Brick. Types and sizes of bricks: red, silicate, oven, decorative

Brick is one of the most common building materials. Many generations of bricklayers have used it as building blocks for a wide variety of buildings. The principle of technology has not changed for centuries, but only improved due to technical developments. Its size also, although it differed by different standards, did not tolerate global changes in its proportions.

Brick history

Brick was one of the oldest building materials. It was widely used and played an important role in the construction of Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome. In those days, a lot of bricks were built from 45 x 30 x 10 cm complex structures, including arches, vaults, etc. different countries In Europe after the Middle Ages, the size of the bricks varied considerably. For example, an English brick with dimensions of 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 (in inches) was considered a standard size brick in 19th century England. In Germany, at the state level, the size of the red brick was ratified, equal to 25 x 12 x 6.3 (in centimeters). The smallest of all were American bricks (21 x 10 x 5.3 cm).

The standard Russian red brick, the dimensions of which were 6 x 3 x 1.5 vershoks, was larger than the English and German ones. Its mass fluctuated around 3-4 kilograms, depending on its parameters. These brick sizes were based on those used by Fioravanti in the construction of the Kremlin. But with distance from large cities, the standardization of the dimensions of bricks was lost, and they were made in accordance with the wishes of the customers.

Technological progress played a role, and a single all-Union size of red brick was proposed for introduction into the USSR during the period of global development. As a result, in 1927, a standard of 250 x 120 x 655 millimeters and a weight of no more than 4.3 kg was approved.

There are two types of bricks: white and red, their differences are due to different materials used in their manufacture. Red brick is obtained in the process of burning briquettes with a previously cleaned and crushed clay mixture.

Brick quality guarantee

A distinctive feature of high quality red brick is the clear and sonorous sound it makes when struck. Its quality manifests itself in structural strength and durability. When laying walls, do not use burnt bricks. It can be distinguished by its characteristic burnt black color, fused edges and slight curvature. It is only suitable as a foundation material.

Types of bricks

There are standard sizes of red brick, which do not depend on the technology of its manufacture. Such material, without a doubt, is the most practical, reliable and readily available resource for construction. The size of a red brick is determined by an aspect ratio of 1: 1/2: 1/4. These dimensions provide excellent structural strength. And in addition, 8 bricks of this size and mortar form a regular cube.

Nowadays in Russia, standard red brick is widely used, the dimensions of which are 250 x 120 x 65 mm, and the weight is 3.5 kilograms. There are also excellent brick models:

  • Modular - 288 x 138 x 65 mm.
  • One and a half - 250 x 120 x 88 mm.
  • Euro - 250 x 88 x 65 mm.
  • Double - 250 x 120 x 138 mm.

The most common is still the usual single red brick, which appeared in the USSR in the 30s of the twentieth century, the dimensions of which are ideal for alternating vertical spoon and vertical butt rows. One and a half has internal voids to reduce weight and increase thermal insulation characteristics due to closed air cells. Like one and a half, double bricks have voids, and therefore they are used for laying lightweight walls. The choice of bricks for the construction of a particular structure depends on the functional purpose and technical qualities that it must have.

It should also be said that a different size of red brick is used for the front finish. The standard facing material has the following dimensions: 250 x 120 x 65 mm. One and a half has a size of 250 x 120 x 88 mm, and a double - 250 x 130 x 120 mm.

In addition to the markings related to dimensions, there is also a grade that determines the strength of the material under compressive pressure, it ranges from 75 to 300 units. How more value, the greater the compressive force the brick can withstand.

GOST of brick sizes approved in Russia

In accordance with GOST 530-2007, a single size of red brick has been established. The standard requires deviations of no more than 5 millimeters from the following necessary characteristics: the edge located parallel to the base of the masonry - 250 x 120 mm; part, the largest in size among the perpendicular beds, spoons - 255 x 65 mm; part, smaller in size and also perpendicular to the bed, butt - 120 x 65 mm.

European standards for brick sizes

The size of red bricks is also different by European standards. The most common in Europe are bricks marked NF (regular, size - 240 x 115 x 71 mm) and DF (thin, size - 240 x 115 x 52 mm). As you can see, they are slightly smaller than Russian ones, and the usual size of a solid red brick in the European marking is under the symbol of the Russian Federation. The classic choice of Europeans for laying walls is red brick, the dimensions of which correspond to the DF marking. In contrast, the RF requires lower costs for mortar, and construction with this type of brick proceeds faster. There are also decorative materials with a perfectly smooth surface and high-precision dimensions. A layer of such bricks does not need subsequent finishing, but during masonry, separation of the seams is required. This kind of material in modern construction is becoming more and more popular in the light of the latest fashion trends.

The future of bricks

The so-called "warm ceramics", that is, stones and blocks of large format, are gradually gaining more and more popularity relative to the standard red brick. The reason for this was technical progress. Previously, technical conditions did not allow firing large volumes of clay, and therefore the size of red bricks remained small, but now with the latest equipment it is possible to produce large and durable blocks with a small mass. Such materials seriously compete with ordinary red brick, but despite all these facts, it is very well entrenched in the building materials market, and it does not threaten to be forgotten soon.

When ordering materials, you need to know their parameters. Even such a well-known material as brick has a large number of types and varieties. The good news is that its parameters are standardized. Determined standard size brick, its quality characteristics.

Types of building bricks

By material, bricks are ceramic (clay, red) and silicate (white). By appointment - private (construction) and finishing (front). The private is used for masonry walls, assumes subsequent finishing, therefore a notch can be applied to the side edges (spoons) - in order for the plaster to hold better.

Brick types - common and special

According to the method of molding, bricks are solid and hollow (hollow). Corpulent is molded from a homogeneous composition. They are used where mechanical strength is important - foundations, load-bearing walls.

Hollow has a certain percentage of voids, due to which the weight of the structure is reduced, and the characteristics of thermal conductivity are improved. But the presence of voids significantly reduces the performance of sound insulation - voids work as resonators. So you need to use them wisely.

Ceramic brick size

Ceramic bricks are fired parallelepipeds molded from clay. The quality is largely determined by correctly maintained firing parameters, as well as the composition of the clay solution. High-quality ceramic bricks can be used for any construction operation: for the foundation (solid), for the construction of external walls and internal partitions.

Building bricks have certain dimensions defined by standards. Most often, a single brick size is used - 250 * 120 * 65 mm

The main disadvantage of this building material is some variation in geometry. It is explained by the peculiarities of clay - it can be of different "fat content", which is why it is difficult to predict exactly how much the size will decrease during drying / firing.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing a red brick, you should pay attention to its color. It displays the quality of the batch for the outfit with such a parameter as the size of the brick. It can be unburned or burned out. The second option is not bad in operation (it looks darker than usual), and it is better not to use unburned brick (lighter and looser) at all - it falls apart very quickly.

The second point that you need to pay attention to is the absence of extraneous inclusions. Most often, there are light points and expanded clay. Both of these lead to the rapid destruction of bricks. So we choose only batches with a uniform color without any additives.

More quality criteria

That is, the requirements for ordinary building bricks are quite loyal. The presence of these defects does not affect the quality of the masonry, and the decorative component is unimportant, since the presence of finishing is assumed. Do not forget to check the size of the brick - in one batch, the run should not be more than 3 mm.

Requirements for finishing (facing) ceramic bricks are more stringent. Inadmissible:

  • Chipped edges more than 1.5 cm deep.
  • There should be no cracks.
  • On the ribs there should be no bumps more than 3 mm wide and more than 1.5 cm long.

To comply with these requirements, finishing bricks are laid on pallets, the corners are protected with boards knocked down by a corner, the entire structure is wrapped in foil. It is transported in this form.

Dimensions (edit)

The optimal size of a clay brick (red, ceramic) has been determined historically. It has been produced for thousands of years, and as a result, the ideal combination of lengths has been worked out, which is reflected in the standard. It was adopted only in the last century. There are three standard options:

Of the features - a single brick is solid, hollow. One and a half and double - only hollow, otherwise they turn out to be too heavy for comfortable work.

In addition to the standard ones, there is a reduced brick. It is produced in Europe, but it also comes to us. Its parameters and international designation are summarized in the table.

MarkingBrick sizeConsumption
DF240 * 115 * 52mm64 pcs / m2
RF240 * 115 * 65mm54 pcs / m2
NF240 * 115 * 71mm48 pcs / m2
WDF210 * 100 * 65mm59 pcs / m2
2DF240 * 115 * 113mm32 pcs / m2

Which size is better

In the post-Soviet space, a single brick is most often used. It is very familiar to our eyes; many masonry schemes have been developed for it. It is worth learning from just such a material.

One and a half brick is used less often. It provides some economic benefit. Firstly, a cubic meter is slightly lower. Secondly, since the fragments of the masonry are larger, less mortar is consumed. Third, work is progressing faster. The larger size saves time. But working with a one-and-a-half brick is more difficult, even hollow - it's hard to hold it in your hand. AND appearance the walls are unfamiliar.

Double brick is more commonly referred to as ceramic building stone. When using it, the most noticeable effect is the speed of construction. In addition, the saving of the solution is still increasing. But you won't be able to grab such a brick with one hand. Therefore, it is better to work with an assistant. The appearance of the masonry is poor, so an exterior finish is desirable.

If we talk about other countries, then in Europe the most popular are NF and DF. Imported ceramic bricks NF have almost the same proportions as domestic ones. The DF category is thinner, the masonry looks elegant.

Dimensions of sand-lime brick

Silicate brick is made from quartz sand (9 parts) and lime (1 part), a certain amount of additives. This building material has best performance thermal conductivity (worse conducts heat), less weight. The technology is such that it is easier to maintain the geometric dimensions, so problems usually do not happen.

But it is not as hard as red brick, besides, it is afraid of moisture - with prolonged contact with moisture, it begins to crumble. Because of this, the main area of ​​use is for the construction of walls and partitions. It cannot be used for the foundation, basement floor, or chimney masonry.

The second area of ​​application is as finishing material... The basic composition has a white, slightly grayish color. You can add any dye to it and get a colored brick.

The dimensions of building sand-lime bricks are the same as those of ceramic: single has a height of 65 mm, one-and-a-half - 88 mm, double - 138 mm.

Single and one-and-a-half silicate bricks can be solid and hollow. Single corpulent weighs 3.6 kg, hollow - depending on the size of the voids 1.8-2.2 kg. A full-bodied one-and-a-half has a mass of 4.9 kg, and a hollow one - 4.0-4.3 kg.

Double sand-lime bricks are usually made hollow. Its weight is 6.7 kg. Corpulent ones are rare - because of their large mass (7.7 kg) it is difficult to work with them.

Weight of one piece: ceramic, silicate, ordinary, face

The weight of the brick is needed, firstly, for calculating the foundation, this parameter is especially important when; secondly, for cargo transportation; and thirdly, to determine the quality and compliance with the requirements of GOST.

Brick typeAppointmentViewNominal dimensionsEmptinessWeightWater absorption
Ceramic GOST 530-2007private (worker)single, corpulent250*120*65 0% 3.3 - 3.6 kg10 -12%
single, hollow (hollow, slotted)250*120*65 30-32% 2.5 - 3.0 kg (with a voidness of 6%, the weight is 3.8 kg)12 -17%
one and a half, corpulent250*120*88 0% 4 - 4.3 kg12 -17%
one and a half, hollow250*120*88 30-32% 3.5 kg (with a voidness of 6% - 4.7 kg)12 -17%
double, corpulent250*120*140 0% 6.6 - 7.24 kg12 - 17%
double, hollow250*120*140 30-32% 5.0 - 6.0 kg12- 17%
facing (front)single, corpulent250*120*65 0% 2.6KG9 - 14%
single hollow250*120*65 30-36% 1.32 - 1.6 kg9 -1 4%
one and a half hollow250*120*88 30-36% 2.7 - 3.5 kg9 - 14%
Silicate GOST 379-95private (worker)single corpulent250*120*65 0% 3.7 - 3.8 kg (according to GOST)
single hollow250*120*65 15-31% 3.1 - 3.3 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 4.2 - 5.0 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 4.2 - 5 kg
double hollow250*120*140 15-31% 5.3 - 5.4 kg
facing (front)single corpulent250*120*65 0% 3.5 - 3.9 kg
one and a half corpulent250*120*88 0% 3.7 - 4.3 kg
one and a half hollow250*120*88 15-31% 3.7 - 4.2 kg

In addition to standard size bricks, there are a large number of lightweight finishing bricks. For example, there is a silicate one and a half, which weighs only slightly more than a standard single - 4.1-5.0 kg.

There is a so-called "American" - with a standard single size and a weight of only 2.5 kg. Lightweight versions can be used in case of lack of bearing capacity of the foundation. Although, it is better to use a lighter finish - facade slabs, For example.

Fireclay brick parameters

For the construction of stoves, fireplaces in the zone of contact with fire, special fire-resistant bricks are used. In its production, a special type of clay is used - chamotte. Therefore, such a brick is also called fireclay. The production process is the same as building red bricks - molding, drying, kiln firing. But, due to the special properties of chamotte, the resulting building material can easily withstand prolonged contact with open fire. In everyday life, two brands of general-purpose refractory bricks are used - ША and ШБ. ША can withstand temperatures up to 1690 ° C, ШБ - up to 1650 ° C, all other parameters are identical. Therefore, they have the same field of application - this is the molding of the firebox of fireplaces and stoves.

The size of the refractory brick is encoded in the number after the abbreviation:

  • ШБ-5, ША 5 - 230 * 114 * 65 mm;
  • ШБ-6, ША 6, ША 14 - 230 * 114 * 40 mm (flask);
  • ШБ-8, ША 8 - 250 * 125 * 65 mm;
  • ШБ-9, ША 9 - 300 * 150-65 mm;

Most often they use ША 8 or ШБ 8. They coincide in length and thickness with the ceramic red brick, from which the rest of the furnace is laid. There is also a wedge-shaped refractory brick- for the formation of furnace arches and smooth curves in the horizontal plane.

There are two types of wedge refractory bricks:

These are not all sizes and types. fireclay bricks... You will find more in GOST 8691-73.

Clinker brick

Clinker brick is another special type ceramic brick... In its manufacture, a special type of clay is used - refractory shale. The formed blocks are fired at a very high temperature of 1200 ° C. As a result of such processing, the clay acquires the properties of a ceramic, the color - from dark red to deep brown.

Clinker bricks have very high strength and abrasion resistance. You can pave roads from it, decorate a porch. And they will serve for centuries. The clinker surface is smooth, smooth and shiny. That allows it to be used also as a finishing brick - for finishing facades, etc.

The shape and size of clinker bricks can be very different - there are a lot of them, since there are not only standard ones - in the form of a parallelepiped, but also with beveled at different angles, rounded edges.

Brick is a well-known building material for a long time, without which practically any construction can not do. Despite the fact that brick blocks have been used for a long time, the brick size standard was first introduced only in 1927.

Standardization of typical sizes of brick blocks allows you to calculate the volume brickwork in accordance with the project, the need for building materials, as well as determine the weight of the structure.

The key factor in standardizing the size of brick products is the following aspect ratio of 1: 1/2: 4. Such proportions are considered optimal for laying building material with alternating longitudinal and transverse arrangement.

In private construction, single products are in demand, the consumption of building materials for one cubic meter masonry is 513 items. In accordance with the state regulations in force on the territory of Russia, the size standard brick single in millimeters is:

  • 250 length;
  • 120 width;
  • 65 height.

In addition to single blocks, the construction market offers other types of standard sizes:

  • one and a half;
  • double.

One and a half building material was put into production during the industrialization of the country, in order to accelerate the pace of construction. The standard consumption of building materials is 318 products per cubic meter. A characteristic feature of the one-and-a-half block, the increased height of the product protrudes, the GOST establishes the following standard brick sizes (in millimeters):

  • length - 250;
  • width -120;
  • height - 88.

A double brick with the same 250 millimeters in length and 120 millimeters in width has a height of 138 millimeters. Given the impressive dimensions, to reduce the weight of the product, double blocks, as a rule, are made of hollow form. Double products are widely used in various fields of construction. Building material with an increased height is used for the construction of both industrial and civil facilities.

Permissible errors

Building materials are produced in strict accordance with production technology. Blanks of brick blocks, which are fired in ovens during the production process, are made with an increase in geometric parameters of 8%. As a result of heat treatment, the product is reduced and reduced to typical parameters.

GOST allows a slight deviation in the geometric dimensions of finished products, namely, no more than 4 millimeters in length, no more than 3 millimeters in width and height. The standard also allows slight curvature on the spoon (no more than 4 mm) and along the bed (no more than 3 mm).

Types of brick products and their standard sizes

The sizes of brick products depend not only on the standard size, but also on the type of building material. The main types that are in demand in the construction of residential buildings and the construction of industrial buildings are:

  • Red brick;
  • silicate;
  • facing.

Red building blocks and their features

Red brick is a universal building material used for the construction of foundations, external enclosing structures and partitions in the house, fences.

Red brick products are made on the basis of clay briquettes, which are pressed by firing. Dimensions and specifications products are regulated by GOST 530-2007 and are (in millimeters):

  • standard format - 250x120x65;
  • thickened format - 250x120x88;
  • double format - 250x120x138.

In addition to the popular standard sizes GOST, there are also less popular formats:

  • 0.7 NF with parameters 250x85x65 mm;
  • 1.3 NF with parameters 288x138x65 mm.

Building materials of the "European format" are used for decorative finishing windows and others structural elements facade.

Silicate brick

Silicate brick blocks - a building material made on the basis of silicate, intended for the construction of load-bearing external walls, partitions in the house. The modular dimensions of white brick are 250x120x65 and 250x120x88 millimeters.

Silicate building blocks produce two types:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.

The volumes of the voids of the silicate block, as well as the overall dimensions, are adjustable

state standards. Hollow silicate blocks are divided based on the proportion of volume, diameter and number of blind voids having a cylindrical shape.

The following types of hollow one-and-a-half silicates are distinguished:

  • three hollow - the proportion of voids is 15% of the volume of the product, the diameter of blind holes is 52 mm;
  • eleven are hollow - the proportion of voids in the total volume is 25%, diameter is from 27 to 32 mm;
  • fourteen void - the proportion of voids varies from 28 to 31%, the diameter can be from 27 to 32 mm.

Facing brick

For facing the facades, a standard size facing brick is used, which corresponds to the traditional analogue.

The construction market offers several types of facing products:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • hyper-pressed;
  • silicate.

Clinker building blocks are used for facades, for the construction of decorative pillars, decoration window openings, using this type of material, arched windows are erected. The material is characterized by a dense, smooth structure, excellent soundproofing and frost-resistant qualities, resistant to moisture, and retains heat well. Clinker can be colored and glazed, glossy and matte. Facade windows and walls, facing with clinker blocks, retain an attractive appearance for a long time.

Clinker facing

Ceramic facing products are able to withstand up to one hundred changes of natural seasons, the material is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature. The brick retains its original qualities and appearance for a long time.

Ceramic cladding

Hyper-pressed material is made from a lime-cement mixture, by the method of semi-dry hyper pressing, followed by steam treatment. The material is used for decorative finishing of facades, with its help, windows and doors are distinguished. There are several types of facing material:

  • smooth;
  • spoon;
  • figured;
  • angular.

The standard dimensions of smooth and figured hyper-pressed bricks are 250x120x65 mm. Standard spoon bricks have parameters of 250x85x65 mm, angular and narrow spoon bricks - 250x60x56 mm.

Hyper-pressed facing

Silicate facing brick is an environmentally friendly frost-resistant material. Facing silicate brick is striking in its variety color solutions, differs from its ceramic counterpart in a uniform color tone over the entire area of ​​the product. Silicate facade material is not used for cladding areas in contact with the ground.

Custom dimensions

However, in the segment of facing building materials, you can find products of non-standard dimensions. Non-standard size products are produced in a non-industrial way, in organic series. Atypical building material is used for restoration work, the introduction of original design ideas, to emphasize the window opening. The dimensions of a non-standard single material for facades can be (in millimeters):

  • 210x100x50;
  • 210x100x60;
  • 240x115x52.

Euro standards

On the territory of the European Union, there are other standards that do not correspond to GOST 530-2007. So, the most popular series in the countries of the European Union are the following series of building material:

  • DF - geometric parameters of the product 240x115x52;
  • 2DF - 240x115x113;
  • WDF - 210x100x65;
  • RF - 240x115x61;
  • NF - 240x115x71;
  • WF - 210x100x50.

Brick size, characteristics overview and application

The stone of natural origin has served as the main building tool for the construction of capital buildings for a long time. Nevertheless, the prevailing foundations have not resisted since the appearance of the building material of our time - bricks. People were able to completely independently transform the required characteristics into ready product... Day by day, we everywhere observe the fields of application of this type of building materials in very diverse areas. Today there are no barriers, if you want to purchase a standard brick of a standard type: you can find out the dimensions as a matter of fact and the selection criteria from the materials of this article.

Typical brick applications, brick size and classification

Standard brick can be attributed without false modesty to very versatile materials that are widely used in most construction areas. Today there are a couple of varieties and standards of bricks. Rational selection of standard bricks is the basis for a good result of the entire complex of construction work.

Standard brick - types

Depending on the main components of manufacture, and on the characteristics of the material, standard bricks are classified into 3 main groups:

  • Standard red brick.
  • Silicate (white) brick.
  • Ceramic brick.
  • Cladding bricks.

Areas of frequent use of bricks:

  • Removing both load-bearing and conventional walls;
  • Erection of foundations and plinths;
  • arrangement of basements;
  • facade cladding;
  • construction of stairs;
  • removal of partitions;
  • The device of stoves, chimneys and fireplaces proper.

The greatest demand, as a matter of fact, and distribution, got the red standard brick familiar to all of us. Its technical characteristics are ideal for a wide variety of construction tasks. Elevator shafts are erected from it in high-rise buildings, columns, and foundations of buildings. Often, the standard type of brick is taken as the basis for the foundation masonry of private houses.

If we are talking about the construction of stairs, then it is quite appropriate to use ceramic products for construction purposes. Ceramics are much more resistant to moisture damage, temperature changes and other atmospheric influences. Plus, ceramics are very malleable to mechanical transformations, which makes it possible, if necessary, to cut bricks without difficulty.

Brick size

Today there are single, one-and-a-half and 2nd bricks, as for the exact dimensional characteristics, we will describe them below in the text.

Dimensions of a standard brick

During the formation of construction crafts, a number of standards were developed according to which this type of material was produced. The size of a brick of the 1st type is equal: the width of the brick is 120 mm, the length of the brick is 250 mm, as for the height, it is equal to 65 mm. It is these dimensions of bricks that are ideal for laying with alternation along the longitudinal-transverse principle.

How is a standard brick selected? Its technical aspects and characteristics

Before purchasing a standard brick, you need to understand your ultimate goal as accurately as possible. It is she who later will assume the choice of material for construction.

The color of a brick block directly depends on the type of clay, on the basis of which it is produced. Moreover, the most common type is a red burning clay mass. It ultimately gives the final red hue to the product. Less commonly, we can find standard bricks of white, yellowish and apricot color, for the production of which white burning clay is used. It happens that for the desired result or shade, a specialized pigment is added to the base.

The usual one is suitable for the removal of wall partitions and the construction of any structure.

  • dimensions of a standard brick: 250x120x56 mm.

Subsequently, this brick will definitely require finishing by type, plastering. Facing, in turn, has extremely even and smooth surfaces, and does not require any finishing. But with all this, the cost of both the actual type and the size of the brick is strikingly different.

Brick strength

Very important aspect at the time of choosing a brick - strength, in other words, the ability of a block not to collapse under external loads. For the construction of a house from one floor, in general, an exposure value of 100 kg per 1 cm will suffice.

There is also another indicator that affects the quality of blocks - frost resistance. This indicator is measured in cycles. Defined and installed for each block brand. The final product is placed in an aqueous medium and then added to the freezer. The test period is 8 hours.

Red brick is the safety and durability of the building, the ability to erect a building in any architectural concept, the convenience and cost-effectiveness of the construction process. This material is especially in demand in private housing construction during the construction of houses, fences, garages and other auxiliary buildings. The developer, knowing the size of the red brick, only needs to correctly calculate the amount required for the construction of the facility.

Red brick dimensions: length - 250, width - 120 and height 65 mm.

Brick formats and sizes

In the course of the development of brick production, a standard size of red brick was formed in Russia - 250x120x65 mm, where 250 mm is the length of the product, 120 mm is its width and 65 mm is its height. These sizes are complemented by the letters NF (normal format). The accepted aspect ratio of the product not only turned out to be the most acceptable when erecting a wall, when it was necessary to alternate the longitudinal and transverse arrangement of the bars, but also to use bricks from different manufacturers at the same facility. Subsequently, the size of the red ordinary brick became derivative to create new product formats that differ from each other only in height.

The size of a red private brick depends on its type

A brick of the 1.4 NF format, with dimensions of 250X120X88 mm, was called "one and a half" or thickened, and a brick of the 2.1 NF format, and with dimensions of 250X120X138 mm, is called "double". Please note that although the thickened brick is called one and a half and double, red brick, the dimensions in height for the one and a half and double format do not increase by 1.5 and 2 times. This is important to take into account when calculating the amount of bricks required to complete construction tasks at a specific site or facility. There are also less common red brick formats - 0.7 NF (250x85x65 mm) and 1.3 NF (288x138x65 mm). They are models of the so-called "euro format", and are used to original design buildings, for example, when renovating old mansions or creating a unique ornament on the facade of a building.

Brick modification

Single red brick, height size 65 mm, in practice it is also called "building". Samples lineup differ among themselves in strength (M 75 - M 300), frost resistance (F15 - F 50) and moisture resistance. Stacking stones, regardless of what size red brick is made on a hard mortar (cement-sand or limestone). Moreover, the solution is spread: either with full filling of the seams, or with an indent from front surface walls by 10 - 15 mm for subsequent jointing.

Red brick ordinary size: single - 250x120x65 mm, one and a half - 250x120x88 mm, double - 250x120x140 mm.

The brick is solid red, the dimensions of which allow it to be conveniently taken in the hand and laid when erecting a wall (column) is smooth and notched. Plaster mortar adheres perfectly to walls made of notched bricks. The size of the red solid brick was taken as the basis for the manufacture of hollow (slotted) bricks - single (h = 65 mm) and one and a half (h = 88 mm). Lighter in comparison with full-bodied samples, they have excellent thermal insulation properties. Hollow brick models are used in the construction of walls and partitions, for which the strength standards are reduced, but the requirements for thermal insulation and frost resistance are increased.

The size of a red solid brick: length - 250, width - 120 and height 65 mm

Facing and oven red bricks

According to the production technology and by purpose, the masonry material is subdivided into: ordinary red brick, the size of which corresponds to the NF and facing format. Renovation of facades, in the design of which red facing bricks were used, is very rarely required. This indicates the high quality of the product and its excellent compatibility with other building materials... This compatibility is also facilitated by the fact that the red facing brick has dimensions identical to an ordinary masonry bar - 250x120x65 mm. And the attractive appearance of red samples is already their indisputable advantage. Therefore, designers, taking into account the size of facing red brick, often use it when decorating the interiors of cottages, office and shopping and entertainment centers.

The brick is available in different shades of red. Color facing brick depends not only on the type of clay, but also on the pigments added to the blank mass. A subspecies of baked clay bars - oven bricks, are used in the construction of furnaces, fireplaces, chimneys. The dimensions of the red oven brick correspond to the standard format: 250x120x65 mm. It is a refractory material that does not deteriorate under very high high temperatures and keeps warm well. True, it costs a little more than ordinary building bricks. In cases where the design of the stove or fireplace partially fills the body of the wall, and the dimensions of the single red brick coincide with the dimensions of the stove samples, the order of the masonry and the wall and the stove (chimney, fireplace) are in the same horizontal plane.

The choice of a red brick model depends on the purpose of the structure or object for the construction of which it is purchased. A competent, economically sound choice of the size, shape and structure of bricks will help the developer to optimize construction costs and purchase material without overpaying for surplus.