Bath with cocoa for weight loss. Chocolate baths - a treat for the skin

O useful action chocolate on the body has long been known, but how to make chocolate baths at home?

Today, spas are increasingly offering various treatments that use chocolate. These popular and beneficial procedures are called chocolate baths, chocolate peeling, chocolate massage and chocolate wraps.

However, some procedures using chocolate can be done on your own at home. The main thing is that the most important ingredient - chocolate - is always there.

Why are modern chocolate treatments so unheard of in popularity? Cosmetic procedures using this product, first of all, have an anti-cellulite and anti-stress effect. In addition, such simple procedures perfectly tighten the skin, nourishing it with all the necessary trace elements. Procedures with the use of chocolate have both rejuvenating and tonic effects, and also perfectly remove toxins from the body, excess fluid and toxins. At home, you can make not only masks and wraps with chocolate, but also effective chocolate baths.

How to take chocolate baths at home?

To conduct such a useful bath, you need to create a comfortable atmosphere that relaxes a person. For example, make twilight and turn on your favorite music quietly. A regular bath will do. Such an environment when taking a chocolate bath will help you get rid of stress and nervous tension and also make your skin toned and velvety. But you should definitely remember that it is not advisable to take chocolate baths after eating, but only two hours after eating.

And now a few recipes for chocolate baths on their own at home.

Chocolate anti-stress bath

Before taking a chocolate bath, you need to take a shower and exfoliate the skin using sea salt mixed with mineral water.

To prepare a bath, make the following mixture: take 200 grams of cocoa powder and pour 1 liter hot water but not boiling water. Stir the powder well until it dissolves completely. You need to pour the resulting composition into the prepared bath. Take this chocolate bath for no more than 15 minutes. Immediately after taking a chocolate bath, dry yourself with a towel, and then apply a moisturizer to your skin. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for half an hour.

Chocolate milk bath

To prepare this type of bath, you will need to take 100 grams of cocoa powder and the same amount of milk powder, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon, 200 grams of warm water. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully pour into the bath. Due to the excellent moisturizing effect of lactic acid contained in the composition of milk powder, your skin will become velvety and soft.

Almost all of us have a bath products arsenal e.g. foam, salt, oils, natural remedies etc. Also, a bath with the addition of special substances is suitable for recreational purposes. For example, quite popular effective bath with soda and salt for weight loss. A chocolate bath has very pleasant and relaxing properties. That's exactly what the site "Beautiful and Successful" will tell about her.

Chocolate Bath Recipes

There are several ways to prepare a chocolate bath at home. You can try them all if you wish.

But not very often! Optimal - 1 procedure in 1-2 weeks.

To prepare the base, take pure cocoa, that is, without sugar and impurities. And the best chocolate for the bath - bitter, with cocoa at least 50%.

If desired, you can add essential oils to any bath, preferably with floral or fruity scents. For example, 2-3 drops of lemon or geranium oil are perfect (our site has already written more about the use for cosmetic purposes).

Before the chocolate bath is a must take a shower and do a massage peeling, such as sea salt. The skin must be cleansed of dead cells and prepared for the beneficial effects of cocoa.

Also, do not take a bath immediately after eating. Better than 2-3 hours later.

Classic chocolate bath

The recipe is pretty simple. 200 gramscocoa powder must be thoroughly mixed 1 liter of warm water, then pour the contents into the prepared water.

Then you can take this magnificent procedure and feel heavenly pleasure in the truest sense.

Chocolate bath with milk and cinnamon

For variety, you can take chocolate milk bath at home. Mix cocoa and milk powder (100 grams each). Add 1 tablespoon of crushed cinnamon, 1 cup of warm water and place for 10-15 minutes in a water bath. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil to the prepared chocolate.

Finally, it's time to enjoy this wonderful treatment. Pour the contents into the prepared water and Immerse your body in a heavenly bath.

It is worth noting that this chocolate bath is especially Suitable for women with dry skin. After all, lactic acid has an excellent moisturizing effect, and olive oil nourishes cells with vitamins and minerals.

Royal Chocolate Surprise Bath

Yes, yes, with a surprise. With a pleasant effervescent surprise that will have a tonic effect on your skin and give you a great mood.

Need to bitter chocolate bar grate, heat in a water bath, then add ground and cinnamon (1 teaspoon each). Next, you need to dilute the resulting mass in a glass of warm milk.

Now we do fizzy surprise. Pour the chocolate into the bath and immediately add citric acid (1 tablespoon) and baking soda (100 grams).

After a few moments, a lot of magical bubbles form in the chocolate bath. And the water itself literally comes to life.

Therefore, you will definitely get a good charge of vivacity.

What to do after a bath?

  • Firstly, after a chocolate bath at home, take again cold and hot shower and pat your body dry with a towel.
  • Secondly, rub into the stomach, arms and legs with massage movements moisturizer. Next, be sure to lie down for 15-20 minutes with your eyes closed, dreaming of something beautiful.

Benefits of chocolate bath

Main results chocolate bath are:

  • silky supple and hydrated skin;
  • nutrition of the skin with minerals and vitamins;
  • prevention of various skin diseases, such as acne;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • breakdown of fats in the body;
  • removal of excess fluid;
  • fight against obesity and cellulite;
  • aging prevention.

It is especially pleasant that after several procedures the skin tone may change slightly. And formed chocolate brown effect. Seductive, isn't it?

It is worth noting the beneficial effect of a chocolate bath at home on the psycho-emotional state. For example, this procedure helps:

  • relax after a busy day or hard work;
  • cheer up;
  • say goodbye to stress
  • easier to overcome any crisis situation;
  • more actively produce the hormone of happiness.

Of course, just bathing in chocolate It's an incomparable pleasure. Especially if you are a real fan of this product.

Why is a chocolate bath so beneficial?

Responsible for the beneficial effects of the bath on the body composition of cocoa. The famous beans contain many elements, such as sodium, iron, potassium. Cocoa is also rich in proteins and vitamins, including rare groups E, F.

Together, all these components remarkably tone up the body. And the aroma of cocoa mentally takes us to paradise.

Do not forget about contraindications!

As you know, chocolate is a strong allergen. Therefore, in no case do not take a bath at the slightest hint of allergies, during pregnancy and on critical days.

Also, the bath is contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease, various tumors, blood diseases, and mental disorders.

So, you could make sure that a chocolate bath at home is a luxurious procedure that can really give paradisaic delight! Just do not forget to complement the pleasure with your favorite drink, fruit and a piece of chocolate!

Yes and romantic setting when taking this bath, it helps to awaken the senses.

With the help of a chocolate bath, your skin will become silky and soft. A cup of hot or cold chocolate and a glass of champagne will be a pleasant addition to the procedure, which will help you feel absolute comfort and perfection.

The composition of the chocolate bath

Cocoa beans are a storehouse of biologically active substances, namely: vitamins PP, A, B1, E, B2, F; trace elements: sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium; proteins; phytosterols, methylxanthine, theobromine. These are mild stimulants that increase the tone of the body. Polyphenols effectively fight stress and early aging.

Cocoa contains theophylline and theobromine. These substances belong to the group of alkaloids. They generate biochemical processes in the skin, thereby providing a lifting effect. The composition of cocoa beans includes oil, approximately 55 percent. It is brown in color and has a chocolate flavor. Due to the regenerating properties of the oil, the skin is protected from premature wrinkles.

Important fatty acid, such as oleic, palmitic, linolenic, stearic, also have regenerating properties. Their function is to retain moisture in the skin and restore the cell membrane.

Caffeine is a great energy booster. It effectively restores skin elasticity, stimulates blood circulation, promotes the breakdown of fats, activates the process of fighting excess weight and cellulite, and prevents edema.

Chocolate bath at home

Most effective method taking a chocolate bath - in the jacuzzi. If there is no such possibility, it does not matter. An ordinary bath is quite suitable for this purpose. It is important to create an atmosphere of comfort when taking this procedure. To do this, it is enough to make a subdued light and turn on pleasant calm music.

The recommended time for taking a chocolate bath is no more than 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse the body with a warm shower, pat dry with a towel, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream to the skin. Then put on a bathrobe and rest for thirty minutes. Remember that chocolate baths should not be taken immediately after a meal, but only after two hours.

Chocolate Bath Recipes

Chocolate milk bath

Mix 100 grams of cocoa powder with one tablespoon of cinnamon and 100 g of milk powder. In the resulting mixture, add 1 tbsp. warm water and melt in a water bath. It is recommended to add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil to the resulting product and pour the whole mixture into the bath.

Effervescent chocolate bath

A fizzy chocolate bath will give a tonic effect if you add 1 tbsp. l. citric acid and 100 g of soda. A lot of bubbles form in the water, due to which the water simply “comes to life”. As one of the options for taking such a bath is the use of chocolate.

Chocolate anti-stress bath

Take 150-200 grams of cocoa powder and stir with 1 liter of hot water, then stir until dissolved. Pour the resulting product into the bath.

Available contraindications

Chocolate baths are contraindicated for people suffering from heart disease, benign and malignant tumors, infectious diseases, mental disorders, blood diseases, allergic to chocolate.

Chocolate baths should also not be taken during pregnancy and critical days.

Summing up, you can see that a chocolate bath will give you moments of happiness, relaxation, relieve worries and depression and make your skin supple and velvety.

Chocolate is a unique product that has undoubted benefits not only as part of our diet, but also when used externally. Cosmetics based on chocolate are in great demand. Chocolate face masks, body wraps, creams and peels not only improve the condition of the skin, but also give a great mood. And, if you want everything to be covered in chocolate in the literal sense of the word, arrange yourself a chocolate bath. You don't need to go to a spa for this. You can arrange a chocolate feast for the soul and body at home.

Bathing in chocolate - is it good for everyone?

To arrange a bath in chocolate, a little preparation is required. The ingredients for the procedure can be purchased at the grocery department of any supermarket or you can use ready-made special cosmetics - chocolate (the bathroom does not threaten anything, except for filling it with a wonderful aroma).

Chocolate bath in action

Everything useful that is in chocolate has a beneficial effect not only on the outer layer of the skin, but on the whole organism as a whole.

  • Successfully fights the first signs of "orange peel".
  • It activates metabolic processes to remove decay products from our body - toxins and slags.
  • Corrects the contours of the figure, toning and tightening the skin. Promotes volume reduction.
  • Nourishes the skin, making it soft and velvety.
  • Deeply cleanses pores and nourishes the skin useful substances and micronutrients.
  • Promotes the acceleration of regenerative processes, not only healing small scratches and abrasions, but also rejuvenating the skin.
  • An effective antidepressant - successfully fights the manifestations of stress, producing a hormone of joy in our body.
  • Helps hide skin pigmentation disorders, giving it a light chocolate tint.


Like any physical impact, bathing in chocolate also has its contraindications. You will not be able to enjoy the procedure for people of the following categories:

  • with pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • during critical days and pregnancy;
  • with the presence of neoplasms of any quality;
  • suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • during infectious diseases;
  • having individual intolerance to this product.

Chocolate bath at home

Preliminary preparation

To take a bath with chocolate, the skin must be exfoliated. To do this, you can use a ready-made scrub, which can easily replace ground coffee or sea ​​salt. Bath chocolate (the main ingredient) is mostly cocoa powder, sometimes melted dark chocolate.

Recipes for chocolate compositions

Classic variant

Cocoa powder (200 g) is diluted in a liter of hot water, which is then poured into a filled bath. For a change, you can drop a little essential oil.

Royal variant

As ingredients for a royal bath with chocolate, you will need a bar of dark chocolate, ginger and cinnamon. Chocolate is rubbed on a coarse grater and melted in a water bath, a teaspoon of ginger and a pinch of cinnamon are added to it. The resulting mixture is dissolved in a glass of warm milk and only then poured into the bath.

Dry skin option

For this recipe, as components you will need:

  • dry milk - 100 g;
  • cocoa powder - a tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • warm milk - 1-2 cups.

All constituent parts are mixed into a homogeneous mass, which is then poured into a bath filled with water. The duration of the procedure is standard (10-25 minutes). At the end of the chocolate bath, it is recommended to take a shower to remove chocolate residue from the skin.

In recent years, in beauty salons, the so-called. chocolate therapy. Treatments from this industry are offered as excellent skin care products in wellness spas, with chocolate baths being especially popular. When imagining what chocolate baths are, a picture comes to mind of a large bathtub filled to the brim with a sweet treat. But actually it is not.

According to its characteristics, a chocolate bath is more of a cosmetic than a medical procedure. It has not only wonderful anti-aging properties, but also has a general relaxing effect on the body, and especially on the nervous system. This led to the inclusion of chocolate baths in SPA programs.

The beneficial effect of chocolate baths is based on the unique properties of cocoa. This is a real natural storehouse of useful trace elements (magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phenylethylamine), vitamins, phytoproteins and biologically active substances. And the polyphenols that are part of cocoa perfectly protect the cells of the body from premature damage and aging. Due to this, cocoa is considered the best antioxidant of plant origin, and bitter dark chocolate has a high anti-aging potential.

A chocolate bath is prepared on the basis of warm (at least 38 degrees) fresh, sea or mineral water, in which pure cocoa powder is dissolved, without sugar and any impurities. To give an additional effect of aromatherapy, essential oils of almond and vanilla are added.

The impact of the chocolate bath is directed primarily to the upper layers of the epidermis, producing a quick cosmetic effect. The caffeine contained in cocoa improves lymphatic and blood circulation, reduces swelling, relieves congestion, speeds up metabolic processes, stimulating the breakdown of fats.

Chocolate bath has lifting properties, tightening the skin and restoring its elasticity. In addition, the aroma of chocolate, which the patient enjoys during the procedure, increases the overall emotional and psychological background, relieves stress, charges with a charge of energy and cheerfulness.

Chocolate baths are usually taken in the afternoon, 1-1.5 hours after eating. It is preliminary recommended to take a shower, treat the skin with a scrub, and do a gentle peeling. While taking a chocolate bath, slow, relaxing music is turned on.

Chocolate baths are indicated for weight loss, anti-cellulite effect, restoration of skin elasticity and smoothness, incl. after childbirth, for tightening the skin of particularly problematic areas - face, neck, décolleté, hands, etc.

It is not recommended to take chocolate baths for diseases of a viral, fungal or infectious nature, functional disorders nervous system, the presence of tumors, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, blood, respiratory organs, in the presence of allergic reactions to chocolate, as well as during pregnancy.

In addition to baths, the spas also offer chocolate wraps and chocolate masks. Wrap based on cocoa powder has high anti-cellulite properties. It has been proven that a course of chocolate wraps can significantly reduce the layer of adipose tissue, eliminate puffiness, restore skin firmness and elasticity, and increase immunity. The therapeutic effect is expressed in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stimulating blood flow, cell renewal, relieving stress from the nervous system.

The chocolate wrapping procedure consists in pre-treatment of the skin with peeling, after which the body is covered with a thin layer of chocolate mixture and wrapped in a special film to prevent air from entering and drying the chocolate. The patient lies in a comfortable position, listening to pleasant music. After 30 minutes, the film is removed, the patient washes off the chocolate in the shower. The procedure is a great pleasure due to the unique properties of chocolate to stimulate the body's production of the hormone of happiness - endorphin.

Chocolate masks are a mixture based on water and cocoa, where medical and cosmetic additives are additionally introduced - seaweed extract, clay, essential oils, extracts from medicinal plants. The mask is applied to the face (except for the area around the eyes), neck and décolleté, keeps for 20-30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

The mask gives an excellent tightening and rejuvenating effect due to the activation of regenerative processes in the surface layers of the epidermis, improves skin firmness and elasticity.