Essay sample. Essay writing and design

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

  • historical facts;
  • personal experience and observations;

3. Theoretical part

4. Factual part

5. Conclusion

remember, that

remember the terminology

write straight away

If you are “floating” in the topic

Essay similar to an essay, usually has a free composition and a small size. Although the task should seem easy, for some reason it frightens the students and takes them by surprise.

You will need

  • - educational literature;
  • - computer.


Think over a rough work plan. As a rule, an essay consists of a short introduction, which reveals the essence of the topic; the main part, which sets out the opinions of scientists on the subject of the story; the attitude of the author of the work to these opinions, as well as the conclusion, which provides brief conclusions about the research done. The last page of the essay indicates the sources used.

Select the required material. Write down the various points of view of scientists on the chosen topic on paper and note the order in which statements are used in your work.

Video on the topic


Check that all literature used is up to date. Textbooks should be no older than 8-10 years, periodicals - no older than 3-5 years.

To avoid being branded as a plagiarist, provide all citations with links indicating the author, title of the publication, and imprint.

Helpful advice

When writing an essay, you should not use a lot of literature so that the work does not turn out to be too long and overloaded with unnecessary information.

When working with literature, it is not necessary to copy notes onto paper; you can immediately make them on the computer. This makes it easier to edit text.

When writing an essay, be careful and try not to make mistakes. After finishing the work, read it and correct any mistakes.

Essay By statement This is a short essay in which you can demonstrate your knowledge not only in a specific discipline, but also information from related scientific subjects.


Choose one statement from those proposed as topics for the examination paper on which you will write an essay. It is important that it is clear and close to you. Remember that to justify your position regarding these words, you will need to make clear arguments, and not just appeal to the fact that “this is immoral” or “this makes no sense in modern life.” Think about what areas of knowledge you have in order to justify this information.

Reveal the meaning of the statement. To do this, simply describe what exactly the author wanted to say with these lines, as you see it. For each person, the same things mean different things, so your version cannot be correct or incorrect, any adequate thought has to exist. precisely in the context given by the scientific subject on which the essay is written. For example, you should not disclose value added tax in the sense if in the statement it is mentioned exclusively in the economic aspect.

Give reasons for your opinion. To do this, use the knowledge gained in the process of other sciences, but do not “get hung up” on this information. Additional justification is good if it only emphasizes your rightness. For example, when writing an essay on the statements of political figures, be sure to remember what historical events might have influenced his beliefs.

Formulate your own point of view regarding the statement. If you partially or completely disagree, suggest your own version of the phrase. Be sure to give reasons for exactly what you disagree with and why your position is more appropriate. Rely on your own experience, on the facts of social life.

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  • how to make an aphorism

Writing an essay is the last task in the Unified State Exam in social studies. And when preparing for an exam, it is this that raises the most questions. What are the requirements for the work, how is it assessed, and how to get the maximum score for a social studies essay?

What is a task

A mini-essay on the Unified State Exam in social studies is an alternative task. This means that the exam participant can choose from several proposed options the one that is closer and more interesting to him.

Essay topics are short quotes - aphorisms related to the five blocks of the curriculum, one for each. The thematic areas of statements are as follows:

  • Philosophy,
  • Economy,
  • Sociology, social psychology,
  • Political science,
  • Jurisprudence.

Of the five statements, you need to choose only one (the closest or most understandable) and write a mini-essay that reveals the meaning of the chosen aphorism and contains illustrative examples.

The “weight” of the social studies essay in the final points is quite small: about 8% of the total points. A perfectly written paper can earn only 5 primary points out of 62 possible, about 8%. Therefore, you should not approach the work as fundamentally as when writing essays on the Russian language or essays on literature.

The compilers of the Unified State Examination themselves suggest taking 36-45 minutes to write an essay on social studies (this is exactly the time period indicated in the specification). For comparison: an essay on the Russian language takes 110 minutes, and a full-length essay on literature takes 115.

All this suggests that the approach to social science should be different: there is no need to create a “masterpiece”, there are no mandatory requirements for presentation style (or even literacy), and even the volume of work is not regulated. Here it is not necessary to write 150-350 words of text: after all, the task is positioned as a “mini-essay” and if you manage to reveal the idea briefly and succinctly, this will be welcome.

It is enough to simply demonstrate knowledge of the subject and the ability to find suitable examples to support your point of view - and express your thoughts coherently and convincingly on the exam form.

Criteria for assessing essays in social studies on the Unified State Exam

The essay is scored based on three criteria in total. To earn the maximum five points, you must meet the following "required minimum":

Reveal the meaning of the original statement, or at least demonstrate that you correctly understood what its author meant (1 point). This is a key point: if you did not understand the quote and received 0 points on the first criterion, the work will not be assessed further.

Demonstrate knowledge of theory(2 points). Here, to get a high grade, it is necessary to analyze the meaning of the statement, using the knowledge acquired during the study of the school social studies course, remember the main points of the theory, and use the terminology correctly. Incomplete compliance with the requirements, deviation from the original topic or semantic errors will result in the loss of one point.

Ability to find relevant examples(2 points). To receive the highest mark on this criterion, you must illustrate the problem with two (at least) examples - facts that confirm the main idea of ​​the essay. Moreover, they must be from sources of different types. Sources can be

  • examples from fiction, feature films and documentaries;
  • examples from popular science literature, the history of various branches of science;
  • historical facts;
  • facts gleaned while studying other school subjects;
  • personal experience and observations;
  • media reports.

If only personal experience is used as examples or examples of the same type are given (for example, both from fiction), the score is reduced by a point. A zero for this criterion is given if the examples do not correspond to the topic or if there is no information at all.

Social studies essay writing plan

There are no strict requirements for the structure of the essay - the main thing is to reveal the meaning of the statement, demonstrate knowledge of the theory and support it with facts. However, given that you don’t have much time to think about it, you can stick to a standard essay plan that includes all the necessary elements.

1. The optional part is the introduction. General statement of the problem (one or two sentences). In an essay on social studies, this point of the plan can be omitted and go straight to the interpretation of the proposed aphorism, but schoolchildren often find it difficult to deviate from the usual compositional scheme, when the “gist of the matter” is preceded by general reasoning. Therefore, if you are used to starting with an introduction, write it, if this is not important for you, you can omit this point, the points will not be reduced for this.

2. Revealing the meaning of the original statement– 2-3 sentences. There is no need to quote in full; it is enough to refer to its author and state the meaning of the phrase in your own words. It must be remembered that, unlike an essay in Russian, where it is necessary to isolate a problem, an essay in social science can be devoted to a phenomenon, a process, or simply a statement of fact. To reveal the meaning of a statement, you can use templates like “In the proposed statement, N.N (a famous philosopher, economist, famous writer) considers (describes, talks about ...) such a phenomenon (process, problem) as ..., interpreting it as ... " or “The meaning of the statement ( expressions, aphorisms) N. N is that...”

3. Theoretical part(3-4 sentences). Here it is necessary to confirm or refute the author’s point of view, relying on the knowledge gained in class and using special terminology. If you agree with the author’s point of view, then, by and large, this part is a detailed translation of the original phrase into “textbook language.” For example, if the author called children’s games in the yard a “school of life”, you will write about what institutions of socialization are and the role they play in the process of an individual’s assimilation of social norms. Here you can also quote quotes from other philosophers, economists, etc., confirming the main idea of ​​the text - however, this is not a mandatory requirement.

4. Factual part(4-6 sentences). Here it is necessary to give at least two examples confirming the theses put forward in the previous paragraph. In this part it is better to avoid “general words” and talk about specifics. And do not forget to indicate sources of information. For example, “experiments devoted to” have been repeatedly described in popular science literature; “as we know from the school physics course...”, “writer N,N. in his novel “Untitled” he describes the situation…”, “on the shelves of the supermarket opposite my school you can see...”.

5. Conclusion(1-2 sentences). Since an essay on social studies on the Unified State Exam is, by and large, a proof of a certain theoretical position, you can complete the essay by summing up what has been said. For example: “Thus, both real-life examples and reading experience suggest that...”, followed by a restatement of the main thesis.

remember, that the main thing is to correctly reveal the meaning of the statement. Therefore, when choosing from the proposed options, take a quote whose interpretation is beyond your doubts.

Before you start writing the text, remember the terminology on this topic. Write them down on a draft form so you can use them later in your work.

Choose the most suitable examples on this topic. Remember that examples from literature may not be limited to works of the school curriculum - in the social studies exam you can use any literary works as arguments. We should not forget that relying on reading experience in the case of social studies is not a priority: remember cases from life; news heard on the radio; topics discussed in society and so on. Also write down the selected examples on the draft form.

Since literacy, style and composition of the text are not graded, if you are confident enough to express your thoughts in writing, it is better not to waste time writing a full draft. Limit yourself to drawing up a thesis plan and write straight away- this will help save time.

Start the essay after you have answered all other questions.– otherwise you may not fit in the time limit and lose more points than you gain. For example, the first four tasks with detailed answers (based on the text read) can give a total of 10 primary points (twice as much as an essay), and formulating answers to them usually takes much less time than writing a mini-essay.

If you are “floating” in the topic and you feel that you cannot write an essay with maximum points - do this task anyway. Every point is important - and even if you only manage to correctly formulate the topic and give at least one example “from life” - you will receive two primary points for your social studies essay on the Unified State Exam, which is much better than zero.

The essay is a unique literary genre. Essentially, this is any short work written privately on any issue. The key feature of the essay is its author’s design - in contrast to scientific and journalistic styles, which have strict stylistic specifications. At the same time, essays are ranked lower than works of art.


We can briefly formulate the following definition of an essay: it is a substantiation of a person’s personal point of view in writing. Nevertheless, it is worth considering that a work of this literary genre does not pretend to be the basis of the issue under consideration or its exhaustive information source. Such an essay contains the author's conclusions and conclusions. Therefore, the sample of its writing and requirements are only recommendations or a set of rules (applies to the latter), and the main part should be occupied by your thoughts.

Historical reference

Essay comes from the French "attempt", "trial", "essay". And this genre also originated in this beautiful country, back in the Renaissance. The French writer and philosopher first tried to write “about everything and nothing, without having a preliminary topic or plan of action.” He claimed that he liked to temper the boldness of his thoughts by adding mildly questioning "maybes" and "probably" to his sentences. So “possibly” became an expression of the formula of essay writing in principle. Epstein, in turn, defined this genre as a kind of meta-hypothesis, with its own original reality and way of depicting this reality.

Differences from the novel

The essay genre developed in parallel with the novel genre. The latter, however, is more familiar to Russian literature, especially classical literature. The essay, in turn, had a huge influence on Western prose.

Unlike a novel, an essay is monologue and represents the individuality of the author. This narrows its scope as a genre, and the picture of the world is presented in an extremely subjective way. At the same time, the essay is inevitably interesting because it reveals the inner world of a specific person, not fictional, but entirely real - with his advantages and disadvantages. The style of such a literary work always contains the imprint of the human soul. The novel reveals the characters of all the characters and heroes who came from the pen of the author, no less interesting, but virtual, unreal.

Why write essays?

On the eve of exams, students and applicants often have the question of how to write an essay. A sample of writing this type of work is also often searched for, and it is worth saying that finding it is not difficult. But why write it in principle? There is also an answer to this question.

Essay writing develops creative thinking and written expression skills. A person learns to identify cause-and-effect relationships, structure information, formulate what he would like to express, argue his point of view, illustrating it with various examples, and summarize the material presented.

Typically, essays are devoted to philosophical, intellectual, moral and ethical issues. The latter is often used to assign essays to schoolchildren - they are not subject to strict requirements, citing insufficient erudition and unofficial presentation of the work.


Conventionally, essays are divided according to the following criteria:

  • By content. This includes artistic and artistic-publicistic, historical and philosophical, spiritual and religious, etc.
  • According to literary form. Among them may be letters or a diary, notes or reviews, lyrical miniatures.
  • According to the form. Such as: descriptive, narrative, reflective, analytical, compositional and critical.
  • According to the form of description, they distinguish between subjective and objective. The first reflect the personality characteristics of the author, the second are aimed at describing an object, phenomenon, process, and so on.

Distinctive features

An essay can be “identified” by the following characteristics:

  • Small volume. Typically up to seven pages of printed text, although different schools may have their own requirements for this. In some universities, an essay is a full-fledged work of 10 pages, while others value a brief summary of all your thoughts on two pages.
  • Specifics. An essay usually answers one specific question, which is often formulated in the topic of the assignment. The interpretation of the answer is subjective and contains the author’s conclusions. Again, depending on the specification of the essay, it may be necessary to consider the issue from all angles, even if half of the opinions described are in no way directly related to the author.
  • Free composition. The essay is distinguished by its associative narrative. The author thinks through logical connections, following his own thinking. Let us remember that the essay reveals his inner world.
  • Paradoxes. Moreover, the phenomenon of paradoxes takes place not only in the text itself, but also in the principles of the essay itself: after all, this literary genre, although presented in a free narrative, must have semantic integrity.
  • The consistency of the author's theses and statements. Even if the author is a contradictory person, he is obliged to explain why he cannot choose one point of view, and not lose the thread of the narrative, either breaking it off or starting again. Ultimately, even diary pages converted into essays are framed by literary norms. After all, the final essay will be read not only by the author himself.

How to write an essay?

A sample of work can be confusing to a beginner: one or a couple of examples will be of little help to the author who cannot understand what is actually required of him.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that to write a so-called essay, you must be fluent in the topic. If, when writing, you have to turn to many sources for information, the essay ceases to be such. This rule comes from the fact that in his “test” the author expresses his true point of view, although, of course, he can emphasize it with quotes from great people, etc. Of course, for the data to be reliable, it is necessary to check it. But the essay is written not on the basis of the material, but starting from it, arriving at its own conclusions and results.

Why do you have problems with writing?

Many students struggle to find a sample essay due to the fact that schools do not devote enough time to writing this type of work. School essays, although classified as this genre, and some teachers formulate assignments using this particular terminology, still do not have a specific specification. As mentioned earlier, school essays are not even always labeled as such. In secondary schools, children are just beginning to learn to formulate their thoughts in a literary format. This is why many people come to take the test with fear - they have to express their point of view in a short time, while they are completely unable to do so.

Essay structure

Essay topics are usually presented in the form of quotes from famous people, with whom the writer can agree or disagree, arguing his opinion.

That is why it is recommended to start an essay with the words “I agree with this opinion” or “I cannot say that I think the same as the author”, or “this statement seems controversial to me, although on some points I join this opinion” .

The second sentence should contain an explanation of how the statement was understood. You need to write from yourself - what, in the opinion of the writer, the author wanted to say and why he thinks so.

The main part of the essay is a detailed presentation of the author’s point of view, according to the principle “I think so because...”. You can seek help from other quotes and aphorisms with which the writer agrees.

Conclusion of the essay - results of the work. This is a mandatory item that makes the work complete.

Let's look at the main subjects on which essays are written.

Social science

Social science - the subject of study of which is a complex of social sciences. The close relationship of social teachings is considered, and not each of them separately.

So, a social studies course may include:

  • sociology;
  • political science;
  • philosophy;
  • psychology;
  • economy.

The basics of these disciplines are studied.

A sample essay on social studies is often necessary for graduates when writing the Unified State Examination. The structure of this essay fully corresponds to the structure given above. When testing their knowledge, students can be given as a topic statements by famous philosophers, sociologists and other figures in the social sciences.

Below is a sample essay on social studies (in brief).

Topic: "Laws are silent during war. Lucan"

“After reading this statement for the first time, I decided that I absolutely agreed with this statement. But a little later it occurred to me that this quote, like almost everything in our world, is not so simple.

I associate with Lucan’s statement another well-known aphorism - “In love and in war, all means are fair.” Probably because many unconditionally follow this rule, considering it true, and it turns out that in wartime all laws prefer to remain silent.

But there is another side to the coin: during war, the very law of war applies. "Kill or be killed." And glorious heroes follow the laws that their hearts tell them. In the name of loved ones, relatives and friends.

So it turns out that war creates new laws. Tougher and more uncompromising than peacetime.

Of course, I can understand Lucan: all his quotes suggest that this man had a pacifist point of view. I also consider myself peace-loving. But this particular statement does not pass logical verification on my part, so I cannot say that I agree with it."

On the Unified State Examination itself there is a limit on the number of words in interval form. It is very important to adhere to them, otherwise even a clearly verified essay structure will not pass the examiner’s verification.


History is considered one of the sciences about society and nature. Despite the fact that they adhere to the division of this discipline into two separate ones: the world one and the country in which they are studying, the basics of writing essays for both subjects are similar to each other.

When choosing topics for writing an essay on history, they can often deviate from aphorisms and quotes. With equal success, this could be reflections on the global consequences of wars, an assessment of the actions of the notorious Decembrists or dissidents, or the author’s opinion on any historical figure or phenomenon. To write an essay on history, a student (or applicant, or student) must have solid knowledge on a given topic. At the same time, a sample essay on social studies is not suitable as an example, because this discipline often examines moral and ethical issues. Although writing an essay on this subject requires sufficient erudition in many areas.

But an important question is how to format the essay. A sample historical essay in its structure, again, does not deviate from the given rules. However, additional requirements may be imposed on it in the form of a list of references and a title page.

Writing an essay on history

Even if a sample history essay is not at hand at the moment, you can write an excellent essay by following these rules:

  • To begin with, information is sought on a given topic: even if it is familiar, it does not hurt to repeat the material.
  • Next, you need to structure it, identify cause-and-effect relationships, and roughly outline a plan according to which the reasoning will move forward.
  • It is important to think through arguments and counterarguments.
  • Regarding the style: it is better to ask the teacher which one is recommended to use. In rare but possible cases, it is necessary to write in a scientific style.
  • Do not forget about the conclusion (the importance of the results of the work is described in the description of the essay structure).

Russian language

An essay in the Russian language is somewhat similar to a school argumentative essay, but on knowledge tests such as the Unified State Exam, it includes a larger number of writing rules. This is where its complexity lies.

The essay must be written according to the text proposed by the examiners, therefore it is necessary:

  • Identify the problems of this text.
  • Describe aspects of this problem.
  • Argue your point of view about what the author wanted to say.
  • Draw conclusions.

As you can see, a clarification is added to the usual structure of the essay: the topic (in this case, the problematic) is identified by the writer and formulated by him. In addition, when checking an essay in the Russian language, more attention is paid to speech, grammatical and punctuation errors. Additional points in favor of the author in the eyes of the examiner are added when using literary arguments, well-known examples, and so on. Consistency also plays an important role in this case. The Russian language essay sample must strictly follow all the above requirements.

English language

In the language in post-Soviet countries where it is not native, they completely deviate from the rule of giving a statement or quotation as a topic. When translated into Russian, they are often very simple, and the writing of the essay itself is aimed at testing the use of a foreign language when expressing your thoughts.

Much attention should be paid to grammar, different tenses, complex constructions, and synonymization of simple words.

Essay in English: classification

Essays in English are usually divided into three types:

  • “for” and “against” any phenomenon that represents the topic of the essay;
  • an opinion essay, in which it is very important to look at the topic from different angles;
  • proposal for a solution to a problem (often they give something global).

Writing an essay in English

And so I was given a specific task: to write an essay in English. An example of how this can be done is provided below.

  • Use introductory words: moreover, indeed, generally, mostly, usually, recently, besides.
  • Insert template phrases with which you can start a paragraph: to begin with, doubtless, one argument is support of.
  • Use English clichés, set phrases, idioms, phraseological units and sayings: long story short, one cannot deny, one does not simply, nail drives out nail.
  • Don’t forget how you can formulate a conclusion in English: in conclusion, I can say that although , so it’s up to everyone to decide whether … or not.


Above we outlined in detail how to write an essay correctly. The sample, although formally only one was provided, reflects the essence of what is happening and what the inspector wants to see in the opus handed over to him.

But after the essay has been written, a problem arises with its design.

Typically, this specification is clarified by the teacher. And the obstacle lies specifically in how to design the title page of the essay.

A sample is presented below.

At the top of the page, in the middle, line by line:

Ministry of Education and Science (country name),

full name of the higher educational institution,


In the center of the sheet:


essay topic.

On the right side of the page:

student(s) of the group (group name),

Full Name.

Bottom of the page, middle:

city, year the work was written.

From which it follows that it is not difficult to design a title page in an essay (the sample shows this very well). The requirements are close to the same abstract specification.

For example, if you look at a sample history essay, you can make sure that in this case the work is written on the basis of the sources used. So sometimes a bibliography is required. But even this does not bring particularly difficulties in the way the essay is formatted. The sample for writing a list of used literature is the same as for reports, abstracts and other similar works.

For example:

Ratus L. G. "Philosophy in the New Age." - 1980, No. 3. - P. 19-26.

Mishevsky M. O. "Historical influence of psychology." - P.: Mysl, 1965. - 776 p.

Kegor S. M. "Horror and Awe." - K.: Republic, 1983 - 183 p.

Yarosh D. "Personality in the concept of society." - M.: Roslit, 1983. - 343 p. (All sources provided are fictitious and represent only an example of their design.)


At the beginning of the article, a detailed classification of essay types was provided. To summarize, we can identify its simplified section, taking into account all those mentioned here. So, let’s conditionally highlight:

  • Essays that are written when passing the Unified State Exam (have clear boundaries of volume, up to the number of words, are written within a strictly specified time frame, measured in hours or even minutes, do not have a specification in the form of a title page and bibliography, in turn, are divided by subject, depending from the academic discipline).
  • Essays written by students of various universities (the volume is determined in pages, from two to seven, the deadlines are allocated based on the frequency of classes, seminars, lectures, and are drawn up in accordance with the above information along with a title page and a list of sources used).

The article contains: terminology, history, essay design, sample work, structure and requirements. All this will help you successfully write and format this work.

Once again about mini-essays. Social studies assignment 29.

Essay As a genre, the essay began to spread relatively recently, but it has already firmly established itself as a form of passing the final exam: essays are written on the Unified State Examination in Russian, in social studies; in the form of an essay, a historical portrait is written on history. What is an essay , what are the features of this genre, by what rules is it written? Let's try to figure this out.

“Essay” is a foreign word. It came to us in Russian from French and translated means “attempt, trial, sketch.” As you can see, the meaning of the word is quite broad - this is just a test of the pen, and at the same time already an essay. So the word itself contains so much that is complex and unpredictable, the features of an essay can be interpreted in so many different ways, that students sometimes simply do not know what the teachers require of them, or how to write this very essay.

And yet it’s not all that scary. The very meaning of the word already contains some help to our graduates. And no matter how you paint everything in detail, how an essay should be written on a particular subject, we must not forget that the essence of the essay is freedom of creativity . Yes, exactly freedom. Of course, the graduate must write an essay in such a way that the testing teacher sees all the reasons for assigning points according to one or another criterion. However according to form essays can be very different. And here no one can shorten the flight of creativity in children! Be creative, express your thoughts, show what interesting people you are, what a huge amount of knowledge you have!

An essay on a specific subject has its own characteristics. On the pages devoted to essays in Russian language and social studies, I note what they are. Now I want to dwell on the general features of the essay.

Features of the essay as a genre of writing

    The main thing in the essay - these are transmissions of the author’s thoughts, feelings, his attitude towards what he writes about.

    Free composition and presentation . However, we must remember that freedom of composition is necessarily combined with internal logic and subordination to the general idea.

    Peculiarities style : imagery (that is, the widespread use of artistic means of expression), aphorism (the use of quotes, famous expressions, proverbs, sayings, phraseological units)

    To support his thoughts, the author of the essay gives vivid examples, uses various associations, and selects analogies.

    For an essay, interesting conclusions, non-standard approaches to solving a problem, and unpredictability are desirable.

    The essay is dominated by author's assessment the subject of discussion, emotion, how it differs from an essay, in which the foreground is a combination of analysis of the work and the author’s reasoning on this matter.

    Individuality should be manifested in everything in the essay: in the approach to the problem, the author’s position, presentation style, and form. This is the main essence of the essay - to show your vision of the problem, your view of the world in general, to show your creativity.

Essay , Thus , this is a small prose work of the journalistic genre, characterized by the author’s pronounced position on the problem under consideration; in the essay, the author does not pretend to exhaustively disclose this problem.

29.3. Economy.

“The main use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money for a better life.”

(Henry Ford)

Sample answer.

The main idea of ​​the aphorism. This statement by Henry Ford contains the idea of ​​the main purpose of money in the life of a person and society as a whole. The author emphasizes that money is necessary in order to improve life, and for this reason it needs to be “made.” One cannot but agree with G. Ford. The purpose of accumulating money, capital in general, is precisely to improve life, to create conditions worthy for it. There should be no enrichment for the sake of enrichment; this will lead to personality degradation and will never make a person happy. I will try to prove what has been said.

So, money is a commodity of a special nature, which is a universal equivalent for purchase and sale. We all know this well. But let's pay attention to the key word - “product”. Yes, this is just a product, and it should be treated as such.

Money performs important functions in the economic life of society: it is both a measure of value and a means of circulation, payment for accumulation, and it is also the function of world money. Today there are different types of money: cash and non-cash, full-fledged and full-fledged. Money can be electronic, stored not only, as before, in wallets and savings banks, but also on smart cards. In general, humanity, developing all spheres of society, is improving money itself. But their main role remains unchanged - to contribute to the development of society and people, to create a comfortable life. The main thing is not to cross the line beyond which a person becomes a slave to money.


1. Money, if it becomes the goal of a person’s life, destroys him as a person. A striking example of this is the landowner Plyushkin from the story by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". Getting rich became his goal in itself. He lost his family, loved ones, turned his back on everyone. And what is the result: “it’s either a man or a woman” - that’s how Chichikov saw him. His estate is desolate. The peasants are on the verge of survival, and he himself has lost the concept of the value of things - for him a piece of paper, a stale piece of bread, a barn full of rotting grain - everything is important and expensive. But Plyushkin is one of the richest landowners to whom the hero went, and he lives like a beggar. This is a vivid example of how money takes power over a person’s soul, turning him into its slave. Is it necessary to save up and “make” them for such a life?

2. Today everyone strives to be a financially secure person. The main thing is that you need to clearly understand what capital is needed for: for personal development, for creating decent conditions for life and rest for a person and his family, for the benefit of the state - each of us must work for this. How many millionaires today are charitable, allocating a sufficient part of their capital to help those in need!

An example is the charitable activities of billionaire A.B. Usmanov, founder of the Metalloinvest holding. A.B Usmanov ranks fifth in the list of rich and influential businessmen in Russia at the end of 2017.

Thus, he personally and his companies donated about $120 million for the development of the Thousand Cities of Russia project. Usmanov’s charitable foundation “Art, Science and Sports” was created specifically to support talented young people, giving them the opportunity to conquer heights in science, sports, and art. More than $30 million was spent on the purchase of Mstislav Rostropovich’s collection alone, so that it would remain in Russia. Yes, you can make a lot of money, be a wealthy and influential person, and at the same time be respected in the country for your good deeds.


Thus, G. Ford was right when he raised one of the most important problems of the time - the role of money in the lives of individuals and society as a whole. It is necessary for money to serve people, to be the material, economic basis that would allow them to create decent living conditions, satisfy needs, develop, and move forward. By the way, Henry Ford himself made the words “A car for everyone” his company motto; his factories produced the cheapest and most affordable cars at the beginning of the 20th century.


“The value of a religion is determined by the quality of the morality embedded in it.”

The main idea of ​​the quote.

Michel Houellebecq's statement contains an idea about the moral basis of religion. The author notes that religion should be built on high moral principles, serve the formation of human morality, only then will it be valuable to society. I agree with the author's statement. Indeed, religion should form the best qualities of an individual, unite the people, serve goodness and justice, and not create enmity between peoples. I will prove what has been said.

Terms. Theoretical background.

Religion is a belief in the supernatural, in God or gods. The religious views of people over the period of historical development have undergone changes - from paganism to monotheism, that is, faith in the One God. Some religions are national, since their believers are either the population of one state (Confucianism - China) or representatives of one nationality (Judaism - Jews). Other world religions (their tri-Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) are not associated with a specific state or nationality. They are spread all over the world and have a large number of believers. All religions are united by their functions, the main of which are educational, ideological, socializing and regulating. Religions help in the formation of high moral qualities of an individual: kindness, compassion, mercy, decency and many others. However, some people and groups are trying to use religion as a means for national hatred, chauvinism, reaching the point of religious fanaticism and terrorism. Society and the state are fighting such manifestations.

Argument No. 1.

Faith in God can cleanse a person’s soul, help him understand himself, realize his mistakes and start life anew. This happened with the hero of the novel F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” by Rodion Raskolnikov. Having committed a terrible crime, killing an old pawnbroker and her sister, it was through faith in God, through the love in him of Sonya Marmeladova, who helped him in this, that he realized how monstrous his crime was and the very theory according to which a strong personality can kill others for the sake of high goals. Faith helped the hero become purer, repent of his deeds, and believe in himself again.

Argument No. 2.

In many sources, including the textbook “History of Russia” for grade 10, edited by A.N. Sakharov, contains information about how Christianity was adopted in Rus' in 988 under Prince Vladimir, what changes took place in the life of the country and in the minds of people. One of the many positive consequences of this event was a change in moral laws. The way of life began to change. The concept of family as a lifelong union of husband and family appeared, and polygamy was condemned. The role of the family has increased and it has become the basis of society. The concept of sin appeared, Christian commandments taught a person to live by them - not to steal, not to kill, not to commit adultery, not to bear false witness, to honor mother and father. All this became the basis of human upbringing. In addition, people began to feel that they belonged to the same religion and country, and the ancient Russian nationality began to form. Christianity has played and continues to play an important role in the formation of personality on high moral principles.

Thus, Michel Houellebecq is right when he touches on the most important problem of the time - the role of religion in the life of society, its influence on the spiritual development of the individual, the formation of the foundations of morality. Only a religion that can positively influence the spiritual life of society is valuable to it.

29.1 .Philosophy.

“To take over a country, it is enough to subjugate the connection.”

The main idea of ​​the quote.

Robert Heinlein's statement contains an idea about the role of communications in society. The author meant that the one in whose hands the connection is able to “take over the country” both in the political sense and figuratively - to take possession of the consciousness, the souls of the people. It’s hard to disagree with R. Heinlein’s opinion. Indeed, any means of communication (and today they are very diverse - telephone, electronic communications, Internet capabilities, media) are capable of influencing public opinion on certain issues, which is why the author writes about the need to subordinate communication in order to influence society. It is no coincidence that, for example, the media are called the “fourth estate.” I will prove what has been said.

Terms. Theoretical justification of the point of view.

The media perform many functions in modern society. Among them are informational, broadcasting, mobilization, educational, educational, socializing. There is no doubt that one of the leading ones is ideological, because the media are capable of promoting certain ideas, views, and forming points of view on certain issues. In this sense, their influence can be both positive, aimed at creation and consolidation, and negative, causing discontent in society, a clash of interests, which can develop into serious unrest. This should be taken into account by everyone involved in the media, feeling their responsibility to society.


1. In the history textbook for grade 11, edited by A.N. Sakharov, in paragraphs dedicated to the October Revolution, the authors, noting the main tasks of the Bolshevik Party in this period, emphasize that one of the leading tasks was to seize the telegraph, which made it possible to keep the situation under control, suppressed the possibility of information leakage, communication between enemies of the revolution with each other to provide joint resistance. This fact testifies to V.I.’s understanding. Lenin and other Bolsheviks emphasized the importance of having means of communication.

2. In the modern world, the role of the media is invaluable, especially with the advent of the Boarding School, when the capabilities of new information technologies have expanded significantly. In the book by I.N. Panarin “Media, Propaganda and Information Wars” noted that the capabilities of the Internet are widely used in all spheres of society. Thus, in education in the Russian Federation today, almost all schools have access to this network, which makes it possible to modernize teaching methods. Of course, as the author notes, there are also negative consequences of Boarding School, like any technical invention. Here the problem of education and training in the correct use of the capabilities of the World Information Network arises.


Thus, the author of the statement correctly noted the important role of communications in society. To “take over” a country, you need to have such an important tool in your hands as the media. This should force society to increase demands on them and prevent their negative influence.

29.3. Economy.

“An entrepreneur always looks for change, reacts to it and uses it as an opportunity.”

Peter Drucker

The main idea of ​​the quote.

The statement of the 20th century management theorist Peter Drucker contains an idea about the essence of successful entrepreneurial activity. The author emphasized one of the prerequisites for the effectiveness of entrepreneurship - the desire to study the market situation, a quick response to them, and the ability to adapt to the needs of the market. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of P. Drucker. Indeed, only knowledge of the market situation, skillful study of consumer demand and the desire to satisfy it can lead to profit - the ultimate goal of entrepreneurial activity.

Terms. Theoretical justification of the position.

Entrepreneurial activity is an activity whose goal is to make a profit. There are many ways to achieve a goal. One of them is taking into account the laws of the market - supply and demand . Demand, that is, the quantity of goods and services that a consumer is willing and able to purchase at a given price at a given time, can rise and fall. An entrepreneur must be able to see fluctuations in demand, understand that it depends on many factors: consumer income, their tastes, seasonal needs, market size, etc. Knowing your competitors and what their products are is also important. The stimulating function of the market is to arouse the desire of entrepreneurs to improve their products using the latest achievements of science and technology. Thus, business requires not only investment of capital, but also knowledge of the market and the processes of the economy as a whole. Argument 1.

The hero of the poem N.V. was very well versed in the needs of his classmates. Gogol's "Dead Souls" by P. Chichikov. His entrepreneurial abilities were already evident in school, when the hero sold his comrades treats that they had previously offered to him. He understood well that the time would come when his classmates would be hungry. That's when he'll sell them food. And how cleverly he painted the bullfinch, also selling it, realizing that something unusual will always interest others. Isn't this a sign of an entrepreneurial spirit - knowing what to make, sell, to whom it needs and at a convenient time, in order to benefit. It is no coincidence that in the future he grew into a real businessman, stopping at nothing to achieve well-being, even before selling dead souls.

Argument 2.

Many economists write about the components of success in entrepreneurship. One of them is called market knowledge. So in the book “Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities” the author is Professor A.S. Pelikh writes that market orientation and the need to study it are very important. An entrepreneur, especially in the initial period of his activity, must also be a marketing specialist. Subsequently, he will turn to professionals to obtain marketing information and conclusions, but he must have knowledge in the field of marketing in any case. Representatives of the Eldorado company and its leader Igor Yakovlev began their activities by studying the needs of the market. The first electronics and household appliances store was opened in 1994 in Samara, and today the Eldorado chain of stores occupies about 30% of the market for this type of goods. Every third washing machine or TV is purchased in these stores. The buyer is becoming more and more demanding of the range, quality of goods, and level of service. All this is studied and taken into account in the company’s work.

Conclusion. Thus, Pieter Drucker raised one of the pressing problems of entrepreneurial activity - the study of market needs. It is necessary to constantly be aware of the changing situation on the market, strive to keep up with the times, and be aware of the latest technical developments in the area in which an individual entrepreneur or firm or company is engaged. The result will be making a profit and satisfaction from your activities. We need to use any changes as opportunities to move forward.

Indeed, not every applicant has literary talents and can fully demonstrate their creative abilities in a limited time in the right place - here and now! See our sample social studies essay.

Let us remember that, according to the Unified State Examination in social studies, almost four hours. We take at least 0.5 hours to work on the final draft of Part 1, at least 1 hour to work on the draft, and at least 1 hour to work on Part 2. What remains? Just 1.5 hours for CREATIVITY. Therefore, having received a quote, you need to work accurately and clearly, fulfilling the verification CRITERIA!

Just 1 hour for creativity!
Knowing the pattern and real-life examples is the key to success!Get ready today!

Those who know different approaches to essays win!

Criterion 1 (K1) – The meaning of the statement is revealed. The expert sees your understanding of the thoughts expressed by the author. If this criterion is not met, your essay will not be reviewed!

Criterion 2 (K2) – The selected topic is revealed based on relevant concepts, theoretical principles and conclusions. In your essay you use

Criterion 3 (K3) – Quality of argumentation of one’s point of view. You have a point of view on the problem raised by the author, and justify it with the help of examples from your life, social facts, media information, knowledge from

We have already covered one of the essay writing templates in. Today we will bring you another one. The more templates you have in stock, the greater your chances of successfully completing this Unified State Exam task! Let's look at another example of a social studies essay.

Here is the problematic statement being discussed today:

If a person has a “why” to live, he can withstand any “how” (F. Nietzsche)

We fulfill the criteria immediately!

Criterion 1 (K1) – The meaning of the statement is revealed:

The great German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in his statement expresses his attitude towards the value of human life. He believes that living conditions are secondary, the main thing is the pursuit of the goal.

We show our INTELLIGENCE. This is one of those thinkers whose phrases are most often presented for discussion (along with Churchill, Aristotle, Voltaire, Franklin, Pushkin). I think you need to know some information about this figure.

The great German philosopher, composer of the 19th century, author of the works “Thus Spoke Zarathustra”, “Human, All Too Human”, and the theory of SUPERMAN.
One of the most controversial thinkers in history.

In light of Nietzsche's conditions of life, his influence on modern philosophical and political thought, as well as the historical events of the 19th century, this phrase seems very relevant to me.

We demonstrate our attention to history and interest in the quote. Then, we go through knowledge of the author’s personality:

Nietzsche entered the history of philosophy as the great Blind Man. All his life he suffered from gradual loss of vision. He ended his life in terrible pain, completely blind. This did not stop him from writing a number of outstanding philosophical works, for example, Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

From the course of social studies we know that a person is a biosocial being with thinking and speech. Life is a form of activity of any creature, which in humans manifests itself in activity. Human activity, unlike other animals, is goal-oriented, not instinctive. Therefore, when asking the question “why” a person should live, he means the purpose of his life.

We reveal the meaning of the quote using a historical example - living conditions are terrible (pain, blindness), but the goal has been achieved! We demonstrate knowledge of the basic social science terms necessary for reasoning on this quote - (proceed to criterion 2).

The key idea of ​​Nietzsche's works is the idea of ​​the “superman”. This is a political giant, a leader who challenges the base interests of the crowd. He sets high spiritual ideals before her, subjugates her, and leads her along. Many see in the works of Nietzsche a philosophical justification for the formation of totalitarian ideologies and statesXX century, fascism.

  • Frizzle Fraz 2

    The longer the sentence, the better - this is what some candidates think. However, this is far from the truth. Long phrases do not prove the author is right, and short sentences often have a greater effect. It is best when the essay alternates long phrases with short ones. Try reading the essay out loud. If you feel like you're running out of breath, break the paragraph into smaller paragraphs.

  • Vlad

    Fabulous!!! Thank you, you are great!!!

  • Diana
  • In this article you will learn how to write an essay on social studies. Examples are attached.

    First of all, it is necessary to understand that in order to learn how to write an essay in social studies, it takes quite a long time. Without preliminary preparation, it is impossible to write an essay that would be rated high by experts. Sustainable skills and good results appear after 2-3 months of work (about 15-20 essays written). It is systematic training and determination that bring high results. You need to hone your skills in practice with the direct help and careful supervision of a teacher.

    Video - how to write an essay on social studies

    If you haven't tried essay writing yet, watch the video.

    Unlike an essay on literature or the Russian language, where the minimum amount of work is clearly specified and general reflection is allowed (“philosophizing” without specification), in an essay on social science the volume is not limited, but its structure and content are fundamentally different. A social studies essay is actually an answer to the question: “Do I agree with this statement and why?” That is why an essay on social science must contain strict argumentation, scientificity and specificity. At the same time, it should be noted that very paradoxical, unusual statements that require imaginative thinking and a non-standard approach to revealing the problem are often used as the topic of an essay. This inevitably leaves its mark on the essay writing style and requires maximum concentration of strength and attention.

    I would also like to add that the exam essay is assessed by specific people. In order for an expert, who checks from 50 to 80 papers a day, to mark an essay as worthy of attention, this essay must not only meet all the requirements set out below, but also be distinguished by a certain originality, originality and originality - this is implied by the genre of the essay itself. Therefore, it is necessary not only to present scientific and factual material on the topic, but also to pleasantly surprise you with the originality and flexibility of your thinking.

    Algorithm for writing essays during the Unified State Exam

    1. First of all, during the exam you need to properly manage your time. Practice shows that writing an essay requires spending at least 1-1.5 hours out of the 3.5 hours allotted for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies. It is most advisable to start writing an essay after all other KIM tasks have been completed, because This type of work requires maximum concentration of the graduate’s efforts.
    2. Carefully read all the topics offered to choose from.
    3. Select topics that are understandable, i.e. – the student must clearly understand what this statement is about, what the author wanted to say with this phrase. In order to remove doubts about whether he understands the topic correctly, the graduate must restate the phrase in his own words, defining the main idea. The student can do this orally or in a draft.
    4. From the selected understandable statements, it is necessary to choose one topic - the one that the student knows best. It is necessary to note the fact that examinees often choose topics that are easy, in their opinion, but which turn out to be difficult when covering the topic due to the limited scientific and factual material on this issue (in other words, the phrase itself says everything, nothing can be added). In such cases, the essay is reduced to a simple statement of the meaning of the statement in different versions and is rated low by experts due to poor evidence base. Therefore, you need to choose the topic of the essay so that the student, when writing it, can fully demonstrate the completeness of his knowledge and the depth of his thoughts (i.e., the topic must be winning).
    5. When choosing a topic for an essay, you must also pay attention to what social science this statement belongs to. Practice shows that a number of phrases can refer to several sciences at once. For example, I. Goethe’s statement “Man is determined not only by natural qualities, but also by acquired ones” may belong to philosophy, social psychology, and sociology. Accordingly, the content of the essay should vary depending on this, i.e. must be consistent with said basic science.
    6. There is no need to write the entire essay as a draft. Firstly, due to limited time, and secondly, due to the fact that at the time of writing an essay some thoughts come, and at the time of rewriting - others, and redoing a finished text is much more difficult than creating a new one. In the draft, the graduate makes only an outline of his essay, approximate short sketches of the meaning of the phrase, his argumentation, the points of view of scientists, concepts and theoretical positions that he is going to present in his work, as well as the approximate order of their arrangement one after another, taking into account the semantic logic of the essay.
    7. Without fail, the student must express his personal attitude to the chosen topic in a clearly defined formulation (“I agree”, “I disagree”, “I don’t completely agree”, “I agree, but partially” or phrases that are similar in meaning and meaning) . The presence of a personal attitude is one of the criteria on the basis of which experts evaluate an essay.
    8. Without fail, the graduate must state his understanding of the meaning of the statement. Those. The high school student explains in his own words what the author wanted to say with this phrase. It is more advisable to do this at the very beginning of the essay. And if you combine the requirements of this paragraph with the provisions of the previous one, then this is what, for example, the beginning of an essay on philosophy “Before talking about the benefit of satisfying needs, you need to decide what needs constitute the benefit” will look like: “I completely agree with the statement of the great Russian writer of the second halfXIX– beginningXXcenturies L.N. Tolstoy, in which he talks about real and imaginary needs."
    9. You need to be very careful in selecting arguments to support your point of view. Arguments must be convincing and justified. Data from relevant sciences, historical facts, and facts from social life are used as arguments. Arguments of a personal nature (examples from personal life) are rated the lowest, so their use as evidence is undesirable. It should be remembered that any personal example can easily be “transformed” into an example from public life, from social practice, if you write about it in a third person (for example, not “The saleswoman in the store was rude to me, thereby violating my consumer rights”, A “Let’s say that the saleswoman was rude to citizen S. Thus, she violated his rights as a consumer.” The number of arguments in an essay is not limited, but 3-5 arguments are most optimal for revealing the topic. It should also be remembered that examples from history are most relevant in political science, partly in legal and sociological topics, as well as in philosophical topics related to the theory of social progress. Examples from social practice (public life) - in sociological, economic, legal topics. Data from the relevant sciences must be used when choosing any of the topics.
    10. The use of terms, concepts, and definitions in an essay must be competent and appropriate in relation to the chosen topic and science. The essay should not be overloaded with terminology, especially if these concepts are not related to the chosen problem. Unfortunately, some graduates try to insert as many terms as possible into their work, violating the principle of expediency and reasonable sufficiency. Thus, they show that they have not learned to correctly use scientific terminology. The term should be mentioned appropriately; such a mention should indicate its correct understanding.
    11. It is very welcome if a graduate in his essay indicates the points of view of other researchers on the issues under consideration, provides a link to different interpretations of the problem and different ways to solve it (if possible). Indication of other points of view can be direct (for example: “Lenin thought this way:..., and Trotsky thought differently:..., and Stalin did not agree with both of them:...”), but can be indirect, non-specific, non-personalized: “A number of researchers think this way:..., others think differently:..., and some suggest something completely different:....”
    12. It is very welcome if the essay indicates who the author of this statement was. The indication should be brief but precise (see example in paragraph 8). If, when arguing your position on this issue, it is appropriate to mention the views of the author of the phrase, this must be done.
    13. Arguments must be presented in strict sequence, the internal logic of presentation in the essay must be clearly visible. The student should not jump from one to another and return to the first again without explanation and internal connection, connecting the individual provisions of his work.
    14. The essay must end with a conclusion that briefly summarizes the thoughts and reasoning: “Thus, based on all of the above, it can be argued that the author was right in his statement.”

    Essay Examples on the topic of:

    Philosophy “Revolution is a barbaric way of progress” (J. Jaures)

    For the highest score

    I completely agree with the statement of the famous French socialist, historian and political figure of the first half of the twentieth century, Jean Jaurès, in which he talks about the features of the revolutionary path of social progress, about the distinctive features of the revolution. Indeed, revolution is one of the ways of progress, movement forward towards better and more complex forms of organizing the social order. But since a revolution is a radical disruption of the entire existing system, a transformation of all or most aspects of social life, occurring in a short period of time, this form of progress is always accompanied by a large number of victims and violence.

    If we remember the revolutionary year of 1917 in Russia, we will see that both revolutions entailed the most severe confrontation in society and the country, which resulted in a terrible Civil War, accompanied by unprecedented bitterness, millions of dead and injured, unprecedented devastation in the national economy.

    If we remember the Great French Revolution, we will also see the rampant Jacobin terror, the guillotine, “working” seven days a week, and a series of incessant revolutionary wars.

    If we remember the English bourgeois revolution, we will also see a civil war and repressions against dissidents.

    And when we look at the history of the United States, we will see that both bourgeois revolutions that took place in this country took the form of war: first, the War of Independence, and then the Civil War.

    The list of examples from history can go on and on, but wherever a revolution occurs - in China, Iran, the Netherlands, etc. – everywhere it was accompanied by violence, i.e. barbarism from the perspective of a civilized person.

    And even though other thinkers exalted revolution (like, for example, Karl Marx, who argued that revolutions are the locomotives of history), even though reactionaries and conservatives denied the role of revolutions in social progress, the point of view of J. Jaurès is closer to me: yes, revolution is a way of progress, a movement for the better, but carried out using barbaric methods, that is, using cruelty, blood and violence. Happiness cannot be created through violence!

    For a small point

    In his quote, the author talks about revolution and progress. Revolution is a way of transforming reality in a short time, and progress is moving forward. Revolution is not progress. After all, progress is reform. It cannot be said that the revolution does not produce positive results - for example, the Russian revolution allowed workers and peasants to get rid of a difficult situation. But by definition, revolution is not progress, because progress is all that is good, and revolution is all that is bad. I disagree with the author who classifies revolution as progress.

    Essay outline

    1) A clear indication of the problem of the statement:
    “The statement I have chosen concerns the problem...”
    “The problem with this statement is...”
    2) Explanation of the choice of topic (what is the significance or relevance of this topic)
    “Everyone is concerned about the question...”
    “The RELEVANCE of this topic lies in...”
    3) Reveal the meaning of the statement from the point of view of social science, 1-2 sentences
    4) Introduction of the author and his point of view
    “The author argued (said, thought) from such a point of view...”
    5) Your own interpretation of this phrase, YOUR OWN POINT OF VIEW (DO YOU AGREE OR NOT)
    “I think...” “I agree with the author of the statement...”
    6) Expressing your position, moving on to the main part of the essay

    P.S. It would be a plus if in the introduction you provide information about the author of the statement and insert a definition of the chosen field of the essay (philosophy, politics, economics, law, etc.)

    1) Theoretical argumentation of the problem. At least 3 aspects of the theoretical discussion of the topic must be presented.
    For example: reveal the concept itself, give examples, analyze features, functions, classifications, properties.
    2) Practical argument or example from public life