Starter safety requirements. General safety requirements


1.1. This Instruction provides for the basic requirements for labor protection when starting the engine.

1.2. When starting the engine, it is necessary to fulfill your duties in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

1.3. When starting the engine, dangerous and harmful production factors may affect:

moving machines and mechanisms;

increased dust and gas content in the air of the working area;

harmful substances (antifreeze and others) with which the driver is in contact when servicing the car;

cramped working conditions when adjusting the units and systems of the vehicle;

insufficient illumination of the working area;

traffic accidents.

1.4. When starting the engine, the employee notifies his immediate supervisor of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, of the deterioration of his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness.

1.5. When starting the engine, you should:

work in PPE;

wash hands with soap after using the toilet;

do not eat at the workplace.

1.6. The employee must be at least 18 years of age who has passed a medical examination in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development to start the engine. Russian Federation N 302n dated 12.04.2011 (Appendix N 2, clause 27. Driving ground vehicles), theoretical and practical training, testing knowledge of labor safety requirements in the prescribed manner and those who received admission to independent work.

1.7. The employee is provided with overalls and footwear in accordance with the current standards of the profession.

1.8. When starting the engine, it is necessary to know and strictly observe the requirements for labor protection, fire safety, industrial sanitation.

1.9. When starting the engine, the employee must undergo labor protection training in the form of: introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace, repeated briefing, unscheduled briefing, targeted briefing and special training in the scope of the training program when starting the engine, including labor protection issues and requirements of officials professional responsibilities.

An introductory briefing is conducted by an employee of the labor protection service or an employee replacing him with all those hired under a program approved by the employer and agreed with the trade union committee or other representative body of employees.

Primary briefing at the workplace is carried out by an official, determined by order individually before the start of the employee's production activities under the occupational safety program.

Repeated briefing is carried out according to the program of primary briefing once every six months by the immediate supervisor of the work individually or with a group of workers of similar professions, including combined work.

An unscheduled briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work when changing the instructions for labor protection, the technological process, technological equipment, at the request of supervisory authorities, etc., which determine the scope and content of the briefing.

Targeted briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work when performing one-time work that is not related to the direct duties of the employee by profession.

Before being allowed to work independently, an employee must undergo an internship under the guidance of an experienced employee.

1.10. When starting the engine, the employee must:

know the rules of the road;

know the purpose, device, principle of operation and operation of units, mechanisms and devices of vehicles;

know the main technical and operational qualities of the serviced vehicle and their impact on traffic safety; signs, causes, methods for identifying and eliminating faults;

observe the rules of internal labor regulations and the established regime of work and rest;

perform work that is part of his duties or entrusted by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;

apply safe work practices;

be able to provide first aid to the injured.

1.11. Smoking and eating is allowed only in places specially designated for this purpose.


2.1. Fasten the worn overalls with all buttons, avoiding hanging ends of the clothes.

Do not stab clothes with pins, needles, do not keep sharp, breakable objects in the pockets of clothes.

2.2. Check the condition of the vehicle. When examining, pay special attention to:

no leakage of fuel, oil, coolant;

air pressure in tires and their serviceability;

completeness of the vehicle necessary tools, fixtures and fittings.

2.3. Remove the tool, check the level of oil in the crankcase, water in the cooling system and fuel in the tanks.

2.4. Make sure there are no people behind or in front of the vehicle.

2.5. Do not start the engine if any work is being done on the machine.

2.6. Check the serviceability of the brake system, steering, operation of the windscreen wipers, heating system, lighting, alarm system, towing device, condition of the tires and wheel fastenings.

2 7. Check the availability and completeness of the first aid kit and fire extinguishers.

2.8. To start a cold engine, use the starting handle with the gear lever in neutral position. It is not allowed to grasp the handle or use any levers acting on it.

2.9. Do not start work in the absence or malfunction of the hazardous area fencing, blocking, protective equipment, tools, devices, control devices, etc.

2.10. Make sure that the horn, brake light and turn lights, headlight switches, tail light are working properly.

2.11. Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other malfunctions to your immediate supervisor and start work only after they have been eliminated.


3.1. Perform only the work for which he has been trained, instructed in labor protection and for which the employee responsible for the safe performance of work has been admitted.

3.2. Work must be carried out only on technically sound vehicles, fully equipped with tools and accessories.

3.3. Before starting the engine, make sure that the car is braked with the parking brake and the gear lever is in neutral.

3.4. In the cold season, to ensure a reliable start of the engine, it is necessary to preheat it.

3.5. Use to warm up the engine hot water, steam or hot air.

3.6. It is forbidden to heat the engine with an open flame.

3.7. Before turning on the ignition, starting the engine, or turning on the lights electrical appliances it is necessary to keep the hood open for some time to weather the gas from the engine compartment, and then check the serviceability of the gas equipment, pipelines and connections.

3.8. The driver must start the car engine using a starter. The starter handle may only be used in exceptional cases.

3.9. Starting a cold engine should only be done with the start handle in the neutral position of the gear lever. It is forbidden to take the handle in a girth or use any levers acting on it.

3.10. manifest special care when pouring hot water into the cooling system. It is necessary to use serviceable containers for hot water, clean the bumper from dirt, snow, ice.

3.11. The radiator cap on a hot engine should be opened with a glove or covered with a rag (rag). The cork should be opened carefully, not allowing intense steam to escape towards the opening. During this work, hands and face should be protected from burns.

3.12. When starting the car engine with the starting handle, the following requirements must be observed:

turn the starting handle from top to bottom;

do not take the handle in the girth;

when manually adjusting the ignition timing, set the ignition later;

do not use any levers and amplifiers acting on the crank or crankshaft ratchet.

3.13. When starting a hot engine, do not touch the exhaust pipe while winding the cord, otherwise you may get burned.

3.14. During start-up, it is forbidden to stand near the rotating flywheel.

3.16. After starting the engine, turn off the clutch of the starting engine in order to avoid its "spacing".

3.17. Car refueling should be carried out in accordance with the safety requirements established for filling points, which must be posted in a conspicuous place.

3.18. While refueling the vehicle, it is prohibited to:

smoking and using open fire;

carry out repair and adjustment work;

transfer the car from one type of fuel to another;

leave the car unattended;

fill the vehicle with fuel while the engine is running;

allow fuel overflow;

start the car engine if gasoline is spilled near the car (before it evaporates);

be passengers in the cabin, cabin or body.

3.19. Do not allow untrained and unauthorized persons to work.

3.20. Use serviceable equipment, tools, devices necessary for safe work; use them only for the work for which they are intended.

3.21. Open the radiator cap with a cold engine, protecting your hands and face from burns.

3.22. Only use tools that are in good working order and of the correct size.

make a fire and smoke at refueling and parking places;

leave the car after work and after refueling at a gas station;

open the caps of barrels with gasoline by hitting metal objects;

heat the diesel engine, fuel tank and fuel lines with an open fire;

use open fire when checking the fuel level and inspecting fuel tanks;

heat the engine with an open flame or use open fire when identifying and eliminating malfunctions of mechanisms;

wipe the engine with a rag soaked in gasoline, and smoke in the immediate vicinity of the engine power system and fuel tanks.

3.24. Collect used cleaning material in specially installed metal boxes with lids.

3.25. In the event of a malfunction in the engine, turn off the engine and brake the vehicle with the parking brake.

3.26. Troubleshooting while the engine is running is prohibited. The movement resumes only after the malfunction is eliminated.

3.28. Be attentive, careful and not be distracted by extraneous conversations.

3.29. Comply with the requirements of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation.

3.30. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.


4.1. In the event of a breakdown of equipment that threatens an accident at the workplace: stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity, gas, water, raw materials, products, etc. to it; report on the measures taken to the immediate supervisor (the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment) and act in accordance with the instructions received.

4.2. In an emergency: notify the surrounding people of the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.

4.3. In the event of a fire, turn off the electricity, call the fire brigade, report the incident to the management of the enterprise, and take measures to extinguish the fire.

4.4. When catching fire in electrical installations, carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers should be used.

4.5. In the presence of wounds, it is necessary to apply a bandage, in case of arterial bleeding - to apply a tourniquet.

4.6. In the event of a traffic accident:

immediately stop (do not move) the vehicle, turn on the emergency light signaling and set an emergency stop sign (flashing red light);

take all possible measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance;

free the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible; if it is necessary to free the roadway or deliver the injured in their vehicle to a medical institution, first fix in the presence of witnesses the position of the vehicle, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to preserve them and organize a detour around the scene.

4.7. In case of injury, poisoning and sudden illness, the victim should be provided with first (pre-medical) aid and, if necessary, his delivery to a healthcare facility should be organized.

4.8. If any malfunction is detected that disrupts normal operation, it must be stopped. Notify the immediate supervisor of any shortcomings noticed.

4.9. In case of an accident, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance, inform your immediate supervisor and keep the situation at the workplace unchanged until the investigation, if it does not pose a threat to employees and does not lead to an accident.


5.1. Check the technical condition of the car parts.

5.2. Put in order workplace, make an entry in the journal about the technical condition of the equipment.

5.3. Cleaning and oiled material should be removed from the work area.

5.4. Take off your overalls, put it in the place provided for this.

5.5. Wash hands and face with warm soapy water.

5.6. Report any malfunctions in the equipment to the immediate supervisor for the vehicle to be serviced or repaired.

On charger


on labor protection when performing work on the charger

1. General requirements

1.1. This manual contains safety requirements when working with the charger. Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and are admitted by order of the branch director are allowed to work on the charger.

1.2. The employee must know the rules for using the charger. The workplace and premises should be kept clean, well lit and uncluttered.

1.3. The temperature around the charger should be between

1.5. In the premises during operation there should be no vapors of acids and alkalis, as well as gases that cause corrosion of metals and damage to insulation, as well as conductive and explosive dust.

1.7. The following hazards exist when using chargers:

It is forbidden to work with the device with the casing removed;

It is forbidden to repair the device connected to the network;

Connecting (disconnecting) rechargeable batteries should be done with the switch of the corresponding channel turned off.

The operating voltage of the charger is 220V, which is a dangerous factor for the life and health of the worker; in order to avoid electric shock, it is prohibited to operate the device with damaged electrical insulation and without protective grounding;

When carrying out repairs, Maintenance charger strictly comply with fire safety measures;

Do not allow unauthorized persons to access the charger.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Tidy up work clothes; fasten the cuffs of the sleeves so that there are no hanging ends, remove the hair under a tight-fitting headdress.

2.2. Carefully inspect the workplace, put it in proper order, remove all foreign objects that interfere with work.

2.3. When working, use only serviceable tools, fixtures and equipment.

3. Requirementssafety during work

3.1. Check the serviceability of the charger (external inspection).

3.2. Check the condition of the cables.

3.3. Check the condition of the terminal clamps.

4. Requirementssafety in emergency situations,

arising during the operation of the charger

4.1. If smoke, sparks, smell of electrical wiring appear during the operation of the charger, it is necessary to immediately stop the work and take measures to eliminate them, while reporting to the management of the department.

4.2. In the event of a fire in the device, immediately disconnect it from the mains, report the fire to the management.

5. Safety requirements after work

5.1. At the end of work, turn off the devices, remove the clamps from the battery terminals, and clean the workplace.

5.2. Disconnect devices from the mains.

5.3. Check the charger.

5.4. Tidy up the workplace, tools and fixtures and put them in the place allotted for them.

5.5. Report all malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during operation, and the measures taken to eliminate them.

5.6. Wash your hands with warm water.

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Safety requirements for fire equipment and fire fighting equipment

Fire equipment, fire protective suits and individual equipment, which are in service with the units of the State Fire Service, must ensure the safety of the personnel of the units of the State Fire Service during service, extinguishing fires, classes, etc. It is forbidden to use them in a faulty condition.

For all types of fire equipment, fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing agents and other fire-technical products newly supplied to the State Fire Service, the head of the State Fire Service is obliged to demand from the supplier a certificate of conformity and a fire safety certificate, without which their use is prohibited.

Testing of anti-aircraft weapons, other equipment and equipment is carried out before being put into combat crew and periodically during operation.

The procedure and terms for testing the fire extinguishing equipment, other equipment, apparatus and instruments are set out in Appendix 3 of these Rules. The test results are recorded in the Test Log for fire-technical weapons (Appendix 4).

The basic requirements for the safe operation of electrical installations of fire trucks and trailers are determined by the Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations of fire trucks and trailers. Safety measures for the operation of pressure vessels and hydraulic systems must comply with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

All PTV, other equipment, PPE, instruments, first aid kits and personal equipment from the moment they are received by the State Border Service unit are subject to accounting. They are marked with an inventory number, which does not change during operation for the entire period of being in the State Border Service unit.

PTV, equipment, PPE, devices and personal equipment that do not have an inventory number and test date are considered faulty and are removed from the combat crew.

Operation of fire equipment

The technical condition of fire trucks must meet the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions. Trouble-free and safe operation is ensured by their timely and qualified maintenance by drivers and minders who are responsible for the good condition of the vehicles assigned to them, special units and units.

The doors of the driver's cabin and combat crew, as well as the doors of the compartments of the body of fire trucks must be equipped with automatically locking locks, securely held in the closed position and fixed in the open position. The doors must be equipped with a device that sends a signal to the instrument panel of the driver's cab to open them. Doors that open upwards must be fixed at a height that ensures convenience and safety of service.

Access to equipment, tools and control panels located in the compartments and on the platforms of fire trucks must be safe. The roofs and platforms of such vehicles must have a flooring with a surface that prevents slipping, and the height of the side railing at the roofs of the bodies is at least 100 mm.

In order to constantly maintain the ladders (car lifts) in good condition, by order of the head of the State Fire Service, a person responsible for monitoring the safe operation of the vehicle is appointed.

Inspection of fire trucks is carried out by the drivers assigned to them when they take up combat duty.

On ladders with elevators, at least once a month, the efficiency of the elevator cabin catchers is checked. Inspection of load handling devices should be carried out by a person responsible for their good condition in accordance with the temporary regulations for servicing these units. The results of the inspection of the safety devices of the elevator car and the inspection of auxiliary load-handling devices are drawn up in the prescribed manner.

The results of the technical examination of ladders (car lifts) are recorded in the fire truck log by the person who carried out the examination.

During the initial survey, this record confirms that the ladder (car lift) is in good condition and maintenance has been performed.

Drivers who have undergone special training, training in safe methods of working at electrical installations, have an electrical safety clearance group of at least three and have received a certificate of the established form issued by the qualification commission of the territorial management body of the State Fire Service are allowed to drive fire trucks and work with special units. To work on fire trucks with electric power units, persons who have been trained in safe methods of working on electrical installations and have an electrical safety clearance group of at least three are allowed.

To work on motor pumps, persons who have been trained as mechanics of fire motor pumps and have received a certificate of the established form are allowed.

The electronic protection of the electric power plant of the fire truck of the gas and smoke protection service should provide instant shutdown (no more than 0.05 s) of the power supply in cases of breakdown of the insulation of the power tool or a decrease in its resistance.

In the event of a malfunction of the generator of the electric power plant or the appearance of signs indicating its failure, it is connected switchboard vehicle to an external power supply. The distance from the connection point to the car should not exceed 50 m. The parameters of the pantographs must correspond to the parameters of the mains: voltage - 220 - 230 V, current frequency - 50 Hz.

Maintenance of fire equipment

Responsibility for the timely and high-quality maintenance and testing of fire trucks, fire fighting equipment, equipment and equipment rests with the heads of the State Fire Service departments, who are obliged to ensure maintenance<1>and testing, in accordance with the technical specifications, GOST, as well as the Manual on the technical service of the State Fire Service, adopted in the prescribed manner.

During maintenance of fire trucks on fire, the driver must:

  • install a fire truck at a distance that is safe from the effects of fire (thermal radiation), and not closer than 1.5 - 2.5 m from the rear axle to the water source;
  • avoid sharp bends on the suction hoses, while the suction mesh must be completely immersed in water and be below the water level (not lower than 200 mm);
  • lubricate during pump operation every hour its bearings and seals (by turning 2 - 3 turns of cap greasers with open taps);
  • check whether water is leaking through the pump connections and glands, discharge valves, as well as from the engine cooling system (main and additional), as well as oil from the engine of the gearbox and power take-off and fluid from hydraulic drive units and systems;
  • make sure that the temperature of the water in the engine cooling system is 80 - 95 degrees. C, as well as the oil pressure in the engine. At an average speed of the latter, the pressure must be at least 2.0 kg / cm2;
  • flush clean water in the case of foam supply, all internal cavities of the pump and the through passages of the foam mixer;
  • open the faucets and release water from the working cavity of the pump, then close the faucets.

Maintenance upon returning from a fire (exercise) is carried out by the driver assigned to the vehicle and the guard personnel under the leadership of the chief of the guard, in small units - by the squad leader at the maintenance post of the State Fire Service unit.

With the onset of cold weather, keep the pressure pipes and drain cocks of the pump open, closing them only when the pump is running and checking it for a “dry” vacuum.

The general system of measures for labor safety in the repair of fire trucks must comply with the requirements set forth in the Manual on the technical service, adopted in the prescribed manner.

Maintenance of fire equipment is carried out in rooms or posts provided with natural and forced ventilation.

During maintenance, the following requirements must be met:

  • all fastening and adjustment operations must be performed in the sequence indicated in the technological maps;
  • the sequence of performing the mandatory scope of work should exclude the possibility of simultaneous work from above and below at one or another node (unit) of the car;
  • after the fire truck is installed on the inspection ditch on the steering wheel, the sign “Do not start the engine - people are working” is strengthened. Before leaving the ditch, overpass, floor lift, you must make sure that there are no objects or people in the path of the car;
  • when installing the car at the service station, brake it with a parking brake, turn off the ignition, turn on a low gear in the gearbox, put at least two stops (shoes) under the wheels;
  • when lifting (hanging out) one wheel (axle), a stop is placed next to the jack, and “shoes” are placed under the wheels of the other axle. Before starting maintenance, a sign “Do not touch - people are working under the car” is posted on the lift control mechanism. It is forbidden to lift or hang a fire truck by the tow hooks.

In order to avoid spontaneous lowering of the hydraulic lift, its plunger in the working (raised) position must be securely fixed with a stop (rod).

To determine the need for maintenance or repair of a fire truck, unit, mechanism or device, standard values ​​of diagnostic parameters are used.

To work on diagnostic stands with devices and instruments, operators are allowed who have the appropriate permit to work on them, who have undergone special training in labor protection and have studied the rules for operating diagnostic equipment.

Control panels, hardware cabinets, blocks of drums, rollers and other electrical equipment of the diagnostic post must be reliably grounded.

Before repair, maintenance or installation of units with electrical equipment, it is necessary to remove (turn off) the voltage from the stands.

In preparation for work, it is necessary to check the fastening of all components and parts; availability, serviceability and fastening of protective fences and grounding wires; serviceability of lifting mechanisms and other devices; sufficiency of illumination of a workplace and ways of the movement of the fire truck.

During the operation of the stands it is prohibited:

  • work with protective covers, shields, fences removed;
  • open the control panel, increase the rotational speed of the rotor of the electric machine above the permissible value.

Fire trucks during diagnostics are installed and fixed on the stand only by the operator. Fixing the fire truck on the stand is carried out by a fixing device and “boots”, which are placed under both front or both rear wheels. During the operation of the fire truck on the stand, the exhaust gases from the muffler of the fire truck must be forcibly discharged through a local suction using a union hose through a gas outlet or a hoseless suction. Departure of the fire truck from the stands is carried out by the operator with the pneumatic lift lowered or the drums locked, while the sensors of the devices must be turned off and removed from the units. The exhaust gas intake must be laid aside.

Once a month it is necessary to open hatches, covers of electrical machines and blow through contact rings, brushes and brush holders with compressed air to remove copper-graphite dust. At the end of the shift, de-energize the bench with the block - fuse - knife switch handle, close the valves of the fuel tanks, fuel gauges, close the compressed air supply valve.

During long breaks in operation, it is necessary to drain the fuel from the glass flow meters and rubber pipelines.

When bench diagnostics is prohibited:

  • be in the inspection ditch and stand in the way of the fire truck at the time of its arrival at the stand and exit from the stand;
  • work at the stand without complete fixation of the fire truck;
  • to be by unauthorized persons in the inspection ditch during the diagnosis of a fire truck, to stand on running drums (rollers);
  • touch the rotating parts of the fire truck transmissions and the braking system during the operation of the stands;
  • open the rear walls of the control panels and adjust the devices and devices of the stand when the power supply switch is turned on;
  • carry out diagnostics of fire trucks in case of faulty electrical equipment of the stand;
  • carry out diagnostics on the go of a fire truck with an unconnected exhaust gas intake and switched off supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • include various kinds couplings to a complete stop of the electric brake stand and running drums and spill or spray gasoline when connecting a device for measuring fuel consumption;
  • control the diagnostic parameters associated with the promotion of the tested fire truck at the stand, without the operator being at the wheel of the fire truck.

Diagnostic rooms (post) are equipped with fire extinguishers, first aid kits, cisterns (fountains) for drinking water.

At the diagnostic posts, rules on labor protection are posted, as well as posters on safe working practices.

It is unacceptable to test the brake mechanisms on the move indoors. For their testing, a specially designated site or stand is required, on which:

  • engine operation is checked with the brake on and the gear lever in neutral position (ventilation is turned on and gas outlets are used);
  • the clutch adjustment operation on fire trucks with carburetor engines must be performed by two workers, one of whom must turn the crankshaft using the crank;
  • hard-to-reach points on a fire truck should be lubricated with tips connected to guns with flexible hoses or tips with hinges.

When checking the oil level in the lighting units, only portable lamps should be used. It is forbidden to use open fire for this purpose.

During maintenance, only tools that are in good working order and suitable for their purpose may be used.

During maintenance, it is prohibited:

  • build up keys with other keys or tubes, use gaskets between the gap of the key and the edges of bolts and nuts, hit the key when unscrewing or wrapping;
  • use levers or extensions to increase the leverage of wrenches;
  • knock out disks with a sledgehammer, dismantle a wheel by running cars over it, etc.;
  • service the transmission with the engine running;
  • work on machines and equipment without their grounding;
  • use power tools with faulty insulation of live parts or if they do not have a grounding device;
  • perform any work on a fire truck, posted only on one lifting mechanisms(jacks, hoists, etc.);
  • place wheel rims, bricks, stones and other foreign objects under the posted fire truck;
  • perform work without special stops (goats) that protect against spontaneous lowering of the fire truck or its individual parts, during work requiring raising the fire truck using jacks, hoists and other lifting mechanisms;
  • Perform maintenance on the fire truck with the engine running, except for checking engine and brake adjustments.

When fixing operations, it is necessary to use mainly ring or socket wrenches, and in hard-to-reach places with a limited angle of rotation, it is advisable to use ratchet wrenches (ratchet mechanism). Do not turn the keys in a circle, as they may break.

Tire mounting work should be carried out only with a special puller in a place intended for this. It is allowed to inflate the mounted tire in a special fence or with the use of other devices that prevent the lock ring from popping out and do not allow the tire to burst, which can cause injury to the worker.

During work related to turning the crankshaft and cardan shaft, it is necessary to additionally check the ignition off, and set the gearbox lever to neutral position, release the parking brake lever, and after performing them, apply the parking brake and re-engage the lower gear.

At the aggregate-mechanical section, to perform assembly and dismantling work during the repair of units, stands are used that correspond to their purpose. Cases of electric motors, machine tools and equipment, as well as control panels are reliably grounded.

Blowtorches, electric and pneumatic tools are issued only to employees (workers) who have been instructed and knowing the rules dealing with him.

When removing and setting the springs, you must first unload them by raising the frame and installing it on the goats. Lifts and jacks are tested by the employees (workers) they are assigned to once every 6 months with a static load exceeding the maximum allowable according to the passport by 10% for 10 minutes. with the load in the upper end position. At hydraulic jacks the drop in fluid pressure at the end of the test shall not be more than 5%.

The test results are recorded in the PTV test log.

Fire technical equipment

PTV is designed to search, rescue people in case of fires and emergencies associated with them, and their evacuation to a safe place. This equipment must ensure the safe operation of the personnel of the State Border Service units, the preservation of the life and health of those being rescued, and meet the requirements of the relevant GOST and technical conditions.

PTV is divided according to the purpose and allocated to the following groups:

  • equipment, rescue equipment and material assets from high-rise buildings and structures;
  • equipment for respiratory protection, to ensure ventilation and normalization of the air environment;
  • and fire equipment;
  • , equipment for opening and disassembling various structures;
  • equipment for collecting and pumping liquids.

Responsibility for timely and high-quality maintenance and testing of fire extinguishing equipment rests with the squad leader and drivers assigned to the fire truck.

The fire extinguisher is placed in a fire truck according to the manufacturer's recommendations so that it is securely fastened, easily removed and eliminates the possibility of injury during its removal and installation.

Serviceability is determined during maintenance, testing and periodic surveys, as well as at each reception by the incoming guard. It is forbidden to operate the PTV in a faulty state.

Types, frequency and lists of basic maintenance operations and testing of fire protection equipment are established by the instructions of manufacturers.

Maintenance is carried out in order to ensure constant technical readiness and safe operation of fire protection equipment, to prevent the occurrence of malfunctions, to identify them and to eliminate them in a timely manner.

Tests are carried out before being put into combat crew and periodically during operation. The procedure and terms of testing must comply with the requirements of TU and GOST for this equipment. The test results are recorded in the PTV test log.

Manual fire escapes include: retractable fire escape, storm ladder, stick ladder. Safety measures when using them must comply with the airbag.

When installing a retractable fire escape, you must:

  • install a retractable ladder 1.5 - 2 meters from the wall, the angle of inclination of the ladder is 80 - 83 degrees;
  • extend the knees of the retractable ladder evenly, without jerking, avoiding winding the rope around the hands;
  • hold the retractable ladder when extending the bowstrings of the first knee, avoiding fingers inside strings;
  • maintain the balance of the retractable ladder during its extension;
  • check the locking mechanism in the extended position.

Climbing or descending a retractable ladder is allowed after:

  • the cams of the stop roller rested on the step of the knee of the retractable ladder;
  • a retractable ladder is leaning against the building (structure) and is supported by the bowstrings of the first knee by a fireman;
  • retractable extended to such a length that over the cornice of the building, window sill, etc. at least two steps of the upper knee protruded.

When working with a retractable ladder, you must:

  • install it, as a rule, in those places where, in case of tilt or fall, it will not come into contact with the lines of electrical and radio networks. If this is not possible, it is necessary to allocate three people for the installation and cleaning of the retractable ladder, one of whom must remain to secure the climbers and the extended retractable ladder from falling until the end of work;
  • installation of a retractable ladder metal roofing the object is allowed to be produced only after the de-energization of the enterprise.

When climbing (descent) on a retractable ladder, you should look in front of you, clasping the steps with your fingers. When conducting training sessions for the personnel of the State Fire Service units to work with assault and three-legged ladders, the personnel of the State Fire Service units are set up on the grounds of the floors of the training tower to assist students.

Classes on climbing to the floors of the training tower with the help of assault and retractable ladders are held only after the leader of the classes personally checks the condition of the safety device, the safety cushion of the training tower, and instructs the people allocated for insurance on the floors. All types of work are carried out in combat clothes and helmets.

During work with manual fire escapes in the classroom, exercises or fire, you must:

  • not allow more than one person to climb and descend on one knee of a retractable ladder, as well as an assault ladder and a stick ladder;
  • hold the retractable ladder while people are ascending or descending it. When working on a ladder with a barrel or tool, the person working with the barrel or tool must be secured to the steps of the ladder with the help of a fireman's belt carabiner;
  • when climbing a retractable ladder with a tool, take measures to prevent it from falling.

During the period of special initial training by the personnel of the units of the State Border Service, his work on lifting to the floors of the training tower with the help of an assault ladder without the use of a safety device is not allowed.

, heat-reflective, gas-chemical, radiation-protective suits) should ensure safety and be comfortable when the personnel of the State Fire Service units work on fires, fire-tactical exercises and exercises to solve fire-tactical problems in difficult conditions, as well as protection from the effects of radiant energy and thermal streams of flame, ionizing radiation, potent poisonous and chemical substances, water and solutions of chemical compounds.

It is forbidden to use fire protective suits:

  • damaged, dilapidated and torn;
  • unidentified sample;
  • do not have an appropriate quality certificate;
  • in places of exposure to substances, compositions, radiation, for protection against which they are not intended and (or) if this impact exceeds their protective properties and time of protective action;
  • with deviations from the operating instructions;
  • without heat protection layer.

Fire rescue belts and belt carbines for firefighters

Before taking up combat duty belts, firefighters, as well as fire belt carbines (hereinafter referred to as carbines), are subject to a thorough inspection.

The fireman's belt is removed from the combat crew when:

  • damage to the waist tape (tear, cut);
  • malfunctions (breakage, curvature) of the buckle and buckle pins;
  • violation of the integrity of the rivets and the absence of washers on them;
  • a burst of rivets or blocks of belt material;
  • the absence of a collar for laying the end of the belt;
  • the presence of cracks and dents on the surface of the blocks or the absence of at least one of them;
  • the presence of breaks in the leather lining of the belt.

The carbine is removed from the combat crew if:

  • there is its deformation (the shutter does not open or does not close completely);
  • the spring does not ensure the closure of the lock of the carabiner, and there are also protrusions and roughness (irregularities) in the lock of the bolt and in the place of the hinged fastening of the bolt.

fire tool

Fire tools and equipment (crowbars, hooks, hooks, shovels, axes, saws) must have a shape and weight that meet ergonomic requirements and meet the requirements of technical conditions and safety measures determined by the airbag.

The durability of the tool (inventory) and the safety of working with it is ensured by keeping it in good condition and timely maintenance. The suitability of the tool (inventory) is determined by external examination and testing. In order to prevent accidents when working with a tool (equipment), when inspecting it, one should pay attention to the quality of the attachment of the tool to the handles and the cleanliness of the working surfaces. Axes, saws, scissors for cutting metal gratings should be stored in cases.

The metal parts of axes and gaffs must be securely mounted on the handles. The strength of the nozzle must be established in the standard and technical conditions for tools of a particular type.

Wooden handles must be made of durable wood, not show signs of damage, knots, cracks and chips.

It is forbidden to paint wooden surfaces tools and inventory.

Rescue ropes, which are in service, must comply with the requirements of the airbag, have thimbles, and be stored in covers wound into a ball.

One of the ends of the rescue rope at the loop binding is sheathed with white braid (2-5 cm wide), which indicates the inventory number and the date of the last test. The application of the inventory number on the metal rings for fastening the ends of the rope is carried out by punching or engraving.

Drawing an inventory number on the metal rings for fastening the ends of the rope with erasable, fading means (paint, marker, felt-tip pen) is prohibited.

A tag is attached to the case indicating the date of the last test and indicating the inventory number of the rescue rope.

The rescue rope is checked by external inspection by squad commanders at least once every 10 days with the results of the inspection recorded in the PTV test log, and by the chiefs of guards - before each use in the classroom and after each use in a fire.

The rescue rope should not have local thickenings and high humidity, gusts of individual threads are allowed, but not more than 15 pieces per 200 mm of rope length.

Before conducting classes and after each use of the rescue rope, under the supervision of the head of the guard, a practical test of its strength should be carried out. To check on the unwound and fixed to the full length (allowed through the block) the rescue rope is pulled up and hung for 1 - 2 seconds by three people. If, after removing the load, the elongation of the rescue rope remains, it is recognized as unsuitable for rescue work (classes) and is removed from the combat crew.

Operation, accounting, storage, repair, inspection, labor protection and work in RPE are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on GDZS.

Oxygen insulating gas masks are strictly individual devices, their use is allowed only to persons who have passed a medical examination and training in a special initial training program. Breathing apparatus with compressed air can be used by all persons of the combat crew, in the presence of individual masks.

Upon receipt of RPE from the warehouse, when transferring it to another person, after working in infectious buildings and premises, as well as when the owner of the gas mask falls ill with an infectious disease and during check No. 3, it is subjected to thorough disinfection.

Each gas and smoke protector is personally responsible for the serviceability and quality of service of the RPE assigned to him.

Control over the serviceability of RPE is ensured by their timely checks.

PPE with malfunctions identified during inspections is prohibited for use by the personnel of the State Fire Service units until these malfunctions are eliminated, which is noted in the journal, the form of which is given in the Manual on the GDZS.

PPE, which are in the combat crew, are stored in the cabin of fire trucks in boxes (nests) upholstered with shock-absorbing material, as a rule, in a vertical position. With the number of combat crew more than 4, transportation of RPE in specially equipped compartments is allowed.

Spare cylinders with compressed air and oxygen, regenerative cartridges must be stored and transported by vehicle in special compartments in a separate box. The fittings of regenerative cartridges are closed with special plugs and sealed (sealed). PPE of personnel of the State Border Service units free from combat duty, oxygen cylinders and regenerative cartridges, as well as reserve gas masks, are stored at the bases or control posts of the GDZS in the compartments of special cabinets or racks. Each compartment in which RPE is stored is provided with a plate indicating on it the number of the guard, the number of RPE and the name of its owner.

Pneumatic hydraulic tool

The reliability of the tool and the safety of working with it is ensured by proper maintenance, daily monitoring of its condition and timely maintenance. The serviceability of the tool is determined by external inspection and testing.

Work with pneumatic-hydraulic tools should be carried out in overalls (overalls), protective gloves (leggings, mittens), a helmet with protective glass.

The pneumatic hydraulic tool must comply with the requirements of the specifications for each unit included in the kit, have vibration parameters that do not exceed the established GOST, as well as noise parameters that do not exceed the octave sound power levels established in the standards and specifications for machines of a particular type.

For the maintenance of pneumatic-hydraulic tools, its adjustment and adjustment, the personnel of the State Fire Service divisions, who have undergone special training and are appointed by order of the head of the State Fire Service division, are allowed.

When working with current-carrying structures and mechanisms, you should:

  • carry out their de-energization;
  • monitor the working line of the tool, prevent its kinks, kinks and other damage that could lead to a stop or damage to the mechanism;
  • monitor the situation in working area, know and observe safe methods of working with the tool, depending on the type of material and design features of devices that are in direct contact with the tool.

Electrified tools and electric lighting devices

Maintenance and serviceability check of electrified tools and electric lighting devices, which are equipped with fire trucks, is carried out daily at the changing of guards, after each use, repair, and also within the time specified in the technical passports or instructions for their operation.

Section commanders and technical staff servicing electrical installations must undergo training in the scope of the second qualification group on safety measures during the operation of electrical installations - at least 24 hours.

The personnel of the State Fire Service units working with remote electrical equipment (searchlights, power tools, smoke exhausters, etc.) must undergo training in the scope of the first qualification group on safety measures during the operation of electrical installations - at least 12 hours.

The training program for these officials is developed by the territorial management body of the State Border Service independently.

The procedure for admission to independent work with remote electrical equipment is determined in accordance with the requirements of safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of fire trucks and trailers, approved in the prescribed manner.

The direction of rotation of the working mechanism and the direction of air flow should be indicated on the casings of smoke exhausters and fans. The working mechanism must have a protective fence. Controls for smoke exhausters and fans should be located in a safe area. The carrying handle must have a cover made of a material with low thermal conductivity.

Those who work with appliances and power tools must:

  • hold and carry tools and devices only in rubberized or rubber gloves (mittens);
  • put on safety goggles before starting the power tool;
  • install floodlights and devices on a solid and stable base in places where there is no danger of water (foam) falling on them;
  • turn off the power tool during a power outage and when moving to a new place of work;
  • turn off current collectors when voltage hits the body of a power tool or device, as well as when other malfunctions are detected.

The operation of electrified tools and electric lighting devices must be carried out in compliance with the requirements specified in the instructions of manufacturers. All devices must have inventory numbers.

It is forbidden to use electrified tools and electric lighting devices when:

  • violation of the integrity of the electrical insulation of wires, tools, devices;
  • weak fastening of moving (rotating) parts (assemblies) of the tool, devices;
  • in the presence of strong traces of deformation of the tool (device).

In addition to the specified paragraphs of these Rules, it is necessary to observe the safety measures set forth in the instructions of the manufacturers.

Operation of lifting equipment

Lifting machines and removable load-handling devices are operated on the basis of the rules for the design and safe operation of cranes approved in the prescribed manner. Cranes of all types are subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies, except for cranes with a manual drive and a pneumatic lifting cylinder, floor-operated single-girder bridge cranes, mobile or rotary cantilever cranes, jib cranes with a lifting capacity of up to one ton inclusive, as well as cranes with a constant outreach without a cargo trolley or not equipped with a turning mechanism, regardless of the load capacity.

All hoisting machines, as well as removable load-handling devices for them, are provided with an individual number and under this number are recorded in the Registers of hoisting machines and removable load-handling devices. Permission to operate hoisting machines that are not subject to registration with the bodies of Gostekhnadzor is given by a person supervising hoisting machines.

All newly installed hoisting machines, as well as removable load-handling devices for them, must be subject to a technical examination before they are put into operation, and then periodically undergo a partial technical examination at least every 12 months and a complete one - at least once every three years.

Lifting machines must be clearly marked with registration number, capacity, date of the next test.

Electrical protective equipment

The electrical protective equipment used in the subdivisions of the State Fire Service includes:

  • dielectric rubber gloves;
  • galoshes (boots) rubber dielectric;
  • dielectric rubber mats with dimensions of at least 50 x 50 cm with a corrugated surface;
  • scissors for cutting electrical wires with insulated handles (the requirements for the specified electrical protective equipment are determined by GOST);
  • portable earthing switches made of flexible copper conductors of arbitrary length, with a cross section of at least 12 mm2 for fire trucks, in which the main protection system is protective earthing.

Tests of electrical protective equipment are carried out by special laboratories that have permission from the State Energy Supervision Authority. The test results are documented in an act, which is stored in the State Fire Service department until the next test. On gloves, boots, mats, etc. a stamp is placed indicating the date of the next test.

Test dates:

  • dielectric rubber gloves - once every 6 months;
  • rubber dielectric galoshes - once every 3 years;
  • rubber dielectric boots - once every 3 years;
  • scissors for cutting electrical wires with insulated handles - once a year.

Rejection of dielectric rubber mats during external inspections at least once a year.

Suitability for work of protective insulating means is determined by external inspection and testing. An external examination is carried out daily when the personnel of the State Border Service units, to which they are assigned, take up combat duty.

External signs that determine the unsuitability of funds electrical protection, are:

  • for scissors - damage to the insulation on the handles and the absence of thrust rings and rubber bushings at the ends of the handles;
  • for rubber gloves, galoshes (bottom), rugs - punctures, tears, holes;
  • for portable grounding - destruction of contact connections, violation of the mechanical strength of copper conductors (breakage of more than 10% of copper conductors).

All means of electrical protection that have not passed the tests within the established time limits are considered unsuitable for use.

Electrical protective equipment is stored on a fire truck separately from fire extinguishers and trench tools in a sheathed form.

Mechanized tool equipment for opening and disassembling structures

Maintenance and serviceability check of the mechanized tools, which are equipped with fire trucks, is carried out during the changing of the guards, after each use, repair, as well as within the time limits specified in the technical passports or instructions for their operation.

Safety precautions when working with power tool must comply with the requirements of GOST:

  • have automatic shutdown of the rotating cutting elements when the impact on the controls and the protective cover covering the cutting part is terminated abrasive wheel not less than 170 degrees;
  • ensure the exhaust of exhaust gases directed away from the operator’s respiratory organs and not polluting his breathing zone harmful impurities above the norms established by the relevant GOST.

Persons who have undergone special training, passed exams, and received a certificate of the established form are allowed to work with a mechanized tool by order of the head of the State Fire Service unit.

When working with a power tool, the following requirements must be observed:

  • before starting the engine, check the reliability of fastening of the frame, attachments, tires, cutting wheel, saw chain tension;
  • when starting the engine, the saw chain and the cutting wheel should not touch any objects, and it is forbidden to wind the starter cable around your hand;
  • at idle, in order to avoid overshoot, the engine must be operated with the throttle control lever released;
  • additional refueling of the tool is allowed only when the engine is stopped;
  • the beginning of cutting and its end (withdrawal of the working part of the tool from the cut) should be carried out smoothly, without jerks;
  • it is allowed to carry the tool with the engine running only when the engine is idling;
  • if the saw chain breaks or runs, loosening attachments, bar, cutting wheel, protective cover and other malfunctions detected in the course of work, immediately release the gas and stop the engine.

When working with gas-powered saws, jackhammers, smoke exhausters, the personnel of the State Fire Service units are prohibited from:

  • work with a faulty tool and start the engine without a prefix;
  • engage the clutch when the engine is idling;
  • bring the engine without load to operating speed;
  • perform adjustment work on attachments and troubleshoot when the engine is running;
  • stop the engine by removing the cap of the high voltage wire in the spark plug;
  • work with a jackhammer and when cutting with an abrasive wheel without goggles or protective glasses of fire helmets.

Electric power plants

Safety measures during the operation of electric power plants must comply with the requirements of the Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations of fire trucks and trailers, and the personnel of the State Fire Service units must have the appropriate qualifications.

Pneumatic compressors

Stationary and mobile compressor units must be operated, repaired and tested in accordance with the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels.

Vessels, stationary or mobile, operating under pressure up to 1.6 MPa with a wall temperature up to 200 degrees are not subject to registration with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies or the relevant republican, territorial and departmental bodies of boiler supervision. C, in which the product of capacity in liters and pressure in atmospheres (excess) does not exceed 500. The test result is entered in the passport, and the date of the next test is indicated on the installation.

Persons who have undergone special training, passed exams, received a certificate for the right to work and are appointed by order of the head of the State Fire Service division are allowed to work on pneumatic compressors.

Compressors used in the maintenance and repair of machines are mounted in a special place designated for this purpose, in compliance with the requirements that ensure their safe operation.

When operating pneumatic compressors, it is necessary:

  • hang out at each compressor an instruction on labor protection when working on it;
  • provide for the compressor fencing in garages with a metal mesh or grate;
  • close the rotating parts of the compressor and the drive to it with guards;
  • supply compressor units with the necessary control and measuring equipment;
  • immediately stop the operation of the compressor when a technical malfunction is detected;
  • pay special attention to the condition of safety valves, purge them during operation (but at least once per shift), pay attention to the maximum pressure of their operation;
  • in winter time remove condensate from the tank and oil desiccant after each compressor stop.

Pressure gauges and tension nuts of spring-loaded safety valves must be checked and sealed.

Pressure gauges are checked and sealed annually, as well as after the repair of installations.

pressure vessels

To ensure the safe operation of pressure vessels, responsible persons are allocated who have undergone the necessary training, knowledge testing, who have permission to work with vessels and are responsible for their serviceability and safety of operation, who have certificates of passing tests according to the rules for the design and safe operation of vessels operating pressure and compressors. The knowledge of pressure vessel personnel is checked annually.

Installation, repair and operation of pressure vessels are carried out in accordance with the rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels, approved in the prescribed manner. Vessels operating under pressure, with the exception of barrels, cylinders for transporting gases with a capacity of up to 100 liters and vessels for non-corrosive, non-poisonous and non-explosive substances with a wall temperature of not more than 200 degrees. C, if the product of capacity in liters and pressure does not exceed 10,000 (for caustic, poisonous and explosive substances - no more than 500), they are not registered with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies. All other pressure vessels are subject to registration with the Gosgortechnadzor.

Gas cutting devices

Persons who have undergone special training, passed exams, have a certificate for the right to work and are appointed by order of the head of the State Fire Service division are allowed to work with gas-cutting devices.

Before taking up duty, the gas cutter must:

  • make sure the device is working;
  • check the serviceability of combat clothing and goggles;
  • visual inspection to make sure that the cutter, hoses, reducer, devices and reliable fastening of the cylinders are in good condition and clean;
  • check the pressure in the cylinders of the device:
  • in acetylene - not less than 1 MPa,
  • in oxygen - not less than 10 MPa.

Carrying and transportation of cylinders (empty and filled) is allowed only if there are caps and plugs on the valve fittings. It is forbidden to remove the protective cap of the cylinder by hitting it with a hammer or other metal object that can cause a spark.

It is forbidden to use cylinders:

  • not having established brands;
  • with faulty valves and damaged (weakly fitted) shoes;
  • with damaged cases (dents, corrosion, etc.);
  • with the presence of grease, oil, dirt on the fitting;
  • without coloring and inscriptions;
  • with expired re-examination and verification of the porous mass (for acetylene cylinders).

If the cylinder cannot be used due to valve failure, it will be labeled “Caution Full” and returned to the factory. After each use in a fire and classes of gas-cutting devices, their serviceability is checked in accordance with the instructions for their operation.

The tightness of the connections may only be checked with a soapy solution. Re-examination of cylinders is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

The gas cutter is obliged to perform only those works that are assigned to him by the head of the fire extinguishing (immediate supervisor). At the same time, the gas cutter must personally make sure that working with the gas cutting apparatus in this area will not lead to an explosion, fire and accident, will not cause injury or injury to him.

Individual rope descenders

Persons who have completed a special training course are allowed to operate and maintain rope-rappel devices (hereinafter referred to as the device).

Maintenance of the device, sealing is carried out only by a responsible person, followed by an entry in the appropriate column of the passport.

Technical examination and testing must be carried out by a responsible person appointed by the head of the GPS subdivision, upon acceptance of the device into operation, after repair, after each use, and thereafter at least once every 12 months.

The descent through the device must be carried out smoothly, without jerks, according to the scheme developed and approved by the manufacturer.

The tactics of using the device must comply with the requirements specified in the passport-instructions for a specific device.

It is forbidden:

  • disassemble the device;
  • operate the device with broken seals, with detected malfunctions, deformations of working parts;
  • operate a device that has not passed the required examination, which has exhausted its resource;
  • operate the device without a serviceable life belt (fire, assembly, etc.);
  • train the personnel of the State Border Service units in the skills of descent without insurance.

Rescue sleeves

The operation of the rescue hose is allowed for persons appointed by order of the head of the GPS subdivision, who have studied the device and the principle of operation (in accordance with the product passport) and passed the knowledge test.

The person responsible for the operation of the rescue hose is recorded in the relevant section of the passport.

When checking the efficiency of the rescue sleeve, training and training descenders, belay with the help of a rescue rope attached to the descender.

When operating the rescue hose, take into account the possibility of accumulating static electricity charges during descents, especially in the lower part of the rescue hose, which affect the life and health of the rescued and insurers.

During the descent of the evacuees, the personnel of the State Border Service units should not allow them to have sharp objects that can damage the rescue sleeve, as well as injure the rescued during descent.

In order to reduce the impact of static electricity on people, the following measures should be taken:

  • treat the rescue sleeve with antistatic agents;
  • periodically moisten the lower part of the rescue hose (at an ambient temperature of at least 0 degrees C) during descents of people;
  • to carry out insurance descending in gloves, without taking your hands off the rescue sleeve.

It is forbidden to use the rescue hose:

  • exhausted its resource;
  • not passed the next technical examination;
  • having through damages that cannot be repaired;
  • not on purpose.

Pneumatic jump rescue devices

Pneumatic jump rescue device<1>- designed to extinguish the energy of people falling from a height during fires and other hopeless emergencies in buildings and structures, when the use of other means and methods of saving people is not possible.

The Bulldozer must have a set of medicines for first aid. The case of the first-aid kit is placed in the casing on the rear wall of the cabin on the left. To protect your hearing organs when working on the Bulldozer, you should use anti-noise headphones SOMZ-1, attached to the spare parts kit ...


The Bulldozer must have a set of medicines for first aid. The case of the first-aid kit is placed in the casing on the rear wall of the cabin on the left.

To protect your hearing organs while working on the Bulldozer, you should use anti-noise headphones SOMZ-1, which are included in the Bulldozer spare parts kit. It is allowed to use other anti-noise headphones gr. B or liners gr. B according to GOST 12.4.051.

For safe entry (exit) to the cab of the Bulldozer, use the cutout in the guard of the delivery mechanism on the trolley and the handrails on the cab.

Before starting the diesel engine of the Bulldozer with GMT, check whether the gearbox control lever is set to the neutral position. The diesel engine can only be started when the gearshift lever is in neutral position.

When leaving the cab of the Bulldozer with the diesel engine running, put the Bulldozer on the brake and block the gearbox lever with the lock lever.

On Bulldozers with mechanical transmission, before starting the diesel engine, check whether both gear levers are set to the neutral position. The blocking device of the Bulldozer excludes the possibility of starting the starting engine (diesel engine - on the Bulldozer with ESSP) with the gear lever in the operating position. Check the serviceability of the blocking device by attempting to start the starting engine (diesel engine) in the operating position of the specified lever. Turn off the clutch of the Bulldozer before checking, set the gear lever to the neutral position.

NOTIt is ALLOWED to operate the Bulldozer with a faulty locking device.

Before work, for the convenience of driving the tractor, adjust the seat. On a Bulldozer equipped with a ROPS-FOPS operator protection device, install seat belts.

DO NOT operate the Bulldozer with the door open.

Start the starting engine with a starter.

It is not allowed to start using the handle designed to rotate the crankshaft.

If there are people close to the tractor, then when starting the Bulldozer from a place, turn on the sound signal.

IT IS PROHIBITED to work on the Bulldozer at night with a faulty lighting and alarm system.

To drive up to a rear-mounted machine for hitching it, you should reverse in first gear and without jerks; there must be no people between the tractor and the machine. Hitch only when the Bulldozer is stopped.

Add coolant to the radiator only with gloves on, carefully, allowing steam to escape, while keeping your face away from the radiator neck.

To avoid burns with hot oil, work on the repair and dismantling of the oil heater units should be carried out with the diesel engine stopped.

To charge the air conditioner, use an environmentally friendly refrigerant, according to the installation and operation instructions for the air conditioner.

When operating the hydraulic system, comply with the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.2.086.


work under pressure working fluid in a hydraulic system larger than indicated in the technical specification;

Be under a raised weapon;

Troubleshoot with the tool raised;

Work with leakage of working fluid from the hydraulic system;

Tighten the fittings in the hydraulic line with the diesel engine running.

Before raising or lowering the implement, make sure there are no people or any obstructions in the reach of the implement. Sharp turns and turns are not allowed when the working bodies of the unit are buried in the soil.

When working on slopes and driving on slippery and icy surfaces, install special spurs on the shoes (Fig. 13), which prevent lateral sliding and overturning of the Bulldozer.

Leaving the tractor, lower the implement, turn off the diesel, set the steering control lever to the parking brake latch.

It is FORBIDDEN to leave the Bulldozer with a running diesel engine unattended.

For an emergency stop of the diesel engine in emergency situations, set the fuel supply lever to the off supply position and the decompressor mechanism lever to the “Open” position.

If the diesel engine sharply increases the speed when the load is removed and does not reduce it when the fuel supply is turned off, then to stop the diesel engine, it is necessary to ensure its maximum load and turn on the decompressor mechanism.

In case of an emergency and it is impossible to exit through the cabin doors, you should leave the cabin through the emergency hatch on the roof, depressing its latches and opening it with a push to the outside, or through one of window openings, after breaking the glass with a hammer.

When loading (unloading) the Bulldozer onto vehicles under its own power, the entrance (exit) should be made along special inclined entrances (ramps). The recommended tilt angle is from 15 to 18°. Ledges (steps) at the entrance (exit) are not allowed. Before entering ramps of limited width, position the Bulldozer so that it does not turn when driving on them. Turns and gear changes while driving on ramps are prohibited. One person should command the loading (unloading) of the tractor, preventing it from moving to the side. If necessary, stop the tractor, brake simultaneously with both sides.


When driving the Bulldozer on the roads, you must follow the rules of the road.

Cross railroad tracks only at crossings. If the crossing is unregulated, then before starting the crossing, make sure that there is no approaching train. Do not change speed at the crossing.

To cross the bridge, you need to know its carrying capacity and the mass of the tractor unit, which should not exceed the carrying capacity of the bridge.

When forcing water barriers, it is necessary to know the bottom topography, the state of the soil and the depth before forcing the barrier.

After crossing a water barrier or if water gets into the side clutch compartments and the diesel flywheel housing, drain the water by unscrewing the plugs.

Drive over ditches and mounds at a right angle at low speed without changing gears.

When driving on paved roads, install asphalt shoes (Fig. 14). Install the shoes with a bent edge on the crests of the lugs and fasten to two free holes in the track shoes.

When driving on icy surfaces, install spurs on the track shoes.


Maintenance of the Bulldozer should be carried out only after it has stopped, with the diesel engine not running, the gear levers in the neutral position and the "mass" turned off.

Only use tools that are in good working order and of the correct size.

Be careful when draining fuel, coolant and oil. Low-freezing coolants used in the diesel cooling system are poisonous, and ingestion of even a small amount of them into the body can cause severe poisoning.

For each type of filling materials, you must have a special container with the appropriate inscriptions (coolant, fuel, oil, etc.) and monitor its cleanliness. Refueling containers should be stored in a special box with a lid.

Leak detection, evacuation and refueling of the air conditioner during operation should be carried out by a certified transport air conditioner specialist.

Before checking the pressure in the hydraulic system, stop the diesel engine and move the hydraulic distributor levers to the FLOATING position.

When loosening the tension of the tracks, unscrew plug 5 (Fig. 45) by no more than 3-4 turns, but not valve 2.

Do not use leaded gasoline to flush parts.

When preparing an electrolyte for a battery, acid should be poured into distilled water in small doses, but not vice versa. Perform this work in special clothing, goggles and an apron.

In case of acid contact with the skin, it is necessary to carefully remove the acid with cotton wool, wash the affected area with a plentiful stream of water, and then with a 5% solution of soda ash.

When carrying out maintenance and repair operations, all components that can be set in motion under the influence of gravity (weight) must be brought into a position that ensures safe work.

Mounting and dismantling of parts (mechanisms) of a Bulldozer weighing more than 20 kg should be carried out using lifting and transport devices. Slinging methods - in Appendix 5.


Persons admitted to work on conservation (re-preservation) must be aware of the degree of harmfulness of the substances used and be able to use personal protective equipment.

Works related to the use of organic solvents and corrosion inhibitors must be carried out with forced ventilation (local or general supply and exhaust).

When preserving with oils or greases by spraying, the formation of oil mist is not allowed.


The bulldozer must be equipped with a serviceable fire extinguisher and a shovel. The staffing is made by the operating organization.

Refueling of the Bulldozer with fuels and lubricants is carried out mechanized with the diesel engine stopped.

Timely eliminate leaks of fuels and lubricants from the systems and assembly units of the Bulldozer. Avoid spills of fuel and oil on the Bulldozer.

The electrical wiring and assemblies of the electrical system of the Bulldozer must be in good condition.

If a fire is detected on the Bulldozer:

Turn off the "mass";

Stop fuel supply (stop diesel);

Extinguish the flames with a fire extinguisher, covering with a tarp, throwing earth or sand, and using other improvised means.

Do not use water to extinguish flammable oil products. It is also prohibited:

Make a fire and smoke at the places of refueling and parking of tractors;

Leave the Bulldozer after work and after refueling at a gas station;

Open the caps of barrels with gasoline by hitting metal objects;

Warm up the diesel engine, fuel tank and fuel lines with an open fire;

Use open flames when checking fuel levels and inspecting fuel tanks.


It is FORBIDDEN to warm up the diesel engine in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation, in order to avoid poisoning by exhaust gases.

DO NOT fill an overheated heater boiler with coolant.

DO NOT operate the heater if the boiler is not completely filled with coolant.

IT IS FORBIDDEN without purging the exhaust pipe, lasting from 15 to 20 s,to start the heater immediately after stopping or after an attempt to start.

Before the beginning of the winter operation of the Bulldozer, remove and clean the pre-heater pan from accumulated dust, debris and oil, fuel.

When operating the heater, it should be remembered that a careless attitude to it, as well as the operation of a faulty heater, can cause a fire, therefore, the presence of an operator is necessary throughout the heating of the diesel engine and the operation of the heater.

If smoke or flames appear from the exhaust pipe (in steady state), turn off the heater immediately, and after it stops, start troubleshooting. There should be no leakage of fuel from pipelines, cock and branch pipe.

Uniform mandatory requirements for the application and implementation of the requirements for machinery and equipment in the development, manufacture, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal are set out in the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On the safety of machinery and equipment (TR CU 010/2011)", approved by the decision of the Commission of the Customs Union of October 18, 2011 N 823. This regulation establishes the minimum necessary requirements for the safety of machinery and equipment. Here are some of his requirements.

The development of an operating manual (instruction) is an integral part of the development (design) of machines and equipment, which should include:

  • information about the design, principle of operation, characteristics (properties) of machines and (or) equipment;
  • instructions for installation or assembly, adjustment or adjustment, maintenance and repair of machinery or equipment;
  • instructions on the use of machinery and equipment and measures to ensure safety during their operation;
  • assigned indicators (assigned shelf life, assigned service life and (or) assigned resource) depending on the design features of the equipment;
  • a list of critical failures, possible erroneous actions of personnel that lead to an incident or accident;
  • actions of personnel in the event of an incident, critical failure or accident;
  • instructions for equipment decommissioning and disposal;
  • information about the qualifications of service personnel.

The operating manual (instruction) is carried out on paper. A set of operational documents on electronic media can be attached to it.

The machine or equipment must have a clearly visible, legible and indelible identification inscription containing:

  • manufacturer's name and (or) its trademark;
  • name and (or) designation of machinery and equipment - type, brand, model (if any);
  • month and year of manufacture.

When carrying out maintenance, repair and inspection of machinery and equipment, the requirements established by the manual (instruction) for operation, the program for carrying out maintenance or repair during the entire period of these works must be observed. Changes in the structure or equipment that occur during their repair must be agreed with the developer (designer).

After the overhaul of a machine or equipment, it is necessary to carry out a risk assessment, the value of which should not exceed the permissible value. If necessary, technical and organizational measures are developed to achieve acceptable risk values.

Safety requirements for the operation of stationary and continuous machines

Operational safety requirements stationary machines and the use of continuous lighting machines in a number of regulatory documents, including SNiP 12-03-2001.

Placement of stationary machines in production areas should be carried out according to the project. Stationary machines, during the operation of which dust is released (crushing, grinding, mixing, etc.), should be equipped with means of dust suppression or dust collection.

Moving parts that are sources of danger must be protected with mesh or solid metal fences. The use of removable protective guards is allowed if, for structural or technological reasons, it is not possible to install stationary, removable, folding and sliding guards, as well as opening doors, covers, hatches, shields in these guards or the body must be equipped with devices (blocks) excluding their accidental removal or opening.

Protection against electric shock during the operation of stationary machines and equipment is achieved by applying the following safety measures:

  • current-carrying parts should be reliably isolated, fenced off or located in places inadmissible for people;
  • current-carrying parts must be placed inside housings (cabinets, blocks) with lockable doors or covered with protective covers when located in places accessible to people;
  • metal parts that may become live due to damage to the insulation must be grounded.

In the electrical circuit diagram, it is necessary to provide a device that centrally disconnects all electrical circuits from the supply network.

Machinery and equipment combined into a single technological process with more than one worker, it is necessary to provide alarm systems to warn workers about starting. Remote start should be carried out after a warning sound or snow signal has been given and a response signal has been received from the equipment service points about the possibility of starting. Alarm bells, sirens, lamps must be protected from mechanical damage and located so that reliable audibility and visibility of the signal in the personnel service area is ensured.

Bunkers-fillers are equipped with platforms for maintenance of the established height and width with a fence around the perimeter. Bunker hatches must have opening covers equipped with locking devices and blocking, the keys to which must be kept with the work manager. On bunkers, it is necessary to use electric vibrators, steam electric heaters, agitators, etc., which prevent free formation and hanging of materials.

The bunkers are closed with gratings with cells no larger than 20 x 20 cm, and their cleaning is carried out under supervision responsible person. It is not allowed to break oversized pieces of materials on the hopper grates with a hand tool. Removing pieces of materials from the chambers while the crusher is running is prohibited.

Personnel servicing crushing machines are provided with special devices (hooks, tongs, etc.) for extracting pieces of materials or non-grained objects that accidentally get into the crusher chamber and protective glasses.

When operating lifts on sites from which the cabin (platform) is loaded or unloaded, it is necessary to post the rules for using the lift, which determine the method of loading, the method of signaling, the procedure for servicing doors by duty workers, prohibiting people from entering the platform of cargo construction hoists and other instructions for servicing the lift .

At all places of loading or unloading the cabin or lift platform, inscriptions are made indicating the weight of the maximum load allowed for lifting or lowering. Above the loading place of the lift with an open platform at a height of 2.5-5 m, a protective double flooring of boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm is installed.

Technological lines consisting of several sequentially installed and simultaneously operating means of continuous transport (conveyors, conveyors, etc.) must be equipped with:

  • two-way signaling with all control posts;
  • blocking of equipment drives, which ensures automatic shutdown of that part of the production line that loads a stopped or stopped unit.

When performing loading and unloading operations using continuous machines, the following requirements must be met:

  • stowage of goods should ensure uniform loading of the working body and stable position of the load;
  • the supply and removal of cargo from the working body of the machine must be carried out using special feeding and receiving devices.

During the operation of the conveyor belt, it is prohibited:

  • eliminate belt slippage on the drum by throwing sand, clay, rosin, bitumen and other materials into the zone between the belt and the drum;
  • clean support rollers, drums of drive, tension and end stations, remove spillage from under the conveyor;
  • rearrange support rollers, tension and align the conveyor belt manually.

Performance specified works should be carried out only when the conveyor is completely stopped and disconnected from the network with the fuses removed and the starting device closed, on which the prohibition safety signs “Do not turn on - people are working!” should be hung out.

It is forbidden to put the belt conveyor into operation if the aisles are cluttered and cluttered, as well as in the absence or malfunction of:

  • fencing drive, tension and end drums;
  • rope switch;
  • grounding of electrical equipment, cable armor or conveyor frame.

The speed of the conveyor belt during manual handling should not exceed 0.5 m / s with a mass of the processed load up to 5 kg and 0.3 m / s with a larger mass.

To prevent spillage of transported raw materials and the formation of dust in industrial premises covers and chutes of screw conveyors must be sealed.

It is forbidden:

  • open the covers of screw conveyors until they stop and take measures against involuntary start-up of the conveyor, as well as walk on the covers of this equipment;
  • push through the transported material or objects that accidentally fell into the conveyor and take samples for laboratory analysis during operation of the screw conveyor;
  • operate the screw conveyor when the screw touches the walls of the casing, with faulty covers and faulty seals.

During the operation of overhead carts, pushing conveyors, measures must be taken to prevent the fall of materials and products during their transportation.

Conveyors must be equipped with devices that turn off the drives when the conveyor is overloaded.

Before the start-up of newly assembled or overhauled conveyors, the traction elements and suspension grippers must be tested for 15 minutes under a double working load.

Hinged devices of overhead conveyors should provide ease of installation and removal of transported goods.

Drive and swivel sprockets of cradle conveyors, gears and couplings of drives must have solid metal or mesh fences.

In places where people constantly pass and vehicles pass under the conveyor route, metal mesh to catch the goods falling from the conveyor.

The installation height of the nets from the ground must correspond to the dimensions of the vehicles used and ensure the free passage of people.