Lesson in the senior group on the topic “Winter. Lesson in the senior group: "Journey into winter" Lesson in the senior group on the nature of winter

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Theme: Winter

Group: senior

Goal: formation in children of a holistic picture of the world about nature through the integration of educational areas

  • Educational: generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about birds and animals, the characteristics of their behavior in winter, enrich and expand knowledge about the characteristics of winter nature (educational area “Cognition”), enrich the dictionary with verbs, introduce “rod bear” into the dictionary (educational area "Communication").
  • Developmental: develop coherent speech, the ability to maintain a conversation (educational field "Communication"), continue to develop interest in fiction and educational literature (educational field "Fiction").
  • Educational: to cultivate the ability to take care of animals and birds (educational area "Socialization"), improve the ability to work with paper (educational area "Labor"), develop children's need for physical activity (educational area "Physical Education"), teach to listen carefully and with interest fairy tale and story (educational field "Fiction").

Preliminary work: hang feeders on the site, feed the birds, cut out snowflakes from paper napkins

Materials: recording the noise of the winter wind, cards with pictures of birds, pencils and cardboard strips according to the number of children.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: - Guys, today we will talk about winter, we will visit the winter forest, visiting the birds. And for this we need to be attentive, active and smart.

Slide 1

The teacher reads a folk song to the sounds of the winter wind

You're a winter girl - winter,
Winter is stormy and snowy.
The snow was blowing down the street,
Swirled, swept
All paths, all paths -
Neither pass nor pass!

Educator: - What a winter - winter! Snow! Freezing! Let's listen to what happened when two Frosts met - big and small.

Slide 2. The teacher reads the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”

Two brothers met in the forest - big Frost and little Frost. They argued about which of them was the strongest. Big Frost says to the little one:

I am the strongest! I covered the ground with snow and made snowdrifts. And you, little brother, can’t even freeze a sparrow.

No, I'm the strongest! - says little Frost. - I paved bridges on rivers, let the cold into the huts. And you, elder brother, cannot defeat even one hare.

They argued and went their separate ways.

Slide 3. He sees a big Frost, a hare sitting under a bush. I decided to freeze it. It crackled and knocked on the trees. And the hare - slanting, small, in a white fur coat, in felt boots - jumped out from under a bush and ran up the mountain, running somersaults down the mountain. The frost runs after him, barely keeps up, grows higher than the tree, burns and bites. But the hare doesn’t care about anything - he jumps through the forest, runs, doesn’t get tired, and doesn’t get cold while running. Big Frost, a gray-haired grandfather, over a hundred years old, got tired of running after a hare and stood up. So he failed to defeat the hare.

Slide 4. Meanwhile, little Frost saw a sparrow. He came up and let in the cold, he walked around and shook the snow. And a little sparrow in a gray army coat jumps around the yard and pecks at the crumbs. The frost grows great, the sparrow does not order to sit on a branch, it wheezes and blows. Now a sparrow sits, flies, sits again, flies again; flew to the hut, hid under the roof and was warm, sitting and chirping. Frost waited and waited at the hut for the sparrow to fly free, but he never did. Didn't freeze the sparrow.

Two brothers met - big Frost and little Frost, and they no longer started arguing about which of them was the strongest.

Educator: - Guys, tell me, how did little Frost freeze the little sparrow? (the cold sets in, he walks around and shakes the snow, hisses and blows).

Educator: - Let's imagine that we are little Frosts and show how we can freeze (children perform the appropriate movements)

Educator: - Why couldn’t Frost freeze the sparrow? Remember from the text the words that describe the movements of the sparrow (jumps, sits, flies, pecks crumbs, flies, hides, hides).

Educator: - How did the hare escape from the Big Frost? (jumped, ran, tumbled).

Educator: - Well done, guys. Now, imagine that it is severely frosty outside. What will we do to prevent us from freezing (three palms, stroking our cheeks, jumping on the spot - children perform the appropriate movements).

Educator: - Guys, have you ever been to a winter forest? Today I invite you on an excursion to the winter forest

Slide 5. The teacher reads an excerpt from V. Bianchi’s story “The Book of Winter”

Snow covered the entire ground in an even layer of white. The fields and forest clearings are now like the smooth clean pages of some huge book. It snows during the day. When it ends, the pages are clean. When you walk in the morning, the white pages are covered with many mysterious signs, dashes, dots, and commas.

Educator: - Who do you think left these mysterious signs? (animals, birds)

Educator: - Now let’s play the game “Guess whose footprint?” On your tables there are cards with pictures of animals and their tracks. Picture 1 You need to connect the tracks with a picture of the animal they belong to and explain.

Children independently complete the task on the tables.

Slide 6. Educator:- Guys, let's check if you completed the task correctly.

Educator: - Tell me, why didn’t we find traces of a hedgehog or a bear among these tracks, although they also live in this forest? (children's answers)

Educator: - Yes, guys, in the winter forest you cannot see traces of a hedgehog or a bear, since these animals hibernate in winter. Sometimes a connecting rod bear appears in the forest in winter, which someone raised from its den. It is better to avoid meeting such an animal, as they are usually very angry due to the fact that their winter sleep was disturbed.

Educator: - Guys, whose tracks are these? (bird tracks)

Educator:- Guys, with the onset of the first cold weather, what bird flies to our feeder? (tit).

Educator: - Listen to poems about her.

I came
to a warm village house.
The snow crunches
Frost is vigorous
Outside the window.

Just sat down
Have some tea -
I suddenly hear
A tit is knocking on the glass:

I'm a feeder
I make from planks,
I'm sprinkling crumbs
“Have lunch,” I say.

And the tit
Doesn't look like tits
Doesn't fight
Treats other birds.

Sparrows and bullfinches -
And the tit avoids:
- Here, take it!

I had a good life!
In the morning I got up
And again my girlfriend
I recognized it right away.

Even in winter for birds
Excellent appetite
He'll peck the crumbs -
And he looks out the window towards me.

It ended quickly
My short vacation.
Said goodbye
With a warm home -
And home.

The city is crowded
Cars, chatter:
How do you live there?
Titmouse without me?
L.Ya.Akim "Tit"

Educator: - This titmouse is lucky. She met a kind man. Birds remember the kindness and care of people for a long time. Do you also help birds in winter? (children's answers)

Educator: - What other bird do you think, besides the sparrow and tit, flies to our feeder? (bullfinch).

Educator: - Feeders come in a variety of varieties and can be made from simple materials: boxes of candy, milk, plastic bottles, iron and glass jars. You can make these feeders at home with your dads and hang them on a tree near your house.

Educator: - Guys, how many of you have noticed changes in the corner of nature? (a feeder appeared)

Educator: - That's right, I hung the feeder there in the morning. And you need to cut out from the ready-made samples on a card along the contours of those birds that fly to our site at the feeder. Figure 2.

Slide 9. To do this, you need to take a card and cut it along the contour of the image. Then take a cardboard strip and carefully glue it to the back of the drawing, with which we will place the bird on our feeder. Every day after the walk, those on duty will insert those birds that flew to our feeder.

Educator: - Guys, tell me which birds you didn’t cut out on the cards? Why? (other birds are migratory)

Educator: - Now, let's play the finger game "Birds"

Chicks, chicks, chicks
Two birds were flying (flapping their palms like wings)
We flew past
Scratched their backs (rubbing the backs of their hands)
Feathers fell
“Hello” they said (they connect their fingers one by one, starting with the thumb)
Twisted tails
They were friends with each other (they twirl their hands, interlocking their fingers)
Chicky, chicky, chicky
Jump onto the track (clench fists).

Slide 10 .

Educator:- And now light snowflakes will fall on your warm palms.

Under the poetic lines, the teacher smoothly lowers snowflakes pre-cut from napkins onto the children's palms.

Light fluffy,
Snowflake white,
How clean
How brave!

Dear stormy
Easy to carry
Not to the azure heights,
Begs to go to earth.

But here it ends
The road is long.
touches the earth
Crystal star.

Fluffy lies
Snowflake is brave,
How clean
How white!
K.D.Balmont "Snowflakes"

Educator: - Guys, we will decorate our Christmas tree outside with these snowflakes.


  1. N.F. Vinogradova. Stories and riddles about nature. Moscow, publishing center "Ventana - Graf", 2007
  2. ON THE. Bartashova, E.M. Kuzmenkova. Along with a book and a toy. Supplement to the magazine "Library", Moscow "Liberea", 1997.

GCD participants: children and teacher of senior group No. 1, visual arts teacher.

Guests: parents, kindergarten teachers of the Turin urban district.

Target: develop artistic ideas in children through a holistic perception of winter nature.



Develop children's thinking, creative imagination, fine motor skills


Develop dialogical speech;

Develop emotional responsiveness to winter manifestations of nature;

Develop interest in the process and result of the application.


Continue to form ideas about winter natural phenomena,

the ability to use the acquired knowledge in one’s own creativity;

Develop the ability to select definitions for words; enrich vocabulary

preschoolers with emotionally charged vocabulary (silver,

pearly, creaky, bluish pink, soft blue);


Cultivate observation of natural phenomena, the ability to see

the beauty of nature;

To evoke an emotional response in children to the artistic image of winter

Methods and techniques:

Method of comparison

Acceptance of precise settings,


Accentuating details

Poetic verses

Musical accompaniment.

Integration of educational areas:

Social and communicative development,

Cognitive development,

Speech development,

Artistic and aesthetic development,

Physical development.

Preliminary work:

Observations of winter natural phenomena, color manifestations of the season, human behavior; conversations about winter, looking at reproductions of paintings about winter and writing descriptive stories in accordance with the theme of the picture, an excursion to the winter forest, drawing winter landscapes, memorizing poems about winter, conducting didactic games “Find a picture by palette”, “Collect a winter landscape”, “ When does this happen? etc., outdoor games: “Two Frosts”, “We are funny guys”, “Snow carousel”, etc.

Material for GCD:


- Visual range:

reproductions of paintings of winter landscapes: I.E. Grabar “February Azure”, I.I. Shishkin “Winter”; winter nature photographs.

- Music series:

songs: “Winter's Tale”, “I'm not afraid of winter at all” lyrics. N. Bakai, music I. Kadomtseva; “Winter Beauty” lyrics. S. Savenkova, music. T. Tarasova; sound effect “Blizzard”, waltz “Tale of the Winter Forest” - Strauss, music “Winter Forest”.

- Literary series:

an excerpt from S. Yesenin’s work “White Birch”, an excerpt from L. Charskaya’s poem “Winter”, an excerpt from A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Winter Morning” (Under blue skies...).

- Dispensing:

backgrounds prepared by children in the previous lesson for performing the composition “White Birch”, PVA glue, glue brushes, brush stands, cloth napkins, felt-tip pens.

GCD move:

Children enter the music room to the song “Winter's Tale” and sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys! Let's say hello again. Hold hands and say loudly to each other and everyone present: “Good morning!” (The goal is to create a sense of group unity).

Educator: Well done! I want to start our lesson today by reading an excerpt from a poem, and you guys listen to it carefully and tell me who this poem is about:

Who's wearing a white down coat?

Light-footed and bold

Left at one in the morning?

On her fluffy curls

Lots of golden sparkles

Lots of silver.

These curls are gray,

Coarsely curled into rings,

They hit the shoulder.

On the lips of the dawn there is crimson,

There is a lively blush on the cheeks

It's burning hot.

She waved her mitten -

Once! Wherever I look,

The white carpet is covered...

Another wave - and the river became

The one who babbled loudly

Since a long time ago.

Raises his hands up -

Instantly the trees are covered

Pure silver.

Question for children:

Who do you think the poet wrote about in his poem?

Children's answers

Also an interesting summary of a winter walk for the older group:

Educator: Right!

This white coat

Everyone knows the sorceress -

Mother - winter!

Guys, I suggest you look at some photos.

Admire how beautiful it is!

Tell me, what time of year is captured in these photographs?

Children's answers

Educator: Why do you think it's winter? Explain.

Children's answers

Educator: Well done!

How many of you can say what winter is like?

Children's answers

Educator: Guys, you said that winter can be snowy. What do we know about snow? What is snow?

Children's answers

Educator: Think and tell me what snow is like?

Children's answers

Educator: How many of you know the name of the natural phenomenon when snow falls from the sky?

Children's answers

Educator: Where can you see snow in winter?

Children's answers

Child: Oh, WINTER! Oh, WINTER!

So much snow!

The rivers were all covered with ice.

In a snow cap

Every house.

“Blizzard” music plays (sound effect). WINTER enters

Winter: Are you talking about me? Here I am. Hello my friends!

I am Zimushka-winter, I walk through fields, through forests, through villages and cities. Wherever I go, the frost is crackling, the snow is falling.

Guys! Do you like the winter season?

Children's answers

Winter: Can you tell me about your favorite winter activities? What do you like to do outside in winter?

Children's answers

Winter: If only it weren't winter

In cities and villages,

You would never have known

These are fun days!

Educator: Zimushka - winter! The guys and I like not only winter fun, but also the winter nature that artists depict on their canvases.

Children briefly talk about the paintings of artists - I.I. Shishkin “Winter” and I.E. Grabar “February Azure”.

Winter: Yes! Many artists love to paint winter landscapes. They choose very beautiful or somewhat unusual views of nature.

But the beauty of nature can be conveyed not only with colors, but also with words, as poets do, or with music, as composers do.

For example, the poet A.S. Pushkin described a winter morning in these words:

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

A.S. Pushkin

Winter: The poet described such a beautiful picture of winter!

And composer Igor Kadomtsev composed a cheerful melody to the words of Natalya Bakai’s poem “I’m not afraid of winter at all” and the result was a cheerful, playful song. I invite you to perform it with me.


"White Winter":

(song “I’m not afraid of winter at all”, lyrics by N. Bakai, music by I. Kadomtsev).

Let everything be covered with snow,

Let the cold rage

(Hands on the belt, turns the body left - right.)

Winter won't freeze me

It will never scare you.


The snow is flying, and I'm laughing.

White snowflakes in winter

(Hands up and down at the sides.)

They're dancing outside my window.


And Santa Claus has his pictures

Draws on glass at night.

(Alternately with the right and left hands, smooth upward movement


The snow is flying, and I'm laughing.

I'm not afraid of winter anymore. - 2 times

(Swinging with arms raised up.)

Winter: What a lot of fun you had! And now I want to invite you to my snow workshop. Do you want to visit there?

/Children's answers/.

Winter: I have a magic snowflake that will help us quickly get to the workshop. But for this you need to say these “magic” words: “You fly, fly, snowflake,

Circle around the Earth

Circle around the Earth

Bring me to the workshop!”

Children, together with Zimushka-Winter, pronounce magic words in a quiet, mysterious voice, make a turn around themselves and find themselves in the “workshop of Zimushka-Winter”.

Winter: Here we are!

Please pass! Take a seat at the tables.

Children often come to my workshop. They create beautiful paintings and, some of them, give me as souvenirs ( points to the works created by children of other groups that decorate the “workshop”).

Today, each of you will create your own winter tree - a winter, densely snow-covered, white-trunked birch tree. And when we combine all your works, we will get a beautiful winter birch forest.

Think and tell me how you can depict a winter birch tree?

Children's answers

Winter: We will create an image of a winter birch tree from paper: a trunk and a snow-covered crown - using the cut-out applique technique, and thin branches and spots on the trunk - we will draw with a black felt-tip pen (show 2-3 samples).

Didactic game “What does a winter birch tree look like?”

Winter: Well done! How many comparisons you have made for the image of a winter birch tree! Now it's time to get to work. To depict the trunk of a birch tree, take a long narrow rectangle. Stroke it with your hand. How do you feel? What does the paper feel like?

Children's answers

Winter: Remember, is the trunk of a birch tree just as smooth and even?

Children's answers

Winter: So, what do we need to do with the paper to make it uneven, rough, soft?

Children's answers

Winter: Right! ( Children crumple paper and rustle it)

Guys! But to make the trunk thin and uneven, you can tear off a strip on both long sides of the rectangle. For example, like this ( show).

We will make the snow-covered crown of the tree from another rectangle, which lies in the upper left corner of the tray. The crown of a birch tree can be different in shape. It may look like a haystack, a cloud, a leaf of a tree, etc. Remember what comparisons you made for the image of a winter birch tree.

Children do applicative work to the music of Strauss's "Winter Forest Tale."

At the end of the lesson, a collective composition “Winter Forest” is compiled from the children’s works.

Winter: Look what a wonderful picture of a winter forest we got!

Children look at their own work and the work of other children. Share their impressions. Invite 2-3 children to choose the birch tree they like and explain their choice. (The music “Winter Forest” plays in the background, author unknown.)

Child: White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border

The brushes have blossomed

White fringe.

Winter: Well done boys! You made me happy with your work. Each of you got your own winter birch tree, unlike the others.

Now it's time for you to go back to kindergarten. In memory of the fact that you were my guest, I give you a snowflake. She will help you on your way to find your kindergarten.

And I say goodbye to you. Goodbye! See you again!

(WINTER leaves).

Educator: Guys! And it’s time for us to hit the road.

I will put the snowflake on my palm and we will all say the “magic” words together: “You fly, fly, snowflake,

Circle around the Earth

Circle around the Earth

Bring us to kindergarten!”

(The teacher and the children say magic words and “return” to the group to the song“Winter Beauty” lyrics. S. Savenkova, music. T. Tarasova).

Nomination: Kindergarten, winter lesson, senior group, Lesson notes, GCD, visual activity
Title: Lesson notes for the senior group, winter “Zimushka - winter”

Position: first category art teacher
Place of work: MADOU kindergarten No. 2 “Bell”
Location: Turinsk city, Sverdlovsk region

Goal: to continue to develop children’s coherent speech, to consolidate ideas about the season - winter, to develop children’s general outlook, memory, attention, imagination, fine motor skills, to practice word formation, to develop communication skills, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Developmental environment: a picture with a picture of a snowman (or a toy snowman), cards with a picture (on the back of the card there is a letter):

hare-z, sled -i, month-m, frosty patterns-u, fur coat-sh, skates-k, Christmas tree-a, subject pictures on the theme “Winter”, sensory field with contours of snowflakes, snowflakes, calm music, “snowball” ", pine cones, PVA glue, glue brushes, semolina, disposable teaspoons, cardboard, plasticine for attaching Christmas trees.

Progress of activities:

1. The teacher offers the children a communicative game “Name it affectionately.” Children stand in a circle and take turns calling each other affectionately by name.

2. Educator:

Guys, a snowman came to us and brought a letter from the forest inhabitants. Let's sit comfortably on the carpet and read it. The teacher reads an excerpt from K.D. Ushinsky’s fairy tale “The Mischief of the Old Woman-Winter”:

“The old woman-winter got angry, she decided to squeeze every breath from the light. First of all, she began to get to the birds: she was tired of them with their screaming and squeaking.

Winter blew cold, tore leaves from forests and oak forests and scattered them along the roads. There is nowhere for the birds to go; They began to gather in flocks and think little thoughts. They gathered, shouted and flew over the high mountains, over the blue seas, to warm countries. The sparrow remained, and it hid under the eagles.

Winter sees that it cannot catch up with the birds: it attacked the animals. She covered the fields with snow, filled the forests with snowdrifts, covered the trees with icy bark and sent frost after frost.”

Guys, the forest inhabitants are asking you to help them unravel the magic word that will make the evil old woman winter kinder. To do this you need to complete the snowman's tasks.

Guys, do you want to help? -Yes!

Great! For correctly completed tasks, the snowman will give you cards with various images.

3. Educator:

In the first task, the snowman gives one of you a magic snowball, you need to answer the question with a complete answer and only then pass the snowball to the next child:

What time of year is it now?

What time of year was it before winter?

What time of year will it be after winter?

Name the winter months in order.

Name the first winter month.

Name the last winter month.

Name the winter month between December and February.

Name a wintering bird.

Which animal changes its gray coat to white in winter?


Well done guys, the snowman gives you a card with a picture of hare. The teacher lays out the card, and all subsequent ones, on a magnetic board, so that later, turning them over, they can read the word “winter.”

4. Educator:

Next task. Guys, come up with words that answer what question? Which? Which? Which? What is the sun like in winter?, sky, snow, snowflakes, weather, air, wind, frost, patterns, day, frost.

Well done boys! The snowman hands you a card with a picture of a sleigh.

5. Educator:

Guys, come up with words that answer the question Who? What?

After autumn comes..., falls in winter..., whistles in winter..., rages..., spins..., freezes..., shines..., lies..., hibernates..., rolls around...

Well done, you completed the task, the snowman hands you a card with a picture of months.

6. Educator:

Guys, sit down on the carpet, in the next task you need to carefully perform the movements with me:

Finger game “Winter hut in the forest”

There is a hut in the forest in winter - “roof” with your hands over your head

Carving in all directions - index finger rotation

Two crystal pillars are dug in,

Set to guard - knock fist on fist

Ice windows are hidden - closed, open palms in front of you

Ice shutters - turn with palms, back

On a pole on the ice - cover the index finger of the right hand

palm of the left hand

right index

Guys, you carefully performed the movements, the snowman hands you a card with the image of frosty patterns.

7. Educator:

The snowman offers to play the game “Name the action”, you need to complete the sentence:

In winter, a blizzard...sweeps

At night the wind in the chimneys... howls, howls

From a snow cloud, snowflakes...fall, spin, fly

In the forest in winter, a hungry wolf...howls

In winter, a bear is in a den...sleeping

Frost on cheeks and noses...stings

In winter, the water in the river...freezes

In winter, snow covers everything...

Under the snow, the grass in winter... warms up

In winter, we go sledding...riding.

Well done, you completed the task! The snowman hands you a card with a picture of a fur coat.

8. The teacher invites the children to guess the riddle:

What kind of stars are these?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out,

Will you take it, water in your hand?

That's right, snowflake! The snowman brought you snowflakes, take them and repeat after me. Guys, we don’t move our heads, only our eyes move. (Calm music sounds)

Gymnastics to relieve eye strain “Snowflake”

We saw a snowflake ( stretch out your hand with a snowflake in front of you)

Played with a snowflake

Snowflakes flew to the right ( move the snowflake to the right, follow with your eyes)

The children looked to the right

Now the snowflakes have flown ( move the snowflake to the left, follow with your eyes)

Eyes looked to the left

The wind lifted the snow up ( lift the snowflake up, follow with your eyes)

And he lowered it to the ground ( lower the snowflake down, follow with your eyes)

Snowflakes swirled ( spin around)

And they sank to the ground ( put a snowflake, sit down)

We close our eyes, our eyes rest ( cover your eyes with your palms)

While the children are sitting with their eyes closed, the teacher places a sensory field with the outlines of snowflakes in front of the children.


Our eyes have rested, and it’s time for the snowflakes to return to the forest. Place your snowflake in the clearing and tell where the snowflake lies: on the tree, under the tree, in front of the tree, between the tree, above the tree.

Well done boys! The snowman hands you a card with a picture of figure skates.

9. The teacher invites the children to the table with the prepared materials:

Guys, the snowman invites you to turn these cones into small Christmas trees and cover them with snow to make them warmer. But we only have semolina and glue... Guys, maybe you can figure out how to make snow? Children offer to cover the cones with glue and sprinkle with semolina.

Well done, you came up with a great idea! If you attach a pine cone using a piece of plasticine to cardboard, then apply glue to the pine cone with a brush and sprinkle with semolina (carefully shake off the excess semolina) - you will get real Christmas trees covered with snow!

Calm music plays and the children complete the task.

Beautiful Christmas trees! The snowman hands you a card with a picture of a Christmas tree.

10. Educator: Guys, you did a great job with all the snowman’s tasks. Now you and I will unravel the magic word that will make the old winter woman kinder.

The teacher asks the children to name the sound in words:

The teacher turns over the cards with letters, the children read the resulting word - winter

That's the magic word! So that winter doesn't get angry, let's call it affectionately - winter!


Guys, what time of year were we talking about?

About the time of year - winter, its signs.

What did you like most? - Children's answers.

The teacher gives prizes to the children - stars made of self-adhesive paper.

Summary of educational activities for familiarization with the outside world “Winter. Winter signs"

GBOU school 851

Sumskaya street 4A

Egorova I.V.

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”; “Speech development”; "Physical development"; “Social and communicative development”; "Artistic and aesthetic development."

Goal: To reinforce in children the signs of winter, seasonal changes in nature associated with the winter period.


Clarify and expand children's ideas about winter and snow.

Encourage children to analyze, draw conclusions, and correctly formulate their answer.

Develop logical thinking, intelligence, and imagination while solving riddles.

To evoke positive aesthetic feelings and emotions in children while listening to a musical composition.

Promote the active and friendly interaction of children with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems.

Continue to improve your ability to draw with pencils. Develop imagination and the ability to convey a planned pattern on paper.


Pictures with signs of winter; pictures: snowdrift, blizzard, frost, patterns on glass, snowflakes, fish under ice; for did. games: pictures depicting a waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, clouds, rain, steam, snowflakes, drops, etc.; for drawing: colored paper (black or purple, white pencil, musical composition “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Direct educational activities:

1. Conversation about winter.

Children sit on chairs.

Illustrations with winter landscapes hang on the board. The teacher reads I. Nikitin’s poem “Meeting Winter.”

Hello, guest - winter!

We ask for mercy,

Sing songs of the north through forests and steppes.

We have freedom - walk anywhere;

Build bridges across rivers and lay out carpets.

We will never get used to it, -

Let your frost crack,

Our Russian blood burns in the cold!

Educator: Guys, are you happy about winter? What do you like to do most in winter?

Let's look at the illustrations and talk about the signs of winter. How is winter different from other seasons?

Children name the signs of winter:

The sky is gray, the sun shines little. If it's on, it doesn't heat.

Everything around is covered with a white blanket of snow.

People put on warm clothes; it became cold outside.

The animals in the forest changed their light fur coats to warm winter ones. Some animals hibernated.

Wintering birds are cold and hungry. They fly closer to human habitation.


How many months does winter last? Name the winter months.

Guys, do you know why winter comes?

Because the Earth, our planet, is so inclined towards the Sun at this time of year that it receives less sunlight, and therefore receives less heat and light. Therefore, the temperature drops, the days become shorter and the nights longer.

Why does it snow in winter? Where does it come from?

In winter, when it is cold, water droplets in the clouds freeze and turn into snowflakes. That's why it snows in winter and rains in warm seasons.

Let's look at snowflakes. Are they the same? What is the difference?

All snowflakes are different: there are six-pointed stars, needle batteries, fluff, plate hedgehogs, cufflink snowflakes. The shape of snowflakes varies greatly depending on the weather. On a windless, frosty day, snowflakes fall slowly; they are large, shiny, and look like stars. They fall one at a time, so they are easy to see if you catch a snowflake on your mitten. In mild frost, snowflakes look like small balls, so they say that “snow pellets” are coming. And when there is a strong wind, there is continuous “snow dust” - it is the wind that breaks off their beautiful rays from the snowflakes. In severe frost, the snow crunches underfoot - it is the rays of snowflakes that have become brittle and brittle from the frost that are breaking due to our weight. When there is no frost, snow falls in flakes. These flakes consist of many snowflakes stuck together.

What is wind with snow called? (blizzard)

A blizzard is a snow storm. A strong wind lifts up individual, grain-like snowflakes. Sometimes a snowstorm can be so strong that you can’t see anything around you.

What is the name of the snow that forms on tree branches after a slight thaw? (frost)

When it's cold, ice crystals form on the grass or trees. Sometimes the frost is so white that it can be mistaken for snow.

What are painted windows called in winter? (winter patterns, frost)

In severe frost, beautiful patterns often form on the windows. These patterns are different: some look like fern leaves, they are called “Santa Claus’s Garden”, others look like a forest fairy tale.

Physical exercise “Walk”

One two three four five

We went for a walk in the yard.

They sculpted a snow woman,

The birds were fed crumbs,

Then we skated at the skating rink,

And they were also lying in the snow,

Everyone came home covered in snow,

We ate soup and went to bed.

Educator: Well done guys, how much you know about winter. A


Can you guess?

It's soft, not a pillow.

He is white, not fluff,

He's cold as a frog

And if you warm up - a trickle. (snow)

The star spun

There's a little bit in the air.

Sat down and melted

On my palm. (snowflake)

Guess who the gray-haired mistress is:

The feather dusters will shake - there will be fluff over the world. (winter)

Who makes the bridge on the river

Without an axe, without nails, without boards? (freezing)

And not snow, and not ice,

And in winter he will remove the trees with silver. (frost)

Didactic ball game “Choose the right word”

What words can you say about winter, what is it like? - Snowy, blizzard, frosty, cold, harsh, soft, white, etc.

What kind of snow is there? (white, fluffy, cold, sparkling, sparkling, silvery, crispy, soft, etc.)

What kind of snowflake is there? (light, airy, openwork, transparent, carved, beautiful, white, etc.)

Didactic exercise “Name related words”

(clap your hands):

Isolating related words to the word snow from a number of words close in meaning: winter, snowball, snowfall, cold, winter hut, snowman, snowy, blizzard, Snow Maiden, frost, Santa Claus, frost, freezer, snowflake, winter hut, snowdrop, wintering, blizzard, wintering, bullfinch.

Didactic game “Where are the snowflakes? »

Children dance in a circle around cards laid out in a circle. The cards depict different states of water: waterfall, river, puddle, ice, snowfall, cloud, rain, steam, snowflakes, drops, etc.

While moving in a circle, the following words are spoken:

So summer has come.

The sun shone brighter.

It's getting hotter,

Where should I look for a snowflake?

With the last word everyone stops. Those in front of whom the required pictures are located must raise them and explain their choice. The movement continues with the words:

Finally winter has come:

Cold, blizzard, cold.

Go out for a walk.

Where should we look for a snowflake?

The required pictures are selected again and their choice is explained.

Educator: Well done guys, you completed the task.

5. Artistic creativity.

Educator: Today we talked a lot about winter, about snowflakes. Listen to the poem:

Downy snowflakes,

Cheerful and alive!

You're spinning, shimmering

In the silence of the forest.

And you cover the ground

Shiny silver!

Educator: I suggest you draw snowflakes on colored paper with a white pencil.

Children, using samples attached to the easel, do the work, depicting a snowflake all over the sheet of paper in different ways (optional).

The work is performed to the musical composition “Waltz of Snow Flakes” from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

The children attach the finished drawings to the board.

6. Reflection.

Guys, what did we talk about today?

What new have you learned? What did you like most?

Anna Toropchina
Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the senior group “Winter-Winter”

Summary of GCD in the senior group on cognitive development"Winter"

Subject: « Zimushka - winter»

/final lesson/.

Goals: - To consolidate children’s knowledge about winter as a season / weather condition and changes in nature; names of winter months; wintering birds; features of trees and bushes; animal life in winter/.

Learn to notice and express impressions of the beauty of winter phenomena.

To instill in children an interest and respect for nature.

Equipment: Paintings with winter landscapes, paintings "Birds at the Feeder", "Birds in Winter", "Beasts in Winter", flannelograph, old forest man. Selection of material for design

“Who wants what?”; "Winter clothes".

Recording of works by P. I. Tchaikovsky "February", "March", song by L. Derbenev "Three White Horses".

Preliminary work: Looking at paintings on topic: "Winter", "Winter forest", "Birds in Winter", "Winter entertainment» ;

reading a fairy tale by V. F. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich". Learning poems, riddles, sayings about winter, frost, snowman, icicles.

P/game "Snowballs", exercise on breathing development"Snowballs and the Wind".

GCD move:

/Part group The room is decorated with a winter meadow and paintings of a winter landscape. /

Educator: Guess it guys

Who is my riddle about?

Who whitens the clearings with white.

And writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows?

(winter - winter)

Right. This is winter. (The song of L. Derbenev is performed "Three White Horses").

How is winter different from other seasons? /Children's answers/ Name the winter months. /December January February/

The white tablecloth covered the whole earth. What is this? /Snow/ What kind of snow is there? /White, fluffy, cold.../ When we walk through the snow, what happens to it? /Crunches, creaks, sings a song/

What is the weather like in winter? /Frosty, cold, etc./

So, what words can you use to describe winter? What is she like? /Snowy, frosty, sparkling, blizzard.../

Guys, let's spend the day in the winter forest today.

/Children and their teacher go to the winter forest. The teacher reads a poem "Winter forest"/

"Winter forest". V. Orlov

The snowmill has fallen silent in the morning:

A white snowstorm covered the hole.

The mink is not visible under the fluffy Christmas tree,

One thin crack is barely noticeable.

The whole earth is dressed in snow-white fur,

From dawn the snow flares orange.

The familiar Christmas tree has an unfamiliar look,

And the little fox looks at her through the crack.

In a forest clearing they notice old forest man, who greets the children in a whisper.

Educator: - Why are you whispering, forest boy?

Lesovichok: - Listen to how quiet it is in the forest. Do you know why it's so quiet here? /The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds "February"/.

Children's answers: - It’s winter now. All all around: both the trees and the ground are covered with snow, like a blanket, and that’s why it’s quiet. There are no birds. They flew away to warmer climes. There are only wintering: crows, magpies, pigeons, bullfinches, tits.

Educator: Look at the picture "Birds at the Feeder".

Birds jump early in the morning.

Along the snow-covered branches -

Yellow-breasted tits

They fly to visit us.

What season did the artist paint? Why do you think so?

What birds sit on a tree? Tell us, what are titmice and bullfinches like? (these birds are larger than a sparrow, the titmouse has a yellow breast, and the bullfinch has a red breast).

Many birds flew to warmer climes in the fall. These are migratory birds. Name them (rooks, starlings, larks, geese, swans).

Why aren’t tits and bullfinches in the south? (these birds don’t like the heat, especially the bullfinch - he was in the north all summer, but in winter flew to our region). This is also a migratory bird. But titmouses are not migratory birds; they remain on winter with the sparrows, crows, jackdaws. This wintering birds.

Lesovichok: - Right. I also guard the sleep of the owner of the forest. Do you know who he is? /This is a bear. He is sleeping in the den now, sucking his paw. / Who else sleeps in winter? /The hedgehog is still sleeping. /

Lesovichok: - Who doesn’t sleep in the forest?

Children: - Hares, squirrels, foxes, wolves do not sleep.

Lesovichok: - Why do you think they don’t freeze in winter?

Children: - They are covered with warm fluffy fur and wool.

Lesovichok: - Here I prepared forest delicacies for them. Guess which one?

Di: “Who wants what?” On the flannelgraph there is a fox, a hare, a squirrel. Children display their favorite animal under each animal. delicacy: for a fox - a mouse, for a hare - young twigs, for a squirrel - a pine cone.

Lesovichok: - Well done! We completed my task. Why can’t you hear birds in the forest in winter?

Children: - Birds fly closer to human habitation in winter. People feed the birds. We also pour crumbs and grains into their feeders.

Lesovichok: - Children, do you like to play in winter? What games do you like? /We love sledding, playing snowballs, building a snowman, etc. /

Children recite a poem "Snowman" D. Chuyaki.


There was a snowman standing in our yard yesterday.

We sculpted him ourselves; he had a bushy mustache.

And today streams flowed all around outside the window.

At night the snowman disappeared. Maybe he went into the forest?

We kindly ask you guys

If you meet a mustachioed snowman on the way,

Help us find.

Educator: - Guys, let’s play snowballs with the forest boy.

A game "Snowballs".

/Children "sculpted" snowballs from album sheets, crumpling them in your hands. Then they divide into two teams and stand opposite each other, one child between the teams, in the center. /

Children: - Oh you, winter-winter!

Brought a lot of snow.

We'll play in the snow

Begin: one two Three!

/Children throw "snowballs" each other so that the child in the center can catch as little as possible "snowballs"./ - 2 times.

Lesovichok: - Guys, aren’t you cold?

Children: - No, we are dressed warmly.

Lesovichok: - Now I’ll check if you know what to wear in winter?

Di: "Pick up winter clothes". The figures of a boy and a girl are displayed on a flannelgraph. On the table there are clothes for them (summer, autumn, winter). Children dress dolls by naming the clothes.

Lesovichok: - You know everything. For this I will treat you with delicious candy /gives the children an icicle/. Eat healthy.

Educator: - What are you saying, Lesovichok! This "candy" You can't eat. It's an icicle, it's cold.

Lesovichok: - Oh, why did it suddenly start dripping?

Children: - Because in cold water turns into ice, and in warm weather ice and snow melt.

Oh, forest boy, isn't it can you eat an icicle made from ice? We'll get sick!

Educator: - Children, invite Lesovichok to play with us.

Fizminutka: "Walk in the Winter Forest".

We came to the winter forest.

There are so many miracles around here! /Walking in a circle one after another. /

On the right there is a birch tree in a fur coat,

On the left - the Christmas tree is looking at us. /They move their arms to the sides. /

Snowflakes are spinning in the sky,

They lie beautifully on the ground. / "Lanterns", spinning, squatting. /

Here the little bunny galloped,

He ran away from the fox. /Jumping. /

This is a hungry wolf prowling,

He is looking for prey. /Hands on the belt, bending to the sides. /

We'll all hide now

The wolf will not find us. /They crouch, hiding. /

Only the bear sleeps in the den... /Imitate sleep. /

Bullfinches fly by: “Ri-ri-ri!”/Imitate the flight of birds. /

In winter there is beauty and peace in the forest,

And it's time for us to return home. / Spread your arms to the sides. /

Educator: - Lesovichok, where is your house?

Lesovichok: - My house is under the Christmas tree. Does anyone know what kind of tree this is?

Children: - Spruce is a coniferous tree. Instead of leaves, it has needles. The spruce is green both in winter and in summer.

Lesovichok: - What can you say about winter trees? /In winter, trees and bushes sleep. Their branches are very fragile and break easily; they must be protected. /

Educator: - Lesovichok, can you solve riddles?

/Children ask riddles and help solve them. /


« Old man At the gate the heat was taken away.

He doesn’t run, but he doesn’t tell me to stand.” /Freezing. /

“It’s white, but not sugar,

No legs, just go.” /Snow. /

"The white carrot grew in winter". /Icicle. /

“What kind of stars are there?

On the coat and on the scarf,

All through, cut-out,

And if you take it, there’s water in your hand.” /Snowflakes. /

"When everything is covered with gray snow

And the sun says goodbye to us early?” /In winter. /

Lesovichok: - I was very pleased get to know you, Guys. I'm sure you are all very kind; you love nature and, I hope, you will treat it with care. Come to visit. And now it’s time for me to go to the forest.


/The children say goodbye to Lesovichok and "are returning" V group. / Music sounds "Seasons" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Educator: - Guys, did you like our trip to the forest today? /The children say what they liked most and remembered. /

You can invite children to draw a winter forest, and then send the drawings To the old forest man.