What is local time geography 8. Time zones

How difficult it was at first to remember all the time zones of Russia. I remember that dad once went on a business trip to Krasnoyarsk just before the New Year. I was very upset then that he would not be with us for festive table, and decided at least by phone to congratulate him under the chiming clock. Imagine my surprise when I call 5 minutes before the cherished moment, congratulations on the upcoming one, and dad replies: “Thank you, only here for several hours next year goes." It was then that I began to understand in detail over time in different cities.

What is time in geography

The topic of time is generally very complex, both in the philosophical question and in the scientific one. Therefore, in geography, there are already 3 main types of it:

  • sunny;
  • local;
  • waist.

Now we need to figure out what is meant by each of these words.

What is local time

Anyone who studied geography at least a little at school knows that 360 conditional lines - meridians - pass from pole to pole of our planet (I don’t take into account meridians with minutes and seconds now - they don’t play a role here). And each of them has its own local time. For example, if you know the local time on the meridian of 4 degrees, then 5 will be the same hour + 15 minutes. But for life it is too inconvenient, because in different parts of the city the time will be different. And then how do you succeed? Therefore, several meridians were combined into one time zone.

What is standard time

In geography, the territory of the whole world is divided into 24 time zones. That is, there are 24 main meridians located in the middle of each of the belts. These conditional segments themselves occupy 15 degrees of longitude each. But even such a division did not become the most convenient option for large countries like ours, because then in the west of the state there will be one time, and in the east it will be completely different. From here in Russia time zones appeared.

With their help, time in each area led to a single and greatly simplified life. ordinary people. And although because of this, the country's time zones do not quite coincide with the official ones, the population experiences much less inconvenience.

Problem solving algorithm

according to standard and local time.

Definition of standard time

Task: Determine the standard time of Magadan, if it is 6 hours in Moscow.


1. Determine what time zone the points are in

Moscow 2; Magadan 10;

2 .Determine the time difference between items

10 -2 =8 (difference between points in time)

3. Calculate standard time (determine which point is to the east, which is to the west.) Magadan is to the east, which means there is more time there, therefore, the time difference must be added to Moscow time. 6 +8 = 14 hours

Answer: Standard time of Magadan is 14 hours.

Determination of local time

Task: Determine the local time in Magadan if it is 6 hours in Moscow.


1. Determine the geographical longitude of the points

Moscow 37°E; Magadan 151°E;

2. Calculate the difference in degrees between points


3. Calculate the time difference between points

114 x 4 \u003d 456:60 \u003d 7.6 hours (this is 7 hours 36 minutes, because 0.6 hours x 60 minutes = 36 minutes)

4. Determine the local time (add the time of Moscow and the time difference.)

6 + 7 hours 36 minutes = 13 hours 36 minutes

Answer: Local time in Magadan is 13 hours 36 minutes

Notes :

0.1 hour - 6 minutes

0.2 hours -12 minutes

0.3 hours -18 minutes i.t.d

Tasks for determining standard time

The plane took off from Chita (8th time zone) to Murmansk (2nd time zone) at 22:00.

The plane landed in Murmansk at 21:00. How long was the plane in flight?


To answer the task, you need to determine the time difference in two cities. It is known that the time of each time zone differs by 1 hour. For Chita and Murmansk, the difference is

(8 - 2 = 6) 6 hours Knowing that Chita is located east of Murmansk, we conclude that in Chita

time is 6 hours more than in Murmansk. So the plane took off from Chita when it was (22 - 6 = 16) 16 hours in Murmansk, and landed in Murmansk at 21 hours. Accordingly, it was in flight for 5 hours.


1. The plane took off from Chita (8th time zone) to Murmansk (2nd time zone) at 15:00 local time. The flight time from Chita to Murmansk is 5 hours. What time will it be in Murmansk when the plane lands? Answer: 14 hours

2. Determine when Moscow time will land in Moscow (2nd time zone)

an airplane that took off from Yekaterinburg (4th time zone) at 11 am local time and was in flight for 2 hours. Answer: 11 am.

3. Determine when Moscow time will land in Moscow (2nd time zone)

An airplane that took off from Novosibirsk (5th time zone) at 11:00 local time and was in flight for 5:00. Answer: 13:00.

4. The plane took off at 9 am from Moscow (2nd time zone) to Yakutsk (8th time zone).

When, according to local time, will the plane land in Yakutsk, which was in flight for 5 hours?

Answer: 20 hours

5. What time (including maternity leave) will it be in Krasnoyarsk (6th time zone) if it is midnight in London? Answer: 7 hours.

6. What time (including maternity leave) will it be in Murmansk (2nd time zone) when it is 12 noon in London? Answer: 3 p.m.

7. Determine the standard time (including maternity time) of Krasnoyarsk (6th time zone), if it is 11 a.m. in London. Answer: 18 p.m.

8. What time is it in Omsk (5th time zone), when is 3 pm in Moscow? Answer: 18 hours

9. What time, taking into account maternity leave, will it be in Vladivostok (9th time zone) when it is midnight in London? Answer: 10 o'clock

To solve problems for determining standard time, it is necessary: ​​to carefully study the map of time zones in Russia and the world. Pay attention to the time difference on the territory of Russia and the world, have a clear idea of ​​standard, maternity, Moscow time; remember the location of the international date line.

The main theses of the topic: time zones of the world.

In each time zone, time is calculated according to the meridian passing through its middle. This time is called zone time. It differs from the time of the neighboring zone by exactly one hour. The belts are counted from west to east. The zero zone is taken as the belt along the axis of which the Greenwich meridian passes.

Local time is the time on one meridian at each point.

The territory of Russia is located within 11 time zones, from 2 Moscow to 12. Eleven hours separate the Kaliningrad region from Chukotka in the east.

Date line. In order to avoid confusion with the days of the year, an international agreement has established a date line. It was carried out according to geographical maps approximately along the 180th meridian, bypassing the land. If we cross this line from west to east, then we will make a T + 1 turn, i.e. T + 1 day, and, oddly enough, we will arrive yesterday. Therefore, crossing this line from west to east, we must count the same day twice. When crossing the international date line from east to west, on the contrary, skip one day.

Decree time. By a special resolution (decree) of the Council of People's Commissars in 1930, standard time in the country was moved one hour ahead. This was done for a more efficient, full use of daylight hours.

Summer time. Day length increases in summer. Across the country, on the last Sunday of March, summer time: The clock hands move back one hour. In autumn, on the last Sunday in October, daylight saving time is cancelled.

Tasks for determining standard time .

1. Determine the summer time in Yakutsk, in Magadan, if it is 10 am in Moscow?

2. Determine the time in Brazil, if it is 8 hours in Moscow?

3. What system would be used to measure time on the Earth if it did not rotate around its axis?

4. The ship, which sailed from Vladivostok on Saturday, May 24, arrived in San Francisco (USA) exactly 15 days later. What date, month, and day of the week did he arrive in San Francisco?

5. It's noon on the zero meridian, and 17-00 on the ship. What ocean is the ship sailing in?

6. If it's 12:00 in London, what time is it in Moscow and Vladivostok time zone?

7. What time is it in Magadan local time, if on the Greenwich meridian line


8. A resident of Alaska flew to Chukotka. How many hours does he need to move the hands?

9. How many times can you meet in our country New Year?

Solving problems in local and standard time.

A task №1.

At 30°E Wednesday, January 1, 18:00 local time. What is the day of the week, date and time on the 180th meridian?


1.Find the difference in degrees and in time between 30°E. and 180 degree meridian:

180°- 30°E = 150°: 15°/hour = 10 hours (this is the time difference).

Since the 180 meridian is located east of 30 ° E, then by local time 30 ° E. (18 hours) you need to add the time difference i.e. 10 hours:

18 hours + 10 hours = 28 hours (1 day and 4 hours).


Task number 2.

Standard time in Kyiv is 12 noon. At point A, the local time is 9:00, and at point B, it is 14:00.

Determine the geographical longitude of points A and B.


Longitude of Kyiv - 31 ° E

For point "A"

1) 12 hours - 9 hours = 3 hours;

2) 3 hours×15° = 45°;

3)45° - 31° = 14°W.

For point "B"

1) 14 hours - 12 hours = 2 hours;

2) 2 hours×15° = 30°;

3)31°+30° = 61°E


The longitude of point A is 14°W, the longitude of point B is 61°E.

Task number 3.

On the 180th meridian - Monday, May 15, 15:00 local time. What date, day of the week and local time at: 45°E, 150°E, 0° longitude, 15°W, 170°W.


a) 180° - 45° = 135: 15/hour = 9 hours

9 hours is the time difference between 180° meridian and 45° east. Since 45°E located east of 180° meridian, then


b) 180° - 150° E = 30°, 30°: 15/hour = 2 hours,

15 hours - 2 hours = 13 hours.


c) 180° - 0° = 180°, 180°: 15/hour = 12 hours

15 o'clock - 12 o'clock = 3 o'clock in the morning.


d) 180° + 15°W. = 195°, 195°: 15/hour = 13

given the direction of the earth's rotation from west to east:

15:00 - 13:00 = 26:00 or 2:00 am, May 15, Monday.


e) 180° – 170°W. = 10° × 4min= 40 minutes

15 hours + 40 minutes = 15 hours 40 minutes.


Task number 4.

The plane took off from Pretoria (ΙΙ time zone) at 15 o'clock on December 1st and flew to the northeast. After 9 hours, he crossed the 180th meridian, and after another 2 hours he landed in Honolulu (14 time zone). What time and what date will it be in Honolulu at the time of landing.


1. Determine the time difference between cities

24 - 14 - 2 = 12 hours

2. Determine the time in Honolulu at the time of landing from Pretoria. Since Honolulu is to the west,

15 – 12 = 3 hours

3. Standard time in Honolulu at the time of landing

3 + 9 + 2 = 14 hours.


The height of the sun above the horizon.

Determination of geographical coordinates.

Task number 1.

Determine the geographical latitude of the city if it is known that on the days of the equinox the sun at noon is above the horizon at an altitude of 63 ° (the shadow falls to the south).


The point is in the southern hemisphere. The height of the sun on the equinox days is determined by the formulah= 90° - φ. Determine the latitude of the point φ = 90° - 63° = 27°S.

Task number 2.

At what geographical latitude is city A located if the sun at noon on December 22 (the shadow falls to the south) is at an altitude of 70 ° above the horizon.


It follows from the condition of the problem that point A is located in the southern hemisphere, since the shadow falls to the south. The height of the sun for the summer solstice (December 22 - summer in the southern hemisphere) is determined by the formulah= 90° - φ + 23° 30"

From this formula, you can find φ the latitude of the place i.e. city ​​A

φ = 90° - 70° + 23°30" = 43°30"S


The geographical latitude of the city A \u003d 43 ° 30 "S.

Task number 3.

Determine the geographical coordinates of the city - the capital, located to the west of Kyiv at 27 ° 30 ". The North Star in this place is visible at a distance of 54 ° from the zenith point.


1. The longitude of Kyiv is 30 ° 30 "E. We can find the geographical longitude of the city

λ = 30°30" – 27°30" = 3°E

2. In the northern hemisphere, the geographical latitude of any point is equal to the angle between the North Star and the horizon line. Finding latitude:

φ = 90° - 54° = 36°N


Geographic coordinates 36°N. and 3°E

Task number 4.

In the city - the capital of the island state, the sun is above the horizon at 4 o'clock GMT during the day. During the year, the height of the sun varies from 52° to 90°. Name the city and state.


1. Determine the time zone of the city:

12 o'clock – 4 o'clock = 8 time zone

2. Determine the geographical longitude knowing that every 15 ° time difference is 1 hour.

8 hours × 15° = 120° E

3. the city is located between the tropics, since the sun can be at its zenith (90 °)minthe angle of incidence of the sun's rays of 52 ° makes it possible to determine the geographical latitude during the winter solstice

φ = 90° - 52° - 23.5° = 14.5°

The city has geographical coordinates 14.5°N. and 120°E


Manila, Philippines.

When traveling the world, people inevitably find themselves in different time days - this is due to the movement of the planet around its axis. Russia is a very large country occupying an impressive territory. For greater convenience, its area was divided into a certain number of zones corresponding to the number of time zones in Russia.

What determines time on Earth

Our planet, as you know, has a spherical shape. In 24 hours, it manages to make a complete revolution around its axis, that is, 360 °. Accordingly, in one hour the Earth rotates around its axis by 15 °.

In different parts of the world, people meet sunrise or sunset at different times. In places located on different meridians, at the same moment, the hands of the clock will show different times of the day. For example, in Yakutsk it will be 21 hours, while in Yekaterinburg - only 17.

But at the same time, on the same meridian, throughout its entire length from the North to the South Pole, the time of day will be the same. Such time is called local or solar.

However, using local time is extremely inconvenient: it makes the development of relations between countries very difficult. To eliminate this discomfort, astronomers have proposed to introduce a standard time system around the world.

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As a result, the entire planet was divided along the meridians into 24 belts, each of which includes 15 ° longitude. Thus, the time in each time zone differs from the time in neighboring zones by 1 hour.

The zero time zone is considered to be the center of which runs the Greenwich meridian. He is also the 24th in a row. Time zones are counted from zero from west to east.

Rice. 1. Reference point - Greenwich meridian.

Time zones of Russia

The length of Russia from west to east is very large, and covers 11 time zones. Capital Russian Federation- Moscow - is in the second time zone, and, say, Chukotka autonomous region- in the twelfth.

Moscow time serves as a reference point for determining local time anywhere in Russia. The difference is calculated by the number of full hours: minutes and seconds are the same in all time zones.

In order to avoid confusion on the territory of Russia, all the work of river, sea, air and rail transport, as well as different kind Communications are carried out only on Moscow time.

Rice. 2. Time zones of Russia on the map.

For greater convenience in Russia, the second and eleventh time zones were combined into one. For this reason, within the Russian Federation, they meet not eleven, but ten times.

It is not difficult to independently calculate the zone time of each individual settlement. It is enough to know the boundaries of its location and the number of the time zone in which it is located. For example, if in Moscow, located in the second zone, it is 8 am, then in Yekaterinburg, located in the fourth zone, it will be 10 am, since the difference with Moscow will be 2 hours.

Table by city (time difference)

Daylight Savings Time

In 1930, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars throughout Russia, the clock hands were moved one hour ahead of the relative standard time. The country lived in this regime for more than 50 years according to the so-called "maternity leave" time. It was believed that the change to a new time was installed in order to save electricity. The return to seasonal time only happened in 1981.

In the same year, summer time was introduced on the territory of the USSR. In the period from April 1 to October 1, clocks throughout the country were set one hour ahead. The official reason for this move is rational use daylight hours and energy savings.

Rice. 3. Physiologists are against the transition to a new time.

However, physiologists are sure that such jumps in time have a very negative effect on people's well-being. For any organism, the transition to a new time is stressful, and it takes some time to life cycles adapted to the new conditions.

The transition to daylight saving time in the Russian Federation was canceled in 2011.

What have we learned?

When studying one of the topics in the 8th grade geography program, we learned how many time zones there are in Russia. We found that their number of time zones corresponds to the number of meridians, and the difference in time in each neighboring zone is exactly one hour. Moscow time is considered the main time in Russia, according to which all types of transport operate, communications are established throughout the country.

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« Definition of standard time for different cities of Russia»

Objective: the formation of skills to determine the standard time, the difference in time between different cities.

Equipment : atlas, drawing in the textbook.
instruction card
A task. How many hours are there in Magadan when it's 9 o'clock in Moscow.
Brief statement of the condition:

Moscow - 9 a.m.
Magadan - ? h.
1) determine in which time zones these points are located:
Moscow - in the 2nd, Magadan - in the 9th;
2) determine the difference between time zones:
9 -2 \u003d 7 (h)
3) determine the standard time at a given point, given thatto the west time decreases, to the east it increases:
9 + 7 = 16 (h)
Answer. In Magadan, 4 p.m.
Run by yourself

Option 1.

Option 2.

2. What time is it in Omsk (4 time zone) if it is 10 o'clock in Moscow (2 time zone)?

Option 3.

2. What time is it in Khabarovsk (8 time zone), when is it 10 o'clock in Moscow (2 time zone)?

Option 4.

Option 5.

2. What time will it be in Norilsk (5 time zone) when it is midnight in Moscow (2 time zone)?

Option 6.

2. Determine the standard time in Bratsk (6 time zone), if in Moscow (2 time zone)? noon?

Option 7.

2. What time will it be in Murmansk (2nd time zone) when it is 21:00 in Orenburg (3rd time zone)?

Option 8.

2. What time will it be in Chita (7 time zone) when it is 13 hours in Norilsk (6 hour zone)?

Option 9.

1. Define "Zone Time".

2. What time will it be in Kursk (2 time zone) when it is 10 am in Kaliningrad (1 time zone)?

Option 10.

1. Define "Local time".

2. What time is it in Kaliningrad (1 time zone) when it is 7 am in Novosibirsk (4 time zone)?

Option 11.

1. Define "Summer Time".

2. What time is it in Rostov-on-Don (2nd time zone), when is it 21:00 in Orenburg (3rd time zone)?

Option 12.

1. Define "Daylight Saving Time".

2. What time will it be in Khabarovsk (8 time zone) when it is 12 noon in Krasnodar (2 time zone)?

Option 13.

1. Define "Greenwich Time".

2. What time will it be in Murmansk (2 hour zone) when it is 12 noon in Khabarovsk (8 hour zone)?

Option 14.

1. Define "Central European Time".

2. What time will it be in Murmansk (2 time zone) when it is 12 noon in Magadan (9 time zone)?

Option 15.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. What time will it be in Magadan (9 time zone) when in St. Petersburg (2 time zone) 10 hours?

Option 16.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. What time is it in Yaroslavl (2nd time zone), when is 21:00 in Orenburg (3rd time zone)?

Option 17.

1. Define "Zone Time".

2. What time will it be in Khabarovsk (8 time zone) when it is 12 noon in Sochi (2 time zone)?

Option 18.

1. Define "Local time".

2. What time will it be in Murmansk (2nd time zone) when it is 17:00 in Novosibirsk (4th time zone)?

Option 19.

1. Define "Summer Time".

2. When in Moscow (2 time zone) noon, what time is it atOrenburg (3 time zone)?

Option 20.

1. Define "Daylight Saving Time".

2. What time will it be in Khabarovsk (8 time zone) when in St. Petersburg (2 time zone) 10 hours?

Option 21.

1. Define "Greenwich Time".

2. Determine the standard time of Magadan(9 hour zone) if it's 6 hours in Moscow(2 hour zone) .

Option 22.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. What time is it in Omsk (4 time zone), when is 15:00 in Moscow (2 time zone)?

Option 23.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. What time will it be in Murmansk (2 time zone) when it is 12 noon in Yakutsk (7 time zone)?

Option 24.

1. Define "Daylight Saving Time".

2. What time is it in Magadan (9 time zone), when is midnight in Moscow (2 time zone)?

Option 25.

1. Define "Zone Time".

2. Determine the standard time in Yaroslavl (2 time zone), when in Magadan (9 time zone) 22 hours.

Option 26.

1. Define "Summer Time".

2. The plane took off fromKhabarovsk (8 time zone) in St. Petersburg (2 time zone) in 12 hours day. Flight time - 9 hours. When will the plane land in St. Petersburg according to the schedule?

Option 27.

1. Define "Zone Time".

2. Determine when the plane should land in Moscow (2nd time zone), taking off from Chita (7th hour zone) at 7 o'clock local time, if the estimated flight time is 8 hours?

Option 28.

1. Define "Greenwich Time".

2. In Norilsk (5th hour zone), it was 16:00 when the plane took off from it to Moscow (2nd hour zone). The plane flew for 4 hours.When will the plane land in Moscow according to the schedule?

Option 29.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. Determine when, according to Moscow time, the plane will land in Moscow (2 time zone), which took off from Yekaterinburg (4 time zone) at 11 o'clock local time and was in flight for 2 hours?

Option 30.

1. Define "Time Zone".

2. The plane took off from Omsk (4 time zone) to Saint Petersburg (2 time zone) at 12 a.m. Flight time - 4 hours. When will the plane land in St. Petersburg according to the schedule?