Horse running: performance features and types of gaits. Maximum horse speed

Gait is a type of horse gait. What types of horse gaits are there? Walk, trot, amble and gallop. It is also worth noting that gaits are divided into natural and artificial types.

A natural gait is a horse's gait, developed from birth, laid down by nature. These types of natural gait include walk, trot, amble and gallop.

An artificial gait is an artificial gait of a horse that has been taught by a person. Artificial gaits include passage, piaffe, Spanish walk, Spanish trot, three-legged gallop and backward gallop. It should also be noted that some of the horses from birth have developed some of the artificial gaits, this is due to the centuries-old traditions of demonstration riding.

  1. STEP


The walk is the slowest of the gaits, the average speed of a normal walk is 2 m/s or 7 km/h.

Horses usually move with this step when they calmly graze in the meadow, when it is dirty and slippery, and such a gait is also inherent in the breed of "heavy trucks" - this is a massive horse, the expression "workhorse" came from it.

  1. LYNX


A trot is a gait in which pairs of legs are alternately rearranged; with a good gait, a trot can feel the moment when all the horse’s legs are in the air, a fleeting effect of hovering in the air is created, as if flying above the ground at a low altitude. A good trot speed is considered to be 10 m/s or 36 km/h.

Such a gait is inherent in specially bred breeds of “trotter” horses, they are able to trot for a long time without getting tired and without switching to another gait.

  1. AMBLE


Amble is the walking and running of a horse, laid down by nature from birth. The principle of the amble is as follows: two legs of one side are raised simultaneously, then two legs of the other side of the horse, or the right hind and right front legs are carried out, then the left hind and left front legs. With such a run, if you look closely, the horse shakes slightly from side to side. This spectacle is very beautiful, if you see the gait at an amble, you will certainly appreciate all its beauty. The average amble speed is 3 m/s or 10-11 km/h.



The gallop is the most fast way running from gaits, it is called the three-beat horse gait. They call it three-stroke because the horse's legs move in the following sequence: the right hind leg rests on the ground, after the second pace the left rear and right front legs also rest on the ground, after which only the front left foot rests on the ground at the third pace. It turns out the strongest jerk of the horse's legs and the sounds coming from the blows of the hooves sound three-beat. The average gallop speed is 15 m/s or 54 km/h.

Horses have different purposes: some take part in races, others help people in agriculture, others participate in various competitions. For each occupation, special breeds have been bred, which, by nature, are closer to one or another craft. So race horses were bred for racing, the highest speed of which significantly exceeds the speed of others. They will be discussed in more detail.


The English racehorse is considered the leader among racehorses, but more recently it has begun to be called a thoroughbred riding horse. This is due to the fact that now this breed is widespread throughout the world, although it was bred in England.

At the races, these horses simply have no equal. But they are not particularly beautiful, they do not have a wide chest, their color is usually bay or red. Those who were engaged in breeding this breed did not rely on her appearance, namely the sporting qualities. Since, as practice shows, it is the handsome horses that take the last places in the races, and this breed is always in the lead.

These horses are very agile. They are sent to the first races already at the age of two years, which is unacceptable for horses of other breeds. They instantly respond to the commands of the rider. During races for short and medium distances, the speed of a horse reaches 60 km / h. But at some races, a representative of this breed set a real record. Horse Beach Rackit was able to reach a maximum speed of 69 km / h. This has not yet been possible for any horse of this or other breeds.

During the races, this breed in the race is allowed to compete only among themselves due to the fact that the maximum speed of the horse is much higher than the speed of any other horse. Otherwise, such jumps simply become uninteresting and lose their meaning.

What is horse racing

Horse racing is a sport where horses and riders compete. This determines the maximum speed of the horse and its ability to continue the breed. A horse that performs poorly at the races is unsuitable for breeding. Her failures may be the reason why purebred blood is mixed with any other.

As mentioned earlier, thoroughbred horses show themselves at the races from 1.5-2 years old. Horse racing is divided by age and is held between horses of one or more breeds, if they are similar in physical characteristics.

In the career of every horse there are races that practically decide their fate: the Derby and the Oaks. The first are held both between stallions and mares, and in the second, only mares can take part.

Types of horse racing

Modern horse racing is not much different from those that were held in ancient times. Almost all rules have been preserved to this day. This sport is considered noble, and not everyone could do it before. The modern elite with great pleasure watches the fascinating spectacle from the very the best places. Now it is customary to bet on the horse you like.

To participate in the races, not only the horse, but also the athlete must be in good physical shape. Modern horse breeders put up almost all breeds of horses for competitions. In this way they select the best of the best to continue the pedigree.

  • Flat race. To participate in such races, horses of different breeds at the age of three years are selected. Their capabilities should be similar so that no one is inferior at a distance. The length of the distance varies from 1200 to 2400 meters in a circle. Both the maximum speed of the horse and the coordinated work of the whole team are important here. It is possible that in these races, not the fastest horse will win, but the team that was able to draw up the right strategy and adhere to it until the very victory.
  • Barrier jumps. Here the race takes place at special distances of 2-3 kilometers in length. All along the way there are hurdles - special meter-long fences, which are placed as an obstacle so that the horse jumps over them and does not touch them. From the slightest touch with a hoof, the herdels fall. Horses that are already three years old also participate here. In addition, the breed must show excellent jumping skills, demonstrate a high level of endurance and develop good speed.
  • Steeplechase. This is a race for the strongest and most enduring horses. The length of the distance is from 2 to 4 kilometers in a circle. Steeplechase also includes obstacles on the way, but more serious than in hurdling. Here they are located throughout the distance and may look like a moat, stone or hedge. The horse must pass all these barriers at maximum speed and not make a single mistake. Horses are taken here from the age of 4 years.

You cannot send an unprepared horse to the races. She is unlikely to cope with all the tasks, and even can get scared and harm not only herself, but also the rider.

Who takes part in the races

Modern horse racing is not only entertainment, but also a great way to select the best representatives of the breed for procreation. Undoubtedly the main role in this event, the horse is assigned, but there are a number of people who make no less contribution to this competition:

  • Jockey. This is the rider who controls the horse and leads it to victory. He must always be in good physical shape, not have excess weight and quickly find mutual language with an animal. In many ways, victory depends on him.
  • Trainer. Monitors the physical form of horses and conducts selection for racing. He is responsible for ensuring that the animal is allowed to participate in a particular race.
  • Starter. Responsible for the team to start correctly and on time, since a lot depends on this.

General rules

There are some rules that the jockey and the horse must follow while participating in the races:

  • 15 minutes before the start of the race, each horse must be weighed.
  • The race starts from the stall. No horse is allowed to start from the starting gate unless the judge says so. The general starting procedure includes: opening the stall, signaling using a flag, sounding a bell.
  • In the event of a false start, the race starts again. This continues until all horses start on time. During the race, a yellow card may be shown. This is a signal that an accident has occurred on the course and the race is stopped.
  • The winner is the horse that first ran to the finish line and touched the finish line with its head. In the event of a disputed victory, the data is checked in photo mode.
  • After the race, the weighing procedure is repeated, but not for all animals, but only for the first four. In the race, the horse must not lose more than 300 grams, otherwise his victory will not be counted.

How horses move

There are three types of horse running:

  • Step. This is the slowest way of movement, which is the initial stage in the training of the animal. In this case, the horse must consistently rearrange its legs.
  • Lynx. The second fastest way to travel. This run is considered difficult not only for the horse, but also for the rider. The horse rearranges its legs in pairs diagonally. Thus, the so-called "hang phase" appears. The rider must move in time with the animal, otherwise he will have to experience some discomfort while sitting in the saddle.
  • Gallop. Takes first place in horse speed. His legs should move in parallel (back, then back again, and only then the front ones are connected). There are several types of gallop, but the fastest is the quarry, in which the maximum speed of the horse starts from one kilometer per minute.

The gait is the way the horse moves forward. The speed of movement, strength and endurance of the horse at work depend on its quality. Good movements are the main advantage of a horse. Most of the horse's movements are voluntary and controlled by the nervous system. The horse can make movements with separate parts of his body and move his whole body. The translational movements of the horse depend on the position of its center of gravity and its movements as a result of a change in the position of the head, neck and limbs as organs of movement.

The center of gravity of a horse standing on a level place with a normally set neck and head is located in the front of the body on a plumb line, lowered from the 8th-9th thoracic vertebra, at the point of its intersection with a horizontal plane passing through the humeroscapular joints, i.e. a few behind the front legs. The horse's forehand is heavier than its hindquarters by approximately 7% of its total body weight. Due to the larger size of the head and the meatiness of the neck, heavy trucks have a greater weight of the front, which determines their greater carrying capacity in draft work at a walk. Long-legged, fast-gaiting horses have a higher center of gravity than short-legged walkers, which move with more stable balance.

The head and neck of the horse are the most important regulators of the movement of its center of gravity. Stretching the head and neck forward when pulling, when climbing uphill or at a race, shifts the horse's center of gravity forward. Pulling the horse's head and neck back lightens the forehand and can increase the weight bearing of the hind legs by about 10 kg. This is used to protect against their impact. Lifting the head and pulling the horse's neck back when rearing up or in the so-called collection of the horse also makes it easier to front. At the same time, the forelimbs are somewhat unbent, and the hind limbs are bent and brought under the body closer to the center of gravity. Turning the head and neck to the right or left transfers some of the horse's weight from one front leg to the other. This determines the movement of the horse with one or the other leg.

The forward movement of the horse is made mainly from the push of the hind limbs, as a result of the contraction of the muscles of the croup. By straightening the hind legs set forward, the horse moves the body forward, moving its center of gravity behind the front limbs, which upsets the balance. In order not to fall, the horse steps over with its front legs, with which it supports the body. Thus, the essence of the forward movement of the horse is the alternating violation and restoration of balance.

With fast gaits, in contrast to slow gaits, the horse, pushing off with its hind limbs, continues to move through the air for some time, without leaning on the ground at all. This constitutes the phase of unsupported movement of the horse.

In the movement of individual limbs, two phases are observed - supporting and unsupported.- and four periods, two when rubbing - support and repulsion- and two in the unsupported phase of movement - flexion and extension. The time intervals between hoof strikes during leaning determine the rhythm of the gait. The pace of the gait is the number of foot strikes on the ground during all four periods of movement or a full step of any one leg.

Types of gait: 1 - trot, 2 - fast trot, all legs raised, 3 - amble,
support on the right legs, 4 - amble, all legs raised, 5 - gallop, 6 - jump

The leaning of the legs on the ground is different: four-hoofed (when standing), three-hoofed, two-hoofed (diagonal and lateral) and one-hoofed. Diagonal support is more stable than lateral support. The faster the gait, the less the horse needs to lean on his feet.

In all gaits, stride length and frequency, high and low stride are distinguished. The stride length is measured by the distance between the traces of the same, usually front, foot. The cadence is determined by the number of steps per minute. The speed of the horse's movement increases mainly with the length of the stride and, to a lesser extent, with its frequency. The stride length at fast gaits increases mainly due to the capture of space in the unsupported phase of movement.

If the horse's hind foot does not reach the trace of the front, such a gait is called shortened. If the trace of the hind leg is located in front of the trace of the front, then the gait is called elongated. The horse will usually "undercover" when moving slowly and "overlap" when moving fast.

The move is called low when the hoof is raised to lower height than the down joint of the adjacent leg, and high when the hoof is raised above that joint. A high, steep stroke is unproductive and leads to fatigue faster than a low, flat one. The quality of the horse's gait is closely related to its nervous activity. Very hot horses have a short stride. Excited horses go high. Overexcitation of the horse is usually expressed in excessive and increased frequency, shortening and fuzziness of the course, fatigue - in a decrease in the frequency of the step.

The correct gaits of the horse are determined by a complex of developed conditioned reflexes. By training, you can develop an optimal rhythm of movements with the desired ratio of length and frequency of steps at a certain stroke height. The basic natural gaits of a horse are the walk, trot, amble and gallop.

Step- slow gait without a phase of unsupported movement with two-hoofed and three-hoofed support, in four paces. When stepping, four successive hoof-to-ground strikes are always heard, although not at regular intervals. If the step starts from the right back, then the right front goes, then the left back diagonal to it, and finally the left front, etc.

When walking, the horse is less tired and shows the greatest traction. The step is a gait of rest in the step intermissions of fast gaits. An important role is played by the step in the training of horses as a "self-massage" of the muscles. After moderate work with a step, its length increases and the movements of the horse become clearer. Free, light, confident and long stride suggests good qualities and other horse gaits. The length of a horse's step in a walking gait ranges from 0.8 to 1.2 m, the frequency is about 100 steps per minute. The speed of a step is 1.5-2 m per second, or 4-7 km per hour (for heavy trucks 4-5 km, for horses with fast gaits 6-7 km).

A gait close in speed to a walk is move, or step over, in which the legs are rearranged either unilaterally or diagonally. This is a calm ride for the rider and a faster gait than an ordinary walk (8-10 km per hour).

Lynx- fast gait with a phase of unsupported movement with two-hoofed diagonal support, in two paces. The left hind leg rises, hangs in the air and trots almost simultaneously with the right front, and, conversely, the right hind - from the left front.

Under natural conditions, the trot is the shortest gait of a horse. When training and testing trotting horses, the trot outgrows the boundaries of the natural gait and is divided into special species, which are, as it were, independent gaits, and the word "trot" itself is no longer used. In this case, the following types of lynx are distinguished:
1) trot - slow and shortened trot (step length about 2 m). A quiet trot is observed without a phase of unsupported movement, when the hoof of the hind leg does not reach the trace of the front (its average speed is 1 km 4.5 min.). Short and long-legged horses are not capable of moving with a quiet trot. Accelerated, free, or "fun" trot is carried out at a speed of 1 km 3-3.5 min. About 50% of all work in the training of trotters falls on the free trot;
2) sweep - more accelerated compared to trot, light, calm, long trot (speed 1 km 2.5-3 minutes);
3) max - an even more accelerated trot, pursuing a goal, developing clear, long, sweeping movements in the horse (speed 1 km 2-2.5 minutes, for classy trotters 1 km faster than 2 minutes);
4) frisky trot - in training with a reserve of speed and prize - in the maximum speed for 1 km up to 1 min. 13 sec. At this trot, the hoof of the hind leg steps far ahead of the track of the front.

The speed of the trot is about 2 times the speed of the step and is estimated at about 3-4 m per second. Under economic conditions, the speed of the lynx: quiet - 9-10 km per hour, medium - 11-13, fast - 14-15, maximum - up to 30 km per hour.

Amble- fast gait with a phase of unsupported movement, with two-hoofed lateral support, in two paces. Both unilateral limbs - left or right - when ambling, descend to the ground and rise at the same time. This causes lateral torso swings, which make the amble an unstable gait, as a result of which horses often lose balance on turns, and stumble on rough roads.

The stride length at amble is shorter and the frequency is greater than at trot. Due to the greater frequency of stride, the speed of movement at amble can be higher than at trot. US pacer speed record at 1609 m 1 min. 55 sec., or in terms of 1 km 1 min. 1/3 sec. The amble is more characteristic of short animals with a high center of gravity and lightened limbs, however, for them it is also more tiring than the trot, due to the greater step frequency.

Horses at an amble show less traction than at a trot, and are of little use for draft work with a large load. Harnessed pacers can only be ridden quickly in light carriages (in sleds, in rocking chairs). Pacers are incapable of a quick change of gaits. However, when riding long distances, pacers are very much appreciated. This gait is comfortable for the rider. Pacers walk under saddle at 10 km per hour, and up to 120 km per day.

Gallop represents the fastest jumping gait with complex support mainly on one-two-one hoof in three paces and a phase of unsupported movement. When galloping, one of the hind legs first rests on the ground, then the second hind leg joins it simultaneously with the diagonal front one, and, finally, after the hind leg leaves the ground, which has begun to move, the diagonal front leg rests, after which the phase of unsupported movement follows. Thus, in a gallop, there is a kind of “rolling” through the leaning legs, followed by take-off.

There are two types of canter from the left or right leg, depending on which front leg in the canter is jumping into the phase of unsupported movement or which leg is more forward, captures more space and is “leading”. Usually horses gallop to the left. When moving in a circle, the horse usually canteres with the "inner" (in relation to the center of the circle) leg, which is more convenient for him. If the horse is then forced to canter off the "outside" leg, this creates an unnatural, unsteady canter called a counter canter.

The shorter the canter, the more difficult it is for the horse. According to the speed and nature of movements, the following types of gallop are distinguished:
1) arena, or short, gallop, when the horse moves at low speed, with frequent turns;
2) field gallop, or canter - "canter in the hands" - the main gait of race training;
3) a frisky gallop, or quarry, in full swing of the horse with top speed. Quarry is a very tiring gait that requires gradual preparation.

The length of the canter stride can exceed three times the length of the horse's torso. The speed of a field gallop is about 2 times the speed of an ordinary trot and is about 6-8 m per second. The speed of a frisky gallop reaches 18 m per second, at the races it often exceeds the speed of 1 km per minute. The world record for the speed of a 1 km canter is 54 seconds. (USA).

Artificial gaits are developed in the horse by the rider through dressage and conditioned reflexes to control the rein, body and leg ( inner part rider's legs from knee to heel) and are described in detail in equestrian manuals.

Bounce represents a single complex movement of a horse, consisting of three phases: climbing an obstacle, free flight and landing. The horse overcomes high obstacles usually with a quiet canter. Long jumps over low obstacles that require less change of direction are made at a faster canter. World record for a horse jump under a rider at a height of 2 m 47 cm (Chile) and a length of 8 m 30 cm (Spain).

The quality of the horse's movements. The horse's gaits can be correct, clear and incorrect with a violation of rhythm and tempo. The positive qualities of the movement of the individual limbs of the horse are their straightness, lightness, softness, smoothness, clarity, sweeping with the capture of sufficient space, the negative ones are curvilinearity, connectedness, stiffness, convulsions, Fuzziness with insufficient capture of space, as well as various notching of the legs and lameness resulting from deficiencies in the position of the limbs.
The quality of the horse's movements must always be carefully checked during the external examination of the horse.

Literature: Horse breeding and horse use. Ed. prof. V. O. Witta. M., Publishing house "Kolos", 1964. 383s. (Textbooks and textbooks, manuals for higher agricultural education, institutions).

Kira Stoletova

Horse running (professional name gait) is a manner of movement in accordance with a certain style. The gait of horses includes stages with support, stride length and radius. Depending on these parameters, there are several types of gait. Properly developed gait is one of the most important qualities of a riding horse.

  • Technical aspects of the gait

    Let's take a closer look at what a gait is and how a horse should run. The front of the body of the horse is much heavier than the back, the center of the body is indicated by a mark at the level of the armpits. During movement, the balance shifts, as the hind limbs move forward, after which the running horse moves the front limbs forward, thereby restoring a stable position. In addition, the head and neck are involved in running and walking, which can be seen by watching the horse while running.

    Characteristics of the gait

    As mentioned earlier, the horse can move in two ways: with and without support. There are several characteristics that are usually evaluated during the horse's gait, we list them:

    • Rhythm. The rhythm of the gait is the amount of time that elapses between the time the horse's hooves touch the ground.
    • Tempo is a measure of the number of beats during a move. It is customary to distinguish 3 types of gait depending on the pace: with 2, 3 and 4 paces.
    • Support. Depending on the method of support, four types of running are distinguished: support on one, two, three or four hooves.
    • Step. The length of each step is important here, the distance between the previous track and the next is measured.
    • Frequency. This characteristic describes how many steps a horse takes in one minute.

    It is worth saying that the riding and gait of a horse will largely depend not only on the training of the animal, but also on the state of its nervous system. If the running horse is tense or overexcited, then there is no need to talk about his productivity: his gait will always be high. If the horse is full of strength and energy, receives maximum care and nutrition, then the gait will be appropriate.

    Types of gait

    Depending on the characteristics described above, several types of running are distinguished, that is, gait. The first gait option is the one that is most acceptable for the horse, that is, its natural running style. All the rest are developed in the process of hard training and running-in. We list the most famous types of natural gait with which you can ride:

    • step (the lightest gait);
    • Lynx;
    • gallop;
    • amble (learning it is the most difficult).

    Now let's move on to what horse gaits were developed with the help of a person, that is, a riding coach:

    • gallop with three points of support, or gallop on three legs;
    • gait of Piaffre;
    • gallop with a move back;
    • gait passage;
    • shortened walking (shortened step or ride).

    In addition to these varieties, each of the above styles can be of a different pace: slow or fast. If the horse moves at a leisurely pace, then it has the ability to cover long distances without spending a lot of energy. If a faster pace is chosen, then the animal will get tired much faster.

    Type of gait - walk

    This type of move is considered the slowest and most unhurried, it is the simplest for the knight. A characteristic feature of this type of horse gait is that the limbs do not hang in the air for a long time, while during movement, the support is made alternately, first on 2 legs, then on 3, the legs change obliquely. If you listen closely, you can hear clear four kicks of the foot on the ground, while the average speed of movement will be no more than 2-2.5 m / s.

    The way a horse runs in steps is divided into the following subspecies:

    • Collected step. In this style, the limbs of the animal rise high enough, which makes it possible to quickly change the style of the gait.
    • Short step. Characteristic This option is that the animal moves with an outstretched neck.
    • Step with addition. This is the fastest change of hooves without pauses.
    • Paso fino. This type of horse running is inherent in the breed with an identical name, while the horse moves with many small steps.

    Typically, the walk gait style is used as a warm-up before the main workout, as well as after it, giving the horse a break after physical activity. Also, the style is used for horses riding horseback riding.

    Type of run - trot

    This style is designed to move the horse with it in harness. If the horse is well trained, he will be able to trot enough long time. A feature of the style is the nature of the movement: the limbs are raised in pairs, first the right one in front and the left one in the back, and then the pairs change. As in the gait of a horse, a walk, a trot moves obliquely, that is, in an oblique direction.

    In the description of the trotting style, it is mentioned that the horse must hover above the ground during the change of legs. To check the correctness of the gait, you need to listen to the sounds that the hooves make. If everything is correct, then it will be possible to hear the simultaneous blow of two hooves. When a horse trots, on average it develops a speed of about 40-45 km / h. The maximum trot on a horse can be rushed at a speed of 55 km / h (a car can go at the same speed), this is a record in a rider's career.

    Typical lynx differences:

    • Trot trot gait. This is the shortest and slowest trot, with this style the length of one step is approximately 2 m. On average, 1 km of flat road is overcome in 3 minutes. Most often, such gaits are used as a warm-up after a step.
    • Sweep. This lynx can still be called calm, albeit with a stretch. All the same kilometer the animal overcomes in 2.5 minutes.
    • Max. In this case, all movements become more defined and clear, in 2 minutes the running horse moves 1 km.
    • Frisky or fast trot. This is the fastest type of trot, which is used as a variation of the racing gait. Here, 1000 m is already run in 1.2 - 1.45 minutes.

    Note that the horse does not trot for a long time, usually after the trot a gallop follows or the same step from which it all began. The success of a horse's run will depend on how long he can trot without slowing down or changing to a different style. It is worth saying that only an experienced rider will be able to control the horse during the trot, taking the correct seat.

    Horses! beautiful horse running

    Horse running in slow motion Beautiful, smooth motion


    The horse gallop is the most fast option movement of the horse, while outwardly the animal moves by jumping through one, hovering in space for a short time. The movement begins with the fact that the horse raises one hind leg, then the second, and only after that the front limbs are connected, moving in the same oblique line.

    In horseback riding, a left and right canter is distinguished, depending on which foot the movement began with. The most common is the left gallop, it is this foot that is first on the ground after the jump.

    In addition to the obvious division, there are standard subspecies of the gallop:

    • Manege short. This style has multiple turns and is not the fastest canter in terms of speed.
    • Field gallop, or canter. This is the most common type of gallop, it is also called field. Riders use it more often than others during training.
    • Frisky gallop, it is also called swift. With this style, the horse gallops with a maximum front grip, developing a record speed. Since a lot of energy is expended during such a gait, the animal cannot stay in this state for a long time, it is extremely important to take this into account in training.

    While the horse is galloping, its correct stride is three times the length of the body. If the gallop is used at races, then the maximum speed with which the horse moves along the hippodrome is about 60 km / h.

    Original amble style

    This special style is indeed quite original, it is not used for all horses, and when assessing the gait, the presence of the amble is highly appreciated by the judges. To an inexperienced observer, it may seem that the amble is a variation of the trot, but it is not. During the amble gait, the horse simultaneously takes out the left hind and left front legs, then a pair of me to the right side. It can be noted that the horse's body is not in the most stable position, so the rider must be careful when going through uneven terrain, running with obstacles and while turning.

    During the amble, the correct stride length is much shorter compared to the trot, but the pace is higher, that is, more steps are taken per minute. As for speed, the average pace when moving is 1 km for two minutes. Pacers, this is what horses are called, which are inherent in this type of gait, can pass about 100 km in this style in 1 day. At the same time, changing the style to another is an almost impossible task for them. It is also worth mentioning that pacers are not used in hard work, for example, they do not transport carts with cargo.

    A distinctive feature of the amble is that it is extremely difficult to develop it; only the most experienced and skilled riders who have already built their careers in equestrian sports succeed in this.

    Artificial horse running styles

    There are a lot of styles in equestrian sport, some of which are occupied by artificially created types of gaits, we will learn about them in more detail:

    • Passage style. This is a variation of the trot, but it looks more graceful, because of this it is also called the soaring trot or hanging gait. With this type of gait, the hind limbs clearly and simultaneously push off the ground, and they do it strictly simultaneously. It is worth saying that the passage is not suitable for all riders, while the horse requires maximum preparation and a well-developed muscular system.
    • Piaffe. Another variation of the trot gait. In this version, the horse hangs for a short time in one place while moving. With the piaffe style, the experience of the rider, his ability to sit in the saddle and the correct landing are important.
    • Gallop on three legs. Here you can see how the horse moves only with the help of 3 limbs, while the front leg, which is not used in the gait, is extended and should not touch the ground.
    • Reverse gallop. In this version of the gait, the horse moves in the opposite direction. Such a gallop is used in the circus.
    • Spanish step. The Spanish gait is a type of circus gait, in which the horse raises its forelegs as high as possible, placing them in parallel with the ground.
    • The telp is a cross between a traditional trot and a simple walk. With such a gait, the animal raises its hind limbs high, sharply throwing them forward.

    It is worth saying that all artificially created gaits for the most part remain incomprehensible to average horses. Here you will need both the genetic predisposition of the horse and the skill of the rider, including landing. You can appreciate how masterful these styles are by looking at numerous photos, videos and master classes.

    The mastering of riding techniques by beginner equestrians begins with an acquaintance with the main way of running horses - the gait. Sitting in the saddle, each rider makes an attempt to move forward and immediately feels the many movements that the horse is making at that moment.

    general information

    All four legs of the animal begin to move simultaneously with their own tact, which is called the horse's gait. Literal translation from French The word gait means "way of moving".

    For your information. In order for the actions of the horse and the rider to be harmonious and coordinated when riding, knowledge of all types of horse running is required.

    The technique and characteristics of running reflect the gait of the animal, with which it can run forward. During the movement, due to the push of the legs, the horse's center of gravity is alternately shifted and restored, which is a powerful impulse for advancement.

    Horse running method

    The way a horse runs is characterized by the following indicators:

    • Rhythm. This concept means the amount of time spent on pinpoint hits of the horse's hooves on the support.
    • The pace shows the numerical number of strokes that the horse makes while running. According to this characteristic, running at two, three and four paces is distinguished.
    • A way to unlock the hooves while running. A horse while running can rely on all four hooves, on three, two or one.
    • Step length. This concept refers to the distance between the print of the front horse's hoof. This indicator has a significant impact on the performance of the horse's running speed.
    • The frequency shows how many steps per minute a horse can take.
    • Shortened gait. This concept refers to the type of running, in which the rear horseshoe is removed from the print of the front hoof.
    • Long run - this indicator shows the position of the horse when the imprint of the hind leg is ahead of the trace of the right limb.
    • A low stroke shows the position of the running horse, in which the height of the raised hoof does not reach the downy joint of the horse's adjacent leg.
    • High run. In this position, the running horse moves in such a way that its hoof rises slightly higher than the downy knee joint.

    The gaits of horses are directly dependent on the functioning nervous system animal. If the horse is too nervous and excited, then his run will be unproductive and with high speed. Prolonged training contributes to proper dressage, which consists in the control of the horse, the efficient use of energy and the development of motor reflexes.

    Note! Running can be different, innate by nature or developed as a result of long training sessions. There are several types of running horses: walk, trot, gallop, amble.


    This type of horse movement is considered the slowest gait. The step of the horse is made in the following order: first, the horse takes the right front leg forward, then the back left, after that the front left moves forward, the movement of the back right ends. When walking, the horse can stand on two or three limbs. During the movement, the legs of the animal seem to create an oblique line, and clear blows of all four horseshoes are heard.

    With a slow gait, the horse's speed per hour is only 5 to 7 km.

    The movement step is divided into the following types:

    1. The collected step is determined by a clear and high raising of the limbs, the horse is ready at any moment to switch to another type of run.
    2. Shortened. Performing a shortened step, the animal with its neck extended parallel to the ground moves freely at a leisurely pace.
    3. Added. During the movement with an added step, four hoof beats are clearly distinguished, the horse rearranges its legs in turn and quickly moves forward.
    4. Paso Fino. While running, the horse moves in small steps and quickly moves with its hooves. Such a special kind of step is characteristic only of the breed of horses of the same name.

    The slowest gait is used for training, which allows you to put the muscles of the animal in order. Step by step, horseback riding is done.


    Slow and short trotting is usually used when driving horse teams. If racehorses have been well trained, they can run rhythmically for quite a long time. During the gait at a trot, the horse hangs above the ground for a moment, the trajectory of the movement of the limbs resembles an oblique line. A trotter while running can reach speeds of 45 to 50 km / h, the speed of 55 km / h is considered a record.

    A variety of trotting is divided into types:

    1. Trot. Moving with a trot, the horse during the run moves at a slow and shortened trot with a step length of up to 2 meters. A quiet pace of movement, during which the trotter does not tear off the cover. The speed is 1 km in 4 minutes. This type of running is used to perform a warm-up. During the short trot, there is a sagging phase in the horse's body, and he can run 1 km in just 3 minutes.
    2. Sweep. A calm look of a light trot, allowing it to reach a speed of 1 km in 2 minutes.
    3. Max. Racing horses, moving in a swoop, make clear and sweeping movements and cover a distance of 1 km in just 2 minutes.
    4. Frisky. This fastest type of lynx is used during intense training, competitions and horse races. A frisky trot horse runs 1 km in 1.15 minutes.

    If you look closely at how horses trot, you will notice that ordinary horses cannot trot for a long time. They start to run at a gallop or move to a walk. Only a special breed of horse, called a trotter, prefers a trot gait. One of the criteria for evaluating horses is their ability to trot for a long time and not change the type of movement.


    The fastest type of gait is the gallop. If you look at how the horse gallops, then it seems that the horse moves in jumps and, after hitting with its hoof once, freezes in space for a while. First, the horse takes out one limb from behind, then the second and along an oblique trajectory performs a sharp push with the front leg. Having made a small jump, the horse first lowers the front leg, which is located diagonally from the hind leg, which was the first to go forward. Galloping allows you to evenly distribute the load on all four legs of the animal.

    A gallop is distinguished by which leg after the jump the horse touches the ground: right or left. Usually the horse runs on the left foot.

    This type of gait is divided into the following varieties:

    1. Manezhny. This is a short and unhurried type of gallop during which frequent turns are made.
    2. Kenter, another name - "field". Fast basic gait with medium speed, mainly used during training runs.
    3. Career. This is a swift and frisky type of gallop, during which the horse develops great speed. During the movement, the horse makes a full swing and captures the space in front to the maximum. For better control of the horse, the rider is recommended to use shortened stirrups that allow him to slightly raise himself above the saddle. The animal quickly spends its strength, begins to get tired, so the quarry gait is used in equestrian competitions or in preparation for them.

    The gallop step is three times the length of the horse's body. If we compare the speed of canter running with trotting, then in the first case it will be twice as high. During the races, the speed of the horse reaches 60 km per hour. To understand how to raise a horse into a gallop, it is important to properly control the horse, to know the features of galloping. In order to teach a young and untrained horse to gallop, the rider will have to be patient and teach the animal correct technique this type of run.


    A pacer is a horse that moves with the rarest and most original type of gait - amble. This type of movement is typical only for a small group of horses and is highly appreciated by riders. The amble is a bit similar to the trot, but this is only at first glance. The difference lies in the fact that the horse takes out limbs only on one side, and not, as during a trot, diagonally. During the run, horse-pacers, due to the swaying of the body and unstable gait, when making a turn, can stumble over uneven terrain. The rider, letting the pacer jump, feels very comfortable.

    A pacer horse, compared to a trotter, has a shorter stride length, although it moves its hooves with greater frequency. Therefore, such a horse develops high speed: it runs a distance of one kilometer in 2 minutes. With a rider, a pacer can cover a distance of 100-120 km per day. It is quite difficult to switch from one type of gait to another horse. These are born horses, so pacers are not used to transport goods.

    Artificial gaits

    The concept of "artificial gaits" implies the use of running methods developed as a result of long training. These beautiful movements are the pinnacle of the art of riding.

    There are different types of artificial gaits:

    • The passage is a kind of quiet trot, when the horses bring their legs and limbs forward low, knees slowly and beautifully rise to the top, and the hind legs are brought under the body.
    • Piaffe. This type of gait is considered the most difficult of all artificial gaits and is a passage that the horse performs while standing still, often in combination with a turn.
    • Gallop on three limbs. The complexity of this gait lies in the fact that the horse has to take a very uncomfortable position: one leg must always be in an extended position and not touch the support.
    • Reverse gallop. This type of gait will be performed during various tricks.
    • Shortened gait (Spanish step). With this movement, the horse walks with the front limb and takes out the leg parallel to the support. Teaching the animal this movement, the rider, holding a long whip in his left hand, picks up the reins, thereby ensuring a shortened gait.

    In conclusion, I would like to note that the movement of a running horse, regardless of the chosen gait, is always plastic and looks graceful.