Presentation template by profession pastry chef. Presentation of the profession "cook, pastry chef"

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Profession: "Cook, confectioner" Training period - 2.5 years with obtaining a secondary (full) general education and primary vocational education. Admission based on basic general education. The name of professions, according to the all-Russian classifier of the profession of workers, positions of employees and wage categories includes: Cook 3-4 categories; Confectioner 3-4 category. Region professional activity graduates: preparation of a wide range of simple and basic culinary dishes, basic bakery and confectionery products, taking into account the needs of various categories of consumers. Conduct professional training: Teacher and master of p / o II category Krasovskaya Irina Fedorovna, special education, work experience - 15 years. - Shetyomina Elena Petrovna, special education, work experience - 23 years, master of the second category. Vorobyeva Anastasia Nikolaevna, secondary vocational education, graduate of OGO NPO PU No. 12, work experience - 5.5 years.

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Cook, confectioner - This is one of the most necessary and important professions in the world. After all, not a single person can do without food for a day. And in order to beautifully cook delicious and high-quality food, knowledge and skills are needed. You can acquire this knowledge in our vocational school No. 12.

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Profession "cook, confectioner" Here's a cook - a culinary specialist, Everything cooks deliciously, His dishes are just a gift, And cakes are art

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An old Russian proverb says: "A good cook is worth a doctor." Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. After all, how to feed a person depends on his health and mood. This is a profession that requires constant search, creative imagination, because it is necessary to pleasantly surprise the visitor every time he enters the dining room, cafe, restaurant.

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When asked why they chose the profession of a cook, many students of culinary schools answer like this: “I love to cook”, “I want to come up with new, unknown dishes”. And experienced chefs say: “Our job is to bring joy to people. Otherwise, why go to the chef?

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Culinary art is acquired by a person during many years of study and practice. Not everyone is able to become a good cook, but everyone should strive for this, cultivating in themselves a love for creativity, a search for something new and a desire to bring joy to people. The chef's talent lies in the fact that he would establish his "secret"; unknown to others attitudes towards products.

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Presentation slides

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Presentation on the topic: Profession cook, pastry chef.

9th grade students Valeria Dvinova.

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The history of the profession cook, confectioner From generation to generation, people passed on the experience of cooking. They carefully kept all the traditions associated with food, understanding that food is the basis of life, health and well-being. Also in Ancient Greece the cult of Asclepius, the mythical healer, who received the name Aesculapius in Rome, arose. His daughter Ginea was considered the patroness of the science of health, and their faithful assistant was the cook Kulina. She became the patroness of the culinary arts, called "cooking" (from the Latin culina - kitchen).

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Cooking as a science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. The development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering enterprises. They arose in Ancient Russia. Initially, these were taverns (from the Slavic root "fodder"), in which travelers could find shelter and food. Then there were roadside taverns (from the Latin "trakt" - a path, a stream) - hotels with a dining room and a kitchen. At the same time, along with taverns, restaurants began to appear in large cities of Russia (from the French "restauration" - restoration).

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By the end of the 18th century, the process of one-sided integration of Western European dishes, utensils and technology (on-the-stove, not oven cooking) was completed in Russia, and their development and adaptation of these “innovations” to Russian conditions began. At the same time, everything new from the court table first falls on the capital's noble-bureaucratic table, then into the provincial noble-landlord environment, and from there to other estates. This process is especially noticeable in the capital of the empire, in St. Petersburg, which, from the last quarter of the 18th century, finally becomes a trendsetter in the field of cooking. Since the 90s of the 18th century, numerous cookbooks have appeared, translated from German and French, in which recipes for Russian dishes are drowned in a mass of foreign ones.

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An important contribution of French culinary specialists to the development of Russian cuisine was the fact that they prepared a galaxy of brilliant Russian chefs. Mikhail and Gerasim Stepanov, G. Dobrovolsky, V. Bestuzhev, I. M. Radetsky, P. Grigoriev, I. Antonov, 3. Eremeev, N. Khodeev, P. Vikentiev and others supported and distributed, best traditions Russian cuisine throughout the 19th century Such outstanding practitioners as I. Radetsky and G. Stepanov left behind extensive guides to Russian cooking

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Mainly in educational institutions confectioners receive universal training, which provides the opportunity to perform almost all the basic work required in manufacturing factories and catering organizations. However, in some cases, confectioners specialize in the manufacture of a particular product, for example, chocolate - they are professionals in the preparation of chocolate and chocolate products.

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Confectioner is preparing various kinds dough, fillings, creams according to a given recipe, bakes and decorates products. These are high-quality, various type, taste and aroma food products. Most of the work is done manually with the help of special tools, turning the pastry chef into an art.

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The skill level of confectioners is determined by categories. There are only 6 of them. Immediately after graduating from college, the pastry chef receives the 3rd or 4th category. But in the process of work it can be increased. 6th grade is the highest. To work in prestigious restaurants or in the workshops of large confectionery factories, the 6th category is a prerequisite.

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Cooking begins with preparatory operations. The cook sorts, washes food, cuts, etc. And then prepares the dish in accordance with the recipe. When the dish is ready (this is determined not only by the appearance and smell, but also with the help of instrumentation), the chef lays it out in portions, arranges it for serving.

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You can just be a cook, a technologist and a chef. A cook-technologist is a specialist who not only knows how to cook, but also draws up calculation cards. That is, it distributes dishes into categories (here we are talking about quality and compliance with certain standards), by output (that is, the mass of the finished product). Also, the chef-technologist counts energy value food, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it.

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All these confectionery products are baked both in large confectionery factories and in small private and state confectionery shops. People working in these workshops and engaged in baking and decorating ready-made confectionery products are called confectioners. The work of confectioners is very interesting and creative, because you need to bake a cake in such a way, and even more so decorate it, so that a person really wants to try it. That is precisely why every good confectioner must have imagination and artistic taste, and even more so if he works in those confectionery shops that are more specialized in the production of cakes to order.

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Most cakes are ordered for anniversaries, weddings or children's birthdays, and it is natural that the decoration of such a cake can only be entrusted to a true master of his craft. A the best gift, for the confectioner himself, there will be such a thing as a silver jug, and do not hesitate, he will adequately appreciate such a gift.

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Also, good hand coordination is required to decorate cakes. The work of a confectioner also includes kneading various doughs, baking them and preparing various creams. The dough is often kneaded by hand and baked with high temperatures, so the work of a confectioner is not easy. It is especially hot in confectionery shops in summer time of the year.

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The confectioner must be physically fit because he works standing up all day. Also, he must have a certain talent in preparing products according to the recipe, because everyone knows that from the same set of products two different housewives will prepare the same dish with different tastes. The confectioner must have a fine taste and sense of smell, as well as taste memory. The confectioner must have a good eye, because usually cakes are cut from one large layer of dough by eye and only then weighed.

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The profession of a cook is one of the oldest in the world, always and everywhere people use the results of the work of cooks. From what a person eats, his health, and mood, and the quality of work depend. Cooking is a real science that has developed along with humanity, so every nation has its own National cuisine with special recipes. Cooking is also a real art that requires creativity, imagination, ingenuity.

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A cook is one of the few professions where the senses are very important. After all, the cook determines the degree of readiness of the dish and its quality by appearance and color, smell, taste. In addition, a cook needs a good memory to memorize recipes for different dishes. A cook must know a lot about products: how to choose the most best products how to properly store them, how to determine their freshness. Different foods are prepared in different ways and the chef needs to know the specifics of their preparation. It is very important to be able to decorate and serve the prepared dish beautifully.

The chef's profession is unique in its own way. As practice shows and the chefs themselves say, the knowledge and skills acquired in the culinary school play a very insignificant role in the formation of professional skills. The skill of a cook is honed only in the process of work, with the daily development of techniques and the parallel development of professional qualities.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional Interesting Facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

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I want to introduce you the most delicious profession - "Cook, confectioner."
Statisticians have calculated that there are over 40 thousand professions in the world, of which about a thousand are the most common.
And one of the thousands of common, most ancient professions is a cook, a pastry chef.
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A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good cook is sometimes called a magician, because he can cook a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products, which will bring joy and delight to people.
A confectioner is a professional chef who creates confectionery, desserts, and more.
Most of the work is done manually with the help of special tools, turning the pastry chef into an art.
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Ancient man did not cook his own food. Everything he found and collected, he ate raw. Until he learned how to make fire. In ancient times, there were no dishes, so the primitive man cooked his own food on hot stones around an open fire. The first stove for the ancient cooks was a stone-lined pit with smoldering coals. The pit was covered with a skin, and food was cooked there, as in a large saucepan with a lid. So in the ancient society a new profession appeared - a cook. But as time went on, everything improved.
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The legend says:
In the Greek city of Paros, there was once a majestic sculpture of the healer Aesculapius, seated on a throne with a rod in his hand, entwined with a snake, personifying wisdom.
Gidzheya (Hygiene) and Kulina (Cookery) stood nearby.
The ancient dream of mankind was embodied in this monument - to cure diseases with the help of a healthy lifestyle and culinary arts.
No wonder they say: A good cook is worth a doctor. So, in the hands of culinary chefs, not only health, living standards of the population, but also family happiness.
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At all times, the chef was treated with great respect. The health and mood of people depends on his work. A person cannot live without food, because the body needs vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, etc.
For example, in the French chronicles, the name of the cook followed immediately after the king.
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This is what 18th century cooks looked like. See what are the requirements for them?

I think these requirements are still relevant today.
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Cooking as a science arose in Russia only at the end of the 18th century. And the impetus for the development of professional cooking is associated with the emergence of out-of-home catering enterprises.
The first restaurants, cafes, student canteens.
On March 25, 1888, on the initiative of Professor I. E. Andrievsky and culinary specialist D. V. Kanshin, the first culinary school was opened in St. Petersburg.
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Today, the professions of cooks and confectioners are prestigious and in demand in the labor market. Dozens of new restaurants and cafes open every year, festivals and culinary competitions allow young professionals to develop professionally.
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Once every four years, the whole world watches the Olympic Games with bated breath, and all the culinary specialists follow the International Culinary and Confectionery Olympiad. It has been held in Germany since 1900. Such a competition is held in order to evaluate the world achievements of culinary and confectioners, to demonstrate new ideas, combinations and tastes, design innovations.
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The professions of a cook and pastry chef can be compared to a real art, where great creativity, precision of a jeweler and artistic taste are required.
Delicious food always leaves positive memories, good emotions.
Who can paint an edible picture or create a delicious sculpture? Who can turn a snake into a bird and a bird into a fish? Creations excite the imagination and are remembered for a lifetime.
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Not everyone will become a scientist, writer, artist, not everyone is destined to discover gunpowder, but everyone should become a poet, an artist in their field. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
Welcome to our friendly, helpful family of Cooks!

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Text content of presentation slides:
Presentation about the profession "Cook, confectioner" I want to introduce you the most delicious profession - "Cook, confectioner". A cook is a food preparation specialist. A good chef is sometimes called a magician, because he can prepare a real masterpiece from the most ordinary products, which will bring joy and delight to people. A confectioner is a professional chef who creates confectionery, desserts, etc. the profession of confectioner into art. The first culinary school was opened in St. Petersburg on March 25, 1888 on the initiative of Professor I. E. Andrievsky and culinary specialist D. V. Kanshin. . There is no place on earth where the services of cooks are not used. International Olympiad in Culinary and Confectionery Art. It’s time for someone to approach - without complaining about fate, Become a cook, we advise from the bottom of our hearts. Let us get up before dawn, it’s fun at work, Cook, don’t say - a glorious profession!

Attached files

A bright colorful presentation "The Profession of a Chef" tells children about how this profession arose, what is its significance in modern world. Since ancient times, people have been preparing their own food. Perhaps even then the first professional skills began to form among the most gifted. The presentation on the topic “Profession of a cook”, which we offer to download for children for free and without any code words, talks about where this specialty can be obtained and what job prospects a young chef will have. This presentation can be used to prepare the project "My future profession is a chef, confectioner."

Everyone loves delicious treats, but not everyone knows how to cook them. The presentation "Profession of confectioner" tells about professionals who can easily prepare the most exquisite dessert. People of this specialty are in demand in cafes and expensive restaurants, in confectionery factories and bakeries. The presentation on the topic “My future profession is a pastry chef” has a lot of useful material for those who want to comprehend the art of confectionery and connect their future with the production of sweet cakes and cookies, pastries and other delicious meals. Interested in the profession of confectioner - you can download the presentation for free.

The material contains a script and a presentation for the class hour "Who is a cook". The event is held in grades 9-11. The class hour is held in order to form students' understanding of the profession of a cook, the history of the profession, the social significance of the profession in society, the uniqueness of the profession; cultivate love for the chosen profession; develop the desire to be the best in the profession.

Zvyagina Zoya

There is a wide range of working professions in the world, for myself I chose the most interesting and creative profession.

“Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums.

They are eaten the faster, the more beautiful they are.

V. Pokhlebkin.



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Slides captions:

There is a wide range of working professions in the world, for myself I chose the most interesting and creative profession.

“Even culinary masterpieces cannot be preserved in any museums. They are eaten the faster, the more beautiful they are. V. Pokhlebkin.

Most likely, the word "cook" comes from the East Slavic "var", meaning boiling water and heat. In the Navy, the position of a cook is called a cook. The profession of a pastry chef developed along with civilization, so we can say that this is an ancient profession. The first dishes looked just like half-cooked pieces of meat or fish burned on an open fire. , say the marks of Greek civilization on the island of Crete 2600 BC It is safe to assume that the older cultures of Egypt, Phoenicia and Sumer also had professional cooks working for the families of nobles and rulers.

Later, such concepts as sanitary standards appeared that regulate the work of such specialists. Not every person has the opportunity to enjoy at home, for example, the national dish of a country, to taste the masterpieces of exotic cuisines. And if we remember that food for a person is not only a source of energy and nutrients, but also a great taste pleasure, it becomes clear that a person who can give food a delicious taste, aroma and appearance will be in great demand for his services. In addition, do not forget that pastry chefs are required not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in institutions such as kindergartens, schools, hospitals.

Requirements for the knowledge and skills of a specialist For the successful development of the profession of a cook, basic knowledge of natural science is necessary. A qualified cook must know: the basics of cooking; requirements for the preparation of various dishes and food processing; cooking principles diet meals; recipes for cooking and decorating dishes, etc. A qualified cook must be able to: work with kitchen utensils; prepare meals according to recipes; process various products, etc.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist Successful work as a cook requires the presence of the following professionally important qualities: a penchant for service work an ability to concentrate attention a penchant for working with natural objects a penchant for manual labor physical endurance a penchant for creative work

Area of ​​professional activity of a specialist: Cooking dishes from vegetables and mushrooms Cooking dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, eggs, cottage cheese, dough. Cooking soups and sauces Cooking fish dishes Cooking cold dishes and snacks Cooking meat and poultry dishes Cooking bakery, flour and confectionery products Cooking sweet dishes and drinks

In educational practice

The social significance of the profession in society People on average eat three times a day - this ensures a stable demand for the services of these professionals. If a pastry chef has pleased his customers with his delicious dishes or confectionery, then he can count on the gratitude and re-visit of these visitors after a while.

The mass nature and uniqueness of the profession The profession of a pastry chef is unique in its own way. The main thing is talent, a sense of taste, imagination, meticulous accuracy, the presence of a creative streak to come up with an original recipe or an exquisite decoration of a dish. The sense of smell and subtle taste sensations will help the chef to reach heights in his career. Also, a good pastry chef must be attentive, neat, organized, must have a good memory.

The risks of the profession The pros of the profession The profession of a cook is in demand and creative, it has a place for imagination and ingenuity. Good chefs have high wages. Disadvantages of the profession Work requires great physical endurance and responsibility. Standing at a hot stove full-time is not for everyone. At the same time, there is a constant tension of attention, when you need to monitor the preparation of many dishes and there is no way to relax or be distracted.

Fields of application of the profession The profession of a cook is in demand in any industry: in schools, hospitals, kindergartens, canteens at plants and factories, modern offices, chic restaurants, in the army and navy. In good hotels, the profession of a cook is considered a key one in the hotel business. In hotels, chefs cook themselves and at the same time control the process of creating almost all dishes - from standard breakfasts to desserts. They also participate in the purchase of equipment, compose the menu, make sure that the restaurant's products are fresh and immediately go to processing. The chef can also open his own restaurant or cafe. Wealthy people hire cooks for their homes.

A cook is necessary for everyone and always ... Army Children food Public catering

Give the cook products: Poultry meat, dried fruits, Rice, potatoes and then delicious food is waiting for you.

In our college: Profession Qualification Form of education Cook, confectioner on the basis of 9 classes Cook, confectioner (3, 4 categories) Full-time, 2 years 5 months. Cook, confectioner on the basis of 11 classes Cook, pastry chef (3, 4 categories) Full-time, 10 months. I am a second-year student at the Kalyazinsky College named after N.M. Polezhaeva. I will get an excellent profession with a decent salary. Come learn with us, you won't regret it.