Removing scratches on lacquered furniture. How to remove small and deep scratches on wooden furniture? soft furniture wax

Inaccurate handling, frequent use, moving or rearrangement can not have the best effect on furniture and leave scratches. They appear in the most prominent places and spoil appearance wooden product. If trouble happened to your furniture, do not be upset - everything can be fixed.

Method number 1: Furniture stroke

Chips and scratches can appear even on new products, for example, during transportation or assembly. Minor imperfections are dealt with special means, called a furniture stroke. It can be purchased at furniture hardware stores.

To get rid of defects, shake the product before use and apply to a scratch. Depending on its depth, you may need to apply several layers. Let the treated surface dry for 5-10 minutes, and then remove the excess with a damp cloth.

Method number 2: Furniture wax

On sale there is another tool that allows you to hide scratches on lacquered furniture - this is furniture wax. It will help get rid of cracks, chips or dents in wood and laminated surfaces of chipboard or MDF. Wax can be soft or hard. Hard wax is more difficult to get, and it costs more, but this tool is more resistant. It must be melted before use. Then, excess softened wax should be applied to the damaged surface, allowed to cool for a couple of seconds and the excess removed. If necessary, grind.

Soft wax is easier to work with. With small scratches, it can be rubbed into them. In case of serious damage, it is better to apply the product with a spatula. Apply a small piece of wax to a chip or scratch, get rid of the excess with a knife or a piece of plastic and polish the treated area.

Method number 3: Walnut

To remove scratches from furniture, you will need half the core. You need to rub the problem area with its core and wait. The damage should darken and as close as possible to the tone of the varnish. Then wipe the treated area with a napkin and cover it with a colorless varnish.

Method number 4: Iodine

The tool is only suitable for dark surfaces. Dilute the iodine with water so that a not very concentrated solution is obtained. Use a brush to apply it to the scratch.

Method number 5: Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise can be used for more than just salad dressings. The fats and proteins that are in the composition of the product contribute to the swelling of the wood and the closing of small scratches or cracks. Apply mayonnaise to the damaged area, but as much as necessary so that it covers the scratch and does not go to neighboring areas. Excess can be wiped off. After a few days, the wood will swell and the scratch on the furniture will disappear.

Method number 6: Steam

Steaming surfaces will help eliminate scratches on wooden furniture. The method is a little risky, because under the influence high temperature the product may be damaged. First, it is better to try the effect of steam on an inconspicuous place. If everything is fine, you can start processing the damage. Take a damp piece of cotton cloth or gauze, fold it in several layers and apply it to the scratched area. Place a hot iron on the fabric and allow the steam to penetrate the wood. Under its action, the wood will expand and the scratch will disappear.

While doing home cleaning, in particular dusting, we often notice some details on our furniture that we have not seen before, for example, the presence of scratches, cracks, scuffs. There remains an unpleasant aftertaste and I want to remove all these errors, spoiling the perfect look of lacquered furniture.

But is it possible to do this and in what ways, you probably already heard about a furniture pencil, a marker, or you can get and use iodine. This article will discuss how to remove scratches from furniture, what methods exist for this, how to effectively use various tools.

A special furniture marker can help mask chips and scratches.

Serious Approach

During operation, scratches inevitably appear on furniture, so a whole range of different tools and methods have been developed to remove them. Some methods help to completely restore the aesthetically attractive appearance of an object, while others, on the contrary, tend to mask damage to polished furniture.

There are scratches on furniture at all stages of its life from production to operation, and the phase of transportation and installation is especially terrible, where often there are different problems. In order not to get upset over trifles, furniture makers came up with an excellent tool that successfully eliminates small errors in the material.

Every furniture store sells a furniture touch in a small can that is great at removing scratches from wood furniture, polished and laminated surfaces.

Using this invention is extremely simple, first you need to choose the best suitable color. Then shake the contents of the can, and apply it to the problem area on the furniture to paint over all the scratches and chips. A viscous liquid must be carefully smeared so that it completely covers all defects. The mixture dries quickly, after which we remove excess pieces of material, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, and polish if desired. Now there are no flaws on the wooden surface, it is like new again.

classic problem modern furniture

Experts consider wax to be the second most popular restoring agent for furniture. It is used to remove errors on a wooden surface, to pieces of furniture made of chipboard, MDF. As in the case of a stroke, to eliminate problems, it is necessary to apply a warm wax composition to the flaw.

To make everything go smoothly and without unnecessary difficulties, you can follow the following instructions:

  • First of all, you need to find the right color.
  • Then clean the surface with a defect from fine dirt and dust.
  • After that, apply soft wax to this surface with a scratch, you can do this simply by rubbing it in, or using a special edge knife. (If desired, you can use hard wax, which must first be heated. This can be done using blowtorch, gas burner. Working with such material is a little more difficult than with soft material, but after drying, it will be stronger and more durable than its counterpart.)
  • Remove excess layers of wax with a strong but blunt object, such as a plastic card or a regular ruler, and leave to dry.
  • After the wax has dried, you can polish the restored area with a lint-free cloth.

Some specialists, restoring furniture in this way, additionally apply a pattern on the wax layer that repeats the ornament on the furniture. This is done using a special marker. A marker and a wax pencil are sold in all furniture stores and workshops, but such tools help with small and medium defects.

Choosing the right wax color

If the scratches on the furniture are deep, and they can no longer be masked using soft wax, a wax pencil and a marker, then it is quite possible to putty the problem areas. In this case, the flaws are completely removed, the surface will again become smooth, clean, beautiful.

The puttying process is as follows:

  • We clean the necessary place with a knife and sandpaper, remove dirt and degrease.
  • We apply putty material for wood, this is one of the types of classic putty.
  • After the putty has dried, we bring it to an ideal state with a sandpaper, it is better to take zero, or paper with the smallest grains.
  • If the color of the putty matches the wooden surface, then this is just fine, if not, we apply a layer of stain and achieve the perfect combination.
  • Once the stain has dried, cover the wood with clear varnish.

Applying putty to wood furniture

Difficulties in this process can come from the tree itself, on which the stain looks different. In its liquid state, it is exactly the same color as wood, but on putty it looks different. In addition, if you have expensive, high-quality furniture, it is easier to call an experienced specialist than to spoil it with your own hands.

folk recipe

For wood items in stores you can find a special restoration pencil. It is easy to use, convenient, cheap. The pencil successfully paints over the damaged area, the main thing is to choose the desired color. After you have applied the pencil, you must wait until it dries, and only then polish the restored area.

Scratches on furniture can be painted over, tinted, masked with simple products and household substances, which many housewives proudly claim.

Paraffin from candles

Paraffin from ordinary candles is perfect for removing and masking defects in light-colored furniture. To work with it, you need to knead it, then carefully lay it on the defect and rub it in smooth circular motions until the scratch is completely masked. If you are working with a glossy, polished surface, then after finishing the restoration of the surface, rub it with a soft cloth. If the surface is matte, then it is enough to remove paraffin residues from it.

Paraffin candles used to be in every home

Shoe polish

Many people wear leather shoes, and at the same time use a special cream to protect them. This tool is also suitable for repairing microcracks, scratches on pieces of furniture. The main thing is that he approaches her in tone. You need to apply the cream with a sponge to the problem area, and then gently rub it with a soft cloth. Such a household, tinted polish will cover all defects.


For small white scratches on pieces of furniture, you can use a walnut, for this, the flaw is rubbed with its raw middle. If it is already fried, such a toning effect is not observed. After a couple of hours, a scratch rubbed with a walnut merges with the color of the whole tree.

Walnuts can be used to restore furniture


Chips and scratches on interior items made of wood in dark red and brown, easy to hide, . Since iodine itself is very concentrated, it must be diluted with water in a small container. Then, using a cotton pad or stick, apply the resulting solution to the problem area. Merging with the general background, iodine helps to hide the defect.

Black tea brewing

The brewing of black tea has similar coloring qualities, only unlike iodine, it must be made as strong and concentrated as possible. Brew black tea in a small mug and let it stand for a couple of hours. Welding can be used to remove obvious problems with wood furniture. At the same time, applying it, and not getting dirty, is even easier than iodine. However, when working with tea leaves, you will have to apply tea leaves to the problem area several times.

Olive oil and vinegar

But what are homemade recipes without vinegar. Vinegar works in tandem with olive oil to remove scratches. The mixture is prepared from 1 part vinegar and 3 parts olive oil. Rub the scratch with this solution, using it as a polish, carefully and for a long time, and then wipe it dry. After a while, the scratch disappears.

Treatment of furniture with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil


Some housewives use mayonnaise to remove scratches. To do this, it is applied in a small amount to the damaged area, and they wait until it acts on the top layer of furniture. Mayonnaise wets the surface, from which it swells, as it were, and the damage is healed. Using this method, the main thing is not to overdo it with mayonnaise, so as not to soak the furniture too much.

A couple of tips for protecting furniture from damage:

  • Try not to handle sharp and hot objects surrounded by wooden furniture, especially polished ones.
  • During repair work and other mechanical processes, you can simply cover the furniture with film or paper.
  • When rearranging, protect furniture from damage, choose the most optimal trajectory for moving around the house, watch the corners.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities to hide, remove or repair scratches on furniture. We would recommend first of all to try a wax pencil, and only then take up folk recipes. The pencil is not very expensive, the whole problem lies only in the selection of colors.

If you liked the above methods of furniture restoration, you can read the expert articles on the subject of removal or from various surfaces.

To restore the appearance of old wooden furniture, it is not always necessary to resort to the help of specialized tools and spend considerable effort on this.

Sometimes it is quite possible to get by with the use of natural household materials, which are not difficult to find at home.

Using common natural products such as walnuts, vinegar and vegetable oil, you can cover up small scratches on your furniture throughout its life.
Even when the polish doesn't help, this simple method will come to the rescue.

You can remove scratches from wooden furniture using just 2 simple ingredients - vinegar and vegetable oil.

I have already talked about how to get rid of ugly scratches using the usual walnut : rub it well wooden surface, and the scratch will become less noticeable (see How to restore worn corners on furniture?).
The depressions and grooves in the wood will be smoothed out with a soft nut mass.

There is a known method of tinting dark wood with iodine - this masks scratches, you can varnish the wood after such a procedure, and the furniture will take on a more well-groomed appearance.

But the way that you will get acquainted with now is much more effective. mix those 3/4 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup vinegar.

Rub the scratched wooden furniture with this mixture for as long as you can! The result is just a sight to behold.

This is a natural cheap polish that removes large and small scratches, and also improves the appearance of aged wood.

Any combination of household oils and vinegars will work in a similar way, use the ingredients you have on hand. You can mix olive, sunflower, canola, peanut, or coconut oil with white, apple, or wine vinegar in a 3:1 ratio.
Depending on the size of the piece of furniture being processed, this value can be adjusted, as long as the ratio of oil and vinegar remains unchanged.

Before proceeding with the restoration, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the furniture from dust. After that, soak a dry, clean cloth in the prepared oil and vinegar solution and gently wipe the wooden surface. In the process of processing, you will notice how perennial scuffs disappear, and after the solution is completely absorbed and dried, the piece of furniture will acquire an updated appearance.

I tried this experiment with my coffee table, and it turned out surprisingly well.

If you haven't been able to use up your prepared oil and vinegar solution, the leftovers can be used throughout your home. In addition to furniture, these home remedies will help restore most other wood products such as kitchen bowls, spoons, cutting boards, wooden toys and tools, and with their help it will be possible to improve the appearance of wooden floors and stairs.
According to

Spray for furniture

On the same basis, you can prepare an excellent spray for furniture.


  • clean empty aerosol dispenser
  • olive oil
  • vinegar
  • lemon juice

Pour 180 ml of olive oil into a spray bottle. Invest in a high quality oil.
Add 60 ml of vinegar.
For a pleasant smell, add 10 ml to the mixture lemon juice.

Close the spray bottle and shake the mixture.

The resulting product will be usable for about a month. To remove all stains and scratches on furniture, use a clean and dry sponge.

The best thing about this recipe is that it can be prepared in seconds and this mixture is completely harmless to the human body, unlike furniture chemicals that can be purchased at the store.


  • Do not use this method on antique furniture. Consult with a professional furniture restorer. Home remedies work best for restoring wood furniture that has small scratches and surface wear from age. Deep cracks and severe soiling are harder to mask and may require professional restoration.
  • Always test your chosen products on a small, inconspicuous area to make sure you get the results you want.
  • Do not do this if you have a vinegar-related contact allergy.

Do not rush to be upset when you notice scratches on your favorite furniture - first try to get rid of them with the help of these effective remedies! Tree - natural material who loves natural substances.
Recommend this article to your friends, it's time to update the long-suffering table: o)...

Beautiful furniture will decorate any interior, and the scratches that appear on it spoil the appearance and overall design of the room. But such defects can be eliminated if effective and proven means are used.

Specialized funds

Scratches on furniture are a common problem, and so there are many specialized tools designed to eliminate defects. We list the most popular:

  1. A wax pencil is suitable for removing scratches that have arisen both on natural wooden furniture and on those made from chipboard or MDF. Wax is ideal for laminated surfaces and varnished, and it is very convenient to use. It is enough to apply the product to the damaged area, completely filling the recess, and then remove the excess.
  2. On sale you can find furniture proofreaders or touches of different shades. This tool has a more fluid texture than wax, so several layers may be required to remove obvious defects.
  3. You can remove defects from leather furniture using a specialized tool designed to restore products from this material. The composition has a paste-like consistency and, after drying, practically merges with the main surface, acquiring the structure of the skin. You just need to choose the right shade and apply the product in an even dense layer.
  4. On sale you can also find wood putty, which will allow you to quickly and efficiently eliminate even extensive damage and deep scratches. Such a tool is available in various most common colors and, after drying, acquires a structure identical to the cut of a tree.
  5. Wood stain can be used to restore polished wooden furniture. But it should be applied carefully and locally, otherwise you will ruin the entire surface.

Tip: if the scratch is deep, then you can sand the area with sandpaper or a special mesh before restoration.

Removal with home remedies

How to remove scratches on furniture? You can carry out restoration at home with the help of almost improvised means.

The following folk remedies can help eliminate defects:

  • If the surface is dark, then ordinary black tea can be used to restore it. Take a bag or a teaspoon of leafy raw materials, pour half a glass of boiling water over it, and then leave to infuse to get a strong and dark brew. Soak a cotton swab in it and gently treat the damaged area.
  • If the furniture is made of dark woods such as red oak, cherry or wenge, then regular iodine can be used. Its color is close to the required, so it is ideal for masking scuffs, shallow chips and scratches. Dip a cotton swab into the product and use it to paint over the light area so that it merges with the main surface.
  • To make less noticeable scratches that have arisen on not very dark wooden furniture, you can use an ordinary walnut. Clean it up to extract the core. Next, take it and actively rub the surface. Walnut oil will penetrate into the structure of the material, which will lead to its swelling and toning. Thus, the recess will become almost invisible and acquire a shade close to the main one.
  • A vinegar-oil mixture will help. It is prepared from one part of vinegar and three parts of olive oil. The composition is thoroughly mixed until smooth and liberally applied to the place of the deepening. It is better to carry out several treatments, and then remove all excess by blotting the area with an unnecessary soft cloth or damp cloth. And this tool really works, because vinegar softens wood or other materials with the same properties, and oil penetrates into the structure and increases volume, which makes the defect almost invisible.
  • This tool may seem unexpected and ridiculous to many, but it also has the right to exist. You need to use ordinary mayonnaise, and the fattest and yellowish tint is better. This product is pointwise applied to the damaged area with a cotton swab or match, its excess is wiped off. As the mayonnaise dries, the scratch will seem to tighten and merge with a smooth surface.
  • You can remove a scratch formed on a table or other piece of furniture with ordinary machine oil, but it is not suitable for light woods. Soak a cotton pad in such a product and carefully treat the area so that the oil penetrates the structure and fills not only the top layer, but also the deeper ones.
  • Try steaming the area by directing a jet of steam from an iron or steam generator onto it. But it is important to proceed carefully and locally, as exposure to moisture and heat can deform the material. The damaged area should swell and level with the main surface.
  • This method is similar to the previous one, as it also involves thermal exposure. First, the scratch must be moistened. Then cover the place with a damp cloth and iron it with a heated iron. Then again pour water over the area and repeat ironing through the wet woven fabric. Carry out the procedure until the scratched wood swells.

Finally, a few tips. Firstly, it is important to choose the right tool, as it must match or at least match in color. Secondly, the composition used should not be aggressive and caustic, otherwise, instead of restoration, you will get damage to the furniture.

Wood scratches can often be easily repaired with products found at home or at a home improvement store. Furniture and wood products are very easy to scratch. But don't be discouraged! There are many ways to remove these ugly marks.

First, determine where the scratch is on the wood, or just on the finish of the wood. If the scratch has not changed color or can be seen from a certain angle, then the scratch is on the wood finish. This is good news for most. finishing coatings. There are several ways to restore your wood furniture finish.

Wax- a new layer of wax paste, often all you need to fix small scratches. Spray polishes can help but are less effective on hidden scratches.

Lemon- a mixture of lemon juice and vegetable oil or olive oil in equal parts. Apply a sufficient amount to a clean, lint-free cloth and polish carefully, in the direction of the scratch, until it disappears.

Oil polish- Some companies, such as Old English, make a special oil used to restore scratched furniture finishes.

If the surface is covered with urethane or polyurethane, then scratches on it are very difficult to remove. Try sanding them gently with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper. Moisten the sandpaper with water or lemon oil and sand lightly. When you have removed the scratch, polish the "0000" surface with a steel wool and wax paste to restore the shine to the product.

If the piece of wood or furniture is coated with shellac or varnish, you can remove the scratches by coating the surface with an appropriate solution. Use rubbing alcohol for shellac or nail polish, thinner, or nail polish remover. Apply the thinner to the surface with a brush until the finish softens and fills in the scratches, then leave overnight to harden the finish again. Your scratches should be gone. This technique always works on scratched or cracked surfaces.

nuts good remedy to remove scratches
from a wooden surface

If the scratch is lighter than the color of the furniture, then it has damaged the finish and the wood itself. In this case, you need to paint over it to make it disappear. You probably have a range of products in your home that will do the job, as well as a few commercial products.

nuts- the pulp of a nut, often hides scratches. Rub the pulp of a Brazil nut, walnut, pecan, or almond into the scratch. Be careful to rub in the direction of the scratch, and only into the scratch itself, as the flesh of the nut can also darken the surface of the wood around the scratch.

Eyebrow pencil- The eyebrow pencil comes in a variety of colors and in many cases can be used to hide small scratches. Carefully pick up a pencil, and paint over in the direction of the scratch.

colored crayons- children's colored crayons can also be used to remove scratches if you have a suitable color. In this case, you have more freedom of action, since they contain wax, and if necessary, they can be removed.

Shoe paint or shoe polish- these days, shoe polish comes in a variety of color options. It can be used to fill scratches, either in liquid or cream form. When applying liquid paint, use a dry brush. If you apply cream, you can use cotton swabs.

Iodine- if you have furniture or mahogany woodwork, then iodine is well suited to remove such scratches. For mahogany, brown, or cherry-colored furniture, use iodine, which gets darker. For light wood furniture such as maple, you can dilute the iodine with enough denatured alcohol and paint over the scratches with it. In each case, gently apply iodine to the scratch with a thin brush, and leave to dry completely. If the color is too light, apply another coat of iodine. Mistakes always happen with light furniture, as it is easier to make a scratch darker, but much harder to lighten it!

When it comes to commercial products, there are many and varied products available.

Dye- First of all, you can buy a small jar of liquid paint that matches the color of your furniture, and apply it with a thin brush or cotton swab. Wait until it dries and, if necessary, apply a second coat.

Markers- many companies, such as MinWax, sell furniture paint, in the form of markers, especially for retouching furniture. They are easy to use, just paint over the scratch and wait a minute to dry completely. If the scratch is too light, repeat the procedure.

Pencils Companies also sell special pencils or crayons that are matched to the color of the wood and can be used to mask scratches. Ask at your local home improvement store.

After you have darkened the scratch suitable color all you need is some wax or wood polish and the scratch will be gone.

If all your efforts have not brought results, do not lose hope! Contact a professional furniture restorer. Chances are, a professional can make your furniture look like new, and sometimes even better.

A scratch on wood furniture or a piece of wood doesn't have to be a disaster. With these simple, practical advice You will be able to enjoy beautiful wooden items again.