What is early childhood development and why is it important? Stages of child development. Early development The development of the child can be carried out by

Educators, psychologists and parents themselves are very “loving” to talk about the early development of babies. True, the latter, as a rule, have a poor idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the early development of the child is, is it really useful, can it be stimulated without fear of negative consequences, and what pediatricians think about early development.

The most seductive nuance in the minds of most parents of any method of early childhood development is that it supposedly promises to grow a true genius out of your baby. But in reality none of existing systems early development does not provide such guarantees.

Early Development Methods: Are We Talking About the Same Thing?

When it comes to early development, most often we mean some extraordinary sports, creative or intellectual skills that, in our opinion, a child can and should master at the earliest possible age, as far as possible.

It is desirable that he was born into the world already with a diploma of secondary education and a tag indicating in which particular area this child is a future genius ...

But since from time immemorial and to this day, such luggage is, alas, not attached to the birth of a child, various sensible and talented teachers have come up with all sorts of methods for the early development of children.

It is important that you understand that early development techniques (and we will not tire of repeating this) are not "openers" that "reveal" your baby's personality like a tin can, exposing all of his talents, abilities and talents to you. No, not at all!

First of all, without exception, all methods of early development are aimed at helping your baby “join” the structure of the world around him as quickly and organically as possible, understand it, “make friends” with it, and learn how to benefit from it for yourself. In a word, they teach children to quickly and easily adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the world around them, and even so that the children themselves are informative, fun and not bored.

And only a few of the methods report that against the general background of the harmonious development of a child's personality, his extraordinary abilities in one area or another begin to appear: arts, exact sciences, some kind of applied skill, etc.

The most famous methods of early development:

  • Montessori School. According to , the teacher, the child and the learning environment form the so-called "learning triangle". The teacher should create a natural environment for the child by setting up the learning spaces in such a way that the environment encourages independence, freedom with moderate restrictions, and promotes a sense of order. Groups with children different ages is an important distinguishing feature of the Montessori method. Younger children learn from older children, older children can reinforce their knowledge by teaching younger children things they have already mastered. This relationship reflects the real world in which people work and interact with people of all ages and abilities.
  • Bereslavsky method. The system of teaching children about software is quite popular today as a system of independent early development (there is no need to study at some specialized center or kindergarten). The technique allows even very tiny children (starting as early as one and a half to two years) to teach reading and writing, as well as logical thinking and decision making.
  • Doman Method. It was originally developed to help develop the capabilities of children with brain damage through a program of intense mental and physical stimulation. But since the 1960s, this technique has been actively used in the upbringing of ordinary, healthy children. According to Doman's methodology, the period from birth to 6 years is crucial for children in terms of learning and developing internal potential.
  • Zaitsev's method. The most famous tutorial is the cubes of the same name. Zaitsev's cubes can be successfully used both at home and in any kindergarten. The manual consists of cubes of different sizes and colors, on which all warehouses of the Russian language are depicted at once. Classes with cubes allow older children (from 3 years old) to learn to read fluently very quickly, and kids (from 1 year old) help to start talking actively and, after a couple of years, to read without problems.
  • Ibuka technique. One of the most famous methods of early development. According to the author, she does not at all strive to bring up a genius from a child. All people, provided there are no physical defects, are born with the same potential. How they are then divided into smart or stupid, polite or aggressive - depends entirely on education. In essence, this is a certain set of observations and rules that are aimed at ensuring that the child grows up, first of all, happy.

All of the above methods of early development have proven their effectiveness and usefulness over a particular period in the history of their existence - choose any one to your taste, or combine several at once. They are all a little different ways, but with approximately the same degree of success, really help the personality of a small child "find its place" in the world around it, establish mutually beneficial communication with it, learn to quickly adapt to the image of that social group in which the child exists.

Many parents independently study the basics and principles of one or another authoritative method of early development, and apply this experience in everyday communication with their baby ...

At the same time, training within the framework of early development is usually structured in such a way as to maximally stimulate curiosity, communication, the ability to acquire and use one's experience and other useful qualities in the baby.

What to develop in a small child?

In order to introduce the baby to early development, it is not at all necessary to give him into the hands of specialists and special institutions. Not deprived of intelligence and culturally savvy parents can themselves deal with their children. Another thing - what exactly to do?

Being carried away by the theory of early child development, it is very important not to succumb to the temptation and not turn your own baby into a “star of a traveling circus”.

Namely: a two-year-old baby can be made to remember the flags of all European states and recognize them unmistakably. And you will always have a spectacular “trump card” up your sleeve to “plug in the belt” of other parents who from time to time like to show off the talents and achievements of their children.

Has your Petya learned to count to five? Does your Sonechka distinguish red from blue? Well, not bad. But mine, look, is already an expert on European banners! Of course, you will break a flurry of applause. True, this family pride of yours in this case has nothing to do with early development.

If you do not repeat the names of the states and the flags inherent in them every day with your child, then by the age of five he will not have a trace of this skill. Moreover, as he had no idea about the learned states, he will remain in the dark about them.

This is imaginary knowledge, stupid and impractical. Ballast, from which children's memory will sooner or later get rid of. So is it worth spending effort on introducing a child to useless and meaningless knowledge?

If we are talking about an infant or a toddler under 2 years old, then first of all, it is necessary to develop in him those skills that are clearly useful to him now, useful in the future, and will also become the first step towards mastering more complex skills.

Sometimes doctors call these skills "instinctive" - ​​they do not belong to the category of highly intellectual achievements and talents, but they dramatically increase the child's activity in the field of social and natural adaptation. Moreover, this activity will be inherent in this child in the future. In practice, everything looks much simpler and more fun than in theory. For example, a baby aged 1.5-2 years old can already be taught:

Distinguish multiple colors. And best of all - on specific applied things and objects. “A yellow banana is a ripe and delicious fruit. A green banana is unripe and not tasty at all. Red or blue berry - ripe and tasty. But this green berry ( be sure to show the agreed items in the pictures or "live") is not mature and may even be poisonous, you can’t eat it. ” Etc...

Whatever you are trying to teach your child - always give examples. Dozens, hundreds of examples! Only through illustrative examples is the child able to perceive knowledge. No abstract explanations are in principle available to him at the age of 6-7 years - keep this in mind.

As soon as your little one realizes that the taste and ripeness of bananas can be recognized by color, his competitiveness in society and his ability to self-preservation will greatly increase. Judge for yourself: the next time a dish of bananas is placed in front of the kids, it is your child who will feel best of all - he will be able to quickly and accurately choose the most ripe and delicious fruit from the whole pile of bananas.

And if in his 2 years old your little one can not only get himself the most delicious and “profitable” fruit, but also, on his own initiative, share his “booty” with someone else (with you or with the kids on the site) - you can safely praise yourself for being a truly talented, amazing teacher. After all, the ability to show empathy, sympathy, generosity and similar qualities is also a sign of a mature personality.

Distinguish odors. It is especially useful to teach a child to recognize pleasant smells (for example, the smell of flowers, fruits, hot bread, freshly cut grass, etc.), as well as “alarming and dangerous” smells: for example, the smell of smoke, burning, gasoline, etc. On this you can come up with a lot of interesting, fun, educational games.

Distinguish the shape of similar objects. Much easier - to collect an armful autumn leaves in the yard, and then for each leaf to find a "native" tree. “This is a maple leaf, the maple looks like this ( and show the kid the tree itself). And this is an oak leaf, and there is an oak itself ... ".

And in a couple of days, let your baby show you the trees from which the collected leaves "escaped" ... Such games quickly instill in the child the ability to identify similar objects. No matter how simple this activity may seem to you, it can really teach your baby the ability to quickly adapt in the face of choice. Have you noticed how often, for example, people stand in deep thought in front of a counter with kefir-yogurt? It is really hard for them to choose something for themselves from the mass of similar products. Most often, they take either what they have already tried recently, or what the person next to them takes in their basket.

Many psychologists will confirm you - modern people often suffer from the fact that they are lost in front of many similar forms (whether it be the choice of clothes, products, etc.). Although this skill - a confident and informed choice - can be easily instilled in early childhood.

Whatever you talk about with your baby, always try to provide your narrative with a bright, simple illustration or live demonstration of the subject.

Speak multiple languages. The nature of a small child is very malleable and is able to perceive a much larger amount of information than you can imagine. And bilinguals (children who are brought up in two languages ​​at once) are not uncommon in our time.

Sometimes the reason for this is international marriages, and sometimes parents specifically begin to teach the baby languages ​​​​from infancy. But here it is very important to follow the rule: if you want your child to be fluent in several languages, he must practice these languages ​​every day.

By the way, bilinguals are people who speak only two languages. If you or your child speaks three, four or five languages, then your name is multilingual. And if you are that rare type of people who speaks six or more linguistic cultures, then you are definitely a polyglot.

Knowledge is nothing without practice!

Early development can be understood as many excellent skills. For children from 2-3 years old, this is usually: mastering foreign languages ​​(in parallel with their native language), the ability to read and write at an early age, sports, or, for example, musical talents, etc. In very tiny babies up to a year old, early development is the progressive development of reflexes (for example, grasping or walking) on early dates etc.

However, remember - what you develop in this baby (or are just trying to develop) should be part of his daily life. For example, if you teach your son or daughter to foreign languages, then for many years he must hear these languages ​​​​and use them daily - only then will there be meaning, progress and sense in this.

You can explain the basic principles of thermodynamics to a three-year-old boy on your fingers - and he will probably even understand you. And he will even repeat these theses in the circle of his peers in front of their astonished parents. But if this does not have any continuation, regularity and practical reinforcement, then by the age of ten this child will be the same “zero” in terms of knowledge of thermodynamics as he was at two years old. Do not waste time on empty, "dead-end" knowledge! Take care of your child by:

  • has development.(The ability to recognize simple colors can be complicated by familiarity with the variety color shades, with drawing skills, etc.)
  • has practical benefits.(Do you remember - the ability to recognize colors gives the baby the opportunity to choose the most delicious and “profitable” banana for himself).
  • your child likes.(Any activity within the framework of early development should bring genuine pleasure to the child, satisfy his curiosity, make him laugh and amuse, in a word, give the child positive emotions).

How to find out if the baby is overloaded with one or another activity?

The load for babies of a very tender age (up to 2-3 years) is determined solely by the individual characteristics of the child, his personal daily routine, his interests and desires.

If the baby is fascinated by music, what prevents you from listening to it constantly while the baby is awake? Never mind! Or why not let the child “study” books to its fullest if he is really passionate about them? There are many children who, in infancy, having barely learned to sit and stand, could spend hours looking at bright book illustrations or the pages of glossy magazines - as a rule, such children learn to read very early, easily and quickly in the future.

Whatever your child, who is not yet 3 years old, does, the criterion of “overload” will always be the same - the baby will lose the desire to do it. He will begin to act up or cry, switch his attention or ask to sleep. At this point, it is very important to instantly switch the child to something else.

But if the child does not show signs of fatigue or boredom, but clearly enjoys some activity (collects blocks into a pyramid, listens to music from the player, looks at colorful illustrations in magazines) - he can do this for as long as he likes.

Early development should not interfere with health!

In no case should you allow that in pursuit of musical, or, say, intellectual achievements, you forget that physical activity and fresh air are extremely important for a child of 1-3 years old. If, for the sake of developmental activities, the baby will walk less and less often, move less and get physically tired, this can be detrimental to his health.

Physical activity is just as important for the successful maturation of a harmonious personality of a child as intellectual (as well as emotional and other) skills ...

Do not forget that physical exercise- Swimming, crawling, long walks and any active movement are very important for the baby. Recall that many organs and systems in the body of a child continue to form several years after his birth.

For example, the arch of the foot acquires correct form only by 7-12 years. Moreover, due precisely to the fact that, by nature, a child up to this age is especially physically active: jumping, jumping, rushing, etc.

By the way, this is why there is no official diagnosis in medicine, although this problem itself exists, and is quite acute: many young children in our time are partly deprived of physical activity in favor of the so-called intellectual early development. And instead of playing catch-up and "classics", they sit back, mastering the basics of chess or foreign languages. Which as a result leads to "gaps" in the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the child...

Do not deprive the baby of walks - he must “jump” and “run through” his childhood for the sake of his own health, this is inherent in the human cub by nature.

And if you want that at the same time his intellect does not get bored and develops, look for a compromise! For example: hire him a young nanny with knowledge French: let them jump together in the fresh air and at the same time speak French. There is always a reasonable compromise!

Competent approach

Intelligent, prudent parents understand that early development methods are not a way to raise a future Mozart, Pavarotti, Hawking or Einstein from their child. Such ambitions are already a failure in their essence.

All existing courses and schools for the early development of babies are just a great opportunity to support and satisfy the need of any child to learn about the world around them. Through sports, through music, through visual perception, through mathematics, through languages ​​- there are dozens, hundreds of ways to learn about the world around us. Your task is only to determine which of these methods is “to your heart's content” for your baby more than others ...

No early development method alone can make your child happy. Moreover, even if your baby masters all the existing methods of early development even before his fifth birthday, this is by no means a guarantee that at 25 he will become a successful and contented person.

So, loving, prudent and responsible parents who decide to “expose” their baby to one or another method of early development should firmly remember:

  • Early development is not about raising a child to be a genius. And it is to teach the child some skills of mutually beneficial communication with the outside world. Lack of fear and distrust, curiosity, desire for communication, ability with compassion and generosity, kindness.
  • The knowledge that early development methods provide should be practical and useful for the daily life of the child.

Previously, no one particularly developed children, and what the kindergarten gave was enough. Yes, and they started to deal with a child at the age of four, and now they are talking about development from the cradle everywhere. Advanced mothers begin to choose early development courses when the baby has just begun to crawl. What is early childhood development and why is it needed? Let's try to figure it out.

When they talk about early development, they mean that the child, in terms of its pace of development and level of knowledge, is ahead of those peers with whom special classes are not held. What exactly the “early” complex for a child includes - no one knows for sure, because there are a huge number of methods, and each considers something different as a measure of development.

Modern parents try to start "developing" the child as early as possible. Some - already before birth (yes, there are such methods!). It seems that all parents are divided into 2 camps: some do not think about any early development, then recollect themselves before school, while others take up the development of children with such zeal that children feel sorry for them.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Let's try to figure out whether any developmental courses and special classes for kids are needed at all.

Many authors of early development methods (Doman, Montessori, Suzuki, Zaitsev, Nikitin, Trop) insist that the theories that are commonly called early development methods are by no means early, but just timely. The most intensive development of the mental and creative abilities of the child occurs in the period from one and a half to three and a half years. Scientists have determined that by the age of 3, the development of brain cells is completed by 70%, and by six - by 90%. Then, many of the innate mechanisms that nature has bestowed upon man die off.

For example, few people know that all hearing children are born with an absolute ear for music, so among thousands of noises they are able to recognize the sound of the beating of the mother's heart. But if musical abilities are not developed, by the age of six, many children lose this gift.

And now, having learned this fact, the parents begin to vigorously develop the child, identifying one and a half year old crumbs at the same time in English, rhythm, a logic course, in the pool and also in an art circle, and at home hanging rooms with Doman cards. Many parents are so inspired by the idea of ​​raising a genius that they build the development of the child according to the principle “what if we don’t have time to do something? What if we missed something?" After all, you really want to proudly say to the mother of another baby: “What, yours still doesn’t read? (he doesn’t go to the potty himself, doesn’t learn English, doesn’t count to 10, etc.) and we have been able to do this for half a year!”

Before you take classes with your child or take him to any courses, decide what drives you: the desire to help the child explore the world or parental ambitions. If you, first of all, want to experience pride in parental achievements in the field of teaching a baby, then all the failures of the child will become a personal defeat for you, a confirmation of your own insolvency. And then the child will begin to suffer, on whom the parents had placed their hopes, but, alas, he did not live up to it.

So what to do? Not to develop the child? Also incorrect.

Early child development is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity dictated by the needs of the modern technological world. Traditional pedagogical science does not want to admit that the potential of a child is much higher than simply painting over a coloring book or modeling carrots, which is done with kids in kindergarten. Without special classes, children come to school without special skills and a coherent system of knowledge. First, it initially puts them at a disadvantage. Imagine how painful it is for a child of 6-7 years old to realize that they didn’t take him to a good school, because he doesn’t know something and doesn’t know how - that is, that he is dumber than others! Secondly, the child still has to catch up. It is especially unpleasant if this happens in the 1st grade, when the child spends hours doing homework, which his classmates can do in 10 minutes.

Of course, each child develops at his own pace, mastering his own abilities gradually, step by step. However, if a child is systematically engaged, using various methods of early development, then the development of abilities occurs more intensively than in those children with whom classes are not held.

What is the preferred method? What exactly do you do with a child? at what age to start? These questions torment parents.

Many developing systems came to us from abroad and cannot be adapted to the Russian mentality. For example, Masaru Ibuki's system, called "It's Too Late After Three", is built in Japanese traditions: there is a lot of attention paid to aesthetic and musical development and foreign languages. At the same time, this method completely lacks tasks for the development of physical activity, which is also important for the full development of the child.

All children are individual. So what works for one child may not work for another. It is best if a personality-oriented system is created for the child, based on the individual characteristics and needs of this particular child. It is useless to try to chaotically shove as much information as possible into the child, you can not focus on reading, or vice versa, artistic and aesthetic development. The main task of early classes should be the versatile development of the child's personality, his logical and abstract thinking. That is, it is important not only to reveal to children the basics of science, but also to teach children to independently comprehend the world and independently draw conclusions and discoveries.

The development of the child should be harmonious. There is a time for everything, one must follow the path of natural development of man.

By nature, every child is gifted in some area, and the goal of teachers and parents is to find these "God's sparks" in every child, to reveal the potential of the child and teach them to develop natural abilities on their own.

It is impossible to focus on the development of only the strengths of the child and his talents, since in this case we get disharmony of development. For example, a frail "nerd" or an intellectually limited athlete. In principle, it is impossible to set a goal to raise a genius from a child, because in pursuit of results, you can “overload” the child, and constantly demonstrating these results to others, you can spoil the character of the baby. Comprehensive development is much more important than a record in any one direction, because it is it that provides the basis for the formation of a harmonious personality.

Advocating for early development, parents need to be reasonable and be wary of newfangled methods that proclaim that they need to teach their child to read before they walk. Man, first of all, is a part of nature, and we, as a biological unit, have a certain development plan, which is wrong to violate.

A one-year-old child needs to be taught to control his body and strive to understand the world, and not be seated at the numbers. At the age of about two years, the child must be taught to acquire knowledge and analyze information, develop his speech and desire to know the world. Closer to three years, the child needs to learn how to classify data, draw conclusions, that is, it is important to develop logical and abstract thinking, as well as lay the foundations of security. That is, everything has its time, its age.

One has to wonder what kind of mess is formed in the head of young parents who have read magazines about early development. Although all parents love their children and try to give them maximum attention, few can work with the kids from week to week according to a certain system. Having neither special knowledge, no pedagogical abilities, parents make a lot of mistakes, which then have to be corrected by professionals. That is why, in order for a child to grow up smart, it is worth identifying him for developmental development in child Center or any studio.

There is simple words and even expressions for which it is quite easy to formulate a definition. And there are words and expressions, the meaning of which is clear to everyone, but for which there is no exact definition and it is rather difficult to give it. The same is true with the concept of "early development". Many people involved in this very thing cannot clearly articulate what they are actually doing, argue among themselves and cannot come to a consensus.

Everyone knows what development is. What is early, too, no need to explain. But "early development"? What's this? Why and why is it early? Is it necessary? Is it worth depriving a child of childhood? And so on... There are a lot of questions, disputes and objections. Let's try to figure out what it is and why it is needed.

Each child is individual. He develops at his own pace, mastering his own abilities gradually, step by step... Each baby develops this or that function in its own way. Nobody needs to prove it. But, of course, there are also age norms: how and when a child should start to sit, stand, walk, run, draw, read, write ... All these frameworks show teachers and parents no later than what period this or that function should develop, How long will this be the norm? If one or another function is not formed by the desired age, it is customary to talk about developmental delay. This, as a rule, happens when the baby is seriously ill or when he lacks the attention of adults, when no one is doing anything with the baby.

But as soon as you start paying at least a little attention to the child, play with him, tell him something, show him pictures, read books, how he begins to develop, grow wiser, grow up, become more mature before our eyes. Such a kid is interested in everything, he asks to work with him again and again.

Well, if you don’t just play and read, but apply any of the well-known methods of early development, teach the child something (of course, through the game, and not by sitting at a desk), then the baby begins to develop even faster, more intensively. His speech is strikingly different from the speech of his peers (and from the speech of his most recently). He begins to amaze his parents with his mind, memory, ingenuity, and creative streak.

The kid begins to develop earlier than he could if no one did anything with him, and not earlier than the neighbor boy or cousin. This can be called "early development" of the child.

Many authors (Suzuki, Lupan, Zaitsev, Nikitin, Tropp) insist that such development is not early, but just timely, that traditional pedagogical science, based on the experience of past centuries, lags behind modern methods. That human potential is much richer than it was commonly believed until now (Although we know that the generally accepted norms have changed a lot over the past 20-30 years: who can you surprise with a five-year reading now? And before, almost all children came to school not reading).

The only thing is that classical teachers lag behind innovators in the timing of the start of education, and children begin to study just at the time when the growth of the brain is already completed (about 7 years). In this case, the child really cannot afford the load that is offered to him at school. He hardly learns to count, read, it is difficult for him to master writing. In the future, this leads to difficulties in all school disciplines.

Based on this, we can give a second definition to the term "early development" - the intensive development of the child's abilities at an early age (from 0 to 2-3 years). Naturally, at this age, this is completely incompatible with traditional, "garden-school" ways of teaching. This is something completely different.

This is a specially created environment in which the baby lives, filled with interesting and unusual objects for looking at and studying with all the other senses.

These are the most diverse toys (from the simplest materials at hand), giving a lot of tactile, visual, sound, and olfactory sensations.

This is unlimited physical activity, "reinforced" by specially equipped corners in the baby's room, giving him the opportunity to better and earlier master his body, study it well, be more dexterous, stronger, stronger, feel safer.

These are games made specifically for him by his parents, based on his interests and age capabilities (which is quite difficult to find on sale).

These are books written for him in large understandable letters in folds, with large pictures, with pages that even the smallest peanut cannot spoil.

These are cubes with letters (or, even better, with warehouses), which the baby just plays with his mother.

These are constant walks, excursions, conversations, reading books and much, much more.

Early development is the active position of the mother in relation to the child in the first years of life. This is a continuous process, it is painstaking work that requires constant "involvement" in the life of the child, constant creative tension.

Early development is the path to rapport with your child.

Early development is the desire of parents to fill gray everyday life with the joy of learning and joint creativity. This is an understanding of how fleeting and unique the time of preschool childhood is and how important it is for the baby to live it fully and colorfully.

Now let's look at what should be considered even before starting classes with the baby.

Most importantly, do not set yourself the goal of raising a child prodigy, a genius. Chasing results can overload a child. And demonstrating these results to others can spoil the character of the baby.

Second - no need to rush from one fashion hobby to another. Young children are conservatives, they quickly get used to this or that way of life. And changing it is always a small injury. And if you often change your views on the development and upbringing of a baby, you can even damage his psyche.

When choosing one or another way of learning, be critical. Do not take everything blindly and without looking back. In any technique, there may be something that will suit you and your baby, and something that is not quite suitable. Do not be afraid of your unprofessionalism. Only you can know exactly what is good for your child and what is not.

So, you have chosen which of the directions or methods you like best. It can be one thing or a combination of two or three congenial methods. After that, try not to change your pedagogical views.

When working with a toddler, try to use a limited range of teaching aids. Do not buy more and more new and materials. It is better to use one thing (or several) as fully as possible, from all sides, than to develop a child with several dozen games and manuals. He will not be able to really master a single game, but only get confused. Be creative, come up with new tasks for familiar games.

Enter all games and activities according to the principle "from very simple to simple, from simple to complex, and then to very complex." If the kid can’t cope with something, simplify the task to the maximum, even if it does not correspond to the instructions. Do all the tasks together first, and then let him try himself.

Do not worry if something does not work out for you at all, postpone this or that activity or game. After a while, try again. After all, you are not chasing a record, but communicating with a child, helping him understand the wisdom of adult life, master his own mind and body.

Do not set yourself any standards for the time and number of classes per day. Firstly, such norms are difficult to comply with (due to various household and family circumstances). If you don’t complete this or that planned exercise or if you don’t play a game or lesson, you will blame yourself for not being able to ensure the full development of the baby. And this is not so. Because even a small amount of exercise is better than nothing. Practice as much as your time allows.

Secondly, your baby can be very, very captivated by this or that business. You don't have to stop him to do the next "event" on the list. Let him better show himself most fully in what interested him.

Never involve a child in activities if he is sick or even just not feeling well or in a bad mood. This will bring him not good, but harm.

If you want to give your child knowledge about anything, give him as many ways to get information as possible, do not limit yourself to cards or some other fashionable hobby. Give it from different sides, from different points of view, cover one topic in games, posters, other manuals, books, films.

Try to talk more with your child, talk to him about everything in the world at home, on the subway, on a walk - an adult's speech is more important than any methodological guide.

Information you provide to a small child, should be built on the basis of the principle "Child and his environment" and its boundaries should gradually expand depending on the age of the child. There is no need to grab onto a lot at once or at once for a very difficult one.

Do not give the kid the knowledge that will not be useful to him in the near future. Because while he needs them, he can simply forget them. And precious time can be spent on studying and mastering what is needed now in the first place. Do not make "stocks of knowledge", live for today.

A kid who does something during the day should not be overloaded with watching TV. This is unnecessary information for him and a strong load on the brain. He needs time and a calm environment to absorb and assimilate the acquired knowledge and skills.

Help your child learn to learn on their own. Give him the freedom of creativity in this process.

Rejoice in every success of your child, even the slightest attempt to prove himself, especially if this is the first time.

Do not go deep in one direction, such as reading, math, music, or physical education, forgetting the rest. All-round development is much more important for the baby than a record in one of the areas.

I hope that these tips will help you make communication with your baby interesting, rich, and useful for both of you.

And most importantly, improve yourself. Let the baby see that learning and learning is interesting, necessary for everyone.

Let your baby be an active mother!

To begin with, let's take it as an axiom that all children are different. And this difference depends on innate properties nervous system: how quickly nerve cells increase or decrease activity, how long they can be in a state of tension, how quickly they switch between different processes. We are accustomed to call a set of these properties "temperament". It cannot be influenced, it is biologically determined and depends on nutrition, stress, disease and genetic predisposition. By the way, about genetics. Representatives of this science often state that the behavior and personality of people are almost 80% dependent on hereditary predisposition and this cannot be corrected by upbringing. Well, one can argue endlessly what influences the development of a child more: genes or the immediate environment. But all discussions on this topic boil down to one simple thought: you need to take into account what is given by nature, and develop what is possible. That is, if the baby is calm and melancholy, likes to quietly collect the designer, you should not push him into the theater studio and sculpt an eccentric extrovert out of him with all his might.

What then can be educated? Habits, behavior, attitude towards other people and towards oneself. The ability to understand, regulate and express their emotions, set goals and achieve results. Only now it is desirable to realize their pedagogical talents before the child turns 7 years old. Because around this age, all the systems of the brain will be formed in him. And in the future, adults will only be able to influence the values ​​and attitudes of a growing person. Therefore, we propose to hand over smart books to the library and pay more attention to the baby - after all, he himself will show how he develops. And we will show you exactly what and how to educate.

The logic of child development

From birth, the baby develops rapidly according to a biologically programmed program: physically and mentally. Up to three years, this program is quite specific, and parents should help the child to pass it. This, in fact, is education at this stage.

Physical development. Children learn to move. Up to six months - to crawl, up to about a year and a half - to walk, by the age of two they master all types of movement. They deftly hold onto the walls of the crib with their hands - of course, to get out of it. At first, they simply grab toys, and by the age of three they learn more precise movements - for example, to hold a fork and a spoon in their hands. After four years, they begin to experiment with pleasure - dance rap and lambada, run, jump, stand on their heads and perform other acrobatic studies. So the kids master the coordination of complex movements. By the way, that is why it is recommended to send children to dance and sports sections closer to five years. Before that, they will still not be able to perform any special exercises.

Intellectual development. Intellect and thinking are developing at a frantic pace. First of all, memory. Its volume in babies is grandiose! Still, there are so many things to keep in mind: what mom, dad, room, toys and all the objects that surround the house look like. Children are great at remembering numbers and letters. It may seem to parents that the child has learned to read or count, but this is not so. The kid just remembered the combination of sounds and pictures. In general, there is no need to rush the child and teach him to read and write. Until the age of three, a small person first of all learns to move himself and evaluate objects and their properties: a plastic cube is square and light, a metal ball is round, smooth and cold. The ball can be rolled, the cubes can be stacked on top of each other. Already a fairy tale!

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To learn to read and count, a child must understand what symbols are. The ability to perceive metaphors occurs after three years, closer to 4-5. This moment is easy to track by watching the baby play. When an element of fantasy appears in games, this is a sure sign. If an ordinary stick has become a saber or a police baton, hooray, it's time to show the letters.

The role of parents. The main task during this period is simply to observe the child, understand what he wants, and help him achieve these goals. Mom, dad, grandmother or aunt, that is, any adult who is often nearby, can support the baby. This does not mean that you have to constantly monitor every movement of the little explorer. It is necessary to help him solve the evolutionary tasks of development. For example, until the child has learned to walk, the mother becomes his main means of transportation: she picks her up and shows everything that interests her. The kid wants to touch the violets on the windowsill - dad allows it. He does not understand how to assemble the pyramid, - the grandmother explains.

And as our children get older, they face new challenges. For example, 6-year-old preschool children still do not know how to set goals and achieve them, observe a daily routine, and manage their emotions. All this is done by parents: for them and with them. And they teach the most important things that will come in handy in life. For example, like this...


This quality means that a child can do something from start to finish, whether it's coloring a picture or building a house out of blocks. Only here is the problem: children under 3 years old do not know how to set goals at all, and up to 7 years old - only very short-term ones. Because they live here and now. And, apparently, therefore they are the happiest creatures in the world.

How to educate. Use children's interest in the process. Guess what a child can do endlessly? Of course, play. Preschool children learn the world through games. So if you manage to turn any business into entertainment, the child himself will not notice how he does everything. Agree, it is strange to expect zeal from a baby in what he is not at all interested in. It comes much later!


Attention like mental process is the ability to focus on one thing for a long time: look at toys, listen to a lullaby performed by grandmother, look at and compare pictures to find ten differences, and later - the ability to read, understand the task in the textbook and complete it.

How to educate. Very easy. You just need to offer the child no more than one goal at a time. Hanging mobiles and garlands around the crib, laying out a bunch of toys, we only scatter his attention. Show the baby no more than three simple objects, and they should differ in a maximum of two signs: color, shape. The child will look at them and compare them even more willingly if something happens to these objects. First, turn them in your hands yourself, then let the child touch and gnaw. Again, you need to arouse curiosity - to show what you can do with this wonderful thing. And later it will be replaced by interest - it will further strengthen attention.

Love for reading

Modern parents dream of raising children who would read books, and not play toys on the tablet. So they begin to teach the alphabet to three-year-olds. And they make a mistake. Yes, the child will remember the letters. And yes, even an illiterate adult can be taught to read and write in a week. But an adult understands that there is a meaning behind the symbol. In children, this understanding is formed along with the development of thinking, after four years, as we wrote above. Therefore, it is necessary not to teach to read, but to instill a love of reading.

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How to educate. Very young children, in principle, are interested when an adult reads aloud to them. This means that mom or dad is nearby, paying attention. Closer to two years, when memory develops, the child finds a new interest: to memorize favorite fairy tales. It torments parents, makes them read the same thing dozens of times. He will immediately notice and will certainly correct if they paraphrase at least something (they said “crystal slipper”, not “crystal slipper”). No need to suggest new books - learn by heart stories that your baby likes.

And only closer to the age of three does the young literary critic develop an interest in the content of the book. What are the heroes? What are they doing? Why do they do it this way or that way? Here it is time to use the imagination: the child loves when parents compose additional stories about characters, buy toys, find books with a sequel. Closer to school, you can read in the evenings with the whole family - in turn, one chapter at a time, books that will be of interest to everyone: "Chuk and Gek" and "Deniska's stories", for example.

And of course, over time, the child will become interested in the books of his parents. Therefore, it is not bad if adults in your family also like to read. And not just social media...


Concentrated to do something not very interesting, as you already understood, it is difficult for children. But there is good news: the love of work arises by itself, at the age of 3-4 years. And, unfortunately, many adults do not notice this, do not help the child develop it. Don't repeat their mistakes. Try to pay attention when your son or daughter is happy to get involved in any household chores: sweeping, washing dishes, dusting. They do this in order to be near and spend time with you, but they have the illusion that they are helping. This is what you need to support!

How to educate. Do not say: “Go play while I wash the dishes,” but invite the little moidodyr to participate. He will learn to hold a plate, foam a sponge. Yes, the dishes will have to be washed for an hour. But all this time you are engaged with the child, and you don’t have to rack your brains about what educational games to take a bored child. Because in the process of washing dishes, the most important thing develops - the ability to do different work with your hands.

And even talent!

Talent is a combination of abilities, interest and ability to work. Of course, abilities are largely biologically determined: they depend on how the sense organs have developed - hearing, vision, sensations. But interest and the ability to work are components of talent that can and should be developed.

How to educate. Just be attentive to what the child does well and what he likes. And, of course, help him set short-term goals in order to maintain interest in regular classes. After all, even the brightest abilities can remain unclaimed if they are not seen and flavored with a generous portion of diligence.

And parents, of course, want their children to be obedient. Well, with the right upbringing they will. And obedient in a good way: not those who blindly follow commands, but those who are understood. It is important to see what the child is ready and not ready for and not to demand the impossible. When mom and dad are attentive to their child, they themselves become the best educators in the world.
