The future of Belarus is the opinion of clairvoyants. What psychics predicted for Lukashenko Predictions and prophecies about Lukashenko

The Kremlin wants to change the regime in Belarus, which has become inconvenient for it, and Lukashenko wants to outplay the Kremlin.

The well-known Russian Telegram channel “Nezygar” disseminated information that Lukashenko will resign in 2019 and early presidential elections will be held in Belarus in the summer. Based on the logic of previous reports about negotiations between the presidents of Belarus and Russia, this is supposedly the fulfillment of the Kremlin’s demand for organizing the transit of power. Is this really so and is it worth believing “Nezygar”, given the fact that this particular resource threw out a couple of months ago?

I dare to say that there is some truth in the message - in Belarus, with a 99% probability, presidential or parliamentary elections will be held a year earlier. But, as often happens with Russian sources, the grain of truth is generously diluted with the necessary accents and theses favorable to the Kremlin.


Belarus has repeatedly been criticized in Ukraine for its political position. The country is a member of the CSTO and is part of the “Union State of Belarus and Russia,” which is so frightening for the Ukrainian average person.

It is a fair observation about the strong economic dependence of Minsk on Moscow. It is also true that the Russian Federation’s position in the information field of its “ally” is extremely strong. But read a few theses that can begin with the words “but” and “despite”:

1. Belarus has not recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, despite direct requests from Russia in 2008 and 2009.

2. Minsk did not join the trade blockade of Moldova and Georgia, which Moscow tried to organize. Moreover, Belarus has become a “customs clearance” window or, if you like, a “smuggling gate” for the supply of goods from these countries to the Russian market.

3. In 2014, Belarus took its position on the Ukrainian issue, expanding trade cooperation with Ukraine, supplying, among other things, goods for the Ukrainian military industry and even some weapons and equipment. Naturally, in matters of critical export and import, it is a “smuggling gate” for Ukrainian goods. For example, after the closure of the Russian market for Ukrainian dairy and meat products, the Republic of Belarus began to buy up these volumes (despite the fact that production volumes there are several times higher than the needs of the domestic market).

I dare to say that there is some truth in the message - in Belarus, with a 99% probability, presidential or parliamentary elections will be held a year earlier

Further, watch your hands, food supplies to the Russian Federation increased by the same amount and approximately the same volumes. On the other hand, engines, alloys, components and parts for the repair of military equipment went to Ukraine - something that the Russian Federation, naturally, prohibited from selling to the “Kyiv junta.” In the end, the existing joint ventures for the production of military equipment, which is used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine for its intended purpose - for the disposal of “Russian tourists” in the Donbass, also poorly fits with the “allied status” of Belarus.

4. In 2015, Minsk refused to sell key factories of the military-industrial complex to Moscow and to host an air force base in 2016. And finally, in 2020, the lease term for two Russian radar stations, which are located on the territory of Belarus, expires. But the decision on extending the deadline has been postponed to 2019. Moreover, without the Volga radar, Russia gets a “hole” in the ballistic missile launch detection system up to 800 km wide. Without 43 communications centers of the Russian Navy, the system for exchanging encoded signals between the command center of the Russian Navy and nuclear submarines on combat duty collapses.

5. Belarus, together with China, has created the Polonaise missile system, which combines the characteristics of MLRS and OTRK. It placed it on combat duty in the eastern part of the country in such a way that military installations of the Russian Federation in the Smolensk and Bryansk regions fall within the radius of guaranteed destruction, and at the same time - not a single object of NATO countries. In 2018, Belarus sold the system to Azerbaijan, despite active protests from its “CSTO ally” Armenia and Russia’s displeasure.

6. Until 2013, Russia was called the main creditor of Belarus. But from 2014 to 2018, the external debt was refinanced in such a way that the share of “Russian” loans decreased from 85-87% to 45% of the Belarusian government debt, most of which is a loan for the construction of nuclear power plants. To be fair, it is worth noting another 17% from the Russian-controlled Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development, but they are balanced by a serious increase in the presence of Chinese credit money.

7. The Russian Federation tried to influence by reducing Minsk’s ability to play in the processing and use of cheap hydrocarbons. If in 2011-12 the IMF estimated such a price discount (in total oil, gas and petroleum products compared to the average European price) at 20-25% of GDP, then by 2017 the figure had decreased five times and reached 5.5%. The method did not work - Belarus did not change its policy.

8. Belarus “monetized” its position on Ukraine, emerging from European and American sanctions. Although, for the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the United States appreciated not so much the Ukrainian direction as the sale to the Syrian opposition through Bulgarian companies that manufacture anti-tank systems. The same ones from which the oppositionists later burned Russian tanks and even shot down 2 helicopters.

Even such a list, when Belarus “votes in solidarity” with the Russian Federation in the same UN, but in reality pursues its own policy, irritates the Kremlin

This is just a short list - a general overview deserves a separate long text. But even such a list, when Belarus “votes in solidarity” with the Russian Federation in the same UN, but in reality pursues its own policy, irritates the Kremlin. It would be easy to remove Lukashenko, if not for one “but”: it was not for nothing that he was called “the last dictator of Europe” - he does not allow the emergence of powerful political forces in the country. And if the “pro-Western opposition” still exists, then there are no structured pro-Russian forces. And this is the main difference from Ukraine in 2014 or even 2018 with the Novinsky-Medvedchuk-Rabinovich-Muraev set.

The only real danger for Lukashenko is the election period, when it is necessary to demonstrate the “democratic nature of the process” and external players may try to organize (or strengthen) this or that political project.

After Crimea, Belarus drew conclusions and held presidential elections ahead of schedule - while Russia was bogged down in the Donbass. The parliamentary meetings largely followed the same coordinate system, with the exception of the attempts of the Russian media to organize a media attack on the Belarusian regime.


In 2018, Moscow's discontent has not gone away. At the same time, the Kremlin clearly sees the processes going on with its ally, which include:

  • work on the ideological field, called “soft Belarusization”
  • , as a result of which pro-Russian officials lose their posts. After 2016, it also affected the security forces - the leadership of the Operational Analytical Center (information analysis, cybersecurity, data protection), the Presidential Security Service, OSAM (border special forces with a very wide scope of activity) were COMPLETELY updated. There is a gradual change in personnel in the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Ministry of Defense;
  • Displacement of the Russian product from the media space. For example, entertainment content that unobtrusively but effectively works as the basis of information operations.
  • "Education" of the Russian Orthodox Church. Over the past 18 months, four priests or employees of the Belarusian Exarchate have been convicted. By a strange coincidence, all four were lovers of the “Russian world”. But they received prison sentences for possessing weapons, selling counterfeit money, and pimping. One of them is also for theft on an especially large scale. The latter fact is also notable for the fact that an employee of the Russian Orthodox Church, who until recently was a career intelligence officer of the Russian GRU, received 7 years of imprisonment.

And finally, the most important thing is the replacement of Russian influence in the economy. Belarus is actively attracting money and seeking to accommodate the research facilities of Chinese state corporations, including military ones. The PRC never protects the investments of its “private owners,” but always stands up very firmly in defense of state money and state corporations.

The Kremlin understands that the window of opportunity for regime change in Belarus may close over the next 5-6 years, if not earlier. Therefore, this is why Rossotrudnichestvo’s budget for Belarus has grown significantly, which is why the Russian media maintains the level of criticism of the “unreliable ally in the person of Lukashenko.” That’s why Putin is trying to put pressure. Changes are also taking place in the Belarusian opposition field. In two social democratic parties at once, former activists of the Communist Party of Belarus - Belarusian communists who work closely with the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov - took up key positions. Today these people are already “democrats”. Russian media are starting to carefully give them platforms. By the way, some Ukrainian media are following the same policy, like monkeys.

Russia is trying to put pressure on Lukashenko. For example, recently there was. There was no briefing on the results, which means there was no agreement. Then there was an emergency meeting of the Belarusian government with Lukashenko and a call from Putin the next day. Again to no avail. And finally, a personal meeting of the presidents was planned at the summit of the CIS heads of state in Dushanbe, which did not take place at all. That is, it can be argued that Putin is trying to put pressure, Lukashenko is resisting.

The Kremlin understands that the window of opportunity for regime change in Belarus may close over the next 5-6 years, if not earlier

And against this background, Belarus in 2020 was supposed to enter successively the presidential and then parliamentary election campaigns. That is, the Russian Federation would have at least a year to prepare its positions. Bad and unprofitable.

Therefore, back in the spring of 2018, the leadership of the Belarusian Central Election Commission started talking about “the advisability of spreading the election campaigns over different years.” This is only possible if early elections are held - either for the president or for parliament.

Lukashenko is trying to be proactive. Therefore, the information from “Nazygar” regarding the money for elections to the draft budget 2019 is correct. But this is a game of the Belarusian authorities, which began long before yesterday’s report by the Russian channel.

By the way, this game includes detention of journalists in the sensational BELTA case. By Belarusian standards (remember - there is authoritarianism), they were treated very mildly - no one went to jail. But they detained representatives of the media that a month earlier had announced his possible death. In this way, the special services reminded the editors of their existence and, as far as I understand, they took the hint. Such a “attack” on the press would be illogical if there were no events planned in the coming year in which the role of the press is key. Extraordinary elections are such an action.

Based on this, if Minsk decides to hold early presidential elections, then the words about “Lukashenko’s resignation” are also true. After all, voting for a new president more than a year before the end of the previous term is possible only in case of voluntary resignation. But where “Nezygar” is wrong is in causes and consequences. Possible elections are Lukashenko’s game, which is aimed at not giving the Russians the most important resource - time.

By the way, early presidential elections with a “high-profile resignation” and subsequent re-election by loving people can be an excellent combination for demonstrating “democracy” for Western countries. This legitimizes the “renewed Lukashenko.” Which, after the elections, may well announce a “new course”, which will be even more unpleasant for the Russian Federation. The latter will not depend on Ukraine, the USA or the EU. The key partner here is China. Minsk has drawn a conclusion from the “memorandums” and “allies” - and is now choosing a less democratic partner, not as loud, but more effective in protecting its interests.

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Alexander Lukashenko will last on the political Olympus as long as Fidel Castro, that is, about 50 years. The famous Russian astrologer Pavel Globa stated this on the air of the “Simple Questions” program on the STV channel.

Host Yegor Khrustalev asked the guest what the stars were saying about the results of the presidential elections, which will be held in Belarus on October 11.

- Of course, you will have your Alexander Grigorievich. I once compared him with Fidel Castro in terms of the number of years spent on political Olympus,- said Pavel Globa. — Fidel Castro lasted about 50 years(49 years, from 1959 to 2008. - TUT.BY). You are just at the beginning of this period. Not even half.

Pavel Globa's forecasts: Lukashenko will rule for a long time

At the request of journalists, Globa more than once predicted the political future of the Belarusian leader. His forecasts invariably promised the president “many years to come.”

— Lukashenko will sit for a long time. It is unlikely that he will leave during this election, or during the next one either. There is no need to wait for a change in leaders: Lukashenko will win in December with a fairly large margin and will rule for a long time - like Fidel Castro,- astrologer on the eve of the 2010 elections.

4 years earlier, Pavel Globa said that in the future Lukashenko would have to unite the Slavic peoples.

— Despite the fact that all over the world, through “black PR,” he is not being made the best leader, Lukashenko will play his positive role in the future unification of the civilization of the Slavic peoples,- the astrologer said in an interview with the weekly Observer.

In a sense, this prediction came true after the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, in which Alexander Lukashenko acted as a peacemaker. There have been several meetings in Minsk on the Ukrainian issue, and in February 2015, the Belarusian leader visited the Palace of Independence of Presidents Putin, Poroshenko and Hollande, as well as German Chancellor Angela Merkel for negotiations in the Normandy format.

Globa built Lukashenko’s first horoscope immediately after he became president. According to the astrologer, he immediately recognized a long-lived political figure in the new Belarusian leader. In Lukashenko's horoscope there is a clear indication of posthumous glory and the preservation of the body after death. Exactly the same thing happened in Lenin’s horoscope.

Forecasts of other predictors: difficulties or decline of a political career

Over the years, many astrologers, psychics and sorcerers tried to predict Lukashenko’s future. Only some horoscopes promised good luck. Usually, soothsayers predicted difficulties for the Belarusian president or the imminent end of his political career.

Ukrainian tarot reader and parapsychologist Nazar Lebyak stated that in 2014 Lukashenko may face a young competitor. However, the president, who is facing health problems, will not give him way, added Nazar Lebyak.

Another Ukrainian psychic Igor Kolomiets at the beginning of 2010 he reported that Belarus was expecting the collapse of the Lukashenko regime.

— My fellow astrologers from Ukraine and Russia and I say that Lukashenko’s regime will most likely collapse. The authorities' policy towards dissent is likely to strengthen, dissent is suppressed in Belarus, high-profile trials and a deterioration in the domestic economic situation are likely. This will be visible this year.

Participant in the Russian show “Battle of Psychics” Valery Buyak that same year I saw that Lukashenko, on the contrary, would win the elections.

“The board showed that 65-70% of voters will actually vote for him, according to the ballots this figure will reach 80-85%, and most likely they will draw something in between - about 75%.

Lukashenko will not run in the next elections. Most likely, he will nominate a successor, Buyak noted.

Another forecast from 2010 promised the Belarusian president “terrible” relations with Russia and mental problems. This is the future of Lukashenko predicted psychic Zulia Radjabova in the program “Unreal Politics” on the Russian NTV channel.

- They will be stable for a short period of time, because, unfortunately, when a person, to put it mildly, has a slightly different way of thinking in his head... There are restless spirits behind him. In the worst case, something can happen to the psyche. Ku-ku, at least- said the fortuneteller.

In 2008, Russian astrologer Grigory Kvasha predicted that the next year would be difficult for the Belarusian leader. Conspiracies in his immediate circle, economic instability and, possibly, resignation await him.

— All politicians born in the year of the Horse have every chance of losing a lot and making big mistakes. This can also affect the state, so it is best for them to step away from power and put someone else in their place, while they themselves retreat into the shadows. And Lukashenko’s situation is generally very dangerous: he already went through a karmic year once in 1996, but very unsuccessfully. They simply won’t let him pass it a second time. Therefore, next year Belarus will face a very serious and alarming question.

Vanga's predictions for 2019 - how reliable are they? Let's try to understand the prophecies of the most mysterious seer. Let's look at the fulfilled and unfulfilled forecasts for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and the world as a whole.

The name Vanga has long become a household name and has gone down in history. What was the fate of this mysterious woman, why are her predictions known all over the world?

Here are some facts from her biography:

  • She was born into a poor peasant family and was Bulgarian by nationality. The full name that her grandmother gave her is Vangelia.
  • For the last twenty years of her life, she was engaged in receiving the suffering in the village of Rupite.
  • She was very hardworking, starting from early childhood. She retained her love of work until old age.
  • Vanga's mother died when the girl was three years old. My father remarried after the war
  • At the age of 12, the girl was caught in a hurricane. A strong wind carried Vanga several hundred meters. She was found late in the evening, almost lifeless, covered with earth. As a result of this incident, the girl lost her sight, and there was no money for treatment. Therefore, Vanga remained blind for the rest of her life.
  • The seer’s personal life also did not work out. Due to family problems, she was forced to give up her marriage to a man she met at a home for the blind.

Vanga’s tragic fate did not deprive her of her vitality and desire to help people. Until the end of her life, she worked hard, helping her family and everyone who ever turned to her.

Vanga's prophecies for 2019 for Russia

Most of Vanga's prophecies are very gloomy: she predicted the worst for the world. But it is interesting that the opinion about the future of Russia is more positive. Perhaps because the blind seer loved Russians and believed in the special destiny of these people. She believed that the high spirituality and special mentality of Russians could give salvation to the whole world.

What awaits our country according to Vanga:

  • She predicted a bright future for Russia. But prosperity will come at a great price - the Russian people will have to go through many trials.
  • It is in 2019 that people will come to realize that everyone must take upon themselves a great mission - the salvation of the world.
  • Russia will reconcile other warring countries. It will unite with some states and become a powerful power.
  • Vanga especially noted that Ukraine and Belarus would unite with Russia. This event will be the first step towards the formation of a new, very strong Slavic state.
  • The seer did not rule out the fact that Russia would also unite with China and India. And a union of countries can be very beneficial for all participants.
  • Vanga's prediction that war would begin did not come true. She believed that bloody battles would take place during this period, the consequences of which would affect the population of the whole world.
  • There is also a known prophecy about the new Russian ruler. A very wise man will come to power and turn the country into a superpower. In addition, he will lay the foundation for a new religious teaching, which after some time will be accepted by all people inhabiting the planet.

Sooner or later, all the troubles of the Russian state will end. The country will take a leading position on the world stage, having survived severe economic problems. Moreover, for this there will be no need to wage wars, so the accession of Russia will take place almost painlessly.

About Ukraine

The political situation in Ukraine that we are seeing now was also predicted by Vanga. She described the consequences of the Maidan, and also talked about how events would develop in the future.

Here are the predictions:

  • The Donbass conflict will continue for a very long time, depriving Ukraine of many opportunities to establish itself on the world stage.
  • Military operations will continue in the east of the country, but over time, other states will stop paying attention to this, switching to solving problems with Muslim countries.
  • Vanga predicted that mass unrest would begin in Ukraine in 2019. Citizens will rebel, chaos and lawlessness will reign in the country.

Here is one of the prophecies concerning Ukraine, verbatim:

Researchers believe that it refers to Igor Strelkov, born under the sign of Sagittarius. It was this man who for some time led the Donbass militia. True, now we cannot say that he will rule the country.

Vanga prophesied that the confrontation would continue until 2019, after which Donbass would finally separate from Ukraine and would never be part of the country again. This will not affect people's lives - gradually the economic situation will return to normal.

Watch the video with the shocking prophecies of the blind seer:

About Belarus

Vanga did not ignore the fate of Belarus. Some of the most famous prophecies include the following predictions:

  • The soothsayer believed that the citizens of the country in 2019 would live in a kind of “anabiosis.” The activities of the state will become somewhat passive, which will result in positive results.
  • In the distant future, an internal coup may occur in the country, caused by a low standard of living and discontent among citizens. Russia will come to the rescue, and as a result the countries will unite, turning into a single state.
  • Vanga predicted a half-century term for the Belarusian president. She believed that no one would be able to replace him from this post.

Unfulfilled prophecies

Not all of Vanga’s predictions came true. It is quite possible that the reason is due to their incorrect interpretation: the researchers could have made a mistake.

For example:

  • In 2010, the third world war was supposed to begin with the use of powerful weapons and new types of military equipment. This did not happen.
  • In 2011, representatives of the flora and fauna of the Northern Hemisphere were supposed to disappear from the face of the earth due to the use of chemical weapons. This forecast also did not come true.
  • Famine in European countries and war with Muslims also did not take place - this should have happened at the beginning of the third millennium.

Only time will tell how accurate the blind seer's predictions about the future were.

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Original taken from antisemit_ru in What awaits Belarus? Or two future forecasts.

By courtesy of valery_brest_by . I will now present both of these forecasts and comment slightly.

Belarusian medium-term forecast from Kolerov

(Modest Kolerov: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Acting State Councilor of Russia 1st class, head of the portal REGNUM.RU)
1. The rapid rapprochement of the ruling nomenklatura with the West and its clients within the country will continue.
2. The nationalization of the nomenklatura will make it the main bearer of nationalist rhetoric.
3. Relations with Russia will deteriorate to such an extent that Minsk will initiate a virtual freeze of its participation in the Union State, the CSTO and the EAEU.
4. Transit from central Russia to Kaliningrad through the territory of Belarus and Lithuania will become almost impossible.
5. Transit from Russia to Poland and further through the territory of Belarus will be transferred to manual control mode.
6. The political nomenklatura will bring to power an economic government of libertarians approved by the West, which will begin “shock” reforms, the main prize of which will be free access for Belarusian citizens to the labor market in the EU.
7. The ideology of the government will be “national revival”, quickly turning into ethnic nationalism and Russophobia under the guise of the struggle against “Russian imperialism”.
8. Moscow will silently observe these changes, only occasionally making State Duma appeals to Minsk in defense of the “great friendship”
9. The western border of the Smolensk region will again become a full-fledged border of Russia.

Belarusian medium-term forecast from Dzermant

(Alexey Dzermant: philosopher, political scientist, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, head of the portal IMHOCLUB.BY)
1. “Détente” in relations with the West has a clear “red line”—Russia’s strategic interests. And the Belarusian leadership will not cross this line.
2. The Republic of Belarus, as a national state, will maintain symbolic and ideological continuity with the BSSR and the Soviet project. Eastern European nationalism like the Baltic or Ukrainian ones will not become the ideology of power in Belarus.
3. Relations with Russia will depend on Russia’s readiness to build an equal union with Belarus and take into account the interests of its partners in Eurasian integration. The option of Belarus joining six provinces to Russia has been excluded as the most destructive. The military-political union of Russia and Belarus will strengthen, since it is the main guarantee of Belarusian sovereignty.
4. It is Belarus, having coordinated its actions with Russia, using all available levers (diplomatic, economic, political) of influence on Lithuania, that will be the main lobbyist for the release of the Kaliningrad region.
5. Belarus, having maintained internal political stability against the backdrop of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, will continue to be the most stable transport hub between the EU and the EAEU, and will also become one of the key points of the Chinese New Silk Road in Eastern Europe.
6. Economic reforms will be carried out in Belarus according to the Chinese scenario - under strict state control, with the preservation of a significant share of state ownership in industry. Liberal economists will not gain any real influence.
7. The state ideology will take shape as social conservatism, with a tilt to the “left” side. Liberal and nationalist ideas will not emerge from the marginal field. If nationalist, “White Guard” rhetoric prevails in Russia, denying the subjectivity of Belarus and its political elite, this will be used by external forces and their agents in Belarus to whip up anti-Russian sentiments. Both nationalisms—Russian and Belarusian—should be perceived as a tool of manipulation and incitement of hatred.
8. In the near future, Moscow will have to decide on its integration strategy, relying not on an ethno-nationalist interpretation of the Russian World, but on the creation of a full-fledged Eurasian Union, incorporating the best features of the Soviet model of relations with the union republics. Only in this case will Russia be able to gather around itself a viable geopolitical and geo-economic bloc.
9. Russia's weak point is the lack of full technological sovereignty and the inability to exist in autarky. Elite disagreements will also prevent the launch of a mobilization project in the near future. This will force the Russian leadership to engage in “detente” in relations with the West and the EU. Belarus, not allowing itself to be drawn into a large-scale confrontation at the junction of Russia and the EU, is not allowing two hotbeds of tension to merge: in Ukraine and the Baltic states. The status of Belarus as a regional guarantor of balance and security can be used by Russia as one of the conditions and foundations for a future “détente.”

And now - demagoguery from Anti-Semite.

1. Making any forecasts for the medium term, while keeping silent about the main thing, is an absolutely pointless exercise.

2. And the main thing here is whether Lukashenko’s authoritarian regime will survive or not in Belarus.

3. I assume that my blog is read mainly by sensible people with critical thinking. That’s why we won’t even discuss such incantations as “democratic choice of the Belarusian people”, “election procedure”, “vote manipulation”. The post-Soviet government, in the newly formed states, has long learned to obtain the results it needs. And - be re-elected as many times as necessary. Which, however, sometimes misfires, as the former “Kyrgyzbashi” are well aware of (there are two of them, or more, have you forgotten?). Or a Ukrainian panda. But we’re not talking about sad things, we’re making predictions?

4. A change of political paradigm, in the post-Soviet era, is impossible without massive external influence. The late (or?) Islam Karimov clearly showed that a fairly decisive totalitarian government can easily fend off such attempts. And the Ukrainian Vegetable, no less clearly, cannot do anything less totalitarian.

5. Belarus is quite totalitarian. Therefore, it is logical to assume that there will be no changes, either under the influence of internal forces or external influence. Neither in domestic policy nor in foreign policy.

6.Consequently, the question is how long the AHL itself will last. And he seems to have enough health. Therefore, discard everything, any hopes for “transformation of the regime.” This won’t happen, don’t even hope!

7. A little about economics. No one is surprised when some large Western corporation is economically successful? Wherein, there is no private owner there. Don’t make my slippers laugh by telling me that the meeting of shareholders is the very private owner. Here lies the biggest liberal superstition and the most blatant deception: that hired management in a joint-stock company can ensure economic efficiency, while the same in a state-owned company cannot. So whether the main production facilities of the Republic of Belarus will be state-owned, private, or corporatized, with or without state participation is not important.

8. I believe in the intelligence of the AHL, and in the creativity and ingenuity of Belarusian economists and managers. In my humble opinion, they have been quite effectively organizing the life of the country, in conditions of the global economic crisis, since 2008. I think that in the medium term, economic collapse and the Republic of Belarus are in different universes. Nevertheless, there will definitely be some progress, small reforms.

9. About the relations of the Republic of Belarus with Russia, etc. "west". Everything will be unchanged. Lukashenko will maneuver, the Russian “people” will denounce him, the “West” will choke, but there is a cactus. It’s not that difficult to nod in both directions, especially since there can be bonuses for it. And the long-term interests of Belarusians are in an alliance with Russia. If she has adequate leadership. That's the question...

    The processes taking place in the economy and society make us look with fear at the future of our country as an independent state, experts say.

    Taras: It is unlikely that prosperity will await us, which will allow us to maintain independence

    The crisis in the economy will only grow, and this not only makes Belarus uncompetitive in relation to neighboring countries, but also poses a threat to its existence.

    The overall picture is quite sad. The model that we have today does not fit anywhere, we lag behind all our neighbors in all respects,” noted historian, member of the International Academy of Information Technologies Anatol Taras, during a discussion at the Intellectual Communication Club. - Everyone understands that the growth that statistics now show is a manipulation that has nothing to do with reality.

    According to the expert, the digital economy, which the authorities are relying on today, will not save Belarus.

    What about all other industries? The whole society cannot become programmers. Still, someone has to plow the land, raise animals, in the end, there are people who are simply not interested in this, explains Anatol Taras. - There must be other islands, new centers of transformation should arise. Society cannot live among ruins. And our state is doing everything in its power to destroy these islands right at the stage of their emergence.

    The crisis is growing in society itself. Negative trends in the form of an increase in alcoholism, drug addiction, and suicide are proof of this.

    An increasingly large part of our society cannot cope with the challenges of our time, explains Anatol Taras. - People give up this struggle and look for consolation in something. The more such people there are, the greater the crisis of society. And what kind of society is the same kind of power. On the other hand, the economic lag is growing. Ultimately, these two lines will converge. And collapse awaits us. It is no coincidence that many Western political scientists stubbornly insist that Poland will absorb Belarus in the future.

    According to the expert, only at first glance such a scenario seems wild and strange, but if we talk about several decades, then it’s worth thinking about it.

    On the one hand, there is a prosperous country, where today the salary is already 1,500 dollars, on the other hand, there is a lagging country, in which it is still impossible to earn 500 dollars and there are no prospects for growth. “There are many societies in history that have disappeared or died,” the expert notes. - The way Belarus is developing today raises doubts that prosperity awaits us, which will allow us to maintain independence. And here we have few options to survive: this is a voluntary accession to Poland or Russia.

    Evmenenko: Neither Poland nor Russia needs us

    Meanwhile, Master of Economic Sciences Viktor Evmenenko believes that it is unlikely that neighboring countries dream of getting Belarus for themselves. He reminds us that Russia itself is going through hard times. Especially after the annexation of Crimea, which last year became the most subsidized region of Russia.

    Crimea alone received almost 10% of all transfers. Add to this Dagestan and Chechnya, and it turns out that all the other 85 regions have been given a big fig. Even if suddenly the desire to annex Belarus comes into someone’s head, imagine what kind of resistance there will be in the Russian government itself,” the economist believes.

    It is for this same reason that Poland does not need our country.

    There are no fools there either, Poland’s economic bloc is even more reasonable, and they understand perfectly well how much money needs to be invested in our country,” notes Viktor Evmenenko. - So neither Poland nor Russia needs us.

    Meanwhile, he does not exclude that at some stage Europe may pay attention to Belarus. As is now observed in relation to the Balkans.

    Trying to solve its internal problems, Europe is already declaring its desire to annex the Balkans. Despite the fact that these countries are not ready either mentally or economically, there is only one political will,” explains Viktor Evmenenko. - This can happen to Belarus too. At some point, Lukashenko will leave and perhaps we will be noticed.

    A similar thing happened with the Baltic countries, but it became possible only because they themselves wanted it.

    And if you really want it, then first the country is given a list of demands, and then financial and organizational assistance comes. But no one will drag us there, the economist is sure.

    It will be so, - Anatol Taras is sure. - We ourselves will want to go somewhere, since the situation is getting worse. As a result, although not in the near future, we will inevitably join one of the neighboring countries. Otherwise we will turn into a banana and potato republic.