Central air conditioning system in a private house. Home air conditioning

Welcome to the Kondicionershik website! Today I will tell you how to choose an air conditioner for your home and where it is better to install it. Air conditioners on the market not only cool the air, but also heat, clean and dry to the desired parameters. It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to make a choice. Therefore, I recommend that you first decide on a budget, and then choose a model. You will need to learn more about the brand and the desired characteristics.

The most important criteria are the reliability and performance of the device. This year, models with ionizers, self-cleaning and self-diagnosis systems are popular. Manufacturers do not stand still, and every year they release new improved models. In order to understand all this, I have prepared only the most important information.

What types of air conditioners are suitable for a private house

The choice of an air conditioner for a private house depends on the preferences of the owner - but only two types of devices are most suitable, which we will talk about later. More often buyers choose wall-mounted split systems.

Wall split systems

Compact wall-mounted units are practical, conveniently located, affordable and ideal for air conditioning in one room or in a specific area of ​​the house. These conditioners fit into an interior of any room.

A typical split system for a home consists of an outdoor compressor and an indoor unit. The market offers a wide range of models of climate equipment at different prices, so you can choose a model according to your requirements.

Experienced installers mount and run the system within 3-4 hours. All that is required for the installation of wall-mounted "conders" is available only from specialized companies. But before buying a device in large supermarkets, check all the nuances of installation (what materials are included in the price and how professional the installers are).

Duct air conditioners

Very rarely, such systems are installed in houses, but if the ceiling height allows and you really want to get rid of the indoor units, you can install duct air conditioners. Their indoor unit is usually located in the ceiling or in the attic, outdoor unit in a suitable location outside the home. Conditioned air circulates through a network of ducts from the indoor unit with exits to rooms where only ventilation grills or diffusers are visible. The temperature and operating hours are controlled by the control panel. But channel devices are much more expensive than wall-mounted split systems.

Which air conditioner is better for your home: inverter or non-inverter

Split systems are divided into traditional and inverter.

The best time to install any "conder" in a private house - this is after the construction of the house or during the preparation of all communications. Pipes and cables can be hidden in the walls or under the ceiling for a cleaner installation. If you install air conditioners after the repair is completed, then all communications are hidden in a box (cable channel).

Other alternatives to climate technology

Multi split systems are several indoor units that are connected to one outdoor unit. They are usually used in houses with a non-standard layout, where the owners do not want to have several external units throughout the house. The indoor units operate independently of each other (the temperature in different rooms can be adjusted differently). The price of multi-systems is an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional air conditioners. Installation is also very expensive. Therefore, it is much more convenient to put separate splits in each room.

  1. A floor standing home air conditioner is usually bought for temporary use. It is easy to carry from room to room, take with you to the country. These models are especially popular with owners of rental housing. Modern floor air conditioners have adjustable or automatic modes for setting the desired temperature, but in comparison with wall-mounted "splits" they lose in many respects to the latter.
  2. Window devices were once very popular, but are now outdated. They can still be found on sale, but they are not in demand.

Other types of air conditioners in homes are practically not used.

Air conditioners are sold in specialized companies, in departments household appliances hypermarkets and online stores. The first option remains the most correct for the purchase, as it allows you to get a competent selection and quality installation. You can ask questions to managers and, on the basis of this, decide which air conditioner to buy for your home.

It is better to put air conditioners of small capacity in living rooms. The bedroom in this regard takes precedence. If it is not possible to install a split system in the aisle, place it on the wall where the head of the bed is (rather than opposite the bed). The flow of cold air is scattered throughout the room, but its movement is felt more directly in front of the unit. If a jet of cool air is directed at a person, it can lead to a cold.

It is undesirable to install split systems in the corridors, since this option will not allow you to achieve the desired temperature in the rooms.

Selection Options

Pay attention to the following options:

  1. Reliability. Low reliability rating for cheap unknown Chinese models. Often they are produced with a manufacturing defect and suffer from improper transportation. The most expensive luxury devices from well-known European and Japanese manufacturers can be bought at specialized companies or online stores. They are rarely sold in home appliance departments.
  2. Power. To cool the air in a room of 15 m², 1.5 kW of “split” cooling capacity is sufficient. The marking prescribes the power index (expressed in BTU), for a room up to 20 m² in size, a model with a value of 07 is needed. The larger the area, the more powerful the device is needed.
  3. Noise level indicator. Split systems should have a low noise level in the quietest mode of 20–24 dB. Household powerful models when working in enhanced mode are very noisy.
  4. Room heating. Most modern split systems for the home act as an air conditioner and heater. Compared to heaters, these devices consume less electricity, heat the air quickly and evenly, but they cannot replace heaters in cold weather. "Conders" only supplement the heating system in the off-season.
  5. Air purification systems. The selected model must be equipped with at least the simplest filter, since room air far from clean.
  6. Pay attention to models with built-in ionizers. Especially if the family has small children, people with allergies.
  7. Night mode. After turning it on, the fan starts to rotate at a lower speed.
  8. The built-in self-cleaning system dries the equipment from the inside after each shutdown, preventing the appearance of mold.
  9. Quality assurance from the manufacturer for at least two years.

Popular home air conditioners

The price depends on many factors - this is the power of the device, the presence of additional functions, brand awareness, and so on.

Budget models

In the segment up to 20,000 rubles, there are mainly Chinese-assembled air conditioners:

  • Pioneer
  • airwell
  • Aeronik
  • Shivaki
  • Royal Clima
  • Hyundai

Inexpensive portable air conditioners are produced by: Hitachi, Pioneer, Airwell. Their price is from 12-20 thousand rubles.

When choosing a budget air conditioner costing up to 20,000, check if your city has the right service center. It is better to buy models with a long warranty.

middle class models

Air conditioners of the middle class from 20,000 to 30,000 rubles are available to a wide range of consumers. They are reasonably priced and decent quality. At this price, you can see the climatic equipment of well-known brands: Ballu, Hisense, Dantex, Electrolux, LG.

Elite Models

Elite-level systems at a price of 35,000 rubles and more are produced by well-known Japanese brands: Toshiba, Daikin, Mitsubishi. Their models have the highest build quality and wide functionality. They are completed with the best compressors, electronics and other elements.

Additional costs will have to be incurred for the installation of air conditioners. In large cities, professional installers charge from 9,000 to 17,000 rubles for standard installation. If all installation rules are not followed, the climate control equipment can quickly fail.

So I collected some accumulated experience on home air conditioners in one article. If the information was useful to you, then leave comments. If you decide to buy an air conditioner in an online store, then look at the models on this site.

Today, the issue of high-quality saturation of the rooms in the house with fresh and clean air is becoming more and more popular, since many modern buildings are so carefully isolated from the external environment that some rooms are hermetically sealed. As a result, fresh air enters the premises very poorly, and it is almost impossible to solve this problem only by airing or installing air conditioners. A more rational solution would be a high-quality ventilation system in a private house, which can be installed during the construction process.

Depending on the method of air supply, ventilation systems are divided into supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust. The supply ventilation system delivers air to the room due to the pressure difference in the atmosphere and in the building (warm air from the house goes outside, and colder air takes its place). The basis of the exhaust ventilation system is the forced removal of dirty air from the room, which is replaced by fresh air delivered due to the pressure difference.

Scheme of installation and arrangement of a split-system supply ventilation system
Scheme of the device of the exhaust ventilation system

Supply and exhaust ventilation in the house is a combination of the methods described above. With this option, it is possible to use oncoming air flows separated by a ventilation duct system. Separately, exhaust and supply ventilation systems are rarely used, since in this case they are not able to provide fresh air to all rooms of the house.

In addition, ventilation in a residential building is divided into natural air circulation systems and forced circulation systems. In the first case, air flows that supply fresh air to the room and remove dirty air move through openings in windows and doors, as well as through ventilation channels laid between floors.

Natural ventilation system of a private country house

In such systems, ventilation ducts are laid either in separate ventilation ducts or next to chimneys. The basis of the operation of these systems is the difference in pressure in the rooms and near the exit of the channels, which makes it possible to provide the necessary level of traction. Warm polluted air exits the building to the outside, and clean air enters through open openings. Natural ventilation in the house will show the best results in cases where the air temperature in the room is higher than outside.

For maximum system performance natural ventilation it is necessary that the ventilation ducts are in good condition: without defects, with sufficient smoothness, without recesses that create various turbulences in ventilation duct. To check if the ventilation system is working well, a small source of fire is brought to its hole - if the flame deflects in one direction or another, everything is in order with the system.

The main advantage of the natural ventilation system is its quite reasonable cost, but at the same time it has many significant drawbacks.

The most significant among them can be considered the dependence of the system on weather conditions, for example, the direction and strength of the wind, as well as the air temperature outside. If the outside temperature is high, then the temperature difference outside and inside the house will not be able to provide normal traction. In addition, strong wind blowing ventilation system, will cause a violation of the movement of air in it.

In natural ventilation channels, installing a filtration system is very difficult, so it will not work to purify the air from all kinds of microbes, dust and allergens. If a blockage forms in the system, the draft in the air duct will become much worse.

If earlier system natural air ventilation coped with its main task quite well, today it is increasingly inferior to the forced ventilation system. The reason is that there are many harmful substances Therefore, people try to isolate themselves as much as possible from the effects of polluted air by installing airtight windows and doors in the house. As a result natural circulation air becomes difficult, and there is a need to install forced ventilation systems in a private house.

Scheme of the forced ventilation system in a private house

The basis of the operation of forced ventilation systems are mechanical devices that supply air to the room. Forced ventilation systems are divided into two types. In the first case, the outflow or inflow of air is provided due to the operation of mechanical devices, in the second case, the air at the time of supply to the building is additionally cooled or heated.

It is best to give preference to such a ventilation device, in which the air supply will be provided automatically, and its outflow will be carried out in a natural way. It is possible to ensure the flow of air into the dwelling due to a monoblock ventilation unit with automatic system control.

The main advantages of a mechanical ventilation system include the possibility of timely supply the right amount air into the system, as well as high-quality insulation of the premises, which allows not to get polluted air from one room to another.

The disadvantage of such a system is the need to equip doors in adjacent rooms from below with special gratings to compensate for pressure, which leads to a decrease in the sound insulation of rooms. Another disadvantage is too much air passing through the system, since the incoming air is almost immediately removed through the natural outflow.

Additional advantages of the forced ventilation system is the possibility of re-starting into the room after processing is completed.

In the event that the air outside is too polluted, then it is likely that supply and exhaust ventilation in the house will be required, which allows you to fully control the humidity and temperature of the air, as well as the degree of its filtration. To ensure the smooth operation of such a system, you can use a central air conditioner that can serve the entire building.

Read also

Programs for the design and calculation of ventilation systems

Scheme of the device of a simple supply and exhaust air ventilation system

To reduce electricity costs, you can resort to installing a dual air conditioning system. Thanks to the use of such a system, it is possible to ensure the flow of the required amount of air, bringing the parameters in each individual room to optimal standards.

Air supply and exhaust can be carried out mechanically using a single air handling unit. Usually, exhaust systems equip in bathrooms, pantries and kitchens, through which the supply air enters the rest of the premises. The movement of air is carried out through ducts. In most cases, they are laid in the attic or suspended ceilings.

The scheme of operation of such an exhaust unit with a heat exchanger in winter time

The main feature of the systems is the heat exchanger, which transfers the heat of the exhaust air to the cold supply air. Thanks to this, in the winter season, you can save a very impressive amount of electricity. The main advantages of this ventilation system are ease of installation and further maintenance, as well as its reliability. The disadvantage is the high cost.

Ventilation scheme in a private country house with mechanical exhaust and mechanical inflow

It consists of supply and exhaust ventilation mounted separately, but working in the complex. When passing through the supply unit, the outdoor air is cleaned, acquires the necessary humidity and temperature, and then enters the living quarters. Due to these features, such systems are called universal. For example, during complex air treatment, it can even be used as a central air conditioning system.

Scheme of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation with air recovery

The main advantages of such ventilation include consistency and automation of work, versatility. The disadvantages are significant energy costs, high cost, the need for professional maintenance and installation.

How to make ventilation in the house with your own hands?

According to scientists, the amount of indoor air required for one person is as follows: office - 3 6mUh; bedroom - 14.4 much; children's room - 21.6 much. For the timely supply of fresh and clean air and removal of waste, you can use natural and forced ventilation systems.

Thermal power is calculated taking into account the volume of the room, the size and orientation of windows to the cardinal points, as well as the number of equipment and people. The calculation is carried out according to the formula P (W) = room volume x q. The q index may have different values and be 30 W / m2 (for rooms located on the north side with a lack of sunlight), 35 W / m2 (for rooms with normal level lighting), 40 W / m2 (for rooms located on the south side or a large glass area), 120 W - heat input from a person, 300 W - heat input from a refrigerator, computer or TV.

For example, air conditioning is required for a room with an area of ​​30 m2 with a wall height of 3 meters and windows located on the south side. There is a computer in the room and there are 2 people regularly. The calculation will be as follows: P \u003d Z0xZk 40+ 120 × 2 + 300 × 1 \u003d 4140 W, or 4.14 kW.

It is best to plan air conditioning in a cottage even at the construction stage, when it is possible to carry out communications. The air conditioning system will be cheaper, the finish will not be disturbed during the installation process.

The choice of air conditioners for a cottage rests on three indicators:

  • power;
  • brand.

Cottage air conditioning type

The following types of climate control equipment are most popular:

  • wall split systems, including multisplits;
  • channel conditioners;
  • multizone systems.

Wall mounts are an inexpensive way to air-condition a cottage.

But for a multi-room house, it is not the most convenient. After all, each room will have to install its own air conditioner.

Multisplits - there are several indoor units for one outdoor module. That is, you can get by with one air conditioner for a medium-sized cottage. The equipment works quietly, the main noise is emitted by the outdoor unit, which is mounted outside. The air temperature in each room can be set differently. Up to 9 indoor units can be connected to one outdoor unit.

Duct air conditioners for cottages

Channel air conditioning systems of cottages are widely used in America and Europe. indoor unit built under the false ceiling, ventilation ducts are distributed from it around the house.

The advantage of the systems is the possibility of mixing fresh air from the street, while simultaneously providing ventilation of the premises. The system serves several rooms.

The ducted air conditioning systems of cottages have only one significant disadvantage: additional expenses for pulling ventilation ducts.

Multizone air conditioners

Optimal comfort in a large area country house provide multi-zone air conditioners. The biggest advantage of this air conditioning method in cottages is the ability to lay long communications between the modules. Therefore, external units can be installed in any convenient place.

Several dozen indoor units are connected to one outdoor unit, which can be different type(wall, cassette). At the same time, they can simultaneously warm some rooms and cool others, which other air conditioning systems do not allow.

Temperature differences in the rooms are only 0.5 degrees, which is impossible to provide with other types of climate control equipment.

Multizone systems simultaneously heat, air-condition and ventilate the premises. At the same time, they consume less electricity than other systems of similar power.