What is bulk perlite. Perlite in construction

Perlite is granules of volcanic lava, resulting from rapid cooling in contact with earth and water. Perlite thermal conductivity coefficient λ = 0.045 to 0.059 W/(m² K). The melting point is from 950 to 1300°C, and the beginning of softening or sticking is 850°C.

Perlite is chemically inert, non-flammable, hygroscopic and has a constant volume. It is resistant to frost, moisture and different kind pests, has excellent heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties. High porosity combined with low weight at a relatively low price make perlite a very attractive material for construction.

Application of perlite

  • the main component of light gypsum plasters, heat-shielding masonry and plaster mortars;
  • weight-reducing additive improves the performance and ductility of gypsum plasters, cement-lime masonry mortars and tile adhesives;
  • the main thermal insulation material in heat-protective masonry mortars and heat-protective plasters performed at the construction site.
  • the main component of heat-shielding perlite-concrete self-leveling floors. Such you can make your own solution, mixing in the right proportions 3 parts of perlite, cement and water. Do-it-yourself perlite concrete can be used to fill the floor, or plaster the ceiling. At the same time, you can solve problems with surface irregularities by refusing to use polystyrene foam boards;
  • component that reduces the weight of gypsum castings and concrete elements. It is used to reduce the weight of various facade tiles, precast concrete structures, plaster casts or decorative concrete elements, window sills;
  • loose backfill for thermal insulation of walls and ceilings;
  • main component of perlite concrete insulation boards;
  • perlite class "0" as a component giving the effect of "pearl" in decorative paints, as well as classes I and II for the effect "Raufaser";
  • As a powder or in the form of perlite concrete, it is used as a supplement or replacement for expanded polystyrene in floors and ceilings.
  • Perlite, depending on the ability to handle it, is used as an addition to classic insulating materials, or as the main material used for insulating floors and attics.

Heat protection solution

Recommended by cellular concrete manufacturers. Also, manufacturers of porous blocks, with a tongue-and-groove connection, prefer perlite mortar. More and more enterprises use it for the production of heat-shielding mortars and plasters, as well as an additive that improves the properties of polystyrene foam adhesives.

Perlite concrete

In terms of thermal insulation and sound insulation, it is one of the best building materials. Perlite concrete can be used for insulation of floors, ceilings, pouring walls, ceilings, roofs. By mixing the components in an appropriate way, various perlite concretes can be obtained.

In many cases, it can be used instead of expanded polystyrene - there is no need for time-consuming operations for floor insulation with foam plastic, followed by pouring the screed. It can also be used for underfloor heating.

Perlite proportions for concrete mortar

Recipe for perlite concrete Material ratio, cement: class III perlite: water For a 25 kg bag of cement, add a bag of perlite (class III) with a volume of 0.1 m³ + liters of water Bulk density [kg/m³] Compressive strength [MPa]

Thermal conductivity

λ[W/(m² K)]

14/4,0 1:4:1,25 1 + 31,3 840 3,8 0,097
14/5,5 1:4:1,00 1 + 25,0 920 6,4 0,078
16/3,8 1:6:1,84 1,5 + 46,0 670 3,2 0,110
16/4,5 1:6:1,56 1,5 + 39,0 740 4,2 0,087
16/5,2 1:6:1,35 1,5 + 33,8 800 4,9 0,073
18/5,0 1:8:1,80 2 + 45,0 710 4,8 0,066
110/5,5 1:10:2,0 2,5 + 50,0 590 3,4 0,070

Other possibilities of industrial use of perlite concrete:

  • casting foundations for equipment operating in extreme temperature conditions - from -200 to +800ºC,
  • production of reinforced concrete structures, chimneys, energy and refrigeration installations,
  • production of single-layer panels for the construction of external sandwich walls,
  • production of floors for bathrooms, dressing rooms, pool insulation.

Heat-insulating perlite plasters

Plasters in which sand is replaced by perlite retain their properties. They are lightweight and provide excellent thermal and acoustic insulation. They can be used indoors and outdoors. Perlite plaster is permeable to vapors and gases, allows the wall to breathe, and is also non-combustible. Perlite is also one of the two main special aggregates used in antique wall restoration plasters to remove moisture and soluble salts from them that cause them to corrode.

One centimeter layer of perlite plaster, in terms of thermal insulation, replaces: 0.5 cm of foam, 5 cm of brick or 8 cm of traditional sand-based plaster. Plaster used on both sides of the wall doubles this effect. Applying, for example: a layer of 6 cm on the outside and 3 cm on the inside replaces 4.5 cm of polystyrene foam or 45 cm of brick or 56 cm of traditional sand plaster. If the layer of perlite plaster is thicker than 6 cm, then it is necessary to use plaster mesh. Perlite plaster can be painted with acrylic or other paints. As for gypsum-perlite plasters, an increase in the proportion of gypsum volume in them improves strength characteristics. For a plaster thickness of 18 cm, with a volume of 500 kg / m³ (gypsum / perlite ratio - 1: 1), the strength parameters are 1.25 MPa (compression) and 0.57 MPa (bending), for a mass of 700 kg / m³ (gypsum / perlite up to 3:1) strength parameters 2.97 MPa (compression): 1.73 MPa (bending). With thin layers, the strength parameters are higher. With a layer thickness of 14 cm and 700 kg / m³ of mortar, the compressive strength is 4.61 MPa, and the tensile strength is 2.03 MPa. For 500 kg/m³ respectively 2.19 MPa (compression): 0.91 MPa (bending).

Fire retardant perlite plasters

Plastering the ceiling with a layer of 3.5 centimeters provides 90 minutes of fire resistance, columns and supports, plastered with a layer of 6 cm, provides 180 minutes of fire resistance. A layer of plaster (500-700 kg / m³) 12 cm thick provides fire resistance of the 1st degree for industrial and public facilities.

Construction adhesives based on perlite

An increase in the volume fraction of perlite in the adhesive causes a decrease in its strength parameters. In exchange for this, they improve: thermal insulation properties, resistance to fire, lightness of products, fluidity, adhesion, sound insulation.

Perlite insulation is made from a volcanic rock of the same name (perlite). By appearance the material resembles sand or gravel, it all depends on the size of the fractions: the larger they are, the greater the resemblance to gravel, and vice versa.

As a result of a volcanic eruption, lava comes into contact with the soil surface. Glass inclusions are immediately formed at the edge of this flow. Further, under the influence of groundwater, the process of hydration occurs, which leads to the formation of perlite. If you need to find out what it is, you need to consider the technology for the production of insulation.

In its original form, the material is unremarkable. To give the desired properties, it is subjected to processing. It is necessary to achieve swelling of perlite. To do this, the rock is heated to 1100°C. As a result, the pores of the material explode. This process is called swelling. It leads to the disintegration of the rock into many fractions. Specifications:

  • a high degree of porosity (70-90%), which is due to the sharp heating of the rock and the transition of the liquid contained in its composition into a gaseous state;
  • rounded shape of fractions with brilliance, which gives a resemblance to pearls;
  • bulk density varies depending on the size of individual particles: 45-200 kg / m³ (for sand), reaches 500 kg / m³ (if perlite-crushed stone insulation is considered);
  • the size of the fractions varies from 1 to 10 mm;
  • not exposed to fire, resistant to high temperatures (up to 900 ° C);
  • relatively low thermal conductivity: from 0.043 to 0.053 W / (m * K);
  • perlite is a hygroscopic material, which is due to the large-pore structure, however, after contact with liquids, the fractions do not lose their properties;
  • light weight;
  • provides sound insulation;
  • long period of service;
  • the quality of the material is not affected by aggressive compounds;
  • the insulation does not contain harmful impurities;
  • does not rot;
  • perlite is resistant to mold;
  • the material is unattractive to insects, rodents.

Building mixtures are often prepared based on bulk type perlite, slabs, wall products, and blocks are used. A wide range of applications due to the many useful properties of this material. In its composition are found:

  • silica;
  • oxides of potassium, aluminum, magnesium, iron, sodium, calcium;
  • water (1%).

There are several types of this material, the difference between the options lies in the dimensions of the fractions.

The building material is a group of lightweight concrete. It is used as an additive, because it has good sound and heat insulation characteristics. As a result of its use in construction, several problems are solved at once: strength is ensured, the intensity of heat loss and noise is reduced. For the manufacture of concrete mortar, perlite should be used, the size of the fractions of which varies from 0.16 to 2.5 mm.

Composition of perlite concrete: water, Portland cement, sand, expanded perlite. The volume of components may vary. It all depends on the degree of density of the material to be obtained. Perlite concrete properties:

  • resistance to fire;
  • breathability;
  • there are no harmful compounds in the composition;
  • light weight, which allows you to build structures on your own.

This material is often opposed to expanded clay concrete, aerated concrete, polystyrene concrete. In order not to waste time making the mixture, you can purchase ready-made blocks. Perlite concrete products are more often used in the construction of low-rise buildings. The lower limit of the density limit is 600 kg/m³.

Material with worse characteristics is not used in the construction of load-bearing structures.

The block made of perlite concrete has large dimensions. For comparison, it can replace 3-4 bricks. Due to the low weight of the product, it is easy to install. This process is accelerated, because instead of several bricks, it is necessary to use 1 block of perlite concrete. Standard sizes similar products (length, height) - 390x190 mm. The width varies between 70-190 mm.

Heat-insulating perlite plasters

The use of material based on expanded perlite fractions helps to reduce thermal conductivity by up to 50%. Additionally, the weight of the structure is also reduced. Moreover, perlite sand plaster makes the surface more attractive. Due to the presence of perlite in the composition of the mixture, properties such as fire resistance and sound absorption are improved.

In terms of the quality of thermal insulation, a material with a thickness of 3 cm can replace 15 cm of brickwork.

Perlite-based plaster is versatile, because. can be applied to surfaces different materials - brick, concrete, metal, wood and slag concrete. The advantage is the ability to paint the plaster layer without pre-treatment of the surface. The same goes for wallpapering. Thanks to the roughness Decoration Materials adhere well to plaster.

In addition to perlite, the composition of the mixture includes cement, water, and air-entraining additives. The ratio of components varies significantly, but expanded sand is always taken in the same amount. Possible options ratio of cement and perlite: 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:8.

The less expanded sand in the composition of the mixture, the worse its thermal insulation properties. However, at the same time, the highest density indicator is noted.

The lifespan of perlite sand, and is it harmful to health

Given the origin of the material and the process of its processing, it can be argued that it is completely environmentally friendly. Harmful substances are not part of perlite. And even during production, it remains clean. Means, the material can be used for any purpose without risk to human health. The only exceptions are cases when perlite is combined with other materials. Then the quality of the mixture should be assessed.

A significant share in the structure of perlite is glass. Thanks to the swelling technology, the properties of the material are improved. They also note a long period of operation. It is believed that perlite can serve for an unlimited period without loss of properties.

Perlite insulation technology

If backfill thermal insulation is used, then the space between the outer and inner walls, the finishing material and the rough surface in the room is filled with perlite of various fractions. The design includes a drainage system. In the case when it is planned to fill perlite between the walls, waterproofing is provided, since the material absorbs moisture. Fractions fill free space as walls are erected.

If expanded perlite is planned to be used for the purpose of thermal insulation of a roof or ceiling, first lay chipboards or their equivalent from gypsum board with diffusion-penetrating properties. Perlite is poured on top, the layer should be 1 cm. Then the insulation is covered with kraft paper, fiberglass or corrugated cardboard.

To remove moisture from the thermal insulation layer, the design provides drainage tubes. The thickness of the insulation is determined taking into account the needs of the owner of the facility and the climatic conditions of the area. In most cases, a layer within 10-15 cm is sufficient.

Comparison of perlite and vermiculite

First of all, note the similarity in the origin of materials. So, perlite and vermiculite with the desired properties are obtained artificially (blowing technology). Comparisons are made for the size of the fractions. If you need to choose a material with the smallest particles, it is recommended to pay attention to perlite. Vermiculite is darker, it provokes soil oxidation. This material is somewhat less hygroscopic than perlite. Expanded sand releases liquid more easily, which means it dries faster. When insulating with perlite, the effect is better, because the thermal conductivity of vermiculite is higher.

Perlite is a rock of volcanic origin, which, when heated to 900-1100 ° C, expands according to the “popcorn” principle. This is due to the fact that perlite sand contains bound water, which, when heated to high temperatures, expands the base rock - resulting in the formation of "expanded perlite", which is already used in various industries. The size of expanded perlite granules ranges from 1 mm to 5 mm, bulk density from 50 kg/m3 to 150 kg/m3. It is these small numerous pores that provide lightness and unique heat and sound insulation properties of perlite, its fire resistance, chemical inertness, lack of influence from pests, etc.

Perlite has been widely used in construction, metallurgy, cryogenic technology, agriculture, Food Industry.


Dry building mixes based on perlite.

The main scope of perlite now is the production of dry building mixtures, where perlite acts as a heat-insulating filler. Perlite-based perlite-based plasters have won their strong place in the thermal insulation of houses, thermal insulation of ceilings and warm floors. A layer of external perlite plaster 5-10 cm allows to solve the problem of insulation of both new and old buildings and structures. At the same time, in contrast to the foam and mineral wool, perlite plaster does not emit harmful substances and retains its structure and performance.

Floor insulation

Filled perlite floor

To make this type of floor, it is necessary to mix M-100 perlite, M-400 cement and water. When the mixture is ready, it must be poured onto the floor with a thickness of 5 cm to 30 cm. If you are pouring the floor in the basement, we recommend that you first put a waterproofing pad (hydrosol).

Three-layer concrete floor with perlite insulation

A floor of this type is made of 2 layers of concrete, laying a perlite heat insulator between them. By the way, the latter was not chosen as a heater by chance. After all, perlite is an ultra-light, environmentally friendly material with very low thermal conductivity.

So, to prepare a perlite heat insulator, it is necessary to combine perlite, cement and water, mix thoroughly, while achieving the "plasticity" of the mixture. This mixture must be laid in a few centimeter layer on the concrete floor. During the week, the heat insulator should dry out, after which concrete is laid on it or ceramic tile. Accordingly, perlite with hydrophobic and dust-absorbing properties is best suited for floor insulation.
This type of floor can be used not only at home, but also during the installation of baths.

floating floor

If you have chosen a floor with electric heating to insulate the room, then you cannot do without a “floating floor”. This type of floor compensates for the thermal deformation of the concrete floor due to its heating and cooling, and therefore is optimal.

As you know, when heated, objects have the ability to expand. So when in concrete field heating and cooling modes constantly alternate, pressure is formed, as a result of which such a floor can crack. To avoid this, it is necessary to use the principle of "compensator". Namely: on the old concrete floor, floor slabs or other so-called “black” floor, which no longer needs to be leveled, perlite is poured. If the concrete layer is higher than 10 cm, then the perlite backfill must be compacted. After that, chipboard is laid along the perimeter of the room where the heated floor is laid. Please note that the height of the chipboard must match the height of the concrete floor being poured. After that, a cord is laid on the perlite heating element and the entire surface is filled with concrete mortar. After 3-7 days, when the concrete dries, the chipboard must be removed from the cracks between the wall and the floor.

Monolithic floor using perlite

Perlite is also used to insulate a monolithic floor with a hard coating. To do this, perlite is poured onto the base and spread with leveling strips so that the thickness of the perlite sand exceeds the desired thickness by 20% (minimum laying thickness is 1 cm). If pipelines or other uneven components need to be placed in the floor, they are easily placed in this loose thermal insulation material. After that, the entire surface is covered with slabs, on top of which a monolithic floor is made.

If this type of floor is not installed in the basement, then it is recommended to use drainage tubes to collect and eliminate moisture, and under the layer - an absorbent protective pad, such as kraft paper (not film).

If you are dealing with a wooden floor, then expanded perlite is laid without compaction. Since perlite is a non-combustible material, this significantly increases the fire safety of the room.

If during operation there is a need to reduce dust and insulate the top layer of perlite, it can be sprinkled with cement, and then slightly moistened with water. Another way to insulate the perlite layer can be to cover it with diffusely open materials such as corrugated cardboard, kraft paper, chipboard, etc. To increase the bearing properties of bulk, heat-insulating material, perlite granules can be treated with wax. This compacted perlite forms a strong insulating layer for dry screed.

Wall insulation

Perlite sand as backfill thermal insulation is used in layered enclosing structures:

    in the layers between the inner and outer wall masonry;

    between the wall and interior decoration;

    in wall structures made of hollow small-piece products;

    in all voids of masonry;

    as a substitute for quartz sand in cement screeds for roofs and floors

In this case, it is possible to reduce heat loss by 50% or more.

To keep the heat inside the house, as well as to protect the room from the penetration of cold, it is best to use perlite. To do this, it must be filled in the cavity between the walls. At the same time, perlite insulation is poured directly from the bag (or through a bunker) into the wall from above at any convenient interval (no more than 6 m). By the time the window sill is installed, the cavities under the door and window slots should already be filled. If necessary, perlite can be poured, wait until it “settles down” and top up. All openings that may be in the wall and through which perlite insulation can spill out must be closed by the time the insulation is poured. For the arrangement of drainage systems, copper, galvanized steel or fiberglass can be used. In this case, the perlite insulation must remain dry.

Perlite backfilling of the cavity between the bearing and facing masonry is poured in layers after laying 3-4 rows of bricks. In order to avoid shrinkage, the filling layer is filled up by approximately 10%. Waterproofing pads are placed on the working breaks in the insulation. If necessary, the insulating layer can be made of any required thickness. Since construction is a long-term process, when working with perlite insulation, the cavities between the walls should be covered from rain.

Having high heat-shielding properties, expanded perlite does not age and is not destroyed by pests of animal and vegetable origin. It should be noted that perlite backfills are used to insulate walls made of wooden and frame structures. Such insulating gaskets do not burn, and therefore increase the fire safety of houses.

Perlite roof insulation

In world practice, perlite backfills are often used in the construction of warm sloping roofs.

1 .Perlite roof backfill

First, diffusely penetrating, bottom covering boards (eg drywall boards) are laid on the rafters. Perlite is poured into the cavity between the “sheathing” and “screening” and compacted by 10%.

During the installation of the lower roofing layer from the “lining”, a waterproof lining of glassine or film is laid on it. The points of connection with the gutter, as well as the places of passage through the roof, are hermetically isolated with a dense and adhesive tape.

In addition, bitumen perlite and perlite concrete can be used for thermal insulation of the roof.

2.Perlite concrete roof insulation

Perlite-concrete thermal insulation, in comparison with other insulating materials, has high wind and fire resistance. Moreover, in combination with heat-insulating perlite-magnesium boards or boards covered with perlite-concrete, it has a high thermal resistance.

Perlite concrete properties

Mode of application
The following materials can be used for perlite concrete roof insulation: expanded perlite, Portland cement, water, air conductive impurities, etc. If there is a need for reinforcement beyond the fire performance, the roof can be reinforced with reinforcing mesh.

If it is fairly dry and the perlite concrete insulation can withstand the stress of workers on it without damaging the surface, layers of perlite insulation can be laid every 48-72 hours.
The minimum recommended roof slope for normal water drainage is 1/8. The slope of perlite-concrete insulation is most economically carried out due to the stepped arrangement of heat-insulating plates (see Fig. %%).

3. Bitumen-perlite roof insulation

Bitumoperlite is a dry granular material that consists of perlite particles coated with bitumen. It is a ready-to-use material (poured out of bags) that does not require any additional mixing or any other impurities.
Bitumen perlite mixture can be prepared by mechanical mixing of expanded perlite sand and hot bitumen.
Properties of bitumen perlite

Scope of application
New construction. Bitumen perlite can be used directly on hard surfaces (eg concrete) to which cold bitumen adheres well. If bitumen-perlite is used over a wooden base, it is first necessary to use roofing material attached to the tree.

Roof repair.

Bitumoperlite is the most optimal material for the repair of existing roofing, since it can be applied on structurally sound surfaces, cleaned of dirt and delamination, covered with a layer of cold bitumen. Moreover, thanks to the arrangement of slopes to the funnels / watering cans of the internal drain or along the perimeter of the roof, it is possible to provide not only additional insulation of the existing foundation, but also to avoid stagnant water on the roof.

How to use
Before laying the bitumen-perlite base, the roof must first be prepared. The dry granulated bitumen perlite is then poured out of the bags, distributed and leveled to a thickness 40% higher than the final desired thickness with the desired slope. For compaction, plywood sheets laid on the material and a 180 kg roller are used. The final compaction is achieved by laying the bitumen perlite with a roller directly on the material, without plywood.

With the help of bitumen perlite, it is possible to form monolithic bases for different types roofs. Since it is unnecessary to spend time for drying and hardening of bitumen-perlite, immediately after its laying and compaction, it can be laid on roll roofing using hot bitumen.

The use of material based on expanded perlite fractions helps to reduce thermal conductivity by up to 50%. Additionally, the weight of the structure is also reduced. Moreover, perlite sand plaster makes the surface more attractive. Due to the presence of perlite in the composition of the mixture, properties such as fire resistance and sound absorption are improved.

In terms of the quality of thermal insulation, a material with a thickness of 3 cm can replace 15 cm of brickwork.

Perlite-based plaster is versatile, because. Can be applied to surfaces of various materials- brick, concrete, metal, wood and cinder block. The advantage is the ability to paint the plaster layer without pre-treatment of the surface. The same goes for wallpapering. Due to the roughness, finishing materials fit well on the plaster.

In addition to perlite, the composition of the mixture includes cement, water, and air-entraining additives. The ratio of components varies significantly, but expanded sand is always taken in the same amount. Possible options for the ratio of cement and perlite: 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:8.

The less expanded sand in the composition of the mixture, the worse its thermal insulation properties. However, at the same time, the highest density indicator is noted.

Choosing materials for floor insulation. Their pros and cons.

When building a house from scratch, the floor is done after the basement is ready. About one of the options for building the foundation of the house, you can find in the article.

There are different technologies floor heating devices wooden house . Each, as in everything, has its advantages and disadvantages. We will not consider all the options in this article, but we will tell you how to make a double floor.

First you need to choose the material that we will use for insulation.

2.1 Floor insulation with expanded clay, sand or sawdust.


Environmental friendliness.

Good hygroscopicity, i.e. perfectly absorb moisture.

Protect the structure from fungus and decay.


After a certain time, such a heater needs to be replaced, because. loses the ability to absorb moisture. As a result, rotting and destruction of the floor.

2.2 Floor insulation with mineral or fiberglass wool.

Mineral wool is made from different materials. Basically, they use stone chips, basalt, expanded polystyrene, penoplex, isolon, penofol, fiberglass, etc.


Light weight materials.

Ease of installation.

Almost do not burn.

They have good durability.

When selected, click on the material. If it does not return to its original state, you should not buy this one.

They retain heat very well.

Moisture resistance.

Noise isolation.

Environmental friendliness.

In fact, quite a controversial issue. There is no single answer to it. This issue is treated differently here and abroad. There are more skeptical.

Weighing all the pros and cons, we can come to the conclusion that mineral wool must be purchased from well-known and proven manufacturers. Which use environmentally friendly binding materials in production and do not use phenol-formaldehyde resins that are dangerous to human health and life. The use of these substances in mineral wool produces a brown color, and in fiberglass - yellow.


More expensive than sand and sawdust

Again, the issue of environmental friendliness is not sufficiently defined. Moreover, if you use low-quality materials, this is definitely a huge disadvantage.

The procedure for warming the house with perlite

  1. Building a house begins with foundation work. Its appearance and shape determine the need for insulation and the volume of materials for this. When constructing a strip foundation and having a basement, the walls of the base are insulated with heat-insulating boards or plastered with a solution of perlite mixture.
  2. The importance of perlite sand in the insulation of the walls of the house is great. Expanded perlite sand is used with a bulk mass of 60 to 100 kg/m3. While laying the walls, it is backfilled in the cavity in layers after every three or four rows of masonry. To prevent shrinkage of sand during operation, it is compacted by simply tapping with a hard object.
  3. The thickness of the walls, and hence the amount of backfill, is determined when designing a house, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. Wherein it should be remembered that the thickness of a perlite shelter of 3 cm in terms of thermal conductivity is equal to 15 cm of brickwork. The flowability of sand allows you to tightly fill all the empty places in the brickwork.
  4. The next stage is the insulation of the walls with perlite, the implementation plastering works inside the house. Plaster mortar gives a clean smooth surface. After that, you can finish the walls with any materials: wallpaper, paint, etc.
  5. Upon completion of the construction of the walls, floor slabs are laid. Careful sealing of all cracks and holes in the ceiling is carried out. Then a dense coating of old wallpaper or cardboard is laid on reinforced concrete slabs, on which expanded perlite sand is poured. Its ramming is in progress.
  6. During the construction of a two-story house or one-story, but with an additional device warm room in the attic, the compacted perlite insulation is shed with a cement solution. The thermal protection of the ceiling becomes monolithic. You can lay a clean floor.
  7. When placed in the attic of a warm living room, the roof is insulated. A two-tiered roof frame is being built. inner wall it becomes stable, strong and dense, perlite sand is poured onto it with a rammer.
  8. To insulate the floor, it is necessary to carry out the same preparatory work as on the ceiling. In addition, embedded parts are inserted into the holes for wires, pipes and other utilities. The base of the floor is filled with perlite mixture and rammed. Next, the flooring, wooden or concrete, is laid, followed by finishing it with the desired coating.
  9. Another method of insulation is that instead of dry foamed perlite sand, a solution of foamed sand with cement is poured into the insulated cavities in a ratio of 10:1. The process is more time-consuming, but improves the quality of insulation of the object under construction.

Wall insulation with perlite is a reliable, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive process.

Main advantages

Perlite, like any other material, has its pros and cons. But despite the shortcomings, it is an integral part of any construction.

The following advantages of perlite as a heater can be distinguished:

  1. Lightness that allows you to place it inside any frame structure without increasing its strength.
  2. Resistance to fairly sharp temperature changes allows it to be used for outdoor use under various weather conditions. Can withstand -220 to +900℃.
  3. Environmental safety, no toxicity in any operating conditions.
  4. It is not an allergen for the animal world, people.
  5. Resistant to most acidic and alkaline compounds.
  6. Not subject to corrosive processes.
  7. Due to the density formed between the particles of the material during the laying of the layers, a high level of sound insulation of the entire structure is achieved. Therefore, there is no need to use an additional layer of insulation of a different origin.
  8. Absolutely not subject to deformation from exposure to high temperatures of the household level. Ideal for installation of underfloor heating systems in rooms.
  9. Medium price range compared to materials used for similar work.
  10. It has high efficiency, rational and ergonomic in its application.

It would be appropriate to note the inexpediency of using perlite in rooms with permanent high humidity more than 10% or in a consistently humid climate. It is not resistant to these factors.

When working with this material, one must be aware that aluminosilicate dust is released during active operations with it. Its very small particles can harm the human body, hitting the mucous

Therefore, in the process of mechanical sawing of blocks, mixing the solution, precautions must be taken and exposed areas of the body should be protected.

Perlite insulation

If you are looking for insulation for flooring, then you should turn to materials of higher rigidity. Such products will easily withstand heavy loads and will not suffer in any way.

If you are looking for the cheapest and most affordable material for thermal insulation of your home, then you should turn your attention to foam. Such coatings have a low price, but it is worth considering that they light up easily and emit acrid smoke / odor with toxic substances.

It is possible to proceed to the laying of heat-insulating plates only after careful preparation of the base - first it is thoroughly cleaned of any contaminants. In addition, all "wet" work must be completed before the installation of insulation.

Buy thermal insulation boards only from well-known and large manufacturers. Otherwise, you run the risk of purchasing low-quality or toxic material that will not only last a short time, but also harm your health.

Choose plates that have suitable sizes. To do this, you need to measure the bases that you are going to insulate. So, the most common parameters are: width from 50 cm to 100 cm, length from 100 cm to 200 cm.

When buying a heater, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the quality certificate. It should cover all information related to the product. Make sure the material is free of hazardous and toxic substances. If some parameters confuse you, or the seller refuses to provide documents, then it is better to look for another heater.

You will learn more about heat-insulating plates from the following video.

We study all known varieties

In total, there are 4 forms of release of this insulation: backfill (it is also called sand), slabs (outwardly similar to foam), roofing models and dry building mixtures. These varieties have some features that you should be aware of.

backfill insulation

The first Perlite form factor to appear is loose insulation. the main task of this material in the construction of houses - lightening the structure (it is lighter than the standard cement-sand mixture) and improving its thermal insulation qualities. Such a layer is usually used for backfilling floors and interfloor layers. It is also often used to fill voids in wall masonry. Less commonly, it is used in combination with (or instead of) warm plaster.

The most convenient and practical form - plates

According to official statistics, about 60% of all produced Perlite on the planet goes to the creation of thermal insulation boards. They are obtained by hydraulic pressing, which makes them very convenient to use. The binder may differ depending on the specific variety (bitumen, lime, polymer compounds, cement, liquid glass, etc.).

This category of materials has a rather high hygroscopicity. Therefore, it is mainly used for interior decoration. However, when laying an additional moisture-proof layer, it can also be used for exterior decoration. However, this is not very justified from an economic point of view.

Roof models

From the name, it is obvious that such analogues are used mainly for roofing. For this task, the so-called bitumen perlite is used. This material allows you to create a heat-insulating layer of any shape, so it is often used for buildings of unusual design.

Important! Before use, this coating does not need to be heated!

The average thermal conductivity for this variety is 0.067 W (m * C), which is a very worthy result. This coefficient allows you to use this coverage even in the northern regions. It is also worth noting the incombustibility of this insulation, which ensures the overall safety of the building.

Dry building mixes based on Perlite

As a result of mixing cement and perlite sand, a very effective dry mortar is obtained. The solution is prepared very simply - just add water (that is, no additional additives, such as PGS or gypsum, are required). Basically, a similar composition is used to fill cavities in brickwork, grouting joints and cracks, as well as creating a plaster layer with increased thermal insulation characteristics. At the same time, it allows you to easily level the surface.


The selection of heat-insulating materials should be approached very responsibly, since it directly depends on them how comfortable and warm it will be in your home. Today, specialized stores sell high-quality coatings that are used to insulate a variety of bases. It can be the ceiling, walls, and even the floor. In addition, many manufacturers produce practical slabs designed for the outer part of wall ceilings.

According to the masters, it is much more convenient to lay heaters in the form of plates. To do this, you do not need to use special expensive equipment, as, for example, in the case of foamed polyurethane foam. It is possible to cope with all the work on your own, without turning to professionals.

It is worth noting that tile thermal insulation, like its other modifications, does not tolerate contact with water and dampness. Some materials are not absorbent excess moisture, but under its regular influence they still lose beneficial features. That is why such coatings simply need high-quality waterproofing. It will not be superfluous to install and reliable vapor barrier. For example, in the case of the arrangement of roofing, such a “pie” is simply indispensable.

Majority modern heaters are durable, strong and non-flammable. Of course, there are also cheaper options, but they are considered quite fragile. It is necessary to work with such plates as carefully as possible so as not to damage them.

Tiled thermal insulation materials have different thickness. This parameter affects the positive qualities of the coating. So, the thicker the sheets are, the warmer they are.

With the use of high-quality tiled insulation, you can significantly save on heating your home. Many homeowners claim that with such an addition, the house becomes very comfortable and cozy. Often, after reliable insulation, people refused to buy additional heaters.

The range of heat-insulating materials today is great. However, it should be borne in mind that the market is full of dangerous and toxic coatings that have a negative impact on the health of households.

That is why experts advise paying great attention to the environmental friendliness of the purchased canvases.

Perlite is a new word in the market of heaters

To date, perlite is recognized as one of the most effective insulating materials in the world. It is produced by firing at high temperatures water-containing volcanic glass. The result is a biologically clean, non-flammable, lightweight, free-flowing insulation.

Due to the unique physical and technical properties, including the possibility of using perlite at temperature fluctuations from -200 to +900 ° C, the material has found wide application in various fields.

Nowadays, one of the largest producers of perlite, as well as its consumers, is the United States.

It is used as a thermal insulation material for the production of backfill insulation, floor bases, for insulating roofs, pipelines, chimneys and other structures (for example, swimming pools).

In addition to the construction industry, the use of perlite is considered promising in areas such as metallurgy and cryogenic technology.

Features and Benefits

Comparison with other materials

Tests have officially proven the advantage of perlite insulation over other materials. Thus, masonry with perlite insulation is more than 20% more efficient than masonry insulated with expanded polystyrene inserts.

Perlite is also 12% more efficient than Styrofoam pellets, which are too light, difficult to backfill and can form unfilled voids. The "fluidity" of perlite insulation completely excludes such a development of events.

When choosing between vermiculite and perlite, it is better to give preference to the latter. It has a closed pore structure and lower thermal conductivity, despite the fact that the characteristics of both materials are similar.

Insulation Features

Isolation should be arranged as follows:

  • The insulation is poured directly from the package (bag) into the wall from above at a convenient interval (but not more than 6 m).
  • Before installing the window sills, it is necessary to fill in the cavities under the doorway and windows (if necessary, tamp).
  • Holes in the wall through which insulation may leak must be sealed before work begins.
  • For the installation of drainage systems, copper, fiberglass or galvanized steel can be used.
  • During operation, the heater must be dry.
  • Insulation must be used in the voids of the wall masonry (exterior and interior), as well as between the exterior masonry and the interior finish.

Classifications of heaters in the form of plates

When choosing a heater, you need to take into account several key qualities that this or that type of material possesses at once. With such a huge variety, it is impossible to classify all types of thermal insulation according to one criterion. As well as it is impossible to make a universal selection algorithm suitable option.

To insulate the roof, you can use several types of plates at once

What general properties are important when choosing

The main properties that matter when choosing a suitable insulation:

  • thermal conductivity;
  • rigidity;
  • application temperature;
  • water and vapor permeability;
  • combustibility;
  • environmental safety.

Assessing the thermal conductivity, materials of different classes are distinguished. They are repelled from the reference value of the thermal conductivity of air - 0.025W / (m / 0С). Ideally, if the heat-insulating plate has the closest possible value. Average indicators for materials used in civil engineering are 0.029-0.021 W / (m / 0С).

Insulators are distinguished by rigidity:

  • soft;
  • semi-rigid;
  • hard;
  • increased rigidity;
  • solid.

Insulation of walls and partitions can be carried out even at the stage of capital construction

The temperature range at which thermal insulation in the form of a plate retains its properties also changes. If you plan to use the material in extreme high or low temperature conditions, be sure to check that it is suitable for this.

Water has a high thermal conductivity. If the insulation gets wet, all its heat-insulating properties are lost.

It is important to understand how susceptible the material is to water in order to arrange proper waterproofing. The vapor permeability indicator is very important, because in residential premises there are constantly fumes that can cause condensation.

The weight of the insulation must be taken into account even at the stage of calculating the load-bearing structures. If you are insulating an already built building, try not to overload the frame. The flammability of the material is taken into account for the safety of the house and its inhabitants. If the flammability index is high, more attention should be paid fire safety.

External insulation of a private house

Heat-insulating plates are classified according to different characteristics. The main difficulty lies in the choice of insulation according to the type of raw material. Raw materials used:

  • organic origin (wood, peat, polystyrene foam and others);
  • inorganic origin (mineral wool, basalt wool, perlite-cement slabs);
  • mixed type (based on asbestos, with the addition of cement, etc.).

Organic materials are environmentally friendly, do not emit harmful fumes during decomposition, but when heated, they actively interact with oxygen and burn. Inorganic raw materials will not be affected by fire, mineral fibers can withstand very high temperatures. The worst thing that can happen to them is that they will start to melt and sinter.

By appointment, thermal insulation in the form of plates is divided into the following categories:

  • for insulation of foundations;
  • walls;
  • ceilings;
  • floors;
  • roofs.

With these parameters, the choice becomes obvious. Many manufacturers produce lines of their materials with an indication of the purpose, so that it is easier for the buyer to navigate.

Vermiculite alternative to expanded clay

Vermiculite is a bulk heat-insulating material, which is also made on the basis of environmentally friendly raw materials - vermiculite concentrate or hydromica. The raw material swells under the action of high temperature and, depending on the parameters technological process the output is a material with different fractional composition, bulk density and positive characteristics.

Classification of insulation by fractional composition:

  • vermiculite M100 - large fraction (4-8 mm) - high-quality insulation;
  • vermiculite M150 - medium fraction (1-3 mm) - structural element building materials;
  • vermiculite M250 - fine fraction (up to 1 mm) - wide scope.

Depending on the size of elementary particles, vermiculite changes its bulk density and thermal insulation characteristics.

Advantages of vermiculite over expanded clay:

  • bulk density - foamed hydromica with the same layer thickness has a bulk density of 65-150 kg / m³, while expanded clay is 150-800 kg / m³. In the first case, the load on the floor is less;
  • thermal conductivity - vermiculite boasts a low coefficient of thermal conductivity (0.048-0.06 W / (mK)), compared with that of expanded clay (0.10-0.18 W / (mK)). This allows you to significantly reduce the thermal insulation layer when insulating floors, thereby it is possible to save usable space at home.

At the same time, vermiculite loses before expanded clay in its hardness. In the first case, it is 1-1.5 Mn / m² on a scale, in the second - 0.3-6 Mn / m². Expanded hydromica has a high water absorption. The cost of vermiculite is 4 times more than expanded clay.

Features of the installation of slab thermal insulation

Thermal insulation materials in the form of plates are mounted according to the same principle, regardless of the type and manufacturer. But there are some nuances for each of them, which will need to be taken into account during construction work. The exception is perlite-cement slabs. The process of their installation is significantly different from other types.

Insulation during installation

Installation of mineral wool and polystyrene boards

  1. Like all other processes, laying thermal insulation boards begins with surface preparation. Walls, ceilings, floors - everything that will be insulated is released and cleaned. It is important that all "wet" work: plastering, painting, priming - be completed before the start of insulation.
  2. Next, a layer of insulation is laid. If we are talking about the external insulation of the building, the vapor barrier material is first laid. If they insulate from the inside - waterproofing.
  3. The next layer is insulation. Styrofoam is attached to the vertical elements of the building with dowels. Mineral wool boards are used, as a rule, for horizontal surfaces. They fit between structural elements.
  4. Then another insulating layer is laid. At this stage, with external insulation, waterproofing is laid, with internal - vapor barrier.
  5. The final touch is the finish. Outside, the insulated building is plastered and painted. Can be used for siding and any other types of exterior finishes.

On horizontal surfaces, mats are laid directly on the frame

Scheme of installation of mineral wool insulation

Expanded perlite refractory boards are laid as follows:

  1. Preparatory work consists in cleaning the base, if necessary, the surface is treated with sandpaper.
  2. Then the surface is primed for less adhesive consumption and better adhesion.
  3. Perlite cement tiles are small in size and are laid by hand in the same way as ceramic bathroom tiles. Used tile adhesive.
  4. With a notched trowel, the adhesive is applied in a layer of 0.5 cm to the surface where the thermal insulation will be. Do not apply glue to large plot immediately, after 20 minutes, it will lose some of its properties.
  5. The slab is laid on glue and leveled with a building level. The gaps that are left when laying tiles for beauty are not allowed. Elements are stacked closely.
  6. Perlite cement passes steam well, so the vapor barrier layer is missed.
  7. Fasten the heat-insulating layer with fiberglass.

Products can be of different thickness - from 30 to 70 mm

Notched trowel for better grip

Choosing a heat-insulating material, you must first focus on the conditions in which it will be operated. It is possible to insulate a residential building or part of it without much difficulty with your own hands, but an experienced professional should deal with the installation of such fragile and heavy slabs as perlite-cement ones, since in the case of refractory protection this process is very responsible.

Warming of the slab foundation

Previously, only foam was used for these purposes, but due to the short service life (binding properties are lost, and the foam crumbles into balls of which it consists), it has practically ceased to be used. Today, extruded polystyrene foam is used everywhere, which has a high density, and it can be used for decades.

  • At the bottom of the excavated pit, geotextiles are laid.
  • A layer of sand and gravel is poured.
  • Then, immediately before laying the slab, insulation is laid.
  • A reinforcement structure is made on it.
  • Pouring concrete.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

Manufacturers and features of the production of insulation boards

The production of thermal insulation boards from different materials is different in terms of technology. Each type of raw material requires different equipment, different methods are used. This directly affects the cost of the finished product. Each manufacturer has its own proprietary "manufacturing recipe" for insulating materials, but there are general technological nuances that are the same for everyone.

There is a wide choice in building stores.

Production technology of plate heaters

Styrofoam plates are made as follows: expanded polystyrene is doused with hot steam in closed rectangular shapes. As a result of the foaming of the raw material, a high pressure is formed inside the mold and the granules form a rigid plate.

Thermal insulation from basalt wool is made from rocks under the influence of high temperature - up to 1500 degrees. Basalt melts, turning into a hot fiery mass. After that, the raw material is subjected to centrifugal force in the centrifuge. As a result, the finest basalt fibers are formed. The resulting stone threads are mixed with a binder to form slabs.

Wood chip insulation is made from waste products from the woodworking industry. Chips or sawdust are sorted by size. The binder is resin and adhesive compositions. The raw material is pressed into molds and then cut into slabs of the desired size.

Perlite - fireproof protection and insulation

To understand the production process of perlite cement slabs, you first need to understand what it is - perlite. Perlite is a rock of volcanic origin. The mineral is crushed and subjected to sharp heating to extremely high temperatures.

Perlite slabs with different composition

Perlite contains bound water microparticles. Evaporating, water vapor creates high internal pressure and perlite grains of sand literally explode from the inside. The mineral treated in this way is called expanded perlite and is white granules, similar to foam particles.

In order to obtain a rigid heat-insulating plate from bulk material, perlite granules are combined with a binder - Portland cement mortar. The resulting mass is molded into rectangular plates measuring 50 × 50 cm.

In addition to these components, other additives can be used in the manufacture of perlite-cement slabs - clay, limestone, slate, sand, gypsum, resins. Each of these additives affects the properties of the insulation, such as weight, brittleness, strength, hydrophobicity, as well as the final cost of production.

Description of different manufacturers and comparison of their products

There are a lot of manufacturers of thermal insulation materials on the market, both foreign and domestic. Some specialize exclusively in one type of insulation, others produce a wide range of products.

The latter include the Russian manufacturer TechnoNikol. With a huge range of mineral wool boards and expanded polystyrene boards, you can not worry about insulation. german firm Knauf produces not only thermal insulation, but also other building materials. Knauf has representative offices and production lines around the world, including in Russia. The line of KnaufInsulation insulation boards is made on the basis of basalt wool.

Comparison of materials of different brands by key characteristics

URSA is a European brand that produces expanded polystyrene boards in Russia as well. URSA has long established itself among professional builders due to the high quality of its products. The Ukrainian brand SYMMER produces expanded polystyrene boards. The product line is quite wide. You can choose products of different thicknesses, with a flat or L-shaped edge. The low price makes them competitive in the market.

Perlite cement products are extremely fragile, it is almost impossible to transport them over long distances. Therefore, there are mainly local manufacturers on the Russian market - Elan, TeploIzolit Ural, RosMasterStroy. The prices for heat-insulating perlite-cement boards are approximately the same for everyone, as well as the quality of the products themselves.

How to insulate strip and column foundations

In total, the insulation of the foundation from the inside and outside can be done either at the stage of construction of the bath, or already when it is built. In the first option, insulation is carried out on both sides of the foundation, and, I must say, it is much easier to do this during this period, especially if a special permanent formwork is used. In the second case, you will have to tinker and the material for insulation will take much more. It is quite difficult to do without insulation of the foundation: it is known that concrete cools down as quickly as it heats up, and the savings on its insulation inevitably result in the cost of additional heating of the bath.

By the way, the insulation of a pile foundation and a strip foundation are completely different in their technology. The first has its own, proven over the years, technology. But to insulate strip foundation in at least five ways.

Insulation during construction can be either mounted directly into the formwork or applied as a fixed formwork. This is a good option, although it costs twice as much as usual. Although in the end, oddly enough, the amount of costs turns out to be less - after all, in this case, workers do not have to pay for the dismantling of the formwork and the traditional insulation of the foundation from the outside with its expensive materials.

sand insulation

This is the most economical option. Its essence is as follows: the earth is filled up exactly to the level of the future floor, and the entire foundation, with or without a basement, is also filled up. It is not visible from the outside - and atmospheric forces do not put pressure on it either.

It is only important to bring all the air ducts (if any) upstairs in advance. But all this must be realized before the walls of the bath are erected.

True, the problem of how to insulate the foundation cannot be 100% solved in this way - but it can work as a temporary option.

But all this must be realized even before the walls of the bath are erected. True, you will not find such a way to insulate the foundation as particularly effective. And the consumption of sand is not small - on small bath 10x10 will take at least 100 cubes.

Warming with a zitom

This method has also become traditional in Russia. It is inexpensive, but is famous for its effectiveness. So, when the foundation is poured, a zit is placed in the inner part of the formwork. The rock of the latter is porous, thanks to which this material does not allow moisture or cold to pass through it, and retains heat remarkably. But cement is filled between the granules - and this is a real temperature conductor.

For a shallow foundation, this is a good option. It is only important to use light formwork - after all, the zit itself has a very low weight. For which ordinary slate is often used.

And in order to complicate and make this method of insulation more effective, mineral wool and a film as waterproofing are placed on top of the zite.

Insulation with expanded polystyrene

Inexpensive and effective insulation of the foundation with polystyrene foam is the most proven method of thermal insulation. It is sold in sheets, and its installation is not difficult, it is only important to know a couple of points.

For example, before fixing polystyrene foam to the foundation, it is imperative to apply waterproofing - both to the points of contact and to the side parts. The thickness of the layer will already depend on the type, thickness and depth of the foundation.

It is necessary to lay sheets from the lowest part of the foundation - to the level of the beginning of the future floor. The seams are traditionally sealed with mounting foam, while placing them as close as possible to each other. And from above, everything is closed with facing panels - without a single gap, because polystyrene foam from the sun's rays can collapse over time.

Here's how it's done: waterproofing membrane, which is fixed on the foundation, extruded polystyrene foam boards are glued. For this, only special glue is used and it is applied pointwise. Further, another membrane is already laid on the slabs themselves - in order to protect the thermal insulation and at the same time serve as a drainage layer that will drain ground water from the walls.

And the most popular option for insulating the foundation with it is to fill the grate, lay polystyrene between it, and sheathe the foundation itself with fashionable brick facade panels. It is only important not to confuse the insulation of the foundation with foam plastic with it - this material is only suitable for finishing from the inside!

Features and Benefits

The material begins to melt only at a temperature of 1260 0C. The indicators of flame propagation and the presence of combustible elements in the composition are equal to zero. If you fill the voids formed during the installation of blocks of concrete 20 cm thick with perlite, then the fire resistance of the object increases from two to four hours.

If the material is processed with a water repellent, then the water absorption of perlite will decrease by several times. The voids in the walls, filled with prepared perlite, create an obstacle to the penetration of moisture into the internal partitions.

However, such insulation will show excellent results only if there is high-quality masonry walls.

Since backfill insulation made of perlite fills all the voids and mortar joints, the transmission of sound waves through the walls becomes less. A wall block of 20 cm, filled with such insulation, even exceeds existing standards in terms of sound insulation.

Perlite is economical. It has excellent heat and fire resistant qualities at an affordable cost. To fill existing voids in the masonry with it, special skills or equipment are not needed.

In addition, such insulation will not lose its heat-shielding properties even after years and will not “settle” in wall blocks.

Slab manufacturers and cost comparison

There are many reputable companies operating in the building materials market. Among Russian manufacturers stand out:

  1. TechnoNikol. The company produces various thermal insulation boards, but mineral wool mats are especially popular. Such categories of heaters are especially attractive - Paul-Light, Paul-Profi, Paul-Attic, Wall-Balcony, Shingals (for attics), Technoblock (for plaster), Ceiling-Acoustic.
  2. "Penoplex". It is the leader among domestic manufacturers of tile expanded polystyrene. The most popular products are Penoplex Foundation, Penoplex Comfort, Penoplex Facade.
  3. Manufacturers of perlite plates - "Elan", "TeploIzolit Ural", "RosMasterStroy".

Among foreign manufacturers, the German company Knauf, which produces plates of various types, is especially noted. Quality basalt wool mats - KnaufInsulation. The European quality of expanded polystyrene is provided by the URSA company. Enough highly in the Russian market is quoted foam plate heat-insulating Ukrainian company SYMMER.

The cost of thermal insulation boards is dictated by many factors. It should be noted that they depend little on the manufacturer, and therefore different brands of a similar product cost about the same ( the difference is not more than 8-10%).

Styrofoam boards and mineral wool mats are in the same price range. Depending on the thickness and density, prices fluctuate in the range of 1330-3460 rubles / m³. Perlite products, wood concrete will cost a little more, reaching 6700-9000 rubles / m³. The cost of an insulation plate is determined by its thickness and density, the presence of connecting profiles, additional coatings (for example, a foil layer of vapor barrier).

Whether to make a warm floor in a country house

The floor in the house should always be warm, regardless of the season. This ensures the preservation of at least 30% of heat and is the key to the health of its inhabitants. In addition, competent underfloor heating in a wooden house will not allow moisture to get inside, and thus, it will be possible to avoid dampness and further decay of the structure.

Therefore, if you follow all the technologies, the floor will last more than one decade. Also, not unimportant factor is saving on electricity or fuel, which heats our home. Therefore, to the question: “Do warm floor in country house, you can safely answer: “Of course, do it!”.

What covered the ceiling of the bath in the past

  • 1 What was the ceiling of the bath covered with in the past
  • 2 Modern ways to backfill the ceiling of the bath
    • 2.1 Expanded clay insulation
    • 2.2 Backfilling the ceiling of the bath with expanded clay. Instruction
    • 2.3 Video - Floor screed with expanded clay
    • 2.4 Backfilling the ceiling of the bath with sawdust
      • 2.4.1 Preparation of a mixture of sawdust with clay
  • 3 Filling the ceiling of the steam room
  • 4 Best Options bath ceiling tiles

Residents of villages and towns of past centuries used everything that nature gave to improve housing and utility rooms. These are materials such as:

  • priming;
  • fallen or specially dried leaves;
  • packed straw;

  • needles;
  • shavings or chips;
  • sand;
  • bonfire (waste from flax processing);

    Bonfire flax

  • dried stems of large weeds;
  • ash;
  • clay.

Dry birch and oak leaves were especially popular. It was believed that they were able to give the bath a special "spirit", giving health benefits.

Dry leaves as insulation

Packed straw was used everywhere. She looks thick irregular shape briquettes, which are difficult to break even with a strong pressure jet from a hose. The ancestors knew that backfilling the ceiling in the bath is a serious matter, and used not only heaters, but also a waterproofing agent - clay.

Clay and straw insulation

Experts are convinced that some materials cannot be used to backfill the ceiling of the steam room. Too much in this room heat, therefore, its improvement requires the presence of heaters with a low flammability coefficient. The "pie" of the filling ceiling of the steam room was as follows:

  • clay coating;
  • layer of soil or sand.

Options for traditional backfilling of the bath ceiling (the arrangement of layers from the attic floor to the roof)

Expanded clay

Expanded clay backfill - scheme

This material is widely used in Russia as a heater. This was influenced by its good thermal insulation qualities and low cost. When pouring the foundation, expanded clay is placed in its inner part, however, this technology has its drawbacks.

Warming of the foundation with expanded clay

The excellent qualities of expanded clay, as a heat insulator, are significantly reduced by the solution surrounding it, as you know, concrete is a real conductor of temperatures. This method is used for shallow foundations.

Due to the low weight of such a composition, it is possible to safely make formwork from slate.

How to insulate a house using perlite

Perlite as a heater is used in the form of sand (bulk thermal insulation); component in heat-insulating products and dry ready mixes.

Perlite sand as a wall insulation

Perlite sand for arranging the thermal insulation of a house is an excellent material with which you can not only effectively insulate your home (heat loss is reduced by 50%), but also greatly facilitate the construction of the building.

We begin the arrangement of thermal insulation from foamed perlite after part bearing wall(internal) and external masonry of bricks (4-5 rows) have already been erected. Backfilling of large perlite expanded sand (with a granule size of about 6 mm), previously dedusted, is carried out in the gap between these two walls and carefully compacted (the volume should decrease by 10%). Sand is poured by hand or using a sandblasting machine. We repeat this operation several times until the walls are completely erected. By the way, in terms of heat-saving properties, a perlite layer with a thickness of about 3 cm corresponds to brick wall 25 cm. During the construction of panel houses, sand is poured between the sheathing sheets (internal and external).

If you are insulating an old house, in the walls of which there are voids, then sand filling can be done in two ways:

  • carefully pull out a few bricks from the wall and pour perlite through the hole formed;
  • drill a hole in the wall (with a diameter of 30 ÷ 40 mm) and through it, using a special installation, inject heat-insulating material.

Perlite sand is universal non-combustible building material, which has a number of advantages:

  • excellent sound, noise and heat insulation properties (moreover, it can be used to insulate walls from any material);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • lightness (by weight);
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • durability.

Advice! Do not use perlite sand, which is a very moisture-absorbing material, as a heater in places with high humidity.

The only disadvantage of sand is that it is very dusty: therefore, it is recommended to slightly moisten it before use.

Floor insulation with perlite

For thermal insulation of floors, we use expanded perlite, which we pour onto the cement-sand base of the floor and level it building rule. The height of the sand insulation layer is the desired thickness plus 20% additional volume for shrinkage.

Irregularities and pipelines are buried in a layer of bulk material, we lay plates on top and flooring. If there is no basement under the house, then in order for moisture to accumulate and be removed, we place drainage tubes and absorbent pads under the perlite.

Other effective way maybe laying a kind of “pie”: we equip a perlite screed between two layers of concrete. First, we prepare a perlite solution with the following components:

  • cement - 1 mᶟ;
  • perlite - 3 mᶟ (grades M75 or M100);
  • sand - 2.2 mᶟ;
  • water - 1.5 mᶟ;
  • plasticizers - 3÷3.5 l.

We stir all the components of the mixture until the water comes to the surface: this is a sure sign that the solution (perlite screed) is ready for use.

Advice! Since perlite is a very light material, all work with this material is recommended to be done indoors so that the wind does not interfere with the work process in any way.

After the perlite screed is applied to the concrete base, leave it to harden. After 1 week, we get an excellent thermal insulation layer for the floor, which will last for many years. A second layer of concrete is laid on top of it.

Roof insulation

If you do not intend to equip a living space in the attic, then it will be quite enough to insulate with expanded perlite only attic floor. Otherwise, we pour perlite between the beams of the roof slope into boxes that are specially made for this purpose; then carefully compact the sand. The job does not require specific skills and knowledge.

Also, for thermal insulation of sloping roofs, perlite is used, which is processed with bitumen in the factory. We add a solvent to this bituminized perlite and get a sticky solution with which you can get a strong thermal insulation layer.

Underfloor heating technology

Consider underfloor heating technology using mineral wool.

fig. 1 Scheme of a warm floor device in a wooden house

1) We make the bottom trim of the foundation.

fig. 2 Lower trim of a warm floor in a country house

2) We lay the logs so that the height is greater than the width, to ensure maximum rigidity and fasten them to the harness. You can use timber 50 X 150, 100 X 200, etc. The laying step should be from 30 to 100 cm. It depends on how thick the boards for the finished floor will be. More accurate data is given in the table. During construction frame house, walls are sometimes placed directly on the floor. Read this article on how to do it right.

3) On the logs, in the lower part, we fix the bars (50X50) with self-tapping screws or nails. This is done along the entire length on both sides, except for the extreme ones, to create a support for the subfloor.

4) On the prepared supports we lay and fix the boards cut to size (25 mm thick). You can use material from the formwork if it has not deteriorated when pouring the foundation. Most importantly, do not forget to get water pipes (how to implement it, you can find out by reading the article How to make plumbing in the country) and sewerage (we recommend the article Sewerage system in the house with your own hands).

fig.3 Draft floor

5) We carefully close all the cracks. You can use mounting foam.

6) Be sure to cover all this with a special impregnation from moisture, decay, fungus and insects.

7) We fix the waterproofing membrane.

fig.4 Laying the waterproofing membrane

8) We tightly lay the insulation (more about heaters in), leaving no gaps. The thicker the layer, the warmer. However, you do not need to do close to finishing floor. Leave a small gap for natural ventilation.

fig.5 We lay the insulation

9) We lay vapor barrier material on top of the laid insulation. They also cover the lags. When laying, you need to overlap about 15 cm, leave at least 10 cm at the edges.

fig.6 Laying the vapor barrier

10) And finally, we lay and fix the finishing floor. It is better to use a tongue-and-groove board, which leaves no gaps when connected. Also on its lower part there is a specially prepared recess for ventilation.

11) We nail the plinth.

fig.7 Finished floor

Varieties of material

Only four types of this heat-insulating material are produced. All of them differ from each other not only in the way of laying and technical characteristics.

The main types of perlite:

  1. The backfill form or sand has a greater lightness than other subspecies. Therefore, it is used for thermal insulation of partitions and at the same time to facilitate the finished structure of any structure. Another essence of its use is the elimination of slit-like, interfloor layers, filling other voids. It is used for fitting floors, sometimes as plastering surfaces.
  2. Plates. This type is the most common in production, as it is the most demanded of the perlites. Great demand is due to the convenience of the form for the rapid construction of any size of structure or area. With high rates of hygroscopicity, therefore it is more expedient to use for interior work. If used outside buildings, it is imperative to add a layer of waterproof material. Manufactured by hydraulic pressing. Depending on the needs, various binding materials are used: polymers, liquid glass, lime, cement, bitumen and others combined with it.
  3. Roofing variety, which is more often called bitumen perlite by the name of the binder used in production. This material makes it possible to easily mount insulating structures of various shapes due to its increased flexibility. Any roof or other custom design will have a decent level of thermal conductivity. This makes it possible to use these roofing forms in construction at low negative thermometer readings. Being non-combustible, it will provide the structure with adequate protection against fire.
  4. Dry mixtures for construction purposes, made using fine fraction perlite and a mixture of cement. In such a blank mass, it is necessary to add only right amount water to obtain a ready-to-use mortar. It is effectively used for grouting various kinds of seams, cavities formed during masonry, cracks and similar voids. With the help of a dry mixture, you can get a special plaster. It is applied in a layer on any surface, easily leveling it and in parallel, increasing the thermal insulation coefficient for the entire structure.

For construction needs, the production of three main grades of perlite has been established:

  • M100;
  • M150.

The above figures in the marking determine the density coefficient of the material. This indicator is extremely important for the type of future installation work, operating conditions of raw materials.

But any of these density characteristics allows perlite in solution to be so fluid as to be able to fill the smallest voids in the structure. This is one of the main advantages of this material over analogues that are applicable in similar construction processes.

Ground floor insulation

When building a house, many private developers save on insulation by flooding concrete screed directly to the ground, and this is not entirely correct. Firstly, the earth can freeze in winter, and the concrete coating will be cold, and secondly, the screed will not only come into contact with the ground, but will also be exposed to bottom water, which will quickly disable it

Therefore, it is important to carry out high-quality waterproofing and floor insulation on the ground.

It is advisable to carry out floor insulation on the ground only if the bottom waters are at a sufficient depth from the surface. Otherwise, it is better to install beams and a double floor with insulation.

Floor insulation on the ground is carried out during the construction process, the finished coating will have to be dismantled, which will lead to the expenditure of additional funds. The floor pie begins to form after the foundation of the building has completely dried out. It is worth noting that the last structure should rise above the ground by 20 cm.

Several layers should be arranged:

  • directly the ground;
  • coarse river sand, for leveling the plane;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • mesh, chain-link, for reinforcement;
  • coupler.

First insulation option

How to properly insulate the floor on the ground, consider in detail:

  • The soil under the house needs to be leveled, debris and weeds removed, the recesses filled in and the entire surface well compacted.
  • Fill the entire plane with river sand, you can mix it with crushed stone, to a height of more than 5 cm. If it is decided to insulate the floors with expanded clay, then it can be poured directly onto the ground, but such floor insulation will cost much more. Sand needs to be leveled with a rule and compacted well.
  • Lay a layer of waterproofing, for this you can apply:
    • polymer-based membrane material;
    • ruberoid;
    • polyethylene film 200 microns, in two additions - the most cheap option waterproofing.
  • After that, you can start laying the slab heat-insulating material - it can be polystyrene foam, or polystyrene.
  • Then you can start pouring the finishing screed, just before that, lay the reinforcing mesh.

The second insulation option

Better quality, although it will cost more, for this they equip a rough screed, on which a waterproofing agent is laid - in order to save money - a plastic film. It must be pressed with bars to the foundation, while the material should go onto the walls by no less than 15 cm. The insulated floor in this way has very good thermal insulation characteristics.

As soon as the waterproofing is ready, the insulation is laid, for example:

  • penoplex;
  • expanded clay;
  • Styrofoam.

These are cheap types, but at the same time they are good heat insulators.

Perlite in building mixtures

Perlite (grade M75 or M100) is used as a component in dry mixes (cement and gypsum-perlite), significantly improving their properties. The use of ready-made dry perlite mixtures: for plastering works; for leveling surfaces, that is, arranging self-leveling floors.

The solution is prepared very simply: water is added to the finished dry mixture in the proportion indicated on the package. Perlite plaster compared to conventional plaster differs more effective thermal insulation(a layer of similar plaster with a thickness of 3 cm in terms of its thermal insulation properties can be equated to a brickwork of 15 cm), sound insulation, fire resistance (about 5 ÷ 10 times higher), high vapor permeability, frost resistance and resistance to decay. It is suitable for both interior and exterior work.

Characteristics of Perlite in the form of sand

The main properties are the same virtues

It is worth noting the main advantages that perlite insulation has:

  • Little weight. Despite the fact that rocks and volcanic rocks act as raw materials, Perlite is quite light (this is achieved through heat treatment). As a result, there is no need to build a particularly strong frame.
  • Increased temperature resistance. It withstands temperature fluctuations from -220 to +900 degrees. Therefore, it can be freely used for external insulation even in the conditions of the far north.

Important! In this aspect, it outperforms all its competitors. No other insulation can boast of an allowable amplitude of over 1100 degrees

  • Environmental Safety. Even when heated, this material does not emit any toxic substances and carcinogens.
  • Chemical neutrality to most acids and alkalis. This eliminates the possibility of corrosion and other unpleasant formations. It should also be noted that it is completely hypoallergenic.
  • High sound-absorbing properties, which are achieved due to the low bulk density. As a result, when using this insulation, there is no need to lay an additional soundproof layer.
  • Does not deform as a result of heating. Therefore, Perlite is often used in underfloor heating systems.
  • High efficiency. In general, stating the above features, we can note the impressive efficiency of this material. Despite the fact that it is not very popular (relative to Penoplex and mineral wool), its use seems to be very rational. At the same time, the cost of this material is in the middle range.

Where is this material used?

Such an impressive list of advantages predetermined the wide scope of this insulation:

  • External plastering of buildings. Here frost resistance comes to the fore.
  • Any interior work associated with leveling and increasing heat-conducting properties.
  • Internal finishing of a roof.
  • Thermal insulation of pipelines (including hot water supply).
  • Underfloor heating systems.

Above are only the broadest construction areas. The substance itself called Perlite is used in medicine, metallurgy, energy, agriculture, oil refining and even the food industry.


perlite sand

Although ordinary sand is not a heater, it can still be temporarily used for these purposes. Such insulation is inexpensive, and often the foundation of baths is insulated with this method even before the walls are erected. This "insulation" must be reliably protected from moisture ingress into it.

More efficient use of perlite sand, which can act as a heater, and therefore more efficient. When working with any of these materials, you will have to deal with a large amount of work, and have a lot of sand, because the height of the backfill must be brought to the level of the floor.

Regulatory requirements

In a large assortment of thermal insulation boards, you can "get lost". When making a purchase, you should rely not only on the direct manufacturer that released the material, but also on regulatory requirements to which the purchased product must comply.

Thermal insulation materials must meet the following requirements:

  • they should be characterized by the maximum low level thermal conductivity, otherwise there will not be much point in installing them;
  • such materials should also have a low degree of vapor permeability;
  • the insulation should not be combustible, otherwise its use will simply be unsafe;
  • high-quality thermal insulation material must be resistant to decay and decomposition;

  • thermal insulation materials must also have soundproofing properties (to varying degrees);
  • they should not be afraid of temperature changes and contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • such components should be as durable and wear-resistant as possible;
  • the insulation must be environmentally friendly (at present, not all materials meet this requirement, so they should be chosen very carefully);
  • high-quality boards with thermal insulation properties should not be afraid of contact with solvents.

Today, evaluating heat-insulating materials of different types, it is possible to distinguish plates belonging to different classes. In this case, the standard is the thermal conductivity of air in 0.025 W / (M / 0C).

If the plate has a value as close as possible to the specified parameter, then there is no doubt about its purchase.

The average indicator for heat-insulating materials used in private construction is from 0.021 to 0.029 W / (M / 0C).

As regards directly specifications, then for different heaters they are also different. For example, the thickness of mineral wool boards starts from 5 cm and can reach 12 cm, while this parameter for polystyrene sheets varies from 20 to 200 mm.

When buying thermal insulation boards, you must request a quality certificate from the seller. This document should cover all information related to the product. Tiled insulation must be made in accordance with GOST. If they refuse to provide you with a document, then it is better to refrain from acquiring such materials.