Compatibility of fish and female calf as a percentage. Pisces zodiac sign compatibility with Taurus

They are in two different positions within the zodiac, and such signs tend to have karmic connections and deep empathy for each other. While Pisces is idealistic, dreamy and impressionistic, Taurus is more down to earth and practical. In their relationship, there is often harmony and stability.

These two signs have a lot to offer each other. Taurus can provide Pisces' basic needs to make all their dreams come true, and Pisces can offer the kindness, gentleness, and empathy that Taurus loves so much in their lover. From time to time, Taurus cannot understand Pisces' seemingly simplistic view of life; in reality, of course, Pisces is not simple at all. There are really devils in still waters, in this case.

Planet Compatibility Venus-Jupiter-Neptune

Taurus is ruled by Venus (love) and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (luck) and Neptune (illusions). When Venus and Neptune meet, a beautiful spiritual connection is formed. Both of these heavenly bodies vibrate with feminine energy. Together, they represent an idealistic relationship that borders on the divine. Jupiter adds his masculine energy to this combination; this planet represents philosophy. These two signs in their union together can realize their dreams; they can build a heaven on earth for themselves. What are the disadvantages of this relationship? These seemingly dreamy and intoxicating connections can remain at the level of unfulfilled dreams, illusions and fantasies.

Compatibility by elements Earth-Water

Taurus is an Earth sign, Pisces is a Water sign. These two elements are usually quite compatible, since both Water and Earth are material, physical objects. Taurus can help Pisces stabilize their sensitivity, and Pisces can bring a little magic to Taurus' practical approach to life. They must take care of each other. But too much Water can turn the Earth into mud: Taurus can tire of Pisces' emotional instability, and Pisces can, in turn, feel that Taurus is insensitive to their needs. But they can easily find a way to overcome their differences.

Interpersonal Compatibility Taurus and Pisces

Taurus is a fixed sign and Pisces is a mutable sign. Where Taurus is steady, stubborn, practical and focused, Pisces loves the feeling of moving from one thought to the next, according to their imagination. The rigidity of Taurus can hinder the flexibility of Pisces; Taurus will have to learn to let Pisces go with their flow. As a gift in return, Pisces will be very supportive of their loving partner. Pisces can show Taurus that change is sometimes better than being determined to do things one way and one way only.

What is the best thing about a Taurus and Pisces relationship?

Their different emotional natures harmonize with each other very well. Shared empathy and commitment to each other will help them keep strong bonds of love for a long time.

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As a couple, the relationship of Taurus and Pisces can hardly be called such, the compatibility horoscope for Taurus and Pisces says that the designation “trinity” is more suitable for them. Pisces is a dual sign, and on the one hand, this person likes to go with the flow and is not used to struggling, and on the other hand, Pisces wants to prevail in everything.

Conflicts in a couple can arise for any reason, but most of all disagreements arise on the basis of finances. Taurus are thrifty and think about how to save money. Pisces, on the other hand, love to spend, and the dream of this zodiac sign is a life when someone provides them with financial independence and does not deny them anything. On the other hand, Pisces can donate extra money to charity or give it to shelters, which makes their spending noble.

Pisces can think about their financial situation only in case of urgent need; in other situations, money annoys Pisces. In a pair of Taurus and Pisces, each partner has too different concepts of well-being and ideas about serious things, therefore, in order to create happy family they will have to put in the effort.

Calculating Pisces are neurotic individuals, Taurus are lazy and always consider themselves unhappy. But if the couple manages to unite their efforts against some problems, it will be easier for them to cope with difficulties.

In this pair, Taurus can teach partners to leave in reserve cash Pisces, on the other hand, will suggest more inventive methods of making a profit. If Taurus begins to persuade a partner to their own opinion, Pisces may hate their lover. Pisces are characterized by maneuvers between life situations, and they like to watch what is happening from the side. Taurus, on the other hand, tend to go straight and prove their position to the end, and if they fail, they leave with their heads held high.

If a dispute arises in a couple, it is difficult for them to find agreement. But when a couple learns to help each other, overcome difficulties together, their union can become happy and long. Taurus must openly look at the obvious, and Pisces must learn to trust a partner, even if they do not like it.

Although Pisces are subtle and spiritual natures, they must learn to live in the real world, despite the fact that life is full of surprises, fear, suffering and pain. The world cannot be perfect, so Pisces needs to open their eyes to reality, in which Taurus will help them.

Compatibility Pisces Man - Taurus Woman

Such a couple has every chance to create an ideal family. Their compatibility is 90 percent. Relations will be full of mutual understanding and consent. The Taurus girl in the union will become a stable and stable personality, and the Pisces man will support her in this.

From the first day of the relationship, partners will treat each other gently and reverently. They both want to be loved and give their love to their partner. The couple has an emotional and psychological connection that will make the lovers live in peace and harmony.

Problems in communication can arise if a man under the sign of Pisces sees earthiness on the part of a partner. A man loves to dream and fantasize too much, but a woman under the sign of Taurus is more mundane and lives in reality. This difference can destroy relationships, but very often partners manage to become so attached to each other that earthiness does not interfere with their communication.

Compatibility Pisces Woman - Taurus Man

Initially, it may seem that the couple should not be together, and their characters are too different. But in fact, very often there is a huge connection between lovers. They are affectionate, kind and gentle with each other and subsequently become one. Only a few factors can disrupt such a relationship.

A man under the sign of Taurus loves stability in everything. The woman in this union is trying to elude reality and stability. Pisces want to live differently than everyone else, and therefore they want diversity and approximation to the world that they painted for themselves as a child.

Taurus is trying to create coziness and comfort around his beloved woman, but she will not allow herself to be caged. A woman under the sign of Pisces needs to communicate with others, and she tries to conquer her man with femininity, attractiveness and tenderness.

Taurus attracts a woman with his masculinity and ability to be afloat in difficult times. For a couple to last a long time, a woman must completely trust her partner. A man, on the other hand, must find strength, patience and put up with the extravagance and disorganization of his beloved.

Want to check compatibility with other zodiac signs? We recommend reading the article.

4.94 /5 (16 )

The relationship between the representatives of the signs of Pisces and Taurus can be called harmonious with full confidence. Even if there is a difference of interests and diametrically opposed views on life, they will find an opportunity to agree without infringing on each other's pride. Due to the ability to find compromises, they almost do not conflict, but does this indicate a good Compatibility Taurus and Pisces?

Compatibility Taurus Woman and Pisces Man

The charming Taurus lady knows her worth from childhood, therefore she does not seek to prove anything to anyone, and lives in complete harmony with herself and the outside world. She is a pleasant conversationalist, she is surrounded by many friends, men value the opinion of Venus's ward very much.

At an older age, after forty, the charm of the Taurus woman, oddly enough, only increases and the fans still do not leave her unattended. Even more femininity, harmony appears in her, she seems to live, enjoying herself.

Choosing a life partner the first time is not always successful, among the crowd of suitors it is difficult to discern that very one and only. But from this circumstance, a balanced representative of the sign of the earth does not make a tragedy. Convinced of the failure of her choice, she calmly puts an end to it and breaks up with her partner. Having met a Pisces man on her way, she finds what she has been striving for for so long, understanding, sympathy, spiritual closeness. She, no less than her partner, is ready to invest in a harmonious strong relationship, supporting her man in all endeavors, surrounding her with care and love.

The Pisces man is sensitive and at the same time mysterious. In relationships, he always tries to bring a share of romance, even if the spouses have lived for decades. Pleasant surprises, Pisces' beloved receives unusual gifts not only in the first days of their acquaintance, but throughout their entire life together. The representative of the Pisces sign is insanely attractive, women are drawn to him like a magnet.

Watch the video. Compatibility Taurus and Pisces.

But he is very selective in relationships and will open his mysterious soul only to the woman who, in his opinion, will be worthy of it. It is this person, as a rule, that turns out to be a Taurus girl.

In love

A representative of the water element certainly has great romanticism in the Taurus-Pisces pair. His partner is more practical, she looks at the world realistically. But this is the beauty of such unions, lovers complement each other, and those qualities that are lacking in one partner will be more than added by another.

85% of Pisces are too dreamy

However, despite the harmonious combination with each other, the pets of the terrestrial-water union will still have to work on themselves. The Pisces man, especially at a young age, can fall into excessive daydreaming, which makes it impossible to find ground under his feet and really perceive the surrounding reality.

Girls often take such a manifestation in men for infantilism and the inability to take responsibility for their lives. Therefore, Rybka’s innate sensuality and propensity for fantasies still need to be pacified a little, and try to develop practicality in themselves. The stars give the Taurus girl exactly the opposite advice: move away from rigid dogmas and rules and be more. open to the world, to perceive surprises and surprises as pleasant and refreshing moments of life, and not as circumstances that unsettle.

In a relationship

Despite her practicality, the ward of Venus is not indifferent to beautiful expensive things, and fans indulge her in this. The Pisces man is more generous in this regard than all other signs. He showers his beloved with gifts.

Yielding to feelings, a representative of the water element can lower his entire fortune in order to amaze his partner with the breadth of his scope. These qualities amaze and inspire the Taurus girl only at the beginning of building relationships. If this relationship develops into something more and the couple has a common budget, then such royal gestures will annoy the practical ward of Venus.

In the process of living together, the representative of the Pisces sign will have to reconsider their views on spending money and be more restrained in their impulses, otherwise conflicts on this basis cannot be avoided.

The Taurus girl in caring for her partner often goes beyond all conceivable limits. She should not forget that her lover is highly sensitive and from time to time he needs personal space to be alone, dream and recuperate. Overprotection of his practical girlfriend can quickly tire the mysterious representative of Pisces.

5 out of 7 Pisces men need freedom

Representatives of the earthly elements should remember that Pisces should be given the opportunity to swim a little in freedom, tight control and constant interference in their affairs quickly bother them, and they may decide that the time has come to look for a quieter and more peaceful harbor.

If the couple manages to overcome the above disagreements with honor, and each partner is ready to change for the sake of his beloved, then the representatives of the amphibious union will live together happily ever after.


The riddle of the Pisces man is difficult to solve. The Taurus girl has advanced the farthest in this difficult task, but still the soul of Pisces remains incomprehensible to her. She, as a very practical person, will try to put everything on the shelves and bring it to one denominator, but in the case of Pisces, nothing will come of this venture.

IT IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Taurus woman.

The mystery of the pet of the water element must be taken for granted and stop being afraid of it, otherwise the wife’s desire to “dig out” deeper what is hidden can end in failure. And in this case, we are not talking about some kind of “terrible” truth and unsightly actions that Pisces carefully hide, Pisces just do not open up to anyone to the end, they urgently need to be alone with their thoughts, sometimes isolate themselves from others in order to make the right decision .

Their partner will have to come to terms with this and show heightened sensitivity at the moment when she sees that her spouse wants to be alone. In domestic terms, this is an extremely favorable union. Both spouses are ready to take on household chores. With regard to the material component, the stars say that it is better for the wife to replenish the family treasury, but this does not bother the ward of Neptune at all, he enthusiastically rushes to help his enterprising Taurus wife.

in friendship

Friendship between Taurus and Pisces is most often born in childhood. The mood of the saddened representative of Neptune can only be raised by a calm and reasonable Taurus girl. To do this, she does not need to do anything unusual, just talk and cheer up her sensitive friend.

As they get older, their friendship will grow stronger. Pisces are in no hurry to get close to people, they try to protect their tender soul from outside intrusions.

The old friend of the earth element has already passed all the tests for honesty and trust, so the Pisces man will especially cherish this friendly union. He knows how to be grateful and will always come to the aid of his independent girlfriend, turn his shoulder in time, regret, listen and give useful advice. She, in turn, will also make every effort to make her friend's life more organized, try to get him out of constant dreams so that he begins to realize his potential.

Pisces has a penchant for esotericism, his mundane girlfriend does not always like this passion, but over time she will not even notice how Pisces can introduce her to her hobbies, he is very masterfully able to convince and charm. And now, after a while, the two of them cast spells on how to drive out evil spirits and attract good luck. But do not forget that the representative of the elements of water takes this occupation too seriously, for Taurus it is nothing more than entertainment, which you will not do in order to please your so impressionable friend. Taurus's tolerance for some Pisces oddities makes this friendly tandem extraordinarily strong.

In sex

For the conservative ward of Taurus, the ingenuity of Pisces in the intimate sphere is not easy. They have a different understanding of carnal pleasures. And what seems quite organic for Pisces is often taboo for Taurus. Pisces men are true connoisseurs of the female body and they, like no one else, feel how to bring their partner to the pinnacle of bliss.

A Taurus woman only needs to trust her sensual man and not interfere with mutual pleasure.

Oddly enough, this simple rule is not easy for the down-to-earth ward of Venus. But if she overcomes her established stereotypes of behavior in bed, then a stunning reward awaits her, her lover will awaken her dormant sensuality and lift her to the heights of bliss.

The Taurus woman pays a lot of attention to the external surroundings: beautiful linen, delicate perfume, flickering candles. For Pisces, such pleasant additions to the general flair of intimacy are also extremely important. With mutual trust, such an unusual couple will have a very rich and vibrant sex life.

In work

The Taurus-Pisces business alliance is extremely beneficial for both signs. The enterprise and practicality of the Taurus woman, multiplied by the constant generation of ideas of the Pisces man, will bring many benefits to both partners. Despite excessive daydreaming, Pisces, like Taurus, are not devoid of a commercial vein, only they sometimes lack the grasp and prudence that are so inherent in earthly signs.

In the field of business, these two signs will organically complement each other, and weaknesses one sign will be offset by the strength of another. They can handle both global business projects and the implementation of already tested ideas.

In percentages

In tandem, the Pisces man and the Taurus woman are more than 60% compatible.

This seemingly modest figure does not give grounds to believe that such alliances are doomed to failure in almost half of the cases. Such compatibility suggests that the couple will have to work a little on their own qualities and opportunities for personal growth in order to maintain the beginning that unites them for many years to come.

The chances of building a harmonious long-term union are very high, provided that representatives of both signs are interested in creating a strong relationship.

IT IS INTERESTING! Sex with a Pisces man.

Psychological compatibility

The inner world of representatives of the signs of earth and water is incomparable. Pisces men are sensitive, dreamy, their mood changes like spring weather. Taurus is a more emotionally stable sign, an overly realistic view of the world does not give them the opportunity to delve into their fantasies. However, the mysterious mystery of the representatives of the stronger sex, born under the sign of Pisces, is insanely attractive for them. This is the case when opposites attract like a magnet.

Pisces is attracted by the will and stable character of Taurus, those qualities that they themselves lack. A purposeful partner helps the Pisces man to realize those goals that they considered unrealizable before meeting her. How Taurus manages to turn the dreams of Pisces into reality remains a mystery even for the most ward of Venus. It's just that she protects her sensual partner so much that she is ready to throw all her strength to help him.

The emotional openness of Taurus and the mysterious mystery of Pisces often become a stumbling block in their relationship. The straightforward girl of the earth element is offended that the partner is not always frank with her, she does not have secrets from her lover. And here, the always reasonable Taurus begins to wind himself up and suspect the dreamy Pisces of all mortal sins.

45% of divorces are due to misunderstanding

At this moment, the main thing is to stop and remember the difference in temperaments and mental organization, otherwise it’s not far from the gap. Moreover, even at the most deplorable moment of the relationship, Pisces will not make excuses and prove to you that they are pure like angels, they will simply leave your horizon with sad doom. And after a few years, having met over a cup of a cafe and having a heart-to-heart talk, the Taurus woman will understand that there was nothing to hide the mysterious fish, it was just an autumn blues. But this realization will come too late...

In order to maintain a relationship in a couple for many years, the Taurus woman needs to curb her suspicion, try to be less jealous of her partner, provide him with personal space and weaken excessive custody of him.

Pisces are by nature loyal. They will not cheat on a close person who has gained understanding for them. Groundless suspicions hurt them and force them to break off relations, even if they have strong feelings. For them, peace of mind is very important.

Compatibility Taurus Man and Pisces Woman

The Taurus man is caring, responsive, from the first days of his acquaintance he surrounds his partner with attention. There are always a lot of admirers surrounded by a brutal representative of the earth element, but he is in no hurry to make a choice, carefully looking at each applicant. He is very selective in communications. He will connect himself with relationships only with someone who will be truly interesting to him, even if the selection process drags on for many years. A friend of Taurus should remember that her chosen one is jealous and even innocent flirting can be treated as an accomplished betrayal.

The Pisces Woman attracts a reliable Taurus with the sophistication of her nature, a mysterious smile and the presence of impeccable taste. In the future, when the acquaintance moves into a closer phase, all the qualities that the dear Pisces carefully concealed and protected will be revealed to Taurus. This is, first of all, excessive vulnerability, resentment, acute perception of the injustice of life. Taurus in dealing with a sophisticated fish should be as delicate as possible, her mood can be spoiled by an unsuccessful joke or a caustic remark.

The Pisces woman is an extraordinary hostess, her house is always clean and comfortable, rich borscht gurgles in a saucepan, and fragrant meat sizzles in a frying pan. A man with such a homely wife will always be treated kindly and fed.

However, in order for a Pisces woman to gain confidence in her man, he needs to try very hard for this. She looks at her partner for a long time, wondering if he should entrust her life to him. And only after making sure of the reliability and honesty of her life partner, she is ready to connect her fate with him with full responsibility.

Watch the video. Astrology: a psychological portrait of a Taurus man.

In love

Pisces girls dream of a strong and reliable prince since childhood. And they find almost all the qualities from childhood dreams in the representative of the elements of the earth. He is calm as a rock, his mood is stable, he looks at the world with a positive attitude and is ready to put all the richest gifts at the feet of his chosen one. Here, in such a fabulous image, the courageous Taurus appears before a gentle fish. He is restrained in emotions, which for an unstable, weak nervous system The fish is extremely important.

V conflict situation it is he who will be able to take on the role of a peacemaker and bring the ship of love out of the turbulent stream of heated passions. This is a very valuable quality that allows a couple to overcome temporary difficulties with relative ease.

More practical and stable in this pair, of course, Taurus. But Pisces brings sensuality, tenderness and warmth to their union, which Taurus appreciates so much, and for this he is ready to forgive his partner for some detachment from real life, excessive wastefulness and dreaminess.

Making mutual concessions, the couple is able to build harmonious relationship and have a happy family life.

In a relationship

The candy-bouquet period of relations will be remembered by both representatives of the terrestrial-water tandem for life. They had never experienced so much romance and tenderness before meeting each other. The most important thing is that the effort to bring joy to each other is mutual, they jointly strive to build strong relationships.

The brutal Taurus showers his chosen one with gifts, he does not appear on a date without a bouquet of chic flowers, he reserves a table in advance in the most sophisticated restaurant. Rybka, in turn, does not get tired of admiring his attentive and generous gentleman, which gives him even more self-confidence.

Of course, during the period of living together, the storm of emotions will subside a little, but even then they will try to find time and strength to please each other with pleasant trifles and refresh the relationship that has become familiar.

9 out of 10 Taurus are jealous

Rybka, as a keenly sensitive nature, signs of attention are extremely important and her brutal partner should not forget about it. The absence of gifts, tender words of love and romantic walks will push the Pisces woman to sad thoughts that the chosen one has fallen out of love with her, cooled down and found a replacement. Taurus, on the other hand, will be annoyed by the secrecy of Pisces, encrypted messages on the phone, conversations with friends in a whisper. After all, he is extremely jealous by nature and will find an opportunity to inflate a grandiose scandal out of any trifle.

The difference in temperaments must be taken into account by both partners. The Pisces woman needs to clarify the situation as often as possible and not introduce her man into the temptation to be jealous of her. Taurus, on the other hand, needs to constantly maintain the self-esteem of his chosen one and do not forget to provide pleasant signs of attention so that she does not have a reason to doubt her feelings.


V marital relations serious disagreements in a pair of Taurus man and Pisces woman are rare. Most often, the reason for this is the irrepressible jealousy of Taurus and the excessive secrecy of Pisces. Having overcome this difference in outlook on life, the earth-water tandem will surprise everyone with its harmony.

The Taurus husband, as a rule, takes over the material component. And Pisces, knowing their natural extravagance, do not mind this. This does not mean that Taurus is stingy, he is just practical and can realistically assess the need for each purchase. But, of course, his chosen one will not be left without gifts and pleasant little things dear to the heart.

In the Taurus-Pisces relationship, a friendly, calm atmosphere reigns. Taurus carefully protects his other half from excessive worries, taking all material and everyday problems to myself. The wife tries her best to provide her Taurus with a reliable rear, provides coziness and comfort.

IT IS INTERESTING! Modern astrology: juicy details of the compatibility of the Pisces woman.

in friendship

The sedate and self-confident Taurus and the tender fish form a strong friendly union, in which the role of defender, conqueror and comforter, of course, belongs to the representative of the elements of the earth. The Pisces Girl, in turn, will tremblingly protect and take care of her strong friend. If he suddenly falls ill, the fish does not even need to be asked to help, she herself will be the first to rush to the rescue with a bag of medicines and a thermos of hot tea.

Pastime terrestrial-water signs love calm, secluded, they are rarely bored together. Activities that seem banal to most people are a real pleasure for them. They often discuss the books they read, the programs they watch, and they develop plans for joint travel. The basis of amorous relations in this pair, as a rule, is friendship. The friends, after talking for a short time, understand that without each other they can no longer imagine their existence and decide to move to a more serious level.

In sex

In the tandem of the Pisces woman and the Taurus man, there is a very rare combination of spiritual intimacy and a bright physical beginning. The interaction of the verses of Water and Earth gives rise to a passionate unity of souls and bodies.

At first glance, the representative of the Taurus sign is more relaxed and inventive in amorous affairs. However, when the relationship gets stronger and the gentle Rybka is imbued with trust in her passionate partner, she will amaze him with her sensuality and ability to give and receive pleasure.

The fish opens up gradually, making sure that there is a partner nearby who can be trusted with their most secret fantasies.

In work

Both signs are strong in systematizing and analyzing incoming information. Therefore, on this basis, they can develop a very good business tandem. Things are much worse with regard to technical issues, in these cases they should refrain from joint projects.

Outwardly, these business partners give the impression of being light, and not particularly concerned with the results of their work. However, this is only an appearance, they are conscientious specialists who clearly follow their plan, they just prefer not to escalate the situation with excessive seriousness.

In percentages

The compatibility of the Taurus-Pisces pair is extremely high, more than 80%.

They feel each other well, on an intuitive level they have a very close connection. Both are reasonable, diplomatic and aimed at building strong trusting relationships. But that doesn't mean that family life they are perfect in every way.

3 out of 5 couples experience misunderstandings

The main difference between these two signs is that they express their experiences in different ways. Taurus needs to speak out, throw out all the accumulated negative emotions, and Pisces, on the contrary, at the moment of acute emotional experiences closes in on itself. This situation can bring misunderstanding and disagreement in these relations.

Taurus is perplexed why his beloved fish has closed up and does not want to pour out his soul, perhaps the reason is in him? What if she fell out of love with him? Therefore, in order to maintain a trusting relationship throughout the marriage, Rybka needs to gradually overcome natural isolation and explain to her beloved the reason for her bad mood, and not wait for her partner to read her thoughts.

Taurus is a field of talent and creative energy that captivates Pisces. And the Taurus themselves can become very attached to the Pisces, that this can develop into a kind of addiction that will distort the Taurus, his whole reality of what is happening, since he will think that it was precisely such a partner as Pisces that he has been waiting for all his life and another and not need to. Therefore, it is very important for the compatibility of Pisces and Taurus, it is to hold on to common sense and be practical.

Pisces Taurus Compatibility

Average compatibility. These zodiac signs completely fill each other. And they dissolve as much in their pleasure that the line between their reality becomes invisible. So when it comes to sex, they are both satisfied, even though they don't really make any effort at all. Due to the emotional nature of the Pisces sign, their Taurus partner will receive a lot of deep sensitivity, which in turn can give Taurus a slightly false sense of love from a partner, meaning Taurus may be misled by such sensual attention from Pisces.

Common interests

The perfect couple. This is a relationship based on love and complete understanding. Both Pisces and Taurus crave romance and beauty in their lives, and will do whatever is necessary to preserve the beauty of the relationship and the harmony between them. Taurus will give their Pisces partner the opportunity to connect to the real world, showing them how to express their creativity, while Pisces understands Taurus well and makes them softer and more flexible. It seems to Pisces that their mission is to convince Taurus that true love exists. If their relationship ends, they will feel it, and there will not even be a need to talk about breaking up. Everything will be quiet and peaceful. If they are imbued with trust in each other, it will develop great feeling love, and their relationship can continue and be so strong that such feelings can only be dreamed of.

Relationship Pisces and Taurus

Good compatibility. Because of Pisces' tendency to idealize everything, there's a good chance they'll open up to their partner as soon as they realize how consistent and safe a Taurus is. The beauty of their relationship lies in the fact that they have a certain lightness in relation to each other, when they are together, then both lose the need to hide their emotions, and be as they are, without any masks.

The sign of Pisces is very volatile, and they can suddenly change themselves for no apparent reason. If this happens, then Taurus will decide that the trust between them is lost, despite the fact that their relationship seemed just a couple of minutes ago the most ideal in the world. And then there comes a deep feeling of the collapse of all hopes. Pisces are very emotional and because of this there are frequent changes in their inner world. And therefore, when Pisces gets bored, they begin to come up with excuses and even begin to lie, not even realizing that, on the part of Taurus, their relationship has long been over. In turn, Taurus makes the choice to either accept the situation and fight for love, or end the relationship and move on.

Intelligence Pisces and Taurus

Excellent compatibility. Taurus and Pisces probably don't have the need to talk a lot. Instead, they will understand each other through all kinds of non-verbal communication. Taurus is inspired by the subtlety of Pisces, and it becomes interesting for them to learn every detail in the behavior of their partner. That is why they create a strong emotional connection and understand each other perfectly.

Emotions Pisces and Taurus

Perfect match. Taurus and Pisces have a magical emotional connection. As long as Pisces does not change their interests, their relationship should be filled with love and wonder. Taurus will feel for a very long time, as if she is in the center of attention of Pisces, and is the most loved and desired. If both of these zodiac signs work on their relationship, then they can stay in a strong relationship for a very long time.

As soon as Pisces feels the whole palette of emotions, they curb and calm down, but subside only so that later it would be easier to distance themselves from Taurus at any moment he needs. The funny thing is that in most cases, such a maneuver of Pisces will work, and at the right time, Taurus will not be so hurt when Pisces has another change of interests. Despite the fact that Taurus tends to become emotionally attached to his partner, he will still be able to pull himself together and regain the reality of what is happening.

Pisces and Taurus values

Average compatibility. Taurus is facing material values, and Pisces to the emotional. Their interests are very different, but those that they share are incomparable with others, such as love, tenderness. No sign of the zodiac can understand how these two opposite signs combine in love, and especially how they find common interests with each other.

Team work

Weak compatibility. The main disadvantage, and perhaps the advantage, is that Taurus is constant in everything, and Pisces, on the contrary, are very changeable. This can lead to a lack of understanding when it comes to how they want to spend their time together. They will be addicted to the same activities, but Pisces can get bored if nothing changes in their common interests. They can't stay in one place long time. Taurus is almost always in a good mood, even when years pass and youth is not so visible on their face. And it is this quality that frightens and even annoys Pisces a little.

Nice couple. In search of the perfect love, Pisces can easily have several love affairs or even marriages before they finally settle down in one place, if they can stop at all. Pisces love to have lovers on the side. They do not like loneliness and routine.

The mysterious and inspiring nature of Pisces is very similar to an aphrodisiac: they have attractive and magnetic properties. Pisces live in a world of dreams and fantasies. One way to win a Pisces' heart is to turn to their romantic side of nature. They should be taken to ballet, theater or a classic film. For them, romance is important in everything. Things are easier with Taurus, he should feel stability and security from his partner. And in gratitude, the partner will receive devotion for life and affection from Taurus.

Taurus is ruled by the beauty of the planet Venus, while Pisces is ruled by the inspiring Neptune. They both love gourmet food, wine and culture, and the result is a wonderful couple with sophisticated flair. They almost never run out of topics to discuss. In the bedroom, Taurus is happy to embrace any Pisces's boundless fantasy. Inner bliss is guaranteed and their fussy styles will match perfectly and lead to pleasure. But still, in order to get a long and lasting relationship in the future, both Taurus and Pisces need to control and regulate each other's energy, otherwise they can go to the extreme of “master” and “servant”.

The passive-aggressive Pisces needs to become more assertive, and the strong Taurus needs to relax, as Pisces can't always verbalize their complex feelings as quickly as Taurus demands. Too much pressure can intimidate the gentle Pisces, thereby alienating her from herself.

If you really want to understand Taurus, then the rush here will be inappropriate. You need to wait a long time until they open up and show them all their care. This will be a sign for Taurus to feel some support from the partner. They need emotions with other people, and they will share them, and they will show real feelings to only one person. Tauruses are often afraid of change and start feeling insecure about the future, so it makes sense to show them a safe footing for their future needs more often and then you can see them spread their wings to fly through life.

And Pisces are gentle, kind, sensual and emotional. Although many of these signs may have numerous relationships that don't last very long, they are on a constant quest for true love and won't settle for less. Pisces tend to idealize partners, and can often be misperceived, not realizing the consequences of their ended romantic relationship, and sometimes even for many years. But, if these two partners try to maintain their relationship in an even direction, listen and sometimes give in to each other, then their union will be very long and happy.

The union of Taurus and Pisces is considered one of the most successful. They are necessary to each other like earth to water and like water to earth. Just as the earth is a container for a reservoir, so a strong, reliable Taurus becomes a strong support for Pisces. In turn, romantic and sensitive Pisces become fresh spring water for the mundane sign, capable of nourishing and making even the driest soil alive.

Most likely, these two will make a very cozy nest in which they will feel comfortable - both Taurus and Pisces love beautiful things and home comfort. They will ride together to the sea, enjoy the sunset, and at such moments Taurus and Pisces can become the most on Earth.

They will not be able to avoid disputes and conflicts, since their views will often not coincide, but thanks to the delicacy and ability of Pisces to give in, harmony can come again. Loyalty, compliance, mutual trust of both partners - these are the keys to the cloudless happiness of this wonderful couple.