Woolen red thread on the wrist for what. Other beliefs associated with the amulet

The red thread is a charm that protects its owner from the evil eye, the anger of others and the magical effects of ill-wishers. The talisman brings happiness and good luck, prevents the development of diseases.

It is allowed to be worn by people different ages and religion. In each religion, the bracelet has unique properties that have a beneficial effect on a person.

Therefore, it is worth knowing what a red thread on the wrist is, what it means and how it is applied.

Powerful amulet - red thread - saves from trouble different kind. A person who believes in the power of the bracelet can be cured of illnesses, find the purpose of life, get rid of bad thoughts, or decide to fulfill long-cherished desires.

Talismans and signs acquired in Israel are endowed with the best properties. The red color of the rope testifies to the tomb of the foremother of mankind and the planet Mars, which is a symbol of protection and strength.

The thread is put on the left limb, because the negative enters the human body from this side, and the good from the right hand.

A close person with whom there is a trusting relationship should tie the bracelet correctly. The amulet will be ineffective if you put it on yourself.

Many are interested in why a wool product is used as a talisman. Because this material has a healing effect: it fights against headaches and toothaches, accelerates wound healing, reduces pain during tendon sprains and relieves the inflammatory process.

Amulet and Kabbalah

Kabbalah is one of the directions of Judaism, whose supporters are trying to master the secrets of the universe.

Their life goal is to understand the true purpose of man and learn the secrets of the universe. Adherents of religion often practice magical occult rites and rituals. For them, a red woolen thread is a miraculous object that changes destinies.

In Kabbalah, they preach that the amulet was saved by the foremother Rachel, who is considered the mother of all the earth.

Givings say that the woman wanted a child, but could not get pregnant and, after praying for health and motherhood, she saw a wonderful dream. In a dream, an angel advised her to tie a red thread around her hand so that the wish would come true.

After waking up, the woman did everything as God's messenger commanded and soon gave birth to two healthy boys. Before using the rope, you need to wash and consecrate it on the grave of Rachel.

The history of the amulet for protection

Many people wear a rope on their hand and do not know what the red thread means and what it is for. The history of the origin of this magical symbol lies in its purpose, which only a few know because of the high popularity of such an accessory.

Most compare a bright bracelet with a thread used in Jerusalem from the evil eye and for protection.

Kabbalists tie an amulet around the wrist of the left hand, where negative energy enters the human body. This will protect you from evil spirits and people.

In what religions is the talisman found

The red rope is found in different religions, the meaning of which depends on the religion of the person.

  • The most common amulet is in Judaism, because it was with this religion that a new trend began with the wearing of a red thread on the hand, which Jews put on from birth. In some cases, the rope is combined with other holy symbols, such as the star of David and the palm of Fatima.
  • The talisman is also used in Christianity: it is tied to small children immediately after birth, because they protect the threads from evil spirits. The ritual is performed by the mother or grandmother of the baby, during which a prayer is read.
  • In Hinduism, a red thread on the wrist of a young girl indicates that she has found her other half and is happy. It is very rare to see such a sign on a man, although it shows the luck and money of its owner. Representatives of the stronger sex are tied with a talisman only by a sister. Sometimes, a student receives such a gift from his mentor as a symbol of recognition.
  • In Buddhism, a good energy talisman is obliged to serve in the temple. In this religion, you can tie a thread on doors, animals and household items.
  • In Islam, the bracelet is worn on left hand for protection from evil spirits. The amulet can be worn by representatives of the stronger and weaker sex, although only native women, such as mother, wife, sister or grandmother, have the right to tie a thread.

Talisman in Orthodoxy

Among the clergy, it is believed that the Orthodox should not wear such a sign on their body. The church is against threads, amulets and amulets, because they have long been attributes of paganism.

To protect against any misfortune, a person only needs to sincerely believe in God and observe his laws. The cross is the only object that can be on the body of people, but it is also worn to maintain faith, and not as a talisman.

Slavic red bracelet

The Slavs used the amulet for various purposes, helping to protect their owner both internally and externally. The amulet was used from the evil eye, damage, to attract good luck and material wealth.

The people were sure that the thread should be tied by a relative with pure thoughts, and each knot was assigned a desire.

It can be personal happiness, peace, love, career, peace, recovery, etc. The more goals, the more knots on the product. The tips of the strongest amulet are cut off and burned.

The meaning of the scarlet thread among the gypsies

Legend has it that a gypsy named Sarah became the savior of the apostles, who were chased. As a token of their gratitude, they gave the woman the opportunity to choose a gypsy baron.

All applicants were hung with a red thread on their hands, and only one of them had it lit up. The tradition is inherent in the gypsies today, but the radiance of the rope is absent, so they still trust the scarlet amulets.

Symbol of the community of losing weight girls

Often a red thread on the left hand of girls indicates that she has a lack of appetite syndrome, that is, anorexia. This disease requires immediate treatment, because many patients strive to lose weight to the maximum, despite the threat to life.

By a scarlet thread, the fair sex with this pathology recognize each other. They wear a rope to reduce their appetite, as it is the first thing that catches the eye when a hand reaches for sweets. Sometimes, it is combined with a butterfly figurine, known for its lightness.

A thread tied at the wrist speaks of the beginning of their path to thinness, and those who have already lost enough kilograms outweigh it on their left hand. The sign of the community of losing weight girls speaks of anorexia, which is characterized by a lack of weight and a fainting state.

The accessory is no longer attached of great importance and no one thinks about its real purpose, because it is fashionable to make baubles. There is an opinion that you can tie a thread yourself, but this is contrary to the rules for using the amulet.

Human health and medicine are directly related, but in some cases you have to resort to amulets to get rid of a particular ailment. The main thing to remember is that when wearing a bracelet, you need to think only about the good and positive changes will not keep you waiting.

Today, the red thread is more often tied to the hand if they suffer from high blood pressure. Youth - for beauty, along with a dozen more bracelets. Sometimes we see red threads on the hands of show business stars and politicians. But where did this tradition come from and what does it mean? What should be the red thread, how to tie it and on which hand to wear it?

Threads of cultures

The red thread on the hand is present in many cultures, including the Old Slavic. The most popular thread that came from Israel and Kabbalah is a symbol of the red thread that wrapped the tomb of Rachel, one of the progenitors of mankind.

Kabbalists believe that everything negative enters a person through the left side (the right hand gives, the left hand receives). And the red thread, which they charge in a special way, tied around the wrist, is a kind of amulet that solves two problems at once: it does not let negative energy into a person and has positive influence to fate.

According to an ancient gypsy legend, the Holy seer Sarah saved the holy apostles from the persecutors. She was awarded the right to choose a gypsy baron. Then Sarah pulled out a long thread from her red shawl, cut it into several pieces and tied them on the hands of the applicants. One of the thread on the wrist began to glow. Since then, many gypsy movements have maintained the tradition of tying a red thread to applicants for the title of first baron. Fortunetellers by nature: truth and myths about gypsies

Among the Slavs, a red woolen thread on the hand was considered a talisman against damage and the evil eye. She also brought health and happiness, as she absorbed the power of the sun and the power of the animal. There was a belief about the goddess Lybid, who taught how to tie a red thread on the wattle fence and thus gave the secret of protecting the home and family. On the left hand, the thread was worn for protection, on the right - for gaining success.

There are other legends, beliefs and traditions. So, the goddess Gray, revered by the North American Indians, used a red thread for healing. The red rope on the wrist in Hinduism indicates that the girl is not married, men use her as a talisman. One of the occultists wears a red thread on his hand as a sign of opposing himself to Orthodoxy and Christianity.

There are a lot of stories about the red thread. But despite the differences associated with the cultural and religious characteristics of the peoples, it is everywhere endowed with a special sacred meaning.

What should be the red thread?

Why the color is red - there are also a great many versions. There is even an astrological one. This is the color of the most energetic planet of positive influence - Mars. Red is a symbol of power, strength and protection. No wonder many decorations, including clothes, dwellings and temples, are red. In Kabbalah, this is the color of danger, therefore, a red amulet should scare away all kinds of evil spirits (which can penetrate through the left hand and reach the heart).

Why does the thread have to be wool? There is a very modern explanation here. Wool is a source of small static electricity, which provides a positive effect. Interaction with wool affects blood circulation in the capillaries, can relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing of wounds and sprains. Of course, our ancestors did not think about electricity. But, thanks to the accumulated experience, this material was used quite effectively. For example, in order for a premature baby to survive, it was laid in sheep's wool.

How to tie a red thread?

It is believed that the red thread will become a talisman only if it is tied as a rule. And this thread should be specially bought by the future owner, and not found at home or donated. And it is highly desirable that it be bought in sacred, special places.

The thread must be tied around the wrist seven times, securing each circle with a knot. It is often argued that a close person who sincerely wishes you well should tie the thread. It is even better if it is not a simple person, but a capable or cult servant. However, the Slavs tied the thread on their own, but with the obligatory reading of a prayer before each knot.

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect themselves from any kind of unfavorable energy. To do this, they used talismans or amulets. One of the most powerful magic items protection and attraction of good luck - a red woolen thread. For it to work, it must be tied correctly, for each case there are ways.

History of appearance

The emergence of a red bracelet as a protective attribute is attributed to various teachings. But first of all, it is a symbol of the ancient teachings of Kabbalah, an esoteric trend in Judaism. It was used to clarify current phenomena and taught how to protect oneself from their negative influence. Kabbalah made the bracelet popular among many adherents of religions, from where they went different theories its origin:

  1. Some beliefs say that initially such amulets were used by sailors when they went on long journeys. V different countries they met healers who promised them that such a red bracelet brings happiness, is able to protect from all troubles. Therefore, sailors began to use them and believe in such talismans.
  2. Another version was born in Jerusalem. The columbarium of the progenitor of the Jews Rachel turned into a red thread; she devoted her life to protecting people. It is said that such an accessory conveys the love that she still sends to her descendants. Her tomb has a very light and positive energy. Kabbalists believed that Rachel is the mother of the whole world.

Purpose for different peoples

The amulet that repels various energy blows of evil and envious people - the red thread - protects against damage and the evil eye. Each country has its own beliefs associated with the bracelet. The custom of wearing it comes from ancient times.

  1. V Ancient Russia a red thread was used to protect against an evil spirit.
  2. An ancient Eastern belief says that this bracelet helps to protect oneself from all sorts of negativity.
  3. In Thailand, it is used to attract happiness.
  4. In India, such a charm from the evil eye, like a red thread, is tied to women before entering the temple. An unmarried girl is put on a bracelet on her left hand, a married girl on her right. Some beliefs claim that this amulet is capable of protecting from negativity and instructing the owner on the right path.
  5. The red thread from the evil eye, brought from Israel, has special healing properties.
  6. Slavic beliefs say that this amulet attracts success, love and money to life.

Healing properties of the bracelet

A protective amulet is tied around the wrist to get rid of various joint diseases. This bracelet has many healing properties:

  • normalizes metabolism, relieves swelling and inflammation, improves blood composition;
  • this is a source of weak statics - a kind of physiotherapy for the joints;
  • heals wounds, relieves acute pain;
  • normalizes blood circulation in children, ensures proper growth of muscle tissue;
  • has a positive effect on muscles and ligaments, especially in old age.

A thread from the evil eye on the hand is not only a protective amulet, but also a help to health.

Choosing a thread for the ceremony

Everyone is subject to the evil eye, so you can’t do without such a protective amulet. Any person can tie a thread, the only thing worth remembering is that some religious teachings do not accept wearing protective attributes.

It is known that the woolen cut has the strongest energy. The thread has medicinal properties: it contains lanolin, which enters the bloodstream and relaxes muscles, anesthetizes.

It is no coincidence that the thread is taken only in red: it is charged with powerful energy, carries life force. And also this color is a symbol of danger, which drives away evil spirits and protects the human aura, attracts blessings.

On which hand they wear a red thread from the evil eye:

  1. On the left - protects from the negative influence of other people's energies and the evil eye. This is a powerful amulet against envy, damage and negativity. If tied together with a pendant, it attracts success, prosperity, happiness and health to life.
  2. On the right - attracts positive energy, protects against the appearance of lack of money, attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

In Russia, there was a belief that only unmarried girls wear a thread on their left wrist, and those who are happy in married life wear it on their right. And healers with the help of bracelets made of sheep's down healed injuries - a few turns on a sore wrist were enough.

How long you need to wear the thread on your hand - no more than 40 days, if it does not break before this period. After this time, it loses its protective properties and can skip the negative, it is better to replace it with a new one.

We make a charmed protective bracelet

For such a talisman to work, you need to believe in its magical power and tie the thread correctly.

There are a few basic rules to follow after the ritual:

  • do not swear, give up bad habits, try to avoid communicating with bad people;
  • a person should always have good and pure thoughts;
  • when something good happens in life, the bracelet is thanked.

Rite rules

To make such a charm with your own hands at home, you need to buy a red woolen thread, tie it correctly and pronounce the words of the conspiracy, depending on the purpose. During the ritual, you need to think about the good, then positive emotions will help create a strong protective field.

Important: entrust the weaving of knots to a person whom you trust and experience only sincere feelings. During such a ritual, he gives part of his positive energy, which charges the bracelet for good luck and protection from negativity. Seven knots are traditionally made for the talisman, but there are other schemes for installing an energy shield.

If Kabbalah prescribes to tie a red rope into 7 knots and only with the help of a person close to you, then the Slavs are not so categorical and have their own opinion on this matter.

You can protect your relatives or yourself from the evil eye on your own, without outside help. A number of steps will be required:

  • buy in a store or knit a red thread from wool yourself;
  • wrap around the wrist and tie 9 knots, slandering each of them with their own words of protection;
  • the edges of the thread cannot be cut, only burned with fire.

The similarity of rituals in paganism and Kabbalah speaks of the property of this amulet - protection, and the fact that it has been used for several hundred years.

You can hang additional amulets on a charmed bracelet that will enhance its security function. As such an element, they take a small stone with a hole or buy an inexpensive pendant.

In ancient scriptures, there is no binding of the ritual to a specific day, but it can be further strengthened by checking the lunar calendar:

  • some magicians advise weaving a bracelet on the wrist and hanging it during the growing moon, its energy will charge the talisman with additional strength, the opposite effect can be obtained in the waning phase;
  • if you need to tie a thread, not only to protect yourself from damage, but also to attract good luck - the new moon is the best time;
  • you can’t wear a red bracelet during the full moon - a person’s energy is unstable, and the ritual should be performed only with a calm and pure mind.

Conspiracies on the red thread

The words of the prayer, uttered while weaving the thread, will help enhance the effect of the amulet. They must be turned to God. You need to ask him for the protection of a loved one to whom you are making an amulet. It is good to read "Our Father", but any other protective text from the Bible is also possible.

The simplest prayer-amulet:

“Lord Merciful, may your Kingdom be blessed in heaven and on earth. I appeal to your mercy and ask for protection from evil thoughts and other people's malice for the one to whom I tie the thread, your servant (the name of the one to whom the amulet is tied). Grant him your protection, mercy and forgiveness. Amen".

To protect the child

In eastern countries, babies often wove a red bracelet on left wrist. It provides protection for the child from negative energy, scares away demons that can harm the baby.

How to protect a child:

  1. Mom should tie a red woolen rope for 7 knots on the baby's left arm.
  2. Read a prayer or a protective plot.
  3. You can sprinkle your wrist with holy water.

“Amulet, amulet, protect from the enemy under the fence, inevitable misfortune, creeping twigs, Recalcitrant demon. Become around a strong wall, a high mountain. Lock with nine keys, nine locks. My word is strong, no one can interrupt it. As she said, so it happened.

Universal Prayer

Her words must be pronounced in good health and good mood. The thread will protect a person only with good intentions. If you do not wish harm to others, read the text boldly. Otherwise, the action of the ritual will turn in the other direction: you will bring trouble on yourself and all the negativity will accumulate, poisoning existence. The words of this conspiracy help not only to ward off the evil eye, but also to attract good luck.

“Just as fish are covered with water, and the evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not look at someone else's is not subject to the evil eye.

If the thread is broken

The bracelet wears out over time and becomes thin. If torn - the protective function is over, he took on more negativity than he can.

  • thank mentally or aloud the bracelet for protection;
  • destroy the old thread with fire or rinse with water and throw it away;
  • tie a new protective bracelet.

If you don’t know where the amulet went, mentally thank him and do not take any other actions.

To believe or not in protective amulets - everyone decides for himself. In favor of the red thread as a talisman against the evil eye and corruption, there are many historical facts and beliefs in various religious teachings. If you want to protect yourself and your family from negativity, tie a wool bracelet and believe in its protection. The red thread can be spoken additionally for good luck and success in business, and a small pendant will enhance its effect.

This is not an ordinary accessory, especially for people who definitely have no problems with money. A bright red thread flaunts today on the wrists of many celebrities and often this strip is visible in photographs. What is it, just a fashion trend or does such an ornament have its own secret sacred meaning? In fact, it's all about the mystical teachings of Kabbalah for which the red thread is one of the most important talismans of antiquity.

Who wears red thread?

So, what does the red thread on the wrist of the right hand of a man and a woman mean? For the first time, Madonna appeared from the stars with such a red thread, which has long been an adherent of the old esoteric cult. It was she who first tied a woolen red thread on her wrist in order to drive negativity out of life and let in all the best. Today, on the official website for the sale of such threads, for a nominal fee, everyone can afford to touch the old ancient mysticism that protects.

As for Madonna, she has been interested in the teachings of Kabbalah for about 15 years. In an interview, the American singer says that over the years she has been able to cope with many personal doubts and problems, and certain spiritual practices have helped in this. If you carefully study the teachings of Kabbalah, you can find out that a relative, lover or a very good friend should tie a red woolen thread on a person’s hand as a talisman. The thread will protect from the evil eye and negativity.

When the news of magical properties ordinary red thread began to spread, soon other celebrities put on such a bracelet. For example, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton, you can see the thread at Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher also wears such a bracelet. It got to the point that from the rich and famous circles, this fashion simply went down to ordinary people, because everyone wants happiness in their lives, regardless of their social status and financial position.

As for Russian stars, they have also been in the sect for a long time. In particular, photographers have already captured the red thread on the wrist of Philip Kirkorov and Maria Malinovskaya, Ksenia Sobchak and many others. And what, famous people who are constantly in sight and who have many envious people, like no one needs protection from the evil eye, hatred and damage.

How to tie

We learned what the red thread on the right wrist of show business stars means, but we also made sure that simple people they can wear this amulet for exactly the same purpose - to ward off negativity and a bad eye from themselves. In order for everything to work as it should, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, it is necessary to wear the amulet correctly and tie it with a certain ritual.

In particular, it is important that you do not tie yourself on your wrist, but that a close relative, friend or loved one does it. This should be someone with whom you have a very good relationship and a person who definitely wants you to be happy. If a person ties a thread with negative thoughts, then everything bad will definitely return to him, but your amulet will not work to protect against evil and bad.

What is important to know about choosing and wearing an amulet so that it will definitely work:
1. In no case should you tie a thread yourself; a close, dear person should do this for you.
2. While the bracelet is being made, you can do it yourself, you need to fill the amulet with your positive emotions and thoughts, good wishes.
3. During the ritual, when the thread is wrapped around the wrist, seven knots must be tied on it.
4. In without fail for protection, use exactly red and natural woolen thread.
5. The red thread must be worn on the left hand, because, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, it is from here that negative energy enters the human body, which then spreads to the aura. Good comes from a person through the right hand.
6. If you tie a thread on your right hand, then a person will not receive any magical support.
7. A thread bracelet must be red, because it is a symbol of freedom and lightness.
8. A person who wears such an amulet should exude only positive energy and good thoughts. Read about being fashionable this year.

Now you know exactly what the red thread on the right wrist means. This is a strong defense, according to the teachings of Kabbalah. But it will work only if you buy a thread from an official manufacturer, and use it correctly: in no case should you tie it yourself.

Red thread on the wrist what does it mean, why wear it? It's one thing when it comes to watches or bracelets - no one is surprised. But when a red woolen thread is tied around the wrist, the thought of sectarians involuntarily suggests itself. So who are these people, why is wearing a thread so important to them? Why is there a red thread on the wrist of the right hand, and not green or blue?

Red thread on the wrist, which means: the secret rite of the Kabbalists

What does the red thread on the wrist mean? There are several versions of who first started wearing this amulet. According to one of them, they were Kabbalists (Kabbalah is a religious and mystical trend in Judaism). They believed that negativity penetrates the human body through the left hand. To counter this, you need to tie a red rope around your wrist. It must be wool. And the one who ties it should wish you well. Otherwise, all efforts to attract happiness and prosperity can be reduced to zero. The person himself must clear his thoughts of negativity, calm down, tune in to the best. After the thread is adjusted to the size of the hand, the ends are cut off and burned, thrown into a fire.

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But that's not all. Only that thread will bring good luck, which was brought from the tomb of Rachel (located in Israel, is a place of pilgrimage for Jews, Christians, Muslims). This souvenir in Israel is sold near every synagogue. Its cost is several shekels. And at the Wailing Wall, a red thread on right hand means attracting good luck into human life, is distributed free of charge. But the recipient must donate at least a shekel to the giver. In Russian synagogues, the amulet costs about 300 rubles and, according to Jews, there is no doubt about its authenticity.

What does the red thread on the wrist of the Slavs mean?

Among the Slavs, the magic of the red thread is so ancient that it is not logical to associate it with Kabbalah. The tradition pursues the same goal - to attract good luck into your life. You can put on the amulet yourself. However, at the same time, a spell should be read: “Take care of me, the thread is red, do not give offense to anyone.”

One of the secrets of the Slavic tradition is knots. Their number corresponds to the number of "programmed" areas: for health, luck, work, love. A maximum of seven knots, such an amulet is considered the most powerful.

What does the red thread on the left hand mean? According to the Slavic tradition - the unemployment of a girl. On the right, if the woman is married. Men put on the amulet as they liked. It was not removed for years until the rope frayed. When this happened, they rejoiced. After all, it was believed that the amulet absorbed all the negativity, now the person is out of danger.

Red thread on the hand, which means what is the strength of the wool thread?

The Slavs also believed that only a woolen rope on the wrist, a prayer over it, could bring good luck, health. Our ancestors were smart, practical people. Modern knowledge confirms that woolen rope has the ability to improve blood circulation, heal wounds, soothe nervous system, relieve headache, toothache, aching joints, back. Let's see why we need a red thread on the wrist, which means how it helps health?

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The amulet was fixed around the hand of a sick person, this brought the desired result. The ancestors felt that wearing such an amulet was beneficial. But what caused his strength, they could not explain. Wool, in contact with the hand, emits a small amount of static electricity. It increases blood flow, which improves a person's well-being.

In addition, woolen thread contains lanolin. This natural wax has a melting point equal to that of the human body. Its molecules are small, so lanolin easily penetrates the skin and has its healing effect.

Slavic nauza

Among the Slavs, the tradition of wearing an amulet is associated not only with red. Cotton, silk, woolen threads could be different color, each of which is endowed with a certain energy. The bracelet was called nauz (Nauz is a charm, in the form of a bundle, made of woolen threads or leather). The more colors it combined, the more power it possessed. The only condition is the mandatory presence of red.

The meaning of the amulet in Orthodoxy

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What does the red thread on the right hand of the gypsies mean?

The revival of the fashion of wearing a red thread

Hollywood stars contributed to the current popularization of the amulet. The first was Madonna. The world media were perplexed: the multimillionaire's wrist is decorated not with a gold or platinum bracelet, but with a modest, cheap scarlet thread. Someone considered this another whim of the star. She herself quickly dotted the "i", telling what the red string on her hand means, recalling the unique protective properties of the amulet.

The example of Madonna was followed by her colleagues in the shop. Even US President Bill Clinton began to wear the amulet. It is worn by domestic stars, kings of parties, socialites.

Modern trends

Red woolen thread on the wrist, which means in modern world? Fashion was quickly picked up by other representatives of the art world. Especially popular with them is an amulet connected to another amulet. For example, with the Star of David (an ancient Jewish symbol in the form of a six-pointed star). And the real trend of recent years is the red rope with a clover leaf. In the mythology of many peoples, this plant symbolizes the union of the four elements. The owner of the talisman receives life energy from them.

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A stone can also direct the energy of the red thread in the right direction. Each mineral has a particular set of healing properties. What suits one person may harm another. Therefore, before you buy such an amulet, you should read about what kind of energy the stone carries.

Slimming Girls Community Sign

On the wrist of a girl who wants to lose weight to a record state, a burgundy thread often flaunts. In psychiatry, this condition is considered a disease, anorexia, subject to immediate treatment. According to the amulet, representatives of this pathological direction recognize their own kind.

Anorexic girls believe that the amulet reduces appetite. Reminds you of a goal. One has only to reach out for a delicious cookie, as the symbol immediately semaphores about the ban on tasty, high-calorie foods. As a rule, the amulet is complemented by a butterfly figurine, symbolizing lightness, weightlessness.

It matters on which hand the girl wears the sign. The red thread on the right wrist identifies the girl who has just marked her target. And when the weight is significantly lost, the young lady moves to the advanced level. She can give advice to less experienced girlfriends. At the same time, she bandages the amulet from the right to the left hand.

Video: “What does the red woolen thread on the wrist mean?”

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