal of serious pathologies. This condition leads to emotional discomfort, a decrease in the quality of human life. In any case, such a violation in the work of the intestine should not be ignored. According to statistics, it occurs in everyone at least once in a lifetime. Residents of megacities, lovers of unhealthy food and fast food, workers in sedentary professions are more susceptible.

Main symptoms

Defecation should be regular, once a day, at least once every 2 days, everyone knows this.

So unnecessary remnants of undigested food, toxins are removed from the body. And if the purification process occurs less frequently, the whole body begins to suffer, from the gastrointestinal tract to nervous system, skin conditions.

In persons suffering from the syndrome of incomplete emptying long time, more alarming symptoms appear, among which stand out:

  • constipation - absence of stool for more than 2 days, or solid bulk feces, compressed and in the form of balls;
  • diarrhea - loose, watery stools, more than 5 times a day;
  • a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, mainly in its middle and lower parts, or in the iliac region;
  • false urges, sometimes accompanied by spastic or dull aching pains;
  • flatulence and bloating, a feeling of transfusion and tingling;
  • blood or mucous impurities in the feces - in the form of inclusions or threads.

The very physiological sensations in the syndrome can exhaust the patient. A person soon after going to the toilet and having a complete act of defecation begins to experience frequent false urges, in which there is a desire to empty himself, but to no avail.

This is accompanied by current sensations in the rectum, burning in the anus and a feeling of a foreign body, pressure there. Sometimes complement the picture of sleep disturbances, general weakness, problems with urination, headaches.

The feeling of incomplete emptying is often a symptom of an ailment such as hemorrhoids. How intense and how long the symptoms are depends on the stage and nature of the course of the disease.


Incomplete bowel movements cause a lot of trouble both psycho-emotionally and physically. A person begins to think about one thing - how to fully empty himself, begins to be afraid to go out somewhere, afraid of embarrassment.

It is necessary to understand the reasons for the appearance, this is the competence of a proctologist, a gastroenterologist, a psychologist. In some cases, a neurologist is needed. In the occurrence of the syndrome of incomplete emptying, a group of reasons plays a significant role:

  • psychological;
  • physiological;
  • hereditary factor;
  • behavioral.

Among the psychological, temperament plays an important role - people with increased excitability, nervousness, a tendency to apathy and melancholy are more likely to be ill than people with a balanced type of character. Strong stressful situations and shocks can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Among the physiological causes, it should be noted previously transferred diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, both acute and chronic (enterocolitis, chronic colitis, proctitis, proctosigmoiditis). Infectious diseases such as intestinal flu (caused by rotavirus or enterovirus, staphylococcus, Klebsiella) can also cause intestinal malfunctions. Hormonal failure and related diseases - diabetes mellitus, problems with thyroid gland, obesity - can lead to problems with the stool.

Features in the anatomy of the structure of the colon - lengthening or shortening of loops and bends - the problem is congenital and cannot be treated. In advanced cases, a surgical solution is possible.

Neoplasms of a benign and malignant plan, the tumor interferes with the normal evacuation function. Polyps can also contribute to the occurrence of inadequate emptying.

In women, gynecological pathologies are distinguished among the causes of the disease - fibroids, metroendometritis, pelvic adhesions, chronic and acute adnexitis.

Heredity plays an important role. According to statistics, people whose relatives suffered from any dysfunction with the large intestine and rectum are more likely to develop hemorrhoids and incomplete emptying syndrome.

The behavioral factor is determined by habits and lifestyle. Low activity in terms of physical activity, which is important for office workers, the elderly, leads to stagnation in the body, a decrease in the intensity of metabolic processes - as a result, the natural process of purification and removal of toxins is disrupted. Improper nutrition with errors (an abundance of food with animal hard-to-digest fats, salt, spices, chemical additives and flavor enhancers) with a lack of fiber and protein leads to weakening and inflammation of the muscular tract. Persistent and prolonged non-compliance with the diet and the lack of a clear daily routine leads to disruption of the adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diagnosis and treatment

Treatment should be comprehensive, its success largely depends on an adequately established cause, which can be determined using a full examination, including a fecal analysis for a coprogram (determining the degree of digestion, the presence of leukocytes and occult blood), a general and detailed blood test (will show the general condition of the body ), irrigoscopy (X-ray examination with the introduction of contrast), sigmoidoscopy (examination of the rectum and sigmoid for the presence of ulcers, polyps, erosion, hyperemia), colonoscopy (complete examination of the large intestine under anesthesia).

Adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract- a guarantee of good health and excellent well-being - in the physical and psychological aspect.

Regular cleansing of the body must be monitored. You should seek medical help and adjust your diet and lifestyle if at least a couple of signs appear:

  • heaviness and pressure in the anus, rectum;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • constipation, stool disorders;
  • tenesmus and rectal spitting;
  • pathological inclusions in feces

Self-administration of medications to relieve disturbing manifestations is unacceptable - the likelihood of complications is high.

The causes of constipation are physiological and pathological. Physiological reasons include:

  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • excess in the diet of flour dishes and a lack of coarse fiber and vegetables;
  • inactive lifestyle;
  • pregnancy;
  • side effect when taking medications.

Pathological causes include diseases, as a result of which the motility of the digestive tract is disturbed or other mechanisms develop that prevent the movement of feces. Constipation can lead to:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disease;
  • endocrine pathologies, etc.

With the correct determination of the cause of the pathology, it is possible to quickly begin treatment of the underlying disease, which will also lead to the cessation of constipation. If the cause of constipation is physiological, you need to normalize your diet and change your lifestyle in some way. However, these are long-acting tips. That is, they lead to getting rid of constipation in the future. And how to empty the intestines with constipation quickly, right now due to the fact that it causes discomfort, and sometimes painful sensations?

The most effective laxatives

What will quickly relieve constipation? There are fast-acting constipation medications that will help right here and now in solving the problem. They have an irritating effect and increase the production of mucus that coats the feces and facilitates bowel movements. Such medications are contraindicated for regular treatment, but will help to quickly eliminate constipation.

You can list the following medications that can be bought at any pharmacy:

  1. Bisacodyl - the active substance affects the nerve cells located in the intestinal mucosa. The effect comes very quickly.
  2. Guttalax - the active component of Na picosulfate prevents the absorption of water with electrolytes, forcing the intestines to work more actively. The effect comes in 11 hours.
  3. Senadexin tablets - the active component of anthraglycosides breaks down into antrons that irritate the intestinal receptors. As a result, the process of absorption of electrolytes and water by the intestines is disturbed, the feces soften, increase, begin to put pressure on the walls and start peristalsis.
  4. Drops from fast action constipation Weak with the same Na picosulfate.
  5. The well-known remedy Senade enhances peristalsis. The drug helps well with intestinal hypotension.
  6. Regulax drops based on sodium picosulfate prevent the loss of water by the contents of the intestine and stimulate its walls, increasing the formation of mucus and increasing peristalsis.
  7. Dulcolax contains the active ingredient bisacodyl, which, when it enters the intestine, irritates the mucous membrane, which increases the secretion of mucus.

Also, fast-acting constipation drugs with an osmotic effect, which increase the volume of feces, will help to solve the problem. Salt medicines attract fluid. These include:

  • Na sulfate adsorbs salt from the intestine, which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the stool. Acts quickly.
  • Mg sulfate is mainly prescribed for bowel cleansing before operations.
  • Geyser Karlovy Vary salt soft effect.
  • Polyethylene glycol is prescribed for adults, children and pregnant women.

Regular use of osmotic laxatives can disrupt electrolyte balance, so you should consult your doctor before using them. Some groups of patients are contraindicated.

Prebiotics are also taken as laxatives for constipation, but they cannot be called drugs with a quick effect - they will only work 2-3 days after the start of the intake.

A very quick relief for constipation is known to all enemas. There are 3 types of enemas:

  1. Hypertonic is characterized by a high concentration of saline. In it, the active substance can be 20-30% magnesia or 10% sodium chloride. The active ingredients extract water from the tissues, thereby increasing the osmotic pressure and the intestinal muscles begin to contract more vigorously. Moisture softens feces.
  2. The oil enema is based on vegetable oils, which are heated to normal body temperature and injected into the intestine, where they envelop the feces, which facilitates the process of emptying.
  3. To conduct a cleansing enema, you will need water and a mug of Esmarch. It is almost impossible to put this enema on your own; it is indicated for bedridden patients who need to quickly clean the intestines. Fecal masses are washed out with a large amount of liquid. You can not do such an enema regularly.

The enema should be done either from 5 am to 7 am or between 8 pm and 10 pm. The tip should be gently inserted into the anus, lying on the right side. If severe discomfort is felt during the introduction of the liquid, the pressure should be reduced. After the intestines are completely filled, you should try to keep water in it for at least 15 minutes.

Separately, one more medication can be noted - microclyster Microlax. This enema is intended for single administration. Microlax acts locally only in the rectum and has an effect within 10-15 minutes. The mechanism of action is to separate the sticky lumps of feces into separate components as a result of exposure to active substances. In Microlax, the active substances are lauryl sulfoacetate and sodium citrate. Due to the presence of polyalcohols in the intestine, the amount of water increases, which causes softening of the feces.

How to give an enema to children

When making an enema for children, the main thing is to choose the appropriate amount of liquid:

  • babies up to a month will need no more than 25 ml of clean water;
  • between one and two months the amount of water can be increased to 40 ml;
  • from two to four months, the baby can enter 60-100 ml of water;
  • from 4 months to one year, you can enter up to 150 ml;
  • from a year to two, they already take up to 220 ml;
  • from two to five years - about 300 ml;
  • from five years to 10 - half a liter of liquid.

To make the solution softer, you can add a spoonful of glycerin to it. At the first sign of discomfort in a child, reduce the flow of fluid.

They will help well with constipation and, importantly, quickly enough - folk remedies. They also differ into several groups according to the mechanism of action. For example, irritant drugs act on receptors in the colon and stimulate them. The peristalsis of the intestine increases, which leads to its faster emptying:

  • rhubarb roots have a mild laxative effect;
  • buckthorn bark contains anthraglycosides, which also have an irritating effect;
  • Castor oil contains acids that help restore peristalsis.

After taking fast-acting irritants, the intestines are emptied after 6-10 hours. However, regular use of such drugs can cause a violation of the water / electrolyte balance. For a milder effect, prunes and boiled beets, dearly loved by everyone, are usually used.

Diet for sickness

Diet plays an important role in constipation. There are several recommendations for catering that must be followed:

  • you need to switch to fractional nutrition;
  • before meals, you need to drink a glass of water - both on an empty stomach in the morning and before other meals;
  • after eating, tea drinking should be postponed for about 40 minutes so that the gastric juice has time to complete its work;
  • you need to drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • avoid prolonged stress;
  • drink a glass of kefir at night.

For constipation, the following products are recommended: wholemeal bread, vegetable soups, lean meat, cereals on the water, vegetables, lean fish, low-fat dairy products and sour milk, eggs, vegetable oils, etc. You can’t eat rich and white bread, fatty dairy products, confectionery, legumes, fatty meats, fish, broths, seasonings, smoked meats, canned food, etc.

Failure to follow a diet for constipation can lead to the development of complications:

  • megacolon;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • inflammatory diseases of the colon;
  • diseases of the rectum - hemorrhoids, fissures;
  • malignant tumors of the intestine.

Good help to overcome the tendency to constipation, some physical exercise. In general, with a tendency to this disease, any physical activity is useful: brisk walking, running, cycling, roller skating, abdominal exercises. At home, you can free up literally 20 minutes and do the following exercises:

  • diaphragmatic breathing;
  • forward bends - 10 times;
  • bicycle - 10 times in each direction;
  • scissors - 10 times;
  • lying on your back, pull your knee to the opposite shoulder - 10 times;
  • kitty - 10 times;
  • squats with hands on the back of the head - 10 times.


The basis for the prevention of constipation is an attentive attitude to yourself, to your body. You should adhere to a healthy lifestyle, avoid stress, get enough sleep, play sports. Be sure to visit a doctor once a year, without waiting for any pathological symptoms, to examine the digestive tract and other body systems. Timely detection of the onset of diseases will help to quickly cure them, without leading to such complications as constipation.

Digestive disorders, manifested in the form of discomfort in the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea and other symptoms, occur at least once in most people. The syndrome of incomplete emptying of the intestine is accompanied by the same signs.

Feeling of incomplete bowel movement

Problems with bowel movements can occur from time to time, or they can haunt a person regularly. In the latter case, it is important to pay attention to how often indigestion occurs. If in total digestive disorders torment the patient for more than 90 days a year, then we can say that he has irritable bowel syndrome.

This syndrome does not have consequences that seriously affect a person's life and health; rather, it worsens the quality of life. However, it is still necessary to establish a full-fledged work of the digestive tract and eliminate the causes of its violations. The problem of incomplete emptying of the bowels is regularly faced by one in five people worldwide. The most prone to such a pathology are residents of large cities, this is due to insufficient physical activity in everyday life. In rural areas, bowel problems are much less common, as they walk more and do manual labor.

Symptoms of incomplete bowel movement

Symptoms of incomplete bowel movement may include:

  • violation of defecation, manifested by constipation or, conversely, diarrhea;
  • too dense or too liquid consistency of feces;
  • feeling of fullness, bloating;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • the presence of mucus in the stool;
  • pain in the abdomen of a dull or aching character, and so on.

Pain is localized, as a rule, in the lower right part of the abdomen. The pains are most pronounced immediately after eating, and then gradually they begin to smooth out, calm down and disappear. Constipation can last for several days, and sometimes they drag on for weeks and even months. At the same time, false urges are often felt 3-5 times a day. In addition, with incomplete emptying of the intestine, increased gas formation and flatulence are noted. The person may also experience mild weakness and loss of appetite. Sleep and activity are usually not disturbed.

Incomplete bowel movement: causes

There are several factors that lead to irritable bowel syndrome. The most common of them are the following:

  1. Emotional turmoil and stress. This factor accounts for approximately 40% of all cases of bowel problems. Suspicious, nervous and overly excitable people have an increased tendency to develop this problem.
  2. Transferred infectious disease of the digestive system.
  3. hereditary factor.
  4. Physical injury.

According to the course of the disease, all cases of incomplete bowel syndrome are divided depending on which symptom (constipation, diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain) is most pronounced.

First of all, the most simple and common causes of intestinal disorders are excluded. These include a strict diet with a limited amount of food, taking certain medications, as well as eating large amounts of food irritants (coffee, alcohol, fatty foods, and others), eating dry food. From medications most often cause incomplete bowel emptying laxatives, antibiotics, iron and potassium preparations.

Incomplete bowel movements, how to treat?

Treatment should be aimed primarily not at improving the functioning of the intestine, but at improving the quality of life of the patient, improving his psychological and emotional state.

There are several ways to treat incomplete bowel movements: traditional methods, folk and diagnostic.

A well-known folk way to treat this problem is to use the following recipe. Bilberry leaves, burnet root and bird cherry fruits are mixed in equal quantities. 3 large spoons of this mixture are poured into half a liter of boiling water and left to infuse for 5-6 hours, maintaining the temperature of the water. After this, the remedy is filtered and taken a little several times a day. This recipe is great for dealing with diarrhea.

Traditional methods of dealing with bowel problems are taking certain medications. In this case, antispasmodics and laxatives are usually prescribed. In addition, a doctor may recommend low-dose tricyclic antidepressants to address psychological causes. Sometimes drugs that improve the intestinal microflora, or peppermint oil, which relieves spasm, are also prescribed.

How to diagnose incomplete emptying?

Today, medicine has special tests to help diagnose incomplete bowel syndrome. An accurate diagnosis can be made only by excluding all diseases characterized by the same symptoms. The patient is being examined for the presence of ulcerative colitis, lactase deficiency, Crohn's disease, helminthiasis and other pathologies.

Periodically appearing irritable bowel syndrome requires some changes in life: increasing physical activity, choosing the right daily routine and diet, as well as reducing stress and emotional experiences.

With prolonged constipation, diarrhea, after suffering stress, there may be a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied during bowel movements. Diet, physical activity, and medication recommended by the doctor help to get rid of the disorder.

Problems associated with the act of defecation are a matter of an intimate nature. Many people experience some kind of violation, but are embarrassed to contact a specialist. Delaying and ignoring the problem worsens the prognosis for many pathologies. So, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestines can signal serious malfunctions in the body. In addition, this condition causes discomfort, reduces the quality of life.

This widespread violation often happens to residents of megacities and is associated with low physical activity, as well as the unsatisfactory quality of the products used. In addition to unpleasant physical sensations, a condition in which the intestines do not seem to be completely emptied causes psycho-emotional disorders. A person is afraid to get into an awkward position, so he cannot go far from home. Obsessive thoughts and fear make him a hostage to the toilet.

Violation can cause physiological and psychological reasons. Incomplete emptying can also provoke a behavioral factor and hereditary predisposition.

The most common causes of the problem:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • internal hemorrhoids;
  • cancerous tumors and polyps;
  • inflammatory diseases of the intestinal mucosa (proctitis, colitis);
  • congenital defects in the structure of the intestine;
  • postoperative adhesions, torsion;
  • hormonal disorders (diabetes, obesity, changes in the thyroid gland).

In women, the causes may be associated with gynecological diseases and adhesions of the pelvic organs. The behavioral factor is closely related to the way of life, the prevailing stereotypes. Old age, malnutrition, lack of a clear daily routine, physical inactivity also lead to stagnation, a decrease in metabolism. This disrupts the processes of removing toxins and cleansing the body.


Normally, stool appears every 1-2 days. If bowel movements occur less often, this is regarded as constipation, the frequent appearance of stools is diarrhea. The feeling of incomplete emptying causes a feeling of dissatisfaction with defecation.

Malfunctions in the work of the intestine affects other organs.

When a person suffers for a long time, the symptoms become more serious and more painful. The most typical complaints are:

  • feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • intestinal overflow;
  • abdominal pain on the left;
  • false urges;
  • constipation with mucus in the stool;
  • constant rumbling, not associated with eating;
  • the appearance of blood in the stool.

Pain in the intestines goes away after a bowel movement. With constipation, a small amount of hard feces with an admixture of mucus appears. In addition, a person may experience anxiety and irritability for no apparent reason, sleep is disturbed. Possible headache, tinnitus. Appetite decreases, nausea appears.

In a chronic course during relapses, a syndrome of general intoxication occurs. Decreased performance, constantly present fatigue, weakness. The feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement can also be with diarrhea. Then the stool will be watery and slimy.


The patient's history is important for making a diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude congenital anomalies of the intestine and a genetic predisposition to the problem.

It is important for the doctor to know how long the violations have been observed, whether abdominal operations have been performed, and whether there are concomitant diseases. Perhaps insufficient emptying of the rectum is associated with malnutrition.

For diagnosis, there are mandatory types of examination:

  • digital examination of the rectum;
  • clinical blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical blood tests;
  • coprogram, feces for occult blood;
  • Abdominal ultrasound.

If there is a suspicion of infectious diseases, bacteriological culture of feces for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics is prescribed. These tests help identify the pathogen.

An additional examination will determine the irritable bowel syndrome, but some preparation is required for the diagnosis. It is necessary not to take antibiotics, laxatives, iron and potassium preparations. It is worth eating little by little, fractionally. It is not recommended to consume foods that provoke bloating, you should give up coffee and alcohol.

V special occasions when the diagnosis is difficult, other methods of examination are used.

To exclude intestinal obstruction and congenital disorders, a survey radiography with a contrast agent is done. With the help of special devices, a visual examination of the colon is carried out - this is a colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, sigmoidoscopy. These procedures allow you to detect tumors, adhesions, bleeding or inflammation.


Doctors prescribe the necessary methods of therapy after finding out the causes of the disease and making a diagnosis. Incomplete emptying of the rectum is only a symptom. The disease that caused this condition is to be treated.

You should contact your family doctor or therapist, most likely, you will need to consult a proctologist and gastroenterologist. You will need recommendations from a nutritionist, a physiotherapist.


Proper balanced nutrition is the key to success in the treatment of such a disorder:

  • enrichment of the diet with fiber;
  • fractional food intake;
  • intensive drinking regime.

Portions should be small, you need to take them 5-6 times a day. Fiber-rich foods are helpful as they improve intestinal motility.

The daily amount of liquid drunk should be at least 2 liters. The first glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach is required.

The diet should include dairy products- yogurt, kefir.

Some patients experienced spasms less often after adding jelly, strong tea, crackers to the menu.

Alcohol, fatty, smoked, spicy dishes. When buying ready-made products, you should be aware of the content of preservatives, flavors and dyes in them. They should be avoided. All products must be of high quality and fresh.


Adequate and regular physical activity is simply necessary for every person. It is necessary to strictly observe the regime of the day, give enough time for walks. A full night's sleep is required.

You need to accustom yourself to daily bowel cleansing on time.

Then the feces will not accumulate, and the released toxins will not poison the body. You also need to stop smoking and alcohol.

It is important to protect yourself from stressful situations. Disorder emptying is more common in mentally unstable people. They are prone to introspection, the slightest embarrassment and trouble can cause a psychological breakdown. With such patients, the need to seek the advice of a psychotherapist.

Treatment with drugs

Medical care is aimed at eliminating symptoms. If you feel incomplete emptying, funds are needed to normalize the intestinal microflora and combat gas formation: Hilak Forte, Pancreatin, Espumizan. To prevent swelling, use Simektion.

Prokinetics will help to empty the intestines painlessly. These are suppositories with glycerin, preparations Bisacodyl, Motilium, Duphalac.

No-shpu, Ditsetel, Papaverine, Spazmomen suppositories are prescribed as painkillers, especially if there are signs of hemorrhoids. When discomfort is associated with diarrhea, you can take Loperamide, Smecta.


Therapeutic procedures give a good effect. More often, electrical stimulation of the intestine, monitoring cleaning, and massage are prescribed. From water procedures pearl baths, hydromassage are recommended. Acupuncture is used for neurological problems.

Surgical intervention

In some situations, surgery is necessary. Sometimes this is the only way out: with intestinal obstruction, cancerous tumors and polyps. The operation is performed on patients with congenital defects, intestinal adhesions, as well as hemorrhoids.

With a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine, the pain syndrome well eliminates a decoction of chamomile or mint. Peppermint oil relieves spasms of smooth muscles, promotes the release of gases.

From diarrhea, you can use extracts of plants such as elderberry, burnet, and also millet porridge. For constipation, take aloe, blueberries, onion juice.

Possible complications and prevention

Chronic pathological process leads to organic changes in the walls of the rectum. Lack of stool and stagnation cause poisoning of the whole organism. Its vivid symptoms arise: frequent headaches, sleep disturbance, irritability, loss of appetite.

Compacted feces injure the anal sphincter during emptying, streaks of blood appear in the feces, and cracks form on the mucous membrane. The attached infection leads to purulent inflammation, ulcers.

The chronic process provokes the growth of fecal stones, which is dangerous with partial or complete obstruction.

The appearance of blood in the stool indicates bleeding or perforation of the intestine, which requires immediate surgical care. Problems with bowel movements - the cause of constant attempts. During this period, breath is held, dizziness occurs, pressure rises. It is dangerous for people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Frequent use of candles and other drugs is addictive. In addition, the drugs have contraindications for use.

The main component of the prevention of intestinal problems is a healthy lifestyle. This concept implies physical activity, the rejection of bad habits. Enough water and fiber must be included in the diet. To strengthen the nervous system, prevent stressful situations and psychological disorders in the complex, it is useful to take B vitamins.

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Many people, especially those living in cities, are familiar with the feeling of incomplete bowel movement. The feeling is unpleasant and can lead to mental disorder, physical inconvenience. In addition, there is often a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in the change of severe constipation with diarrhea or vice versa. It is manifested by pain in the abdomen, a feeling of fullness. The general condition may be worsened by constant fatigue and weakness.

With incomplete bowel syndrome, a person experiences physical and emotional discomfort.

In this article you will learn:

Possible causes of the symptom

The desire to void can occur, and most often does, in public places. The main cause of symptoms is a mental disorder.

In most cases, treatment is carried out not only by a gastroenterologist or therapist, but also by a psychologist. In difficult situations, the help of a psychiatrist will be required.

But not only a mental disorder becomes a reason for the development of unpleasant sensations. The causes of incomplete bowel movement are severe and much less common than the previous one:

  • Postponed injuries of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Violation of the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (dysbacteriosis) in a neglected form.
  • Availability infectious diseases or the manifestation of their consequences, which have a severe effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Violations hormonal background, formed due to a primary disease: diabetes mellitus, during menopause or before the onset of menstruation, with obesity, hypothyroidism.

The help of a psychologist or psychiatrist is usually required to effectively solve the problem.
  • Diseases of the female genital organs affecting the stomach and intestines.
  • Hemorrhoids, polyps, condylomas, malignant bowel tumors.
  • Improper nutrition, lack of fiber-containing foods in the diet. With the development of the food industry, the consumption of unsafe products containing dyes and flavor enhancers, flavoring additives has increased. They provoke a violation of the daily routine and eating at a later time.
  • Lifestyle - sedentary, characteristic of urban residents - leads to the formation of constipation. Hence the appearance of unpleasant sensations.
  • Age-related changes in the digestive tract. Elderly people often experience intestinal or stomach disorders, constipation or diarrhea.
  • Heredity.

Despite the extensive list of these reasons, stressful conditions, suspiciousness, self-criticism most often become the reason why the intestines are not completely emptied.

Hypodynamia can cause the development of an unpleasant symptom

Associated features

Feeling of an empty bowel can be exacerbated by unpleasant symptoms that indicate the need for immediate treatment. They manifest themselves from the gastrointestinal tract, and also exacerbate emotional disorders. Signs of the manifestation of the disease are reflected in the table.

Mental disordersGastrointestinal disorders
FatigueConstipation, stools with mucus
irascibilityDiarrhea with mucus
Frequent urinationFeeling of heaviness and fullness in the abdomen
Insomnia, headacheFeeling pain in the right side of the abdomen
Noise in earsA sharp desire to empty and the inability to satisfy the need
Reclusive lifestyle, avoiding contact with people, leaving the house or toiletRumbling in the intestines, manifested regardless of meals
Deterioration in appearance - skin, nails and hair become brittle and weak, dullA small amount of blood in the stool

These symptoms do not appear immediately in the patient. The presence of three to four signs simultaneously and for a long time, in combination with the indicated causes of the onset of the disease, indicates the need for urgent elimination of such a disease as incomplete emptying of the rectum.

Often hemorrhoids are accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movement.

Diagnostic methods

The patient himself is able to determine the impossibility of emptying completely, and for this reason he consults a doctor. The doctor, in turn, prescribes a comprehensive examination and the taking of biological materials for research. Methods for identifying the cause of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine:

  • general analysis of feces and bacteriological studies;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • x-ray examination of the intestinal tract filled with contrast fluid
  • irrigoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • if malignancy is suspected, a colonoscopy is performed.

Fecal masses retained in the intestines negatively affect the process of assimilation of nutrients from food.

Carrying out all procedures requiring the use of special equipment requires preliminary preparation. For starters - cleansing the intestines with enemas. When performing a colonoscopy, it is rational to use painkillers.

Possible consequences

In disorders accompanied by prolonged constipation, serious consequences can occur - compacted feces damage the colon and anus. Thus, ulcers, inflammation with the release of pus, cracks, pain during defecation can occur.

The development of hemorrhoids and chronic inflammation in the colon is threatened by a neglected disease. Partial or complete intestinal obstruction occurs due to accumulated fecal stones. Disturbances in the work of the digestive tract develop, food is poorly absorbed.

You can prevent the development of complications by comparing the causes and treatment of incomplete bowel movements.

Reception of antispasmodics will eliminate pain in the abdomen

Methods of treatment

Incomplete bowel movements can be treated by using the right different methods. Active use of traditional medicine, folk recipes, as well as the need for power correction.

Medical treatment

Treatment of incomplete bowel movements with the help of pharmaceuticals allows you to get rid of discomfort in a short time. To comprehensively get rid of the problem, you need to follow the measures:

  • Improve the process of assimilation of nutrients and digestion of food. Carrying out such measures will help get rid of the feeling of fullness in the stomach and excessive gas formation. For this, the administration of drugs containing a large number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, acids is organized. These are Linex, Hilak Forte, LBB, Bifidumbacterin. Reducing gas formation can be achieved with the help of Espumizan.
  • The use of drugs that stop loose stools. Among them - Smecta or Loperamide, Polysorb.

Beetroot juice will help normalize stools for patients with constipation
  • The fight against the lack of stool is carried out with the help of prokinetics. These include Senade, Dufalac, Motilium.
  • Getting rid of pain may be limited to taking antispasmodics. No-shpa and Papaverine will be effective if the cause of the pain is a spasm.

Traditional medicine methods

Application of funds traditional medicine in combination with drugs will speed up the recovery process. For example, with constipation, it will be useful to use more often beetroot juice or prunes. They have a relaxing effect on the intestines. And in the fight against loose stools, millet porridge boiled in water is often used. Herbal decoctions based on oak bark, St. John's wort (which also has a sedative effect), and elderberry will also be useful. Chamomile or mint, dill, cooked in a decoction, can relieve pain during an attack of pain.


Foods that have a beneficial effect on irritable intestines are consumed daily. Among them are crackers, blueberries, strong tea, jelly. But a person whose body is prone to constipation needs to know that they all have a strengthening effect on the body.

The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels can significantly impair the quality of life. Not only because it causes discomfort, but also because the causes and consequences of this symptom can be much more serious and hidden in chronic diseases.

Incomplete bowel emptying is often the result of irritable bowel syndrome and persistent constipation. These manifestations are quite common among middle-aged patients.

Irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in a whole list of all kinds of disorders that are systematically repeated for several months:

  • Nausea;
  • Flatulence;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • Lack of appetite.

Outwardly, this resembles a constant indigestion, but should not be manifested by vomiting. This condition does not lead to serious pathological changes in the intestine, but requires the patient to be attentive to his diet. It requires a special diet, vitamin intake and a food regimen in which meals occur at the same time throughout the day.


Incomplete bowel movements can be caused by constipation - chronic or acute. Constipation is not an independent disease, but we are a more serious symptom of other pathological disorders in the intestines. The most common reasons:

  • Adhesions of the intestines after surgical interventions;
  • Congenital anatomical features of the intestine;
  • Motility disorders;
  • Neoplasms;
  • Spasms;
  • Ingestion of particles that cannot be digested.

If complete emptying is not possible within three days, you should listen for other accompanying signs, including abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and a feeling of a hard abdomen. With this history, immediate medical attention is required.

Other reasons

Possible reasons why a feeling of incomplete bowel movement develops are:

  • Low physical activity, hypodynamia;
  • The lack of fibrous foods in the diet - it is found in cereals, vegetables and fruits, and improves intestinal motility;
  • Excess products with substitutes, dyes, flavors;
  • Too fatty or spicy food;
  • Lack of food regimen;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system, stress, depression;
  • Heredity.

Based on the modern rhythm of life, half of these reasons is the usual way of spending the day for most people. For this reason, irritable bowel syndrome and, as a result, incomplete emptying, are very common.


Since the causes of deviation from the norm are quite contradictory, the symptoms can also contradict each other, although when seeking medical help, the complaint of incomplete emptying is almost always not the only one.

In addition, there is:

  • Abdominal pain that subsides after emptying;
  • Increased bowel movements up to three times a day or, conversely, constipation for more than two days;
  • Watery, slimy consistency with diarrhea;
  • Hard feces in very small quantities with mucous impurities in constipation;
  • Bloating
  • Inability to empty without a laxative,.

These manifestations are associated with irritable bowel syndrome. If incomplete emptying is caused by constipation, there may be disturbances in appetite, insomnia, weakness, irritability.

Research methods

Laboratory tests include stool, blood, and urine tests. This is necessary for the timely detection of intoxication, if any, and also to identify the causes of development.

Laboratory studies include:

  • General urine and blood tests to assess the state of the body, exclude infectious and inflammatory foci;
  • Analysis of feces for occult blood, composition, acidity and mucous, dysbacteriosis;
  • Bacteriological examination of feces with suspicion of the infectious nature of the disease;
  • A blood test for biochemistry to assess the functioning of the liver and pancreas.

It is not necessary that all these tests be prescribed by the attending physician. Sometimes even one bacteriological culture makes it clear that the causes are hidden in an intestinal infection, and its elimination is required. But this list gives the most accurate picture.

Diagnostic methods

Additionally, diagnostic methods such as:

  • colonoscopy;
  • manometry;
  • irrigoscopy.

They are not painful for the patient and make it possible to assess whether the intestinal lumen is blocked by external pressure, an internal mechanical object, or a neoplasm. In addition, the endoscope used in colonoscopy is small and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

Irrigoscopy is a type of radiography. A substance is injected into the intestine that gives contrast and reveals foci of inflammation.


Before a full diagnosis is carried out and treatment is prescribed, the patient must independently undergo appropriate training. In order for the study to show the correct results, and the doctor to build a treatment strategy, it is necessary:

  • Avoid taking antibiotics
  • Do not take laxatives and medicines containing iron and potassium;
  • Exclude foods from the diet - flour products, apples, cabbage;
  • Add fish, bran to the diet;
  • Avoid coffee and alcohol.

Usually, even these minor changes in diet and lifestyle are enough to eliminate the feeling of incomplete emptying after a bowel movement, if it was caused by eating habits.

Medical treatment

If the correction of the diet has not brought changes, the specialist may prescribe the following drugs to restore the intestinal motor-evacuation function:

  • Enzymatic drugs that improve digestive function: Pancreatin, Espumizan, Hilak Forte;

  • Simecticon at;
  • No-shpa, Ditsetel to relieve intestinal spasms;

  • Fixing drugs for diarrhea: Loperamide;

  • Laxatives for the opposite phenomenon: Duphalac, Bisacodyl, Motilium.

To treat dysbacteriosis, as the cause of incomplete emptying of the intestine, you will need a special course of antibiotics aimed at recovery. It should be administered individually, based on weight, age and concomitant clinical picture diseases.


Constant incomplete emptying can lead to organic changes in the body and in the intestines, in particular. This is manifested in a decrease in activity, poor sleep, lack of appetite, irritability.

A more serious sign is pain in the anal sphincter during emptying, the appearance of bloody streaks. Pain can be caused by a strong compaction of stool, the passage of which causes cracks and inflammation in the intestine.

Bloody streaks may also indicate internal cracks, violations of the integrity of the intestine, and require immediate medical attention.

With prolonged chronic constipation, diseases can develop, including hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, lazy bowel syndrome, decreased motility.


To prevent constipation and the feeling of insufficient bowel movement after a bowel movement, you should be careful about your diet. It should contain foods rich in fiber:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • cereals.

You need to eat often, but in small portions, avoid heavy drinking during meals. The first hot dishes should be present in the diet. Do not overeat or eat once a day. Useful will be complexes with B vitamins, which strengthen the central nervous system, to prevent stress, depression, insomnia.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a range of functional disorders associated with the work of all lower parts of the digestive tract. In another way, it is called irritable bowel syndrome, but she is not the only one suffering. This problem occurs in half of the world's population, and affects both the elderly and children. Most often, irritable bowel syndrome occurs in women.


Why irritable bowel syndrome occurs is not yet known exactly, but many experts believe that this problem is largely psychological. It is impossible to completely cure this disease, but experts believe that it is necessary to fight it together with a gastroenterologist and a psychologist.

Causes of trouble include:

  1. Violations of the activity of the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.
  2. and absorption problems.
  3. Mental disorders and stress.
  4. Improper diet: abuse of caffeine, fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks. All this enhances the motor activity of the intestine. Some medications also affect motility.
  5. Lack of ballast substances (for example, fiber).
  6. Binge eating.
  7. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  8. Problems with hormones.

Most often, irritable bowel syndrome occurs due to exposure to psychosocial factors that alter intestinal motility and sensitivity to mechanical and neurohumoral stimulation.

Since irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in different ways, there are attempts to divide it into several types.

  • The most common type is an increase in the activity of the intestinal wall, that is, hypersegmental hyperkinesis. In this case, the intestinal wall suffers from segmental contractions with low amplitude. It occurs in 52% of those suffering from the syndrome.
  • With a sharp decrease in motor activity, the tone of the intestinal wall falls. This is dystonic hypokinesis and occurs in 36% of people with this syndrome.
  • If motor activity increases and at the same time antiperistaltic complexes arise, we are talking about antiperistaltic hyperkinesis, which occurs in 12% of patients.

Also, the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome allow you to divide the disease into several options:

  • The predominance of flatulence and abdominal pain.
  • Diarrhea predominates.
  • The predominance of constipation.

In addition, the disease occurs in both mild and moderate and severe forms.


It is important to identify the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in order to distinguish it from other gastrointestinal diseases.

So, the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can NOT be:

  • Pain in abdomen at night.
  • Weight loss.
  • Impurities in the feces of blood.
  • Enlargement of the liver and spleen.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Anemia, blood incoagulability, leukemia.

But the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can be the following problems:

Abdominal pain and discomfort. These sensations are very diverse: sharp, aching, stabbing, spastic, and no drugs can stop them. Sometimes the pains are very intense, resembling such a phenomenon as an acute abdomen. Discomfort can be described as a feeling that there is a stone in the stomach. Often such pains stop after a bowel movement. But they can be located anywhere. This is due to the location of the large intestine.

The disease can be diagnosed if the pain lasts more than three days in a row and is observed for about the last three to four months.

Flatulence and bloating. Often accompanied by pain. Typically, patients complain of a feeling of fullness in the abdomen or its increase.

During the diagnosis, it is important to determine the nature of flatulence: diffuse or local, in which place it is concentrated and whether it is always localized in this place.

Constipation. They can be diagnosed if bowel movements occur less than three times a week. However, these include the feeling of not completely emptying the intestines, and a change in the consistency of the stool (it has become harder) or if defecation began to occur much less frequently than before.

Diarrhea. It is less common in IBS than constipation.

Secretion of mucus. Increased secretion of mucus is more common with constipation, but is sometimes confused with diarrhea. Often, laxatives (for example, Bisacodyl) are to blame for it. Often accompanied by inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bowels. May be associated with any of the symptoms.

Also, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome include phenomena not related to bowel function, for example, chest pain, heartburn, feeling of a lump in the stomach, nausea, frequent urination, bad taste in the mouth, phobias, anxiety, paranoia, fatigue, lower back pain, sleep disturbances, headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, migraine, bronchial hyperactivity.


As mentioned above, the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome should be carried out in conjunction with a psychologist or neuropathologist: folk remedies and medicines alone are not enough.

In addition, the diet for irritable bowel syndrome is also important: as with any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it can, if not replace many drugs, then undoubtedly supplement their action. With irritable bowel syndrome, the diet should include a lot of fiber, because IBS often occurs precisely because of its lack. In addition, with irritable bowel syndrome, the diet should correspond to what symptoms are observed: for constipation and diarrhea, the list of dishes should be different.

But what you should definitely give up is nutritional supplements. Today it is difficult, but you can at least study their composition and exclude those products that contain laxatives. You should be careful with sorbitol and xylitol, as well as with dairy products, alcohol and coffee, which also weaken.

With constipation, drinking regimen and vegetable fiber are important. With flatulence, foods with it (vegetables and fruits) are best consumed boiled or stewed. Don't forget bran and microcellulose. It is also possible to treat diarrhea with folk remedies: millet porridge, burnet, elderberry. Treatment of constipation with folk remedies is also possible: for this, onion juice, blueberries, aloe juice, etc. are used.

How to treat irritable bowel syndrome with medication depends on what symptoms are observed.

So, for pain, treatment with antispasmodics is recommended. These include Duspatalin (it is drunk 20 minutes before meals, 0.2 g twice a day), Spazmomen (can be in the form of candles), Dicetel (drink with meals three times a day) as well as No-shpa, Buscopan and Papaverine . But these funds are not recommended for glaucoma and prostate adenomas, as well as for hypotension. Relieve abdominal pain decoctions of mint and chamomile.

With diarrhea, antidiarrheal drugs are needed, for example, Loperamide (up to 4 mg per day), astringents, for example, Smecta or Calcium carbonate, as well as herbal preparations, including decoctions of bird cherry, blueberries and alder fruits, serpentine and cinquefoil roots.

Constipation is primarily treated with diet, but specific laxatives are also needed, such as prokinetics that can normalize intestinal motility. These include Coordinax and Motilium. Take such funds three times a day for 10 mg.

You also need laxatives such as Duphalac (even children can take it) or Mucofalk (aka Psyllum). Dufalac drink 20-40 ml in the morning, and Mucofalk - twice a day, 3-4 mg. In addition, these drugs normalize the intestinal microflora, which is also very necessary for irritable bowel syndrome. It will also be useful to take herbal remedies that have a laxative effect. Among them are hay grass, buckthorn, rhubarb, the already mentioned aloe. The only problem is that overdose they only increase spasms and pain.

With flatulence, drugs based on Simethicone (for example, Espumizan) and Dimethicone will be useful. Such funds are used three times a day for 40 g.

It is also possible to treat irritable bowel syndrome with the help of hypnosis and psychotherapy. They are needed in order to teach the patient to properly respond to stress and reduce anxiety.

In addition, you should pay attention to the correct diet: it also helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines and heals it.

As a rule, irritable bowel syndrome has a favorable prognosis, because this disease does not threaten the life of the patient, and there are no serious complications with it. In order to improve the quality of life, sometimes it is enough just to change the diet.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

It is no secret that microorganisms are involved in various processes in the body of each person, including the digestion of food. Dysbacteriosis is a disease in which the ratio and composition of the microorganisms inhabiting the intestines are disturbed. This can lead to serious disorders of the stomach and intestines.

Incomplete bowel movement is a common occurrence that torments many people. Especially in big cities. It leads to severe emotional and physical discomfort, this is the main danger of the disease. The quality of life of a person who lives with such a syndrome decreases.

Quite often, incomplete bowel movement accompanies other diseases. This happens with hemorrhoids, rectocele, condylomas, polyps. Constipation, diarrhea can occur, and their alternation is also common. Everything else is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and general malaise. All this ruins a person's life.

Causes that lead to the syndrome

A gastroenterologist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of this unpleasant ailment. But sometimes, depending on the reasons for the formation of this disease, consultation of other specialists is required. This will be discussed later.

Many people experience discomfort during, as well as immediately after eating. These unpleasant sensations can be different - nausea, a feeling of heaviness and fullness, increased formation of gases. But more often, these symptoms do not mean that a person has incomplete emptying syndrome. Perhaps it is gastritis or gastroenterocolitis. But the disease, which will be discussed in this article, is sometimes even more unpleasant than the above diseases.

The discomfort it causes interferes with a normal life. Why is this happening? The answer is quite simple: a person may constantly experience a desire to visit the toilet, pain, bloating, a feeling of dissatisfaction. False urges to empty can overtake anywhere. At work, at leisure, in a public place. Moreover, this most often happens in society, since a person focuses on his feelings, precisely when he is worried. At home, in a calm environment, the symptoms are usually not so pronounced.

Therefore, they consider the psychological component to be the main cause of such an ailment. And the main doctor who can really help to cope with it is a psychotherapist or even a psychiatrist.

Incomplete emptying does not just happen. Everything has its reasons, let's consider the main ones. The syndrome may appear as a result of the following factors:

Constant stress, increased nervous excitability, suspiciousness, hypochondria.

As a result of injury to internal organs (namely, the sections of the stomach and intestines).

A neglected form of dysbacteriosis.

Infectious diseases that severely affect the digestive tract.

Hormonal disorders (often this happens with diabetes, hypothyroidism, obesity, during menopause, as well as in the premenstrual period).

Gynecological diseases that directly affect the functioning of the intestines.

Errors in nutrition, as well as changes in the daily routine. Fiber is not supplied with food, so there is a malfunction in the gastrointestinal tract.

Sedentary lifestyle. How does constipation occur in adults? Hypodynamia often leads to them, and subsequently there is a syndrome of incomplete emptying.

hereditary factors.

Elderly age. In older people, all processes in the body slow down, so constipation is a common occurrence. And under the influence of constipation, incomplete emptying of the intestines is also observed.

But, as already mentioned, the disease is most often found in extremely sensitive people prone to introspection. Their psyche is unstable, they seem to be predisposed to psychological and neurological ailments.

With malnutrition, too, very often there is a syndrome of incomplete emptying of the intestine. If you eat a lot of junk food (fried, fatty, spicy, pickled), then there will definitely be problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Harmful flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes. Lack of fiber also affects - this can lead to chronic constipation.

At sedentary manner life, the risk of "earning" intestinal pathology increases significantly.

Heredity plays an important role in the occurrence of the syndrome. If close relatives suffered from such an ailment, then there is a chance that you will also have it.

With the existing tendency to there is a syndrome of incomplete emptying. Normally, a person should not go to the toilet less than 3 times a week. It's best to do this daily. Then the feces will not be deposited in the intestines, and toxins will not accumulate.

The causes of constipation in adults can be abnormalities in the structure of the intestines, adhesions, the occurrence of neoplasms that grow and interfere with the passage of feces, as well as violations of the secretory function of the intestine, which happens with IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome.

Treatment of such an ailment is often problematic, since the psychological component is large. But in any case, it must be comprehensive. One doctor is not enough, so you need to get advice from several (proctologist, psychotherapist, gastroenterologist, in some cases a neurologist).

The selection of treatment methods is carried out on an individual basis, everything depends entirely on the symptoms and complaints of the patient. We will consider the main signs of incomplete bowel emptying below.

What is the dangerous condition?

The act of defecation is a natural process. Normally, it should be 1 time per day, sometimes 2 times. Should pass without any pain. Only under such conditions can the human body function without deviations.

If the intestines are not fully emptied, the well-being suffers, as well as the appearance of the person. The work of the nervous system is disrupted, nails, hair, skin deteriorate. General fatigue appears, vitality disappears.

Also, incomplete emptying of the intestines and constant urge to defecate make a person emotionally unstable, quick-tempered, he has headaches, tinnitus, insomnia, and frequent urination.

If this is caused by psychological reasons, then as soon as a person calms down and returns to the usual order, all the symptoms disappear without a trace. In this case, special treatment is not required.

Incomplete bowel movement: symptoms

But there are times when a person suffers from incomplete bowel movements for a very long time. And the signs of the disease are already more serious and painful:

Constipation occurs (in adults this is a frequent occurrence) with mucus in the stool.

Diarrhea, and mucus is also present in the feces.

Feeling of fullness in the intestines.

Heaviness in the abdomen.

Pain in the abdomen (often on the right).

False urge to defecate, and the stomach is characteristically "twisting".

Feeling of dissatisfaction after the act of defecation, it seems that you want more, but it does not work out.

Rumbling in the intestines, which is observed constantly, regardless of the meal.

Small amount of blood in stool.

In rare cases, general well-being is disturbed, there is insomnia, weakness and aches in the body, pain in the back.

Symptoms are not always present all at once. They manifest differently for each person. In the event that a person has such symptoms, he should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe certain studies in order to correctly establish the diagnosis. How to get rid of the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine? To do this, you must first undergo an examination, then treatment.


Special medical tests will help to understand the diagnosis. It is necessary to differentiate the syndrome of incomplete emptying of the intestine from other, more serious diseases.

Sometimes a person himself becomes the culprit of his condition, because he eats absolutely wrong. He eats foods that cause increased peristalsis, lead to increased gas formation. For effective diagnostics need a strict diet. Perhaps then the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine will pass without any medication. Consider its basic principles:

Products that are harmful to the intestines are excluded, namely those that provoke gases (all types of flour products, cabbage).

Antibiotics, laxatives are unacceptable, and in general it is better not to take anything before the examination, then the diagnosis will be as accurate as possible.

You need to eat fiber in large quantities in order to improve the functioning of the intestines (bran, fresh vegetables and fruits). Oatmeal for breakfast can work well. Porridge must be well boiled, then it will envelop the intestines, which will positively affect its condition.

All dishes must be baked or steamed, but in no case frying.

Small, but frequent meals help.

It is not recommended to drink tea, alcohol, coffee, and any type of soda, because, again, this can cause gas in the intestines. It is better to switch to non-carbonated mineral water. Especially if there are frequent false urges to defecate.

Diagnosis of incomplete emptying syndrome

So, the diet is prescribed, observed in full, but the discomfort is still present. and its incomplete emptying does not go anywhere. In this case, the patient must undergo examinations prescribed by the doctor:

Conduct a bacteriological culture to determine the infection in the intestine;

Blood is examined for biochemistry;

An irrigoscopy or an x-ray of the intestine with a contrast agent is performed;

Colonoscopy is prescribed in especially severe cases, when there is a suspicion of oncology;

Sigmoidoscopy is performed (with the help of an endoscope, the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are examined).

Before carrying out all procedures, the patient is specially prepared. Do an enema to free the intestines from feces. If necessary, anesthetize, especially for such an unpleasant procedure as a colonoscopy.

Such an integrated approach will help to identify deviations and establish an accurate diagnosis. After that, a certain treatment is already prescribed. You need to understand that incomplete emptying of the intestines (we considered the reasons) is not a sentence.

Treatment with medication

Taking certain medications will alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

First, you need to get rid of gas formation in the intestines. To do this, use probiotics, products enriched with enzymes that improve the process of digestion of food and the absorption of nutrients. The normal microflora in the intestine is well preserved by special preparations with bacteria and acids. These include Hilak Forte, Linex, Bifidumbacterin. Be sure to enrich your diet with lactic acid products. Kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, as well as various live yoghurts are especially effective for incomplete emptying of the intestines.

Secondly, if there is a tendency to diarrhea, then it would be advisable to use drugs that have a fixing effect. These include "Smecta", "Loperamide". It is better not to get carried away with these means, since you can achieve the opposite effect, and then you will have to deal with constipation. As an aid, you can use folk methods diarrhea treatment. Eat, for example, millet porridge or drink decoctions of herbs (oak bark, St. John's wort, elderberry). Then the patient will not be haunted by the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.

Thirdly, if a person is tormented by constant constipation, medications cannot be dispensed with. These are special prokinetic drugs. For example, Dufalac, Motilium, Mukofalk, Sennade. As folk remedies beetroot juice and prunes have proven themselves well.

Any medicine should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Even if we are talking about drugs with beneficial bacteria in the composition.

Antispasmodics for pain

With severe pain in the intestines, it is necessary to take antispasmodics. The most famous are "No-Shpa", "Papaverin", gases are removed by the drug "Espumizan". Herbal infusions (chamomile, mint, dill water) have long been used to get rid of intestinal colic. In case of pain and gas, you can not do without special diet because if you don't stop eating harmful products, it won't make sense. Feeling of fullness in the abdomen will be present.

What to eat?

The following foods have a very calming effect on the intestines:


Strong tea.

By using them regularly, you can get rid of bouts of pain during bowel movements.

Effectiveness of psychotherapy

If there is always a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine, in addition to drug treatment, psychotherapy will be effective. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a psychotherapist, because his services are quite expensive. But sometimes you can’t do without it, because in 70% of cases the psyche is to blame for the development of this disease. It turns out a kind of vicious circle: the patient has problems with the act of defecation, he gets hung up on them, as a result, they appear twice as often. It is possible to get rid of this syndrome on your own, but this will take time, willpower and the ability to distract yourself from your own experiences.

Psychotherapy can be individual or group. Depending on individual characteristics, patients themselves choose convenient way class visits. Some people will need several sessions, and they will feel better, while others will not be enough even a dozen.


Suspicious people should focus less on themselves and their well-being. Communicate more with people around you, get the most positive emotions. Perhaps then the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine after a bowel movement will pass by itself. If not, do not hesitate - go to the doctor!

Incomplete bowel emptying is a syndrome in which a person has a feeling of incomplete exit of feces. Such a violation of the act of defecation can be obvious, that is, take place in reality, or be of a psychosomatic nature.

In most cases, the feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine is due to the development of gastroenterological or proctological diseases. However, only a doctor can accurately determine the cause of the development of such a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. For this, a range of diagnostic measures is used, a personal history is studied.

The nature of the course of the clinical picture will depend on the underlying factor. If the feeling of incomplete bowel movement is the result of only a psychosomatic factor, then there are no symptoms, as well as treatment. In this case, it may be necessary to consult a psychotherapist, correct lifestyle, possibly nutrition.

The course of therapeutic measures will depend on the underlying factor. In this case, not only conservative therapy may be required, but also an operation with subsequent recovery.


Incomplete emptying of the rectum may be the result of some pathological processes, as well as external factors impact.

Pathological causes of incomplete bowel movement can be as follows:

  • education ;
  • education ;
  • benign or malignant formations in the rectum;
  • and other proctological diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • chronic gastroenterological diseases that lead to constipation.

In addition, the syndrome of incomplete emptying of the intestine may be due to such external etiological factors as:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • obesity;
  • malnutrition - there is no liquid food in the diet, a person abuses fast food, flour products;
  • stress, constant nervous tension.

Also in this case, one should not exclude the genetic predisposition to such pathological processes and the psychosomatic factor.

It is important to understand that if such a syndrome occurs frequently, then you should definitely consult a doctor, since in most cases it is a sign of the development of a pathological process in the gastrointestinal tract.


The nature of the clinical picture that accompanies this syndrome will depend on what exactly caused its manifestation.

The syndrome itself is characterized as follows:

  • discomfort, pain, itching and burning may be present before and after a bowel movement;
  • stool retention - bowel movement may be absent for several days, then we can talk about chronic form;
  • the exit of fecal masses is difficult, it is carried out only with straining.

Common symptoms, if the cause of the manifestation of the syndrome is a gastroenterological disease, are as follows:

  • a feeling of fullness in the stomach, even with a minimal amount of food consumed;
  • , with an unpleasant odor;
  • elevated;
  • weakness, growing malaise;
  • low-grade body temperature in some cases, for example, with an infectious or inflammatory disease, acute food poisoning;
  • , weight loss;
  • language can be .

If the violation of bowel movement is caused by a proctological disease, then the clinical picture may include the following signs:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • feces may have impurities of blood and mucus;
  • pain in the anus can appear even at rest;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • itching and burning in the anus.

The presence of such a clinical picture requires a mandatory consultation with a gastroenterologist or proctologist. Self-medication is strongly discouraged, as this can lead to extremely negative complications.


The diagnostic program begins with a physical examination by a specialist.

The doctor carries out the following activities:

  • examines the abdomen with palpation - in the presence of proctological symptoms, a palpation examination of the anus also takes place;
  • finds out the personal and family history of the patient;
  • collects a complete clinical picture;
  • examines the patient's medical history.

In addition, laboratory and instrumental diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • general and detailed biochemical blood test;
  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • analysis of feces for occult blood;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • endoscopic studies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

In general, the diagnostic program in this case is determined on an individual basis, since everything will depend on the current clinical picture and the data that the doctor collected during the initial examination.


With a psychosomatic etiological factor in the development of such a violation, specific treatment is not required: it is enough to normalize your lifestyle and exclude those factors that lead to such a condition.

In general, the tactics of therapy will be aimed at eliminating the root cause.

The overall picture of therapeutic interventions can be based on the following:

  • normalization of diet and diet;
  • taking medications;

The pharmacological part of the treatment is based on the following drugs:

  • gentle laxatives;
  • antispasmodics;
  • improving gastric motility;
  • sedatives;
  • sorbents.

Reception of any drug should be carried out only on the recommendation of a doctor and according to the scheme prescribed by him. Otherwise, serious complications may develop.

If treatment is started in a timely and correct manner, complications can be avoided, and the prognosis will be positive.

As a preventive measure, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Healthy food;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • treat all diseases in a timely manner;
  • eliminate stress and nervous experiences.

You should not self-medicate, and if you feel unwell, you should consult a doctor.