Вопросы про космос на английском языке. Детские книги о космосе на английском языке: описание с фото

Затем мы делали поделку.
Мы покрасили серебряной гуашью большую пластиковую бутылку (это корпус) и 4 рулончика туалетной бумаги (бустеры). Когда все высохло приклеили бустеры к корпусу.
Носовой конус сделали из листа бумаги, свернув его в конус (почти как кулек) и тоже приклеили сверху корпуса. Можно было бы еще нарезать красно оранжевых полос бумаги и приклеить к низу ракеты, как будто вылетает огонь, но боялась, что это займет много времени. И так все остались очень довольны и процессом и результатом.

Физическая подготовка

В процессе изготовления ракеты, пока ждали, чтобы высохла краска мы занимались физическими упражнениями. Ведь в космос слабых не берут! В общем дети отлично поупражнялись, заодно повторили спортивную лексику – отжимания, подтягивания, упражнения на пресс, приседания и т.п.
Когда ракета была готова, мы занялись приготовлением запасов еды. Я рассказала ребятам, что в космосе невесомость и все будет летать, а жидкость вообще превращается в шарики-пузырики. Поэтому вся еда должна быть удобна для пользования в космосе. Я рассказала, что еда и напитки обычно в тюбиках, чтобы ее было удобно есть. Мы обсудили, что это может быть и в какой форме и я предложила детям составить меню.

Запасаем питание

Предварительно я обклеила несколько тюбиков, которые нашла дома (от зубной пасты, мазей и т.п) малярным скотчем (можно просто бумагой). И дети сами вызвались подписать их, в итоге у нас получилось шикарное меню:

Мое предложение подписать хотя бы один тюбик чем-то более питательным, например, “суп” не нашло поддержки и было отвергнуто.
Также обсудили, что хлеб и всякие печенки, наверное, не стоит брать, а то крошки будут летать по всей ракете.

Мастерим скафандр

Теперь нам оставалось только подготовить соответствующую одежду – скафандр. Мы взяли рулон фольги и дружно обмотали ею самого маленького члена команды, включая ноги. Было очень весело и, заодно, повторились все части тела и движения: подними ногу, опусти руку и т.д.
Когда мы распаковывали нашего маленького космонавта из фольги (сразу скажу – конструкция одноразовая и жаркая), дети стали комкать фольгу в шарики, в результате чего родилась спонтанная идея устроить битву марсовыми камнями (по аналогии с лунными – moon rocks –mars ice rocks – ледяные камни – на марсе же очень холодно). Мы разделились на 2 команды, поделили серебристые шарики и построили себе защиту из стульев. Ну и просто бросались друг в друга этими шариками, как снежками. Вроде все так просто, но детям очень понравилось и они вволю нарезвились!

Topic: What do we know about space?

Тема: Что мы знаем о космосе?

Looking at the stars on the sky at night and following the movement of the sun at the day time, experiencing solar and moon eclipses, northern lights and meteoric showers, people from ancient times have begun to think about space. It conceals many secrets and mysteries, and, even nowadays, at the period of high developed technological progress, the scientists are still puzzled with a great number of unresolved questions. Studying cosmos we hope to find or at least simple forms of life.

Глядя на звезды на небе ночью и следя за движением солнца в дневное время, переживая солнечные и лунные затмения, северное сияние и метеорные дожди, люди с древнейших времен начали задумываться о космосе. Он таит в себе множество тайн и загадок, и, даже сегодня, в период высокого развития технического прогресса, ученые до сих пор ломают головы над большим количеством нерешенных вопросов. Изучая космос, мы надеемся найти следы другой цивилизации или, по крайней мере, простых форм жизни.

Some people believe that the humanity was brought to the Earth through space. According to this theory, powerful and mighty aliens created people as slaves to extract gold. It is supposed that those aliens have built pyramids and other magnificent buildings.

Некоторые люди полагают, что человечество было занесено на Землю через космическое пространство. Согласно этой теории, мощные и могучие инопланетяне создали людей как рабов для извлечения золота. Предполагается, что эти пришельцы построили пирамиды и другие величественные здания.

The scientific exploration of space began in 350 BC, when Aristotle began to share his thoughts and theories about vacuum and shapes of the planets. With Galileo’s invention of a telescope, it has become possible to observe space bodies, first of inner and later of outer space. In the 20th century people built space ships, sputniks and space stations. Human has visited moon and is going to build a settlement on Mars.

Научное освоение космоса началось в 350 году до нашей эры, когда Аристотель начал делиться своими мыслями и теориями о вакууме и формах планет. С изобретения Галилеем телескопа, стало возможным наблюдать космические тела, сначала внутреннего, а впоследствии внешнего космического пространства. В 20 веке люди построили космические корабли, спутники и космические станции. Человек посетил луну и намерен построить поселение на Марсе.

But still we don’t know even a millionth part of space. What sizes does Universe have? Who has created this world? What will happen to our planet in the future?

Но все равно мы не знаем даже миллионной части пространства Вселенной. Какие размеры имеет Вселенная? Кто создал этот мир? Что произойдет с нашей планетой в будущем?

Our Solar System is the most fully discovered part of the Universe. Several times, the scientists have sent a shuttle to study nearby planets. So let’s sum up what do we know about the Solar System. Our sun is represented by a young star, with eight planets spinning around it.

Наша Солнечная система является наиболее полно изученной частью Вселенной. Несколько раз, ученые направляли шаттлы для исследования ближайших планет. Итак, давайте подведем итог тому, что мы знаем о Солнечной системе. Наше солнце представляет собой молодую звезду с восьмью планетами, вращающимися вокруг него.

Planets of our solar system can be divided into groups according to the proximity to the Sun. The first group includes four planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are called terrestrial planets. These planets consist of metal and rocks.

Планеты нашей Солнечной системы можно разделить на группы по степени близости к Солнцу. К первой группе относятся четыре планеты: Меркурий, Венера, Земля и Марс. Они называются планетами земного типа. Эти планеты состоят из металла и камней.

Mercury is the smallest and the nearest to the Sun planet. Venus can be easily seen at night. It is the second largest object after the moon on the night sky. Mars is also known as a red planet. It is cold and

Меркурий - самая маленькая и ближайшая к Солнцу планета. Венеру можно легко увидеть ночью. Это второй по величине объект после Луны на ночном небе. Марс также называют красной планетой. Он холодный и имеет вулканическую поверхность.

Вторая группа называется планеты-гиганты. Две из них - Юпитер и Сатурн состоят из газов, а две других - Уран и Нептун являются большими ледяными сферами.

Задачи урока:

    Активизация употребления лексики предыдущих уроков в речи учащихся

    Практика аудирования

    Закрепление грамматического материала по теме “Present Continuous

    Практика письменной деятельности учащихся

    Расширение эрудиции учащихся

    Повышение интереса к иностранному языку


    Картинки по теме

    Магнитофон с аудиозаписями


  • Карточки для игры “Bingo”

    Воздушные шары, нитки, коктейльные трубочки для проведения опыта “Как летает ракета”

План урока:

    Организационный момент.

Good afternoon, dear guests and students! I’m glad to see all of you today. Lets start our lesson. Today we’ll talk about space, planets, stars and universe.

    Фонетическая зарядка.

Now lets train our tongues. Listen to the cassette and repeat, please (p. 118, ex. 2)

ta ke, ma ke, da te, la te, pla te, ha te, panca ke

    Light ta kes a long time to come from the stars.

    The moon ma kes tides.

    I hate panca kes.

    Речевая зарядка.

Very good, children, and now answer my questions, please:

    What is the name of our planet?

    What do you know about the moon?

    Name the smallest planet in our solar system.

    How do you think is there life on the other planets?

    Why do you think there is a life on Earth?

    Who was the first man in space?

    Проверка домашнего задания.

We have learnt the song “Space”. Lets sing it for our guests. (песня “Космос” Приложение 1).


You did it well, thanks. Now listen to me. In 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin went to the moon in the Apollo XI rocket. Open your books at page 40, look at the pictures and listen to what the astronauts and the television presenter said at that time (прослушивание аудиозаписи - стр . 40, упр . 6.1. Приложение 2)

And now look at the exercise 6.2. You have six pictures in your books. Your task is to write six sentences what do you think the television presenter said for this pictures. Please, use the Present Continues Tense. Let’s remember how do we form this tense. (Учащиеся выполняют упр. 6.2 и зачитывают свои ответы с переводом).

    Чтение и перевод текста.

Tell me please how do you think is there life on the other planets? Let’s read the text and learn what do scientists think of it. (Чтение текста “Is there life on other planets”). (Приложение 3). Do you want to see the alien? What would you tell him about the Earth? (Ответы учащихся ).

Well, now we can relax and play your favourite game “Bingo”. The rules of this game you know- you have cards with the words of our theme on them. You must listen to me very attentively and delete words that you’ll hear. Who will be the first is the winner. Is it clear? Let’s begin.

Light , Earth, moon, telescope, rocket, universe, Mars, tide, neighbour, spaceship, alien, sky, star, satellite, planet, Venus, space, Saturn.

And our winner for today is… I congratulate you.

    Карточки для игры “Bingo” (Приложение 4)

Now you’ll get the shits with the task. I’ll read you the text and you match the dates and achievements in the exploration of space. (учащиеся выполняют упражнение). Приложение 5

    Проведение опыта “Как летает ракета”.

How does a rocket work? Modern rocket have a liquid fuel and something to help it to burn. This makes a powerful exhaust through the back of the rocket and pushes the rocket up. Let’s see it. We’ll tie a long piece of string to a door handle, blow up the balloon and stick a drinking straw on it. Then put the string through the straw. Now we must hold the string tight and let go of the balloon. Now we’ll get more balloons and will have a race with each other. Who will be the first pair? (Проводится состязание между учащимися класса).

    Объяснение домашнего задания, подведение итогов.

A) hundreds B) millions C) billions

2. How many kilometres is an astronomical unit?

A) 150million B) 170 million C) 180 million

3. An astronomical unit is the distance from…

A) the sun to other stars B) Earth to the sun C) Earth to the moon

4. How many kilometres is a light-year?

A) 7, 46 trillion km B) 8, 46 trillion km C) 9, 46 trillion km

5. Which planet is closest to the sun?

A) Mercury B) Venus C) Mars

6. Which planet is farthest to the sun?

A) Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune

7. How big is the Milky Way galaxy? It is about …

A) 200,000 light-years B) 150,000 light-years C) 100,000 light-years

8. The Milky Way is a ….galaxy

A) spiral B) spherical C) round

9. Proxima Centauri is a (an)…..

A) planet B) star C) asteroid

10. New stars form near the centre of a …

A) solar system B) galaxy C) sun


11. What is a nebula?

A) a hot ball of glowing gasses B) a cloud of dust and gas C) a dim star

12. Where do stars start life?

A) in a nebula B) in a constellation C) in a black hole

13. What does a main sequence star burn as fuel?

A) hydrogen B) oxygen C) helium

14. A supergiant might explode and become a …

A) nebula B) white dwarf C) supernova

15. What happens to a red giant at the end of its life? It shrinks and becomes …

A) a white dwarf B) a planet C) a black hole

Our Solar System

16. What are comets made of?

A) rock and metal B) gasses and metal C) ice, rock and gasses

17. Asteroids are large chunks of …

A) rock and gasses B) rock and metal C) ice and metal

18. How many moons move around Jupiter?

A) about 60 B) about 30 C) about 15

19. How do comets revolve around the sun?

A) in oval orbits B) in circular orbits C) in triangular orbits

20. The largest planet in our solar system is…

A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Earth

21. Halley’s comet appears every …

A) 45 years B) 67 years C) 76 years

22. What does Halley’s comet orbit?

23. A comet’s glowing tail is made of …

A) metal B) gas C) ice

24. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot?

A) a giant comet B) a giant storm C) a giant asteroid

25. Asteroids and meteoroids orbit …

A) the sun B) the moon C) Earth

Earth, the Moon, the Sun

26. How long does it take Earth to revolve once around the sun?

27. Earth rotates on its axis once every

A) 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

28. The tilt of Earth’s axis causes …..

A) days B) nights C) seasons

29. How many phases does the moon have?

A) 8 B) 6 C) 4

30. Who first suggested that Earth moves around the sun?

A) Galileo B) Copernicus C) Socrates

31. The part of Earth facing away from the sun has …

A) winter B) day C) night

32. The part of Earth facing the sun has …

A) night B) summer C) day

33. When the northern half of Earth tilts away from the sun, it is ……there.

A) summer B) winter C) night

34. What season is it in the USA when it is winter in South America?

A) winter B) summer C) autumn

35. An equinox happens on the first day of…

A) winter B) spring C) summer

Eclipses and Tides

  1. The ocean water rises during ….

A) high tide B) low tide C) eclipses

37. A …happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth

A) lunar eclipse B) solar eclipse C) neap tide

38. The sun, the moon and Earth line up during ….

A) a full moon B) a third-quarter moon C) neap tide

39. In a total solar eclipse, people on Earth see a glow around …

A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

40. Tides make sea levels …

A) block sunlight B) rise and fall C) cause shadows

Space Exploration

41. When did scientists first build telescopes?

A) in the 17 th century B) in the 18 th century C) in the 19 th century

42. Satellites can send ….to and from Earth

A) booster rockets B) launchpads C) radio waves

43. When did the USSR launch the first satellite called “Sputnik”?

A) in 1957 B) in 1968 C) in 1958

44. Who was the first person to orbit Earth?

A) Yuri Gagarin B) Neil Armstrong C) Buzz Aldrin

45. When did John Glenn orbit Earth?

A) in 1965 B) in 1962 C) in 1964

46. Who was the first animal in space?

A) Laika the dog B) Strelka the dog C) Vaska the cat

47. When did Apollo11 astronauts walk on the moon?

A) in 1966 B) in1969 C) in 1967

48. Who launched the first liquid fueled rocket in 1926?

A) J. Glenn B) P. Vinogradov C) R. Goddard

49. When did the US Space Shuttle make its first flight?

A) in 1981 B) in 1982 C) in 1983

50. When was the Hubble telescope launched?

A) in 1889 B) in 1990 C) in 1991

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Подписи к слайдам:

Space Stars Our Solar System Eclipses and Tides Earth, The Moon, the Sun Space Exploration

space 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.How many galaxies are there in the universe? hundreds B) millions C) billions

2. How many kilometres is an astronomical unit? A)150million B) 170 million C) 180 million

3. An astronomical unit is the distance from… the sun to other stars B) Earth to the sun C) Earth to the moon

4.How many kilometres is a light-year? 7, 46 trillion km B) 8, 46 trillion km C) 9, 46 trillion km

5. Which planet is closest to the sun? Mercury B) Venus C) Mars

6. Which planet is farthest to the sun? Saturn B) Uranus C) Neptune

7. How big is the Milky Way galaxy? It is about … 200,000 light-years B) 150,000 light-years C) 100,000 light-years

8. The Milky Way is a ….galaxy spiral B) spherical C) round

9. Proxima Centauri is a (an)….. planet B) star C) asteroid

10. New stars form near the centre of a … solar system B) galaxy C) sun

1.What is a nebula? a hot ball of glowing gasses B) a cloud of dust and gas C) a dim star

2. Where do stars start life? A) in a nebula B) in a constellation C) in a black hole

3.What does a main sequence star burn as fuel? A) hydrogen B) oxygen C) helium

4. A supergiant might explode and become a … nebula B) white dwarf C) supernova

5. What happens to a red giant at the end of its life? It shrinks and becomes … a white dwarf B) a planet C) a black hole

Eclipses and Tides 1 2 3 4 5

1.The ocean water rises during …. high tide B) low tide C) eclipses

2.A …happens when the moon passes between the sun and Earth A) lunar eclipse B) solar eclipse C) neap tide

3.The sun, the moon and Earth line up during …. a full moon B) a third-quarter moon C) neap tide

4. In a total solar eclipse, people on Earth see a glow around … A) the sun B) Earth C) the moon

5. Tides make sea levels … A) block sunlight B) rise and fall C) cause shadows

Our Solar System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

What are comets made of? rock and metal B) gasses and metal C) ice, rock and gasses

2. Asteroids are large chunks of … A) rock and gasses B) rock and metal C) ice and metal

3 . How many moons move around Jupiter? A) about 60 B) about 30 C) about 15

4. How do comets revolve around the sun? A) in oval orbits B) in circular orbits C) in triangular orbits

5. The largest planet in our solar system is… A) Jupiter B) Neptune C) Earth

6. Halley’s comet appears every … 45 years 67 years C) 76 years

7. What does Halley’s comet orbit? the sun B) Earth C) the moon

8. A comet’s glowing tail is made of … metal B) gas C) ice

9. What is Jupiter’s Great Red Spot? a giant comet B) a giant storm C) a giant asteroid

1 0. Asteroids and meteoroids orbit … the sun B) the moon C) Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Earth, the Moon, the Sun

1. How long does it take Earth to revolve once around the sun ? 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

2. Earth rotates on its axis once every ? 24 hours B) 336 days C) 365 days

3. The tilt of Earth’s axis causes …..? days B) nights C) seasons

4. How many phases does the moon have? 8 B) 6 C) 4

5. Who first suggested that Earth moves around the sun? Galileo B) Copernicus C) Socrates

6.The part of Earth facing away from the sun has … winter B) day C) night

7 . The part of Earth facing the sun has … night B) summer C) day

8 . When the northern half of Earth tilts away from the sun, it is ……there. A) summer B) winter C) night

9. What season is it in the USA when it is winter in South America? winter B) summer C) autumn

10. An equinox happens on the first day of… winter B) spring C) summer

Space Exploration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. When did scientists first build telescopes? in the 17th century B) in the 18th century C) in the 19th century

2. Satellites can send ….to and from Earth booster rockets launchpads C) radio waves

3. When did the USSR launch the first satellite called “Sputnik”? A) in 1957 B) in 1968 C) in 1958

4. Who was the first person to orbit Earth? Yuri Gagarin B) Neil Armstrong C) Buzz Aldrin

5. When did John Glenn orbit Earth? in 1965 B) in 1962 C) in 1964

6. Who was the first animal in space? Laika the dog B) Strelka the dog C) Vaska the cat

7. When did Apollo11 astronauts walk on the Moon? in 1966 B) in1969 C) in 1967

8. Who launched the first liquid fueled rocket in 1926? J. Glenn B) P. Vinogradov C) R. Goddard

9. When did the US Space Shuttle make its first flight? in 1981 B) in 1982 C) in 1983

10. When was the Hubble telescope launched? in 1889 B) in 1990 C) in 1991

Шатайло Алина Александровна 1 год назад

Задания по английскому языку на тему "Космос"

  • Fill in the gaps with the following words: launched, planets, spaceship, cosmonaut, satellite, explored, research.
  • The____ flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute.
  • Yuri Gagarin was the first___ in the world.
  • The government spends money on scientific____.
  • I saw ____ and began to move towards it.
  • They’ve ____ their own solar system.
  • The Earth is the fifth largest of the nine main ___ in the solar system.
  • The satellite was ____ into space three days ago.

Space исследовать, изучать

Exploration космос

To explore исследование

Research запускать

A researcher космический корабль

Launch спутник

Spaceship астронавт

Satellite исследовать

Astronaut запускать

a) первый полет

Б) пролетая над землей

В) вид горизонта

Г) вышел в космос

Д) сила притяжения

Yuri Gagarin.

It was on the 12 th of April, 1961, when the first flight by man into cosmic space took place. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world, was a 27-year old Air Force pilot at that time.

The spaceship flew at the speed of 300 miles a minute. That’s six times faster than man ever travelled before. His flight lasted 108 minutes, but a circuit round the Earth took 89 minutes.

It was a brilliant achievement on the part of our scientists and technologists, and on the part of Yuri Gagarin who risked his life to achieve a victory for his country and mankind.

This is what Yuri Gagarin said at his press conference: «On my flight the ‘day’ side of the Earth was clearly seen: the continents, islands, seas, and big rivers. Flying over the land I could clearly see the big squares of fields, and it was possible to distinguish which meadow and which was forest. I could not see as well as from an airplane, but very, very well though.

I saw for the first with my own eyes the Earth’s spherical shape. I must say that the view of the horizon is very beautiful. You can see the noticeable change from the light surface of the Earth to the completely black sky in which you can see the stars. This transition, from light blue to dark, is very gradual and lovely.

I did not see the Moon. In space the sun shines ten times more brightly than on the Earth. The stars can be seen very well.

I felt excellent as I entered space. When weightlessness developed, everything was easier to do. My legs and arms weighed nothing. Objects swam in the cabin.

The passage back from weightlessness to the force of gravity happened smoothly. Arms and legs feel the same as during weightlessness, but now they have weight.

T: - Choose the right answer

1)True 2)False 3) Not stated

A. The first cosmonaut in the world was Neil Armstrong.

B. They want to travel, to see the world from outside the Earth.

C. I have never been on the Moon.

D. In space the Sun doesn’t shine more brightly than on the Earth.