Instant sleeping pill. Psychochemical weapons: how it works

vut 25-08-2006 11:04

People tell me, is the sleeping gas the same as for anesthesia or is it more powerful?

Scout 25-08-2006 11:06

B52 try in the shower

vut 25-08-2006 11:31

did not understand?!

vut 25-08-2006 11:32

or B52 is the same?

PALACH 25-08-2006 16:41

not at all the same as for anesthesia ... "gas for anesthesia" this term is usually called by the people a mixture of nitrous oxide (NITRO) with oxygen and carbon dioxide, where nitrous oxide at high concentrations is an anesthetic in small exciting (funny gas) oxygen for breathing " patient" and carbon dioxide for contractions respiratory system i.e. the functioning of automatic breathing. It's just that a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called carbogen and is used for sponge anesthesia. And combat, as you said, "SLEEPING GAS" is a neuro-polytic poisonous substance that puts a person into a state of either liturgical supply, or not a deep loss of consciousness, therefore all these substances are not universal and in a large percentage of cases lead to death. If you just need sleeping gas, then they can be diethyl ether or chloroform mixed with carbon dioxide, which “cuts down” a person for a couple of minutes.

vut 26-08-2006 14:10

PALACH I sent you a private message, can you reply?

PALACH 26-08-2006 16:35

how do I know? hmm .... a strange question .. in this world, there seems to be nothing secret left except as a trade secret, literature is fully available, we find such things somewhere from the period 1900 to 1960. but the compositions of nerve agents are still secret because this is a relatively new class of poisonous substances. For example, diethyl ether is simply almost completely anhydrous ethyl alcohol, and this ether has an older name for sulfuric ether, after the way it was first prepared with sulfuric acid. And carbon dioxide, I repeat, causes involuntary contractions of the respiratory system and forces a person to take deep involuntary breaths with this mixture, which causes a short-term loss of consciousness for about 2-3 minutes, full muscle control returns after 30 minutes. and this type of spray weapon, if it had been created, would have been much more humane than the first-generation electric shock weapons on the stun gun effect, that is, on the pain effect (now electric shocks are produced behind the scenes on a different device principle.) For example, the advantages of sleeping pills as a civilian weapon are undeniable first of all, it is cheap due to the simple design of the atomizer and the components of the mixture, and unlike pepper sprays, there is no irritating effect, since if you spray a normal criminal and not a punk in the eye, then he may not go blind and can cause your lethal effect. BUT there are also disadvantages, this is, first of all, the danger of criminal use, since it is very effective. a gas mask can serve as a protection against this type of weapon.

lexey 28-08-2006 17:26

For example, diethyl ether is simply almost completely anhydrous ethyl alcohol, and this ether has an older name for sulfuric ether, after the way it was first prepared with sulfuric acid.

Well, actually, diethyl ether is a simple ether obtained by taking away a water molecule from two alcohol molecules. Sulfuric acid serves to bind water.

SUNtechnik 29-08-2006 09:24

"Sleepy gas" is when you fart in your sleep.

Sorry, couldn't resist

extractor 30-08-2006 08:39

donkey 01-09-2006 21:04

What is B52?

extractor 01-09-2006 23:05

maybe a bomber?

lexey 02-09-2006 12:09

quote: Originally posted by Donkey:
"but the compositions of nerve agents are still secret because this is a relatively new class of poisonous substances"
Not entirely new: they first appeared in 1937, and not entirely secret: in the book by V.N. Aleksandrov, V.I. Emelyanov "Poisonous Substances" M.1990 worth 90 kopecks. is given detailed description properties and methods for obtaining nerve agents.
What is B52?

Yes, and the effect of them is not entirely sleepy ...

donkey 03-09-2006 01:55

"B52 try in the shower"
"Probably a bomber?!"
Wingspan, m-----56.39
So, what size should the shower room be?

lexey 03-09-2006 11:22

*So, what size should the shower room be?*
Probably general ... and if you also start the engines ...

vut 03-09-2006 16:42

Then what is the composition of gas for anesthesia in medicine?

vut 03-09-2006 16:42

oh, I forgot, it was already written!

PALACH 04-09-2006 20:23

Donkey, the compositions of nerve agents are still secret because this is a relatively new class of poisonous substances "
Not entirely new: they first appeared in 1937, and not entirely secret: in the book by V.N. Aleksandrov, V.I. Emelyanov "Poisonous Substances" M.1990 worth 90 kopecks. a detailed description of the properties and methods for obtaining nerve agents is given.

yes, yes, you almost never do anything with these books, it’s just for general acquaintance, because even everyone knows what, say, an atomic warhead is (if you don’t know, I can tell you) but try to make it !!!

donkey 04-09-2006 21:43

quote: Originally posted by PALACH:

yes, yes, you almost never do anything with these books, it’s just for general acquaintance, because even everyone knows what, say, an atomic warhead is (if you don’t know, I can tell you) but try to make it !!!

I haven't tried getting sarin in the kitchen myself, but I don't think it's particularly difficult. After all, the reaction of the formation of organophosphorus OM from non-toxic substances in the projectile during its flight takes place with a rather high yield (70-80%) in binary ammunition.
It is quite possible to make an atomic bomb at home (or rather, not the bomb itself, but all the necessary devices for it):

"There is a declassified American intelligence report about a unique experiment conducted about forty years ago. The experiment proved that back in the early 60s, nuclear weapons could be created by any somewhat qualified physicists using data published exclusively in the open press. A nuclear bomb in just three years, three young graduates of American universities were able to manufacture - David Dobson, David Pipcorn and Robert Selden, who had never previously dealt with the problems of creating nuclear weapons.

It is simply impossible to obtain a radioactive isotope of uranium-235 with an enrichment of 90%, or a radioactive isotope of plutonium-239 with an enrichment of 94% at home (you need a plant with an enrichment line several kilometers long or a nuclear reactor), and buying or stealing fissile materials is not easy (yet even the millionaire Bin Laden failed)

lexey 05-09-2006 11:32

The point is not even whether you can get it or not, but the fact that nerve agents do not have a hypnotic effect ..

PALACH 06-09-2006 20:15

I am aware that nerve agents do not have a sleepy effect, but depress the central nervous system or block it. but here’s ours for making a nuclear bomb in the kitchen, and I’m talking about also that you can do everything, but it’s not realistic to get the components without a couple of evergreen lemons ....

Melatonin is a hormone synthesized in the cells of the pineal gland, also known as the pineal gland. The pineal gland from ancient times was considered the center of the brain, which transmits its impulses to all organs of the human body.

Melatonin owes its name to the American dermatologist Lerner, who worked on its discovery by examining many bovine epiphyses. And all this work was done just to identify the chemical structure of this hormone. Therefore, Lerner called the result of his titanic work melatonin, which is translated from Greek as “black labor”.

It is noteworthy that this hormone performs all its functions "under the cover of night", starting at 8 pm. Scientists around the world have proven that melatonin is produced by the cells of the pineal gland, and then released into the blood only at night, and in bright light its formation stops abruptly. Despite the fact that the main source of melatonin is the pineal gland, thymus (thymus gland), glands gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system. Since so many organs and systems maintain a high level of melatonin in the blood, one can assume its high need for the human body.

Melatonin has many properties, one of which is the so-called rhythm-organizing effect, in disorders of which biological rhythms are disturbed in people (especially when moving from one time zone to another). Melatonin also has antioxidant and immunostimulatory effects. Many scientists around the world believe that the pineal gland, with the help of melatonin, acts on the body's defenses. So, for example, melatonin binds oxidants, triggering the antioxidant defense of the body as a whole. Considering the function of melatonin in immune system, we can say that its role in antiviral protection is undeniable. Pineal gland hormone has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which significantly reduces blood cholesterol, consequently reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. Many researchers believe that melatonin is able to prolong life, but so far there is no convincing evidence for this hypothesis in experimental data. There are only indirect data based not on elevated level epiphyseal hormone in the blood of centenarians, and on the high activity of their immune defenses.

Everything would be wonderful, given all the functions of melatonin, if not for one “but”, the amount of the hormone changes throughout our lives. Its production begins at the age of three months, and reaches its peak by the age of five, then remains at the same level until the onset of puberty (puberty), then its level drops sharply and reaches its critical minimum by the age of 40-50.

Having considered all the "miraculous properties" of Melatonin, we can draw a conclusion, that is, to draw a conclusion. Over time, the body loses its ability to produce melatonin, which is why older people suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular accidents, increased bone fragility, and various tumor diseases.

But do not be upset by such a sad fact, Melatonin was found artificially, is found in food, in addition to being produced by one's own body.

Products that promote the formation of melatonin:

  • Foods rich in amino acid (tryptophan): bean curd-tofu, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts.
  • Calcium-rich foods: milk, amaranth, green soybeans, figs, hazelnuts, lentils, cabbage, mustard seeds, dandelion leaves.
  • Foods rich in vitamins B6: red bell pepper, apricot, sunflower seed, banana, beans.

Products containing melatonin: oats, corn, rice, raisins, tomatoes, banana, barley.

Melaxen (Melatonin) as a pharmaceutical product

For medical purposes, Melaxen is used to normalize sleep and prevent violations of biological rhythms in people with fast moving in the latitudinal direction and a shift by several hours of the usual “sleep-wakefulness” mode. The melatonin preparation reduces all unpleasant consequences by rearranging all the biological rhythms of the body in accordance with local time. Thus, it is possible to artificially shift the daily rhythm, if such a need arises during shift and rotational work. Normalization of sleep contributes to the anti-anxiety, calming activity of melatonin.

Studies conducted in the federal "sleep center" have shown the high efficacy and safety of treatment with Melaxen to normalize sleep in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), with high blood pressure (arterial hypertension, hypertension), as well as in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease (IHD).

Like any drug, Melaxen also has contraindications, therefore, before using it, you should consult with your doctor.

The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age, with blood diseases (leukemia), systemic diseases (collagenosis), kidney pathology, autoimmune diseases. When taking the drug, avoid bright light. Not recommended for use by women. Those wishing to become pregnant, since Melaxen has a slight contraceptive effect. Melatonin (Melaxen) should not be used with painkillers, hormonal, sedative, and antidiabetic drugs.

In favor of this drug, I would like to add that after all the experiments on animals, clinical data conducted in the walls of hospitals, no negative properties of Melatonin were found. All studies show that the drug affects the problem area that needs its action. So, for example, the drug will not lower blood pressure if it is within the normal range.

Take care of your health and don't get sick!

On how to deal with gop-stoppers, we were advised by a practitioner - a simple robber from the suburbs. According to him, it is necessary to reckon with such an opportunity - to receive a dose of sleeping gas.

The dog - in a cage, the owner - in the teeth

According to our reader, the robbery of a house in the non-poor village of Valodzes looks like this:
“Last week, around midnight, we turned off the lights and were going to go to bed,” says Katya. My parents were on the first floor, I was on the second. After about 15 minutes, I heard a noise and saw that someone with a flashlight was climbing into my room from the roof through the window. I decided that it was dad, I even started asking what he was doing. And then I saw: the man was in a mask.

Further, as Katya says, when they saw that there was someone in the room, the intruders got scared and ran away.
The owners of the house immediately called the police and employees of the security company (the house was on an alarm). After the arrival of the police, it turned out that the robbers first of all neutralized the owner's dog - they put it in a cage, after hitting it with an electric shock.

But the adventures of that night did not end there. According to the girl, the police and guards walking around the village did not at all embarrass the robbers. They just jumped over the fence and ransacked the house next door, while the caring neighbor went to calm the victims of the failed robbery.

According to this scenario, 4 houses have already been robbed in the village. The last one happened last Saturday. Interestingly, even the presence of the owner inside the house did not frighten the robbers - they just beat him up a little and fled.

So the owners of private houses in elite villages are in a panic - the robbers are no longer afraid of dogs, alarms, or the police.

Gop stopper monologue

And now - a comment from the other side of the "barricades". We received it from an ordinary robber of rich Riga suburbs.

Ex-robber Pavel is 27 years old. Now he works in England at a construction site. But a year ago, the guy, along with a friend, was operating in the villages nearby to Riga. Young people stole exclusively from mansions. If the houses are not poor, then almost everyone has a plasma panel or a fancy laptop.

How did we calculate our victims? Most often, they just walked around the private sector late at night and spied on the owners. You look out the window and see: in one room, there is a plasma hanging on the wall, in the second, there are jewels and keys to a heaped car on the bedside table.

The dogs were dealt with simply - they either poisoned them with pepper gas or scared them away with ultrasonic whistles. Then they acted according to the circumstances - if the target of the attack was a plasma panel, then the raiders banally beat the window with a brick. Then they jumped inside and quickly pulled out an expensive TV set. The whole operation took less than a minute. While the owners were recovering from the roar on the second floor in the bedroom, the criminals, along with the plasma, were hiding from the scene in a car.

“But sometimes we needed to work quietly. Then we waited until the owners were fast asleep, put on masks and climbed inside at about 2-3 am. Double-glazed windows were cracked quietly with the help of a "minus" screwdriver. Sometimes they opened cleanly, and sometimes we simply removed the glass frames from the hinges.

Once inside, the first thing the raiders did was go to the hallway and the master bedroom. It is in these places that people keep the most valuable things. In the hallway, you usually come across expensive outerwear and keys with alarms from expensive cars. On the bedside tables in the master's boudoir - mobile phones, wallets, jewelry, watches. In general, in a couple of minutes of walking on tiptoe it was possible to collect valuables worth several hundred lats.

By the way, a couple of years ago, robberies of mansions were used with might and main by hijackers of expensive cars. According to Andris Sturainis, the head of the “hijacking” police department of the Riga region, more than one expensive jeep was stolen from the sleeping owners in this way. On some of these hijackings, the criminals even used sleeping gas.

Sleeping pills at home can be prepared quickly enough. The modern pharmacological market is constantly evolving and drugs that help you fall asleep quickly are also being improved. A homemade remedy is safe and cheap. Many people may experience insomnia problems. There are many tools that can block this problem. Reception of special tinctures can favorably affect the condition. Most pharmaceutical preparations not only eliminate insomnia, but also negatively affect the main brain centers and their activity. A strong sleeping pill cannot guarantee the same quality of sleep as a real one. Sleeping pills at home will give an identical effect, and the risk to the whole body will be minimal.

There are many recipes that guarantee fast sleep. Since ancient times, people could safely do without special pills and medications. At that time, they simply did not exist: I had to experiment to solve the current problem. Many recipes have been developed, which are based on medicinal herbs.

The most common remedy that has a strong sedative effect is valerian. Based on this herb, a large number of drugs for insomnia and sleeping pills were made. A strong sleeping pill obtained from valerian, due to the high content of tannins, organic acids, essential oils and alkaloids.

Valerian may help those diagnosed with irritability and sleep problems. This herb can correct the mode of sleep and wakefulness, as well as eliminate neurosis and migraines. Next on the list of effective sedatives is the herb oregano. Based on it, you can make sleeping pills that are not harmful to health. At the same time, insomnia is eliminated, the activity and general tone of the body increase.

A powerful tool can normalize the state of the nervous system and reduce excitability. The patient begins to overwork less and the result of this process is healthy sleep. A strong sleeping pill can be prepared on the basis of oats. The resulting decoction can be used as a good sedative.

This is necessary when the patient has trouble sleeping. Quite often, problems with lack of sleep are associated with constant nervousness and stress.

By eliminating these causes, you can qualitatively improve your condition.

The above remedy helps to deal with both emotional and physical overstrain. The cause of an undesirable condition can be unreasonable anxiety, with which oatmeal is actively fighting.

The recipe for homemade sleeping pills based on passionflower is simple. The basis is a large number of vitamins, a significant share is vitamin C.

In addition, flavonoids, coumarins and useful trace elements in the form of calcium, potassium and iron quickly act on the cause. For cooking, you can use the following recipe:

  • valerian root is pre-crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • the resulting mixture is infused for 7-8 hours;
  • after 8 hours, the solution must be filtered.

The resulting medicine should be drunk 3 times a day and 1 time before bedtime. The second recipe is based on oregano. It can be prepared as follows:

  • 1 teaspoon of grass is poured into a glass and poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • after 30 minutes of infusion, the product must be filtered.

The resulting product can be used 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Herbal decoction can be taken externally, used to wash the head before going to bed. The third recipe is oatmeal medicine. For cooking, you must follow the following scheme:

  • 200 g oatmeal fall asleep in a small saucepan and pour 1 liter of water;
  • as soon as the mixture begins to thicken, it is removed from the heat and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey

Sleeping pills can be prepared on the basis of lemon balm and mint. The presented herbs have long proven themselves to be highly effective. They can eliminate headaches and calm the nervous system. A baby remedy can be prepared on the basis of honey diluted in milk. It should be consumed 4 times a day before each meal. The composition can be adjusted: instead of milk, you can use water in a ratio of 1: 8 (800 ml of water and 100 ml of honey). The presented remedy can be prepared in advance, but the last dose should be no later than 60 minutes before bedtime. With proper preparation and use, the problem will be quickly localized. If none of the prescriptions helped within 2 weeks, you should seek help from your doctor.

Melatonin as a sleeping pill and not only

Melatonin is a hormone synthesized in the cells of the pineal gland, also known as the pineal gland. The pineal gland from ancient times was considered the center of the brain, which transmits its impulses to all organs of the human body.

Melatonin owes its name to the American dermatologist Lerner, who worked on its discovery by examining many bovine epiphyses. And all this work was done just to identify the chemical structure of this hormone. Therefore, Lerner called the result of his titanic work melatonin, which is translated from Greek as “black labor”.

It is noteworthy that this hormone performs all its functions "under the cover of night", starting at 8 pm. Scientists around the world have proven that melatonin is produced by the cells of the pineal gland, and then released into the blood only at night, and in bright light its formation stops abruptly. Despite the fact that the main source of melatonin is the pineal gland, thymus (thymus gland), glands of the gastrointestinal tract and the reproductive system are also involved in its synthesis. Since so many organs and systems maintain a high level of melatonin in the blood, one can assume its high need for the human body.

Melatonin has many properties, one of which is the so-called rhythm-organizing effect, in disorders of which biological rhythms are disturbed in people (especially when moving from one time zone to another). Melatonin also has antioxidant and immunostimulatory effects. Many scientists around the world believe that the pineal gland, with the help of melatonin, acts on the body's defenses. So, for example, melatonin binds oxidants, triggering the antioxidant defense of the body as a whole. Considering the function of melatonin in the immune system, we can say that its role in antiviral protection is undeniable. Pineal gland hormone has a positive effect on fat metabolism, which significantly reduces blood cholesterol, consequently reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels and regulates blood pressure. Many researchers believe that melatonin is able to prolong life, but so far there is no convincing evidence for this hypothesis in experimental data. There are only indirect data based not on an increased level of epiphyseal hormone in the blood of centenarians, but on the high activity of their immune defenses.

Everything would be wonderful, given all the functions of melatonin, if not for one “but”, the amount of the hormone changes throughout our lives. Its production begins at the age of three months, and reaches its peak by the age of five, then remains at the same level until the onset of puberty (puberty), then its level drops sharply and reaches its critical minimum by the age of 40-50.

Having considered all the "miraculous properties" of Melatonin, we can draw a conclusion, that is, to draw a conclusion. Over time, the body loses its ability to produce melatonin, which is why older people suffer from insomnia, high blood pressure, diseases of the cardiovascular system, cerebrovascular accidents, increased bone fragility, and various tumor diseases.

But do not be upset by such a sad fact, Melatonin was found artificially, is found in food, in addition to being produced by one's own body.

Products that promote the formation of melatonin:

  • Foods rich in amino acid (tryptophan): bean curd-tofu, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts.
  • Calcium-rich foods: milk, amaranth, green soybeans, figs, hazelnuts, lentils, cabbage, mustard seeds, dandelion leaves.
  • Foods rich in vitamins B6: red bell pepper, apricot, sunflower seed, banana, beans.

Products containing melatonin: oats, corn, rice, raisins, tomatoes, banana, barley.

Melaxen (Melatonin) as a pharmaceutical product

For medical purposes, Melaxen is used to normalize sleep and prevent violations of biological rhythms in people with rapid movement in the latitudinal direction and a shift of several hours in the usual “sleep-wakefulness” regimen. The melatonin preparation reduces all unpleasant consequences by rearranging all the biological rhythms of the body in accordance with local time. Thus, it is possible to artificially shift the daily rhythm, if such a need arises during shift and rotational work. Normalization of sleep contributes to the anti-anxiety, calming activity of melatonin.

Studies conducted in the federal "sleep center" have shown the high efficacy and safety of treatment with Melaxen to normalize sleep in patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents (strokes), with high blood pressure (arterial hypertension, hypertension), as well as in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease (IHD).

Like any drug, Melaxen also has contraindications, therefore, before using it, you should consult with your doctor.

The drug should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, children under 16 years of age, with blood diseases (leukemia), systemic diseases (collagenosis), kidney pathology, autoimmune diseases. When taking the drug, avoid bright light. Not recommended for use by women. Those wishing to become pregnant, since Melaxen has a slight contraceptive effect. Melatonin (Melaxen) should not be used with painkillers, hormonal, sedative, and antidiabetic drugs.

In favor of this drug, I would like to add that after all the experiments on animals, clinical data conducted in the walls of hospitals, no negative properties of Melatonin were found. All studies show that the drug affects the problem area that needs its action. So, for example, the drug will not lower blood pressure if it is within the normal range.

How to make sleeping gas at home

About co-sleeping, very interesting

James McKenna PhD Anthropology (from La Leche League) situations where the child sleeps in close physical and emotional contact with the parents, often at arm's length.

SLEEPING WITH YOUR BABY By James McKenna, Ph.D. in Anthropology (from La Leche League) situations where the child sleeps in close physical and emotional contact with the parents, often at arm's length. Co-sleeping with a child

Alina Rusikova. Hegai Haden. Clinic "Markushka" Dentistry. Treatment of children's teeth.

History of pediatric dentistry. Dentist Alina Rusikova - diary on BB. Clinic "Markushka" (on Schelkovskaya). Our experience.

Documentary film "Earthlings", pregnant women should not watch! There is a description under the cut.

Name of the film: "Earthlings" ("Earthlings") Year of release: 2003 Country: USA Genre: Documentary, educational Duration: 2 hours 12 minutes (full version) Director: Sean Monson Commentary: Joaquin Phoenix Music: Mobi Voice acting: implemented by the administration of www.EarthlingsFilm.ruVersion: second extended version editionAdd. video materials: group: About the filmEarthlings is an award-winning documentary about the exploitation of animals for food, clothing, pets, entertainment and medical experiments. Being, according to many people, "the most convincing documentary”, “Earthling” is also called the “vegan creator” for his compassionate filming of scenes from animal shelters, kennels, pet stores, production farms, slaughterhouses.

SLEEPING WITH YOUR BABY. James McKenna PhD Anthropology (from La Leche League) situations where the child sleeps in close physical and emotional contact with the parents, often at arm's length. Co-sleeping with a child is not limited to the situation when the child sleeps in the same bed with his parents. The term "co-sleeping" also includes a child sleeping in the same room with their parents, albeit in different beds, and any other situation in which the baby and.

People have long known drugs that cause hallucinations or insanity. The man is alive, but incapacitated. These principles form the basis of a new type of weapons - psychochemical. About him and will be discussed.

Gas RH

In our country, the general public learned about the existence of psychochemical weapons from the movie Dead Season. According to the plot, a certain German doctor Hass was finishing the development of RH gas, which turned a person into a mentally retarded. The script for this film was written by Vladimir Vainshtok and Alexander Shlepyanov based on materials provided by the USSR State Security Committee.

What these documents are is still unknown, since the archives dedicated to the activities of the German Association of Psychiatrists and Neurologists during the Second World War have not been completely declassified to this day. In addition, out of 1,060 members of this organization, many managed to avoid punishment by the international tribunal in Nuremberg. Moreover, some of them were invited to work in the secret laboratories of the CIA.

Meanwhile, some historians mention that some of the prisoners at Dachau were exposed to the psychedelic mescaline. The drug led to hallucinations and to a change in the thought process. The doctor Kurt Pletner, according to the prisoners, wrote that "they saw silence, touched the music and heard the rainbow."

How to make a zombie out of a fighter. For a few days

The ubiquitous American reporters Lee and Schleir told the world about the arsenals of psychochemical weapons allegedly found in special storage facilities at the Pentagon. “Such a superweapon is capable of clouding the minds of the whole world,” the journalists reported. “After a psychochemical attack, for example, BZ (B-Z), the soldiers of hostile armies will turn into zombies for several days ...”.

We are talking about the so-called psychomimetics, the most famous of which is BZ. The drug enters the human body through the digestive tract or lungs. Hence the methods of its use: through sabotage on water pipes or with the help of aerosol generators, including those found in aviation cassettes. Within one or two hours after poisoning, a person's gait is disturbed, and speech becomes slurred. Then there are visual, acoustic and tactile hallucinations and the ability to think logically is lost. Further, disorder in movement and unpredictability of actions are growing. All this is accompanied by loss of memory and concentration. However, after two days there is a return to normal life.

Bee-Zet is insidious in that it has no smell, for its identification it is necessary to constantly use special devices.

sleeping gas

After the final stage of the assault on Nord-Ost in October 2002, Russian Health Minister Yuri Shevchenko said that a special gas of a "non-lethal nature" had been used during the operation. In this regard, Andy Oppenheimer, a leading American expert on chemical weapons, concluded that there are poisonous substances of psychochemical action in Russia. At the same time, he suggested that the Russian "sleeping gas" is a mixture of a certain drug based on fentanyl (a synthetic analgesic) and halothane (an anesthetic).

However, no one denied this. Yuriy Shevchenko reported about the presence in the special equipment used of a certain analogue of fentanyl, or rather its derivative. Meanwhile, alpha-methylfentanyl, better known as "white Chinese" or synthetic heroin, is also a drug in this series. That is why a number of Western experts were sure that "Russian gas" is also capable of causing disorders characteristic of psychochemical agents. The fact that they did not show up in the Nord-Ost hostages was explained by the experts as surgical treatment.

This version is partially supported by the prehistory of its appearance, described in the book by Mikhail Lamtsev. The author claims that this substance was synthesized by Soviet scientists on behalf of Stalin. However, at a briefing on the results of the release of the Nord-Ost hostages, it was stated that information about this special weapon is a state secret.