A decent girl through the eyes of men. Ideal guy: what should he be? Housekeeping, the ability to cook delicious food

Who is she - the most ideal that men choose for themselves? A man instantly determines what he likes in a woman. About all the other ideals of a woman, a man understands in the process of further communication.

  • Breast

Don't think about breast augmentation. For men, we like the natural size of this part of the body. The ideal chest of a girl through the eyes of men should be elastic. The rest is trifles. If you have a complex about the size, then buy a bra with a special lining.

  • female nose

Men themselves have not decided which nose they like best. For this reason, any female nose has the right to be (considered) perfect.

  • Legs

There should be no cellulite and hair on the legs. The length of the legs is a secondary indicator that has "outgrown" into a stereotype.

  • female lips

Men adore plump, plump lips, painted with some delicious (fruity) gloss.

  • Waist

Breaking stereotypes! Not all men like skinny girls with super flat tummy. So you can not starve and not exhaust yourself with the most severe diets.

  • female hair

Length (as well as color) is an individual matter. And the fact that male personalities prefer blondes is not always true.

  • eye color

There is no need to talk about the "size" of the eyes, because it is already clear that men love "big-eyed" girls. They are afraid of the green-eyed (apparently they have read the relevant literature). They like brown-eyed beauties!

See photos of ideal girls through the eyes of Russian men





Portrait of a perfect girl through the eyes of foreigners

Research and findings of scientists from Britain

Researchers from Britain also compiled a portrait of the ideal girl (woman), based on surveys of the male half of humanity.

As a result, it turned out:

Her nose should be like Samantha Cameron's.

The eyes of the ideal girl should be very similar to the eyes of Nicole Scherzinger.

Hair - Katherine Jenkins.

The favorite figure of a woman is the figure of Beyoncé.

Sociologists have done an interesting study

The results showed that men see the “ideal” of their companion in the appearance of a blue-eyed blonde. She should have an apartment and a job.

We've just compiled some honest portraits of the perfect woman. Now it's time to digress a little from the external characteristics.

It doesn't matter to a man whether she is an exemplary hostess

More importantly - "professionalism" in bed and love for nature, animals.

A complete ban applies to smoking. Partial refers to the use of alcoholic beverages (there is nothing wrong with the fact that the girl will sometimes drink in the company).

You should never "get" into the past of your dear man!

He will tell you everything himself, if he sees fit! Ideal girls are obliged to respect the desire of a man to remain silent about what he wants.

The ideal girl in the eyes of men is the one who will not actively oppose the "bachelor parties". On the contrary, she will approve the desire of her fiancé to take a good walk and unwind before the upcoming wedding celebration.

Attention! Now you will be very surprised!

Men have turned the world upside down for the sake of that person who loves kebabs and meat in any other form. They are wary of vegetarians. As for those who do not take care of their teeth at all.

Men appreciate mystery (mystery) and "magnetism" in a girl

Therefore, they "attribute" to ideal people those girls who possess these qualities.

Do men like false long nails of a girl? - Certainly!

If everything else is fine! There are men who love to watch the process of nail extension itself.

What needs to be done to become close to the ideal?

Watch and remember:

  • Earn no more (better - less) of your man

He'll be humiliated by what you get more money than he. Sacrifice a lot of money for him (if you think he is worthy of such "sacrifices"). Just please don't lie to your loved one. Do not hide information about how much you actually earn.

  • Go outside without makeup on your face

Prove that you like yourself no less without lipstick than with her presence! It is important for a man that you yourself believe that you are pretty (beautiful) and attractive. How to respond to compliments "coming" from a man? Pretend to be embarrassed and smile (looking directly into his eyes).

  • go in for sports

Do it at home if you don't have time or opportunity to go to any gyms. A man can also “stretch” after you so that you begin to be proud of him. Appreciate such a great aspiration! Show how much you appreciate him. The coolest option is a joint “journey” to training.

  • Show your loved one that you can be frugal (at least for a period of time)

The man will be incredibly shocked. Smile in response to his reaction and be proud of yourself! Not every woman will be able to refuse any purchases and shopping!

  • Go with a man to football or hockey

Do not prevent him from enjoying a sports game if he is a fan of such "cases". Be smart smart! You can! After all, you are doing this for the sake of a loved one .... He will definitely notice and appreciate it! He may even agree to go with you to a concert of your favorite band (despite the fact that many of your musical tastes are fundamentally different).

  • Tell your loved one that you often think about him

Say that you love him very much, that you miss him when you don’t see each other for a long time. Then you will often hear compliments about your ideality.

  • Do not whine and do not complain about all sorts of trifles!

Men are used to the fact that only women can act as a “quality vest”. Forgive your loved ones such a ridiculous delusion! Remember that they also forgave you and forgave a lot. Men are a little different people. And they can not be made the way women want to see them!

If your man is almost impossible to please...

Don't try if it doesn't work (despite your best efforts). Let him look for another! Then he will regret that he did not appreciate you. Let him try to get you back! Return or not? - Think for yourself. The decision is your personal right. Use it however you wish.

Do not miss. . .

The perfect portrait...

Women's standard ... -

Actual… —

Design your forms...

It is known that most men consider the ideal woman to be the one who looks like their mother. Such a woman cooks well, takes care of the family, takes care of her husband. Also, the list of requirements for such an ideal includes: understanding, kindness, modesty, wisdom, patience, care, tenderness.

In the question of the temperament of the ideal woman, the opinions of men differ. Some men like girls who are calm and quiet; others, on the contrary, choose emotional and passionate ones.

It is worth noting that the ideal of a mistress and the ideal of a wife in the eyes of men are different. First of all, they want to see such qualities as: external attractiveness, emotional and sexual emancipation, tenderness, sensuality, cheerful disposition, fidelity.

While in the status of a spouse, men hope to meet a woman who will give birth to healthy children, will be engaged in their upbringing and conduct household generally. The qualities of a spouse include: fidelity, physical and mental health, attractive appearance, sensitivity, caring, understanding. That is, an ideal wife should create an atmosphere of comfort and happiness in the house, love and take care of her husband, respect his opinion and understand.

Qualities of an ideal woman

IN general idea the ideal woman should lead a healthy lifestyle, be educated, have Good work. With such a woman, a man is interested, he sees a personality in her, respects her and trusts her opinion.

Men like purposeful and independent women. It is known that the hunting instinct of a man dictates to him to conquer, to achieve, to perform feats, to protect his other half. Therefore, the ideal woman should not be stronger and more successful than a man in any area: sports, career, social position.

It is also worth noting that the ideal woman always supports a man, gives him strength, raises his self-esteem. The ideal of a woman recognizes the right of a man to make a mistake, gives him the opportunity to have an opinion different from her point of view. Thus, causeless jealousy, conflict, long boring conversations are the enemies of women striving for the ideal in the eyes of men.

The ideal woman should be feminine and charming. However, most men are owners, and therefore they are categorically unpleasant for the attention of other men to their woman. For such a man, it is important to know that a woman will love only him alone forever; that she chose her man as the best of all the rest, which means that her attention should be given only to him. Other men, on the contrary, are pleased with the attention of others to his woman. So he asserts himself, proud of what he did right choice companions.

- Appearance of the perfect girl
— The character of the ideal girl
— Feminine perfection through the eyes of a man
- 4 signs of a perfect woman
- What qualities should you have? perfect girl
- A girl without flaws through the eyes of a guy: 10 stereotypes
- Conclusion

According to men, the ideal girl cannot but be beautiful, since nature endowed her with a good figure, a pretty face, clear skin and thick luxurious hair, and the ideal woman herself learned to take good care of her body and emphasize the dignity of her appearance. Such a girl, according to men, must go in for sports and eat right in order to maintain a slender body and a young, flowering appearance for a long time.

Since the ideal girl is naturally beautiful, she does not need to put on too bright and defiant makeup, so she either does not use makeup at all, or wears makeup in moderation. Her hair is below shoulder length and natural color, because, according to men, a girl, dyeing hair in blue, red, purple and other "unnatural" colors, too eccentric to be perfect. And of course, there are no tattoos on the body of an ideal girl.

The ideal representative of the beautiful half of humanity dresses feminine and tasteful, but by no means defiant. And to put on beautiful dresses a girl should not only go out to people, but also at home to please her man with a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.
And of course, the ideal girl never forgets about the rules of hygiene: her hair is always clean and shiny, her fingers and toes are neatly manicured and pedicured, and her clothes are neat.

— Feminine perfection through the eyes of a man

No, of course, the ideal is something so dreamy and non-existent. However, there are a number of qualities that a woman must possess in order for her man to call her ideal.

1) This girl does not look like a long-legged model, her face is unlikely to be chosen for the cover of any fashion magazine. But there is something in her appearance that attracts, arouses interest, calms, and often causes senseless happiness to look at her. The ideal girl won't go overboard with makeup, won't go overboard with clothes, and won't let men stare at her charms.

2) Nobody forbids girls to be smarter than men, on the contrary. The ideal girl can support the conversation about the philosophical reflections of Hegel and the poems of Spartacus, supplementing with phrases from the Iliad, ending with Shakespeare with an admixture of Freud (how could it be without him). Even many men will not be able to quote their works so freely, and the girl will raise both her reputation and her man. And if God gave the mind, then she simply must get a higher education.

3) We all know that modern girls are capricious and unfaithful. The ideal girl does not want to be like everyone else, so she does not make scandals over trifles. She does not give ultimatums in the style: “If you don’t buy me this watch, I will be offended by you.” She does not take out her anger at her husband because the boss called her a chicken. And he does not cheat on his beloved with another man simply because “I could not resist the scent of his deodorant.”

So, the ideal girl is a kind of manifestation of the weak half of humanity, which does not cause any negative feelings, is pretty, good in bed, smart, unpretentious, stable.

- 4 signs of a perfect woman

1) Beauty.
The first and most important thing that a man pays attention to is the appearance of a woman. Meet by clothes. Therefore, in order to become an ideal woman for a man, you need to take care of your appearance. Start taking care of yourself, cleanliness and a pleasant smell. A well-groomed outwardly woman will attract the attention of more men.

2) Sincere smile.
The ideal woman knows how to smile beautifully and sincerely. The sullenness and fatigue on the face will not attract the attention of a man.

Therefore, train in front of the mirror to smile beautifully, and most importantly, sincerely from the bottom of your heart. Even if you are not naturally very beautiful in appearance, a smile will attract more attention than women without a smile with a beautiful appearance.

3) A woman who does not work.
According to real, developed men, the ideal woman is the one who does not go to work, but gives all her energy and love to her beloved man. Then the man has more strength and motivation to earn 2-3 times more so that his woman does not work and continues to give her love, attention and strength to the man, and not to work. Independent and strong women attract weak men who have no job.

4) Ability to control yourself.
The ideal woman is one who does not scream at all or not as often as many women. Remember that men are psychologically much weaker than women and are highly dependent on their emotions. try negative emotions not to express to a loved one, but to let them go in another direction, send them to work around the house or just take a walk in the forest and shout. A calm woman is the most ideal.

What qualities should an ideal girl have?

1) The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl unless he feels sexually attracted to her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

2) The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should have sex with only one guy in her whole life, and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, it's not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for her life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time.

3) The ideal girl should develop and not be led by the guy's money.
She doesn't have to make a lot of money. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.

4) An ideal girl should think about her health, and the health of her future children.
Now a lot of guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. Well, well, her health is not important to her, but the children, but what about them?

5) The ideal girl should understand and support a man.
When a guy wants to do something, sometimes he himself is not even sure that he will succeed, it is very important that in difficult times a loved one believes in him.

- A girl without flaws through the eyes of a guy: 10 stereotypes

1) Always made up.
There is a legend that guys are crazy about girls who wear makeup, even if they need to go to the store for bread. Many guys, on the contrary, complain that girls leave traces of foundation on their shirts and look like dolls. Be natural. True, this does not mean that you do not need to do a make-up at all. Just know the measure.

2) Selects the studs.
Everything is good in moderation and at the right time. Well, what kind of girl will go for a walk in the park in 10-centimeter stilettos? Or dancing to the club in very uncomfortable shoes? It has long been synonymous with affordability.

3) Available when needed.
When we say "when needed", we mean "when he needs it". In the long run, the available girls always retire early. The guy soon ceases to be interested in such a girl, and he goes in search of the only one. So if you want to say no, say no. And if you don't mind going further away on the first date, don't listen to anyone and do what you want. But only to you, not to him!

4) Modest when necessary.
Of course, all guys are different. And someone really likes modest girls. However, everything is good in moderation. That is, you don’t need to build yourself into a touchy person, but at the same time you don’t have to be too cheeky and accessible.

5) Always agrees with the guy.
You need to listen to a man and anyone in general only if he is right. If your boyfriend, at every opportunity, insists on his own, and also says that you should agree with him in everything - run away from him. This one will always overwhelm you. The ideal girl is the one who has her own opinion. Of course, sometimes you can be smarter and keep silent. But not every time!

6) Should be at the stove.
Well, yes, it’s not bad if you cook borscht for him or if you are fans with him american cuisine prepare a burger. But from morning to night, standing by the stove, because that's what his mother did, you shouldn't.

7) Must not be too smart.
with smart and beautiful girls Only guys who consider themselves losers are afraid to date. So you do not pay attention to all this, study and build a career.

8) Should only be interested in girly topics. If you like things that are not girly at all, you should not pretend to be a fool who is crazy about Barbie, shopping and Sex and the City. Be yourself and don't give up on your hobbies.

10) The ideal girl should have big breasts.
This is such a hackneyed and banal stereotype that we don’t even want to say anything. In addition to breasts, you have a lot of other attractive body parts, and if a guy doesn’t like something, that’s his problem. The 5th size has nothing to do with the ideal.

- Conclusion

Absolutely any representative of the fair sex dreams of becoming the perfect girl for her loved one. However, it is not possible to be perfect in everything. In addition, all people are different and each man has his own view of what his ideal woman should be. Sometimes this image is so unrealistic that he has no chance to find a companion that meets all his criteria.

Of course, you should always strive for the ideal, but you should not break yourself for the sake of other people's desires. Relationships are built by two, and not only should you be the limit of his dreams, but he should also try to become the ideal man for you.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

“What a pity that I'm not perfect!” - you think, wiping tears after another quarrel with your boyfriend. You don’t have a lot of things and don’t know how, but is this the simple woman's happiness? This and many other questions suggest, what is she like in general - the ideal girl through the eyes of men?


Take and listen to the conversations of men about girls. What is the first thing they notice? That's right, looks. And it is no longer a secret that men love with their eyes. More precisely, they love later, of course, with their hearts, but they fall in love with their eyes. That is why it is so important for men that we look beautiful and well-groomed.

It is worth mentioning that it has long since ceased to exist. single standard female beauty: someone likes tall and slender girls with small breasts or even no breasts, and someone likes short stature and curvaceous. What can we say about the variety of eye colors, hair and characteristics of other parts of the female body! Accordingly, any girl can be beautiful - it is only important to learn how to emphasize your own merits and hide flaws.

To do this, you will need to spend some time researching yourself. What colors and styles suit you? Which hairstyle suits you best? What shade of tan looks best on your skin? You will have to answer these and other questions. By the way, it is precisely this knowledge that explains the fact that many women in maturity look much better than in their youth - they just know what things emphasize their beauty. It is grooming and attention to oneself that underlie external attractiveness, and directly natural data actually give their owner not such a big head start.

By the way, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on maintaining beauty - it is quite possible to replace them with time and desire. Not enough money for an expensive fitness club? Start running in the morning. Want to dress in quality clothes, but don't have the money for a bunch of designer clothes? Shop secondhand and be selective (see previous paragraph) for something really cool in stores. Remember that nothing is impossible - there are only reasons not to do it.


No, of course, there are men who want to have a beautiful doll next to them, but most of them still want to find an ally and friend in their beloved woman, with whom it will be interesting. But first you need to decide what kind of woman is considered smart. Men are by no means attracted by complex arguments about higher matters - they find them meaningless and boring.

But the ability to understand art, literature, cinema and music will be very helpful to you. A broad outlook is what makes you an interesting conversationalist (just don’t overdo it - after all, no one likes too smart, because next to them you feel stupid). And if you understand some narrow and purely “male” topic, this makes you truly an ideal girl!

But the mind is not only a storehouse of academic knowledge and encyclopedic facts. It is also the ability to operate with them, to solve some creative problems, to create and rebuild something. A lot of men complain that women do not understand them. So, a lively and sharp mind is able to make the male consciousness open and understandable to you.


Female sexuality is not just a short skirt and frivolous behavior. Rather, on the contrary, such a woman will be recognized as vulgar and unattractive. However, the ideal girl loves sex and considers it an important part of her life. And how else, because her feminine essence is very, very developed!

Sexuality is manifested in the fact that such a girl knows what brings her pleasure. She is attracted to the man she loves, and she is able to be a queen only for him (and let the rest lick their lips!). She is relaxed and ready for experiments in bed, but she does not have rigid frames and stereotypes about how sex should be. A sexy girl knows that he can be different, and the bed is only for two. She does not compare her man with the rest.


Of course, the ideal girl should be cheerful - after all, no one wants to communicate with a boring person! This does not mean that she will be the ringleader and "energizer" twenty-four hours a day. She can afford to relax and be sad, but this is not a familiar and comfortable state for her.

Such a girl always has a lot of ideas about how to have fun. There is some light “madness” in her, which makes the time spent with her unforgettable. Such a girl is quite capable of replacing a whole company of drunken men, and that is why she is ideal.


The ideal girl is the only one in the world, and this becomes clear to everyone who talks to her for at least ten minutes. There is something in it that distinguishes it from all others, but it is not always possible to formulate what exactly. Perhaps she is extremely open and trusting, or vice versa - mysterious and closed. There are no rules here, and anything can happen.

Just do not immediately try to become "not like everyone else." It cannot be learned or instilled from outside. On the contrary, you need to see in yourself that very zest, which will be your essence. Only then you will not look unnatural and captivate everyone with your originality and uniqueness.


Last but probably most important is self-confidence. The perfect girl knows she's awesome and she'll do well. Her gait, gestures, facial expressions, words - everything indicates that she loves herself and has self-esteem. She puts before herself lofty goals and achieves them with enviable tenacity. Every man dreams of being with her. No one wants to wipe their feet about such a girl - instead, she will be carried in her arms. She does not scold herself for every nonsense, because she knows that the absolute ideal simply does not exist!

And here we have a rather sickly list of qualities of an ideal girl. Of course, after reading it, any of us have an irresistible desire to correct something in ourselves and become a real male dream. But remember that this is by no means a guarantee that you will soon get married, have a baby and become happy. This list is just sketches for a picture that will never be painted because there is no ideal that would be the same for everyone. So it turns out that the ideal girl through the eyes of men is a truly beloved girl, when both her advantages and disadvantages are perceived and accepted by a partner. We hope that there is one for each of our readers.

Last year, acclaimed American columnist Gabrielle Seyrig pieced together hundreds of scholarly studies related to what men really look for in the opposite sex. The result of the publication is ten signs, which were noted by the majority of respondents.

Light eyes

The Journal des Femmes conducted a survey among 900 men about what eye color attracts them the most. According to the result, 40% of respondents preferred light green or Blue eyes to everyone else.


The same testing revealed another male addiction - the strong half desperately wants to get from a woman ... No, not sex and not borscht! And tenderness! 46% put this quality in the first place, the female mind is in the second place, and the sense of humor is in the third.


It turns out that in order for a man to lose his head from a feminine fragrance, it must suit him in spirit. In other words, the perfume should not only be an organic continuation of the girl, but also be in harmony with his own smell. Having caught this trend, advanced and creative brands release paired fragrances for him and for her, which, like two halves of one whole, bring people together and give birth to “chemistry” between them.


45% of the two thousand men surveyed by the British University frankly admitted that they love when there is something to see and hold on to. The male consciousness is excited by the sexual curves of the body, and they are even ready to turn a blind eye to a few extra pounds. But too thin women seduce only 34% of respondents.

French women

A study by Harris Interactive showed that in their sexual fantasies, men are more likely to be around French women than with girls of other nationalities.


50% of the male representatives confirmed the long-known truth: women in skirts and high heels are their biggest weakness. And it's not about how short the skirt will be, but about the femininity of the image. For example, less than 10% of respondents noted that they like girls in sportswear.

Dimple on chin

Unbelievable, but true - 42% of men a small depression on the chin is simply crazy. 23% are delighted with freckles, 21% - with moles above the upper lip (hello Cindy Crawford) and less than 6% do not mind that their ideal woman has a piercing on her face.

Loose long hair

In their imagination, men imagine an impeccable girlfriend of life with long and necessarily flowing hair. At least 58% named hair among their preferences. And only 9% voted for hair tied in a tight ponytail or braid.


Do gentlemen prefer blondes? No matter how! According to a study by a Scandinavian psychology journal, 53% of men choose women with dark hair for a stable and happy marriage.


The same experimental men with a Nordic character dispelled another myth about passive and pliable ladies. 60% of men are ready to connect their lives with women who are not afraid to take the initiative. No, no one tolerates impudence! We are talking about strong and self-confident ladies who are not afraid of responsibility.