How to improve metabolism for weight loss. Fast metabolism - good or bad? Learning to determine your metabolism

How to improve the metabolism in the body in order to lose weight - this question is asked not only by women, but also by men. Toxins in the intestines clog its walls. Metabolism is disturbed, weight begins to increase rapidly.

In addition to excess body weight, a person acquires many different pathologies.

Therefore, it is important to improve metabolic processes not only for weight loss, but also for the normalization of health. Some drugs will help to improve the metabolism in the body, the right lifestyle, healthy eating, sports.

What needs to be done to restore metabolic processes

Excess weight occurs as a result of improper metabolism. This leads to non-compliance with the diet, low physical activity. To understand how to speed up the metabolism in the body and lose weight, a person needs to pay attention to the factors described below.

Metabolism worsens due to constant snacking, evening overeating, when eating junk food. You do not need to use flour products, prefer black to white bread.

Worse metabolism, blood circulation, fatty, fried foods, canned food, sausages, smoked meats. Many people eat fast foods, but almost all of them contain trans fats, which not only clog the intestines, but also lead to the development of blood clots. Coffee, carbonated drinks are the enemies of the figure.

Eat should be fractional, that is, several times a day.
Portions should fit visually in the palm of your hand - be small.
It is much more useful than just breakfast, lunch, dinner.

It is advisable to focus on vegetables and fruits. But this does not mean that meat and fish cannot be eaten.
You can eat low-fat meat, fish products. The last time it is fashionable to eat no later than 2.5 hours before a night's sleep. At night, it is better to drink a glass of fat-free yogurt or eat a salad.

Arrange yourself! Exclusive information from our website nutritionist.

saving water
Water is the basis of metabolism, it will help speed it up and quickly remove toxins.
To improve, restore metabolic processes, you can drink juices, teas, mineral water, but not carbonated. Give preference to green ginger tea.

Ginger is involved in the stimulation of thermogenesis, that is, in the production of heat, which accompanies all processes occurring in the body. In overweight people, thermogenesis is slowed down, so their metabolism is disturbed.

Instead of being converted into heat, the food settles in the form of adipose tissue. Ginger root contains bioactive trace elements that break down fats well and remove toxins.

Ginger tea neutralizes gases accumulated in the digestive system, serves as a source of energy, increases blood circulation, and normalizes the amount of sugar in the blood.

Green tea improves metabolism, removes toxins, toxins, excess fluid, due to a mild diuretic effect. Tea lowers blood sugar levels, which leads to a decrease in appetite, which is important in the process of losing weight.

normal sleep

No matter how strange it may sound, but many metabolic processes in the body are disturbed precisely because of improper sleep. When a person sleeps little, glucose levels and the activity of the sympathetic nervous system increase.

The ratio of hormones that suppress and stimulate appetite changes in favor of overeating.

About losing weight with bran

Advantages of the diet:

  • extra pounds are rapidly disappearing;
  • metabolic processes are restored and accelerated;
  • lipids (fats) are quickly consumed.

The disadvantages of nutrition include complexity, because people will be haunted by a constant feeling of hunger. But it just needs to be endured.


  • the period of gestation and lactation;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiac pathologies;
  • psycho-neurotic diseases;
  • chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acute, chronic diseases;
  • age up to 18 years.

If there are no contraindications, then after 21 days, a person loses up to 12 kg.


  • 1 day - boiled potatoes, kefir, herbal decoctions;
  • 2 days - fat-free cottage cheese, kefir, herbal decoctions;
  • 3 days - apples, kefir, decoctions of herbs;
  • 4 days - chicken white meat, kefir, decoctions of herbs;
  • 5 days - pears, kefir, decoctions of herbs;
  • 6 days - mineral water;
  • Day 7 - apples, pears, kefir, decoctions of herbs.
  • Daily rate per week of rest - no more than 130 kcal.


  • flour products;
  • fatty foods;
  • pickles;
  • smoked meats;
  • fried foods;
  • sweet dishes;
  • caffeinated, alcoholic drinks and energy drinks.

It is necessary to eat every two hours, the last meal at 18.00.
The Pierre Dukan diet consists of a four-phase program. The first is attack. At this stage, the maximum weight is lost. In the second phase, the body is cleansed of toxins, the third and fourth phases reinforce the processes of weight loss.

Products that burn fat on the stomach and sides:

  1. Beef, veal, poultry, lean bacon.
  2. Fish and seafood.
  3. Quail and chicken eggs.
  4. Fat-free dairy products.
  5. Tofu cheese.

The first step in the diet- proteinaceous. You can use all of the above products. You need to cook them in a slow cooker, oven, on the grill, but do not fry. Water, tea, coffee are allowed in an indefinite amount, the only prohibition is sugar. For 7 days you can lose up to 6 kg. Losing weight while following all the rules of the diet is not stressful.

The second phase is the alternation of meat and vegetable products. Vegetables can be eaten in the form of salads, but without adding oil, meat - boiled, baked.

The third phase is fixing the weight. You can eat foods identical to the second phase, plus green apples, oranges, kiwi. Restriction - bananas. The phase lasts a week.

The fourth stage is stabilization. Once a week it is necessary to arrange a protein day, be sure to include fiber in the form of bran in the diet (eat 50 g once a day).

If you eat right and lead a healthy and active lifestyle, why not “weight loss”?

All ways to improve metabolism should be discussed with your doctor. We must not forget that the body is individual for everyone, it can also react to certain methods of losing weight in different ways.

Often the cause of excess weight is a slow metabolism. Today, this is a completely solvable problem.

There are several methods for effectively accelerating metabolism and solving problems of excess weight:

1. Eat often, but in small portions.

The main condition of many diets is the crushing of food. Up to 10% of the calories consumed per day are consumed in order to process the nutrients entering the body. Thus, food speeds up the metabolic process.

2. Physical activity.

Regular strength exercises with weights, walking, running, cycling contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue, as well as the acceleration of the metabolic rate, the effect persists for an hour after training. It is known that the metabolic rate slows down at the end of the day, evening workouts prevent this. In addition, the effect of them lasts up to several hours after the end. Thus, fat is burned during sleep. It is worth remembering that training is best done at least three hours before bedtime.

3. Increase in muscle volume.

Muscle tissue burns many more calories to function than adipose tissue. Half a kilo of muscle tissue consumes about 35-45 calories daily, and the same mass of adipose tissue consumes only 2 calories. And this means that the more developed the muscles, the more calories are burned in the process of life.

4. Massage for weight correction.

As a result of anti-cellulite massage, blood circulation increases, and therefore metabolism is accelerated.

Honey massage promotes self-healing of muscles, improves blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate.

Vacuum massage improves blood microcirculation in muscles and tissues, speeds up metabolism, helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

5. Bath.

The bath increases the level of metabolism several times. Steam opens the skin pores, expels accumulated toxins, increases the heart rate. Bath accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and cells and restores the body.

Infrared sauna also helps to speed up the metabolism. Infrared radiation ensures free breathing of the skin and enhances cellular activity.

6. Water.

Water is the most important participant in the body's metabolic processes. This is the basis of metabolism! It is able to involve stored fats in metabolic processes and suppress appetite. Lack of water significantly slows down metabolism, as main task liver becomes the restoration of fluid reserves in the body, rather than burning fat.

7. Hot baths with the addition of oils.

Baths with the addition of juniper oil will help relieve muscle pain, improve blood circulation and sweating, as well as metabolism. But remember that hot baths with the addition of juniper oil are recommended to take no more than 5-10 minutes.

8. Sleep.

The growth hormone responsible for renewing brain cells, accelerating metabolism and burning calories is produced in the body during the deep sleep phase. In this way healthy sleep lasting at least 8 hours promotes weight loss.

9. Sunlight.

Sunlight activates and stabilizes the body's defenses, positively affects the general condition of a person.

10. Oxygen.

Oxygen speeds up metabolism, due to which subcutaneous fat is burned.

11. No stress.

Fatty acids during stressful situations are released and redistributed throughout the body, deposited in fat.

12. Sex.

The orgasm received during sex improves the nutrition of tissues, saturates the blood with oxygen and speeds up the metabolism.

13. Contrast shower.

A contrast shower helps to maintain the elasticity of the body and increase metabolism. It is recommended to take such a shower with a decrease from 34 to 20 degrees and always end with cold water.

14. Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, which normalizes nervous system and organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalo-acetic and others. It slightly reduces appetite, as well as cravings for sweets, accelerates the breakdown of fats and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

How to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss: in a glass of water - half a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The drink should be taken before meals. Apple cider vinegar is useful for rubbing in the area of ​​stretch marks and cellulite: it will give the skin smoothness, freshness, and help reduce volume.

15. Fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids regulate leptin levels in the body. This hormone is responsible for the metabolic rate, as well as for the processes of burning and accumulating fat.

16. Protein.

The body needs 2 times more time to digest protein foods than easily digestible fats and carbohydrates. According to Danish scientists, a 20% increase in protein in the diet increases energy costs by 5%.

17. Vitamin B 6.

Taking vitamin B 6 helps speed up metabolism.

18. Folic acid.

Folic acid, found in large quantities in carrots, strengthens the immune system and speeds up the body's metabolism.

19. Caffeine and EGGG.

Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the metabolic rate by 10-15%, promotes the release of fatty acids.

According to Canadian nutritionists, a three-time intake of caffeine with 90 g of EGGG will help get rid of 25 kcal per day even in the absence of physical activity. A cup of morning coffee improves endurance and blood oxygen saturation for several hours. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate, while speeding up the burning of calories. EGGG excites the nervous system, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the level of [b]metabolism by 10-16%, and also promotes the release of accumulated fatty acids.

20. Capsaicin.

Capsaicin is the substance that gives pepper its spiciness. It increases heart rate and raises body temperature. A serving of spicy food speeds up metabolism by 25% for three hours.

You can get rid of 305 kcal per day by eating light snacks seasoned with red hot pepper. But it is also worth remembering that spicy food stimulates the appetite.

21. Chrome.

Chromium is responsible for regulating the flow of sugar into the blood, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and, therefore, speeds up the metabolism.

22. Calcium, fiber, carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are rather slowly absorbed by the body. If the level of insulin in the blood is unstable, the body begins to store fat, perceiving this as a dangerous signal. When the level of insulin is normal, the metabolic rate increases by 10%.

Calcium can also speed up metabolism. According to the observations of British nutritionists, by increasing calcium intake, overweight people lost weight much faster.

23. Grapefruit.

Grapefruit is widely known for its ability to improve digestion and increase metabolic rate. That is why it is a hit of many weight loss diets.

24. Lemon.

Drinking non-carbonated water with the addition of lemon during training will help activate the metabolism and the process of burning fat.

25. Fruit acids.

Most fruit acids allow you to lose extra pounds by speeding up your metabolism. This, for example, is facilitated by substances contained in apples.

26. Iodine.

The thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism in the body. Iodine activates its work. Its daily value is found in just six apple seeds. Seaweed is rich in iodine.

We have good news for anyone who thinks they inherited metabolic problems from their parents. You can get rid of them. Thanks to a new study, scientists have learned that it is possible to make the body burn calories more intensively, especially in the gym. So, for example, the inevitable age-related changes in metabolism can be corrected with just two strength training sessions per day. gym in Week. Before you 11 better ways to speed up metabolic processes.

1. The right strategy when playing sports

You can do anything: swim, run or even walk. The main thing is that after 30-second intervals you increase the intensity of the load. The "torn" rhythm of classes allows the body to consume more oxygen. As a result, mitochondria burn energy more actively. This strategy will allow your muscles to increase the number of useful organelles. And this means that with the right approach, you can spend less time on classes, but spend them more efficiently.

A good example: 5 minutes you run at a normal speed - 5.5 kilometers per hour. Then, for exactly one minute, increase your running speed to 6.5 kilometers per hour. The next segment at normal speed will take you one and a half minutes. Repeat the entire sequence 5 times.

2. Fill your body with omega-3 fatty acids

A diet rich in fish (salmon, herring, and tuna) will help boost your metabolism. Omega-3 fatty acids found in seafood help balance blood sugar and reduce inflammation. Also, these beneficial substances inhibit the resistance of the hormone leptin, which prevents our body from burning fat quickly. If you don't like fish, you can enrich your diet linseed oil, walnuts and eggs.

3. Do strength training

Besides the fact that muscles weigh more than fat, they use a lot of the energy stored in the body. It has been estimated that the average woman in her 30s can improve her metabolism with strength training lasting 30-40 minutes. However, you don't have to do it every day. Enough to devote to strength training 2-3 times a week. This scheme in 4 months will help the body burn 100 more calories daily.

4. Drink green tea

This type of tea has become very popular due to the presence of antioxidant polyphenols in its composition. However, new research data has revealed another useful substance - catechin. This active ingredient speeds up the metabolism. It has been scientifically proven that people who prefer green tea lose more weight when dieting than those who do not use this tonic drink. Active consumption of the product increases energy expenditure by 90 calories per day.

5. Don't cut calories too much.

This is one of the most frustrating realities of dieting: if you cut calories too much, your metabolism will pause to burn fat. The body needs to conserve energy for the future. That's why don't try to cut calories too much to leave your metabolism alone. So, for example, a 40-year-old woman should not consume less than 1330 calories daily.

6. Enjoy your post-workout time

With excess oxygen consumption during exercise, your body will return to its previous metabolic rate only after a few hours. In fact, the body can burn even more calories not during, but after an intense workout. However, there is one problem here. With optimal physical fitness, you will get less benefit from exercise. Your body is also insured and replenishes energy reserves. That is why it is more effective to alternate load and rest.

7. Don't skip breakfast

A nutrient-dense breakfast will wake up not only you, but your metabolism as well. Eat oat flakes with almonds and berries or an omelet with spinach and whole grain bread.

8. Eat small meals

There is nothing wrong with snacking on vegetables, fruits, or nuts. At least 6 meals a day will help curb hunger and consume fewer calories compared to eating 2-3 meals a day. Or divide your daily menu into small portions of 300 calories.

9. Limit your intake of trans fats

You've heard that trans fats are bad. However, they can also affect the metabolic processes in the body. These substances bind to the fatty cells of the liver and slow down the metabolism. They also increase insulin resistance.

10. Go organic

That is why you should consume more organic products. Vegetables, fruits, grains grown without pesticides do not expose the thyroid gland to toxic effects. The endocrine system is the body's thermostat and determines how fast it works.

11. Focus on protein foods

Remember that protein takes longer to digest than fat or carbohydrates. By eating protein foods, you keep feeling full for much longer. Protein also helps maintain muscle mass.

Many people notice that gradually their metabolism or metabolism slows down. Extra pounds, fatigue begin to appear. In order to speed it up, improve the condition of the body and lose weight without harm to health, you need to figure out what affects the slowdown in metabolism, and how to speed it up with natural methods.

What slows down metabolism

There are dozens of factors that slow down metabolism. Some of them can be influenced, and significantly speed up the metabolism.

Lack of thyroid hormones and other hormonal disorders. Diseases thyroid gland can both speed up and slow down the metabolism. This is especially evident in women when they sit on various diets for a long time and hardly lose a couple of kilos. So, for example, undiagnosed polycystic ovaries can make it difficult to lose weight. In such cases, correction with drugs and medical supervision is necessary.

Age and gender. Due to the difference in volume muscle mass the metabolic rate in men is slightly higher. With age due to accumulated toxins, seated image of life, the metabolism slows down by an average of 5% for every 10 years of life.

Excess weight. Metabolic rate is affected different types fabrics. Muscle improves metabolism compared to body fat. Due to the fact that they are denser in structure and move more, their need for burning calories is higher. With weight gain due to fat, calorie burning slows down.

Lack of protein and fiber intake. The lack of fiber from fruits and vegetables in the diet can increase a person's weight by 5-7%. And animal protein from fish and meat dishes is a building material for muscles, which activates metabolic processes. It is also found in poultry, mushrooms, nuts, and dairy products.

Lack of iron, calcium and vitaminD. Calcium and iron allow fats to be absorbed faster. Iron is also responsible for transporting oxygen to the muscles where calories are burned. To improve metabolic processes will help replenish the lack of iron and calcium from natural sources- meat, seafood, greens, oatmeal, dairy products. Vitamin D is directly involved in metabolism. Bran, oily fish such as mackerel, trout, and salmon fillets help to fill its shortage.

What helps speed up metabolism

  • Physical activity, namely power training aimed at the development, increase and activation of muscle mass. Aerobic long-term cardio workouts affect the vascular system and cause calories to be burned faster.
  • Daily breakfast. At night, metabolic processes slow down. The body needs to be restarted morning reception food. Cells need to get enough energy and healthy nutrients in the morning to work efficiently throughout the day and not accumulate more excess fat.
  • Separate food. Three daily meals are best divided into 5-6. Long periods of time between meals reduce the metabolic rate. Feeding calories in small portions throughout the day will keep the metabolism at a certain level. More about separate meals -.
  • Food must be healthy. Ordinary snacks and fast food as mini-snacks will not work. You need a complete source of protein, as well as a large portion of fiber-rich vegetables. The body uses a lot of energy to break down these nutrients. Ideal products for this are leafy and green vegetables, sea or river fish, blueberries, fresh tomatoes, whole grains, and unsweetened fruits.

  • Sufficient liquid. A dehydrated body slows down metabolic processes, affecting the temperature of the body, and it begins to store fat. This metabolic trap can be avoided by drinking at least 2 liters of plain water per day.
  • B group vitamins. The lack of such important vitamins for the body causes fatigue, decreased muscle function, and disorders of the nervous system. Metabolism is largely supported by the work of the muscles, which absorb glucose as an energy source and digest it. If muscle function is impaired due to a lack of vitamins, metabolic processes slow down accordingly.
  • Visiting a bath or sauna. Such thermal procedures can increase the metabolism of fats. An increase in body temperature activates fat metabolism. The breakdown of body fat accelerates, and body weight gradually decreases if you visit a bath or sauna regularly. But in order to make up for the loss of fluid that comes out with sweat, it is necessary to drink more fluids during thermal procedures.
  • Rejection of strict diets and starvation. With a sharp lack of energy in the form of food, the body begins to accumulate it, slowing down metabolic processes. Studies have shown that basal metabolism during fasting is reduced by 25-30%.

Video on how to speed up metabolism and lose weight

What is metabolism and what affects its intensity? What foods affect active metabolism? We learn from the video.

Foods that speed up metabolism

There are a number of products, introducing into the diet that can accelerate the burning of fat and excess calories.

Coconut milk. The special structure of the fats contained in this product requires enhanced splitting. They do not accumulate in cells, but are sent directly to the liver for digestion, providing the body with energy.

Mustard. This is not only a classic seasoning for dishes. In oriental medicine, its therapeutic use is known, especially to promote digestion and correct exchange nutrients. Mustard seeds are steamed in boiling water and taken for weight loss.

Apple vinegar. It effectively helps to burn excess. Japanese studies showed that with sufficient use of acetic acid, a person does not gain much weight, even if he does not adhere to a diet, but allows himself both fatty foods and meat delicacies.

Milk. This drink does not particularly affect the burning of calories, but during low calorie diets allows you to maintain metabolism at a stable level. It provokes the body to stop accumulating energy and start spending it on life.

Coffee or green tea. The caffeine in these favorite morning drinks is a mild metabolic booster. It increases endurance during active sports, invigorates and gives strength. Green tea additionally contains catechins, which help to improve thermogenesis, which causes cells to burn more calories. But do not overexcite the nervous system, and drink a large amount of these drinks. A day to speed up fat metabolism is enough 1 cup of coffee or freshly brewed green tea.

Red pepper. This is a product with a negative calorie content, more precisely a spice that causes the body to spend more energy on its digestion. Often treated with red pepper, as it contains a special substance - capsaicin, which helps to remove excess fat accumulation.

Protein food. Food rich in proteins and proteins has an increased thermal effect. That is, the digestive tract spends a lot of energy on its digestion and assimilation. In order to "start" metabolic mechanisms and maintain them all day, it is worth including animal or natural protein in every meal - fish, meat, eggs, something from dairy.

Additional Information. Vegetable proteins are filled with nuts and legumes (lentils, as well as peas and beans). The latter contain both fiber and useful potassium and iron, which help maintain the healthy functioning of the entire body.

Grapefruit and other citrus fruits. According to scientists, this exotic fruit or its freshly squeezed juice helps to lose weight. Its fibers and acids normalize digestion and absorption. useful substances and elimination of toxins. Other citrus fruits are also useful, as they contain long-digestible fiber and vitamins involved in metabolism.

Ginger. It contains a special enzyme that helps digest food and effectively speeds up metabolism. Scientists have noticed that ginger root promotes better nutrition muscle tissues with oxygen, and it is there that the conversion of glucose directly into energy takes place.

Seafood and fish. Squid, mussels, fatty fish, especially red, contain Omega-3 acids and protein, which improve metabolism and reduce leptin levels. If there is no desire to cook them, then you can replace them with capsule fish oil, as well as flaxseed or walnuts.

Cinnamon. This oriental spice is able to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood, which in turn increases metabolism, prompting cells to consume fats and digest them into energy.

Almond. This nut is rich in minerals and vitamins that have a positive effect on vision, metabolism, and the cardiovascular system. It is a source of natural protein, rare trace elements and healthy fats. As a nutritious snack, there is nothing better than a handful of toasted almonds.

Cabbage. Many varieties of this vegetable are useful for weight loss. This is cauliflower, and white cabbage, and broccoli, and kohlrabi. They have everything to fully accelerate the metabolism - calcium, vitamin C, fiber, B vitamins.

Spinach. Spinach leaves contain manganese, necessary for healthy fat burning, and useful for bone tissue, normal functioning of the thyroid gland, brain, blood formation, and hormone production.

Note! This healing vegetable is in the first position among the products that burn fat due to the high content of natural protein, fiber and beneficial trace elements.

Herbs that speed up the metabolism

The following folk remedies help to cleanse the body, enhance metabolic processes and lose weight:
  • decoction of marsh blueberry leaves;
  • knotweed herb infusion;
  • infusion of linden or blueberry leaves;
  • a decoction of plantain leaves (see also -).

Drugs to speed up metabolism

  • Stimulants, the most harmless of which is caffeine. Starting to take such drugs, a person becomes addicted. They have many negative side effects, such as heart rhythm disturbance, trembling in the hands, increased pressure, nervous overexcitation and insomnia.
  • Anabolic steroid. Used widely by bodybuilders. Of course, they activate the metabolism, but the male sex hormones that are part of them disrupt the normal functioning of many organs, undermining health. After their abolition, metabolism is disturbed, and obesity appears.
  • somatropin, i.e. growth hormone. Its long-term use speeds up metabolism, leads to fat loss and muscle building. This drug has a lot of side effects.

Important! People who take such unsafe fat burners harm their body. It is better to go to the goal of losing weight using natural ways, albeit not leading immediately to an instant result.

Safe natural stimulants are:
  • echinacea purpurea;
  • ginseng;
  • Chinese lemongrass;
  • radiola pink;
  • eleutherococcus.
A special place in fat burning is played by mineral and vitamin complexes:
  • Alfa Vita;
  • "Vita Zeolite";
  • Vita Minerals;
  • "Mono Oxi";
  • "Duovit";
  • "Complivit";
  • "Elevit";
  • vitamin and mineral preparations of the German brand "Doppel Herz".
They effectively affect metabolic cellular processes, remove toxic substances and strengthen the immune system.

Physical activity to speed up metabolism

Muscle fibers weigh more than body fat and require more energy to work. Strengthened workouts in the gym a couple of times a week for 30-40 minutes speed up the metabolism per day by an average of 100 calories. This effect continues even on non-training days.

Running helps a lot, namely the alternation of speed. The interval strategy, as it were, “turns on” the body, helping the cells to be saturated with oxygen. Running speed may be small at first, after 5-10 minutes it is better to accelerate, and then switch back to easy running. And so several times.

Daily aerobics for 30 minutes helps burn calories. You can do it at home, taking small breaks to start. After a workout, you usually feel hungry. So the body reacts to the burning of calories, requiring their replenishment. But don't be in a hurry to eat.

Let's face it, mentally remembering how many emotions, energy and strength you may have already left to become slim and healthy. Remember how many times you had to deal with that huge offer of diets.

Perhaps you have already been offered more than once to count calories and just eat what you did before? It was so? Or can you remember something else like that (tablets, pills, berries)?… Well, finally, all this sounds too beautiful to be true. Familiar to everyone and one of the fashion magazines COSMOPOLITAN in his article correctly described the whole process of how easy it is to seduce you into these ridiculous ways to lose weight, simply by presenting you, fraudulently, with the recommendations of another star.

And I would like today and right now to reveal the truth about proper and healthy weight loss. Give me just a few minutes and you will know best products enhancing metabolism and helping you to cope with excess weight much faster.

And in fact, they work! You just need to slightly change your eating habits and add a few important foods, as your metabolism will improve and you will be able to burn an additional few hundred calories per day, for example 200-300. How are you? ... And in combination with such a meal plan with several exercise You can become just a star in the next few weeks. Before we get into these amazing metabolism boosting foods, let's find out a little more about our metabolism and what it is...

What is metabolism?

Most likely, you have already read many sites and blogs on this topic and how to increase your metabolism more than once. However, let's see...

According to information medical center"KnowHowMed": Metabolism is certain chemical transformations that occur in our body from the moment nutrients are received and until the moment when the end products of all transformations and transformations are excreted from the body into external environment. In strictly scientific terms, metabolism (metabolism) is a set chemical reactions arising in a living organism to maintain its vital activity. The processes united by the concept of metabolism allow any organism to develop and multiply, preserve all its structures and respond to influences. environment. In simple words, this is the process that turns everything you eat and drink into energy.

Even when we are at rest, we need energy to breathe, repair cells, and pump blood to our organs. And that's about 70% of the calories we burn every day! Of course, body size, gender, genetics, and age mainly affect metabolic rate, as does your level of physical activity. However, there are some foods that can burn our calories like fire. Let's get down to business...

Metabolism Boosting Foods

If you're following a balanced eating plan and are exercising regularly or doing some even the simplest of movements and still aren't losing weight as quickly as you'd like, try boosting your metabolism by including the following foods (and drinks) in your diet.

1. Water

You most likely have already read more than once and know that water is very important in proper weight loss. We can say that this is the strongest ingredient in any healthy menu. By the way, remember the formula of water from chemistry? …

Good old H2O is not only able to fill you up when there is a deceptive feeling of hunger, but also perfectly helps you burn calories. The US National Institutes of Health in one study showed that drinking just 0.5 liters of water can increase metabolism by 24% - 30%, for about 1.5 hours. Therefore, you can try to drink this amount of water before each meal, half an hour before meals. Some claim that it allows some people to lose 44% more weight over a 12-week period than people who don't. In addition to boosting your metabolism, water increases satiety, so don't overdo it.

2. Green tea

Green tea is one of my favorite drinks. When it came to weight loss, he helped me 100%. This is one of the best drinks to speed up your metabolism. It improves metabolism, speeds up metabolic processes and removes toxins and toxins from the body. Thus, weight is reduced naturally without harm to health and even with benefit. It is also known that the process of losing weight on green tea occurs not only due to improved metabolism. Green tea removes excess fluid from the body due to its mild diuretic action.

Of course, to be honest, tea won't burn most of your calories, but an extra 50 to 60 calories is quite easy. And in combination with other products that increase metabolism, this process will accelerate even more. Green tea contains catechins. These are the strongest antioxidants of plant origin, which not only increase metabolism, but are also important in the prevention of many diseases of blood vessels, heart and others. Green tea is an important drink in improving overall health and losing weight!

3. Spicy products

One thing can be said here - eat more hot spices! The best of the best are chili, jalapeno and cayenne. These sharp monsters are able to significantly increase your metabolism. And it's all about the colorless element capsaicin, which bears the entire burden of responsibility for the most useful properties of hot peppers, including metabolism.

When you eat hot peppers or take capsaicin as a dietary supplement, it can help improve digestion by increasing stomach acid secretion and fighting bacteria that can cause infections. Although these hot peppers give a fairly small metabolism boost (about 8%), don't forget that they can also increase satiety and prevent you from overeating. Try adding some spicy spices to your cereals, stews, or make an antioxidant-filled slimming drink with them. If you're not completely familiar with the health benefits of spicy foods, check out this article - 6 Bomb Facts About Why Spicy Foods Are So Good For You

4. Broccoli

There is a lot to be said about the health benefits of broccoli. You can take the opportunity to check out the article about all the unique properties of broccoli. I'm sure you don't know much about this cruciferous vegetable. Broccoli is chock-full of nutrients and boasts countless health benefits. Even if you don't see many of its health benefits, I highly recommend adding broccoli to your meal plan on a regular basis. It has already been proven that broccoli's antioxidants are able to fight free radicals, defeating many inflammations in the body. Thus, it helps our immune system boost metabolism without much effort. Of course, some of the other cruciferous ones are similar to this cabbage, for example cauliflower and will also help raise your metabolism.

5. Coconut oil

Remember, not so long ago we proved with you that coconut oil is one of best oils vegetable origin. It contains high amounts of healthy fats that can take our metabolism to a whole new level. So, if you want to increase your metabolism, choose coconut oil. As we have seen, coconut oil does not release carcinogens when heated, which will contribute to your proper weight loss. One of the studies has proven its effectiveness. So the participants (31 people), who consumed coconut oil instead of olive oil for 16 weeks, burned fat around the abdomen more than it could be. If you are serious about losing weight, you should consider this oil option in your kitchen.

6. Avocado

Not only does coconut oil improve metabolism, but it also adds more healthy fats to our meal plan. However, avocado deserves a place on your weight loss list. This creamy fruit is a rich source of L-carnitine, an amino acid found in the liver. It promotes better fat metabolism and fat burning. I don't know about you, but for me, avocado is a frequent ingredient in my salads and especially green smoothies. If you are not quite familiar with this product, I suggest you give it a try. And be sure to check out the article about all of it useful properties- Is Avocado Useful? … Or 20 Reasons to Fall in Love with Avocados!

7. Brazil nut

Brazil nuts are also high in healthy fats, which are very good for our heart. In addition, they are an excellent source of selenium. One nut contains up to 137% of the recommended daily intake. You can now imagine what we are talking about. This is a real find for every healthy diet. Selenium, in turn, supports our thyroid gland, which is responsible for regulating metabolism. However, do not go too far. It is worth remembering that too much selenium can be dangerous to health. Just eat 2-3 Brazil nuts a day for proper weight loss.

8. Walnuts

These nuts are also very useful. They contain about 7g of protein per 30g of nuts, making them a great choice for boosting your metabolism. Walnuts are also rich in omega-3s fatty acids, which as it turned out affect your metabolism positively. Enjoy walnuts by sprinkling them on salads or oatmeal in the morning.

9. Chia seeds

These tiny seeds will give you maximum nutrition with minimum calories. They not only benefit the digestive system and heart, but are ready to increase the metabolic rate significantly. As well as walnuts, chia seeds are filled with omega-3 fatty acids. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, which will stabilize your blood sugar levels and boost your metabolism faster. According to f-journal, due to its ability to absorb a large amount of moisture, chia seeds give a feeling of satiety, preventing overeating, are easily digested and normalize the digestive tract. Dietary fiber and fiber, which they are rich in, improve intestinal motility, remove toxins from the body, so Spanish sage seeds can be a great helper for those who want to lose weight or maintain weight.

10. Ginger

I can say with confidence that we have a superfood! Dr. Oz claims that ginger increases body temperature and metabolic rate by as much as 20% after we eat it. Ginger is also good for helping with digestion and can even increase feelings of satiety.

11. Oatmeal

It seems to me that many people start their morning with a bowl of oatmeal. Or I'm wrong? … Write in the comments below the article what you prefer for breakfast.

If you start your morning like this, you are not wrong. Oatmeal in the morning will help regulate blood sugar levels and boost your metabolism.

Just look around when choosing porridge. Read the label. Not all cereals are created equal. There are some ready-made cereals with dried fruits, but at the same time they contain sugar, which will reduce all your attempts to lose weight healthy to nothing.

Other cereals such as buckwheat, millet, brown rice, rye will also help you increase your metabolism.

12. Lentils

It turns out that not only meat is a great source of protein. Yes, and lentils can surpass it in many ways, for example, in fiber. It is also a super source of iron. And it, in turn, increases the level of hemoglobin and plays an important role in the metabolism of the body.

One cup of cooked lentils contains 37% of your daily requirement gland. Lentils are also among the fiber-rich foods that have a beneficial effect on our heart health.

This cereal also acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

You can also add some other legumes to your diet as they provide tons of health benefits.

13. Lemons

As I mentioned in my article on 13 Benefits of Lemon Juice for Your Health, this is a great way to boost your metabolism. They also boost immunity, reduce bloating, and carry many other benefits for health and a slim figure.

Not everyone will be able to eat lemon due to the fact that it is very sour. But add 1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice in a glass of warm water in the morning will help you squeeze the maximum benefit out of this fruit. Be sure to check out the article -

You can also juice it in your salads or make fresh vegetable juice for weight loss.

14. Greenery

Vegetables like spinach, kale, turnips, and other greens are superfoods packed full of nutrients. They contain a minimum of calories, so this is perfect option for those who now only dream of losing weight. Dark greens also contain a lot of iron, which, as we said, is vital for a proper metabolic rate. Greens tend to be high in magnesium (particularly spinach and Swiss chard). This is a mineral, the lack of which can bring us to death. It also promotes better metabolism and proper weight loss.

A few words in closing...

Now you have the best metabolism boosting foods. However, even though I recommend that you include some or all of these 15 healthy foods in food, this does not mean that you just have to eat them and a miracle will happen. They give you more opportunities for healthy weight loss in the shortest possible time with a properly balanced diet plan and some physical activity. Of course, in healthy weight loss, one should take into account both sleep patterns and the amount of stress. published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet