Delays in psychological development: concept, classifications, causes. Delay in the pace of mental development (slowdown and distortion of mental development) What is the pace of mental development

The pace of mental development. Significant individual differences are observed in the mental development of children. These differences relate primarily to the pace of mental development. Although children brought up in the conditions of the same culture have known average terms for the onset of age-related developmental crises, the transition from one stage of development to another, what exactly are the average terms. In some children, they can occur both much earlier and much later. Even greater differences are observed in the pace of mastering certain types of activity, the development of mental processes and qualities. Another child at the age of four still draws incomprehensible "cartoons", and the other depicts a little man standing near the house. One discovers instability of attention, distractibility, and the other can already spend hours doing what he loves.

Individual psychological qualities. Along with differences in the rate of development in children, differences in individual psychological qualities are found and increase with age: interests, character traits, abilities. There are children who are inquisitive, mentally active, asking an innumerable number of various questions, and there are passive ones who are not interested in anything. Capricious, irritable children contrast sharply with calm, benevolent ones. Some preschoolers show musical abilities (hearing, sense of rhythm), others - mathematical: at the age of five or six they already solve rather complex arithmetic problems, etc.

Children, no doubt, differ among themselves in natural features. So, even unconditioned reflexes are expressed in newborns to varying degrees. Different babies develop conditioned reflexes at different rates. There are babies in whom the predominance of orienting reactions to visual stimuli stands out clearly, while others react more actively to touching the skin. Some natural features are apparently determined by heredity, others arise as a result of certain developmental conditions in the prenatal period.

It is well known that various kinds of brain defects - hereditary diseases, underdevelopment, trauma during childbirth - lead to a delay in mental development, and in especially severe cases make it completely impossible. Based on this, it is sometimes assumed that cases of particularly rapid or particularly vivid mental development, the manifestation of unusual abilities, are also associated with some innate features of the brain. Scientists have spent a lot of effort to find out whether individual psychological qualities, and above all abilities, can be inherited. For this purpose, the pedigrees of prominent people were studied. It was found that in many families parents, children and more distant descendants showed certain abilities in some area. A particularly famous example of this kind is the family of the famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach. (In 1750, 128 representatives of this family gathered for a family holiday, 57 of them turned out to be musicians.) But no less number of cases are known when prominent people did not have a single relative of remarkable ability. Apparently, the emergence of entire "dynasties" of artists and musicians can be explained by family traditions.

Heredity and environment. To find out the influence of heredity on the individual characteristics of mental development, they also studied twins. There are identical and fraternal twins. In identical twins, all hereditary qualities are the same, since they develop from the same germ cell, in fraternal twins, heredity is different. The study of twins is carried out using the test method: they find out the degree of intra-pair similarity in solving test problems: identical and fraternal twins. As a rule (although not always), this similarity in identical twins turns out to be! identical twins from infancy were brought up in different families.These data suggest that heredity affects the individual characteristics of mental development, although the greater similarity in the development of identical twins compared to fraternal twins can be explained by other reasons.Such a reason is, for example, a complete external the similarity of identical twins, which contributes to the same attitude towards them from the people around them, and hence the same conditions of education.But the position among adults and peers is almost the most important thing in the life of a growing person. developing habits, character traits, and interests and intellectual qualities. The similarity in the mental development of identical twins is also facilitated by their equality. physical strength and opportunities.

A much greater influence than hereditary characteristics on differences in the mental development of children, the formation of abilities is exerted by differences in living conditions, upbringing and education. This is convincingly evidenced by the results of a study also conducted with identical twins, i.e. children who have the same heredity. Five have been selected! pairs of such twins between the ages of five and a half to six years. They were brought up in special kindergarten. All children b are divided into two groups in such a way that one twin from each pair entered one group, the other - into another. The group lived in different rooms, had different rooms for and classes and communicated only on a walk.

Children were taught in a variety of ways. In one group, constructive games were held, in which the child had to build a structure from cubes according to a model made from the same cubes. In the other group, the children had to build from blocks according to a model that was not divided into its component parts, i.e., the child had to independently look for the necessary ways each time constructive solution, to analyze what elements this or that part of the building can be composed of, to select and combine these elements, constantly comparing the results achieved with the sample.

After five to ten constructive sessions were held with each group, all children were given control tasks. They included building according to dissected and undivided models, building according to dissected samples in the absence of the necessary details (but which could be replaced by a combination of other details), free construction according to plans, and a large number of special tasks, the implementation of which required a detailed visual analysis of various figures and mental operation. spatial representations (for example, it was necessary to draw a house built from cubes, mentally turning it over).

When performing all the control tasks, a group of children engaged in construction according to integral samples showed striking advantages. It is curious that these advantages were manifested even when building according to dissected samples, i.e., in the kind of activity in which the other group practiced all the time. The children who were part of the group where constructive games were more creative, learned to visually analyze the elements that make up the building, acquired greater accuracy in perceiving the ratios of these elements, their shape, etc. The construction was of a planned nature. Before building, the children carefully examined the sample, tried it on, laid out test designs, and only after that systematically solved the problem.

Thus, without much exaggeration, we can say that the children acquired certain abilities for constructive activity, which were not found in "their twins who were trained according to a different method. These abilities made it possible to successfully solve a number of other, non-constructive control tasks, which required dissected perception and operation of spatial Abilities manifested themselves in creative tasks - with free construction according to plan.

Of course, one should not think that in two and a half months, five-year-old children managed to develop constructive abilities that will remain for life. We can only talk about some rudiments of such abilities, but this is already a lot.

Children were taught in a variety of ways. In one group, constructive games were held, in which the child had to build a structure from cubes according to a model made from the same cubes. In the other group, children had to build from blocks according to a model that was not divided into component parts, i.e., each time the child had to independently look for the necessary methods of a constructive solution, analyze what elements this or that part of the building could be made of, select and combine these elements, constantly comparing the results achieved with the sample.

After five to ten constructive sessions were held with each group, all children were given control tasks. They included building according to dissected and non-dissected samples, building according to dissected samples in the absence of the necessary details (but which could be replaced by a combination of other details), free construction according to plan and a large number of special tasks, the implementation of which required a detailed visual analysis of various figures and operation in the mind with spatial representations (for example, it was necessary to draw a house built from cubes, mentally turning it over).

When performing all the control tasks, a group of children engaged in construction according to integral samples showed striking advantages. It is curious that these advantages were manifested even when building according to dissected samples, that is, in the kind of activity in which the other group practiced all the time. The children who were part of the group where constructive games were more creative, learned to visually analyze the elements that make up the building, acquired greater accuracy and perception of the ratios of these elements, their shape, etc. The construction was of a planned nature. Before building, the children carefully examined the sample, tried it on, made trial designs, and only after that systematically solved the problem.

Thus, it can be said without much exaggeration that the children acquired certain abilities for constructive activity, which their twins, who were taught by a different method, did not have. These abilities made it possible to successfully solve a number of other, non-constructive control tasks, which required dissected perception and handling of spatial representations. Abilities manifested themselves in creative tasks - with free construction according to plan.

Of course, one should not think that in two and a half months, five-year-old children were able to develop constructive abilities that will remain for life. We can only talk about some of the rudiments of such abilities, but this is already a lot.

Capabilities. Soviet child psychology believes that natural characteristics that are inherited can serve as the inclinations of certain abilities, create the prerequisites for their development. Abilities, like other mental qualities, are formed in the process of life, under the influence of education and training. In addition, the development of abilities depends on the internal position of the child himself to a particular activity. Interest and ability to work determine success in the development of abilities.

Depending on the mass of unaccounted for, often random circumstances, what attracts attention and leaves a deep mark on the psyche of one child simply goes unnoticed by another. Already in infants, a selective attitude to the world, to the influences environment, and depending on this, the same effects are acquired for different children different meaning. As the child gets older, this selectivity increases. In addition, the attitude of others towards different children cannot be completely the same, even the attitude of parents towards twins.

The differences between children in the field of their mental development are manifold. All of them arise and develop in the process of life and upbringing. But the peculiarities of the formation of certain mental qualities in a child and, to a certain extent, the final result of this formation, may depend on natural features. For some qualities (for example, temperament), this dependence is more significant, for others (character traits, abilities) - less, for the third (knowledge) - not significant.

Taking into account individual psychological characteristics in the process of education means not only adapting educational influences to them, ensuring that each child reaches a sufficiently high level of mental development, but also actively intervening in the development of children: supporting emerging positive qualities and rebuilding negative ones. Questions to review the first section

1 What does child psychology study?

2. What is the theoretical and practical significance of child psychology!

3. What methods does child psychology use?

4. What types of observation do you know?

5. What is the difference between observation and experiment?

6. What is the essence of the formative experiment?

7. What helper methods do you know psychology?

8. What are the specifics of the tests?

9. What methods of studying children can a teacher use?

10. What are the main conditions for the mental development of a child?

11. What is the source of a child's mental development?

12. What is the role of activity in the child's mental development?

13. What determines the transition to a new leading activity?

14. What is the role of education in the mental development of a child?

15. What determines the age stages of mental development?

16. Why should the educator keep in mind the individual characteristics of the mental development of children?

17. What is the content of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and how are these rights implemented in different social systems?

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Kalabin V.I., Karpovich M.A.

Karelian State Pedagogical Academy, Petrozavodsk

The data of special psychology indicate that one of the most common forms of mental anomalies in early ontogenesis at present is mental retardation (MPD). The number of children with mental retardation has been increasing in recent years, which causes increased attention of researchers to this problem. ZPR should be understood as a variant of dysontogenesis, in which there is a slow pace of development, mild intellectual disability, which occupies an intermediate position between mental retardation and intellectual norm.

V.V. Lebedinsky defines this concept as follows: “mental retardation is a slowdown in the pace of mental development, which is more often found when entering school and is expressed in the lack of a general stock of knowledge, limited ideas, immaturity of thinking, low intellectual focus, the predominance of gaming interests , rapid satiety in intellectual activity. Shamarina V.E. says that "mental retardation is such a violation of the normal pace of mental development, in which a child who has reached school age continues to remain in the circle of preschool, play interests," thus, the essence of the definitions is the same. The concept of "delay" emphasizes the temporary (discrepancy between the level of development and age) and, at the same time, the temporary nature of the lag, which with age is overcome the more successfully, the earlier adequate conditions for the education and development of children in this category are created. In addition, V.E. Shamarina notes that the number of children with mental retardation includes those who, with potentially intact abilities intellectual development notes:

Low level of cognitive activity;

immaturity of motivation learning activities;

Reduced efficiency to receive and process information;

Limited fragmentary knowledge and ideas about the world around;

Insufficient formation of mental operations;

Backlog in speech development while maintaining the analyzers necessary for the favorable development of speech, etc.

Summarizing the results of pedagogical, medical, psychological, defectological and psychophysiological studies, I.G. Luskanova and I.A. Korobeinikov identified the main factors that can cause school failure, i.e. violations that are risk factors:

    Insufficient preparation of the child for school, socio-pedagogical neglect;

    Prolonged and massive mental deprivation;

    Somatic weakness of the child;

    Violation of the formation of individual mental functions and cognitive processes;

    Violation of the formation of so-called school skills;

    Movement disorders;

    Emotional disorders.

K.S. Lebedinskaya proposed a clinical systematics of ZPR according to the etiopathogenetic principle. There are four main variants of the ZPR:

1. constitutional origin;

2. somatogenic origin;

3. psychogenic origin;

4. cerebro-organic genesis.

N.Ya.Semago and M.M.Semago, having analyzed the features of the manifestations of delayed development in various variants of mental retardation, its course, the results of correctional and developmental work, proposed a new classification.

N.Ya.Semago and M.M.Semago divided the group of children with mental retardation into two fundamentally different subgroups:

1. Arrested development;

2. Partial lack of formation of higher cortical functions.

The first subgroup includes developmental delay (which is reversible). Gradually, with corrective and developmental work, or even spontaneously, the mental development of the child approaches the age norm, and by the age of 9-11 the child catches up with his peers. This is mental infantilism – harmonic.

In the concept of disharmonious infantilism, the authors introduce an extended interpretation in comparison with E.G. Sukhareva. K.S. Lebedinskaya. From the point of view of N.Ya.Semago and M.M.Semago, this is an unevenly delayed type of development, a violation of harmony between the development of the emotional-volitional and intellectual spheres.

ZPR of cerebro-organic origin is characterized by partial immaturity of higher mental functions. This is the second subgroup. The term partiality emphasizes the mosaic nature of the lesion, the immaturity of individual mental functions. The development of children in this group goes in a completely different way than children with a true developmental delay. Even with well-organized correctional work, we can only talk about some compensation: children do not catch up with their peers. Therefore, this variant of deviant development, according to the authors, cannot be attributed to true developmental delay.

Partial unformedness of higher mental functions, in turn, is divided into options:

1) With predominantly unformed regulatory component;

2) With a predominantly unformed verbal and verbal-logical component;

3) Partial unformed mixed type.

From the point of view of N.Ya.Semago and M.M.Semago, all variants of the forms of mental retardation described by various authors refer to underdevelopment (underdevelopment).

Thus, insufficient development is divided into total underdevelopment, delayed development and partial unformedness of higher mental functions.

Children with mental retardation are the most difficult to diagnose, especially in early stages development.

In children with mental retardation in the somatic state, there are frequent signs of physical development delay (underdevelopment of muscles, insufficiency of muscle and vascular tone, growth retardation), the formation of walking, speech, neatness skills, stages of play activity is delayed.

These children have features of the emotional-volitional sphere (its immaturity) and persistent impairments in cognitive activity.

Emotionally-volitional immaturity is represented by organic infantilism. Children with mental retardation do not have the liveliness and brightness of emotions typical of a healthy child; they are characterized by a weak will and a weak interest in evaluating their activities. The game is distinguished by the poverty of imagination and creativity, monotony, monotony. These children have low performance as a result of increased exhaustion.

In cognitive activity, there are observed: weak memory, instability of attention, slowness of mental processes and their reduced switchability. For a child with mental retardation, a longer period is needed to receive and process visual, auditory and other impressions.

Children with mental retardation are characterized by a limited (much poorer than in normally developing children of the same age) general information about the environment, insufficiently formed spatial and temporal representations, poor vocabulary, unformed skills of intellectual activity.

The corrective orientation of the pedagogical process involves overcoming and correcting the child's existing disorders: motor, speech, intellectual, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, insufficiency of higher mental functions. Physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, which is characterized by all the general features of the pedagogical process or is carried out in the order of self-education.

As E.S. Ivanov and O.V. Zashchirinskaya note, “children who fail at school have always been, are now and will be in the foreseeable future. Only since the middle of the last century, the so-called "laziness" and "stupidity", which are usually found in a child from the moment he enters school, begin to be explained as "minor" deviations from the mental norm. These deviations are associated with the actions of adverse biological and social factors. The doctrine of "temporary delays in mental development" begins to take shape. Later, the term "temporary" disappears, "mental retardation" remains.

Many experts believe that for children with mental retardation, physical education classes solve the problems of physical education and other sections of the education and training program (mathematical development, cognitive development, sensory development, speech development).

Since it is assumed that schoolchildren with mental retardation have features in the level of physical fitness, in this work an attempt was made to determine the level of physical fitness of middle-aged schoolchildren (speed, speed-strength abilities and endurance) and to identify differences in the physical fitness of adolescents with mental retardation and normal mental development.

The study was conducted on the basis of the secondary school No. 14 in Petrozavodsk. 23 schoolchildren took part in the experiment, 9 "g" - a class with students with mental retardation (7 people) and 9 "a" - a general education class (16 people). Testing was carried out under standard conditions of the gym. To assess the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren, generally accepted tests were used to determine speed, speed-strength abilities and endurance: 30m run, 60m run, 1000m run, standing long jump. The results obtained were processed using the methods of mathematical statistics. The arithmetic mean and the Student's coefficient of reliability were determined. The study consisted of 3 stages: - at the first stage, preparatory work, - the second stage provided for the organization, technical and methodological support for the implementation of control standards, the execution of protocols, - at the third stage, the mathematical processing of the results obtained, their analysis and generalization were carried out. To determine the level and comparative analysis of the physical fitness of schoolchildren, we used regulatory requirements according to the school curriculum. The results of testing using the proposed battery of tests allow us to state the fact that the level of physical fitness among boys of the general education class is higher than the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren with mental retardation. Significant differences in the level of results were recorded for all tests. For boys of the 9th “g” class, two average indicators are estimated at 3 points (running 30 meters - 5.0 seconds, running 60 meters - 9.6 seconds), while for boys of the 9th “a” class the same average indicators are estimated at 4 points (30 m run - 4.8 sec. and 60 m run - 9.2 sec.). The greatest difference in the level of physical fitness was recorded in the 1000-meter run 9 "d" class - a score of 2 points (284 sec.), And 9 "a" - a score of 4 points (248 sec.). Only in long jumps from a place the average indicator of young men as 9 "a" (208 cm) and 9 "g" (204 cm) of the class is estimated at 5 points.

Thus, the level of physical fitness of schoolchildren of the 9th "a" class is estimated: 5 points - speed-strength abilities, 4 points - speed abilities and endurance, and schoolchildren with mental retardation of 9th "g" class: 5 points - speed-strength abilities , 3 points - speed abilities, 2 points - endurance.

Benchmarking The results of the study allow us to conclude that students of the general education class and students of the ZPR class are at different levels of physical fitness. In a young man of the 9th "a" class, the level of development of speed abilities is estimated at 4 points (running 30 meters - 4.8 seconds, running 60 meters - 9.2 seconds), while the level of the ZPR class is 3 points (running 30 meters - 5.0 sec., 60 m run - 9.6 sec.). The difference in running 30 meters was 0.2 seconds, and in running 60 meters 0.4 seconds. Significant differences were established in the 1000-meter run (endurance development), 9 "a" (248 seconds) - 4 points, 9 "g" (284 seconds) -2 points. The difference in this type of testing is 36 seconds (p< 0,05). Только лишь уровень развития прыгучести (прыжок в длину с места) у школьников обоих классов оценивается в 5 баллов. В 9 "а" классе результат составил 204 сантиметра, а в 9 "г" классе 208 сантиметров.

The results of the study showed that schoolchildren with mental retardation have differences in the level of physical fitness compared with students of general education classes, especially this applies to such a significant motor quality as endurance. Since physical education is a process of solving certain educational tasks, this fact, of course, should be taken into account when planning work on physical education this category of students. Choice of the most effective means and methods of organizing a school lesson, taking into account the individual characteristics of children with mental retardation, involves overcoming and correcting the child's disorders: motor, speech, intellectual, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, insufficiency of higher mental functions.

Patients with mental retardation occupy an intermediate position between patients with oligophrenia and persons with normal intelligence. In addition, there are congenital mild forms of intellectual insufficiency (children with these forms are classified as less gifted, the so-called constitutionally stupid), some forms of mental infantilism and non-progredient variants of childhood autism. Along with this, there is a large group of people with mild intellectual disability, which occurs under the influence of exogenous factors (secondary mental retardation). In the formation of this pathology, a significant role is played by various psychogenic factors and defects in the analyzers of the sense organs, which do not give the child the relevant information necessary for the full development of the brain.

According to the International Classification of Diseases, these conditions are defined as "borderline mental retardation" (IQ in the range of 70-80). The degree of mental deficiency is assessed using IQ (intelligence quotient), which is determined by psychological methods (Wechsler scale for children WISC). Its value is 100, which corresponds to the average statistical norm.

Delays in mental development can be caused by emotional deprivation (hospitalism, "orphanage children", orphans), pedagogical neglect and social deprivation (children from uncultured families, children raised in the den of the beast) and sensory deprivation (blind, deaf, deaf-blind).

emotional deprivation develops as a result of such a life situation in which the subject is not provided with the conditions to satisfy his basic (vital) mental needs in full and for a long time.

An example of emotional deprivation is frustration, in which there is a blockade of an already activated previously satisfied need. An example of frustration would be depriving a child of a favorite toy without offering another in return. Deprivation - deprivation of toys in general.

Clinical manifestations

Usually, 4 groups of delays in the rate of mental development or borderline intellectual insufficiency are distinguished: dysontogenetic forms due to delayed or distorted mental development (variants of mental infantilism); forms caused by organic damage to the brain in the early stages of ontogenesis; intellectual deficiency, depending on the lack of information in early childhood; intellectual insufficiency associated with a defect in the analyzers of the sense organs.

The clinical manifestations of developmental delays are diverse - in addition to intellectual insufficiency and immaturity of the psyche, behavioral disorders and neurotic symptoms are usually observed.


Infantilism (from lat. infantilis - children's, infantile) - a pathological condition characterized by a delay in physical and mental development, with the preservation in adults of the character traits inherent in childhood and adolescence.

mental infantilism, or mental immaturity, characterized by the presence of peculiarities of judgments and behavior inherent in children, increased suggestibility, emotional instability, dependence on parents, etc.

The term "infantilism" was proposed by the French scientist E.Sh. Laseg in 1864 to determine the delay in the development of a child at an earlier stage due to intoxications and infections, and for those remaining children for life. Later, P. Loren singled out three signs of this disorder: frailty, gracefulness and diminutiveness of the body, with features of childish naivety and helplessness.

G.K. Ushakov gave the following characteristics of psychophysical infantilism: childishness, limitedness, narrowness of interests, insufficient independence in actions and deeds. Their impressionability prevails over rationality, immature judgments, emotional logic, concrete, figurative thinking, insufficient depth of effective experiences, emotional instability, slight vulnerability, fragility of the psyche, lack of purposefulness of activity, lack of creativity, sometimes helplessness. Along with this, the immaturity of psychomotor and vegetative reactions is noted. Mimicry is uncertain, facial expression is friendly-trusting, childishly pretty, movements are fast, numerous, impetuous (infantile motor disinhibition). At the same time, clumsiness and fatigue are observed during purposeful activity. Such persons may have sleep and appetite disorders, vasomotor lability, increased sweating and chilliness. Among the personality traits, there are traits of immaturity, timidity, indecision, uncertainty and anxiety.

These features are characteristic of harmonious, or psychophysical, infantilism, which begins to emerge from the elementary grades of school. Such children retain their playing interests for a long time, they prefer the company of younger schoolchildren, they are distinguished by childish arrogance, capriciousness, naivety with a sufficient stock of knowledge. Harmonious infantilism is characterized by a relatively uniform delay in both mental and physical development. Along with this type of infantilism, a number of forms of partial infantilism are distinguished, an example of which is mental infantilism with a pronounced disharmony in the development of certain aspects of the personality, therefore the most adequate name is disharmonious infantilism.

Disharmonious infantilism is characterized by uneven mental and physical formation. Physical development corresponds to age or acceleration is observed, along with this, a discrepancy is observed in mental development. Cognitive processes usually develop according to age, i.e. abstract thinking is formed in a timely manner, but emotional and volitional functions are delayed in their development.

Allocate the so-called organic infantilism, due to early organic damage to the central nervous system. This variant of infantilism is characterized by the physical stigmas of disturbed development. In contrast to disharmonious infantilism, there is an underdevelopment of cognitive activity with a predominance of concreteness of thinking, exhaustion and explosiveness.

Mental infantilism against the background of normal or accelerated physical development is usually found in middle and older adolescence. Adolescents delay the formation of a sense of duty, responsibility, the ability to flexibly assess the situation, take into account not only their own desires, but also the requirements of others, assimilate moral and ethical norms of behavior and principles. For such teenagers, a childish facial expression is characteristic.

At puberty, two variants of mental infantilism are distinguished: infantilism is observed from childhood and at puberty reveals manifestations of age-related dynamics; infantilism is detected at puberty and is due to the uneven psychobiological maturation, which is characterized by the long-term preservation of the teenage psyche. These patients are characterized by a desire for youthful self-affirmation, a delay in the formation of a sense of duty, responsibility, critical self-esteem, combined with opposition and criticism, and a decrease in the ability to socially adequate activity. For persons with this infantilism, behavioral and adaptation disorders are more pronounced than in the first variant.

It is generally accepted that psychophysical and disharmonious infantilism is endogenous, but genetic conditioning is not excluded. With age, the manifestations of infantilism become less noticeable, but do not completely disappear.

Mental infantilism in adults is characterized by the following personality traits? naivety and straightforward enthusiasm, egoism and egocentrism, emotional lability and vivid fantasizing, formally obligatory duty and subordination, carelessness and indifference, instability of interests and distractibility, touchiness and impressionability, timidity and shyness.

Borisova Lyudmila Alexandrovna
Position: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MAU DO CDT "Youth"
Locality: city ​​of Perm
Material name: article
Topic:"Pace of mental development"
Publication date: 11.10.2017
Chapter: secondary vocational

Made by Borisova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

The pace of mental development.

The rate of mental development is an indicator of the intensity

quantitative and qualitative progressive changes in the psyche. V

mental development of children there are significant individual

differences. These differences relate primarily to the pace of mental development.

Although children raised in the same culture and

there are known average terms for the onset of age-related crises

development, the transition from one stage of development to another, that it is the average

terms. In some children, they can occur much earlier and

much later. Even greater differences are observed in the rates

mastery of certain types of activity, development of mental

processes and qualities.

Impaired mental function

- extreme version of the norm, one of

types of dysontogenesis. Children with this diagnosis develop more slowly than

their peers. Mental retardation (MPD) manifests itself early.

The initial cause of it may be the alcoholism of the parents, the illness of the mother during

during pregnancy, birth trauma, infections during the first

months of life, and some other harmfulness expressing

mild organic insufficiency of the central nervous

systems. In the specialized literature, mental retardation is otherwise

called minimal brain dysfunction.

ZPR features

S. Lebedinskaya in 1980 proposed a classification of ZPR. The basis

This classification formed the etiopathogenetic systematics. Highlight 4

main types of ZPR:

♦ constitutional character;

♦ somatogenic character;

♦ psychogenic character;

♦ cerebro-organic character.

All 4 types have their own characteristics. Distinctive feature of these types

consists in their emotional immaturity and impaired cognitive

activities. In addition, somatic complications can often occur.

tic and neurological spheres, but the main difference is in particular and

the nature of the ratio of two important components of this developmental anomaly:

structures of infantilism and features of the development of all mental

ZPR of constitutional origin

With this type of mental retardation, the emotional-volitional sphere

the child is at an earlier stage of physical and mental

becoming. There is a predominance of game motivation of behavior,

superficiality of ideas, easy suggestibility. These children even

when studying in a general education school, the priority of gaming

interests. With this form of mental retardation, harmonic infantilism can be considered

the main form of mental infantilism, in which the most vivid

underdevelopment in the emotional-volitional sphere is expressed. Scientists point out

that harmonic infantilism can often be found in twins, this

may indicate the relationship of this pathology with the development of multiple pregnancies.

Education of children with this type of mental retardation should take place in a special

correctional school.

ZPR of somatogenic origin

The causes of this type of mental retardation are

various chronic diseases, infections, childhood neuroses,

congenital and acquired malformations of the somatic system. At

In this form of mental retardation, children may have persistent asthenic

a manifestation that reduces not only the physical status, but also

psychological balance of the child. Children are fearful

shyness, self-doubt. Children of this category of ZPR are few

communicate with peers because of the guardianship of parents who are trying

protect their children from unnecessary, in their opinion, communication, so they

lowered the threshold of interpersonal relationships.

With this type of mental retardation, children need treatment in special sanatoriums.

Further development and education of these children depends on their condition.


ZPR of a psychogenic nature

The central core of this form of mental retardation

is family trouble (prosperous or incomplete family,

various kinds of mental trauma). If from an early age on the psyche

the child was traumatized by adverse social

conditions, it can lead to a serious disruption in the neuro-

mental activity of the child and, as a result, to shifts in autonomic

functions, and then mental. In this case, one can speak of

anomalies in personality development. This form of ZPR needs to be correct

differentiate from pedagogical neglect, which pathologically

is not characterized by a state, but arises against the background of a lack of knowledge,

skills and intellectual underdevelopment.

ZPR of cerebro-organic origin.

This type of mental retardation is more common than others. Often

has the brightness and persistence of violations in the emotional-volitional sphere and

cognitive activity of the child. This category of children is dominated by

the presence of non-rough organic insufficiency of the nervous system. On that

type of ZPR can have a pathological effect of toxicosis of pregnant women,

infectious diseases, injuries, Rh conflict, etc. Children with this

type of ZPR are characterized by emotional and volitional immaturity.

Educational conditions necessary for children with mental retardation

1. Correspondence of the pace, volume and complexity of the curriculum to the real

cognitive abilities of the child, the level of development of his cognitive

spheres, the level of preparedness, i.e. already acquired knowledge and skills.

2. Targeted development of general intellectual activity (skill

be aware of learning objectives, navigate the conditions, comprehend


3. Cooperation with adults, providing the necessary assistance by the teacher

child, taking into account his individual problems.

4. Individual dosed assistance to the student, solution

diagnostic tasks.

5. The development of a child's sensitivity to help, the ability

receive and receive help.

6. Small class occupancy (10-12 people).

7. Gentle mode of operation, compliance with hygienic and valeological


8. Organization of classes of correctional and developmental education within the walls

mass school.

9. Specially trained in the field of correctional pedagogy

(special pedagogy and correctional psychology) teacher - teacher,

able to create in the class a special friendly, trusting


10. Creating a feeling of security and

emotional comfort.

11. Unconditional personal support of the student by the teachers of the school.

12. Interaction and mutual assistance of children in the process of learning


13. Confidence in unconditional acceptance of oneself as a person and positive

relationships with peers.

Age norm

Individual stages of development are characterized as features

morphological and functional maturity of individual organs and systems, and

the difference in the mechanisms that determine the specifics of the interaction of the organism

and the external environment.

The need for specific characteristics of individual stages of development,

taking into account both of these factors, raises the question of what to consider in

as the age norm for each of the stages.

For a long time, the age norm was considered as

a set of average statistical parameters characterizing

morphofunctional features of the organism. This idea of ​​the norm

is rooted in a time when practical needs

determined the need to highlight some average standards,

to detect developmental deviations. Undoubtedly, on

at a certain stage in the development of biology and medicine, such an approach played

progressive role, allowing to determine the average parameters

morphofunctional features of a developing organism; yes and in

Currently, it allows solving a number of practical problems (for example, when

calculation of standards of physical development, regulation of the impact

environmental factors, etc.). However, this idea of ​​age

norm, absolutizing the quantitative assessment of morphofunctional

maturity of the body different stages ontogenesis, does not reflect the essence

age-related transformations that determine the adaptive orientation

development of the organism and its relationship with the external environment. Absolutely

it is obvious that if the qualitative specifics of functioning

physiological systems on individual stages development remains unaccounted for,

then the concept of the age norm loses its content, it ceases to

reflect the real functional capabilities of the body in certain

age periods.

The idea of ​​the adaptive nature of individual development led

to the need to revise the concept of the age norm as a set of

average morphological and physiological parameters.

A provision was made according to which the age norm should be

considered as a biological optimum for the functioning of living

system that provides an adaptive response to external factors

environment (Kozlov, Farber).

abnormal development

The term "anomaly" in Greek means deviation from the norm,

from the general pattern, irregularity in development. In this sense, it

the concept exists in pedagogical and psychological sciences.

The question of anomalies in the development of mental processes, in behavior

a person can only be considered in the context of knowledge of normal

parameters of these processes and behavior. The problem of the norm and its variants -

one of the most complex in modern psychological science. It includes

include questions such as the norm of reaction (motor, sensory), the norm

cognitive functions (perception, memory, thinking, etc.), norm

regulation, emotional norm, personality norm, etc. This also includes

issues of gender and age differences. One of the main values

the term "norm" (lat. norma) - an established measure, the average value of something

or. The concept of norm is relatively constant. Its content depends on

culture and change significantly over time.

The concept of "abnormal child".

TO anomalous(from Greek - wrong) include children who have

physical or mental abnormalities lead to a violation of the general

development. A defect (lat. - lack) of one of the functions disrupts the development

child only under certain circumstances. The presence of one or the other

defect does not yet predetermine abnormal development. hearing loss for one

ear or visual impairment in one eye does not necessarily lead to a defect

development, since in these cases it remains possible to perceive

sound and visual signals. Defects of this kind do not disrupt communication

with others, do not interfere with the mastery of educational material and learning in

mass school. Therefore, these defects are not the cause

abnormal development.

A defect in an adult who has reached a certain level of general

development, cannot lead to deviations, since "his mental

development took place under normal conditions.

Thus, children with a mental disorder are considered abnormal.

development due to a defect and requiring special training and


hearing (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf); visually impaired

(blind, visually impaired); with severe speech disorders (logopaths); With

intellectual development disorders (mentally retarded, children with

mental retardation); with complex disorders

psychophysical development, (deaf-blind, blind mentally retarded,

deaf, mentally retarded, etc.); with musculoskeletal disorders


There are other groups of children with disabilities and deviations in

development, such as children with psychopathic behaviors.

The education and upbringing of abnormal children, their inclusion in the public

life and production activities are complex social and

pedagogical problem.

Abnormal children are a complex and diverse group. Various

developmental anomalies affect the formation of social

connections of children, on their cognitive abilities and labor activity. V

depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can completely

overcome in the process of child development, others are only corrected, and

some only offset. The complexity and nature of the violation

normal development of the child is determined by various forms

pedagogical work with him.

The nature of the violation of the physical and mental development of the child has

influence on the entire course and the final result of the development of his cognitive


The educational level of abnormal children differs sharply. One of them

can acquire only elementary general educational knowledge,

others have unlimited possibilities in this regard.

The nature of the violation also affects the ability of students

special schools in relation to practical activities. Some students

special school master highly qualified, others may

perform unskilled work and require special organization

their life and work.

L. S. Vygotsky

emphasized that the attitude to the environment is changing with

age, and, consequently, the role of the environment in development also changes. He

emphasized that the environment must be considered not absolutely, but relatively,

since the influence of the environment is determined by the experiences of the child L S Vygotsky

introduced the concept of key experience. As rightly pointed out by L.

And Bozhovich, "the concept of experience, introduced by L. Vygotsky, singled out and

outlined that most important psychological reality, from the study

which should begin the analysis of the role of the environment in the development of the child; experience

is, as it were, a knot in which diverse influences are tied

various external and internal circumstances.

L. S. Vygotsky formulated a number of laws of mental development

Child development has a complex organization in time: its own rhythm,

which does not coincide with the rhythm of time, and its own pace, which changes in

different years of life. Thus, a year of life in infancy is not equal to a year of life in


The law of metamorphosis in child development: development is a chain of qualitative

change A child is not just a small adult who knows less

or less able, and a creature with a qualitatively different psyche

The law of uneven child development: each side in the psyche

the child has its own optimal period of development

hypothesis of L. S. Vygotsky about the systemic and semantic structure of consciousness.

The law of development of higher mental functions. higher mental

functions arise initially as a form of collective behavior, as

form of cooperation with other people and only subsequently they

become internal individual (forms) functions of the

child Distinctive features of higher mental functions:

mediation, awareness, arbitrariness, system; they

are formed in vivo; they are formed as a result of mastering

special tools, means developed in the course of the historical

development of society; the development of external mental functions is associated with

learning in the broadest sense of the word, it cannot take place except in

the form of assimilation of given samples, therefore this development goes through a series of

stages The specificity of child development lies in the fact that it is subject to

action of biological laws, as in animals, and the action of social

nohistorical laws. The biological type of development occurs in the process

adaptation to nature by inheriting the properties of the species and by

individual experience. Humans do not have innate patterns of behavior in

environment. Its development occurs through the appropriation of historically

developed forms and methods of activity.

The development conditions were later described in more detail by A.N.

Leontiev. These are morphophysiological features of the brain. and communication.

These conditions must be set in motion by the activity of the subject.

Activity arises in response to a need. The needs are also

congenital, they are formed, and the first need is the need for

communication with an adult. On its basis, the baby enters into practical

communication with people, which is later carried out through objects and through

According to L. S. Vygotsky, the driving force behind mental development is learning.

It is important to note that development and learning are different processes. According to

L. S. Vygotsky, the development process has internal laws

self-expression. "Development," he writes, "is the process of formation

person or person, which is accomplished by the appearance on each

steps of new qualities specific to a person, prepared for everyone

the previous course of development, but not contained in finished form on

earlier steps."

Education, according to L. S. Vygotsky, is an internally necessary and universal

moment in the developmental process of the child is not natural, but historical

human features. Learning is not the same as development. It creates

zone of proximal development, that is, it brings the child to life, awakens

and sets in motion the internal processes of development, which at first for

child are possible only in the sphere of relationships with others and

cooperation with comrades, but then, penetrating the entire inner course

development, become the property of the child himself.

L. S. Vygotsky carried out experimental studies

relationship between learning and development. This is the study of life and

scientific concepts, the study of the assimilation of native and foreign languages,

oral and written speech, zones of proximal development. Last thing -

the genuine discovery of L. S. Vygotsky, which is now known to psychologists

all over the world.

Zone of Proximal Development is the distance between the level

actual development, the child and the level of possible development

determined by tasks solved under the guidance of adults. How

writes L. S. Vygotsky, "the zone of proximal development determines the functions, not

ripe yet, but in the process of maturation; features that

can be called not the fruits of development, but the buds of development, flowers

development. . . The level of actual development characterizes the success of development,

development results for yesterday, and the zone of proximal development

characterizes mental development for tomorrow.

The concept of the zone of proximal development has an important theoretical

significance and is associated with such fundamental problems of children's and

pedagogical psychology, as the emergence and development of higher

mental functions, the ratio of learning and mental development,

driving forces and mechanisms of mental development of the child.

The zone of proximal development is a logical consequence of the law of becoming

higher mental functions, which are first formed in a joint

activities, in cooperation with other people, gradually become

internal mental processes subject. When mental

the process is formed in joint activity, it is in the zone

the nearest development; after shaping it becomes a shape

actual development of the subject.

The phenomenon of the zone of proximal development indicates the leading role

learning in the mental development of children. "Learning is only good then, -

wrote L. S. Vygotsky, “when it goes ahead of development.” Then it

awakens and brings to life many other functions that lie in the zone

nearest development. In the context of school, this means that learning

should focus not so much on already matured functions, passed

cycles of development, how much for maturing features.

A. Vlasova and M.S. Pevzner

identified two of the most

numerous groups and have characterized them as:-

1.children with psychophysical infantilism. These are children with disabilities

pace of physical and mental development. ZPR caused

slow maturation of the frontal area of ​​the cerebral cortex and

its connections with other areas of the cortex and subcortex; -

children with mental infantilism.

These are students with functional mental disorders.

activity (cerebroasthenic conditions), as a result

brain injuries.

Forms of intellectual impairment in children with mental retardation (G.E.


1) intellectual impairment due to adverse

environmental conditions and upbringing or pathology of behavior;

2) intellectual impairment during prolonged asthenic

conditions caused by somatic diseases;

3) violations in various forms of infantilism;

4) secondary intellectual insufficiency due to defeat

hearing, vision, speech defect, reading, writing;

5) functional-dynamic intellectual impairments in

children in the residual stage and the remote period of infections and injuries


proposed a clinical systematics of children with

1. ZPR of constitutional origin.

2. ZPR of somatogenic origin.

3. ZPR of psychogenic origin.

4. ZPR of cerebroorganic origin.

All options differ in the peculiarity of the structure and ratio:

type of infantilism and nature of neurodynamic disorders.

V.V. Kovalev

divided ZPR on the basis of the pathogenetic principle:

1) dysontogenetic forms, in which deficiency

due to mechanisms of delayed or distorted development;

2) encephalopathic forms, which are based on organic

damage to brain mechanisms in the early stages of ontogenesis;

3) intellectual deficiency associated with defects

analyzers and sensory organs and due to the action of mechanisms

sensory deprivation;

4) intellectual deficiency associated with defects

upbringing and lack of information from early childhood

(“sociocultural mental retardation”).