Increase in police salaries. When will the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs be increased?

Since 2016, a number of positions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have been cut, after which the number of police officers should not exceed 900 thousand people, although this is not viewed positively by everyone.

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Primarily through personnel optimization, it is planned to allocate resources to increase the salaries of police officers in 2019, but everything is not clear.

What did the reform lead to?

The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has existed for many years, includes a revision of salary levels. At this time, the amount of remuneration for an ordinary police officer is calculated on the same principle as the salary in the Russian Armed Forces.

It consists of:

  1. Base rate.
  2. Increases that are associated with the difficulties of serving.
  3. Increasing coefficients for the region.
  4. Increases for rank. Another increasing factor may be length of service.

The new state program will come into force instead of the previous one, which was adopted in 2012. Much has been said about whether police salaries will increase in 2019.

The salaries of police officers may increase by one and a half times from the salaries of 2012. Each year, payments are expected to increase by 4%.

But the government is discussing an upward revision of the premium. The budget for 2019-2020 promises indexation of salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in recent years.

Police officers will also receive basic benefits and privileges. Police officers are provided with high-quality medical care, rest in a sanatorium, queues for free housing and additional leave.

The state program for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will lead to a reduction in the number of employees. Such actions by the government of the Russian Federation are aimed at improving the prestige of the profession.

The certification required for police officers will become more stringent. Workers who do not pass the certification will be fired. So the ranks of the police will be filled with more qualified employees.

The general working conditions of police officers will not change in general. The management will establish the division of allowances in their department.

A system of fines and rewards is being introduced. An employee's absence from work for 4 or more hours without a valid reason threatens him with financial punishment.

When calculating the amount of a police officer's salary, attention will be paid to his personal achievements.

Features of remuneration for service employees (table)

The salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on the following parameters:

  1. The salary itself.
  2. Increase for rank.
  3. Assigned regional coefficient.
  4. Increases for length of service.
  5. Increases for difficulty and stress of work.

All parameters, except salary, are personal in nature, that is, they are determined depending on the specifics of the service, the place where it is performed, and the risk to life.

Subsequently, a local police officer usually receives a salary higher than a traffic police officer who is busy only with working with documents.

At the same time, an additional financial reward is provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are awarded state awards.

Police salaries:

But these figures are inferior to the salaries of ordinary police officers in developed countries of the world. If we take the USA, then the average salary of a police officer there is no less than 120 thousand rubles every month without taking into account raises.

The monthly bonus, which is added to the salary based on length of service, ranges from 10 to 40%, its certain amount is determined according to the employee’s length of service.

The amount of the monthly increase for the qualifying rank will be from 5 to 30%, the specific amount depends on the class of the employee.

Due to special conditions of service, the allowance may amount to 100% of its amount. The increase for working with data that provides state secrets can be up to 65% of its size.

Additional payments and official salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are established by orders of the heads of the relevant departments, who can assign them to the disposal or appoint them to a position.

These orders must specify the basis for the calculation and what amount of salary is due to a particular employee.

Additional payments include:

  1. Payments to reward due to special achievements in service.
  2. Bonuses for good performance of official duties.
  3. Percentage increases that are prescribed in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.
  4. An increase that is added to the salary based on the performance of tasks that are characterized by great danger.
  5. A monthly increase that is added to the financial salary based on length of service.
  6. A monthly increase, which is added to the official salary with data that provides state secrets.
  7. A monthly increase that is added to the salary for the title.
  8. A monthly increase that is added to the salary due to special conditions of service.

Accrual of additional benefits

Despite the fact that there will not be a large increase in wages for police officers, the department still has a list of benefits that can partially compensate for financial losses.

This list includes:

  1. Additional days for vacation.
  2. Queuing for housing.
  3. Receiving treatment in a sanatorium for yourself and your family.
  4. Possibility of free medical care.

In addition, police officers are provided with separate housing in dormitories upon employment. That is, the department must provide him with a separate room.

Bonuses for good work performance are calculated at the rate of 3 salaries per year. They are paid in the amount of 25% of the salary that is established for the employee on the first day of the month in which the payment is made.

Its size is considered proportionate to how much time it took the employee to perform his work duties in the corresponding month.

Salary indexation

According to the Russian Ministry of Finance, in 2017, officials will consider a law according to which all police salaries will be indexed by 5.5%.

Increasing salaries in the police will help overcome the negative results of inflation, which experts estimate at 5-6%.

The Ministry of Finance expressed its judgment to direct funding to improve working conditions in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The money will be used to renovate premises, purchase necessary equipment, and improve the skills of employees.

For fifteen years of service, remuneration for work can increase to 42 thousand rubles. Along with this, the income of department heads can be no more than 100 thousand rubles.

But the parameters can vary greatly depending on the region, the coefficient of which greatly influences the final salary.

In order to stop staff turnover, the department is thinking of raising wages for accountants, doctors, drivers and other employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who do not have shoulder straps.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is thinking about increasing salaries for civilian personnel working in the department’s structures. These are archive staff, personnel officers, artists, medical workers and professors. So, if now the base salary of an ordinary accountant in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without allowances is 3.7 thousand rubles, then after the amendments come into force it will increase to 4.7 thousand. The heads of various civilian departments from the Ministry of Internal Affairs system and doctors will receive several thousand each.

According to Life, the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to amend departmental order No. 751 from 2008, which regulates the salary of civil servants, as well as the conditions and procedure for payments.

To approve the salary amounts (official salaries, tariff rates) for civilian personnel of institutions, organizations and units, the conditions, as well as the size and procedure for making compensation and incentive payments to civilian personnel, says the draft order. - The salaries of civilian personnel of institutions, organizations and divisions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system are established taking into account professional qualification groups approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development.

According to data for 2016, about 148 thousand civil servants and workers work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We are talking about a wide variety of specialties (from secretary and IT specialist to surgeon and choreographer). For example, the salary of a programmer in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, according to vacancies on recruiting sites, ranges from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. As in the case of police officers, the salary of civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs depends on a number of factors. Monthly bonuses may be added to the base salary, for example, for secrecy or for difficult working conditions, for length of service, for skill level, and even for knowledge of foreign languages.

Nevertheless, the starting point for calculating salaries still remains the basic salary, which, according to the Garant legal framework, increased for civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs back in 2015. So, for example, the base salary of an archivist in the Ministry of Internal Affairs without all allowances is 2.6 thousand rubles. If the order is approved, the salary of such employees will jump to 3.3 thousand rubles. In general, according to recruiting sites, for example, the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is ready to pay the work of an archivist in the amount of 21 to 26 thousand rubles.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs also plans to increase the salaries of various types of dispatchers, personnel inspectors, laboratory assistants, secretaries of managers, as well as technicians. For them, the base rate in the ministry will increase from the current 3.3 to 4.3 thousand rubles.

The lives of representatives of creative professions working in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: artists of choirs and orchestras will also sparkle with new colors. Their salary in the foreseeable future may increase from 4 to 5.1 thousand rubles. Conductors, choreographers, and choirmasters will also be lucky, whose base salary the Ministry of Internal Affairs plans to increase from 5.8 to 7.3 thousand rubles.

The holiday will also come to doctors working in medical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. So, if now the base salary of surgeons is 6.9 thousand without allowances, then soon it may be increased to 8.7 thousand rubles. The salaries of the teaching staff will also be increased. The dean of the faculty, who has an academic degree of Doctor of Science or the academic title of professor, will receive 31 thousand rubles at the base rate.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs says that this is due to structural reforms.

The need for a new order regulating the issues of remuneration of civilian personnel of organizations and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is due to structural changes and indexations of pay. In particular, the transformation of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs into troops of the Russian Guard is taken into account. It is proposed to increase the size of the allowance for complexity, tension and special work hours, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs told Life.

Experts believe that even a small increase in the base salary for civil servants of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can stop staff turnover.

At first glance, the increase is small, but you need to understand that it is from the salary that the remaining allowances are calculated. That is, if the salary was increased by a thousand rubles, then the salary will increase by 5 thousand or even more,” says Mikhail Pashkin, chairman of the Moscow police union. - This will stop the outflow of civilian specialists, but, of course, it will not completely solve the problem.

The professional segment of the law enforcement industry, in particular, police officers, are workers who carry out their work activities in extreme conditions. As compensation for the daily risk of one’s life and health, and, in general, for working in unsafe circumstances, the state offers police officers an improved social package - increased wages, as well as a number of other benefits for housing, education, and medical care. This increase occurs gradually and is being implemented as part of the presidential program to increase the income of public sector workers since 2012. What should we expect from the new salaries of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees in 2018? How much is it planned to increase police salaries, and what forecasts does the Government put forward?

Current status and salaries of police officers

The program to increase the salaries of public sector employees, including police officers, was launched by the President back in 2012 for a period of implementation of 6 years. Until 2018, it was planned to gradually increase the salaries of Ministry of Internal Affairs employees by 150% compared to the starting levels before the launch of the state program. How do the planned figures compare with the actual figures at the end of 2017?

Job salary, rank, length of service, professional awards and merits, geography of activities are fundamental factors for calculating the total income that a police officer can claim in the form of a monthly salary. How are these values ​​reflected in monetary terms?

An ordinary police officer in a city with a population of less than half a million today receives a salary of about 25 thousand rubles, while the income of the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in such regions is determined at the level of 70 thousand rubles.

Traditionally, in large cities, including federal cities, the salary of a police officer is an order of magnitude higher - Moscow police officers earn more than 50 thousand rubles per month, about 40 thousand rubles is the monthly income of a police officer from St. Petersburg.

From 2012 to 2017, the salary of a Russian police officer increased by approximately 15% (in the regions of federal cities - by 35%), and amounts to about 30-35 thousand rubles. We emphasize that this figure is averaged by region and is determined by length of service, bonuses for rank, regional coefficient, bonuses and other additional payments.

It is important to note that in relation to the personnel of police units in Russia, not only bonuses are applied, but also strict penalties for violation of official duties, errors in work, and violations of labor discipline. Therefore, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can both receive financial incentives and lose some additional payments.

Read also: Increasing length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to 25 years in 2019: latest news

Should we expect an increase in salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018?

Will the 150% increase in police salaries promised by the President be realized during 2018? Experts say that a real increase can be achieved by increasing tax revenues to the state budget, but the forecast of radically high salaries is too optimistic and does not correspond to the rate of filling the state treasury.

But the indexation of salaries of public sector workers, in particular, the income of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is one of the first factors that indicate that salaries will increase. It is predicted that, compared to 2017, additional payments to monthly salaries due to indexation will amount to 5-7%.

After the presidential elections, the Russian government continues to reform the security forces and allocates money from the state budget to index the salaries of public sector employees, pensions, benefits and other social benefits. An increase in police salaries in 2018 in Russia: the latest news that is heard regarding the indexation of salaries of security forces.

Increase in police salaries

The planned increase in police salaries is due to take place at the end of this year, but there are also reports that it will not affect all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reform of law enforcement agencies in the country involves not just personnel changes in the structures, but also a review of the requirements for employees.

The latest news about increasing salaries for police officers touches on the topic of future recertification; it will not only not lead to an increase in salaries, but will also provoke a wave of dismissals of workers who do not meet the standards for police officers.

Indexation of wages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs may happen as early as 2018. Moreover, this will be done in a version that does not affect budget money.

Those employees who can prove their professional suitability for further service in the police will receive various amounts, the amount of which will be determined by both the starting salary and rank, length of service, the complexity of the work they perform, as well as the regional coefficient.

Sources in department circles talk about a roughly similar accrual scheme, but it will start with an increased starting rate, and the rest of the bonus accruals will be added to it:

  • ordinary employees will come on a salary of 27,000 rubles and will have the opportunity to increase the current amount over time by obtaining an education, transfer to a higher position and earned experience;
  • officers will receive from 50,000 rubles, after which this salary can be increased by achievement of merit, length of service and earned ranks;
  • the salary of senior command personnel will be approximately 100,000 rubles.

Police salaries in Russia are increasing by presidential decree; the given amount of potential salaries does not take into account the benefits/accruals due to security forces. The state budget already provides money for indexing all public sector wages by 3-4%. Before this, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, there was a moratorium on indexation of public sector wages.

This year, the inflation rate is approximately in line with State Statistics Service forecasts, and even has a slight downward trend. Therefore, it is planned to allocate certain funds to index the salaries of employees of budgetary institutions.

In 2018, in addition to increasing salaries, it is also planned to carry out personnel changes. A number of police officers will be cut, including those who cannot be certified. However, the reduction will not only occur at the expense of those who are dismissed due to professional unsuitability.

The following measures could potentially be applied during the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  • a number of responsibilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be transferred to the National Guard and other institutions;
  • Some of the employees who are not directly involved in law enforcement will be dismissed from the ranks of the police;
  • Departmental clinics, where previously employees were often screened for professional suitability in exchange for bribes, may be closed;
  • a reduction in the number of employees will be carried out through the dismissal of unsuitable and corrupt personnel;
  • if the Ministry of State Security is created, the composition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be reduced.

Reducing the number of police officers is necessary not just because of saving state budget funds, it is long overdue. The increase in personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at one time was due to a sharply negative crime situation, rampant crime and banditry. Recently, the situation has reached a certain balance, and now the state wants to take advantage not in quantity, but in the quality of training and work of law enforcement agencies. The incentive system for employees who improve their professional level includes good bonuses for good training.

The current benefits for the refund of educational expenses, made through tax payments, will enable police officers to constantly improve their own level of knowledge and skills, as well as apply for further ranks.

The government has planned to raise money this year to successfully complete the police reform and increase the prestige of work in the country's law enforcement agencies. We will see very soon how well the promises coincide with reality.

It is known that several years earlier the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was adopted. Today it is in its final stage. This, in turn, forces employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to think about the issue related to the possibility of increasing wages in 2018.

For many people not related to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the changes were visible only in the name. Everyone noticed that the police no longer existed, they were replaced by the police.

But the innovations affected not only the abbreviation. To this day, transformations continue to occur in the structure. For example, all employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are required to undergo a recertification procedure.

It is worth noting that this procedure made it possible to weed out some of the employees who could not complete it. 2016 was marked by a period of staff reduction.

Thus, some positions were cut, which made it possible to achieve a strict number of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is no more than 900 thousand people. In 2018, they also plan to increase salaries using the procedure for optimizing staffing.

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What are the salaries of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs based on?

Police pay is determined by several components:

  1. Salary.
  2. Bonuses for rank.
  3. Regional coefficient.
  4. Length of service.
  5. Payment of additional payments for complexity and tension.

The above components, with the exception of salary, are individual, which means they are established taking into account the specifics of the work, place of service, as well as the risk to life, etc.

Remuneration of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2017 - 2018

The size of the salary of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs today is not a stimulating factor for citizens’ decision to get a job.

According to some reports, the amount of wages in the authorities will increase significantly. But is this really so?

Video about low salaries in the police

Today, ordinary employees whose length of service exceeds 5 years should receive a salary of 25 thousand rubles, while officers with the same length of service should be paid a salary of 36 thousand. If an officer has 15 or more years of service, then his salary should be 42 thousand rubles.

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It is worth noting that the salaries of officers and management personnel differ significantly. The salary of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in a managerial position ranges from 80 to 100 thousand rubles monthly.

Police pay in 2018

The President clearly stated in his decree that wages for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018 should increase by approximately 150%.

But these indicators are not allowed to increase police salaries, since the country has been in an economic crisis since 2014, which means there is nowhere to find such funds.

Therefore, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not count on a significant increase in wages next year. Presumably, 2018 will bring a slight increase in pay:

  • Employees whose experience is less than 5 years will receive from 26 to 27 thousand rubles per month.
  • Those who have been in the authorities for more than 10 years will be able to receive from 28 to 29 thousand.
  • Employees with more than 15 years of service can expect a monthly income of 32 to 33 thousand rubles.

Next year, police officers should not expect to be allowed to travel for free on public transport, nor to receive a refund of their wages.

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Accrual of additional benefits to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2018

The lack of an increase in police pay in 2018 does not bring joy, but nevertheless, benefits will remain available to employees that will compensate to some extent for the losses in financial terms:

  1. Adding additional vacation days.
  2. Queue for official housing.
  3. The opportunity to receive a trip not only for the employee himself, but also for his family.
  4. Receiving free medical care, as well as performing operations.
  5. Obtaining a room in a dormitory upon joining the service. If an employee has a family, the Ministry of Internal Affairs must provide him with a separate room.

Salary indexation in 2017-2018

Already in the bill will be considered in October 2017, which involves indexing salaries for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by about 5.5%. This salary increase can help overcome the negative consequences of inflation, which ranges from 5 to 6%.

If the new bill is approved, police officers should expect an increase at the beginning of 2018. It is also planned to allocate funds intended for repair work of premises, the purchase of equipment, as well as for improving the skills of employees.