Presentation on indoor flowers for preschoolers. Presentation "houseplants in the middle group of kindergarten"

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There is a real garden on my window! Large fuchsia earrings hang ... A modest light flashed "embers". All under the hairs of a cactus stump.

Indoor plants are a source of beauty, health, good mood, kindness, clean air.

Houseplants need: 1. light, warmth 4. nutrient-rich soil 2. water 3. air

Rules for caring for a houseplant: 1. Water the plants with water at room temperature. In addition, the water should stand for several hours. In summer, flowers are watered in the evening, in winter - in the morning. 2. Loosen the surface of the earth in a pot with a stick so that air enters the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots of the plant. 3. Wipe dust from large smooth leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. Plants with small leaves and pubescent leaves are cleaned of dust with a soft brush. 4. Carefully cut dry leaves and twigs from plants. Keep clean flower pots and coasters.

Let's get acquainted! I am geranium. You can often see me on the windowsills. I don't smell flowers, but leaves covered with hairs. In scientific books they call me pelargonium.

I am an aspidistra or "friendly family" The most unusual plant in terms of its unpretentiousness and endurance (shade-tolerant, shade-loving plant).

I am coleus or "nettle" How beautiful are my leaves with patterns and colorful borders! Such a variegated color protects from bright sunlight (sun-loving plant).

I am chlorophytum! Chlorophytum is the best air cleaner. It purifies the air better than some technical devices. One chlorophytum plant is enough to purify the air in the kitchen. Scientists offer it to clean the air in spacecraft, where ventilation is impossible.

I am a begonia! For the beauty of huge leaves, they call me royal begonia. I do not like direct sunlight - they burn. (shade tolerant plant).

I am also a begonia, but continuously blooming. I bring joy from spring to autumn (shade-tolerant plant).

In addition to light, the room should have clean, fresh, sufficiently humid air. Plants do not like drafts. Dracaena Flowers should not come into contact with window panes. IN summer time this can lead to burns, in winter, when windows are thawed, leaves rot. For uniform development of some plants, they must be turned in different directions to the light. Some plants cannot be moved from place to place at all.

Ficus plants require abundant watering in summer and moderate watering in winter. Water should be at room temperature. But just before flowering, watering should be limited.

Caring for indoor plants makes a person kinder. ... You must bend over the flowers Not to tear or cut, But to see their kind faces And show them a good face. (S. Vurgun)

List of used sources. A) D. Nissen. Houseplants. Practical encyclopedia. M: "Mir knigi", 2007. B) Article "Rules for caring for plants" C) Image "girl": .ru/get/3705/inmira.3e/0_3ab67_60431a81_orig.png Photo of indoor plants: Photo of fuchsia: http:// Cactus photo: Plant care photo: http: // Geranium photo: jpg

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Group #4

Presentation made by: educator MBDOU No. 27 "Crane"

Shilova Irina Vladimirovna

When designing an appropriate corner of nature in a group, the requirements must be strictly observed:

  • Plants should be safe (if at least one of the preschoolers is allergic to any plant, then it should be removed immediately).
  • The group should have such plants that preschoolers can be involved in the care of. Starting from the age of three, kids are actively involved in the process of caring for flowers.
  • Plants should be attractive to keep the attention of preschoolers.
  • Flowers selected for a corner in a group must belong to the ecosystem in which it is located preschool. As a rule, this undemanding plants which are easy to care for.
  • Plants should be represented by several copies so that children can form an objective idea of ​​​​a particular type of plant species.

Plants in middle group

From the age of 4, children learn to see a variety of properties and qualities. They already more easily distinguish the features of plants, understand the processes that are necessary for the life of flowers.

Children's help becomes more structured. They learn to water the plants in a group kindergarten from a finely meshed watering can, spray from a spray bottle, clean the lowered leaves with a dry brush, and the leaves with a damp cloth or a brush with notches.

Preschoolers are already able to independently determine whether the plant needs watering or not, based on the color of the earth (if the earth is dry, you need to water it, if the earth is dark, the plant does not need watering).






Attitude to



scattered light

direct rays


drying of the earth

Water level in the pan

Constantly wet ground

Light drying of the earth

shower wash

Regular spraying


leaf care


with a damp cloth


To capricious

In hardy


Such work develops observation, teaches to carefully peer into the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena, their causes.

Growing, caring for plants, the guys observe which of them grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, examine them through a magnifying glass, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also a great consistent material.

What should children do to care for plants. water the plants under the guidance of a teacher; be able to properly hold the watering can; pour water carefully and carefully; wipe the dense wide leaves with a damp cloth. All work is organized under the guidance of a teacher.

Middle group: they must know the names of 4-5 plants, name their parts (stem or trunk, branches, leaves, flowers). With plants of the same species as in the younger group, the cream of this - with plants similar to a bush (geranium, balsam). During the year, new, preferably flowering plants are introduced into the group.

What should children do to care for plants. continue to water the plants with water at room temperature; know which plant needs watering, which does not (one has a light, dry to the touch, it needs to be watered, the other is dark, damp to the touch, it does not need to be watered).

Senior group: they must know the name of 6-7 plants of their group, their parts: buds, roots, etc. Older children are introduced to plants that do not have bright - pronounced signs differences and similarities: for example, two types of geraniums, begonias, as well as with plants that have different shapes, sizes and colors of leaves and flowers: coleus, ivy, indoor grapes, etc.

What plants are recommended to introduce children to. more whimsical, requiring more complex care (begonia Rex, uzambar violet); Medicinal (aloe, thuja, geranium); interesting for its vegetative propagation (chlorophytum, saxifrage); easily propagating cuttings (tradescantia, secretions); with different underground parts - bulbs, tubers (krinum, sansevier).

What should children do to care for plants. all current care is carried out independently: they determine the need for watering, loosening, spraying. help the educator during transplantation: they determine the plant in need of transplantation, pick up a pot right size, prepare sand and earth, help replant. cuttings plants and growing cuttings.

Project objectives: Educational To contribute to the expansion of children's knowledge about indoor plants; Contribute to the formation of ideas about the importance of indoor flowers; Developing To develop practical skills in caring for indoor plants; Enrich children's vocabulary; Develop coherent speech of children; Educational Education of love for nature Education of observation and respect for plants; Contribute to the development of environmental culture education; Involve parents in this issue.

Project type: practice-oriented, group Participants: educators, children, parents. Duration of the project: , short-term Expected result: to form a system of knowledge about indoor plants in children senior group through project implementation. To increase interest in the peculiarities of life and development of plants, the desire to independently carry out instructions for caring for plants, the skills of observation and experimentation in the process of search and cognitive activity.

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