Political events of the year in the world. Arrest of Colonel Zakharchenko, Russia

V State Duma The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation introduced a bill on a five-year experimental legal regime in Moscow for the development of artificial intelligence with the participation of large IT companies. This was announced by a member of the State Duma Committee on State Building and Legislation, the author of the bill, Irina Belykh.

High school students, applicants and their parents will be able to meet with representatives of universities and colleges in the capital, get advice on choosing an educational institution, take tests and build an individual educational trajectory. The event will take place on February 15 in Pavilion No. 57 of VDNKh from 11:00 to 18:00. Participation is free, registration required.

A new Ferris wheel "The Sun of Moscow" with a height of 140 meters is being built at VDNKh. It will be the largest in Europe and one of the largest in the world. The new Ferris wheel is being built to replace the old one, named after the 850th anniversary of Moscow, which was dismantled in 2016.

Moscow topped the rating of cities in Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States with the most interesting festive events in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The main festive venues of the Russian capital will be Poklonnaya Gora, Sparrow Hills and Luzhnetskaya Embankment.

It will be held on February 8 at the scientific and educational center "Reserved Embassy". Master classes and lectures by the country's best young scientists were prepared for adults and children. All events are free.

In 2020, the Moscow authorities will introduce a system that will limit the working time of taxi drivers to 8-10 hours and make switching between aggregators impossible. This was announced by Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Government of Moscow, Head of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of Moscow Maxim Liksutov.

In Beskudnikovsky and Dmitrovsky districts, 4815 residents are moving to new houses. Residents of five-story buildings are moving to nine new buildings: five of them are located on Beskudnikovsky Boulevard, three on Dmitrovskoye Highway, and one more on Dolgoprudnaya Street.

The sectors of production of vehicles, equipment, computers, electronic and optical products showed the greatest growth. Moscow produces 13.2% of the total Russian output of manufacturing enterprises. At the same time, the manufacturing industry of the capital accounts for 13% of the gross regional product and provides 5.3% of tax revenues to the city budget.

Now doctors can use histoscanners for diagnosing patients, which make it possible to more accurately determine the location and size of altered tissue, centrifuges for separating liquid samples, precise fluorescent microscopes, rotary microtomes for working with tissues and substances, cold storage chambers for biomaterial storage, and much more.

The toughest competition unfolded in the category "Best Educational Program". The first place among the voters was shared by the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and Sokolniki. In second place, with a very small margin, is Zaryadye Park. On the third - Gorky Park.

Leading designers, urbanists, planners and manufacturers will present their projects different countries. Visitors to the exhibition will see about 300 design solutions for the city, including developing playgrounds, functional art objects, and animal walking areas.

The procedure for buying and selling city real estate has been simplified in the capital: now, following the results of city auctions, investors can conclude an agreement with the city for the purchase of an object online in personal account at investmoscow.ru.

Books by modern foreign and domestic writers will replenish the funds of more than 200 children's libraries and family-type libraries of the Moscow Department of Culture. We are talking about publications published in Russia from March 2018 to March 2019. They will appear on the shelves of the capital's reading rooms on January 28.

the site presents the top 10 most important events of the outgoing 2016. It passed under the sign of two trends: the failure of the policy of "isolation of Russia" by the globalists and the global offensive of the nationalists, in the good sense of the word, those who protect the nation from degeneration and loss of self-identification. Even the death of Fidel Castro looks in this context as "the Moor has done his job, the Moor can leave."

Jacob Kedmi: Mussolini laughs at events in Europe

1. We put in the first place US presidential elections and the victory of Donald Trump. The Republican is like a paver: most of the oligarchic elites, the media elite, the entire power political elite, even the elite of his own party. Why? Because Donald Trump understood what, namely, a change in policy that led the nation to degeneration and loss of self-identification.

Globalism has suffered a crushing defeat in the United States, as Trump promised "but to return industry and jobs to the United States. He managed to convince people that the traditional one is the way to a dead end. And judging by the first appointments, he does not intend to deviate from campaign promises .

2. Russia took advantage of the shock of Obama and his administration and, together with the Syrian army, carried out turning point in the Syrian campaign, . Syria got a chance to remain a state, and Russia - to gain a foothold in the Middle East. "The defeat of the militants in Aleppo is the defeat of those countries that oversaw them, including the United States, France and Great Britain. Aleppo was the last big card for them that they could play on the Syrian battlefield," Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said in a statement. interview RT. Our success in Syria was also made possible by the defeat of the globalists in Turkey.

8. We almost forgot about in the UK, about its exit from the European Union, although we must pay tribute - its result was the first harbinger of the collapse of the globalist pyramid. Brexit has formalized into real force. After him, the victory of the Gaullist (a supporter of a sovereign state) in France in the Republican primaries no longer looks like a sensation, just like the globalist Matteo Renzi in a referendum in Italy.

Of course, it is more profitable for Russia to negotiate in Europe on a bilateral friendly basis than with the European Union consolidated towards it in hatred.

9. It is impossible not to recall the conclusion between the government of Colombia and the guerrillas from the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia - Army of the People" (FARC-EP) . This conflict was the longest in the history of the Western Hemisphere: the confrontation lasted more than 52 years.

It is interesting that the referendum did not approve this treaty, it had to be passed through parliament for the second time. This suggests that misunderstanding between the elites and peoples is growing everywhere and the parliament does not always express the interests of the population.

It is interesting that it was his president Miguel Santos who called the main "culprit" of what happened.

10. We put in conclusion the top events of the outgoing year. Fidel is a man who was loved by the world for his ability to stay true to his ideas in the most hopeless situation. It was the last of the planet, in the highest sense of the word, as a representative of the people who dared alone, having received the full support of the majority of Cubans.

Looking at the American empire today, you can say: "The Moor has done his job, the Moor can go."

The events of last Monday would be enough to make you think that something is wrong with the outgoing year. in Ankara former employee police, shouting for revenge for Aleppo, killed the Russian ambassador, on the same day in Berlin a truck drove into a crowd of people - 12 people were killed, fifty were injured, then unknown people fired at the Islamic center in Zurich. But that's not all that happened in 2016, and in in social networks, in the headlines of the world media for more than a day they have been asking the question: is this not the worst year in history?

The last edition of the popular American TV show in 2016 ended with shouts of "To hell with 2016!" (in the original, the phrase sounded ruder) and a video with exploding numbers "2016". One of the oldest publications in the United States, The Atlantic, also recently released an article under the heading "To hell with 2016!", And earlier on Amazon, a book of the same name appeared on the cover of which also says "Remembering the worst year in history." In people make publications in the spirit of "I am at the beginning of the year" and "I am at the end of the year": among the popular ones, for example, photos with actor Leonardo DiCaprio from Titanic and with him - but in the role of the hero of "Survivor", or a photo balloon deflated by the end of the year.

resignation virus

For America, which this year received a completely different president than the majority voted for, survived the tragedy in Orlando, during which 49 people died, and lost two legends of the music scene, the slogan "To hell with 2016" has become quite natural. But the rest of the world also has something to remember about the "worst year in history."

In 2016, the obscure and no less frightening Zika virus came to the place of Ebola, which left the top world fears, the passions with which slowly subsided. Because of him, a number of athletes even refused to go to the Olympics in Rio, which is also difficult to call pleasant events in 2016. The situation in Brazil by the time of the Games had already been called explosive for half a year - it was about the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, and the authorities declared a state of emergency in the financial sector. Russian athletes were not allowed at all due to suspicions of doping.

As for the Brazilian president, she was nevertheless dismissed, after the Olympics - at the end of August. Not the most frequent procedure this year was launched or tried to be launched against the heads of several states at once. So, in October, the Venezuelan parliament supported the impeachment of President Nicolas Maduro, and in November they tried to announce impeachment, and on December 9, parliament South Korea voted to impeach President Park Geun-hye.

Year of terror

But these events can be called unpleasant or even neutral, this is not the worst thing that happened in a year. The word "terrorist attack" has become almost symbolic over the year - more than 30 incidents that can be qualified as terrorist attacks have shaken the world since the beginning of 2016. More than 60 people were killed by Boko Haram militants in Nigeria in January, and almost the same number were killed in a series of explosions in southern Damascus. This was followed by terrorist attacks in Europe: Brussels, Nice, Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvre in Normandy, Berlin.

In addition to the terrorist attacks, Turkey was faced with an attempted coup d'etat and subsequent repressive measures by the incumbent president and tense relations with a number of countries, including Russia, the trail of a quarrel with which has been going on since November 2015, when the Turkish military shot down a Russian plane near the border with Syria.

Everything is excluded

In Russia, the mood at the end of 2016 can hardly be called optimistic either. In mid-December, the m fund polled the Russians and found out that this year did not meet the expectations of 40% of the respondents, only 18% of the respondents spoke about their hopes being justified. Disappointment with the events of this year is easy to explain - the year was really not very successful. Take, for example, the dismal performance of the Russian team at the European Football Championship and the closed route to Rio for athletes. Statements about a new normality and endless groping for the bottom of the crisis were joined this year by the revelation of the prime minister "There is no money. Hold on there", which he certainly did not raise the degree of optimism. True, by December he changed his mind and declared that he still had money, but, apparently, the first statement on this matter had a much greater effect. In September, elections awaited the country, which were ignored by half the country, even more, and in the case of St. Petersburg, the turnout in general hardly exceeded 30%. And, of course, sanctions, as well as the food embargo, which is less mentioned on the news broadcast of federal channels, but more noticeable on store shelves.

At the end of the year, there were no exclamations about 2016, but the general mood still made itself felt, even the usually teeming with kindness New Year's advertising looked a little different this year. For example, the Moscow Credit Bank showed a video in which Father Frost kidnaps and drags a woman who has worked hard all year. Everything ends well, but instead of the usual touching and sugary pre-New Year's video, it turned out to be more like a video in the spirit of rather gloomy films by Lars Von Trier. And in mid-December, the activists put up their pre-New Year "advertising". On the posters that appeared in the cars, one could see politicians and officials in Santa Claus costumes and slogans reminiscent of real advertising. So, on the poster with the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, they placed the inscription "Travel: now only in dreams!", next to Vladimir Putin - "Patriotic tariff: We are silent at home!", And the Minister of Health appeared next to the slogan "Pay or die."

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Invites its readers to familiarize themselves with a selection of the most high-profile and significant phenomena of the outgoing year.

The fight against ISIS (DAISH)* in Syria

In Syria, the fight against the militants of the group "Islamic state" continues. In February, it became known that a stabilization fund would be created to provide humanitarian assistance to the population of Iraq and Syria. Representatives of 23 countries of the "small group" of the international coalition against ISIS (Daesh) - Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Egypt, Germany, Jordan, Iraq, Spain, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, the United States, Turkey, France, and Sweden have reaffirmed all their commitments to step up efforts to combat terrorists in all areas, including by cutting off terrorist financing channels.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in a telephone conversation with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, supported the Russian-American initiative to establish a truce and confirmed that the Syrian authorities are ready to contribute to its implementation.

The cessation of hostilities between government forces and opposition militias in Syria came into force at 00:00 Damascus time (04:00 Astana time) on February 27. An hour before the truce, the UN Security Council passed a resolution supporting the cessation of hostilities in Syria.

So, on March 8, about 300 more people laid down their arms and supported the ceasefire in Syria, but the established truce was constantly violated.

At the same time, the UN said that there was no "Plan B" to stop civil war in Syria, apart from inter-Syrian peace talks in Geneva, there are no.

In March, Putin ordered the withdrawal of the main Russian forces from Syria to begin on March 15. He stated that he considers the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense fulfilled. Putin hopes that the beginning of the withdrawal of Russian troops from Syria will be a good stimulus for the negotiation process of the political forces of this country.

Later it became known that Putin and Turkish leader Erdogan agreed to invite the conflicting parties in Syria - government troops and the armed opposition - to conduct a new stage of negotiations.

*ISIL (DAISH) is a terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

UK exit from the European Union

Political uncertainty provoked an outflow of capital from the UK, which for the first time in seven years dropped out of the top five countries most attractive to investors, experts at Ernst & Young calculated. Since the summer of 2016, the kingdom's economy has lost about 45 percent of all foreign investment.

The heads of the largest banks in the UK are exploring the possibility of leaving the country in early 2017 due to the risks that may arise as a result of the launch of the exit procedure from the EU (Brexit).

Attack in Nice

A terrible tragedy on July 15 in Nice during the national holiday of France. The truck crashed into a crowd of people who had come to watch the fireworks on the Promenade des Anglais. It was reported that the mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, claimed that the driver's actions were deliberate - he fired several shots into the crowd, more than 30 bullet holes were found in the windshield of the truck. The driver was shot dead by the police.

More than 80 people were killed, in addition, the media reported about 100 injured. According to unofficial police reports, "whole families were killed" during the attack. Among the dead were four - residents of Pavlodar Panchenko Lyubov (1956), Panchenko Marina (1983), Panchenko Silvia (2013) and a teacher of the Russian school in Antwerp Otto Natalya (1959).

The Daily Mail reported that the terrorist group ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in Nice.

Internet users around the world expressed their condolences French people. People colored their social media profile photos with the French tricolor. On July 15, the hashtag #PrayForNice became the main one on the Web.

Earthquake in Italy

Since August 2016, many have been worried about the fate of the Italians. An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 in the mountainous regions of central Italy on the night of August 24. The epicenter was located 113 kilometers northeast of Rome. Approximately 280 people died, most of whom were residents of Amatrice. In the village, 75 percent of the buildings were destroyed, the survivors became uninhabitable. The consequences of the disaster were eliminated within a few weeks.

The next tremors were not long in coming. A powerful earthquake was recorded on October 27. The second wave of fluctuations passed in a few hours, and the third with a maximum magnitude of 6.5 points - on October 30th. The number of homeless in Italy, according to preliminary data, may reach 100 thousand people.

United States presidential election

One of the memorable events of 2016 was the president in the United States. The race for the position of head of state was turned into a spectacular show, which was watched all over the world. The presidential election took place on November 8 (November 9, Astana time). The procedure for their formal electoral vote took place on December 19, and on January 6, 2017, Congress will approve its results. The inauguration is scheduled for January 20, when the President-elect of the United States will take office.

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump were the top candidates for the presidency. As a result of voting, Donald Trump won the presidential election, who was in the lead in a number of key states, stepping over the threshold of electoral votes necessary to win the elections on this indicator.

Excitement in OPEC

For the first time in eight years, the countries of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) have reached to reduce oil production to 32.5 million barrels per day. OPEC leader Saudi Arabia for a long time could not come to an agreement on the size of the oil "freeze" for Iran.

On November 30, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries at a meeting in Vienna came to an agreement to reduce oil production from January 1, 2017. President of the organization, Minister of Energy and Industry of Qatar Mohammed bin Saleh al-Sada at a press conference said that oil production is reduced by 1.2 million barrels per day, to 32.5 million. On November 30, the cost of a futures contract for Brent crude oil for February 2017 delivery during trading on the ICE exchange in London rose by 7.9 percent to $51.7 per barrel.

Terror attack in Istanbul

On December 11, in the Besiktas district of Istanbul, two bombs planted in cars near the Vodafone Arena stadium. Turkish Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu called it likely that one of the explosions was a suicide bomber. The President of the country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said that the explosions were planned so that the number of victims was as high as possible, and he also canceled his visit to Kazakhstan in connection with the incident.

The attack killed 44 people. More than 150 people remained in hospitals, some of them in serious condition.

Assassination of Russian Ambassador to Turkey

On December 19, an assassination attempt was made on the life of the Russian ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov, in the gallery of modern art in Ankara, where the opening of the photo exhibition "Russia through the eyes of the Turks" took place. At some point during the ambassador's speech, a young man standing behind him drew a pistol and fired several shots at the diplomat. Local publications reported that the suspect shot the diplomat 11 times. As a result, the ambassador received eight bullet wounds. Andrey Karlov in the hospital.

In Russia, the incident was qualified as a terrorist act.

Later it became known that the alleged killer of Andrei Karlov during the rally took part in the protection of the embassy Russian Federation in Ankara.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said earlier that the country's authorities decided to name the street in Ankara, where the building of the Russian embassy is located, after Andrey Karlov.

Also in 2016, large-scale sports competitions took place. The world followed the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and the European Football Championship.

Olympic Games 2016

Summer 2016 was held from 5 to 21 August in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A record number of 306 sets of medals were played at the competition, a record number of countries took part - 206, including Kosovo and South Sudan for the first time.

The Olympic Games in Rio gave the sports world four bright and grandiose achievements. Two of them belong to real sports heroes from the USA. Kathy Ledecky has won four golds and one silver in America's signature sport, swimming. Unexpectedly, everyone was fascinated by four "gold" and one "bronze" of the dark-skinned American rhythmic gymnast Simone Biles. And yet the Olympic Games in Brazil will remain the Games of two people - swimmer Michael Phelps and track and field athlete Usain Bolt.

Phelps, winning five heats, became a 23-time Olympic champion - an unprecedented feat in the history of world sports. It has become a brilliant, great decoration of the Olympic sport and a symbol of US victories. Following Phelps, Usain Bolt inscribed his name in golden letters in the history of Olympism. Now the eight-time Olympic champion from Jamaica is forever the favorite of the entire planet, perhaps his victories were the most beautiful.

Kazakhstan finished the Games with 17 medals, finishing 22nd in the medal standings. Athletes won three gold medals, five silver and nine bronze medals.

Euro 2016

Football 2016 was held from June 10 to July 10, 2016. Of the 54 teams, 24 teams made it to the finals.

On July 10, the final game of the tournament took place, in which the Portuguese won in extra time with a score of 1:0. The Portuguese national team won the tournament for the first time in history. The Portuguese national team set a kind of record by winning only one match in regular time during the entire tournament. In addition, the Portuguese qualified for the playoffs from the group only from third place thanks to the new rules, scoring only three points in the group stage.

On July 11, 2016, the UEFA technical group determined the symbolic team of the tournament, consisting of the 11 best players at the end of the championship. UEFA also named the best player of the tournament, it was the striker of the French team Antoine Griezmann.

Published: December 26, 2016 at 5:31 pm

The year 2016 was remembered by Russians for both good and bad news occasions. the site recalled and highlighted the key events in Russia and the world of the outgoing year, which changed the political, economic and social situation, and also simply turned out to be significant for the inhabitants of our country.


Photo: newstes.ru

All-Russian elections of deputies of the State Duma

This year a significant event for the political life of the country took place. In a single in Russia (September 18) passed over 5.3 thousand choices different levels. In 38 subjects of the country, the Russians have elected about 40,000 government officials.

The largest elections of recent years were distinguished by a number of features: for example, the introduction mixed electoral system in 35 regions of the country, by lowering the minimum vote threshold from 7% to 5%, the opportunity to vote "against all" in federal elections, and the absence of a turnout threshold.

Speaking of voter turnout. It amounted to 47.84% - this is the lowest figure in the history of post-Soviet Russia.

Election of a new President of the United States

Photo: kapital-rus.ru / lepoca.org

One of the most important world political events of the year, which attracted everyone's attention, was the election of a new US president. Republican Donald Trump, who won the difficult fight against Democrat Hillary Clinton, will become the full owner of the White House in January 2017.

The people of Russia had their own reasons to “root” for Trump, because he promised to stop the anti-Russian policy, establish friendly contacts with Putin and recognize the right of the Russian Federation to Crimea.

Death of the King of Thailand and Cuban leader Fidel Castro

The death of the 88-year-old king or Rama IX, the longest-reigning monarch on earth, became a huge grief not only for the Thais, but also for the inhabitants of many countries.

He headed the state for 70 years, inheriting the throne June 9, 1946. During the years of his reign, the monarch adopted 18 constitutions and managed to stay in power after 19 coups.

At the end of November this year, the only son of the king and heir to the throne, 64-year-old monarch Maha Vajiralongkorn, was invited to take the throne during a special session. What will be the political line of the new ruler is still unknown.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Igor Gavrilov

On November 25, the world lost another great leader - 90-year-old Cuban leader Fidel Castro.

Castro led the Cuban revolution from 1953, and after it ended, in 1959, he took over as head of the government of Liberty Island. For 30 years he was chairman of the State Council of the National Assembly and the Council of Ministers. During this time, more than 600 attempts were made on his life. With the death of Castro, an entire era has gone.

Also this year, the world has lost several more well-known politicians - the President of Uzbekistan died on September 2 78-year-old Islam Karimov, November 20 - 90-year-old ex-president of Greece Konstantinos Stephanopoulos, and in early October, at the age of 87, the first president of independent Slovakia, Michal Kovacs, died.

Going through hardships: the promised European integration and visa-free regime for Ukraine

Some media have already dubbed European integration Ukraine"failure of the outgoing year."

Despite the fact that in early April a referendum on Ukraine's accession to the European Union was held, according to the results of the popular vote, about 64% of voters, among them representatives of the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. Most of them explained the refusal by corruption in the country, unwillingness to sponsor the war and restrain the flow of uncontrolled labor migration.

In addition, Ukraine was never given visa-free regimeco Schengen countries, because France and Germany opposed the initiative. Consideration of this issue was postponed until April next year.


The fight against ISIS by the Russian and Syrian armies

Photo: Ystav.com

Even this year, our servicemen, together with the military of Syria, risking their lives, ensured the protection of the inhabitants of all countries from militants.

As Ria.ru experts calculated, during the year of the operation in the SAR, the government army, with the support of the Russian Aerospace Forces, destroyed approximately 30 thousand terrorist facilities and seven thousand militants, liberated more than two thousand cities and villages (for the entire time of the anti-terrorist operation - 12 thousand square meters territory), sent hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid to local residents, and also persuaded dozens of terrorist groups to abandon further military action.

Unfortunately, against the backdrop of brilliant military victories, there were also bitter combat losses.

For example, in the province of Idlib, a military transport was shot down, delivering food and medicine to the inhabitants of Aleppo. As a result, they died three crew members and two officers Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria.

In addition, a Su-24 aircraft and a Night Hunter helicopter were destroyed. A July 8 east of Palmyra, ISIS terrorists (banned in the Russian Federation) shot down.

The last tragedy occurred on December 25th. The plane of the Russian Defense Ministry with 92 people on board (8 crew members and 84 passengers) disappeared from radar 2 minutes after taking off from Adler airport in Sochi. The aircraft was on its way to Syrian Latakia to wish Happy New Year to the air group of the Russian Aerospace Forces at the Khmeimim air base. There is no information about survivors.

Nuclear tests of North Korea

Photo: bloknot.ru

This year, the DPRK, despite the protests of European countries, launched ballistic missiles, conducted hydrogen bomb tests and nuclear weapons, brought on full alert by order of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The head of the DPRK says he wanted to protect his people from the "attack" of South Korea and the United States, which this year held the largest joint military exercises.

Kim Jong-un's "hysteria" did not go unnoticed: the UN Security Council unanimously decided impose "toughest sanctions in 20 years" against North Korea, which provide for mandatory inspection of exported and imported goods, a ban on the sale and supply of small arms and light weapons.


Dollar and euro fluctuations

On January 22 this year, the dollar exchange rate on the Moscow Exchange updated its historical maximum since December 2014, reaching 83.6 rubles. On the same day, the euro exceeded 91 rubles.

Currency jumps were explained by sharp changes in oil prices. To stabilize the situation on the oil market (and at the same time reduce the production of “black gold”, which reached record levels in September), on September 28, OPEC representatives for the first time in eight years decided to reduce oil production to 32.5 million barrels per day.

Despite the economic fluctuations at the beginning of the year, the situation has now more or less leveled off: according to Rosstat, prices for many goods have increased by only 3.5% since last year. No more sharp drops and jumps in exchange rates.

"Panama Scandal" and allegations of corruption

Photo: Fotolia/ Olivier Le Moal

In April many Russians were shocked by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalism about the scale of the “shadow economy”, which involves leading world politicians, businessmen and celebrities. It was pointed out that the path of the offshore chain started in Panama, went through Russia, Switzerland and ended in Cyprus.

According to the consortium, "Putin's entourage" allegedly withdrew about $2 billion from Russia through a network of banks and shadow companies. The Kremlin called the information "slander" and "stuffing" and noted that the report was poorly supported by facts.

Also, many Russians were unpleasantly surprised by the allegations of corruption against a number of high-ranking officials.

So, on November 14, the head of the Ministry of Economic Development was caught red-handed while receiving two million dollars for a positive assessment issued by the department, which allowed PJSC NK Rosneft to buy a 50% stake in PJSC ANK Bashneft.

Minister also suspected of extortion bribes, coupled with threats to representatives of Rosneft.

No less “loud” was the publication by the Anti-Corruption Foundation of Alexei Navalny of an investigative film against family members of the Russian Prosecutor General, who are accused of creating a number of corruption criminal schemes.

It is noted that the son of the Prosecutor General Artem Chaika invested in the reconstruction of a hotel on the Greek peninsula of Chalkidiki from 25 to 29 million euros, which, according to the authors of the film, he acquired illegally together with his father, his friends and subordinates.

Chaika himself called the material "custom-made", the main purpose of which is to discredit the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

On December 8, on suspicion of taking a bribe of 100 million rubles, together with two intermediaries (businessmen Konstantin Marchenkov and Sergey Zinovenko), the head of the internal security department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-Western federal district.

The investigation believes that Timchenko promised to facilitate the removal of the arrest from settlement accounts and the termination of the criminal case against the company for a fee. "Business Line".

Extension of anti-Russian sanctions

Photo: AP Photo/ Virginia Mayo

Due to the situation in Ukraine, the EU Council extended the economic sanctions imposed in 2015 against 146 citizens and 37 legal entities of Russia until March 2017.

America also did not stand aside: restrictive measures were extended by Barack Obama for an indefinite period.

According to the decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the list individuals out of 347 people (since 2015) this year replenished with 335 surnames. And to the 104 Russian organizations that fell under the sanctions 167 more companies added, according to the newspaper "Izvestia".

Introduced and expanded personal sanctions against Russians, including deputies, Switzerland and Canada.

In response, President Vladimir Putin extended Russia's food embargo before January 1, 2018, suspended the agreement with the United States on the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium and included ex-US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul in the "black list".


Suspension from the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and "departure" from the European Football Championship

Photo: ERA

About 110 Russians out of 387 did not get to the Olympic Games, which have become, probably, the most scandalous in the history of Russia. Due to the doping scandal, athletes in light (67) and weightlifting (8), in rowing (24 ) and rowing and canoeing (6), wrestling (1), cycling (3) and modern pentathlon (1), writes Оlympteka.ru.

The Russian Paralympic athletes in full force were suspended not only from the Summer Olympics, but also from the 2018 Winter Games.

Nevertheless, the year turned out to be quite successful for the Russians. The Russian team took an honorable fourth place in the medal standings of the Olympics, winning a total of 56 awards - 19 gold, 18 silver and 19 bronze.

Among the winners were representatives of the Angara region: a bronze medal in freestyle wrestling Angarsk woman won Ekaterina Bukina.

Also one of the main sporting events of the year was european football championship. True, most fans remember it not so much for the first ever victory of the Portuguese national team, but for the scandal surrounding two players of the Russian national football team. Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev noted the shameful defeat of our team at the European Championship (the team took last place in the group with a result of only one point in three matches played) champagne for 250 thousand euros in one of the elite clubs of Monte Carlo.

After that, more than 600 thousand fans signed a petition demanding the dissolution of the Russian national football team. Fortunately, passions soon subsided.

Despite some excesses, this year our footballers played 12 matches, which resulted in three wins, six losses and three draws.

The most scandalous trials in Russia

Trial of Savchenko

Photo: GettyImages

Loudest trial, to which the attention of the entire world community was riveted, is the case of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Batkivshchyna party Hope Savchenko. On March 22, the Donetsk City Court of the Rostov Region sentenced her to 22 years in prison, finding her involved in the death of Russian VGTRK journalists Igor Kornelyuk and Anton Voloshin in Donbass, in the attempted murder of civilians (they were fired upon from artillery pieces) and in illegally crossing the Russian border.

However, just two months later, on May 25, Vladimir Putin signed pardon decree convict.

On the same day took place exchange Savchenko on the Russians Yevgeny Erofeev and Alexander Alexandrov, who were pardoned by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

Races of the son of the president of Lukoil

Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

In October, the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow issued guilty verdicts in the scandalous case of a Gelandewagen race involving the 20-year-old son of Luikoil Vice President Ruslan Shamsuarov, who, on May 23, together with his friends, arranged a high-speed race around Moscow on Mercedes Gelandewagen.

Drunk company broadcast on Periscope video, on which she tries to escape from six police carriages at high speed, crossing solid roads and driving onto sidewalks and lawns.

Despite the fact that the prosecutor's office demanded that the young people be sentenced to two years and a month in prison, the defendants (Ruslan and his comrade Viktor Uskov) received 300 hours of compulsory work. Mercedes-Benz Gelandewagen was seized in favor of the state.

The third participant in the race, who was driving an SUV, Abduvakhob Majidov, was acquitted.

The release of the culprit of the resonant accident Yulia Kiseleva

Photo: Kirill Faleev

The story that happened in Irkutsk this year can also be attributed to high-profile scandals. Residents of the city were outraged by the too “mild” sentence of the deputy’s daughter, who July 27, 2015 was responsible for the fatal accident. Two people died in the accident.

On March 3, the 77-year-old Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia (“Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”, “12 Chairs”, “This Cheerful Planet”, “Pokrovsky Gates”) died.

The 91-year-old actor, a veteran of World War II, also died, best known to viewers for his roles in the films The Naked Gun, Airport and Cold Blooded Luke. He also received Oscar for a supporting role in the drama Cold Blooded Luke.

On January 26, at the age of 94, an American actor died, who became best known to a wide audience after playing the role of mafia Salvatore Tessio in the crime gangster drama The Godfather in 1972. In total, the filmography of the actor was about 94 films and serials.

In November, in Rostov-on-Don, during a tour in the 87th year, the "Solar Clown", People's Artist of the USSR, died. Watching his cheerful performances, more than one generation of Soviet and Russian children has grown up. He was awarded the title of "Legend of the Circus", and also won numerous awards.

In the world of sports there were also many significant losses.

Photo: Reuters

So, in June, at the age of 75, the legendary American boxer died - an absolute world heavyweight champion, one of the most famous and recognizable boxers in the history of the sport.

The two-time Russian boxing champion, silver medalist of the World and European Championships, World Cup winner died at the age of 37. Romanchuk had the rank of master of sports of international class in kickboxing, two gold and three silver medals of the Russian championship, silver and bronze medals of the World Cup.

Died in June one of the most famous MMA fighters, 42-year-old professional taekwondo fighter and. Slice made his first professional appearance in 2007 at the Cage Fury Fighting Championships. Many fans will remember him for his fight with Bo Cantrell, whom he knocked out in just 19 seconds.

Unfortunately, these lists can go on and on.

However, in addition to bitter losses for the whole world, there were many pleasant events, and, first of all, in the world of cinema.

Most Unexpected Nobel Prize Winner


It was a pleasant surprise to learn that the singer-songwriter, writer, and film actor received the Literature Award for "Creating Poetic Imagery in the Great American Song Tradition." Similar premium was first awarded to a rock musician.

The most anticipated Oscars

Photo: REUTERS/ Mario Anzuoni

This year, the presentation of the main cinematic award in the United States has become, perhaps, one of the most discussed topics and the reason for the creation of numerous Internet memes. Most of all, users were worried about, whose talent the members of the film academy commission did not appreciate in previous years.

Prior to this, many media, including Fishki.net, even began to compile lists of films for which the Hollywood actor never received an Oscar. Among them are What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo + Juliet, Titanic, The Aviator, The Departed, Shutter Island, The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wall Street and others. However, this year the coveted award (for the best male role in the film "The Revenant") still ended up in the hands of the actor.

In addition to DiCaprio, the most long-awaited "Oscar" was awarded to the famous Chinese actor, stuntman, martial artist and director ("For outstanding achievements in cinema"). During his career, the actor starred in approximately 114 films, among them "Drunken Master", "Shanghai Knights", "Armor of God", "Around the World in 80 Days" and others.

Celebrities who became "new Russians"

Photo: vladtime.ru

American producer, action hero and martial artist received Russian citizenship this year Steven Seagal, Brazilian defender of CSKA Moscow Mario Fernandez, Brazilian midfielder of Krasnodar Joaozinho and the goalkeeper of the Moscow Lokomotiv Marinato Alvim Guilherme, as well as the head coach of the Russian national judo team Ezio Gamba, defender of the German "Schalke" Roman Neustadter, Ukrainian, winner of intellectual TV games Anatoly Wasserman, Soviet-American artist, writer Yuri Cooper(Cooperman), etc.

The desire to get a Russian passport in the future was expressed by the vocalist of the American band Limp Bizkit Fred Durst, Italian actress Ornella Muti, 72-year-old American actor, director and producer Robert DeNiro, Brazilian midfielder of the Zenit football club Jose Mauricio and Brazilian striker Marques Maicon.

Photo: http://fooz.ru

Unfortunately, this year has become difficult for Russians in many areas, there have been many tragedies, the latest being the crash of a TU-154 aircraft in Sochi, as well as the mass poisoning of Irkutsk residents with Hawthorn (the largest in history modern Russia), which killed 76 people.

It is to be hoped that in next year in the world and in Russia there will be more pleasant events and less bitter losses.

Natalia Smolyaninova, website

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