Such a personal dislike that I can not eat. Quotes from the Soviet film Mimino

We get up from the table with a full stomach, after the holidays we are not left with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach for a long time, we seize minor troubles and major problems, gradually filling our body to the top not only with food and extra pounds, but also with a feeling of deep dissatisfaction with ourselves.

Gerard Apfeldorfer, a French psychiatrist and psychotherapist who specializes in eating disorders, has developed a ten-day method to follow for a lifetime in order not to have problems associated with overeating.

Moderation in food as a daily norm of your behavior is the only worthy alternative to hard diets, express workouts and other attempts to lose weight quickly and permanently, which still end in a new, and sometimes even more weight gain.

To be moderate in food means to learn to feel your true desires, to restore the lost contact with your own body, to begin to separate physiological hunger from psychological.

Food is just a necessity with which we restore the body's need for nutrients and energy.

It can be tasty, but it shouldn't be superfluous. If you eat because you are hungry, you are expecting to be physically satisfied.

If you eat your emotions, you hope to find peace.

The first thing to feel is the difference between these two types of hunger and saturation options.

Ideally, it is necessary to find a balance between the real needs of the body and positive emotions from eating.

The originality of Gerard Apfeldorfer's technique lies in the fact that it is you, and not someone else, who evaluates your feelings and tries to understand them.

So, tip one: Feel hungry

To do this, do not eat anything for four hours. During this time, nothing special will happen. It is likely that you will not even feel hungry. Why? Perhaps you overate before this, or perhaps you simply lost contact with your own food sensations.

If the desire to eat something is your normal state, this means that you do not distinguish between physiological and emotional hunger.

Physiological hunger is weakness, slight headache, signals from the stomach area, bad mood.

You need to feel these signals. Here is the hunger. Focus on them. Remember them.

Tip two: Develop a skill

The easiest way is to use the usual dishes for this. Our task is to set the saturation threshold, and not to diversify the diet.

To do this, you need to eat by the hour. After a while, you will notice that the feeling of hunger has adapted to the regimen. Now it is important to catch the feeling of satiety and not to eat too much at the table.

Tip three: Feel the taste

We often eat not a real, but an imaginary dish. It seems to us that a huge piece of cake with a green rose on top is the limit of enjoyment. But in fact, if you chew slowly, listening to your taste sensations (teeth, palate, tongue), at some point you will realize that this is an ordinary cake, which you have eaten a lot. Why would you eat another whole piece?

Tip #4: Don't rush

The saturation signal does not come to us immediately. The body needs 15 to 30 minutes for this. Can you imagine how much junk food you can eat during this time, especially if you eat quickly?

Eat slowly and in a calm environment. If you can't find enough time to eat, then don't eat much and leave the table feeling hungry. Saturation will come later.

Tip #5: Take a Break

Stop and listen to your feelings: maybe you are already full? You can evaluate your condition on a five-point scale:

I can eat an elephant.
- I'm just hungry.
- I can stop now.
- I don’t feel hungry, but there is still a place in my stomach.
- I'm going to burst.

If you find that you are full, stop. It's necessary. Why do you need another piece of meat or a cake? You can eat them tomorrow.

If you realize that you overeat - do not be nervous. You just need more time to feel hungry again.

Tip #6: Focus on food

Learn to enjoy the meal itself. Set the table beautifully. Don't confuse eating with reading or watching TV. At the table, you can have a leisurely conversation in between meals. But she should be nice. Otherwise, you have every chance to leave the table with a lump in your stomach.

Tip Seven: Learn Moderation

Reduce the number of dishes on the table and food on the plate. Better later, when you feel that you haven’t eaten enough, put yourself a little more, rather than automatically finish eating too much.

If you have a big meal planned, take breaks between meals.

The enemies of moderation are the smorgasbord and grandmothers who seek to feed us for themselves and for the entire military generation.

Tip Eight: Analyze Desires

Are you nervous? Excited? Offended? Annoyed? Upset? And now the hand itself reaches for cookies and chocolate.

If you are really hungry, eat. If not, try solving problems without bringing in food. Drink water, talk to a loved one, turn your attention to a book, movie or work.

If you still crave chocolate, eat but not much.

If you fix your emotions, as a result of which you want to “chew something”, then you will most likely notice that the same thing happens to you every time. Maybe you should look into the issue?

Tip nine: Don't overeat

Anxious people who are gnawed by fear and insecurity tomorrow, often eat for future use.

We eat for the future because we are afraid that we will no longer have either this lobster or this dessert in our lives.

But tomorrow a new day will come, you need to live in the present, without making yourself a hostage to food.

Tip Ten: Find out the needs

You are no longer hungry. Then why are you eating? In order not to offend the hostess? Because you were told that it is delicious and you should definitely try it?

Don't let anyone pressure you in this matter. The most important thing is yours, not other people's feelings.

If you want to eat to the fullest, allow yourself this, but consciously. Tomorrow you can take control of yourself.

Your task is to debug the internal mechanism of eating, to become more conscious in your relationship with food, and therefore more free.

How to stop eating and lose weight? This question worries about 20% of the world's population. Note that this topic is interesting not only to the fair sex, but also to men. The problem of excess weight in our time has become popular. But, of course, no one but the people themselves will solve it.

How to eat less?

As a rule, the problem is noticed only when the rooster pecks in a soft spot. This attitude very often leads to trouble, because of which many citizens simply give up and lose the joy of life.

How to force yourself not to eat? Why force? After all, you just need to know the measure in nutrition, then you won’t have to drastically change your habits. Overweight people develop health problems, such as hypertension, and increase the risk of strokes and heart attacks. They have a harder time doing physical exercise and even just walking.

So, as you understand, eating a lot is bad. Now we will tell you how to stop eating too much. This is not difficult to do, you just need to set yourself up correctly. If you eat right and in small portions, you can say goodbye to those extra pounds. Isn't that an incentive to change something?! But first things first.

How to force yourself not to eat in large quantities in order to get rid of a couple of extra pounds? In general, a person is a very lazy creature, he will never do anything against his will, well, except perhaps at gunpoint. We will explain how to stop eating a lot of goodwill. Know that your subconscious mind shapes your reality. This principle applies to all aspects of life: work, business, relationships with others. Weight loss issues are no exception. Therefore, everything must start from the subconscious.

Say goodbye to the old social circle

Do you want to know how to force yourself not to eat a lot? Leave the old one. You probably have friends, both women and men, who love to cook something tasty and eat hearty. So, in such a company, in order to restrain yourself, you need to show a huge one. If you understand that you cannot resist the temptation, then limit communication with such people. Of course, perfect option- this is to completely stop communicating with comrades who like to eat themselves and feed you. But why lose friends? You need to take a break in communication for at least a couple of months until you rebuild your settings in your subconscious.

New acquaintances, friends, associates

Many people think about how to force themselves to eat less and lose weight. And it's not that difficult. You need to start a new social circle, find people who, like you, want to get rid of the habit of eating a lot. You can even meet like-minded people on the Internet, for example, social networks This is a great place to meet people of interest. You should also sign up for a gym. There you will not only be able to remove extra centimeters, but also meet people who also strive to restructure their thoughts and improve their figure. After all, together it is more fun and easier to go to the goal!

Visualization - the path to success and a gorgeous figure

How to force yourself to eat less and return ideal parameters to the figure? Through visualization. To do this, paste over the house with images of girls with beautiful, toned figures. In addition, post pictures of healthy food. They must be present throughout the apartment (in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen). If you're proficient in a graphics program like Photoshop, you can make entire posters with perfect shapes and delicious healthy food. These pictures will program your brain in the right direction.

Self-hypnosis is a great way

How to force yourself not to eat a lot? Self-hypnosis will help. You need to write a special text that will contain everything that you want to receive. An important note: you can only use positive statements, such as “I eat a little”, “this is enough for me to eat,” and so on. Do not use the "not" particle in such texts. The subconscious does not notice it, therefore it does not associate with anything. As a result, a person who does not want to get better will get fat even more.

Think carefully about the text, write it down and always carry it in your pocket so that you can read it at any opportunity. Most effective way reading is, of course, aloud. You can do this before bed and immediately after you wake up. Write what you want in the text! Believe me, you will succeed, you just have to really want to achieve what you want. How to force yourself not to eat when you really want to? Of course, you need to help your subconscious mind with active actions, then you will really succeed.

1. If you have already eaten a plate of food, but you still want to eat, you should not give in to this desire, you can do something with yourself, for example, read an interesting book or watch an exciting movie. By the way, it helps to forget about the desire to fill the stomach such an activity as drawing. Even if you don't have great talent, create! Good job cleaning. It distracts, so the thoughts that, for example, you really want to eat another plate of pilaf or fried potatoes will fade into the background.

2. Do you still feel drawn to the kitchen like a magnet? Then there should be more low-calorie foods, fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

3. It is possible that you will stop eating a lot if you watch TV shows about obesity. Such shows absolutely affect the psyche of a losing weight person. True, the effect is short-lived, because everything viewed is forgotten.

Important Points

If you strongly want to overcome the habit of eating a lot, then you must understand that everything depends on your willpower. Therefore, to make it easier for you, set a goal, then the brain will understand what needs to be done in order to get what you want. Just set the right goals. For example, the goal of "losing 20 pounds in three days" is wrong, it will not work for you, as a result, it will lead to another disorder. For example, you can plan to remove an extra two centimeters in a week. If you do what you want earlier, then be sure to praise yourself. There is another good goal to "eat one plate of food." So you can not spend a lot of money on food, but buy yourself a new one with the saved money. Nice dress or stylish shoes.

Be sure to praise yourself for your success. For example, you had a light dinner today, so give yourself something nice for this small but victory. It can be a new varnish or that thing that you have long wanted to buy, but your hands did not reach.


Now you know how to force yourself not to eat, and therefore, you can start the path to your cherished goal! Good luck!

The age-old question “How to force yourself not to eat and lose weight” does not lose its relevance to this day. Most of us are familiar with the basic rules for losing weight: drink more water, do not eat starchy and fatty foods, go in for sports. Not everyone will like such standard advice, so it’s worth a little deeper understanding of this issue in order to find for yourself not only prohibitions, but also opportunities.

With more information, you can choose something specific or completely change your life. After all, the main thing is to start, and then it will be easier to move on. Sometimes we do not think about the mistakes we make every day because we are used to this way of life. Now is the time to develop good habits.

Motivation is the impetus for further action. Some dream of getting a figure like a Hollywood star, others are eager to catch the admiring glances of others, and some excess weight prevents you from living a fulfilling life. Everyone has their own reason. One thing is clear: the stronger the motivation, the more effort we are willing to put in to achieve the goal.

Make your goal clear and specific. Why are you planning to lose weight and by how much?

The root of evil is the desire to constantly chew. The desire to fill the stomach arises from idleness. Try to get distracted, being away from the kitchen, find an interesting activity. When a person is very busy, he forgets about food. From the fact that there is nothing to do with yourself and there is a problem with overeating.

Sports will help you lose weight and get a fit figure. It is not necessary to enroll in gym walk, or just go outside more often. As paradoxical as it may sound, but a tired body “eats up” much less food. It would seem that the body will require a solid portion to restore strength. But it's not. Digesting food requires a lot of energy, if you get tired, then eat less.

Use the feeling of laziness to your advantage. Need to find positive points so use good advice. Do not buy "forbidden" products. If they don’t “irritate” your eyes, then you won’t be able to eat them, because you don’t want to run to the store for a cake ... And you will have to have a snack with something useful, such as a carrot or an apple.

Quit or cut down on alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are harmful to the body, contain extra calories, whet the appetite and slow down the process of metabolism and fat burning. An alternative would be a glass of dry wine.

Strict diets and starvation lead to gluttony. Eating at least 5 times a day in small portions.

Rules for eating

Most of the tips do not require a titanic effort on your part. The secret is that you can lose weight without giving up your favorite treats. By adjusting the amount and timing of meals, you will begin to lose weight without significant dietary restrictions.

Eat carbohydrates before 15.00. Afternoon for proteins and vegetables.

The process of losing weight should not turn into hard labor. Enjoy the opportunity to eat delicious and healthy food. If you don't like oatmeal, try different recipes, maybe you just don't cook it the right way. From any product you can cook an interesting dish. Nutritionists recommend following these guidelines:

By adding natural products to your diet, you will cleanse your body of the usual flavor enhancers and flavors. Healthy foods become delicious.

Myths and misconceptions

Special attention should be paid to special products for weight loss. You can often meet the fair sex with yogurt in their hands and the goal is to lose weight. One of the main misconceptions is that "packaged juices and yogurts are good for health." In no case. Buying "healthy" products, such as juices, yogurts with a shelf life of 2 months or more, you harm the body. They contain chemical composition, sugar and preservatives that provide a long shelf life. If it is not possible to make natural freshly squeezed juice at home, it is better to eat the fruit in its natural form.

Thoroughly study all products and accurately separate the useful from the harmful. Otherwise, the mistakes made will nullify all efforts, and you will abandon the whole thing without achieving the desired result.

Common misconceptions that prevent proper nutrition and weight loss:

P.S.: Tips are "acquired" personal experience and tested on ourselves after recommendations from doctors and gym instructors.

For many people, the body reacts to a stressful situation by wanting to immediately throw something into the mouth. Nerve cells in the brain that affect mood cause a sharp feeling dissatisfaction, which a person tries to extinguish with food.

In such cases, nutritionists are in complete solidarity with psychologists, who strongly recommend looking for the cause of appetite not in physical, but in mental needs. Often, physical hunger only masks an emotional problem. It is possible to cope with "zhor", the main thing is to be able to recognize the true emotions that cause it.

There are certain symptoms that allow you to identify the cause of hunger and satisfy it.

Cause of overeating - STRESS

  1. If a person is constantly irritated, experiences physical tension and enduring fatigue, a feeling of lack of time.
  2. If there is a rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.
  3. If food is swallowed without pleasure, and is haunted by the thought that it would be time to eat like a human being, then STRESS is most likely the true cause of hunger.
Experiencing stress, a person, as a rule, wants sweet and fatty: cake, bread and butter, chocolate, fried potatoes. This result is caused by the action of the "stress hormone" - cortisol, which increases the level of insulin in the human blood. In this state, the body unconsciously seeks to absorb refined carbohydrates. But sugars and starchy foods that include them create a feeling of comfort for a very short time.

Before a person has time to look back, he is again excited and hungry. Foods rich in B vitamins and complex carbohydrates will help stabilize insulin levels in stressful situations. others simple ways Read on the site in the section "Psychology".

How to deal with stress cravings

  • Try eating fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables, brown rice and wholemeal pasta, bran bread, and green beans.
  • Make it a rule to clearly plan your meals. Be sure to eat breakfast and take brakes with you to work.
  • It is very important to eat, focusing on the process of eating. Avoid snacking on the run.
  • Try to limit the amount of coffee and carbonated drinks you drink, especially those containing caffeine, as much as possible.

The reason for overeating is FATIGUE

  1. If you feel that you would do gymnastics with great joy, but you don’t have the strength to just move.
  2. If you have drunk more than four or five cups of strong coffee during the day, but still do not feel cheerful.
  3. If you catch yourself feeling a loss of control and clarity of thought.
  4. If you feel disgusted even at the thought of eating after waking up, but would give anything in the world for the opportunity to sleep for another half hour, then it seems that the unconscious desire to snack during the day is caused by FATIGUE.

A tired brain demands coffee and cola, cheese and a hamburger, grilled chicken and salad with mayonnaise, and even more fatty, sweet ice cream.
Galanin is to blame - this substance is produced by the hypothalamus. The more a person gets tired, the more he wants fat. When eating fats, galanin begins to be actively produced, which, in turn, stimulates the desire to eat something fatty. This is why many people can quite easily limit themselves to food during the working day and experience an irresistible need to eat before bed. . If you do not give your body the opportunity to rest and recover, then you risk becoming a hostage and you will have to deal with it in other ways.

How to stop eating too much because you are tired

Food rich in minerals and proteins will help to cope with fatigue. Ideal for eating are oatmeal, milk, boiled or grilled fish, which can be garnished with legumes, wholemeal flakes with skim milk or unsweetened yogurt, pine nuts, raw sunflower seeds, carrot and celery salad, seasoned with a spoonful of walnut butter and mineral water.

Remember that a balanced breakfast can provide energy for the whole day. Minimize your caffeine, sugar, and fat intake. Cancel all plans for the coming weekend, turn off your phone and get a good night's sleep.

Cause of Appetite - BOREDOM

  1. If a person wants to chew something, but at the same time he understands that he is not hungry.
  2. If you remember exactly what he ate at dinner yesterday, it doesn’t work right away.
  3. If it seems that reality is sucked into a bottomless quagmire.
  4. If it is difficult to focus on something, then most likely the real cause of hunger is banal BOREDOM.
A bored person longs for food that stimulates the appetite and energizes. These are rapidly digestible carbohydrates. Spicy, salty and any sharp-tasting food causes profuse salivation. It simulates the activity of brain activity, which, unfortunately, has short-term character .

How to stop eating out of boredom

the best
the solution in this situation is to combine carbohydrate foods with proteins. This combination can really stimulate brain activity.

Try a baked potato topped with a spoonful of sour cream , wholemeal pasta seasoned with tomato sauce with carrots and zucchini , small toast with peanut butter and fruit jam . You can even treat yourself to a handful of popcorn, but without the oil.

Let your motto be: "Better less, but more often." Stock up on fresh fruits and your favorite vegetables. Put fat-free yogurt in the most visible place in the refrigerator. And best of all, try not to even look in the direction of the kitchen. Clear the table of all sweets, cookies, bagels and other food that can be "nibbled on". Keep your hands busy, even while you're watching TV, fixing your nails or knitting.

Cause of overeating - DEPRESSION

  1. If trying to make a simple decision causes real panic.
  2. If you have lost interest in previously favorite activities and feel acute loneliness.
  3. If you are experiencing sleep disorders, whether it be insomnia or persistent sleepiness.
  4. If you are looking for solace in food, then, most likely, your hunger causes SAD, and perhaps even DEPRESSION.
At such moments, you crave sweets. Chocolate, sweets, cakes, cookies, muffins, donuts, ice cream with syrup, jam - the body requires glucose. In fact, all these foods contain a huge amount of simple carbohydrates. They stimulate the production of serotonin and endorphin, also called the "happiness hormone".

How to cope with the "jamming" of depression

Products containing vitamins of groups B and A will help overcome anxiety and sadness. They can have a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system. Unfortunately, dealing with depression with improvised means is very difficult. In such a situation, it would be most correct to contact a specialist who can identify the true, underlying cause of the depressive state. Detailed description we analyzed the recommendations of experts in one of the previous articles.

When sadness and longing fill your mind, try to eat tomatoes, tomato or pea soup, bake a small piece chicken breast or sea ​​fish, replace apples with applesauce.

Invite guests. The process of preparing food for someone else allows you to take time and focus not on food, but on the forthcoming fellowship. Eat mindfully, follow the rule: "I see everything I eat" and not "I eat everything I see."

I sat somehow chewing the fifth sandwich with sausage and thought, well, how do they not eat at all, how can they be tormented??

It is better to eat 100 calories 5 times a day than to eat all 500 calories at once;

Shake up your metabolism by constantly changing the amount of calories you consume. This will prevent your body from storing fat, as it does when low calorie diets- when, with a decrease in the number of calories consumed, weight continues to gain;

· Get ​​at least eight hours of sleep a day. Although a sleepless night allows you to burn calories, if you stay awake, your metabolism will slow down and your appetite will increase by 15 percent.

· Write down everything you eat in your notebook. So you can understand what was superfluous from what you ate, and also take you for a while;

Take vitamins so that your teeth, hair, skin and other things do not deteriorate;

· Diet colas and other carbonated diet drinks will give you a full stomach for just one calorie per glass;

· Brush your teeth and tongue at all times. The sensation in the mouth will reduce the desire to eat something, and the food will taste bad, so why eat food that doesn't taste good?

· Drink like a fish. Drink a glass of water or soda every hour. Drink as soon as you have the urge to put something in your mouth. It is better to drink ice water - the body will have to spend a few extra calories on warming it. Drink with meals to avoid overeating;

· Caffeine speeds up the metabolism. Drink two to three cups of coffee a day.

· Exercises. Engage in physical education. It will help you burn the calories you eat, the skin will not sag after too much fast weight loss, muscles will be in good shape, sports also reduce appetite. Try running or buy yourself a jump rope.

Be constantly on the move, well, at least swing your leg while doing homework or reading, and also sit upright - this way you spend more calories.

· Make your daily routine more stressful so that you do not have time for breakdowns and overeating. Try to stay out of the house longer;

Think about what to do with your mouth. It can be chewing gum, water, sugar-free refreshing hard candy, diet cola, or cigarettes;

· Put money in a piggy bank every time you could resist the temptation, or studied, already wallowing with fatigue. So, on top of that, you can buy yourself some little thing when you lose five kilos;

Eat junk food in the morning. So you will have a whole day ahead to spend the calories that entered your body along with these harmful things;

Eat naked in front of a mirror. This spectacle is impressive, and the piece simply does not go down the throat;

· Feel hungry. Don't try to resist it, just enjoy it. Feel the lightness that is felt after a few days of fasting. Love hunger and desire to be hungry;

Did you know that you have a kilo of dead skin on your body right now? And when the body lacks nutrients, that is, food, it does not shed dead skin. So you will have to do this - peeling for the face and body, a rough washcloth - and go ahead;

· Make a stack of magazines that will weigh approximately as much as you want to lose. As you lose weight, remove magazines from the stack. Watching weight loss in this way will help you imagine what it will be like when the ultimate goal is reached.

When you feel weak

There are moments when willpower leaves you and you are ready to break even on a once hated product. Here's how to avoid a breakdown:

Still, try to convince yourself that food is harmful;

· Leave the house without money and wander around until the feeling of hunger leaves you. Smoke more (if you smoke);

· Buy children's toothpaste and rub it on the tongue;

· If the thought of food came to your mind - count to a hundred, remembering why you are losing weight and how everything will be fine when you do lose weight;

The smell of coffee discourages appetite;

Chew food, but do not swallow it, but spit it out;

· If you feel the threat of a breakdown - make a plan for the next few hours. Clean up, write to someone, do your homework, stroke ... so that you don’t have a single free minute left;

· If you feel the courage to go into the kitchen - go in and throw away all potentially dangerous products;

· When you pass a candy store, a bakery, or when you feel that a breakdown is close - sprinkle some perfume near you (there are perfumes that cause nausea, which is very individual ... use them);

· Clean something. Cleaning something dirty can reduce your appetite. Toilet or wastebasket, under the sink of the washbasin ... clean everything that is dirty and smelly. Mess and also smell household chemicals take away your appetite for a while;

· Get ​​creative - write poetry, compose stories, draw anorexic girls with a bulging spine - this will keep you busy for a while.

hide anu

Anorexia is a mental disorder - didn't you know? Deny it to you at all costs. Pretend you don't even notice how thin you are. Here are some tricks:

· Try to look healthy. Drink plenty of water and go to the tanning salon (or use a self-tanner). Make up to not look pale, watch your hair, take vitamins. smile;

When you do decide to eat - do it in someone's company so that people do not say later that they have never seen you eat;

· When you leave guests, take a slice of pizza or something “to eat on the go” with you. But then throw it out;

Leave everywhere dirty dishes- to be scolded by your parents for it;

· Drink from opaque cups and spit food into it, pretending to drink;

· Eat very slowly;

· Leave no trace behind. Shut down pro-ana sites before letting someone else in front of the computer, don't leave a notepad in plain sight, well... clean up after yourself if you throw up.

I hope this guide will help you become emaciated and…well…beautiful. Remember - think about losing weight and try not to faint too often and die. kopets..