Disease of tomorrow. The habit of putting off important things until later is dangerous.

To be a great husband, you need ...
1. Cuddle with her.
The physical needs of men and women are very different. There are many types of intimacy - it's good to start with just a hug.

2. Don't expect her to owe you something.
I hugged you, now it's your turn, right? While sex is important, your wife doesn't want to feel like she's doing you a favor or doing her duty.

3. Bring home dinner.
If you know your wife has had a tough day, the last thing she wants to do is cook something else at home. Give her a break from the kitchen at least once in a while, buy something to take home or cook it yourself.

4. Entertain children.
Speaking of difficult days, another nice gift for her is to free her from everyone, including children for an hour or two.

5. Be a gentleman.
When you were dating, you did everything to impress her. But even now it does not take much effort. Open the door for her. Be polite, attentive - to her and to others.

6. Listen, but don't correct.
If your wife tells you something, she just wants to speak out. And you listen and comment less. And even more so, do not try to give advice and climb into your own business.

7. Compliment her.
Do you think your wife is beautiful, interesting and smart? How long ago did you tell her about it?

8. "Throw a chocolate bar at her and run."
And it's not a joke. If you do not understand, it means that you still live a little with this woman. When she's angry and just not herself, so there's no point in arguing, just throw her something sweet and run away for a while. Don't worry, she won't get angry.

9. Let her sleep.
Especially if she's a mom. Your little child. If you're at home, then let her sleep.

10. Appreciate her.
Your dirty clothes are magically clean and ironed in your closet. You had a noisy party last night, and today there is no trace of it in the house. Even the smell. Let her know that you appreciate everything she does.

11. Make an effort.
Just as she tries for your family, try and you. Give everything you can to your career, your kids, and especially her.

12. Support her hobbies.
Women very often forget about themselves for the sake of the family. Help her not to lose her individuality, motivate and help her to do what she really likes.

13. Ask how her day was.
Even if she was at home all day. Or was at work. Ask and listen. Try to understand her feelings.

14. Open up to her.
She wants to know how you really feel under the mask of being strong and cold-blooded. Real communication is the key to a strong marriage.

15. Apologize.
The woman will not calm down until the conflict is resolved. A man can easily forget about him as soon as the quarrel subsides. But she will continue to worry. So just apologize. Even if you're right.

16. Take her by the hand.
It's a very simple gesture that means a lot to her.

17. Respect her.
Even if you do not agree with her opinion, you must respect it. Talk to her respectfully when solving a problem.

People of the second type constantly put off important things until tomorrow, and as a result, many tasks remain unfinished. This is sometimes explained by laziness, but in psychology there is a special term for this state - “procrastination”.

Learn how to overcome procrastination clinical psychologist Elena Kharitontseva.

The word "procrastination" (from the Latin pro - "instead of", "ahead" and crastinus - "tomorrow") means a tendency to constantly put off important or unpleasant things for later. Because of it, students begin to study the subject the night before the exam, and start writing the thesis a week before the defense. Procrastination prevents employees from doing work, submitting projects and reports on time. This condition negatively affects the ability to make important decisions. Procrastination damages customer relationships and ruins companies.

Or maybe it's just laziness?

The problem of procrastination is much more serious than it seems at first glance. The habit of putting off important things for later is quite dangerous. It starts with one-time delays, but over time it turns into a pattern of behavior. The burden of unfinished business causes a persistent feeling of guilt in the procrastinator. This state is often called laziness, but there are a number of differences between a lazy person and a procrastinator.

First difference. Lazy people do not want to do anything at all and are bleak about new tasks. Procrastinators enthusiastically take on new projects, take on a mountain of tasks, but they cannot cope with them effectively or on time. Most often due to the fact that they are distracted by some other business.

Second difference. If the task is not completed on time, lazy people take it easy: if you don’t do it, it’s okay. For procrastinators, self-flagellation and self-deprecation begin.

Third difference. A task completed on time causes great elation in procrastinators, they are very proud of the result and are pleased with themselves. Lazy people in this case react more calmly, even indifferently.

Fourth difference. An important feature of procrastinators is imaginary optimism, especially when assessing the risk of not completing a certain task.

Who is a procrastinator

Procrastinators are usually people with low self-esteem. Most often they were raised by domineering parents. If adults force children to do everything strictly according to the schedule and control their every step, then by the beginning of adulthood, the child does not develop the skill of independently planning his affairs and fulfilling the plans without a clear external stimulus (for example, rigidly set deadlines or given promises). In this case, a person always transfers his affairs to tomorrow, to the day after tomorrow. He tells himself that he will do this when he gets more sleep, when he has more time, etc. Soon, the lack of results begins to interfere with work, and a person develops a lack of confidence in his abilities and his professionalism.

Procrastinators are not just playing for time - they replace the completion of the task with other things. For example, they watch news on the Internet or videos on YouTube. One more important feature procrastinators - low disease resistance. In psychology, there is a term “care for the disease”, when, from the unwillingness to do an important thing, a person has real symptoms of the disease: pressure jumps, his head and stomach hurt.

Systematics of cases

To solve the problem of procrastination, a very interesting model was invented by a Canadian system development specialist. Brian Tracy. He proposes to divide all postponed cases into three large groups.

The first group: deeds-"elephants"

These are big things or large-scale projects that require a lot of time and effort to complete. Such cases cause subconscious fear in people: it is not clear where to start and how to start such a big deal. Indeed, you cannot "eat" an elephant in one sitting. It is necessary to divide it into separate pieces and start with the most “tasty” (interesting). Then the person is gradually drawn into the work, and soon the other parts of the “elephant” also turn out to be “eaten”.

Russian psychologists propose to use personal motivation to accomplish great things. For a procrastinator, a good financial reward for work or a promise made to someone that you don’t want to break can be a strong incentive.

The second group: deeds - "frogs"

In the Tracy system, these are not very big, but unpleasant things that weigh heavily on the soul and cause remorse. Such a “frog” is a strong irritant: it constantly croaks (reminds of itself). In reality, it can be non-urgent unpleasant phone calls, letters, or a meeting that you don’t want to go to. It is better to do such things without delay (“swallow” this nasty “frog”, so that later you can forget about it forever).

However, if a person begins to successfully perform unpleasant “frog” deeds, a problem may appear. When the need arises at work to perform such tasks (for example, an impartial conversation with a person or an uninteresting task that no one wants to do), they can be constantly assigned to the person who knows how to do them: “You are good at this.” But in psychological and moral terms, doing unpleasant things for a person is a very costly task, so you need to build your own line of behavior so that such tasks do not become the main part of the work.

The third group: cases - "oranges"

This is how Tracy calls small relatively simple cases of equal importance and volume. So that they do not accumulate and are not a reproach to the procrastinator, “oranges” should be done regularly. It is better to make it a rule to do, for example, two such cases daily, so that they do not accumulate.

We solve the problem

The following rules will help you learn how to complete all the planned tasks on time and without haste.

1st rule: immediately make a list of accumulated cases (current and future).

2nd rule: prioritize and break big things into parts. Make a list of tasks in this order - first the most important, then less urgent, and at the very end those tasks that have already lost their relevance or were not important or mandatory from the very beginning. Large-scale projects and deeds - "elephants" need to be divided into individual stages and set specific deadlines for their implementation.

3rd rule: start the mechanism of rationalization, i.e. create elementary conditions for the fulfillment of the tasks set. If you are at work, forbid yourself to enter email or social media(it is better to turn off the Internet altogether for a while). If you work from home, turn off the TV and warn your loved ones not to be disturbed for a certain amount of time (for example, three hours).

4th rule: organize a replacement mechanism. To take a break from work, you need to switch to another type of activity. If you work at a computer, then switching to chatting on the Internet, reading books or watching TV does not count as a change in activity. For relaxation, you can do exercises, go to the store.

The change of activity should be cardinal, while any semi-useful work will be better than pseudo-useful.

Rule 5: Be positive. Things not done on time cause a feeling of guilt, and to overcome it, great mental and emotional costs are required. Therefore, you can’t call yourself a loser: you need to step by step build your actions that will help change the situation, and begin to act immediately - at least by compiling a to-do list.

Rule 6: Optimize the order in which things are done. The most unpleasant thing on the list is best done right away (swallowing these "frogs" so that they no longer croak). Then you can proceed to the most pleasant and interesting things, and only then switch to the less interesting ones.

7th rule: set time limits. For example, if you have two tasks scheduled for the day, you need to take 2-3 hours to complete them, and then please yourself with something pleasant. But you need to do these things every day. With this approach, you can decompose a huge "elephant" into small things - "oranges" - and the work will successfully move forward.

Hidden Barriers

Sometimes a person has some personal reasons for procrastination that prevent them from starting work. For example, he lacks some knowledge or needs someone's advice. Among the reasons for procrastination may be the fear of failure or the fear of getting into trouble. Even the fear of success can become a brake - the fear that they will begin to entrust more complex and responsible tasks.

All of the above applies to normal and psychological healthy people who have serious motivation, but lack organization, self-discipline or the ability to plan and distribute their affairs. But failing to pull yourself together and procrastinate can be a sign of an anxiety disorder or severe depression. In this case, the person needs the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

Oh, I'm afraid to write reviews about hair. As soon as someone writes or says if there are improvements, it turns out that I croak at myself. But I'll try!

After a hormonal failure, which she treated for 3 years, androgenetic alopecia remained. Hair fell out 200 pieces a day (as the phototrichogram showed, I have 276 hairs on average per 1 sq. cm). Yes, I counted them. Until now, sometimes I think to check the effects of certain drugs. In addition, I was so desperate that I began to collect them, so that later I could make myself a hairpiece. My great-grandmother collected her hair all her life, and then in her old age she went with a huge chestnut braid around her gray head.

I've tried everything! I was ready to go to psychics or healers, I had a real depression. I decided to try the last resort and went for mesotherapy. Before that, I heard a lot of bad things about trichologists and centers in St. Petersburg, I chose the clinic that had the least reviews. I really liked the doctor. He turned out to be an excellent psychologist and an interesting conversationalist. I left him with such high spirits, I wanted to move mountains! There was no question who I would entrust mesotherapy to.

I had mesotherapy with a scalproller. It hurts! Every time I clung to the chair with my hands. Sometimes it was very painful, sometimes it was bearable. I think it depends on the sensitivity different periods cycle. After the roller rubbed cocktails. The whole head was in small bloody dots.

I felt the effect after the first time. Before that, no matter how much I ran through my hair, there were always 3-6 hairs. No matter how much you spend, they will always remain in your hands. After the first procedure, without combing, I braided a pigtail and left. In the evening, I untwisted it, ran it through my hair, only 2-3 hairs remained! Throughout the week, the hair fell out significantly less. Yes! And the scalp hurt all day after the first treatment.

From 2 to 5 somewhere, the hair somehow fell out again and I doubted very much, I shared these thoughts with the doctor. He said that old hair can fall out quickly (I hate this effect). He prescribed between procedures to make a mask with peppercorns and compliment. What did the trichologist bribe again, did not prescribe some mega-expensive drugs!

Before the meso, I did peppercorns, there was not much effect. But together with the meso, the result was not long in coming! By the end of the second month, I looked closely and noticed somehow after washing that antennas were sticking out all over my head. By that time, my hair was falling out absolutely normal. And most importantly, I was not afraid to wash my hair and comb my wet hair. Before that, it was impossible to even think about it!

By the way, itching and peeling of the skin began during the meso with a scalpel proller. there were germs everywhere. Itched always and everywhere, right up to indecent! But I was saved instantly with sulfate-free shampoo.

The trichologist initially explained that the meso-result is not forever, from six months to a year. The procedure must be done regularly. And, if you want to have healthy hair, start in your life such a column as annual expenses for meso. I ordered another 2-3 months to do peppercorns, because. it not only provides blood flow, but mainly blocks the nerve endings, and therefore, during stress, the hair reacts less. He also advised me to apply Dixidox-Forte in half a year.

After the cancellation, the first 2-3 weeks everything was perfect (I also sprinkled esvicin for the experiment). I began to dream that by the summer I would grow my hair and make a biowave. I got acquainted with nicotinic acid, which damnably did not suit me, my hair began to fall out again, not so much, but what is most offensive, my new short ones began to fall out. But this is all a separate review.

In general, mesotherapy helped me get off the ground, because. For a few years things only got worse, nothing helped. I saw the results and I'm happy with them. The main thing now is to properly support it.

By the way, this is not such an expensive procedure (compared to specialized clinics). It took me 14000 rubles for 10 procedures. It would be 18000, but they gave me a 20% discount, because I paid in courses of 3 treatments. Of course, it’s hard to tear off 5 thousand from yourself every month, but it was worth it!

1- such a chignon managed to be assembled in more than a month
2- this is how the scalproller looks like
3 - my antennas in the second month

At the same time, if you do not follow the rules for skin care with these problems, you can significantly worsen the situation.

Washing water should be warm, cold and hot water, sudden changes in temperature are strictly contraindicated. It is necessary to completely abandon soap, even tar, which has many fans, especially among owners of problem skin prone to acne. The fact is that any soap contains a high percentage of sodium sulfate, which dries out the skin, and this is especially harmful for rosacea. Soap not only often provokes an exacerbation. In general, with couperose and rosacea, you will have to carefully study the composition of each cosmetic product. Among the forbidden ingredients are alcohol, menthol, camphor, sodium hydroxides, salicylic acid (for rosacea), polyols, honey, aloe, eucalyptus and clove oil. It is also recommended to avoid dyes, flavors and preservatives. Creamy cleansing lotions contain wax, which can clog pores, so they can be used for but not for rosacea.

Scrubs and rosacea

It is impossible to clean the skin with a scrub with solid abrasive particles; it injures sensitive skin with fragile blood vessels. But soft enzyme with plant enzymes papain and bromelain and delicate exfoliant creams are suitable. Traditional medicine advises for cleansing masks from berries, fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, with symptoms of rosacea, and even these innocent, at first glance, methods can do harm - untreated acids strongly irritate the skin. Any cosmetic product is applied with your fingertips - mittens, hard sponges and brushes cannot be used. The ideal remedy for home daily cleansing can be called micellar water for sensitive skin. It easily replaces washing. If there is a habit of washing with tap water, then it is better to put a filter, because the alkali that is present in the water dries the skin a lot.

Salon cleansing procedures for vascular disorders

Salon procedures also will not please with variety. Numerous cleansing procedures - manual, mechanical, laser, vacuum and even atraumatic cleaning, dermabrasion, brushing and almost all types of peeling are not suitable, these methods are too aggressive. But you need to regularly clean the pores and get rid of dead skin cells, regardless of its type and problems. And so many people face the symptoms of rosacea, so there is a solution.

First of all, it is ultrasonic cleaning, the softest of the existing ones. The method is based on the impact of high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations. Under their influence, cellular metabolism is activated, comedones and keratinized skin particles are removed, while the epidermis is not injured. It is difficult to remove deep comedones with such cleansing, but it can be done constantly, so the results will be, just not immediately. Oily skin can be cleaned with ultrasound once every seven to ten days, dry skin once a month. The procedure takes only 15 minutes. Its cost starts from 2500r. But with a pronounced rosacea, even such a cleaning is not recommended, although the final verdict is made by a specialist - the matter here depends on the specific localization of the vessels. We remind you that the specialist decides whether the method is safe for your skin. Other contraindications include herpes, eczema, skin tumors, acute infectious diseases. Pregnancy is a conditional contraindication, in the normal state of health of a pregnant woman, 7-8 minutes of operation of an ultrasonic handpiece with a frequency of 28-32 Hz will not harm the fetus.


Another type of cleaning is called galvanization (disincrustation), it is allowed even with multiple telangiectasias. IN Lately There are heated discussions about whether or not to use galvanic current for hypersensitive skin, and most experts are inclined to believe that it is not worth it. However, if there are no other options, then galvanization cleans the skin with a galvanometer and saline. An electric current increases the permeability of blood vessels and increases the speed of blood flow, and saline flushes out the sebaceous secret from the pores. The strength of the current depends on the sensitivity of the person. Such a procedure should not be done more than once every two weeks; a course of 4-6 procedures will be required to achieve a visible effect. The course can be repeated after three months.

Contraindications: pregnancy, pacemaker, decreased blood clotting, any neoplasms, and (including telangiectasia), including papillomas, purulent inflammation, rash, dermatitis, eczema, intolerance to electric current. The cost of galvanization - from 1500r.

Chemical peels for vascular disorders

As we have already said, such a popular skin cleansing method as peeling is practically not suitable for skin with rosacea. The exceptions are only a few types of peels and acids - milk, almond and gas-liquid peels, and from acids - azelaic acid is even indicated for rosacea and pyruvic acid. Lacto-Flora peeling by Pevonia Botanica and Lacto-Flora peeling by Medicalia are also well tolerated by patients.

lactic acid obtained from fermented milk. It is part of the natural moisturizing factor (MMP) and stimulates fibroblasts to produce hyaluronic acid. Gel peels based on lactic acid slowly penetrate the skin, so they do not cause irritation. They are suitable for both the most dry and oily skin. The most popular types are Argipil with arginine and 20% lactic acid and Laktipil with 90% acid and DMAE. For fragile capillaries, Argipil is especially indicated. It can be done all year round, and Laktipil - only during the period of the inactive sun. Peelings are carried out in a course of 4-8 procedures every 7-10 days.

The cost of one procedure - from 3000r.

Almond peeling similar to milk. Mandelic acid, like lactic acid, belongs to the class of alpha hydroxy acids. Its large molecules (larger than a glycolic acid molecule) also slowly and evenly penetrate the skin. For the treatment of acne, such peeling is the best. It can be done regularly every two weeks or a course of 6 treatments once a week.

Cost - from 1000r.

Gas-liquid peeling (aqua peeling) performed using a machine that cleans the skin with a thin jet of oxygen and saline. The flow works at a speed of 200-300m/s. This gentle method does not cause allergies and irritations, the air temperature does not rise. If necessary, vitamins and agents can be injected into the skin to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, which is especially important when they are fragile. The course may consist of 3-10 procedures, and then it is recommended to do maintenance sessions once a month.

Normal sexual activity for every man is the most important indicator of health. Therefore, when for some reason problems with sexual function begin, this affects not only sexual health, but also greatly injures a man psychologically. In such a situation, it is important to find out the cause and learn how to improve an erection, if possible, without resorting to chemical preparations.

Now there are many ways to help men overcome erection problems and lead a normal healthy lifestyle without sexual problems.

What affects erection?

An erection is a state of the penis, its hardening, which allows a man to have sexual intercourse. main role in the control and regulation of erection plays the brain, which "controls" erection, receiving a signal from a sexual stimulus. And the stronger the impact of the stimulus, the greater the signal the brain gives to increase the erection in a man.

Frequent problems in men (unstable or weak erection, too rapid ejaculation) can occur for various reasons.

Therefore, when sexual problems appear, the first step should always be a man’s refusal from all bad habits, active sports.

Men are usually embarrassed to go to doctors to find out how erection problems can be solved, and therefore they either look for information on the net or use it, which only helps for a while.

Diseases that affect male erection:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (acute and chronic prostatitis, cystitis, prostate adenoma, urethritis);
  • diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, stress, depression, apathy, VS-dystonia, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia, etc.);
  • testicular disease;
  • cardiovascular diseases (ischemic disease, hypertension, arterial hypertension, stroke and hypertensive crisis, heart attack, vascular atherosclerosis, etc.);
  • endocrine diseases (low testosterone levels, obesity, male menopause, diabetes, anorexia);
  • psycho-emotional reasons (syndrome of expectation of failure in sex, suspiciousness, mental problems);
  • long physical exercise and fatigue;
  • surgery or injury;
  • lifestyle associated with sedentary work and inactivity;
  • smoking and abuse of alcohol and drugs;
  • harmful factors: radiation and electromagnetic radiation;
  • abuse of fatty foods, malnutrition, carbonated drinks and beer, fast foods and sweets;
  • sexually transmitted diseases and infections;
  • childhood infections;
  • old age (deterioration of erection occurs from 45 to 80 years).

Important! One of the most common causes of problems with erection and male potency is the usual lack of sleep and lack of time for the body to recuperate after physical and emotional stress.

Folk recipes to improve erection

There are many recipes traditional medicine, allowing to achieve an improvement in erection at home through the use of herbal infusions and mixtures.

Here are some of them:

From ginseng root

Add 0.5 l of boiling water to 100 g of the root, insist 3 days in warmth, then boil over low heat for 4 hours. After cooling, add 2 tsp. cinnamon and 50 g honey, stir well. You need to use 100 g 2 times a day - and a good riser is provided.
Thyme tincture: chop the herb and pour 10 g of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. and strain, drink 0.5 tbsp. 2 p. in a day.

Nettle infusion

50 g of fresh herbs nettle pour 1st. boiling water, insist, strain, put 1 tsp. honey. Such folk remedy for a riser, you need to take it directly 30 minutes before. before sexual contact.

Walnut kernels (200 g) with honey

stir (honey should cover the mixture), hold in a water bath for 2-3 minutes. and pour into a glass container, leave for 3 weeks. Take 2 tbsp. every day, better with tea.

  • often walk barefoot, stimulating active points on the foot that respond to male abilities;
  • apply a contrast shower when bathing, you can twice a day;
  • put mustard plasters on your feet for 1 hour, putting on warm socks, then rinse your feet cold water and wipe well - have an effect on strengthening erection;
  • physical exercises that improve blood circulation in the pelvis and in the genitourinary system; one of the well-known complexes is special Kegel exercises: their essence is to train the muscles of the pelvic floor to strengthen them (these are the muscles that men use to stop urination) - 18 contractions daily in a lying or sitting position and a powerful erection is provided;
  • there are also some exercises that allow you to prolong the erection as long as possible and learn to control the process of ejaculation, for example, the “stop art” technique or the “squeeze” technique, etc.

List of products - natural aphrodisiacs for men

A healthy and balanced diet has a great influence not only on improving the figure and normalizing the weight of a man, but also on his physical and sexual capabilities. There are some products that improve erection, which are considered natural aphrodisiacs:

  • the most popular: coffee and wine (in small quantities), dark chocolate, oysters and hot peppers;
  • dairy products;
  • garlic and varieties of onions - have a cleansing effect on blood vessels and increase blood flow;
  • eggs, raw or boiled with the addition of onions (scrambled eggs);
  • sweets that affect arousal: honey, hazelnuts and other types of nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, etc.;
  • meat, fish (especially sea ​​fish and shellfish) dishes (but low-fat and not fried!);
  • vegetables: carrots, lettuce, parsley, pepper and dill.

Regular consumption of such products will help a man solve erection problems over time.

Drugs - effective and very effective

Medicines that improve erection are divided depending on the substance that makes them up:

  • products with vardenophil, a synthetic substance for the treatment of impotence, - they have good efficiency, the only side effect is slight pain in the lumbar region, and in case of an overdose, headaches and dizziness are possible;
  • yohimbine products(alkaloid, which is contained in the bark of the African tree of the same name) - excite nervous system, stimulate the breakdown of fats in the male body, sexual function and allow you to increase the duration of erection; side effects minimal (dizziness, increased pressure);
  • products containing cantharidin(a synthetic analogue of a substance that is obtained from spanish flies) is a strong poison that is almost never used in medicine, but is found in minimal doses in drugs that improve erection; overdose is dangerous to health (severe intoxication).

To quickly get rid of erection problems, doctors also recommend taking drugs for male potency: Viagra, etc. (, in it, we compared all the most popular drugs for potency and made a rating) They, as a rule, allow you to quickly strengthen an erection and increase potency in a difficult time for a man.

One of the problems arising from erectile dysfunction is rapid ejaculation, which greatly reduces the possibility and quality of sexual intercourse.

How to increase erection time? In order to prolong the duration of sexual contact, modern pharmacologists have developed drugs that restrain too rapid ejaculation - prolongators.

The most effective prolongators to increase the duration of an erection:\

  • Dapoxetine- affects the activity of that part of the brain that stimulates ejaculation. In the presence of a double problem: poor potency and rapid ejaculation, dapoxetine is taken along with Viagra - this will make a stone riser.

  • sexil- a herbal preparation that does not have negative side effects, which prolongs the time of sexual contact by relieving anxiety due to unsuccessful sexual contact.

Important! When taking prolongation agents, it is necessary to take into account the presence of lidocaine in their composition. Such drugs give an immediate effect, but do not give a long-term therapeutic effect.

The most effective modern method that allows you to get a powerful penis erection with the help of injections (shot) into the penis of a drug (usually Papaverine), which dilates blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow and making an erection “to order”. This will allow a man to have a full erection, regardless of sexual desire.

Such injections can be done regularly even long time without any health effects. The only trouble (according to patients) is a slight pain at the injection site.

Persistence is the key to success

The quality and the erectile function itself depend on hormonal background the body of a man, his psycho-emotional well-being and the state of health of all organs involved in the process of erection: blood vessels, prostate gland, testicles.

The most common causes of poor erection are psychological, which can be associated with irregular sex life, overexcitation or lack of excitement, fears, etc.

Therefore, regular sex life with the same partner is a good stimulant for increasing potency and will help strengthen a man's erection.

Interesting! According to scientists monthly rate The number of orgasms, equal to 21, reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 22%.

Riser or non-rise

Having studied all the causes and problems with erection in men, we can draw the most important conclusion: to solve the problem of the "riser", you must, first of all, lead a normal healthy lifestyle, have regular sex and be less nervous - and then the iron riser is provided!