Leaf disease of indoor plants. Diseases of indoor plants: photo, how to fight? Bacterial soft rot

Containment Violations indoor plants and flowers, as a rule, leads to their weakening and disease. Diseases of indoor plants are mainly caused by factors such as: excess or lack of moisture, light, heat, nutrients and acidity of the substrate. Very often, a variety of reasons can cause the appearance of diseases in plants. Let's look at all the diseases of indoor plants and find out what causes are disease factors.

When growing indoor plants and flowers, situations often arise when we do not know the causes of indoor plant diseases. Quite often, amateurs and flower growers have problems that are not easy to solve, but vital.

So, for example, your indoor plant grows for a long time without problems, pleases the eye and soul, love, warmth, light and moisture seem to be enough for it. But, suddenly, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and curl ...

What to do? What to do and how to help a green friend? In this article, I will try to help everyone find answers to these difficult questions and talk about indoor plant diseases, their causes, as well as treatment and solutions.

Plant diseases and their treatment photo

We will get acquainted with the probable factors that are the causes of plant diseases. And, of course, my dear houseplant lovers, I will tell you how to fix these problems.

The lower and older leaves of the plant turn yellow

Cause. V winter time this is a lack of lighting or a high temperature in the room. In summer, there is a lack of fertilizers and trace elements or moisture.

Solution. In the summer, you need to water the plant as the substrate dries (not allowing it to dry out), and also periodically apply fertilizer (1 time in 10-14 days).

In winter, place the plant as close as possible to the light source or produce additional illumination with special or fluorescent lamps.

You can reduce the temperature in the apartment by increasing evaporation (this method is not suitable for all plants) by placing the pot on a tray with expanded clay filled with water.

Leaf edges turn yellow

Cause. Lack of potassium, poisoning with chlorine or tobacco smoke.

Solution. Water your indoor plants with settled water (not from the tap).

Before each watering, it is necessary to allow the chlorine to evaporate (day). Potassium deficiency can be easily replenished with potassium supplements. I will tell you a secret that not all houseplants they love tobacco smoke, and therefore, if they smoke indoors, then it is worth choosing plants that are more resistant to tobacco smoke for such conditions.

The ends of the leaves turn yellow

Cause. Dry indoor air. Alkalinization of the soil. Proximity to a TV or computer.

Solution. In order to eliminate the problem of alkalization of the substrate, it is necessary to remove the top layer of soil (1 cm) and then water it with settled water without chlorine. In dry air, the plant is more often sprayed with settled boiled water, you can also put water containers in the room.

Houseplant soft and sluggish (loss of turgor)

Cause. Irrigation deficiency. Non-compliance with temperature conditions of detention. Lack of trace elements (copper, potassium, magnesium). Root disease due to waterlogging of the substrate. As a rule, waterlogging of the substrate occurs in winter and is dangerous for any plant.

Elimination measures. Remove the plant from the pot and carefully examine all the roots. In the event that, and the roots are soft, then the plant cannot be saved.

If only part of the roots is damaged, all darkened roots should be cut off, as well as leaves and stems with traces of rot (it is recommended to sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal).

It is necessary to withstand the plant without soil for a couple of days, drying it a little. Then you should plant the plant in a pot, replacing the old substrate with a fresh one. The lack of trace elements is replenished by fertilizing with the necessary fertilizers.

Dropping buds or buds not opening

Cause. Lack of lighting or lack of phosphorus when overdosing with nitrogen fertilizers, a sharp fluctuation in temperature (ventilation), dryness of the substrate, low air humidity.

Solution. In order to increase the humidity of the air, you should place containers with water next to the plant and spray indoor flowers more often.

Know! Indoor plants during their growth and flowering should be watered often and plentifully, immediately after the earth dries out. With a lack of light, you should put the plant closer to the light source or illuminate with lamps. Any plants preparing for flowering must be fed with phosphate fertilizers, in combination with potash.

Flowering delayed

The reason is the lack of phosphorus.

Thin and pale shoots or leaves become smaller

Cause. Lack of nitrogen for the plant.

Solution. Fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers.

Buds are not formed or there are very few of them

Cause. The conditions of care during the rest period of the plant were not observed. Unfavorable ratio between temperature, lighting and top dressing.

Houseplants wither

Cause. Lack of moisture or nutrition.

Solution. Perform abundant watering immediately after the substrate dries. Feed indoor flowers with phosphate fertilizers.

№10. Curled and wrinkled leaves, interveinal chlorosis.

Reason. Low temperature. Old leaves - lack of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. Plants with young leaves lack molybdenum, manganese, copper, boron.

Now you can not only determine the causes of plant diseases, but also help your favorite indoor flowers on your own.

Diseases of indoor plants caused by improper care

Diseases of plants living in the house make many amateur flower growers take a different look at their green friends.

Our favorite indoor flowers and plants can get sick, and since they don't have specialist doctors, we need to know the main pests and diseases that affect indoor flowers.

Air humidity

Often there are plant diseases that are associated with improper air humidity. If indoor air humidity is low, the leaves of plants dry out and fall off. Flowers, flower buds, tips and edges of leaves turn brown and dry. At high humidity, corking of stems and leaves can occur.


There are plant diseases associated with improper watering of flowers. Excess moisture leads to acidification of the substrate and, as a result, to disruption of the normal life of plants.

Difficulty breathing of the roots occurs, the roots begin to rot, poorly absorb nutrients and this affects the rest of the plant organs. The leaves of the flowers acquire an unusual color, spots appear on them, and the stems at the base begin to rot.

Plant diseases associated with improper watering affect individual flowers in different ways. So, in anthurium, bulges (leaf wart) of a light gray-green color appear on the leaves.

Begonia, when the substrate is excessively moistened, sheds all its buds, corky spots appear on the leaves of the sansevera, and leaves fall off in poinsettias and azaleas. Moisture deficiency can also lead to stunted growth and desiccation of the top of the plant.


Plant diseases that occur with improper lighting are widespread. At lack of light the houseplant begins to form incorrectly, its leaves brighten, fall off, and the shoots are drawn out.

In case of excessive lighting, the leaves of the plant turn pale, wither and dry, dry leaf tips or dry brown spots form.

In Kalanchoe and begonias, when the light is too bright, and as a result of elevated temperature, the leaves turn red, and the stems of cacti turn red. The leaves of Saintpaulia turn yellow and acquire a marbled color.


There are also plant diseases associated with the wrong temperature. A rather sharp drop in temperature causes the plants to fall off and die off the leaves, and sometimes can lead to death.

In a plant that is hot, the leaves located in the lower part of the flower begin to wither and fall off, and the edges of the remaining leaves darken. At elevated temperatures, the buds fall off the azalea, and the process of the appearance of flowers slows down on the freesia. Only succulents feel great with sudden changes in temperature.

Diseases of indoor plants photo and how to deal with them

  • yellowing of old leaves- lack of macroelements and nitrogen; in the autumn winter period a clear lack of light; too high air temperature (especially at night);
  • yellowing of leaf tips- excess calcium in the substrate; dry soil;
  • yellow-brown leaves- excess in water for irrigation of calcium and chlorine (especially for azaleas);
  • yellowing of the whole plant- chronic overmoistening or severe drying of the soil; heavy substrate; dense earthen clod (poorly passes air); excessive dryness of the air in the room;
  • leaf sagging, loss of turgor, shedding of green leaves– watering too much cold water; insufficient watering; high concentration of salts in water for irrigation; violation of temperature conditions for keeping flowers (especially in winter); lack of copper; for heat-loving plants, keeping them in a place that is too cold;
  • leaf curl, wrinkling, interveinal chlorosis– sudden hypothermia of plants; old leaves - lack of potassium, magnesium, zinc; young leaves - lack of manganese, boron, iron;
  • twisting of leaves along the veins, deformation- damage to young leaves by a mealybug, aphids, thrips;
  • the appearance of light spots on the leaves different shapes and quantities- leaf burn when exposed to sunlight; v summer time: drops of water on a leaf; in winter from damp cold air;
  • brown, oily or gray-white spots on the leaves– leaf nematomes, fungal and bacterial diseases;
  • dark green leaf spot- excess nitrogen or lack of lighting, if there is a dashed mosaic or mottling on the sheet, then this is a virus infection;
  • whitish, pale green, yellow leaves with green veins- lack of copper, sulfur, iron;
  • brown, partially dry spots on the leaves, glassy discharge on the leaves– too high humidity; constant overmoistening of the substrate; stagnant air; low temperature or lack of light; fungal disease;
  • small pricks or spots on the leaves- pests (mites, thrips, aphids) pierce the leaves in search of plant cell sap;
  • holes in the leaves or edges of the leaves are eaten away- beetles, slugs, caterpillars; a fungal disease in which dried sections of the leaf plate may fall out;
  • buds are not formed or there are very few of them- Violation of the conditions of detention during the rest period; unfavorable ratio of lighting and temperature; insufficient air humidity; excess nitrogen;
  • sudden fall of leaves– a sharp and significant temperature drop; drying of an earthen coma; fungal disease - verticillium wilt (wild); bacterial wilt;
  • falling buds- sharp fluctuations in temperature (during ventilation); too dry air in the room; drying of the substrate; lack of light; unbalanced top dressing; excess nitrogen;
  • leaves turn yellow and fall off- violated the irrigation regime; too high room temperature with low light; drafts;
  • flowers fade - overdrying of an earthy coma; general starvation; excess nitrogen;
  • short peduncles- wrong feeding regimen; ground discrepancy; general starvation; violation of the irrigation regime (excess or lack of moisture); strong temperature fluctuations; violation of conditions of detention during the rest period; excess heat during bud growth;
  • powdery white coating on leaves- plaque on the top of the sheet - powdery mildew, and a barely noticeable plaque on the lower part is peronosporosis.


Bacteriosis is a disease caused by bacteria. This disease can now be found quite rarely, but it is better to know in advance what the disease is.

The disease occurs not only on garden and horticultural crops, but also on ornamental houseplants. Enormous damage, and quite often, such diseases occur in bulbous. At the very beginning of infection, the symptoms on different cultures appear, as a rule, in the same way.

plant diseases occur with wilting or spotting and rot appear on the leaves, and the veins of the leaves may also turn black.

Bacterial spot often affects houseplants located in damp and warm rooms. Bacterial wilt is accompanied by darkening of the vessels of young plants. If such a stem is cut off, then we will see black stripes on the inner walls, from which brown or gray mucus will stand out.

bacteria, disease-causing get inside through stomata (natural openings), which are located in the lower part of the leaves, through wounds or any mechanical damage. The causative agents are bacteria that can survive for a long time in the soil and plant remains. Such bacteria begin their viability with two factors favorable for them, high temperature and humidity.

Dense plantings and just droplets of moisture can increase the number of infected plants. Under sufficiently favorable conditions for the development of bacteria, it usually takes six to eight days from the moment of infection to the appearance of the first visible symptoms.

A preventive method can be an increased dose of potash fertilizers, which increase the resistance of plants to bacteriosis disease. What to do if you find the first signs of unhealthy plants:

  1. For bacterial wilt, it is recommended to use copper oxychloride (the ratio of forty grams per ten liters of water) or a one percent Bordeaux mixture. It is necessary to process a painful plant in one to two weeks.
  2. To combat bacterial spotting, the plants are sprayed with the solution recommended in paragraph 1. in the same proportion and at the same frequency.

I hope that with excellent care for indoor flowers, bacteriosis of plants will be known to you only theoretically.


Gommosis disease in most cases occurs in citrus fruits. The disease occurs with an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, with deep planting of the plant in the substrate, due to excessive watering and heavy soil composition.

With gommosis, a plant has brown-red spots of a longitudinal shape on the bark of the trunk. In the future, the bark dies and from under it, through cracks, a yellowish, sticky liquid, called gum, begins to flow out, drying in the air.

The disease can also occur without leakage of fluid, in which case the stem bark becomes dry, does not lag behind the trunk at all, but cracks still form. The leaves of the plant become greenish-yellow, then completely turn yellow and fall off. The fruits of the plant are small.


Leaf chlorosis is a disease that occurs when there is a lack of zinc, manganese and iron in the substrate. Or because of the disturbed process of absorption of these elements, mainly in soils with excessive liming.

With chlorosis, the lower leaves of plants turn yellow and die off as a result (as a rule, only the veins of the leaves remain green). There is a slow development of all other organs of the plant - kidneys, leaves, stems, root system.

In most cases, this plant disease is exacerbated by poor, high substrate moisture and a high content of nitrates in the soil mixture.

root rot

Root rot belongs to a large group of plant diseases. The disease differs from other diseases of indoor plants in that it destroys tissue cells, leading to the inevitable rotting of the roots.

In turn, root rot is divided into root and basal varieties, that is, it can affect not only root system, but also the bases of plants, which is why it is so difficult to determine the source of infection of plants.

All diseases of indoor flowers: root rot, late blight, verticillosis, fusarium, etc. are caused in turn by various fungal diseases that appear when the substrate is excessively moist.

Some diseases infect only herbaceous plants, while others can harm shrubs and even trees.

So, for example, with such a disease as phytophthora, the causative agent of a plant disease can be in a safe state for many years, but under favorable conditions for infection, the appropriate temperature and humidity of the air, the pathogen will begin its vital activity.

The roots of flowers and plants in the disease usually become brown in color and die as a result. After the dead root system, the affected tissues already appear on the leaves of plants and flowers. In this way, root rot causes the death of the entire plant.

Control measures. Infected plants require destruction; the substrate from the plant must also be discarded. The flower pot should be thoroughly washed and disinfected with a forty percent solution of formalin.

Attention! If indoor plant diseases are your current problem, then it is worth analyzing all the factors of keeping and caring for indoor plants at home.

Pests and diseases - protection and prevention measures

No matter how well you take care of plants and flowers, all your efforts and efforts can be completely in vain if pests and diseases arise.

The occurrence occurs for many reasons, and not all of them can be explained. The most common cause is infection and the transfer of diseases and pests from plant to plant, for example when buying a new plant.

The second cause, pests and diseases, may lie latent within the plants themselves.

Under favorable conditions for pests - a dry, warm atmosphere in your home or improper care, and now favorable conditions arise for the development and manifestation of pests and diseases. Although the second reason is more common in cases of plant disease, and not the occurrence of pests.

How can we take care of our beloved houseplants? by the most effective method is preventive disinfection. Agree, because prevention is always better than cure!

Prevention is carried out by spraying plants and flowers with a fungicide or insecticide diluted in water, once every two to three weeks in the summer months.

Most chemicals are dangerous if used incorrectly. Always choose the safest option. So, for example, feverfew and derris are the safest remedies.

A small number of pests can be easily removed by hand, the mealybug is removed with a cotton swab moistened with methyl alcohol. Reappearance of red spider mite can be prevented by increasing the humidity in the apartment. If you are forced to use more potent means, then you must follow all the guidelines indicated in the instructions.

Rules required when using intexids:

  • always store chemicals and spray materials in a dry and frost-free place;
  • keep them away from children, animals and food;
  • when preparing the spray material, strictly follow the instructions;
  • always prepare the amount that you use at once;
  • spray a houseplant only outdoors;
  • spray only in the evening when there are no bees around;
  • after finishing, thoroughly wash the spray gun inside and out;
  • After finishing the preventive spraying procedure, wash thoroughly with warm soapy water.

No wonder they say that forewarned is forearmed!

Regularly making (once a week) a careful inspection of home plants and flowers and performing preventive summer spraying, you are guaranteed to protect your indoor flowers and plants from all troubles and misfortunes!

P.S. With such terrible disease, as cirrhosis of the liver, the symptoms are familiar, unfortunately, not from the literature, but in reality. A very close and dear person died precisely from cirrhosis, the form of the disease was severe, and the treatment did not bring the desired result.

Video - how to deal with pests and diseases of indoor plants

Flowers are living beings and therefore susceptible to disease. And even if there are no pests in the house where they are located, it is not always possible to prevent flower diseases.

Conventionally, all flower diseases can be divided into groups:

  • caused by fungi;
  • caused by viruses
  • caused by bacteria.

Fungal diseases of indoor plants

powdery mildew- common, the first signs: the appearance of whitish spots, which, after removal, reappear, already larger and grayish.

A white coating appears on the leaves of plants, they wither, dry and fall, growth stops. If a disease is detected, it is necessary to remove the parts of the plant damaged by the fungus, and then treat the flower with specially designed preparations.

To prevent the defeat of this disease, it is advisable to treat the flowers with sulfur at least 3 times in the summer, always ventilate the room. When using fertilizers, it is important to follow the recommendations without overfeeding the flowers with nitrogenous fertilizers.

downy mildew
(peronosporosis) outwardly resembles powdery mildew, but in this case, in addition to leaves, flowers and stems are affected.

From above on the leaves arise grayish yellow spots with an indistinct contour, at the bottom on the affected areas a light gray coating is the mycelium of the fungus.

Over time, if you do not take action, the plaque becomes darker, the leaves look corrugated, begin to dry out.

For treatment you need to remove diseased leaves, treat the flower with Bordeaux mixture (1% solution).

You need to repeat the treatment at least five times for 7-10 days.

To prevent the disease, you need to ventilate the room, prevent high humidity, remove dried parts of plants more often, and disinfect the soil.

Viral diseases of plants

It is difficult to establish that a flower is damaged by a virus.

Main signs: plant growth slows down, it is often believed that this is the result of improper care and malnutrition. It is possible to determine that the disease is caused by a virus based on characteristic signs.

mosaic disease- you can observe areas in which light or dark spots appear, as well as stripes painted in white or yellowish color, since the chloroplast is disintegrating in the cells.

On the spots you can find a mosaic pattern.

The leaves of the flower are deformed, become wrinkled. In most cases, mosaic disease affects pelargoniums, begonias, primroses.

"Jaundice"- also a virus, the leaves of the plant have a yellow-green or yellow color.

Sometimes they show a pattern that looks like concentric circles.

Flower growth may slow down, fragility of the stems is observed due to the high content of starch in the cells.

leaf curl is the result of a virus attack. The leaves are covered in large numbers with small spots, their size is about 2 mm, then they dry out.

The leaves are very wrinkled and become curly, and flowers begin to deform. With this disease, the formation of stripes and spots of light yellow or gray-white color can be observed. More often than others, pelargoniums, poinsettias, and primroses are affected.

How to deal with viruses on indoor plants?

Areas infected with the virus remove and destroy and wash your hands well with soap.

Viruses are hard to deal with, even if you use chemicals for this, so it's easier to prevent its occurrence.

It is important to destroy insects that carry pathogens, use cuttings only from healthy plants, since a flower can be infected in a greenhouse if its stem is accidentally damaged.

In summer, the flower should be sprayed more often and kept in the shade.


There are a number of diseases of indoor flowers, the cause of which can be both fungi and bacteria - they are called "spotting".

Main symptoms- the presence of brown spots, they can be dry or weeping. With the development of the disease, the growth of neoplasms is observed, uniting, they capture the entire leaf.

At first, spotting is not particularly dangerous, but if the stem is damaged, the flower may die.

The most common of this group of diseases:

  • anthracnose;
  • ascochitosis;
  • red burn;
  • septoria;
  • phyllostictosis.

Anthracnose- more often affects palm trees, first brown stripes appear on the leaves, at their tips - blurring of a dark brown color.

Sometimes there are small spots that have a reddish or brown color with a gray border, gradually they begin to increase.

They are most often found in the middle of the leaf, but can be shifted to the edge.

Ascochitosis characterized by the presence of small spots, their color is brown or reddish with a brown rim. Plants from the Compositae family are more susceptible.

Red burn- in most cases, hippeastrums are susceptible to it, narrow red spots are noticeable on the leaves, bulb and peduncles, and spore-bearing crusts appear over time.

Flowers and leaves are deformed, flowering stops, the bulbs rot.

Septoria characterized by the formation of spots of dark gray or dark brown color with a yellow border, in some cases - small dots that have a reddish or reddish-yellow color, with time the size of the spots increases. Frequent.

In the center, the spots turn black - they contain fungal spores that can remain on the leaves all winter, despite the frost, and continue to spread in the spring.

manifested by the presence of spots that have an oval or rounded shape and a dark border on a line with a healthy part of the leaf.

Damaged tissue sometimes falls out, and holes form in the sheet.

Fusarium- represents a great danger to plants, affects flowers regardless of age.

Fusarium fungus lives in the soil, with it and through the existing wounds enters the plants.

In young flowers, the process begins with rotting of the roots, the leaves turn yellow, the stem becomes thin, the tops wither, the disease captures the entire plant. Weakened flowers are more prone to being affected by this disease.

The disease is acute (the flower dies in 5-7 days) and chronic.

Running cases don't have effective ways treatment- the flower is destroyed with roots and earth, the pots are disinfected with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

In the initial stage of the disease, you can treat with "Benomyl" or "Vectra", and to save the plant, you can cut off the top cutting and transplant it into another pot.

To prevent the appearance of fusarium, you need to regularly ventilate the room, loosen the topsoil, and disinfect the soil.

- a disease characterized by the appearance of tubercles of orange-brown color of the tubercles. On leaves with reverse side pimple-like formations are visible, round or oval.

With the course of the disease spots turn into stripes, leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

For the purpose of prevention, it is important not to allow the humidity in the room to be high. If the plant is damaged, it is necessary to remove diseased leaves, treat the flower with Vectra preparations, Bordeaux mixture. Repeat the treatment 2-3 times with an interval of 10 days.

Treatment for spotting carried out by removing and burning diseased leaves, followed by treatment with fungicides (Vectra, Abiga-peak, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate). Processing is carried out twice in 7-10 days.

At the same time as reducing watering, stop spraying, as moisture helps the spread of the fungus. To avoid spotting in the future on flowers, it is important not to create conditions with high humidity, crowding of plants.

Flower diseases caused by bacteria

Spotting when affected by bacteria is characterized by the death of individual sections of the leaf, but the spots have blurry edges. The patches may be glassy or oily, quickly increase in size, the leaves turn yellow, dry up and die. Bacteria multiply faster in heat and high humidity.

- also the result of bacterial damage, the tissues of the plant soften, gradually die off, instead a liquidish rotten mass with an unpleasant odor is formed.

More often flowers with fleshy leaves and stems are affected, as well as bulbous and tuberous, often rotten. The rot affects leaves, roots, peduncles.

Contribute to the development of infection excessive watering, low temperature, overfeeding with nitrogenous fertilizers.

A diseased plant should be stopped spraying, remove affected tissues from small areas healthy, treat the plant with preparations containing copper or Bordeaux mixture.

If the treatment does not work, the plant will have to be destroyed.

Diseases of indoor flowers are reflected in their appearance and in most cases lead to the death of the plant.

The development of the disease is most often the result of improper care of a green pet, and common symptoms manifest themselves as poor growth, wilting, weakening of the protective forces, the appearance of spots on the leaves and the lack of flowering.

Common mistakes beginner gardeners make:

Excessive or insufficient watering;

Incorrect dosage of fertilizers;

Too high - too low ambient temperature or humidity;

Lack or excess of sunlight or contaminated soil from the street.

Common flower diseases and their treatment


Potted mold is caused by fungi that restrict moisture and oxygen from reaching the roots. It is a fairly common disease, to which the plant reacts with yellowing of the leaves, dropping flowers and inhibition of growth.


It is caused by microscopic fungi such as Alternaria. Symptoms: the appearance of oval or round spots on a leaf plate about 1 cm in size, yellow, red or brown. Over time, the spots grow, the leaf dries and falls off.

Cause: unacceptable conditions of detention, as the pathogen infects weakened plants. The most susceptible to Alternariosis: dizigoteka, fatsia, anthurium, gerbera, orchids, ferns, poinsettia, some types of palm trees.

Treatment: remove diseased leaves and treat with a fungicidal preparation, such as Topsin or Fundazol.


Symptoms appear as spots on young leaves that gradually spread to stems. On the surface of the shoots and leaves, one can see necrotic red-brown or gray-brown spots and black dots of sporulation of the fungus, which then merge, leading to the death of the flower.

The disease is typical for tropical regions with a hot and very humid climate.

In uncomfortable conditions, the pathogen does not manifest itself in any way.

At an early stage, the affected parts of the flower are removed, transplanted into new soil and treated with antifungal agents at intervals of 10-14 days.

Fusarium - black leg

This indoor flower disease is caused by the invasive fungus Fusarium, which is a real predator in the mold world, releasing a powerful toxin at the moment of attack. The fungus mainly affects the stem of young plants, causing the development of the so-called black leg, as a result of which the stem turns black, thinner and twisted.

The process from infection to symptoms and plant death is rapid, sometimes taking only a few hours. In the case of infection of adult specimens, the disease is almost asymptomatic, inhibiting growth and weakening the flower. The stems do not die immediately and one by one.

The most susceptible to the black leg of violets, Saintpaulia, cyclamen, chrysanthemum, roses, begonias. It is difficult to treat, so it is better to destroy the plants, and treat the remaining healthy ones several times with a systemic fungicide.

late blight

Fungal disease, the cause of which is most often contaminated soil. Excess moisture can exacerbate the problem.

Signs: lack of growth, wrinkling of the leaves, the appearance of brown spots on the stems and leaves.

Most often late blight affects representatives of the bulbous family, orchids, saintpaulia, chrysanthemum, dieffenbachia, spathiphyllum, dracaena. It is difficult to cure.

powdery mildew

White fungal growth on the leaves, which darkens with time, forming black dots of sporulation of the fungus.

The spread of powdery mildew is favored by warm and too humid air. Plants are isolated, severely affected parts are removed, treated several times with preparations containing sulfur or lecithin.

Bacterial soft rot

Symptoms: dark watery enlarged spots on leaves, stems, bulbs and tubers. Rot causes the death of shoots, softening and decay of tissues. The disease develops due to excessive watering, stagnant water in the pot, or excess nitrogen.

The most commonly affected are tuberous and bulbous plants, as well as cacti, orchids, kalanchoe, yucca, caladium. If measures are not taken in time, then indoor flowers die.

Treatment indoor flowers consists in transplanting them, during which the affected parts are removed, the sections are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, leaving the roots in the solution for 1-2 hours.

Then the cut points are sprinkled with crushed coal and the plant is left for a couple of hours in the sun, which kills bacteria.

The pot is disinfected, the soil is taken new. To prevent re-infection, the flower is treated with a fungicidal agent several times at weekly intervals.

ring spot virus

Symptoms appear as round, yellow-green circles on the leaves, which then turn bronze, causing tissue necrosis.

The tomato virus is carried by pests of indoor plants, therefore, weakened specimens are mainly affected.

Bacterial spotting

It manifests itself as small glassy watery or oily spots with a blurry border, which form on the underside of the leaf plate. The disease is often called vascular bacteriosis or bacterial burn, affecting mainly young leaves, flowers and shoots of a weakened plant.

Prevention is carried out by spraying with a special 5% suspension of copper oxychloride. Treatment consists of removing the affected parts and treating with antifungal agents.

Rhizoctonia or brown rot

The cause of the occurrence is soil infected with Rhizoctonia fungi that affect the root system and the lower part of the plant. It manifests itself in the form of stunting, yellowing and discoloration of the leaves, the appearance of wet black and brown spots on the infected tissue, on which mycelial spores subsequently appear.

Excess moisture, both in the air and in the soil, is a risk factor. At an early stage, when the roots are damaged, the plant is removed from the pot, all infected roots are removed, sections are disinfected, dried, treated with a fungicidal agent and transplanted into a new substrate.

Black or sooty fungus

Symptoms: a dark coating of mycelium appears on the surface of the leaves, resembling a soot film, first in the form of separate spots, which then grow rapidly.

The underside of the leaf plate is often covered with a sticky coating.

Black develops due to poor air circulation when high humidity and warm temperature.

However main reason The appearance of soot fungus are pests such as scale insects, aphids and mealybugs.

Plaque is relatively easy to remove with a sponge soaked in soapy water. Then the flower can be doused with a warm shower, after which the leaves and shoots are thoroughly dried. However, severely affected parts must be removed.

Found pests are fought with insecticides.

At risk: lemon, fuchsia, gerbera, coffee, hibiscus, orchids.

Gray rot (Botrytis)

This disease is caused by a fungus of the Verticillium species. Symptoms: growth inhibition, yellowing and curling at the edges of the lower leaves, which eventually fall off. The pathogen develops in infected soil, getting into the roots of the plant after planting.

Favorable conditions for the pathogen: fever air (17-22 ̊С), excessive watering, strong temperature changes, pests. Treatment consists in the introduction of fungicides (Topsin, Fundazol) into the soil, but it is effective only in the early stages.

Indoor plants grow on the windowsills of many apartments. They give the home comfort, in addition, they have a positive effect on the microclimate in the room. Indoor plants not only effectively purify the air, but also improve its composition, saturating environment many useful substances. However, in some cases, even with a constant and seemingly proper care plants begin to wither, and sometimes even die. Let's talk about how to independently treat indoor flowers, and also answer the question of what diseases are known for domestic flowers.

Diseases of home flowers and their treatment

fungal diseases

powdery mildew

Quite often, indoor plants are affected by powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease, which at the beginning of its development is manifested by small mealy spots. They can be easily erased, but over time they reappear and increase in size, acquiring a rich gray color. Because of this, the leaves dry, wither and crumble, buds with flowers also fall. Quite often, powdery mildew appears on avocados, begonias, cineraria, Kalanchoe, cyclamen, etc.

You can cope with such a disease using synthetic fungicides, it is best to use them at the first manifestations of the disease.

downy mildew

It is also a fungal disease in which pale spots of a grayish-yellow color appear on the upper side of the leaf. They have a slightly blurred contour and increase with the development of the disease. At the same time, the lower part of the leaves is covered with a light gray bloom, which darkens over time.

To treat such a disease, you must first eliminate the affected leaves, if the whole plant is in a very deplorable state, it is better to throw it away. Sick flowers are sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid or soda ash (0.5%). It is necessary to carefully process the underside of the leaves. Spend five treatments on the plant with an interval of seven to ten days.

Gray rot

This fungal disease is manifested by the appearance of a fluffy gray coating. Initially, it forms on fleshy stems, as well as on leaf petioles or pedicels, leading to rapid decay. The best way to deal with gray mold is prevention. Flowers need moderate watering, air circulation and ventilation. Affected plants should be destroyed.

sooty fungus

With such an ailment, a black coating appears on the leaves of the affected plants, similar to soot. Over time, the lesions become large, plaque begins to clog the pores of the leaf, which leads to its death. Fungi of this disease are usually carried by pests. To treat soot fungus, you need to wash all the plants in turn. Also, the leaves should be washed with a fifty percent solution of sixty degrees alcohol.

Red burn

Some indoor plants are affected by such a fungus, which causes red spots on their leaves, similar to burns. Over time, the lesions become covered with a black crust. Red scorch is commonly seen on bulbous plants.
Sick leaves need to be cut off, and the plant should be treated with fungicides.


This is a fairly common fungal disease in which spots of dark color appear on the leaves of plants. This disease often affects indoor ficuses and palm trees. To eliminate it, you need to destroy the affected leaves, treat the plant with a fungicide and stop spraying for a while.

Bacterial diseases of indoor flowers

Bacterial wet rot

The most common bacterial disease of indoor plants is considered to be bacterial wet rot, which causes softening and decay of tissues. Such a disease leads to the appearance of a raw shapeless spot on the leaf. The disease affects bulbous and tuberous plants. You can cope with the disease only if it has affected part of the plant. In this case, the affected area must be removed.

Bacterial spotting

With such a lesion, small watery spots appear along the veins on the leaves, over time they turn black. Such lesions may be surrounded by a yellow or brown border, they look like a burn. Bacterial spot affects the top of young plants, most often bulbous and tuberous.

The affected leaves must be cut off by disinfecting the tools, and the cut points should be covered with crushed coal. Send the plant to quarantine in a well-lit and at the same time dry and cool room. At the same time, watering should be reduced, it is also necessary to refuse spraying with water.

Physiological diseases

Such diseases of indoor plants develop due to insufficiently correct care. So, with excessive watering and low light, dropsy may occur in pets - it looks like watery pimples on the leaves. The affected leaves must be removed, it is also worth adjusting the care of the plant - reduce watering, provide sufficient lighting and good drainage.

Also, with insufficient correct care of the plant, chlorosis associated with a lack of useful substances(magnesium, nitrogen and chlorine). With such an ailment, the leaves turn yellow and white, and the whole plant lags behind in development. Having found the symptoms of chlorosis, you need to transplant the plant into a new earthen substrate. He will also need food.

We looked at the most popular indoor plant diseases that you can find in your green pets and the treatment of house flowers.

Folk remedies indoor plant treatment

There are methods for treating plant diseases using non-traditional medicines - means traditional medicine. They, as well as chemicals, can give a lasting positive effect.

Garlic for indoor plants. So garlic can be used to treat many plant diseases. It helps to cope with spotting, rust and late blight, as well as some other fungal diseases. For cooking medicinal product you need to chop one head of garlic and combine it with a liter of water. Infuse the composition for one week, then strain. Dilute fifty milliliters of this medicine in ten liters of water. Use this spray solution.

for indoor plants. If a plant is damaged by a black leg, eliminate the diseased area, then spray with infusion of onion peel. To prepare it, brew twenty grams of dry raw materials with one liter of boiling water. After a day, strain and carry out two or three spraying procedures. After six days, repeat the course of spraying.

Onion tincture for plants. To destroy gray rot, alternative medicine experts advise to skip two hundred and fifty to three hundred grams of onion through a meat grinder and combine with one liter of water. Infuse such a remedy for five days in a glass container. It is best to place it in a tightly sealed jar, and put it in turn in a dark place. Dilute six grams of the resulting concentrate with a liter of water and use for spraying.

Treatment with marigolds. You can also use an infusion based on fungal diseases. Brew one hundred grams of dry leaves and flowers with a liter of boiling water and insist for a couple of days. Use for spraying and for the treatment of affected leaves.

To prevent diseases indoor plants can be used and. A weak solution of potassium permanganate and furacilin is advised to be used for spraying and for irrigation.

Horsetail and wormwood infusion for plants. Also, for the prevention of bacterial and fungal diseases, plants can be sprayed with infusions of other plant crops, for example, and. To prepare the drug, you need to prepare seven hundred grams of fresh grass and pour five liters of boiling water over it. Cover with a lid and leave in a fairly warm place. After five days, strain the product and use for root dressings, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

and its application. Also, for irrigation, it is often advised to use comfrey infusion. It is believed that such a tool saturates the soil with nutrients no worse than chemical plants. It is prepared in the same way.

Houseplants often suffer from various diseases. But by noticing the problem in time, you can deal with it without much difficulty.

Ekaterina, www.site