How many walks on the street. How much should you walk with a baby at different times of the year? Walking with a baby in spring

When discharged from the hospital, the certificate or discharge epicrisis indicates recommendations for caring for a newborn baby. When everything is fine with the child, the recommendations are usually brief " breast-feeding swimming, walking. And if everything is more or less clear with bathing and feeding, then walking with a newborn raises many questions: when to start, how long to walk and what to wear? And does a tiny baby really need walks, which can be lurked on the street by infections, drafts and toxic exhaust fumes? The answer is really simple - no doubt.

Perhaps not all places in the city are suitable for walking with a recently born baby. Nevertheless, the importance of open air (even if not too fresh) and sunlight cannot be overestimated. Although the opinions of doctors about the duration of the walks of the newborn and their expediency, the traditions of care and education should not be taken into account.

The immunity of the child must be consistently strengthened, but if you grow it in greenhouse conditions, you can achieve the exact opposite result. Therefore, regular stay with the baby in the air is the key to his future health.

Why walks are needed

To dispel doubts about the indisputable benefits of walking, you should listen to the following arguments:

  1. Even if the family lives in a big city, the oxygen content in the open air is still much higher than in an apartment, where it is “eaten up” by heating and enclosed space. Due to the constant lack of oxygen, children sleep worse and lose their appetite.
  2. The mechanisms of thermoregulation of a newborn baby are imperfect: fresh air and differences between room and street temperatures help to improve their work, as well as strengthen the immune system.
  3. Vitamin D, especially its variety cholecalciferol (also known as vitamin D3), is essential for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It is practically not present in food, but is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Walking allows the baby to get the dose of vitamin necessary for the body even on a cloudy day.
  4. Long walks in the fresh air strengthen the mother's body and allow her to quickly get in shape after childbirth.

And, finally, walking with newborn children is a great opportunity to get close to the same mothers and find new friends!

For various reasons, some mothers replace walks with sleeping on the balcony, which causes a lot of controversy among both pediatricians and parents. Among the arguments against such a replacement are a reduced flow of fresh air, a lack of sunlight, and most importantly, the child gets used to sleeping in a stroller, which in the future can lead to problems with the baby’s sleep in the crib. Nevertheless, the air on the balcony is much cleaner, since exhaust gases do not rise there, and if it is not glazed, then ultraviolet radiation will be quite enough for the baby. Walking on the balcony is acceptable if the family lives on the upper floors, in houses without an elevator, or there is no one to help mom carry and bring the stroller. However, if there are still assistants, and the mother has chosen a light stroller or sling, it’s definitely worth going for a walk - this is a guarantee of the baby’s health in the future.

When and how much to walk

Many doctors recommend starting walks with the baby immediately after discharge from the hospital. However, for reasons of prevention, it is recommended to wait 5-7 days - if the child was born in the summer, or a couple of weeks - for babies born in the winter. If the temperature outside is below -10 degrees or above +30, strong wind or heavy rainfall, then with the first walk of the newborn it is also recommended to wait until more pleasant weather.

The duration of the walk, depending on the age of the baby, is shown in the table below. With each walk, it is desirable to increase the time spent on the street by 5-10 minutes a week.

Age Season
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
First walk 10–15 minutes 15–20 minutes 10–12 minutes 5–10 minutes
1 Week 25–35 minutes 30–45 minutes 20–25 minutes 15–20 minutes
1 month 2 times for 50 minutes-1 hour 2 times for 1–1.5 hours 2 times for 40–50 minutes 2 times for 30–40 minutes
3 months 2 times for 1.5–2 hours 2 times for 2.5–3 hours 2 times for 1-2 hours 2 times for 1 hour
6 months 2 times for 2 hours 2 times for 2 hours or 1 time for 4-5 hours 2 times for 1 hour 2 times for 1 hour
1 year 1-2 times for 2-3 hours 2-3 times for 2-3 hours 2 times for 1–1.5 hours 1-2 times for 1-1.5 hours

These figures are quite approximate, and may vary depending on weather conditions or the well-being of the baby. In winter snowstorms or severe frosts, going for a walk is not very reasonable, and with the advent of sunny and warm spring and summer days, you can spend all your free time outside.

A newborn during a walk most often sleeps: the movement lulls him. But as they grow older, the duration of wakefulness increases, and the baby looks with interest the world while sitting in a sling or looking at the stroller from the inside. A couple of months after birth, bright toys can be attached to the stroller: this will make walking more exciting for the child.

When the time has come to go outside with the baby and the weather is favorable for this, the mother will have to solve a rather difficult task for inexperienced parents - how to dress a newborn for a walk and what may be required with you?

As for clothes, pediatricians used to advise sticking to the classic “plus one” formula, when a child was put on one more layer of clothing than an adult. But thanks to the variety of styles of children's clothing and modern materials, from which it is sewn, equipment should be selected for the baby strictly individually and taking into account weather conditions.


At first it may seem that on warm days you can walk with your baby for as long as you like, summer weather can be fraught with many dangers for the crumbs: extreme heat can lead to overheating, and suddenly rising wind or heavy rain can lead to hypothermia and colds. That is why you need to prepare very carefully for the first walk with a newborn in the summer. The following tips may be helpful for this:

    1. The optimal set of walking clothes for a baby may consist of a vest and sliders, a slip (thin overalls with long sleeves), a dress or bodysuit with short sleeves, shorts and socks. However, a hat is desirable in any case, even if the baby is in a stroller.
    2. The only possible material for baby clothing is pure cotton, which breathes well, does not cause allergies and maintains a comfortable heat exchange for the child.
    3. The best colors for a baby's summer clothes are white, blue, soft pink, cream, but it is better to choose a snow-white hat or panama hat: the reflective properties of the color will prevent overheating and heat stroke.
    4. Blouses and sliders for summer walks should be of very high quality sewn, without coarse seams and applications that can rub and cause discomfort to the baby.
    5. If the first walk of a newborn in the summer is planned in a sling, then you need to dress the baby easier: heat air and mother's body heat can cause overheating. The child will be quite comfortable in a sling even in one cap and a diaper, but a sleeveless bodysuit or a thin T-shirt should still be worn. It is advisable to take a sleepsuit or sliders with you for a walk in case the baby needs to be taken out of the sling. As for the color of the sling, it should only be light: a dark fabric that absorbs the sun will create a very heavy atmosphere for the baby.
    6. You can check how well the baby is dressed by touching his neck: it should only be warm, a hot neck fold indicates a rise in temperature or overheating, and a cold one indicates that the baby is cold.

A summer walk with a newborn is not complete without a pair of diapers, a spare diaper and a blouse with long sleeve, as well as a warm blanket that will help protect the baby in case of a sudden change in the weather.

It should be remembered that the most comfortable air temperature for a newborn is + 23–25 degrees. At temperatures above +30, it is recommended to postpone the walk until coolness sets in.

Autumn-spring period

It is not easy for mothers of babies born in spring or autumn to choose clothes for walking, because the weather at this time is so changeable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of any unforeseen situations. The following tips will help to collect the "autumn" or "spring" baby for a walk:

  1. On warm May or September days, the baby should not be wrapped up: if the temperature is not lower than +10, he will be comfortable in a long-sleeved vest or thin blouse, thin autumn overalls and one warm hat.
  2. If it gets colder outside to +5 and below, you need to add a thin hat to the baby’s street outfit, which is worn under a warm one, and change the autumn overalls to the winter ones.
  3. For walks in a sling, it is not necessary to “warm” the baby much: it will be warmed by mother's warmth. In early autumn or late spring, a tight summer walking overall over a bodysuit and a blouse or slip will be enough for him, and in cold weather, an autumn overall and one hat.
  4. Warmth for the child should be provided by the layering of the outfit, and not by the thickness of one overalls: it is better to remove an extra blouse from the baby than to make him sweat in hot winter outerwear.
  5. It is recommended to take a thin blanket or blanket for a walk in order to wrap the baby in strong winds.

A great option for the off-season is a transforming jumpsuit with a detachable warm lining. During warming it can be removed, and the ability to turn clothes into an envelope for walking with a newborn will help protect the baby from hypothermia.


Walking in winter is not always pleasant for mom, but it is very useful for the baby. For those who want to make walking with a newborn comfortable and safe, the following tips will come in handy:

  1. In winter, it is recommended to dress the baby in 3 layers of clothing: a slip or bodysuit with long sleeves, fleece overalls and a warm envelope or overalls with sheepskin lining.
  2. You will need two caps for the baby: a thin cap and a warm winter cap.
  3. The best materials for the nursery winter clothes- cotton, fleece, wool, and for overalls - modern fabrics based on membrane technology.
  4. A warm blanket should be in the stroller throughout the winter season: they can protect the baby from wind and snowstorms.
  5. Mothers who have chosen a sling for wearing babies should carefully consider the selection of overalls: the most suitable set will be a jacket and pants with straps, which are best worn over the jacket: in this case, the clothes will not ride up, and the baby will not blow.
  6. On a walk, you should carefully monitor the condition of the newborn, periodically feeling the neck and forehead: if the child sweats and turns red, he is hot, and a cold nose and hiccups indicate not hypothermia and the need to urgently go home.

Also, do not forget about mom's clothes: high heels, tight outfits, long coats and fur coats are not a very comfortable option for walking with a baby. Comfortable, light and warm clothes in a casual or sports style, a stable heel or shoes without it, as well as gloves and a hat in the cold (even if mom preferred not to wear them before), will make walks equally pleasant for both mom and baby, they will give both health and good mood.

Specialist's recommendations on what should be the first walks of the baby


They say that children born in winter grow stronger and healthier. It is hard to say whether there is a sound rational grain here, but it is known for certain that parents of winter children have more reasons to worry, because it is important to prevent vitamin D deficiency, and you also need to walk with the child, but it’s frost or snow slush on the street! Evgeny Komarovsky, a pediatrician and author of numerous books on children's health, tells how to walk with newborns who were born in the cold season.

Walking is natural

For a person, life under a roof is a necessity that appeared over time, when civilization began to conquer natural inclinations, Komarovsky believes. Adults will name 150 reasons why they need a roof over their heads. The child does not know any reason, he is closer to nature, and the requirements of a civilized society are alien to him. That is why with a child, even born in the cold season, you can and should walk.

There are always more viruses and bacteria indoors than outdoors, there is no sunlight at home (the light from the window does not replace them). Fresh air and sunlight the child only get outside. Walking with a child, according to Komarovsky, parents also need to be taught. After all, the fear of taking a child out in the cold in winter, the fear that he will breathe frosty air and get sick, is still firmly in the minds of moms and dads.

All parents should remember that while the child breathes fresh air, his lungs and bronchi are freed from house dust that accumulates in the respiratory system.

The upper respiratory tract is also cleansed and moisturized, which reduces the risk of getting a respiratory infection. All systems of the organism of the peanut begin to work more intensively, because a small organism needs to maintain the level of energy consumption (at low temperatures, for example).

Rules for walking with a newborn

The first walk with a newborn is a special event for the whole family. Komarovsky advises not to delay this, and start walking already on the 10th day after discharge from the hospital. The duration of the first exit to the air - no more than 10-15 minutes. But the very next day you can make two exits at the same time. Gradually, by a month, the child should spend as much time outdoors as parents and the prevailing weather conditions can afford.

It is very good to immediately determine the place where the child will walk in the first few months.

It is not at all necessary to drag a heavy stroller up the stairs, first down and then back, in order to ride the little one along a busy street for ten minutes, where different people walk, including carriers of SARS and influenza.

It is most preferable to walk in the winter on the balcony. If there is no balcony, then in the courtyard of your own house. If this is not possible, choose quiet places for walking, where there are no large crowds of people, in winter these are parks and squares. Riding through the streets can only be caused by an urgent need - you need to get to the clinic, you need to go to the pharmacy or store, but there are no assistants.

An important question is how to dress a child, especially in winter. You should not be afraid of wind, snowfall, frost, because a healthy child, who is also properly dressed, will not feel the slightest discomfort from a walk. This, however, does not mean that you need to carry the baby outside in any frost.

Komarovsky advises to remember a simple rule that will allow you to quickly figure out whether to walk today or not. For each month of a child's life - minus 5 degrees, but not lower than 15 degrees for any baby. Thus, if the child is 1 month old, then you can walk with him at minus five, and if two months old, then already at minus ten.

There are no universal tips on how to dress a baby. You can understand whether you did it correctly only after returning from the first walk. If the baby is sweating, blushing, the next time you need to reduce the amount of clothing. Cold is the fear of all adults without exception. But, according to Komarovsky, frozen children are hundreds of times less common than children who have been carefully wrapped up. It is easy to understand that a child is hot - he begins to act up, cry, turn out of his clothes, does not want to enjoy a walk and refuses to sleep on the street.

Children have a completely different metabolic rate, and therefore, where mom and dad are cold, children are fine, and where adult family members are warm, the child becomes hot. Therefore, it should be dressed a little easier than the grandmother requires. There are more diseases from sweating than from mild hypothermia.

If the child is sick

The immunity of a newborn is far from perfect, and if the mother is breastfeeding, then the protection is somewhat higher than that of artificial ones. Quite often, after discharge from the hospital, the baby gets sick. Parents at this moment do not even allow the thought of possible walks.

Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that only high temperature can be a contraindication for breathing winter air. If there is no heat, go for a walk with your snotty little one without a shadow of a doubt.

If, after several walks, the baby develops a wet cough, do not be afraid, this is a very positive change in his condition, indicating that the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs began to moisten, the baby began to cough.

Whether walks with newborns in winter are useful, see below in Dr. Komarovsky's program.

Winter walks in the fresh air bring many benefits to children: they strengthen the immune system, temper, improve appetite and sleep, and contribute to the knowledge of the world around them. In the cold season, it is necessary to dress properly in order to prevent hypothermia of the baby. Qualified specialists of the online store "Daughters-sons" will help you choose clothes for winter walks.

How long can you walk with a child in winter?

It is necessary to go outside with a baby from the first weeks of his life. If the weather is calm and the temperature is above zero, you need to walk every day. The main thing is to constantly monitor the condition and behavior of the baby in order to avoid hypothermia.

Time must be calculated taking into account the age of the baby and the weather. The first 2-3 exits with a newborn should last no more than 20 minutes. Then the duration of stay on the street is gradually increased to 1-1.5 hours. You can walk with a baby, provided that the temperature has not dropped below -5 ° C. On calm days, you can go out for a while at -10 ° C.

How much a child should walk in winter depends on:

  • his age;
  • weather conditions;
  • the state of health and well-being of the baby;
  • quantity and quality of clothes worn;
  • motor activity;
  • number of walks per day.

In frosty walks it is better to shorten. You can break the exercise into two times - half an hour before lunch and another 30-40 minutes after. To make the little man comfortable, he should be dressed in windproof and waterproof overalls with a hood, warm socks and a hat. Under the second layer of clothing, it is recommended to put on a warm undershirt or sweater. Winter boots or boots are perfect as shoes.

You should not buy clothes made of synthetic fabrics, you can sweat and freeze in it, choose sets made from natural materials.


In a baby under 3 years old, the body is not yet adapted to thermoregulation and the manifestation of a feeling of cold, so he needs constant monitoring of body temperature. Usually mothers touch their nose, if it is cold, then it's time to go home. With strong gusts of wind and -10 ° C, it is better not to go outside.


How long should you walk with your child in winter? The time depends on the age of the baby, his well-being and the weather. From the first year of life, it is necessary to spend in the fresh air up to 2 hours, after 3 years - about 3-4 hours a day. Time must be increased gradually. It is better to go outside twice a day. If you choose the right clothes, then even frosts down to -15-20 ° C will not scare you, although at this temperature the time spent on the street is reduced to 20-30 minutes.

Regarding how much time to walk with a baby, barely discharged from the hospital, there are two points of view:

  • First: you can walk after 5-7 days of home regimen, if it is summer, spring, autumn or winter outside at a temperature not lower than -7. Start with 10 minutes in the warm season and 5 in the cold. Then gradually add 5-10 minutes a day, in two or three weeks, bringing the walking time to 1-1.5 hours in winter and 2 hours in summer.
  • The second point of view: you should not walk with a newborn until he begins to consciously turn his head in different directions, reacting to sounds, voices and in order to look around his room. This happens approximately on the 30-40th day of the baby's life. Until this time, the child adapts to the space of the room, an "immune response" is formed: the immune system loses (or reduces) its functions when sleeping in the cold. With regular sleep in the cold, a low immune response becomes a habit, which increases the chances of an early cold and flu. After 40 days, walk only in calm weather, at a temperature not lower than -7, starting from 10 minutes a day and gradually increasing to 1.5 hours in winter and 2-3 in summer.

How much to walk with a newborn in winter and autumn

How much to walk with a baby in winter depends on the weather and mother's free time. In the cold, snowy season, it is enough to go out for 1-1.5 hours once a day, especially if there is wind or snow. Walking is desirable only in a stroller - a cradle, a sling or an ergo backpack are only suitable for 5-minute runs to the nearest store. In a carriage - a cradle the child is reliably protected from a rain, wind and snow.

In a pram-cradle in winter, a child should be rolled dressed in insulated overalls (sheepskin) with separate legs or in overalls - an envelope. Overalls - an envelope is preferable, since there are no zippers on the legs through which cold air can penetrate. If there are zippers at the bottom of the suit and they are not covered with insulation, then the legs in the stroller should additionally be covered with a woolen scarf or a thin blanket.

How much to walk with a newborn in winter:

  • In the stroller - cradle 2 times for 1 hour, or 1 time for 1.5 hours.
  • Walking should be at a temperature not lower than -7 in windy weather and not lower than -10 in windless and sunny.
  • If it's "rainy" outside, snowfall with wind, hard frost- it is better to refuse a walk and limit yourself to airing.

The same recommendations apply to late autumn. In autumn it is better to refrain from walking in the rain. Moreover, a walk in a stroller wrapped in a raincoat will not be pleasant: there is no air circulation, the baby is stuffy, hot and smells of synthetic materials from which the raincoat is made. A rain cover for a stroller is designed to protect against emergency showers, but not for unhurried 2-hour walks in it!

How much to walk with a newborn in the summer

In summer, a mother can walk with her baby as much as her free time, physical health of the child and warm weather allow. You should start walking with a very small child from 10-15 minutes, for a week (in June, July, August) bringing it up to 1 hour, and then for another week or two, increasing it to 1.5 - 2 hours twice a day.

The use of a raincoat should be limited: only in heavy rain, when you really need to go somewhere nearby. Remember that the air under the synthetic material of the raincoat does not circulate, so the child is stuffy and hot! Refrain from walking in the rain.

Summer is suitable for walking in a sling: 1-1.5 hours twice a day. Do not forget to change the position of the child in it. Walking in a kangaroo is not recommended, because in a kangaroo the child is not in a physiologically correct position, a strong load is created on the perineum and spine, which can provoke abnormal development of the hip joints and other problems in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

How much to walk with a newborn in spring

A child born in the spring was more fortunate in terms of walking than others. Walking time will increase in proportion to the warming of the air temperature outside. In April-May, both mother and baby will get used to regular walks: start with 10 minutes, bringing up to 40 minutes in a week - 1 hour, then in another 2 weeks, bringing it up to 1.5 hours. How much to walk with a baby in the spring depends on the mother’s ability: time allows, you can walk twice a day for 1.5 hours. If time is running out, then once you can roll the child out into the street in a stroller, and in the evening put it in a cradle - carrying on the balcony in the same clothes that would be rolled out into the street. Make sure that the surface under the cradle is stable and not cold!

If you plan to go for a walk in a sling, you need to look at the weather: if it's windy - it's better not more than half an hour, if it's warm - you can do it for 1-1.5 hours. Be sure to regularly touch the nose and arms of the child - if they are cold, then the baby is freezing in the sling!

How and how much to walk with the baby

For Mom.
Physical activity stimulates metabolism, improves tone and strengthens the immune system. In addition, a walk is a great way to change the situation and break out of the four walls.

For a baby. Prolonged exposure to air has a general strengthening effect on the baby's body, enriches the blood with oxygen, soothes and strengthens nervous system thus helping to resist disease. Remember that in the fresh air the risk of infection infectious diseases is minimal, so walking is a great opportunity for your baby to communicate with other children.

Start over. When can you start walking?

In warm weather you can go out for a walk with a newborn from the first days after discharge from the hospital, but it is better to additionally ask the patronage nurse about this, who should visit you the day after the baby arrives home.

In cold weather the first walk with your baby is better to take a few days after discharge from the hospital, but on condition that it is at least 10 degrees below zero outside. Most importantly, take care of your baby. When you understand that he has adapted to his bed and room, then you can already take him for a walk. If you are not sure that your baby is ready for the street, try starting with a balcony, preferably a glazed one.

How long should you walk with your baby?

There are no strict rules related to the frequency of walks and the duration of the baby's stay in the air. Much depends on the mode of your baby, his well-being, weather conditions and the suitability of your area for long walks. However, keep in mind the following:

The first walk with a newborn should last no more than 10 minutes a day. winter time and about 20-30 minutes in warm. Every day, increase the time you spend outside by 5-10 minutes. Ideally, the average walking time should be at least 1 hour.

You can walk longer, especially in summer and in dry weather. But try not to skip feeding times, especially if you are breastfeeding.

If you live in an ecologically clean area or outside the city, try to walk as much as possible.

If you live in the center of a big city, choose nearby parks and squares away from the roadway and walk for at least 1 hour.

You have probably noticed that your child falls asleep easier under the measured movement of the stroller. If it is convenient for you, you can organize a daytime sleep of the baby on the street during a walk. In this case, it is worth considering the weather conditions. In the cold season, dress warmly to withstand 1-2 hours outside.

In strong gusts of wind, try to prevent air from entering the stroller. Use covers and wraps.

You can walk with your baby either once or three times a day. With more frequent walks, the duration of each should be 40 minutes - 1 hour. If you walk once in the afternoon after lunch, the walk can last up to 2.5 hours. In summer, you can even be outside all day if you have the opportunity to feed your baby on time and change the diaper.

The organization of sleep in the fresh air requires special attention to find the "golden mean" that is beneficial to the health of the baby.

Please note that it is far from useful to leave the child to sleep for a long time on the balcony, even if the child is warmly dressed and wrapped up. The lack of air movement during sleep in a cool balcony or loggia increases the risk of hypothermia in the child's body.

Remember that you should not overdo it with sleep during a walk either: constant movement during sleep (if your baby sleeps in a stroller or sling) can be addictive, and the baby will require to be rocked for a long time before going to bed.

How to dress your baby for a walk?

Dress the baby in the same way as yourself, plus one more layer of clothing. Particular attention should be paid to the head, arms and legs. In winter, wear a cap or scarf under a warm hat. In the warm season, put on a light cotton hat for your baby. Dress yourself first, then dress your child. Otherwise, he may sweat and then catch a cold on the street.

Some mothers prefer their baby to fall asleep after feeding and not wake up while he is dressed, but in practice this can be difficult to achieve. Don't worry if your baby wakes up while you're getting ready to go outside, he'll likely fall asleep when he's in warm clothes or already in the stroller.

What else do you need to know about walking?

Keep in mind that humid air at low temperatures feels colder than dry air, and becomes even colder with wind. Consider this factor, especially during the off-season months.

In summer, in hot weather, the apartment can be very stuffy, so try to find the coolest place for the child in the apartment, and during walks - in the yard. In such weather, it is better to organize daytime sleep on the street, avoiding direct sunlight. If you are in the country, find a comfortable place for your baby to sleep in the shade of a tree or on the veranda. Take care of insect bites.

If your apartment is cool and it is hot outside, take your child for a walk in the morning and after 5-6 pm.

When the baby stops eating on demand, and you transfer him to three meals a day, the hours of walking will have to be changed. Choose a time convenient for both of you, but do not forget that you need to walk at least 2 hours a day. If there is no elevator at your entrance or you cannot walk with a stroller for some other reason, get a sling or a backpack. But keep in mind that when the child grows up, it will be difficult for you to carry him on yourself, so from 6-9 months combine this type of walk with walking in a stroller-cane.

If the baby is sick, consult a doctor. Usually pediatricians allow children to walk if they do not have a temperature. Nevertheless, try not to overcool the baby, especially at a time when his immunity is weakened.