St. Nicholas Church Rakitnaya


Information about churches and deans of the Rakityansky district

Temple name, location


(san, full name, birthday, Angel day

according to new style)

Home address,

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Temple Dormition of the Mother of God


Belgorod region,

Rakityansky district, Proletarsky village , trans. Pochtovyiy, 6a

Rector Archpriest

Belikov Nikolay Anatolevich

October 20, 1970

P. Proletarsky, st. Oktyabrskaya, 48

36 - 8 – 39;


Temple St. Martyr Tatiana


Belgorod region,

Rakityansky district, village Bobrava , Tsentralnaya st., 1

Priest Priest

Alexander Olegovich Ryabov


309317 Belgorod region, Rakityansky district, Bobrava village, Tsentralnaya st., 56



Temple Saint Nicholas


Belgorod region,

Rakitnoe village , st. Kommunarov, 7

Rector Archpriest

Nikolai Semenovich Germansky



Belgorod region, Rakitnoe village,

St. Kommunarov, 7

56 – 9 – 87;89103247401


Ioann Dvoryadkin

Temple Dormition of the Mother of God


Belgorod region,

Rakityansky district, Vengerovka village , Tsentralnaya st., 61a

Priest rector

Igor Vladimirovich Poskrebyshev



Belgorod region, Rakityansky district, Vengerovka village, Tsentralnaya st., 61a


Temple Saint Nicholas

Belgorod region,

Rakityansky district,

With. Lower Peny

Priest rector

Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Zharkikh


Belgorod region,


St. Telepina, 11, apt. 1


Temple Dimitry of Rostov

Belgorod region,

Rakityansky district,

With. Dmitrievka , Vygon st., 80

Priest rector

Sionchuk Ioann Ivanovich


Belgorod region, Rakityansky district,

S. Dmitrievka, st. Vygon, 77 a


Excursions around the area

"Shrines of the Rakityan Land"

For an Orthodox person, a church is always a special, holy place. Indeed, the domes of Orthodox churches always point towards the sky. The temple in Rus' was the main custodian of Orthodox culture.

As part of the excursion schedule plan, from 01.09.2015 to 01.11.2015, excursions will be held for students of municipal educational institutions of the Rakityan region to the holy places of the land of Rakityan.

Currently in the Rakityansky district there are:

1. St. Nicholas Church in Rakitnoye

2. Temple of the Martyr Tatiana p. Bobrava

3. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary village. Proletarian

4. Temple of Dmitry of Rostov p. Dmitrievka

5. Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary s. Vengerovka

6. St. Nicholas Church with. Lower Peny

7. Hospital Church of the Healer Panteleimon

8. Sergievskaya Church with. Vasilyevka

9. Temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Ekonomissa” p. Russian Berezovka

Many students in our area do not even know that such temples once existed - few photographs and drawings have survived, and few books have been written about them. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexey ΙΙ said: “Our pious ancestors could not live without a temple - it was as necessary for the soul of the people as home and food for their bodily existence.” The temple gathered citizens for church services thanks to a single church calendar. We will tell you about this on our excursions.

Teacher - organizer of DDT

Myakotina V.N.

St. Nicholas Church Lower Peny

5.10.2015 year, students of the municipal educational institution "Dmitrievskaya Secondary School" visited one of the shrines of the Rakityanskaya land, St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nizhnie Peny.

The rector of the temple, Father Vladimir, gave an interesting tour with a story about this wonderful temple.

This temple was built in 1867, in the 30s of the twentieth century it was partially destroyed, the dome and bell tower were damaged. For a long time, the church building was used as a granary; later it was reconstructed as a rural cultural center.

Since August 2001 in the village. Lower Peny has an Orthodox parish of St. Nicholas. It was opened in an extension to the building of the former church through the efforts of believers. Lower Peny. Restoration work began in 2012. On August 2, 2013, on the day of remembrance of the Prophet Ezekiel, Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol and Bishop Sophrony of Gubkin and Grayvoronsky performed the rite of consecration of the restored St. Nicholas Church in the village of Nizhnie Peny, Rakityansky district, and the Divine Liturgy there.

Temple of the Martyr Tatiana s. Bobrava

21.09.2015 year, students of the Municipal Educational Institution “Ilek-Kosharskaya Secondary School” visited the Church of the Martyr Tatiana in the village of Bobrava, Rakityansky district. The rector of the Temple, Father Alexander, held an interesting conversation, telling the children the history of the creation of the temple.

From the story, the children learned that the Tatyanovskaya Church of the Bobrava settlement was built in 1835 with the care of Prince Yusupov and parishioners. The building was wooden on a stone foundation, with a bell tower. There is only one throne in it: in the name of the holy martyr Tatiana. According to the staff, it includes: a priest and a psalm-reader. In 1937 the church was destroyed.

The believers of the village took the initiative to build a church, submitted proposals to the Belgorod diocese, and they were supported. The foundation stone at the base of the new Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana was consecrated on July 28, 2000 by Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. Construction began on July 5, 2001.

On January 25, 2004, the consecration of the new church of the holy martyr Tatiana took place. The village of Bobrava can become a place of pilgrimage for Belgorod students. This is precisely the assumption made by both Archbishop John of Belgorod and Staroskol and regional governor E.S. Savchenko, and other high-ranking officials present at the meeting dedicated to the ceremonial transfer of the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana in the village of Bobrava, Rakityansky district of the Russian Orthodox Church MP. This is the only church of St. Tatiana in the region, the patroness of a large cohort of young people - students. On the memorial plaque at the entrance to the temple, those through whose efforts the church was built are indicated. “This temple of the holy martyr Tatiana was erected in 2004 from the Nativity of Christ under the care of Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, Ryzhkov N.I., Ryzhkova L.S., Savchenko E.S., Kriushin V.P., Miroshin E.P., Dean of the Rakityansky district, Archpriest Nikolai (German), Drobotova O.M.”

X frame of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Proletarsky

14.09.2015 year, students of the Municipal Educational Institution “Rakityan Secondary School No. 1” visited the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Proletarsky.

The rector of the church, Father Nikolai, said that for several decades the village remained without a church. Only in 1993, at the request of residents, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was reconstructed on the basis of a former store building. The main participation in the reconstruction, purchase and further construction was taken by OJSC "Moloko" (director V.G. Padyukov). In 1997, after reconstruction, services began to be held in the temple.

Construction of the new Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village began in June 2007 with the blessing of Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, with the support of the Governor of the Belgorod Region E. S. Savchenko. The foundation stone at the base of the temple was consecrated by Bishop John on September 20, 2007, on the eve of the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The temple was erected at the expense of the agricultural holding "BEZRK - Belgrankorm" (Chairman of the Board of Directors A.V. Orlov). Construction was carried out by JBK-1 LLC (General Director - Yu. A. Selivanov).

The rite of consecration and the first Divine Liturgy were led by Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. The consecration and opening ceremony was attended by the Governor of the Belgorod Region E.S. Savchenko. In the basement of the church there is a baptistery - a place for performing the sacrament of Baptism, and there is a room for a Sunday school.

St. Nicholas Church in the village of Rakitnoye

7.09.2015 year, an excursion was held for students of the Municipal Educational Institution "Soldiers' Secondary School" to the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Rakitnoye.

The guys learned that the St. Nicholas Church of the Rakitnaya settlement, Grayvoronsky district, Kursk province, was built in 1832 at the expense of Prince Boris Nikolaevich Yusupov. The temple had a library of 222 volumes. In 1934, the church was closed and a granary was located in it.

From 1938 until the start of the war, the building was occupied by GUTAB SALES warehouses. During the occupation, with the permission of the German authorities, the church was temporarily opened. After the war, services were held in the church on Sundays and major holidays.

On June 4, 1961, the Rakityan District Executive Committee again decided to close the temple and transfer the building to the department of cultural and educational work. But thanks to the efforts and influence of Archpriest Dimitry Tyapochkin (later Archimandrite Seraphim), who served in the temple for 21 years and was buried in the church fence near the church wall, this decision was not carried out. During the period of Father Seraphim’s ministry, Rakitnoye became one of the most famous spiritual sources, where people came from different parts of the country. The earthly life of Father Seraphim ended on April 19, 1982, on the first day of Easter week.

Numerous pilgrims come to the tomb of Archimandrite Seraphim, which is located on the territory of the temple, not only from different parts of Russia, but also from near and far abroad. Since May 1991, the rector of St. Nicholas Church has been Archpriest Nikolai Germansky, who is doing a lot of work to strengthen the Orthodox faith in the Rakityan land and the spiritual and moral education of the population.

In 1990-1991 Repair and restoration work was carried out in the temple, and a single-tier bell tower was erected. In 2005, a spiritual and educational center in the name of Archimandrite Seraphim was opened in a building adjacent to the temple.

On July 31 - August 1, 2007, celebrations were held dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the founding of St. Nicholas Church and the 25th anniversary of the death of Archimandrite Seraphim.

On August 1, a monument to Father Seraphim, made by the famous Ukrainian sculptor Vitaly Rozhik, was opened and consecrated. The regional governor E.S. took part in the festive celebrations. Savchenko, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary village. Proletarian.

Material Information | time of creation: 15/05/2017 time of last revision: 08/09/2017

Built in 1832 with the care of Prince Yusupov B.N. “The temple is stone. The throne was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The temple is single-domed, pillarless, single-apse with a separate bell tower. All facades are divided by pilasters into sections. The plastic design of the northern, eastern and southern facades is identical - it is in two tiers, cut through by arched and round windows. Arched windows are placed in keel-shaped niches. The relief completion of the façade planes is simplified, their centers are emphasized by small, break-free pediments. The vestibule of the church is smaller than the width of the temple; its western facade is completed with an attic wall, against which there is a relief triangular pediment decorated with crackers. The completion of the temple part with a flat dome with lucarnes on the cardinal points is peculiar.

After the revolution in 1918, according to the staff in the St. Nicholas Church. Rakitna of the Grayvoronsky district of the Kursk diocese there were 2 priests, 1 deacon and 2 psalm-readers. There were schools in the parish: a two-year school of the Ministry of Public Education since 1908. A private elementary school at the Rakityan sugar plant, Prince. Z.N. Yusupova since 1907. Zemstvo one-class, former parochial school, attached to the church since October 9, 1899. The church school, which became a zemstvo school at the beginning of 1917, is located temporarily in the church building.

The houses for clergy and clergy on church estate land are their own, built with the care of the clergy members themselves. Other buildings belonging to the church: the building that houses the temporary parochial girls' school and the church gatehouse: stone, covered with iron, built in 1905. The church library contained 222 volumes of books for reading. The priest Kapiton Ioanov Ershov did not have any support from the treasury as a parish priest, but as a parish caretaker of the candle warehouse he received about 100 rubles. per year, for legislative work at a private elementary school at a sugar factory - 120 rubles" (1)

In the 30s of the twentieth century, repeated attempts were made to close the temple, which were crowned with success in 1934 by turning it into a warehouse for grain and vegetable storage. During the period of German occupation, the temple was temporarily opened. In 1951, by decision of the executive committee of the Rakityan Council of Deputies, the temple was closed. The building itself was declared unfit for use and transferred to the cultural and educational department. Since 1961, the rector of St. Nicholas Church, which was returned to the believers, was Fr. Seraphim (in the world Tyapochkin Dmitry Alexandrovich). During the period of Father Seraphim’s ministry, Rakitnoye became one of the most famous spiritual sources, where people came from different parts of the country. He served in the temple until the last days of his life. The earthly life of Father Seraphim ended on April 19, 1982, on the first day of Easter week.

Numerous pilgrims come to the tomb of Archimandrite Seraphim, which is located on the territory of the temple, not only from different parts of Russia, but also from near and far abroad.

In 1990-1991 Repair and restoration work was carried out in the temple, a single-tier bell tower was erected, placed on a cross-shaped quarter with an arched passage. The bell tower is completed with a head on a blind drum.

On December 27, 2004, a spiritual and educational center in the name of Archimandrite Seraphim was opened in a building adjacent to the temple.

On August 1, 2007, a monument to Father Seraphim, made by the famous Ukrainian sculptor Vitaly Rozhik, was opened and consecrated. The regional governor E.S. took part in the festive celebrations. Savchenko, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.

In 2014, repair and restoration work was carried out in the temple: paintings were made in the altar, an oak panel was made, parquet flooring was laid, and Belarusian oak furniture was purchased.

In 2015, restoration work was carried out on painting the interior of the temple and repairs to the temple premises.

Since May 1991, the rector of St. Nicholas Church has been the dean of the Rakityan district, Archpriest Nikolai Germansky, who has been doing a lot of work to strengthen the Orthodox faith in the Rakityan land and the spiritual and moral education of the population.

Date and registration number of the local religious organization Orthodox parish of St. Nicholas Church - No. 108 of November 1, 1999, No. 1023100008469 of August 12, 2010.

Built in 1832 by Prince B.N. Yusupov. After the revolution in 1918, the St. Nicholas Church had 2 priests, 1 deacon and 2 psalm-readers.

In 1934, the temple was closed, turning it into a warehouse for grain and vegetables. During the period of German occupation it was active. In 1951, by decision of the executive committee of the Rakityan Council of Deputies, the temple was closed, the building was declared unfit for use and transferred to the department of cultural and educational work.

Since October 1961, the rector of St. Nicholas Church, which was returned to the believers, was Archimandrite Seraphim (in the world Tyapochkin Dmitry Alexandrovich). During the period of Father Seraphim’s ministry, Rakitnoye became one of the most famous spiritual sources, where people came from different parts of the country. The earthly life of Father Seraphim ended on April 19, 1982, on the first day of Easter week.

Numerous pilgrims come to the tomb of Archimandrite Seraphim, which is located on the territory of the temple, not only from different parts of Russia, but also from near and far abroad. Since May 1991, the rector of St. Nicholas Church has been Archpriest Nikolai Germansky, who is doing a lot of work to strengthen the Orthodox faith in the Rakityan land and the spiritual and moral education of the population.

In 1990-1991 Repair and restoration work was carried out in the temple, and a single-tier bell tower was erected. In 2005, a spiritual and educational center in the name of Archimandrite Seraphim was opened in a building adjacent to the temple.

On July 31 - August 1, 2007, celebrations were held dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the founding of St. Nicholas Church and the 25th anniversary of the death of Archimandrite Seraphim.

On August 1, a monument to Father Seraphim, made by the famous Ukrainian sculptor Vitaly Rozhik, was opened and consecrated. The regional governor E.S. took part in the festive celebrations. Savchenko, Archbishop John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.