Cheat to enchant items in Skyrim. Skyrim id enchanted items

Skyrim is a game with almost unlimited possibilities. You will not find such a variety of items anywhere else. However, there are not only a bunch of different items here, you can also use the appropriate skill to enchant any item, thereby adding more additional features. However, beginners very often have problems with enchanted items. Questions “How to enchant?”, “What is needed for this?” and "Where can I get the spell?" often go unanswered.

How to enchant items?

First of all, you will need a pentagram of souls. It can be found all over Skyrim, sorcerers always put it in their chambers. It looks like a table covered in intricate blue runes. Approaching him and pressing the action key (by default, this is the "E" key in the English layout or "U" in the Russian.

You will open the enchantment menu

In this menu, you can do two things: remove already cast spells or cast your own. You can remove the enchantment from almost any enchanted item. The exceptions are artifacts. They are unique in nature and, according to legend, created by the Gods.

So it's impossible to repeat them. However, artifacts have incredible properties, much more cool than ordinary spells. Let's get back to removing the spell. If you find any enchanted item, on the pentagram of souls you can unenchant it. In this case, the object itself will be destroyed, but you will learn this spell and be able to cast it as many times as you like on other objects. Another nice plus is that when you remove the enchantment, your enchantment skill will increase slightly. However, if you already know the enchantment that is cast on the item, you cannot destroy it.

The second possibility that the pentagram of souls gives us is enchantment. This will require any non-enchanted item, knowledge of the required enchantment, and a filled soul gem. When choosing an item, remember that enchantments are divided into different types: offensive and defensive. Attackers can't enchant armor, defensive ones can't enchant weapons. But that's all the game itself will tell you. By selecting an item, you can immediately see a list of enchantments that you know and are available for that item.

The only way to learn new enchantments is to remove enchantments from items. The removal procedure has already been described above. Well, the last, and most mysterious for a beginner - filled soul stones. Soul Stones are a material specifically for enchantments, they are needed when enchanting and energizing. For those who didn't know, offensive enchantments slowly lose their properties when using the weapon they were cast on. Over time, the spell must be fueled with filled soul stones.

In order to fill the soul stone, you must cast a soul trapping spell on the enemy, or enchant a weapon with soul trapping. The killed enemy will fill the existing soul stone. However, the weaker the enemy, the smaller his soul, and the lower the level of filling the stone will have.

The filling level of the stone affects the strength of the enchantment set on the item

Also, the higher the filling level, the less often you have to reload the weapon. That is why, for recharging, use the smallest stones, and for enchanting, leave the largest.

A frequently occurring problem is the lack of a necessary (or rather desired) spell. But there are enchanted items in the skyrim id game. Using them, you can not only learn any enchantment, but also get any item with any enchantment. To do this, you need to open the console, and enter the following phrase there: PlayerEnchantObject Item_id ID_zachar_1 ID_zachar_2.

Accordingly, instead of the words ID_item and ID_zachar_1, ID_zachar_2, it is necessary to insert incomprehensible characters that designate this item and these enchantments in the game. Fortunately for players who do not want to complicate their gameplay, skyrim id enchanted items can be easily found in the public domain and nothing needs to be downloaded.

This page lists the magical effects that can be used to enchant various items in the game, such as clothing, armor, jewelry, weapons, and some types of hand tools (a pickaxe, for example).

Enchantment Effects

These magical effects can be applied to various items directly in the game using the enchantment altar. Altars can be found in many locations in the game, such as the College of Mages of Winterhold. When buying some houses in the game, you can additionally equip your home by installing your own enchantment altar (as well as an alchemy table for creating potions) in it and paying a certain amount of money for this.

Effects on clothes (accessories)

These effects can be applied to clothing, armor, shields and jewelry, which, in turn, are equipped on various parts of the body:

  • Body- cloak, armor, simple clothes.
  • Neck- an amulet.
  • Head- hoop, hood, helmet.
  • Arms- gloves, mittens, bracers, shield.
  • Finger- ring.
  • Legs- boots, boots, leggings.

If, when enchanting items in the game, hover over an effect without selecting it, then it will be displayed in the window on the right base enchantment values corresponding zero level enchanter skill, total absence he has enchantment perks (special abilities) and a Great Soul Gem with a "great" soul.

In the table below, the base value is listed in the right column.

Accessory effect Head Neck Body Arms Finger Legs Shield base value
Skill Up
(Fortify Skill)
Alchemy +8%
Shooting (Archery) +13% damage
Trade (Barter) +8%
Blocking (Block) +13% damage blocked
Heavy Armor +8
Light Armor +8
Hacking +13%
One-handed weapon (One-handed) +13% damage
Pickpocketing (Pickpocket) +13%
Blacksmithing (Smithing) +8%
Sneak +13%
Two-handed weapon (Two-handed) +13% damage
Attribute boost
(Fortify Attribute)
Fortify Magicka (Magicka) +20
Magic Regeneration (Regen Magicka) +20%
Health Boost +20
Regen Health +10%
Fortify Stamina (Stamina) +20
Stamina Regeneration (Regen Stamina) +10%
Fire resistance (Fire) +15%
Frost Resistance (Frost) +15%
Disease Resistance +25%
Magic Resistance (Magic) +8%
Poison Resistance +15%
Electrical Resistance (Shock) +15%
Other effects
Carry Weight +15
Promotion (magic school) -8% casting cost
Promotion (magic school)
and magic regeneration
-5% casting cost
10% Magicka Regen
Fortify Unarmed +5 damage
Muffle footsteps (Muffle) n/a
Water breathing (Waterbreathing) n/a
Accessory effect Head Neck Body Arms Finger Legs Shield base value

Weapon Effects

The base enchantment value for weapons, as well as for clothes, is displayed when you hover over the desired effect without selecting it. This value corresponds to a player character's enchant skill of zero, no enchant skill perks, and a Great Soul placed in a Great Soul Gem.

Effect on weapons
(Weapon Effect)
magic school
base value
(Base Magnitude)
Basic usage
(base uses)
Absorption of health (Health) Destruction 8 22.6
Magic Absorption (Magicka) Destruction 15 35.1
Stamina Absorption (Stamina) Destruction 10 33.4
Briarheart Geis Destruction +5 damage for Nords permanent effect
Fire Damage Destruction 10 69.2
Frost Damage Destruction 10
Slow 50% for 2 seconds
Hunter Mastery Destruction +3 damage to animals 265
Magic Damage (Magicka) Destruction 15 48.3
Electric Damage (Shock) Destruction 10 54.9
Silent Moons Enchant Magic Destruction +10 moonlight damage 170
Stamina Damage (Stamina) Destruction 15 24.2
Exile Witchcraft Level 10 5.50
Fear Illusion Level 10 44.7
Scare away the undead Recovery Level 10 24.2
Apply effect Paralysis Change 2 sec 20.6
Soul Capture Witchcraft 4 sec 87.9
Special (Special) Fire Soul Trap Witchcraft 4 sec
10 - fire damage
Blacksmith skill Destruction 5 - electrical damage
+5 to Smithing Skill effects against appropriate NPCs.Fire Enchantment and Augmented Flame .


  • Many Fortify Skill enchantments actually affect the action directly instead of increasing your skill.
  • Fortify Archery, One-Handed, and Two-Handed are the most powerful offensive enchantments. At 100 Enchanting and with the appropriate perks, if you have the maximum four items enchanted with these, you will do +160% damage. Drinking a "+32% Fortify Skill: Enchanting" potion while enchanting further increases this to +188%. For comparison, the difference between having zero perks for a weapon and having all perks for a weapon is +100% damage.
  • Resist Magic is probably the most powerful defensive enchantment, as it protects from a wide range of attacks. With the maximum of 85% Resist Magic you can ignore elemental traps and stand in a dragons breath attack without taking significant damage.
  • If you are mass enchanting your items, it is more profitable to do so with weapons. Weapon enchant prices are calculated by base uses; the fewer base uses an enchant has, the more expensive the enchantment will be. The Banish enchantment is by far the most profitable weapon enchantment.
  • If you wish to mass enchant armor, the most profitable armor enchant at the petty gem level is Waterbreathing, which can be applied to helms, rings, and necklaces. (Waterbreathing has no magnitude or duration, so it is just as effective and valuable with a petty gem as it would be with a grand one.) If you use at least lesser soul gems, Fortify Sneak will surpass it. However, no armor enchants are as profitable as the above-mentioned weapon ones.
  • Nearly all enchantments are available at level 1. One known exception is Banish (level 22).

Effect Charges and Strength


The net magnitude of the effect follows this formula:

Net magnitude = base magnitude * soul multiplier * skill multiplier * (1 + Enchanter perk) * (1 + specific perk modifier)

Soul multiplier is as follows:

class multiplier
Grand x1
Greater x2/3
Common x1/3
Lesser x1/6
Petty x1/12

Skill multiplier is approximately 1 + (skill/100) * (skill/100 - 0.14) / 3.4. Overall, 100 skill points will grant 25% increase over the base magnitude. The potions will increase your skill in the formula by their given percentage. Maximum possible natural (without potions) multiplier with 100 Enchanting, 5 levels in Enchanter, appropriate +25% perk and Grand soul is 3.13x. With potions (without exploiting fortify restoration effect) the maximum is 3.65x.


For weapons, you can select the magnitude of the effect up to a maximum. The maximum magnitude is similar to apparel, but not affected by the soul used:

Maximum magnitude = effect"s base magnitude * skill multiplier * (1 + Enchanter perk) * (1 + specific Enchanting perk modifier) ​​* (1 + elemental Destruction perk modifier) ​​+ effect"s base magnitude * skill multiplier * (1 + Enchanter perk) * (Potion effect)

The number of uses does depend on the soul used, but not on perks (assuming maximum magnitude is used):

Number of charges = soul multiplier * skill capacity multiplier skill capacity multiplier = (1 + sqrt(skill/200)) charges per use = (magnitude / maximum magnitude) 1.1 * skill cost multiplier / effect base uses skill cost multiplier = (1 - skill/200) net number of uses = number of charges / charges per use

If the weapon has two effects, the charges per use are added together, resulting in fewer uses.

The soul multiplier is the same as for apparel.

A graph of the net use multiplier by Enchanting skill level:


  • The exponent of 1.1 in the number of charges consumed per use means that weapons are more efficient if a lower magnitude is picked. However, the effect is quite weak--halving the magnitude of an effect only improves the efficiency by about 7%. Therefore, for most enchantments it is best to use the maximum magnitude. Possible exceptions are enchantments which apply effects with a duration--since you can swing/fire your weapon fairly quickly, using a duration of more than a couple seconds is usually overkill and will drain your weapon much faster.
  • The number of uses formula has an asymptote at 200 skill. For example, if you could get up to 199 Enchanting, your weapon would have x399.5 charges.
  • The formula is based on the displayed number when enchanting the weapon. It is possible this does not work as advertised--see the talk page.
  • The number of uses and charges per use is not fixed at the time of the enchanting. If you use a Fortify: Enchant by 99% potion with 100 enchanting skill to enchant a weapon with a powerful enchant, and then use it later (while not under effect of said potion), it will run out of charges very fast, because number of charges per use is calculated at the moment of the usage.

Enchanting is one of the skills in Skyrim that allows you to put magical enchantments into weapons, clothing, armor and jewelry. The more developed the Enchantment skill, the more the hero will be able to enhance his chosen item. Enchantments are special effects that must first be mastered. To enchant the desired item, you need to use a special soul pentagram, which can be found in the Magic Guild, in taverns, in other places, or installed in your own home. In addition, you also need a soul stone, the effect that you want to enchant in the enchantment menu and, of course, the unenchanted item itself on which you are going to cast this enchantment. You can learn the enchantment effect by dismantling an item that is already enchanted. If the enchantment was cast on the weapon, then with each blow to the enemy, this enchantment diverges. Enchantment cost depends on the size of the soul stone chosen during enchantment. The larger the stone, the more damage can be dealt with enchanted weapons.

But since some enchantments are difficult to make, you can use the following cheats

PlayerEnchantObject Item_ID Item_ID_enchant_1 Enchant_ID_2 - get an item with the specified enchantments (item_id can be found in the article cheats for weapons or armor).

For example

PlayerEnchantObject 000877B1 0008850D 000F82FF
PlayerEnchantObject - Obtain a Ruby Silver Ring (its ID is 000877B1) with enchantments Time between shouts is reduced by 20% (0008850D) + Werewolf extra transformations. (000F82FF).

To improve skills

00109632 - The Enchantment skill is increased by your chosen number of units.

0007A106 - Increases attack with two-handed weapons

0007A104 - The number of coins per item decreases

0007A103 - Increases stealth skill Selected percentage

0007A102 - The skill of improving weapons and armor is increased

0007A100 - pickpocket success increases

000D6933 - increases the skill of eloquence

0007A0FF - Increases damage from one-handed weapons

0007A0FC - Hacking is facilitated by the number of percentages you have chosen

0007A0FB - The skill of wearing light armor increases

0007A0F9 - Heavy armor wear skill increases

0007A0F3 - Shield block increases your chosen percentage

000F6906 - The success of eloquence increases the number of percent you have chosen

0007A0FE - Bow damage increases by the percentage you choose

0008B65C - Created potions become stronger than your chosen percentage

0003EB29 - Enchantment of the selected item is more powerful by the number of units

0049507 - Increased stamina

00049504 - Increases magic

000493AA - Increase health

00109630 - Magic restores the amount of interest you have chosen

0007A105 - Restoration of stamina your chosen percentage

0007A0FD - Magic restores the amount of interest you have chosen

0007A0F8 - Health is restored by the percentage you choose

To increase resistance

00109638 - Increased resistance to electricity

00109637 - Increased resistance to magic

00109636 - Increased resistance to cold

00109635 - Increases resistance to fire

00049295 - Increased resistance to electricity

000FF15E - Increases resistance to poisons

000B7A35 - Increases resistance to magic

00048F45 - Increases resistance to cold

00048C8B - Increases resistance to fire

00100E60 - Increased disease resistance

On spells

00109634 - Recovery spells are consumed more slowly

00109633 - Illusion spells cost more slowly

00109631 - Destruction spells consume more slowly

0010962F - Witchcraft spells are consumed more slowly

0010962E - Change spells consume more slowly

0007A101 - Recovery spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0FA - Illusion spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F6 - Destruction spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F5 - Witchcraft spells are consumed more slowly

0007A0F2 - Spell changes are consumed more slowly

0010E809 - All spells cost 3% less magicka


0008850D - Time between shouts is reduced by 20%

000EE5c4 - Enchant Namira's Ring

000F82FF - Additional transformations for the werewolf for the number of units you have chosen.

000F8475 - You receive the Ancient Mask

0010FC14 = Mask - heal or summon a priest

00092A57 - A mask that reduces the noise of your movement

00092A48 - You can swim underwater without choking

0007A0F4 - The amount of weight increases

00017120 - Increases armor class by one.

000FF15C - Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons deal twice as much damage

000424E2 - Damage without weapons

Weapon Enchant ID

PlayerEnchantObject Item ID Enchant ID 1 Enchant ID 2 - Get an item with the specified enchantments.

PlayerEnchantObject 00013989 0002C593 000FEFBC
PlayerEnchantObject - Get a Steel Sword (00013989) enchanted with Elemental Fury (0002C593)
By the Light of Meridia (000FEFBC).

To increase the charge, equip the required weapon whose charge you want to increase, and apply the following cheat codes:

player.setav LeftitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your left hand for N charges
player.setav RightitemCharge N - charge the weapon in your right hand per N charges

0004605A - Deals fire damage. Ignited take additional damage.

0004605B - ​​Increases Cold Damage and increases stamina

0004605C - Increases Electric Damage, takes away magic from the enemy

0010A273 - Inflicts the number of units you have chosen on the enemy.

000AA157 - Absorbs the enemy's stamina

000AA156 - Absorbs magic from an enemy

000AA155 - Absorbs health from an enemy

0005B44F - Takes away magic from the enemy

0005B450 - Takes away a certain number of units of strength

000FB409 - Drain health from the enemy


0002C593 - Elemental rage (effect after shouting - increases combat speed)

000FEFBC - Light of Meridia - increases Damage to undead, explosion chance, causing fear in the enemy

0010B116 - Silver Damage (Silver Sword)

000F23F9 - Elf Slayer

0010582E - Additional damage to the Nords

00105831 - Additional damage to animals

0003B0B1 - Deals additional damage under the moons

000ACBB5 - Summoned Daedra are banished back to Oblivion

000ACBB6 - Chance to paralyze the enemy

000F5D15 - Additional damage to trolls

0005B46B - The undead take flight

000F5D24 - Fills a soul gem

000FB404 - Holdar's Soul Capture

0010FAF1 - unknown

0005B452 - unknown

00069CE6 - Bound sword FX

000C5BE1 - Bound Bow FX

000C5BE0 - Bound Ax FX

000BEE93 - Creatures and people take flight

0005B451 - Creatures and people take flight

000BEE94 - Creatures and people take flight

001019D6 - Increases Blacksmithing and deals increased damage with electricity

Pentagrams of Souls designed to enchant items: weapons, armor, armor, rings and amulets. To create an enchanted item in TES5, you need to know the corresponding enchantment, have in your inventory, preferably a great one, and a non-magical weapon or piece of armor. Weapon Enchantment applied only to weapons. The strength of the enchantment is adjusted using the slider. Stronger enchantments absorb more energy on each hit, meaning the weapon will need to be reloaded more often with soul gems. Some armor enchantment can only be applied to specific types or pieces of armor. To do this, you must first select the armor that will be enchanted, and then the available enchantments - or vice versa. The soul gem used determines the strength of the spell. Enchantments for armor, amulets and rings work constantly, they do not need to be recharged. Learning new enchantments in TES5 occurs by destroying items on the pentagram of souls, after which the extracted property can be used to enchant any number of items. Items with various enchantments are often sold from merchants in cities (the assortment of goods is randomly updated every 48 hours) or obtained independently while wandering Skyrim. Pentagrams of Souls, like alchemy labs, can be installed in for convenience, which become available for purchase after completing tasks for the jarls.

With the Enchantment skill developed to the maximum, two different properties can be applied to one item. When things are destroyed, only the enchantment property is extracted, but its characteristics when applied depend on the character's skills. For example, if you destroy an item with the property of paralysis for 4 seconds, then you will no longer be able to cast an enchantment of the same power on another item with an undeveloped Enchantment skill, they will be weaker, so you will have to develop the skill and drink special potions to strengthen it. Artifacts and unique items cannot be destroyed on soul pentagrams to study their magical properties.

Weapon enchantment properties and effects in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

  • Hunter's Prowess(Huntsman's Prowess) - Animals receive additional damage.
  • Exile(Banish) - Daedra summoned below a certain level are banished back to Oblivion.
    • Elven Sword of Expulsion - 000be1f9.
  • Soul trap(Soul Trap) - if the enemy dies within a certain time, his soul falls into the soul stone.
    • Steel ax to catch souls - 000a6982.
  • Silent Moon Magic(Magic of Silent Moon) - under the moons, the enemy receives additional burn damage.
    • Lunar Iron Mace - 0003b0bf.
  • Fire Soul Trap(Fiery Soul Trap) - the enemy takes fire damage, and if he dies within a certain time, his soul falls into the soul stone.
    • Steel Ax of Ardent Souls - 00040002.
  • Scare away the undead(Turn Undead) - Undead below a certain level scatter in a panic for a short time.
    • Blessed Hunting Bow - 000a735a.
  • Paralysis(Paralyze) - the enemy is paralyzed for a short time.
    • Ebony Bow of Binding - 000bf410.
  • Stamina Absorption(Absorb Stamina) - a fixed amount of strength is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven sword of threshing - 000be1f7.
  • Health Absorption(Absorb Health) - A fixed amount of health is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven Sword of Devouring - 000be1f0.
  • Magic Absorption(Absorb Magicka) - A fixed amount of magicka is drawn from the enemy.
    • Elven Weaning Sword - 000be1f3.
  • Fear(Fear) - Creatures and people below a certain level scatter in panic for a short time.
    • Elven sword of fear - 000be1fa.
  • Stamina Damage(Stamina Damage) - the enemy loses a fixed amount of stamina.
    • Steel Ax of Fatigue - 000a6984.
  • Magic Damage(Magicka Damage) - the enemy loses a fixed amount of magicka.
    • Iron Sword of Loss - 0005b475.
  • fire damage(Fire Damage) - The enemy takes fixed fire damage and ongoing burn damage.
    • Elven Sword of Incineration - 000be1fd.
  • Cold Damage(Frost Damage) - The enemy takes cold damage and loses a certain amount of strength.
    • Ancient Nordic War Ax of Cold - 000ddd6d.
  • Electric Damage(Shock Damage) - the enemy takes damage from electricity and loses a certain amount of magic.
    • Steel Ax of Electricity - 000a697d.
  • Chaotic Damage(Chaotic Damage) - the enemy can simultaneously receive damage from each of the three elements: fire, cold and electricity.
    • Baton of the Protector - 0301a578.

Item enchantment properties and effects in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition):

"+" - enchantment can be used with a marked item, "-" - cannot. The "ID" field contains the identifiers of items with the desired enchantment properties. They can be added via the console with the player.additem 1 command, and then disassembled into a pentagram of souls, saving time searching. For example, you need to quickly get a water breathing necklace in order to break and extract the “Water breathing” property: to do this, open the console with the [~] key, enter the player.additem 000fc067 1 command, press . When you hover over the identifier, the name of the item that will be added to the inventory appears.

water breathing(Waterbreathing)Enchantment allows you to breathe underwater- + - - - + + 000fc067
Stamina Boost(Fortify Stamina)Enchantment increases maximum stamina by n%+ - - + - + + 000fcef8
Health Boost(Fortify Health)Enchantment increases maximum health by n%+ - - - + + + 000fcefd
Fortify Magic(Fortify Magicka)Enchanting increases maximum Magicka by n%- + + - - + + 0010dd3a
Increasing the Art of the Trade(Fortify Barter)Enchanting improves merchant prices by n%- - - - - + - 0010df4b
Fortify Skill: Alchemy(Fortify Alchemy)Enchanting increases the power of potions and poisons you create by n%- + + - - + + 000fc004
Skill Up: Blocking(Fortify Block)Enchantment increases the amount of damage absorbed when you block by n%- - + - + + + 0010df1d
Skill Up: Hacking(Fortify Lockpicking)Enchanting makes it easier to pick locks on doors and chests- + + - - + + 000b504e
Fortify Skill: Recovery(Fortify Restoration)Enchantment reduces the cost of magicka for spells of the restoration school+ + - - - + + 000fc031
Magic Recovery and Regeneration Boost(Fortify Restoration & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for spells of the school of restoration and increases the speed of magicka regeneration+ - - - - - - 0010d682
Skill Upgrade: Two-Handed Weapons(Fortify Two Handed)Enchantment increases two-handed weapon damage by n%- - + + - + + 00100e50
Skill Up: Change(Fortify Alteration)Enchantment reduces the magicka cost of alteration spells+ + - - - + + 000ff7de
Increase change and magic regeneration(Fortify Alteration & Magicka Regeneration)The enchantment reduces the magicka cost of alteration spells and increases the speed of magicka regeneration+ - - - - - - 00101778
Fortify Skill: Illusion(Fortify Illusion)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for illusion spells+ + - - - + + 0010cfd2
Fortify Illusion and Regenerate Magicka(Fortify Illusion & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for illusion spells and increases magicka regeneration speed+ - - - - - - 0010d679
Skill Up: Pickpocketing(Fortify Pickpocket)Enchantment increases the chance of successful pickpocketing by n%- - + + - + + 00100e32
Fortify Skill: Sorcery(Fortify Conjuration)Enchantment reduces the cost of magic for spells of the school of witchcraft+ + - - - + + 000fc00d
Increasing sorcery and magicka regeneration(Fortify Conjuration & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for spells of the school of witchcraft and increases the speed of magicka regeneration+ - - - - - - 02015cbf
Fortify Skill: Blacksmithing(Fortify Smithing)Enchanting increases the quality of crafted armor and weapons by n%+ - + - - + + 0010df21
Skill Up: Light Armor(Fortify Light Armor)The enchantment increases your Light Armor skill by n points.+ - + - - + + 000acc94
Skill Upgrade: One-Handed Weapon(Fortify One Handed)Enchantment increases the damage of attacks with one-handed weapons by n%- - + + - + + 00100e2d
Fortify: Destruction(Fortify Destruction)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for destruction spells+ + - - - + + 0007a125
Increased destruction and magicka regeneration(Fortify Destruction & Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment reduces magicka cost for destruction spells and increases magicka regeneration speed+ - - - - - - 02015cba
Fortify Skill: Stealth(Fortify Sneak)Enchantment increases the chance of being undetected by n%- - + + - + + 000d53f2
Skill Upgrade: Shooting(Fortify Archery)Enchantment increases bow and crossbow damage by n%- + + - - + + 000fc02b
Skill Up: Heavy Armor(Fortify Heavy Armor)The enchantment increases your heavy armor skill by n points.+ - + - - + + 00100e10
Increased carry weight(Fortify Carry Weight)The enchantment increases the maximum carry weight by n.- - + + - + + 000d53e7
Skill Up: Unarmed Combat(Fortify Unarmed)Enchantment increases melee damage by n%- - + + - + + 0010a06a
Increased stamina regeneration(Fortify Stamina Regeneration)Enchantment increases stamina regeneration rate by n%+ - - + - + - 00100e55
Increased health regeneration rate(Fortify Health Regeneration)Enchantment increases health regeneration rate by n%+ - - - - + + 00100e51
Magic Regeneration Boost(Fortify Magicka Regeneration)Enchantment increases magicka recovery speed by n%+ + - - - - + 000c5d11
Mute footsteps(muffle)Enchantment allows you to move silently and sneak- - - + - - - 000d5371
disease resistance(Resistant disease)Enchantment increases disease resistance by n%+ - - - + + + 00100e65
Magic resistance(Resistant Magic)Enchantment increases resistance to any magic by n%- - - - + + + 0010dfb8
fire resistance(Resistant Fire)Enchantment increases resistance to fire by n%- - - + + + + 000ad55e
Cold resistance(Resistant Frost)Enchantment increases cold resistance by n%- - - + + + + 0001b3d0
Electricity resistance(Resistant Shock)Enchantment increases resistance to electricity by n%- - - + + + + 000ad4d1
Poison Resistance(Resistant Poison)Enchantment increases resistance to poison by n%+ - - - + + + 00100e5f

Skyrim is a game with almost unlimited possibilities. You will not find such a variety of items anywhere else. However, there are not only a bunch of different items here, you can also enchant any item with the help of the appropriate skill, thereby adding more additional features. However, beginners very often have problems with enchanted items. Questions “How to enchant?”, “What is needed for this?” and "Where can I get the spell?" often go unanswered.

How to enchant items?

First of all, you will need a pentagram of souls. It can be found all over Skyrim, sorcerers always put it in their chambers. It looks like a table covered in intricate blue runes. Approaching him and pressing the action key (by default, this is the "E" key in the English layout or "U" in the Russian.

You will open the enchantment menu

In this menu, you can do two things: remove already cast spells or cast your own. You can remove the enchantment from almost any enchanted item. The exceptions are artifacts. They are unique in nature and, according to legend, created by the Gods.

So it's impossible to repeat them. However, artifacts have incredible properties, much more cool than ordinary spells. Let's get back to removing the spell. If you find any enchanted item, on the pentagram of souls you can unenchant it. In this case, the object itself will be destroyed, but you will learn this spell and be able to cast it as many times as you like on other objects. Another nice plus is that when you remove the enchantment, your enchantment skill will increase slightly. However, if you already know the enchantment that is cast on the item, you cannot destroy it.

The second possibility that the pentagram of souls gives us is enchantment. This will require any non-enchanted item, knowledge of the required enchantment, and a filled soul gem. When choosing an item, remember that enchantments are divided into different types: offensive and defensive. Attackers can't enchant armor, defensive ones can't enchant weapons. But that's all the game itself will tell you. By selecting an item, you can immediately see a list of enchantments that you know and are available for that item.

The only way to learn new enchantments is to remove enchantments from items. The removal procedure has already been described above. Well, the last, and most mysterious for a beginner - filled soul stones. Soul Stones are a material specifically for enchantments, they are needed when enchanting and energizing. For those who didn't know, offensive enchantments slowly lose their properties when using the weapon they were cast on. Over time, the spell must be fueled with filled soul stones.

In order to fill the soul stone, you must cast a soul trapping spell on the enemy, or enchant a weapon with soul trapping. The killed enemy will fill the existing soul stone. However, the weaker the enemy, the smaller his soul, and the lower the level of filling the stone will have.

The filling level of the stone affects the strength of the enchantment set on the item

Also, the higher the filling level, the less often you have to reload the weapon. That is why, for recharging, use the smallest stones, and for enchanting, leave the largest.

A frequently occurring problem is the lack of a necessary (or rather desired) spell. But there are enchanted items in the skyrim id game. Using them, you can not only learn any enchantment, but also get any item with any enchantment. To do this, you need to open the console, and enter the following phrase there: PlayerEnchantObject Item_id ID_zachar_1 ID_zachar_2.

Accordingly, instead of the words ID_item and ID_zachar_1, ID_zachar_2, it is necessary to insert incomprehensible characters that designate this item and these enchantments in the game. Fortunately for players who do not want to complicate their gameplay, skyrim id enchanted items can be easily found in the public domain and nothing needs to be downloaded.