Volumetric mass of inert materials. How to convert from cubic meters to tons 2 tons to cubic meters

Bulk weight of PGS, sand, crushed stone

Dear builders and website visitors, we have collected various GOST characteristics for crushed stone:

How can bulk density be determined?

There are two ways!!!

First way offers to use the conditional conversion factors, which are indicated below. But in this case, you must understand that in this way the result will be approximate (error 0.1-5%).
Second way is to take measurements with the help of some vessel, for example, a bucket! It is this result that will bring you a more true result.
Pour bulk material with a scoop into a measuring cylinder, for example a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters, from a height of 10 cm, until the vessel is filled “with a hill”. This “hill” is cut flush with the edge of the measuring vessel, again trying not to compact the sand. After that, we weigh the vessel together with bulk material. The bulk density of PGS, sand, crushed stone is the ratio of the mass of bulk material (minus the mass of the vessel) to the occupied volume.

V us.sq. = Weight loose mat / V vessel

Transfer from 1 cu. m ASG in 1 ton.

Transfer from 1 cu. m of sand in 1 ton.

Transfer from 1 cu. m of crushed stone in 1 ton.

Very often our clients are tormented by the question of how to translate Cubic Meters to tons and vice versa. On this page, we tried to consider the method using the conversion factor.

Table of coefficients for converting m3 to tons for bulk materials:

Material name


Natural sand

river sand

Crushed stone fr.5-10, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.5-20, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.20-40, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.40-70, M-1200

Crushed stone fr.5-10, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.5-20, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.20-40, M-700-800

Crushed stone fr.40-70, M-700-800

Some examples of laboratory tests for bulk density of inert materials:

Convert cubes to tons and tons to cubes:

When buying and selling bulk building materials, it is necessary to know the bulk density or specific gravity material, which will allow you to determine how many tons a certain volume of sand or crushed stone weighs (i.e. convert cubes to tons) or, conversely, how many cubes fall on a given weight of sand or crushed stone (i.e. convert tons to cubes).
The bulk density of the material determines how many tons 1 m3 of such material weighs, i.e., for example, the value of the bulk density of crushed stone 1.32 tons / m3 means that 1 m3 of such crushed stone weighs 1.32 tons. And, in reverse order, 1 ton of this crushed stone is 0.7576 m3 (1 ton: 1.32 tons/m3).
The bulk density of sand or crushed stone is determined in the laboratory by weighing several samples of the material under study in a container of a certain volume, after which the obtained indicators are averaged. Find out the density required material it is possible from the passport of the manufacturer of such material.
Here are examples of the average bulk density of the most common materials:
1) quarry natural sand - 1.55 tons / m3; 2) washed quarry sand - 1.6 tons/m3; 3) crushed limestone - 1.3 tons/m3; 4) crushed gravel - 1.4 tons / m3; 5) granite crushed stone - 1.37 tons / m3.
It should be noted that the bulk density of different fractions of the same material has different values. At the same time, general rule: the larger the fraction of sand or gravel, the lower the bulk density.

Consider the calculations of volume-weight indicators using examples.
1) To determine how much 10 cubic meters of crushed limestone weigh, if the bulk density of such crushed stone is 1.3 tons / m3, it is necessary to multiply the volume of crushed stone by the density of crushed stone (10 m3 * 1.3 tons / m3 = 13 tons).
2) Answering the question how many cubes of sand weigh 15 tons with a bulk density of sand of 1.5 tons / m3, it is necessary to divide the given weight by the density of the sand (15 tons: 1.5 tons / m3 \u003d 10 m3).
Consider the calculation of cost indicators on examples.
1) How much does 1 ton of crushed gravel cost, if 1 m3 of crushed stone costs 1540 rubles, and the bulk density is 1.4 tons / m3. Calculation: cost of 1 ton of crushed stone = cost of 1 m3 of crushed stone: bulk density, or 1540 rubles / m3: 1.4 tons / m3 = 1100 rubles / ton).
2) How much does 1 m3 of building sand cost, if 1 ton of sand costs 400 rubles, and the bulk density is 1.5 tons / m3. Calculation: cost of 1 m3 of sand = cost of 1 ton of sand * bulk density, or 400 rubles/ton * 1.5 tons/m3 = 600 rubles/m3.
The cost of construction sand with delivery
The cost of crushed stone with delivery

    If a physics teacher decides to test the knowledge of his students with such a question, then he must answer - NO WAY, in this case one negative evaluation will be less. because a ton is a unit of mass, and cubic meters is a unit of volume.

    But if we proceed from the assumption that he meant, then it is better not to fantasize, but to ask to clarify the question in accordance with physical units.

    This is very easy to do.

    The only thing you need to know is the density of matter.

    where m is the mass, which is measured in tons, p is the density of the substance, and V is the volume, which is measured in cubic meters.

    In order to convert meters to tons, you need to have an idea of ​​the density of the substance whose mass you want to convert. So, the mass (in tons) is equal to the product of the volume of the substance (in cubic meters) and the density (measured in tons / cubic meter). In order to convert meters to tons, you just need to find out the density of the substance, which can be found in special tables on the Internet.

    Despite the fact that cubic meters are a unit of volume, and tons are a unit of weight, it is possible to convert one to the other. You need to know 2 things for this:

    1. What kind of material.
    2. The density of the material.

    Although if you know the second point, this will be enough. So that you do not look for a long time, below are the densities of all commonly used materials in construction.

    As you can see, the density of Steel-10 is 7856 kg per cubic meter. It turns out that there are 7.856 tons of steel in one cubic meter. If you have a different volume (not 1 cubic meter), then simply multiply this value by 7.856.

    A strange question, cubes are volume, tons are mass. To convert cubes to tons, you need to know what is the specific gravity of the object we need. When the specific gravity and volume (cubes) are known, we multiply the volume by the specific gravity, we get the mass (tons). Some of my acquaintances are engaged in transportation, and so they proceed precisely from the specific gravity of the cargo. If the specific gravity of the cargo is less than one (floats in water), the calculation of the cost of delivery is in cubes, if it is more than one (sinks in water), then in tons.

    The formula known from the course of physics:

    mass (t) = volume (m3) * density (t/m3).

    Thus, everything depends on the density of the substance whose mass must be calculated.

    For example, for water at 3.98 oC, this formula takes the form:

    1 m3* 0.999973 (t/m3) = 0.999973 (t), i.e. One cubic meter contains almost a ton of water.

    When it comes to water, it's very simple. One cubic meter of water weighs one ton. If we are considering some other substance, then we should also take into account the density of this substance. To calculate the mass in this case, you need to multiply the volume by the density. Volume and density must be in the same units. Density is usually given in g / cc, which means that the volume must be in cubic centimeters, then the result will be in grams, and it is already easy to convert them to tons.

    This puzzle is not so difficult if you know the formula.

    Suppose the density of any substance is calculated by the formula Mass divided by volume.

    The density (p) of a substance can be found in the density table.

    And since we know the volume, the mass can be calculated by using the equation (density times volume).

    But there are a couple of nuances that should not be forgotten.

    1. In the tables of the density of substances, the density is presented either in kilograms per cubic meters, or in grams per cubic centimeters.

    And we need a ton per cubic meter.

    For example, take such a substance as Copper,

    whose density is 8900 kg/meter(cubic). Thus, we need to translate from this density to the required one.

    In fact, the question is not well-posed. So it was hard to answer.)

    In order to convert from cubic meters to tons, you need to know the density of the substance whose mass you want to calculate, since these two quantities are incommensurable and have different meanings from a physical point of view.

    Mass is calculated according to the following formula:

    where m is the weight of the load

    - density

    V - volume

    Therefore, to get the mass, you need to know the density. I give examples of densities for different substances below, if there are none here, then look on the expanses of the World Wide Web.

The number of boxes


The volume of one box (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use received
result for
application form

d= m cm
h= m cm

Number of pipes


The volume of one pipe (m 3):

Total volume (m 3):

Use received
result for
application form

How to calculate the volume of a box?

Do you have a question about delivery?, and also there was a need to know how to calculate the volume of cargo, do you need our help? We know how to calculate the volume of cargo, on this page you see a calculator that will accurately perform the calculations.

In general, for what purpose is the volume calculated?

It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to avoid misunderstandings when loading loaded boxes into a vehicle. Calculate the volume using modern technologies today it is not difficult, your being here is enough.

What criteria do we use to calculate the volume of cargo?

Firstly, everyone knows that every detail is important in the delivery process, and it is important to calculate the volume of cargo as a whole without errors. As already mentioned, our volume calculator will help you calculate the volume of cargo, it will do it quickly and reliably!

Second- volume calculator, start it on our website, already mentioned above, as you can see, we care about our customers. The volume calculator, that's what can make it as easy as possible to work with calculations, and completely kill your doubts.

What are we giving you?

What else is needed?

For example…

You are an entrepreneur who is engaged in transportation from China, and you constantly need a calculator for calculating the volume. You can quickly find the volume calculator on the pages of our website, and perform your calculations right now.

Nowadays, business is based on the Chinese production of goods, but where did the need to calculate the volume come from? It is necessary to calculate the volume in order to find out the total volume of cargo, and then select the type of transport.

What is the calculation of volumes in delivery? And what role does he play?

Volume calculation- this is how much, you have already understood a very important stage in the delivery, and you need to trust it in reliable hands professionals. The calculation of the volume of cargo must be done carefully, taking into account all dimensions, and converting them into cubic meters.

But unfortunately, not everyone copes with these calculations.

Also in school times we studied how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, but unfortunately, you won’t remember all this. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3 - there are times when this question comes to the fore, for example, during delivery.

That's what this page is for!

After all, that's what this page is for. to help you calculate shipping.

In order to calculate the volume of the box, you do not have to try to do it yourself, you just need to fill in the empty fields. The calculation of the volume of the box will be automatically performed by our calculator, if in doubt, check for yourself.

To do this, we reminded you of the volume formula.

Calculation of cargo volume in cubic meters you need in order to submit the correct application for its carriage. Calculating the volume of cargo in cubic meters, i.e. knowing the volume itself will help you decide which type of delivery is right for you.

And now let's move on to the main, let's talk about how to make calculations and why they are needed.

To begin with, let's take a look…

Calculating the volume of cargo is not always easy, as it seems, all this is due to the fact that boxes can be of various shapes. Calculating the volume of cargo of a rectangular box is a trifle, but the rest is hard, you need to know the formulas.

To begin with, let's define the form, for this we first find out what they exist.

What shape can the box have?

  • Rectangle;
  • cylinder;
  • Truncated pyramid (very rare).

Then comes the measurements

Before calculating the volume of the box, we will measure it, but remember, the more accurate the measurements are made, the easier it is for you. "How to calculate the volume of a box?" - what to do next: determine what shape it is (cube or rectangle), dimensions.

What does knowledge of volume give us?

Knowing the volume of the box will not allow misunderstandings when loading goods into any type of transport that may be. Almost nothing depends on the volume of the box, rather, on the contrary, everything depends on the size of the product itself.

And why? Everything is obvious here, before you buy a box, you need to find out the size of the cargo that you are going to transport across the border.

Well, now you know the dimensions of the cargo, now it remains to calculate its volume (in order to purchase a box).

so, in order to find out how to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will be required first. How to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, the formula will help without a doubt in this matter, this is how it looks like V = a * b * h, everything is very simple.

Especially since you already know it.

We would like to remind you that…

To make it easier for you to determine which type of transport to choose for delivery, you need to calculate the volume of cargo in m3. Calculating the volume of cargo in m3 is very simple, here you need to know exact dimensions, which then need to be multiplied.

Units must be converted exactly to m3, otherwise it will not be possible to calculate the delivery.

But what if the shape of the box is not rectangular, but rounded? After all, this is a rarity, but it still happens.

You can calculate the volume of boxes or containers at the base of which lies a circle, and there is also a formula for this. The expression V * r2 * h allows you to calculate the volume of the box in the shape of a circle, the dimensions must first be accurately measured.

Volume calculator

We bring to your attention a calculator: the volume of goods in m3, with the help of which you can independently make calculations. The cargo volume calculator is located on the rental website especially for your convenience and for quick calculations.

Why do you need a cargo volume calculator?

We are business people and wasted time sometimes carries big disadvantages. Do you want to receive cargo quickly and reliably? And at the same time, find out the prices for their transportation and delivery as soon as possible?

This is where the cargo volume calculator will help!

Our volume calculator allows you to calculate the volume of cargo in m3, so the question of the volume of the box will no longer arise. The volume calculator is simple and easy to use, it will give the results of both the volume of the box and the load.

So, with the help of the volume calculator you solve several questions:

How to calculate the volume of cargo (or box)? Do not forget about the quantitative unit that you are taking into account.

Have you encountered one of them or have a similar one? Our company is pleased to offer for your convenience the volume in cubic meters of a box to calculate using a handy calculator.

And finally, let's remember the math!

What is the most common problem?

Many confuse then how to calculate the volume of flat figures and volumetric ones, because they are mistaken in concepts, or rather, they find it difficult to answer. You don’t need to know how to calculate the volume, it’s enough that you indicate the dimensions, the main thing is not to forget that there are 3 of them.

Having finished all the calculations, there is one more task left.

What kind of transport do you need?

Recall that in delivery, in addition to how to calculate the cubic capacity, there are no less important things, for example, the placement of goods. You know how to calculate the cubic capacity, so everything else is in your hands, now the choice of transport is up to you.

A large amount of crushed stone is regularly delivered to construction sites. But the thing is that the density of this material can be different. Usually it is measured in cubic meters, but the density of the stone significantly affects the mass of the structure, and this is the basis for architectural calculations. If we take into account buildings no higher than 12 storeys, then the mass can be neglected, but if you need to build a skyscraper or a bridge with long spans, then this factor has a significant impact. How many tons of crushed stone are in a cube can affect not only the final strength of the structure, but also the characteristics of the foundation of the future building. It is for this reason that the pressure area is usually increased by 10-15% on purpose in order to avoid trouble in the future.

What affects the volume of rubble?

The only characteristic that affects the volume of crushed stone is its fraction. If the fraction is one, then it will not settle down tightly even with strong shaking. Due to this, a large number of voids are obtained, and the larger the fraction, the less a cubic meter will weigh. The most dense is the so-called granite screening, which is more like fine gravel. It weighs so much that it is necessary to be careful when filling trucks so as not to tear the frame and springs.

The volume also strongly depends on the nature of the rock and on the equipment that is installed at the mining and processing plant. The fact is that only cuboid and prismatic fragments demonstrate the best compaction.

The flakiness of crushed stone greatly reduces its density, which will also then affect its density. Crushed stone is also limestone. Not only is the density of this rock relatively low, but also the curved fragments that form the fraction do not fit together very well. That is why this material is suitable only for road construction. As a filler for concrete, it should be used only in the very last resort. From it you can build a one-story building - a house, a garage or a barn. The second floor on limestone rubble concrete will already be unpredictable.

Water absorption is an equally important factor in determining the weight of a cubic meter of crushed stone. Neglecting this factor in the calculations, the result will not be accurate. Water absorption is also affected by different porosity of rocks and different size fractions and if they are not taken into account, then the calculations will be incorrect.

How to convert the volume of crushed stone into mass

This translation is extremely complex and often difficult. You can give the following table in order to be able to make at least approximate calculations.

Table of density of bulk crushed stone depending on the brand


Fraction, mm

K, t/m3

crushed stone mixture



Expanded clay

Marble chips

Accordingly, purchasing a certain amount of crushed stone, you can calculate its mass using the formula:

Mass of crushed stone \u003d Volume of crushed stone * Coefficient (from the table)

For example, 2.5 cubic meters of fraction 5-10 will weigh: 2.5 * 1.38 = 3.45 tons.

It should be noted that these indicators are valid only for crushed granite from gray granite of the highest quality. And also it is worth considering that the result of the calculations is approximate, since the above factors influence the value of the coefficient. Only an accurate measurement of the control volume will help to answer the questions.

Table of approximate weight of a cubic meter of various types of crushed stone

You can, of course, measure with a bucket, for example, but this is a very laborious process that takes a lot of time. In the event that the exact weight of 1m 3 of crushed stone is not so important, then you can take the average value of the weight of 1m 3 of crushed stone: 1.4 tons. It is up to each individual to decide which calculation method to use, the most important thing is to get the most accurate result needed during construction work.

The density of crushed stone - what affects

In fact, there are a lot of such indicators. But you can try to describe at least the main ones:

  • Humidity. Although the material does not appear to be wettable at all, it is quite hygroscopic, especially if the pile is permanently stored outdoors. The surface of the crushed stone is actively moistened, and it increases its mass. The frost resistance of the material also depends on this ability. Only one material demonstrates exceptional resistance to splitting from the expansion of water during freezing - this is basalt, but crushed stone from it has a huge mass and is very expensive.
  • Composition. As you know, granite consists of feldspar, mica and quartz. The more the first component, the heavier the granite. Quartz is also quite heavy, but it greatly affects not so much the density as the strength of the sample. The presence of a large amount of mica is generally undesirable, because it exfoliates the stone into fragments at the slightest load. It also conducts cold well, so a house made of such rubble will never be warm. If crushed stone has a large amount of quartz in its composition, then it will be lighter, but it will have poor thermal conductivity. In some countries, for example in Norway, it is possible to use pure quartz gravel. With us, it will be prohibitively expensive.
  • Fraction size. The faction can really be different. It is worth mentioning only that the lightest is considered to be a huge rubble stone, between the fragments of which there are large gaps.

If we talk about limestone crushed stone, then its density is also affected by porosity, and humidity is very affected. It can almost double its nominal weight when stored outdoors. That is why it is used only in road construction, and even then, with heavy traffic, it quickly becomes unusable. Therefore, no specialist can give an answer to the question of how many tons of crushed limestone in a cube. It is just necessary to carry out weighing before loading the dump truck.

Only weighing will help to say exactly how many tons of crushed stone in a cube. The thing is that most manufacturers have different equipment for crushing. Even the size of the screen tooth significantly affects the shape of the fraction, and how it will be compacted during filling depends on this. In Western practice, the so-called vibratory compaction is used, but our salesmen do not usually use it. Space optimization comes down to financial gain. In our country, such a practice is unacceptable, so we can be content with only approximate indicators, which often differ greatly.

If domestic construction is carried out low-rise buildings and structures, then how many tons of crushed stone in a cube does not affect the final result at all. This is the ground for engineering surveys in the construction of strategically important and earthquake-resistant facilities. Moreover, this should not be taken into account in road or drainage construction.

Very often our customers are tormented by the question of how to convert cubic meters to tons and vice versa. On this page, we tried to look at two ways to do this.

Bulk materials conversion factor from m3 to tons: these coefficients are approximate. for an accurate translation, it is necessary to know the moisture content of the material. For a more accurate determination of the conversion factor, you can conduct a simple experiment. Pour the material you need into a 10 liter bucket (its volume is 0.01 m3) and weigh it. And first you need to weigh an empty bucket. According to the formula Рн=(М2-М1)/V where pH- bulk density coefficient, M2 is the mass of the measuring vessel together with the material, M1 is the mass of the empty measuring vessel, V- the volume of the measuring vessel.

Table of coefficients for converting m3 to tons for bulk materials:

Material name Volume Coefficient Weight
Sand river particle size 1.6-1.8 mm 1 m3 1,6 1.6 tons
Quarry sand dry fraction about, 8-2 mm 1 m3 1,5 1.5 tons
Quartz sand (crushed) fraction 0.8-2 mm 1 m3 1,4 1.4 tons
Crushed granite fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3 1,36 1.36 tons
Crumb granite fraction 2-5 mm 1 m3 1,4 1.4 tons
Crushed gravel fraction 5-20 mm 1 m3 1,34 1.34 tons
Crushed limestone fraction 20-40 mm 1 m3 1,25 1.25 tons
Cement PC 500 D0 1 m3 1,3 1.3 tons
Expanded clay M 200 1 m3 0,2 0.2 tons
Expanded clay M300 1 m3 0,3 0.3 tons
Expanded clay M400 1 m3 0,4 0.4 tons
Salt technical Type With grinding No. 3 1 m3 1,2 1.2 tons
Sand and salt mix 70/30 1 m3 1,48 1.48 tons

Bulk density of bulk building material is its density in the uncompacted state. It takes into account not only the volume of the material particles themselves (grains of sand or individual gravel stones), but also the space between them, so that the bulk density is less than the usual density. When bulk material is compacted, its density becomes greater and ceases to be bulk. Cement in a bag, a rubble dump, or six cubes of sand in the back of a truck - they are all in an uncompacted state and have their own bulk density. It is necessary to know it in order to connect the volume and mass of such materials, because the prices for their supply can be in rubles, both per ton and per cubic meter. Similarly, the quantity of these materials, for example, their proportions for the preparation of concrete, may be needed both in tons and in cubic meters.

Sand Density, Voidness and Moisture- these are interrelated characteristics of sand, which are important in the selection of materials for the preparation of concrete. The density of sand can be: true - this is the density of dried sand and bulk - the density of the supplied sand. An indicator such as bulk density varies depending on the moisture content of the sand. With a decrease in density, the voidness increases, which leads to an increased consumption of binders, and consequently to an increase in costs.
The density of sand, with an increase in humidity to about 10%, decreases very sharply, which is explained by the fact that moisture, enveloping each grain of sand, causes them to stick together into lumps and this leads to an increase in the total volume. After the humidity reaches ten percent, its further growth leads, on the contrary, to an increase in density, since water begins to fill the space between the sand grains, displacing air. Thus, if the concrete components are dosed by volume, this factor should be taken into account in without fail. The moisture content of the sand can be determined by measuring the difference in the mass of sand before and after drying and dividing the result by the initial mass of the sample of sand (usually 1 kg.) Dry the sand on a metal tray until completely dry (when the mass of the sample stops decreasing).
In order to determine the volume of sand supplied, its bulk density is determined at the place of acceptance, which will allow converting the mass of the supply into cubic meters.
The bulk density of sand is calculated as follows: sand, without any pre-treatment (drying, compaction), is poured with a scoop into a measuring cylinder with a capacity of 10 liters (bucket), from a height of 10 centimeters, until the cylinder is filled “with a slide”. This “hill” is cut flush with the edge of the measuring cylinder, trying, again, not to compact the sand. After that, the sand sample is weighed. The density of the sand will often be divided by the mass of sand divided by the volume, in our case 10 liters, i.e. 0.01 cubic meters of sand. Naturally, the mass of sand is measured without taking into account the mass of the vessel. The measurements are carried out twice, and the final value will be the sum of the measurements divided by 2.

How to convert weight to cubes and vice versa - there are two ways. The first is to use conditional conversion factors. But in this case, you must understand that the result obtained in this way will be approximate. The second way to take measurements using a 10 liter bucket of the exact material you are currently using is a much more troublesome undertaking, but it will bring you a more accurate result.