Is it possible for adults to have baby food for gastritis? Nutrition for children with gastritis: how to make it not only useful, but also tasty How to feed a child with an exacerbation of gastritis.

Today, more and more cases of gastritis in children are being recorded. It has been proven that the disease progresses due to unhealthy diet (chips, crackers, fast food) and negative emotions that may arise due to difficulties in school or kindergarten.

Most often, gastritis occurs in schoolchildren due to lack of time for food and rest. A diet for gastritis for a child is prescribed as the main treatment for the disease. Parents need to control the quality of the food and the size of the portions.

Before starting to observe proper nutrition for gastritis, each parent should learn the basic rules of a therapeutic diet. Thanks to these recommendations, you can eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the functioning of the stomach.

The main rules of the diet:

  1. Food should always be warm (never hot). Products you need in mandatory thermally process.
  2. Eliminate fried, fatty foods, smoked meats, pickles and all unhealthy snacks from the diet. The child should eat more mucous soups, which will envelop the walls of the stomach, while positively affecting his work. Slimy soups are prepared on the basis of rice, barley, oatmeal. When dieting, such dishes should not contain vegetables, meat and fish.
  3. Vegetables can be served baked or steamed. If there is no period of exacerbation of gastritis, you can give fresh, but it is important that they are well washed. Doctors recommend using a sponge for washing. For children under two years old, it is recommended to serve vegetables in the form of mashed potatoes.
  4. Every day you need to drink at least 1-1.5 liters of purified water without gas. The volume depends on the age and weight of the baby, so a gastroenterologist or nutritionist will give more accurate information.
  5. It is important to make sure that your child chews food thoroughly and eats as slowly as possible. In order not to irritate the stomach, it is recommended to puree the food.

In addition, you should not overuse sweets. Despite the fact that many children have a sweet tooth, sweets should be limited.

Prohibited and permitted foods for gastritis

The diet should be balanced and contain food that does not irritate the stomach lining. There is a list of products that must be excluded from the children's menu. This will remove inflammation from the organ and improve its work.

Below is a table that describes the prohibited and allowed foods for gastritis.

Food groups Allowed Products Prohibited foods
  • weak milk tea
  • fruit and dried fruit compote
  • chamomile tea
  • jelly
  • sparkling water
  • green tea
  • cocoa
Liquid meals
  • milk porridge with pasta
  • mushroom soup
  • sorrel borscht
  • okroshka
  • rich meat and fish broth
Porridge, pasta
  • oatmeal
  • semolina
  • buckwheat
  • pearl barley
  • rice
  • pasta with vegetables or cheese, no oil sauces and spices
  • legumes (peas, beans)
  • barley
  • corn
Meat, fish, seafood
  • hen
  • nutria
  • beef
  • rabbit
  • pollock
  • herring
  • canned food
  • pickles
  • pork
  • sausages
  • shrimps
  • crab sticks
  • lard, lard
  • smoked fish
Flour products
  • baked goods with cheese
  • baked goods with boiled meat or fish
  • pies with berries
  • white bread and buns
  • pies, belyashi, pasties
  • fried pancakes
Milk products
  • natural yogurt,
  • low-fat sour cream
  • cottage cheese
  • powdered milk
  • serum
  • fatty dairy products
Vegetables, mushrooms, spices
  • potato
  • tomato
  • pumpkin
  • zucchini
  • all types of cabbage
  • corn
  • garlic
  • parsley
  • radish
  • mushrooms
  • dill
Berries, fruits and nuts
  • apples
  • apricot
  • plum
  • Strawberry
  • watermelon
  • gooseberry
  • Cherry
  • raspberries
  • red and black currant
  • citrus
  • all kinds of nuts
  • sour fruits and berries
  • marshmallow
  • natural honey
  • caramel
  • marmalade
  • chocolate candies
  • chocolate
  • butterscotch
  • cakes
  • ice cream
  • condensed milk
  • steamed omelet
  • fried chicken or quail eggs
  • boiled eggs
Vegetable and butter, fats
  • refined sunflower oil (up to 10-15 g per day)
  • butter
  • lard
Spices and sauces
  • salt (a couple of pinches a day)
  • vanilla to taste
  • sugar (2-3 tsp per day)
  • mayonnaise
  • table vinegar
  • ketchup
  • hot sauces (mustard, adjika)

A healthy diet for the stomach will provide delicious and varied meals. Other family members can also join such a table, so it will be easier for the child to accept the new nutrition. A list of allowed foods will allow parents to experiment with creating menus.

Children's dietary menu for a week with gastritis

In the morning after waking up, give your child herbal tea to drink and do not ask him to eat right away. Let him first eat a baked apple and after 30 minutes start breakfast. As already mentioned, you need to eat 5-7 times a day at the same time.

Portions should be small, it is important to make sure that the baby does not overeat. The diet for gastritis for a child must be strictly observed. Consider a rough menu for a week.


  1. Breakfast at 7:30 am - 2-egg omelet and tea with milk;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - baked, fruits;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - soup with rice, buckwheat porridge with baked hake, stewed broccoli, dried fruit compote;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - a slice of cheese casserole, a glass of natural yogurt;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - baked potatoes with turkey meat and vegetables, compote;
  6. At 20:30 - a glass of warm milk.


  1. Breakfast at 7:30 - pumpkin casserole with banana and a glass of jelly;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - banana;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - red borscht, macaroni with cheese, black tea, berry jelly;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - baked apple;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - mashed potatoes with stewed chicken, stewed cabbage and a glass of fermented baked milk;
  6. At 20:30 - bun rusks ( homemade) and compote.


  1. Breakfast at 7:30 - dairy rice porrige with a banana, tea;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - marshmallows and compote;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - barley soup, barley porridge with nutria meat, steamed cauliflower, a piece of charlotte, compote;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - biscuits and milk;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - millet porridge with chicken cutlet, baked zucchini with cheese;
  6. At 20:30 - kefir (low-fat).


  1. Breakfast at 7.30 - a slice of pie with berries, tea with milk;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - homemade sweet rusks;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - borsch with cabbage, pearl barley porridge with turkey meatballs, hibiscus tea;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - a slice of casserole, tea;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - millet porridge with tomato sauce, cabbage rolls, cabbage salad and compote;
  6. At 20:30 - a glass of low-fat milk.


  1. Breakfast at 7:30 - milk soup with buckwheat;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - baked fruit;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - broccoli soup, pumpkin puree, salad with carrots and rabbit meat;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - biscuit biscuits with warm milk;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - barley porridge and protein omelet, jelly;
  6. At 20:30 - a glass of kefir.


  1. Breakfast at 7: 30-8: 00 - semolina porridge with banana;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - baked pear with honey;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - soup with chicken liver, wheat porridge with a cutlet, tea with milk;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - baked pumpkin with honey;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - mashed potatoes with baked fish, cabbage salad, tea;


  1. Breakfast at 7: 30-8: 00 - milk soup with buckwheat, a slice of casserole;
  2. Afternoon snack at 11:00 - baked pear;
  3. Lunch at 14:00 - borsch with cabbage, rice porridge with meatballs, tomato and greens salad, compote;
  4. Snack at 16:30 - biscuits and low-fat milk;
  5. Dinner at 18:30 - baked fish with cauliflower, jelly;
  6. At 20:30 - a glass of homemade yogurt.

Time is approximate. Each family lives according to its own regime. The main thing in the diet is to adhere to one rule - the meal time should be at the same time. The stomach quickly gets used to this and begins to secrete gastric juice for digestion. If you delay lunch or dinner for a long time, the symptoms of gastritis may worsen slightly.

Meals according to the proposed menu in the first week will help to compose the diet for the following days of treatment. If you have any difficulty, it is best to consult an experienced dietitian. You should not feed the baby at night, a glass of warm liquid will be enough (at night the stomach should rest).

To avoid complications of the disease, in addition to diet, you should adhere to several rules:

  • Do not create stressful situations in the house. As you know, stress is one of the root causes of gastritis, so the baby should receive only positive emotions.
  • To put energy somewhere, you should accustom your child to daily exercises. It can be carried out both during the day and in the evening. Do it with the whole family to support your child.
  • Be sure to notify the kindergarten or school about the disease that has arisen. In kindergarten, the child's portion size and nutrition should be monitored, and at school, the teacher must explain to the student about the dangers of snacking after the cafeteria.
  • One of the causes of the disease can be an irregular diet. Parents should educate their child about the importance of eating on time and not skipping meals. Therefore, no matter how active the day is, lunch is on schedule.

Many do not even guess, and cannot protect themselves and their children, continuing to feed children unhealthy food, which can provoke or lead to its "chronic form". Also, often found among schoolchildren and students, which can be avoided by creating a beneficial psychological atmosphere around yourself and your relatives.

Gastritis is a medical condition that causes discomfort and soreness in the abdomen. During treatment, it is important to try to spend more time with your child, captivating him with interesting activities. This will help distract from the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the walls of the stomach, in addition to drug therapy, involves adherence to correct diet, the recipes of which will save the child from bouts of pain and will help prevent relapse of the disease.

Three principles of diet therapy

  1. Everyone remembers the famous phrase of the hero of the animated series "Dunno on the Moon" Donut: "You cannot break your diet!" And indeed it is. Children suffering from gastritis should receive food at a strictly defined time, and not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but always. The child needs to eat five times a day - he should have 2 light breakfasts and a full lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
  2. Freshness of products, correct recipes and the technology of their preparation is another principle that promotes the treatment of gastritis with a diet. Food for the baby should always be fresh; it is unacceptable to feed the baby with food prepared a few days ago. Dishes should not contain refined products and artificial flavors. The latter can be successfully replaced with natural vegetables, fruits and herbs.
    The best cooking options for a disease such as acute or chronic gastritis are steaming, stewing over low heat, or baking in the oven without crusting.
    Soup recipes involve the use of mucous broths that envelop the inner surface of the stomach. First courses can be cooked with various vegetables and cereals, using butter or cream as a dressing. The diet must necessarily include meat, soft and tender varieties of which can be boiled, tough and coarse - used to make steamed meatballs or cutlets.
  3. Diet treatment involves the inclusion in the child's diet useful products... It can be:
    • slimy porridge - rice, pearl barley, buckwheat and their combinations;
    • herculean and semolina with milk or cream;
    • vegetables - carrots, zucchini, beets, cauliflower, potatoes - in the form of mashed potatoes or mashed soups.

The following should be completely excluded from the menu:

  • canned food and marinades;
  • sweets;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • vegetables such as spinach, radish, radish, White cabbage and legumes.

Nutrition for acute gastritis

The goal of diet therapy for the diagnosis of acute gastritis is the maximum unloading of the stomach and sparing its inflamed mucous membrane. Some gastroenterologists recommend avoiding food entirely in the first 24 hours of an exacerbation, but this should not apply to young children. Fasting treatment provides an opportunity to protect the gastric mucosa from mechanical and chemical irritants.

Also during this period, special attention should be paid to maintaining the water balance. Acute gastritis in children is often accompanied by constant nausea and vomiting, with which a large amount of fluid is excreted from the body. Therefore, in order to exclude dehydration of the child, it must be soldered off, observing a water-tea diet: as drinks, the baby can be given cool (but not cold!) Boiled water or weak tea. Treatment of a severe form of the disease involves the appointment of special solutions to the child.

A day later, liquid food is introduced into the child's diet, consisting of mucous soups, wiped through a sieve or chopped with a blender. If the baby suffers from heartburn, then you should not feed him at this time with potatoes, especially in the form of mashed potatoes.

After 3-4 days, recipes for a sick child may include:

  • dairy dishes;
  • steamed meatballs or meat and fish cutlets;
  • fruit juices.

Salty, spicy and fatty foods remain under the ban, the food corresponds to the table number 1.

Nutrition for Chronic Disease

When composing a diet for children with chronic gastritis, it is necessary to take into account the acid-forming ability of the stomach: they distinguish between inflammation of the gastric mucosa with reduced and increased level acidity.

  1. Treatment of gastritis with decreased secretion. With this diagnosis, the secretion of hydrochloric acid decreases, and the children's stomach is not able to cope with the large volume of food supplied. Due to this, long-digesting dishes should be completely excluded from the child's menu, as well as:
    • raw vegetables and fruits;
    • spicy, fried and salty foods;
    • coffee and carbonated drinks;
    • preservatives.
      To exclude the appearance of hunger pains, the child must receive food in a timely manner.
      When compiling a diet, parents must use recipes that involve the use of low-fat meat and fish dishes, the preparation methods of which are steam processing, baking without a crust, stewing.
  2. Treatment of gastritis with decreased secretion. The purpose of the diet of this form of the disease is to reduce the secretion of gastric juice. At the same time, products are excluded from the diet:
    • with coarse fiber - vegetables, foods fried in vegetable oil, bread;
    • stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid - citrus fruits, black bread, spicy meat broth.
      Food should be at an average temperature of 20 to 40º.

The approximate diet of the child

Sample menu for acute gastritis:

  • First breakfast: steamed omelet with a slice of yesterday's bread, a glass of weak tea with milk.
  • Second breakfast: oatmeal porridge cooked in milk with a little butter, a cup of milk.
  • Lunch: soup with egg and cauliflower in slimy broth, steamed meatballs with noodles, weak tea.
  • Afternoon snack: baked apple with raisins and cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: carrot puree with boiled rabbit and juice.
  • First breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a glass of milk.
  • Second breakfast: rice cakes with fruit, cookies with jam and a cup of cocoa.
  • Lunch: soup with cereals in vegetable broth, beet meatballs with boiled chicken, fruit jelly.
  • Afternoon snack: vegetable pudding and strawberry mousse with cookies.
  • Dinner: pancakes with cottage cheese and a glass of kefir with croutons.

Sample menu for gastritis with low acidity:

  • First breakfast: boiled egg, stale bread toast with jam and tea.
  • Second breakfast: vegetable pancakes with liver pate, thick fruit jelly.
  • Lunch: soup in slimy broth with meat and pasta, mashed potatoes with fish cakes, cocoa.
  • Afternoon snack: a sandwich with butter and cheese, a glass of tea.
  • Dinner: dumplings with cottage cheese and milk.

A diet for gastritis for children is an essential component of a successful fight against the disease, but before organizing proper nutrition, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination of the child and agree on the treatment and all recipes for the children's menu with a gastroenterologist.

Useful video about gastritis in children

In recent years, there has been an alarming trend - many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, previously observed only in adults, have become significantly "younger". And more and more often the diagnosis of "gastritis" is made to preschool patients 4-6 years old, which leads parents to shock. Even if you did not expect to face such a problem, at least remember that the positive result of treatment depends entirely not only on drug therapy, but also on the correctly selected menu.

How to feed a child with gastritis, so that it is tasty and healthy.

Basic nutritional principles for gastritis

In the treatment of such patients, particular importance is attached to the dietary table, its characteristics and accuracy of adherence. It depends on him how quickly the child will go on the mend. In addition, properly selected nutrition has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract between relapses of gastritis in children, increasing the interval between exacerbations in the chronic course of the disease.

  1. You need to eat fractionally. This is necessary in order to establish the secretory activity of the stomach, therefore regular meals 5-6 times a day instead of two or three plentiful feasts are the golden rule of any gastroenterologist patient, especially a minor.
  2. Products must be of good quality and fresh. It is unlikely that anyone would think of treating a sick child with smoked meats, but, nevertheless, do not forget that fatty, fried food, cooked in a large amount of oil or not properly heat-treated, is categorically excluded.
  3. Food should not irritate the stomach lining. For this purpose, it must be brought to a uniform consistency by steaming or in water. In no case should the product be hot or cold, its temperature should optimally correspond to the body temperature of the child, that is, it should be pleasantly warm.
  4. Balanced table. Banning certain foods doesn't mean giving up tasty foods. On the contrary, the diet for gastritis in children from 4 years old involves a large assortment of first and second courses, snacks and sweets, and the child will receive everything necessary for healthy growth and development.

The more acute the condition, the more strictly these recommendations should be followed. Then, as the painful syndrome decreases and, you can gradually expand the baby's diet.

What you can not feed a child with problems with the gastrointestinal tract

All food products that stimulate the production of gastric juice are highly discouraged for such a patient. The prohibited list unambiguously includes:

  • fatty broths with broth;
  • fried, salted, pickled dishes;
  • any spices and sauces;
  • "Heavy" food for the stomach, containing coarse fiber (the longer the product is digested in the walls, the more hydrochloric acid will be released). Do not give a child with gastritis products made from flour containing bran, winter apple peel, radish, cabbage;
  • butter fresh buns;
  • dried fruits - prunes, raisins, which are also removed from the stomach for a long time and cause fermentation processes in it;
  • poultry liver, beef or pork. It filters and processes everything that animals eat, being also a kind of cholesterol blow to the health of the child;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned food;
  • nuts.

Unfortunately, the child will also have to give up chocolate, ice cream and most other store-bought sweets. In the composition of these products, thickeners, dyes, additives are always present that have a detrimental effect on the walls of the stomach and greatly slow down the healing process. How to feed a sweet tooth: replace candies with non-acidic fruits or berries in moderation.

What can be given to children with gastritis

Despite the seeming total prohibition of everything, the range of permitted food products is very rich. If your child was diagnosed with acute gastritis, then the baby food of the first days is the most careful attitude to the walls of the stomach and unloading the gastrointestinal tract.

When drawing up the menu, be sure to take into account the age and condition of the patient. There is a significant difference between the approach to the treatment of an 8-year-old child and a completely toddler. If a schoolchild can be provided with sparing nutrition in the first days without harming the body, then for a three-year-old with an accelerated metabolism, even several hours without food are unacceptable.

List of permitted dishes and products:

By preparing meals for every day from the above list of products, you will provide your child with a full range of essential trace elements and vitamins.

Nutrition for gastritis - an approximate menu for the day

It is important to observe the fractional nutrition. Give your child as much food as he can handle, but also do not let him feel hungry. It is also important to maintain the correct balance of fluid in the body, with its constant companions - vomiting and diarrhea. Drink plenty of water to keep your baby hydrated.

Thus, gastritis, contrary to popular belief, is not at all a "culinary verdict." It is possible to feed a child tasty and varied even within the strictest diet. Healthy eating will become a guarantee of your child's recovery and, which is important, from an early age will gradually form in him the correct concepts of food culture.

Unbalanced nutrition and irregularity are the most common causes of gastritis. In recent years, the disease is increasingly common among schoolchildren and preschoolers.

A correctly compiled diet menu for gastritis in children will prevent an exacerbation.

In addition, it will help instill in the child a love of healthy food.

Diet Basics

In childhood, diet therapy is the main treatment for gastritis. Compliance with the diet prescribed by the doctor will help avoid the development of chronic gastritis and quickly eliminate the acute form of this disease. As a rule, the main difficulty in treatment is to convince the child that some of his favorite dishes should be abandoned. Sweet soda, chocolate bars, chips and fast food are consumed by many children almost daily. There is no place for products of this kind in the diet menu for gastritis in children, so try to initially set the child up to the fact that such food can seriously harm his health.

Next important point diet therapy for gastritis is a strict adherence to the diet. A child with such a diagnosis should eat at the same time every day, and not only with an exacerbation of the disease. The number of meals per day is 5 times, including two breakfasts, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. The break between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours. When composing a diet menu for gastritis in children, gastroenterologists draw the attention of parents to the fact that all food prepared for patients must certainly consist of fresh products. The method of cooking is also important: steam treatment or stewing over low heat, baking in the oven without oil is recommended.

In addition, for gastritis, it is unacceptable to use additives such as sugar, flavorings and artificial flavor enhancers, hot spices, and refined foods. The diet for gastritis in children also provides for the inclusion of food that has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. Slimy cereals with milk or cream (rice, buckwheat and pearl barley, oatmeal or semolina) are included in this group. The liquid consistency of such dishes gently envelops the walls of the stomach, protecting it from aggressive influences. Also, products useful for gastritis include:

  • Zucchini;
  • Potato;
  • Carrot;
  • Cauliflower;
  • Beet.

Vegetables on the diet menu for gastritis in children can take on a different look: they can be served as a side dish, added to soups, and can also be mashed. However, the bulk of your diet should still be unprocessed (raw) vegetables. With an exacerbation of gastritis, they should be replaced with more gentle food.

Prohibited foods

From year to year, while treating pediatric gastritis, doctors continue to learn amazing facts about this disease, which helps to optimize the process of treating young patients. So it has long been known which products should be categorically abandoned for acute and chronic gastritis:

  • Canned food, pickles and pickles;
  • Fried and fatty foods;
  • Sausage;
  • Coffee and strong tea;
  • Baking and confectionery;
  • Beans;
  • Lemonade and packaged juices;
  • Fast food and snacks;
  • Citrus fruits and sour berries (cranberries, sea buckthorn, currants);
  • Radish, radish, cabbage and spinach.

Menu for gastritis

  • Breakfast: tea with milk, steam omelet from 2 eggs and a dried slice of black bread;
  • Second breakfast: oatmeal in milk with butter, a glass of cocoa;
  • Lunch: soup with vegetable broth, steamed chicken meatballs and boiled pasta, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with fruit;
  • Dinner: portion stewed vegetables, boiled chicken breast and a piece of yesterday's bread.

Menu for chronic gastritis

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, green tea;
  • Second breakfast: boiled soft-boiled egg, a slice of bread and cocoa;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, boiled chicken with rice;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir and a cracker;
  • Dinner: pancakes with cottage cheese and sour cream, tea or jelly.

Prevention of gastritis

In order not to have to adhere to the diet menu for gastritis in children for a long time, try to prevent the development of a chronic form of the disease. For this, the patient needs.

Good day, dear readers. The topic of today's article will be a diet for gastritis in a child. We will look at which foods are prohibited and which, on the contrary, are recommended. You will find out the basic rules that must be observed when feeding a baby p. You can get acquainted with the menu for the day and with a couple of recipes.

Features of dietary nutrition

In order for the healing process to begin as quickly as possible, certain rules must be taken into account.

  1. It is important to follow the correct diet. Try that the process of eating occurs at approximately regular intervals, every day at the same time.
  2. Meals should be frequent, but fractional. It is important that the baby's daily menu includes five meals.
  3. It is necessary for the child to eat only fresh food, including freshly prepared.
  4. It is unacceptable to add flavorings or seasonings to food, including spices.
  5. Foods must be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven, a prerequisite is the addition of a small amount sunflower oil, avoid crusting.
  6. The daily diet should consist of valuable foods that include the whole complex nutrients, including vitamins and minerals.
  7. For a speedy recovery, it is necessary to use mucous soups, boiled cereals.
  8. It is unacceptable to eat cold or hot food, it must be warm.
  9. It is important to ensure that there is no dry food in the child's diet.

Tables for diets according to Pevzner

Previously, there was a high-level specialist who developed 15 dietary tables, taking into account different diseases digestive organs, his name was Manuil Pevzner. He made his dietary tables even taking into account different forms the same disease.

So with gastritis, the following diet tables are prescribed:

  • No. 1 - a chronic form of gastritis with high acidity;
  • No. 2 - a chronic form with a reduced acidity level,
  • No. 1a - exacerbation in the chronic form or acute course of the disease;
  • №1b - a period of unstable recovery.

Since my son's main disease is gallstone disease, the diet on which he sits is table number 5. I would like to note that the principles of nutrition are similar. Today my son has more than two years of product restrictions. At first it was hard for him, he tried in every possible way to get rid of the diet. However, there was nowhere to go. So that my son was not so offended, I put our whole family on such a dietary diet, we have already forgotten what fried or fatty foods are.

It is worth noting that adherence to the diet improved the general health of my child, heartburn and nausea disappeared.

Diet for acute gastritis

Since this condition is characterized by the presence of painful sensations, vomiting is possible, it is not surprising that the baby's appetite disappears. There are cases when the disease was accompanied by vivid dyspeptic symptoms, which led to dehydration.

  1. It is necessary to follow a very strict diet on the first day of the disease. This will significantly reduce the load on the gastric mucosa and add time for its recovery.
  2. When an adult is admitted to the hospital with acute gastritis, on the first day he is allowed to drink, it is forbidden to eat. Fasting for one day can significantly reduce the feeling of soreness in the abdomen, normalizes the performance of the digestive system. However, this method is not suitable for young children. Absolute starvation can have serious consequences. Therefore, they are minimized the amount of food consumed at one time.
  3. Drinking plenty of fluids to speed up the elimination of toxins, to resist dehydration, because it constantly replenishes the body's fluid reserves.
  4. It is necessary to arrange a water-tea break once a day. For schoolchildren, this procedure is recommended up to 12 hours, and for preschoolers - up to 6. In the allotted time, the child needs only to drink. This can be water, rice water, or lightly brewed tea.
  5. The first meal after an attack, it is advisable to start 12 hours later from the appearance of the first signs of the disease. It must be borne in mind that it must be dietary, steamed, for example, an omelet.
  6. As he recovers, in addition to previously acceptable products, the child will gradually be introduced to fermented milk dishes, lean meat and fish.
  7. Compliance with a diet. It is important not to overfeed your baby, do not let him eat before bed.

Reduced acidity

It is necessary to understand that the stomach of a toddler may not be able to cope with large amounts of food consumed. In particular, this will be dictated by low acidity, therefore, the digestive system will not be able to cope with the breakdown of such food. You must make sure that your child's diet contains easily digestible foods.

The doctor may advise the use of foods that increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Even fat-free cottage cheese can be used for this purpose.

Diet with high acidity

  1. This condition differs from others in that it is characterized by heartburn. Parents should understand that the baby produces more hydrochloric acid than necessary.
  2. The meals consumed should be directional. Naturally, products that increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid should be absent in the children's diet (raw vegetables and fruits, freshly baked bread, fried foods, vegetable broths, citrus fruits, seasonings, especially spicy ones).
  3. Food with coarse fibers is considered harmful, for example, cabbage, tough meat.
  4. Eating food with an optimal temperature of 40 degrees.
  5. A baby with such a diagnosis will be advised to consume milk, fish, egg white, lean meat, as well as buckwheat, oat and rice groats.

What is allowed to eat

When deciding what to eat for a child with gastritis, you need to take into account the list of permitted foods.

  1. Vegetables, excluding radish and cabbage.
  2. Fruit. The use of sour berries and fruits, as well as citrus fruits, is prohibited. In addition, it should be borne in mind that certain fruits may be contraindicated in children with different levels of acidity; this issue should be clarified with the attending physician. It is also worth understanding that such a product should be used only after heat treatment, for example, after baking.
  3. Milk products. In the acute period are contraindications. However, as they recover, they gradually begin to introduce butter, then sour cream and low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat milk (only after boiling), and yogurt. But these foods should be added to the child's diet carefully, depending on his individual reaction. There are cases when the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane leads to the fact that intolerance to dairy products begins to develop.
  4. Porridge. Most often, the menu includes oatmeal and buckwheat. It must be cooked in water, served in a boiled, semi-liquid state. It is such a product that envelops the mucous membrane well and protects it from the effects of acid.
  5. The fish can be consumed exclusively of low-fat varieties, it can be cooked in the oven or steamed, it can also be boiled.
  6. Meat must be present in the toddler's menu, because it is a valuable source of animal proteins. The main condition is to choose low-fat varieties, for example, chicken or rabbit fillets (should be skinless and with a minimum of fat). It is also recommended to eat the meat of young animals, their meat is more tender and is absorbed by the child's body much faster.
  7. Crackers. Fresh bread is not allowed for children with gastritis, however, if you dry it, prepare crackers - such a dish will be acceptable.

List of prohibited foods

So the following food will be contraindicated for the baby:

  • fried and fatty, especially rich broths;
  • any pickles, marinades;
  • cabbage, radish due to the high fiber content;
  • baking;
  • sauces and spices;
  • dried fruits, in particular raisins and prunes;
  • canned food;
  • any liver;
  • soda;
  • nuts;
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • legumes;
  • fast food;
  • sour berries and citrus fruits;
  • ice cream and chocolate.

It is necessary to ensure that foods that contain preservatives, dyes or flavors do not appear in the baby's diet.

Menu for the day

The child's day menu with gastritis can be represented by the following dishes:

  • I - semi-liquid porridge or steam omelet. Give it to wash down with weak tea. It is allowed to have a snack with dried bread or biscuit biscuits.
  • II - liquid oatmeal, washed down with milk (skimmed).
  • III - for the first vegetable soup (it is allowed to add an egg to it), for the second, steam cutlets from dietary meat, mashed potatoes (without butter) are prepared; from drinks - rosehip broth or weak tea.
  • IV - fat-free cottage cheese in accordance with the daily rate.
  • V - vegetable puree cooked exclusively on steam, a piece of lean boiled meat, tea.


If you are considering recipes for children with gastritis, then it should be borne in mind that their ingredients and methods of preparation will directly depend on whether the level of acidity is normal, increased or decreased.

An example of a recipe for low acidity - steam omelet:

  • take two eggs, half a glass of milk, butter (vegetable), salt to taste;
  • take a saucepan with a lid, with a volume of about two liters, a shape close to such that it can be placed in a saucepan;
  • pour water into a large vessel, send it to the fire, leave it until it boils;
  • in the meantime, mix milk with eggs and salt, beat everything well;
  • grease the mold with vegetable oil, then the prepared mixture is poured into it;
  • we lower it inside the pan, make sure that there is no contact of the form with water;
  • we cover our future omelet with oiled paper, then cover everything with a lid (be sure to make sure that the egg mixture is covered not only with a lid from the pan - such paper will prevent the accumulated steam from getting into our omelet);
  • the cooking process on low heat takes about 10 minutes, the lid cannot be opened until it is completely cooked;
  • do not forget that the child needs to be fed only with warm dishes, so we wait for the omelet to cool enough, but do not overcool it.

If we consider recipes for cooking dishes for babies with high acidity, then you can prepare a vegetable soup - puree:

  • for cooking, you will need a medium head of cauliflower, a chicken egg, a glass of 4 percent milk;
  • pour water into a saucepan, put on fire;
  • we sort out the cauliflower inflorescences, rinse them thoroughly;
  • when the water in the pan boils, we lower our inflorescences into slightly salted boiling water;
  • after about 18 minutes, grind directly in a saucepan cauliflower, then add the prepared milk and the whole mixture is brought to a boil;
  • after that, remove from heat, you need to separately beat the white of the raw egg and add it to the chilled soup (beat with a whisk);
  • serve cooled, but not cold.

Fish cakes:

  • for cooking you will need pollock fillet, hake or other lean fish- about half a kilogram, a slice of white bread, an egg, salt to taste.
  • bread is pre-soaked;
  • after 20 minutes, you need to beat it together with the fish fillet in a blender;
  • when a homogeneous mixture is obtained, it's time to add salt and an egg, beat again;
  • From the resulting cutlets, we cook on a steam bath.

Now you know what the diet should be like. Follow all the recommendations, do not give prohibited foods, as much as the child would not like it. Remember to follow the correct diet.