Self-instruction manual for playing drums for dummies. Self-instruction manual: Fundamentals of musical notation for drummers

The two main components of music are melody and rhythm. Drummers (or percussionists) are responsible for the latter in “live” groups. Drums and bass make up the band's rhythm section. Unlike the same bass guitar, they are clearly audible in any mix. Without drums, the music sounds boring and dull - the rhythm gives the songs dynamics and expressiveness.

Together with guitar and bass, drums form the classic trio of instruments that no band can do without. Therefore, there are plenty of people who want to learn how to play the drums. But not everyone can afford to buy a drum kit. The reason for this is their considerable cost and the traditional “love of music” of the neighbors of the newly minted drummer. Plus, learning to play the drums is difficult, painful, and extremely draining. If approached incorrectly, the path from green beginner to master of rhythm will take years. Therefore, we will figure out how to quickly learn to play the drums from scratch and without the drums themselves.

Introduction to Drums

First you need to get to know the tool. It’s better to do it in person: sit, touch, knock. But if this is not possible, then for the first time, correspondence acquaintance will be enough.

When a beginner looks at a drum kit (also called a “kitchen”), he sees two things: drums and cymbals. These are the main elements that make up a drum kit.

Drums are divided into three types:

  • Bass drum. It is played with a special mallet, which is driven by a pedal. The kick drum is needed to produce a dull, low sound. The kick drum is “boom”.
  • Snare drum. It is also called a worker. The bright and juicy “thousand” that is heard on the recordings is on his conscience.
  • Tom-toms. These drums are needed to additionally fill and decorate the rhythmic pattern. The classic version includes three volumes: two hanging and one floor-standing.

There are incomparably more types of plates. But for a beginner drummer, it is enough to know about four: hi-hat, ride, crash and splash. The main cymbal is the hi-hat. It is a set of two cymbals mounted on a separate stand with a pedal. The hat acts as a metronome - the main rhythm is tapped on it. Ride plays a similar role. And the remaining plates are needed to place accents.

Hand placement and coordination of movements

It’s paradoxical, but at first a beginner won’t need drums. The student's primary task is to position the hands and develop coordination of movements between the limbs. For these purposes, you need to regularly perform basic exercises. Practice the correct position, beat the rhythm on your knees or on a pad - a special rubber plate that imitates a snare drum. The following exercise will help here:

  • Begin tapping a simple four-quarter rhythm with your right hand. To do this, simply count “one-two-three-four” and make a strike for each count.
  • Then start hitting eighth notes: “one-and-two-and-three-and-four.” The blows also go to each count.
  • Add a left hand beat on each weak beat. The weak beats are on “two” and “four”.
  • Then, add an imaginary kick drum on each downbeat. The downbeats are “one” and “three”.

Practice this way until the movements become automatic. As soon as this happens, you can accept congratulations - you have mastered the simplest rhythmic pattern. And this is an important step towards becoming a modern Buddy Rich.

Performing such exercises to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination is critical for a beginner. They will help lay the foundations of the technique, which you will then have to hone in classes on a real installation. In addition, knowing the basics will help you not get lost when you finally get access to the coveted “kitchen”.

In addition, it is important to get a metronome and suitable sticks. There are no questions about the metronome, but the choice of sticks can be devoted to a separate article. However, let's highlight the main points:

Choose the right size sticks. Beginners are advised to start from size 5A. But this is not a rule, and if it is more convenient to hold sticks of a different length and thickness, take them.

Buy quality products. Don’t save money - bad sticks limit your technique, break quickly, and the cheapest copies will cause splinters.


The simplest answer to the question “how to quickly learn to play drums from scratch” is to go to a teacher. This solution will save a lot of time and nerves. A competent teacher will help a beginner learn the basics of technology and point out flaws and mistakes.

If you don’t succeed in studying with a teacher, you need to establish the right approach to classes. We're talking about practicing on a real drum kit here, but these tips also apply to practicing with a pad.

Play along to a metronome. For a drummer, a metronome is indispensable. No matter how well the drummer feels the rhythm, the risk of “floating” when playing remains.
Dedicate time to practicing the basic elements. Even professional musicians need to go back to basics. Take care of yourself and your technique. Flaws in technique result in tightness, loss of speed, fatigue and errors in the game. For progress, the landing position, the grip of the sticks, and the force of the blow are important.

Warm-up is required. To warm up your limbs, start your practice session by practicing simple rhythms, like the one discussed above. Start at a comfortable pace and gradually speed up. In addition, you can make the exercise more difficult by adding hits on different cymbals or toms.

Develop coordination. When playing the drums, all limbs are used and it is important to achieve their independence. To do this, add opening and closing the hi-hat with your left foot to the basic exercises.

Don't chase speed. If playing at the chosen tempo is not comfortable (you feel tired or tense muscles), reduce the metronome tempo. With the development of technology, speed will come on its own.

How to learn to play drums with your hands

Percussion instruments are not limited to drum sets. In addition to the drums themselves, they also include percussion. These are percussion instruments that differ in design from classical drums: darbukas, djembe, bongos, tambourines and others. There is only one answer to the question of how to learn to play such drums with your hands - play. The principles of playing percussion instruments are the same. The only difference is that the sound is produced not with sticks, but with hands and depends on the place where the performer hits.

The question of how to learn to play the drums is difficult to answer unequivocally. Almost every drummer has gone through the hard journey from simple rudiments to incredible solos. But there is a secret to success: play thoughtfully and regularly. And the results will not keep you waiting.

To become a great drummer, you need to work in three directions, that is, develop:

  • sense of rhythm;
  • technology;
  • the ability to improvise.

Only by developing these 3 skills will you blow the audience away at your performances. Some beginning drummers only work on technique. With good sound, even simple rhythms sound great, but without improvisation and the ability to compose parts you won’t get far. Ringo Starr from The Beatles or Megan White from White stripes they played simply, but their music went down in history.

To quickly develop all three skills, you will have to work hard. To help you, exercises and tips from famous drummers that will help beginners and those who want to move on.

Improvisation and development of musicality

When a person already knows how to play the drums, he needs to figure out what to play. Everyone advises listening to other musicians and filming their parts. This is necessary, but some aspiring drummers simply copy rhythms from their favorite songs without even considering whether they are suitable for the group or not.

Gary Chester, a famous session musician and one of the best teachers, created a system to develop not only technique, but also musical imagination. Book New Breed requires a lot of effort, but after practicing with it you will learn in practice how to write drum parts.

Bobby Sanabria, a renowned drummer and percussionist, recommends listening to different genres of music to develop musicality. Start learning percussion or other musical instruments, such as or. Then it will be easier for you to choose a suitable party.

In addition to the three pillars of the art of drumming, there are others. Every beginner needs to learn:

  • correct landing;
  • good grip of sticks;
  • basics of musical notation.

To sit straight and hold the chopsticks correctly, just watch this for the first month of classes. If you play incorrectly, you will quickly reach speed limits and your grooves will seem boring to the audience. Overcoming poor grip and positioning is difficult because your body is already used to it.

If you try to gain speed by playing incorrectly, it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Travis Barker, Thomas Lang, Chris Dave and other celebrities encountered this disease, then they began to devote more time to gripping sticks and playing easily.

How to start practicing?

Many beginners never start playing well. They want to get down to work on the installation as quickly as possible. Tapping simple exercises on a pad for several hours in a row is boring, but otherwise your hands won’t learn all the movements. To stay motivated, watch more videos with masters, it’s incredibly inspiring. Practice exercises to your favorite music - practicing will become more interesting, and your musicality will gradually increase.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to learn to play the drums; every great drummer has a special sound. The tips given in this article will help you really make your voice heard. Daily practice can sometimes be exhausting if you play inattentively, thinking about other things. Practice thoughtfully, then the exercises will become interesting, and your skill will grow every day.

Learn to fight laziness and don’t quit if something doesn’t work out.

A modern drum kit can include a different number of different drums and not only drums, but also other percussion instruments (cymbals, triangle, cabel, etc.). That's why drummers call all the instruments that make up a drum kit "dots." For example, the setup shown in the figure below consists of ten points - these are five drums, three cymbals and two points represent a hi-hat, since the sound on it can be produced by pressing the pedal with your foot, as well as hitting its cymbals with sticks. The minimum set that provides the rhythmic function in the ensemble consists of three items - a bass drum, a snare drum and a hi-hat. It is popularly called “troika”, although as we have already seen, it consists of four points. This minimal set is enough to reproduce most modern rhythms. Thus, the bass drum, snare drum and hi-hat are the basis of the drum kit, the remaining “dots” are most often used to decorate the main rhythmic line, as well as to perform so-called “transitions”, “breaks”, etc.

The drum kit ideally also includes a chair to sit on. This is a very important detail of the instrument, because the playing technique involves the participation of all four limbs and naturally the entire load falls on the place where we sit. Therefore, it is necessary to take special care to ensure that the chair is stable and comfortable.

Factors to consider when choosing drumsticks include: density, flatness, type of wood, weight, length, diameter of the wood part or nylon tip. And also a sense of “balance” and grip. When choosing sticks, look for good quality wood; the texture of the wood should not be pronounced, otherwise such sticks will quickly break. Some drummers prefer the natural sound of wood tips. Others prefer nylon tips for a bright, booming sound. In addition, such tips last longer. The size of the stick should match your hand, both in diameter and length. You should be able to hold the sticks comfortably and comfortably, then you will be able to extract exactly the sound you want from the drum. Try a few different sizes to compare before you decide to buy something specific. Once you have gained enough experience playing the drum, you will probably find a specific brand and model that is best for you. Your teacher or a local music store consultant can help you choose sticks. The choice of sticks also depends on what kind of music you will play. Rock, jazz, or classical - each type has its own drumsticks. You also need to take into account where you are going to play: in a symphony orchestra, jazz band or rock band. Feel the sticks. Hold them in your hands. Tap the entire surface of the stick and listen to the sound the wood makes. Avoid those that sound or feel hollow. It is also preferable that the sticks be of the same weight along their entire length. If the stick sounds the same along its entire length when tapped, then it weighs the same. And one more thing: the sticks must be perfectly even. This can be checked by rolling them on a flat surface, table or floor. Crooked sticks will give you a feeling of uncertainty in grip. Over time, you will find the best option for you, although you can try new models and brands from time to time.

Finally I got to the point where I could write down a pitiful semblance of a drum course for beginner drummers - how to learn to play drums at home(something like a drum school). Initially, I planned to do something serious, but after 10 takes and 7 GB of high-slag video, respectively, I realized that something serious could not come out of my pen. After spitting and rubbing, I decided to do probably the stupidest things in the world. Naturally, this only applies to the presentation of the material; all these exercises work (even though they are not mine). The delivery will just be a little rollicking. So, for those who have a lot of time, a complete lack of humor and a desire to learn how to drum (are there anyone here besides me?) - these drum courses will suit your taste.

In this video tutorial:
In this video:
1. What to buy in order to fully learn to play the drums?
2. How to hold sticks, what types of locks there are (this is really tough)
3. The first (and very important) exercise is throwing a stick onto your hand and returning it with your fingers

How I became a drummer

The idea arose to post here a little of the history of my love for drums. Maybe in part to stimulate young people. This is probably necessary.

This (video below) we played a little with Pasha from RadioClub. The idea was combine live drums and electronics. I don’t play anything special here (I don’t allow myself to do that at all in the studio), it’s simple, clear and powerful. This is an improvisation (slightly processed later). I hid it behind a plate for mystery.

I think a video from MondayDrummer will also be interesting, where I played with Zakhar Rondel in particular (constant guitarist). As always, 100% improvisation in the “whatever comes to mind” style. At this concert my temperature was under 40, please take this into account when giving me a verdict.

There was also a case once on competition for young drummers. All this happened a long time ago; of course, it’s impossible to look at many of these things without smiling. I took an honorable 6th place, received a T-shirt from Zilzhan and met wonderful people there (Manyakin, Udalov, Andrei Shatunovsky and many others). In subsequent years I participated, but my gut was already weak. Very seasoned participants went (just look at Sashka Rosembaum, who won 5 years in a row). Well, what happened was what happened, without beauty or exaggeration. Of course, the fucker was worried, he forgot everything he wanted to play. But he squeezed something out. The above-mentioned jury members gave me first place. For the force of the blow. I'll tell you how to do it. 🙂

Well, finally... from life... I thought I’d put this in a separate post, but who the hell is interested in it. It was like this: I constantly carried a camera with me and often wrote down all sorts of mutiny that was happening around. Then I decided to somehow put it all together into one video and it turned out like this crap. Here are my friends, work, rehearsals, etc. Well, in short, not many people will be interested :)

Handsome Bashmak (bassist of the band Twitch, who works part-time in Lifeform and Barsoom, as well as in all our terrible endeavors, not only musical ones), so Bashmak managed to SLEEP THE NAPALM DEATH CONCERT. Agree that few people can boast of such a thing. Kirill, you are truly handsome!

Practical lessons for beginner drummers

In fact, I would like to tell you how I studied myself, starting from my very first classes. I want to show how you can develop this or that ability in drumming. In order to jumpstart your game, you need 3 things. The first is the desire to play. The second is patience. The third is opportunities (having a salary of around 10 thousand and the opportunity to spend this money on some drum purchases).

Everything I say is common knowledge. I will synthesize the information that was shown to me from the video lessons, which I myself came to. I will refer to Dave Weckl from time to time.

Methods of learning to play the drums

I’ll go straight to the technique he told me about. Alexander Arzamastsev, drummer of the Bering Strait band. This technique is unique. The fact is that there is no methodology as such. Everything is known. But the essence of it is that for each exercise we must develop a certain muscle memory at a certain pace. The human body automatically signals to you that muscle memory is emerging. This manifests itself in the fact that you relax. Let's say you're working on some complex fractions. At first it is tight, but after 20 minutes you feel that you have relaxed. This, in fact, is muscle memory. It starts working for you. This suggests that you can move to a faster tempo and increase the metronome by 10.

What should a beginner drummer buy?

Let's talk about the basic equipment that you need to buy to start practicing drums.


In order to start practicing, you need to buy drum sticks. Which ones exactly? In a musical instrument store, you will see a rack with a huge number of different sticks, made of different materials, some with the word, for example, heavy metal written on them. I don’t recommend starting with the super oak rock crushers or the expensive aluminum ones that Joey Jordison uses. In short, come to the store and buy any normal poles.

Rubber pad

Immediately, if you have the opportunity, buy a rubber pad. What it is? Roughly speaking, this is an elastic band that you put on a stool or put on a certain rack and practice hitting on it. The pad is worth it 400 - 800 rub. depending on what is stuffed into it.


You also need a metronome. It is required. Without a metronome there is no point in practicing the drums. We will talk about muscle memory; it develops well in the wrong direction. Practicing without a metronome at the initial stage will lead you to develop a “crookedness” in yourself. To prevent this from happening, you should definitely have a metronome with you. If you study at home and you have a computer, there is absolutely no need to buy one. There are a huge number of all kinds of programs that have a metronome click. Basically, you need something that counts the rhythm and shows how much.

Pedals and pedal pad

You can practice on pads at home. In any case, you won’t have to play on real drums for the first six months, because you need to play all the beats. And only after that you can move on to a real drum kit. For example, I lost on rubber bands for about 1.5 years. I was strictly forbidden to play the drums until I had been practicing with elastic bands for a year and a half. It makes sense. So don’t worry about where you can find a rehearsal space just yet, just buy rubber pads. They will justify themselves.

You can buy a cardan if you are a terrible metalhead or want to become one in the future. I still recommend buying a cardan, not necessarily super expensive. If you don't have much money, you can buy Maxtone.


There are several types of locks. The lock is the way you hold the sticks, the grip.
There are three types of locks:

  • German (German grip). The sticks lie on 4 fingers, pressed with the thumb. The position of the palms when playing is the thumb facing inward, the outer side of the palm on top.
  • French (French grip). The sticks lie on 4 fingers, pressed with the thumb. The position of the palms when playing is the thumb on top.
  • Traditional grip. In the left hand, the stick, located between the thumb and palm, passes between the middle and ring fingers. A lot of drummers play like that. I don’t recommend working on such a lock right away; you have to come to it yourself over time.

Dave Weckl teaches how to play with your thumbs pointing up. Moreover, he recommends not pressing the thumb tightly against the palm, but leaving a small space.

When you start practicing, your hands will begin to “walk”, i.e. move not vertically, but from side to center. My left hand sometimes squints. To fix this, I don’t change the lock on my right hand, but on my left I slightly turn my palm inward with my thumb. We will talk about this. But for now, practice in a straight position (French castle).

Practical exercises for beginner drummers

Drum Exercise 1 - Stick Throwing

The first practical exercise is that you throw a stick, located in a French lock, onto your hand (thus, the tip of the stick faces you when casting). Throw the sticks and return to the starting position.

This exercise has several beneficial aspects. You shape the direction the wand moves in your lock. Many people may drop their stick. This is also a very important point. In the future, this exercise will have a good effect on fractions. I recommend spending about 2 weeks on this exercise. And then periodically return to it.

So, just throw the stick on your hand. Moreover, if at first the thumb is on top of the stick, after casting the stick is pinched between the finger and the hand. You return the stick to the lock again (thumb on top).

The return of the stick occurs using the fingers. Here's the trick. What does this develop? This develops your fingers, they will have to work a lot, in particular when fractioning by twos. I recommend focusing on this exercise a little. This exercise is precisely so that you understand where the stick is in your hand and what direction it should be.

If you succeed, try to return the stick forward faster.

This is the first exercise. To “put on a punch”, you need to work out a number of exercises. The production of my personal blow went through them. And I can now say with complete confidence that it works, and you should spend time on it. What doesn’t work, I will try NOT to tell you about it.

So, many drummers have the problem of hitting hard. As my mentor said: “You are stroking the plastics.” You don't hit, you stroke. Small stick dynamics, played quietly by many drummers. But a completely thoughtless blow that breaks cymbals and drums is also ineffective. Therefore, you need to find this zone, you need to feel this blow. There is a blow called "whip". And now we are starting to disassemble the technology of the whip. But in order to approach it, you need to do the first exercise.

The purpose of this lesson on the topic how to learn to play drums- development of muscle memory. Once you have developed it, you will feel that you are doing this exercise completely relaxed. This means that it is starting to work for you, and you just need to secure it. The fact that I play electronic drums is a completely different area. I can't hit them hard because their triggers check. So, I play the electronic drum kit quietly. I don’t use a whip here, but on a real drum kit I definitely use it.

Date of publication: 09.25.2011
This material is the content of the website with all the legal bells and whistles that entails.
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First, master the positioning of your arms and legs, and how to sit behind the setup. To do this, contact an experienced teacher and take the first few lessons. Playing the drums requires a lot of coordination. After all, the ride part is performed with one hand, the rhythmic part on the snare drum is performed with the other hand, the third part is performed on the bass drum with the foot, etc. A musician has to simultaneously perform up to six functions.

To get started, learn a basic four-way coordination exercise where your arms and legs tap different notes of different durations. If you don't have one yet, for this exercise take a regular chair, place it on the floor and play. The right leg of the chair is a cymbal, the left leg is a snare drum, and just stomp your feet. Ready?

Start playing quarters with your right foot. Continuing the given rhythm with your right foot, play eighth notes with your left foot in the same rhythm. This exercise is called bilateral coordination.

Another exercise: play eighth triplets with your left stick, and continue the already mastered exercise with your feet. This is how tripartite coordination is accomplished.

The most difficult thing is when you, without stopping the previous exercises, turn on the right stick and beat sixteenth notes with it. This is already four-way coordination. Make these exercises gradually more difficult. To do this, you will have to develop good coordination of both hands, regardless of whether you are right-handed or left-handed. But when training your “weak” arm, don’t forget about your “weak” leg.

Find some simple drum kit exercises and start practicing until you can play them easily. Perform the exercises at a distinct pace. Once mastered, come up with your own variations and continue training.


  • playing the drums

The drum is a percussion instrument invented quite a long time ago. Anyone can learn to play the drums, but to do this they will need a modern drum set.

Learn to sit correctly. Remember that when playing the drums it is very important and greatly affects the quality of the game. You should sit so that your feet are on the ground and form an angle of 135˚. The small one should be at such a level that the arm bent at the elbow and the upper surface of the drum make an angle of 90˚. Adjust the position of the small drum depending on what is most convenient for you. Your arms should be slightly bent at the elbows and appear to be round. In this case, the arms should be slightly moved forward relative to the body.

Now start assembling yours. It can be different for everyone - it depends on your taste and the desired sound. Typically, a set of drums includes a bass drum, a small drum on a tripod, a mechanical device of two cymbals (also called a Charleston), two toms - a small and a large one, a pedal for the bass drum, a large cymbal, a bell and, in fact, sticks.

When installing the drums, keep in mind that the surfaces of both toms and the snare should be at the same level. In this case, you will not need to constantly change the position of your hands when playing, and make unnecessary body movements that can negatively affect the quality of the game.

Warm up before exercise. To do this, first turn the brush in one direction or the other at least 50 times. Then pick up the stick and move up and down, also 50 times.

For training, make yourself a special simulator. It should consist of a board on a tripod, and an elastic band should be glued on top. The fact is that practicing drums at home is not very convenient - you will cause anxiety and inconvenience to others.

The main thing in the process of learning to play is constant practice. Only by constantly and systematically practicing can you achieve success. Good luck to you!


  • Tell me, can anyone learn to play the drums? How can I determine if I can learn to play?

If you decide to understand the world of music through a drum set, you can immediately consider yourself a black sheep. Despite the fact that the concept of notes and keys also exists in drumming, the instrument “works” on intuition. The only thing you need to master this instrument is the ability to feel the rhythm and a little instruction.

You will need

  • educational literature, Internet, metronome


Buy from scratch. To understand how the process of playing the drums generally works and to learn the basic stances and movements, just one book will be enough for you. They are all approximately the same and differ only in the style of presentation and the order of topics. Therefore, choose one of the ones you like and read it carefully.

Start beating rhythms. As soon as you have learned from the book how and what you have to do in general, you should start working on the rhythm. Buy one to help you. It doesn’t matter at all what model it is and how much it will cost. For starters, absolutely anyone will do. Connect it to it so that the sound of the drums is not drowned out by the metronome, and start beating out the rhythms available to you on absolutely any part of the drum set.

Learn to involve your leg in this process. The bass drum that you hit with a pedal is one of the most difficult to master. Try to count the beats separately for the main part and keep an additional count in your head for the bass drum. Extensive training will give the desired result.

Watch training videos and repeat what you see. On the Internet you will find a lot of videos where professional drummers play parts from famous songs or just beautiful drum parts. Review and repeat after them, this will allow you to get better and get used to playing a full game, and not just tapping on the drums.

Buy a training unit for home training. Many people are faced with the problem of where to store their drums. And also, not all neighbors will be sympathetic to your lessons. A rubber training rig will help with both problems. It creates absolutely no noise and takes up very little space. At the initial stage, this is the best option.

Anyone can learn to play percussion instruments, in particular a modern drum set. Learning to play the drum is not an easy task, but with due diligence, mastering the techniques of playing is quite possible even at home.


Buy your own drum kit. It can be purchased at a specialized musical instrument store. Don't forget to buy drumsticks. Choose at your discretion, based on your financial capabilities.

Arrange the drums so that it is convenient to play them. Choose the installation configuration yourself, depending on where and what kind of drum you will place. Please note that the small drum and two toms (floor and low) must be at the same level. To play the game you need to have good coordination.

Learn to hold chopsticks in your hands. Hold them firmly but loosely, without straining your arm muscles too much. When playing, do not press your elbows to your body; they should be at right angles to the small drum.

Sit correctly. Correct posture when playing percussion instruments affects the quality of the game. Sit up straight, placing your legs so that they form an angle of 135 degrees, bend your arms at the elbows and extend them slightly forward in front of your body. Now you will not make unnecessary movements during the game.

Always warm up your arms before playing. Take a stick and twist the brush in one direction 50 times, then in the other - 50 times. Do the same with the other hand. Practice playing on a small one or make yourself a simulator (a board with rubber on it).

Don't try to play complex rhythms right away. Pick simple exercises and play them until you get good at them. Start with single beats with the sticks, gradually increasing the number of beats per beat.

The drummer is an important member of a rock band. A good drummer will be welcome in any musical group, regardless of the genre in which the group plays. To learn to play the drums, you need to have a sense of rhythm and fast hands. Such useful skills need to be developed in yourself.


Enroll in a rock music school or hire a teacher. Starting any business from scratch is not easy. Therefore, supervision by a professional is required. You can follow the performance of drummers at concerts as much as you like, but without knowing the basics, it will be extremely difficult to apply something in your playing. In rock schools they teach how to play various instruments used in this style, including drums. There you will be taught the correct placement of your arms, legs, and overall correct posture. You will also be able to master various playing styles, study the playing of famous performers, and understand how to improvise. A rock music school is one of the most effective ways to master playing the drums. If there are none in your city, it will be useful to practice individually with drumming masters. It also doesn't hurt to take a few private lessons if you know that a particular one can give you something more than musician training.

View lessons. Having mastered the basics and understood how to operate this instrument, you can switch to learning drums on your own. Watch lessons from recognized world masters, repeat after them, come up with your own improvisations. It will be great if you have a familiar experienced drummer who could evaluate your own creations. You can also study drums remotely if you cannot afford private lessons and classes at music schools. The effect, of course, will be much lower, and the training time will increase, but if there are no other options, then you have to be content with what you have.

Watch the drummers play at concerts. Now that you have learned the basics of the game and started to come up with something of your own, you can safely watch the musicians play. Preferably at live concerts, but you can also watch in recordings. You shouldn’t copy them blindly, but you can find some ideas for yourself.

Video on the topic


  • learn to play drums from scratch

Drums are not the most popular instrument among aspiring musicians, but a good drummer is a shortage in many bands. The ability to play this instrument provides an opportunity not only for personal development, but also for making good money in the musical field.

You will need

  • practice pad, drums


If you don't have your own drum kit yet, buy a practice pad. This tool allows beginners to train in . It is practically inaudible, which will protect your neighbors from loud sounds. You can start practicing rhythm, correct movements, and whiplash.

Watch and listen carefully to all - and audio recordings using drums. Repeat the movements of professional musicians and monitor your own sound production. Over time, you will be able to repeat the rhythm and breaks much faster and better.

If you have the financial means, enroll in a music school or hire a tutor. This will be a more professional approach to learning. In addition to practice, you will receive a good theory of playing the drums, including learning about the correct position behind the instrument and the correct position of the hands when hitting with sticks.

Read as much relevant literature as possible, communicate on forums with professional musicians. The more information you receive, the better you will become at the instrument. With the knowledge gained, you will be able to assemble a professional installation. The big advantage of drums is that you can buy and assemble them in parts.

Even if you study at school or with a tutor, keep an eye on the appearance of video lessons on the Internet. Learn different techniques from different masters. The more information and practice you put through your own hands, the more virtuoso and individual musician you will become over time.

Take every opportunity to train your arms. Wherever you are, beat the rhythm, train both your hands and your brain.

Video on the topic


  • how to tune drums correctly

There is a common belief that playing the drum kit is not that difficult, and that you don't even need to spend time learning it. However, in reality, the process of learning to play is quite labor-intensive and long.


You don't have to buy an expensive drum kit right away. A training pad is also perfect for your first lessons. It is especially useful for lessons taught in the city, since it is not as loud as a drum. This way, you can practice the necessary movements and rhythm without disturbing anyone.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a pad, then you can make some kind of drum yourself from. Here you will need plywood and a piece of plastic. The main thing at this stage is not the appearance of the instrument. You should only pay attention to whether you can carry out full-fledged training with its help.

Find a good tutor or enroll in a music school. The teacher will tell you about the correct position at the drum set and the position of your hands when hitting. In addition, you will undergo good theoretical training, without which even the most “advanced” drummer will be left with only an average level of training.

In your free time, watch as many different videos as possible. These can be either training courses, where the teacher explains everything in detail and explains every movement, or simply performances by professional musicians. Pay attention to important details and then try to repeat the breaks and rhythm, trying to do it faster and better than the original. Practice the techniques of different masters as much and often as possible, this will allow you to quickly achieve the desired level of training.

Don’t forget the relevant literature, communicate on specialized forums and participate in discussions. On the Internet you can find a lot of tips and instructions from professional drummers that will help you improve your playing of this musical instrument.

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  • Drumming lessons

To play the drum, you need to learn it. To do this, you can resort to different methods, and training is possible both with a teacher and independently. However, please note that you will have to spend a lot of time before you can play at the right pace.


To practice your fast playing skills, you will need a special pad. It can perfectly replace the installation. By the way, the pad is more convenient when playing . The fact is that it is not as loud as a drum, so you won’t disturb anyone while practicing. And you will have the opportunity to practice the desired rhythm of the game for as long as you need.

In addition to self-study, pay attention to training with a teacher (hire a tutor, or go to a music school). From a specialist you will learn not only about the secrets of fast playing, but also about how to sit at the drum set and position your hands when hitting. In addition, the teacher will tell and explain the theory to you. Such preparation is necessary, because without it, even the most experienced and famous drummers would remain simply self-taught with a not very high level of knowledge and playing.

Regardless of whether you study with someone or alone, pay attention to additional activities. Watch relevant video materials: for example, performances by professional drummers or any training courses. In the latter, by the way, there is a teacher who not only talks about the movements, but also shows them himself. All you have to do is repeat them to learn the technique or rhythm you want.

Search the Internet for literature on this topic, go to specialized forums where you can take part in numerous discussions. In addition, such resources provide the opportunity to receive a large number of instructions and advice from experienced drummers. They will help you improve the speed and style of playing this musical instrument.

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