Class hour: International Bread Day. Class hour on the topic: Bread is the head of everything

MBOU Ershov Secondary School named after
Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Fabrichnov
Class hour in 1A class
Topic: “Bread is the head of everything”
Date: October 31, 2016
Class teacher Agafonova Larisa Aleksandrovna

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the importance of bread in human life,
Help students understand how hard it is to earn bread for the people. Educate
children respect the bread and the people who raised it.
On the board is written: “Glory to the bread on the table!” “Glory to the work of grain growers!”
Exhibition of books about bread, drawings by children, reproduction from a painting by I.I. Shishkin
Disc “Russian Field”
Proverbs, poster “Take care of bread.”
Are you ready to talk?
I hope for you, friends,
You are a good friendly class
And everything will work out for us!
Guess the riddle:
He is famous first on earth,
He is famous for being the first on the table,
The wind grooms him, the steppes groom him
In front of the guests he lies in the steam room,
Grey, white, black and rye. (Slide)
(Bread) (from a poem by A. Bayanov)
Now close your eyes and inhale the aroma.
The smell of bread is amazing! This smell is familiar to us from childhood, it smells of bread and the steppe, and
the sky and fresh milk! (The teacher plays the song “Russian Field”)
Yes, poets, musicians, artists make their bread their glory.
You just heard the song “Russian Field”. Wrote the music for it
composer Ian Frenkel, lyrics by Inna Goff.
The words to the Russian grain field sound solemn and majestic.
And here is a reproduction from a Russian painting. artist I.I. Shishkin “Rye”. Just like the sea
The vast rye field rustles and sways on the canvas. There seems to be no end and
edge of this golden sea. This picture has been alive for 100 years and excites people just as much as

just like on the first day of its creation, because it is dedicated to the main thing in our lives
- bread. And today we will devote our class hour to bread.
The entry on the slide opens. Children read: “Bread is the head of everything!”
Today we will learn:
1. How much does bread cost?
2. What is bread made from?
3. Who grows bread.
4. How it is raised
5. Why do we need knowledge about bread, how to treat it, how to take care of it.

And now I will tell you a fairy tale about how bread came to people.
It was a long time ago when people lived in tribes in caves and ate meat
animals. It so happened that they destroyed all the animals, and they had nothing to eat.
So they set off in search of other places where they could feed themselves.
They walked for a long time, many died of hunger. This is what happened to one person. He
fell, losing consciousness from hunger. When he woke up, there was no one around him. AND
suddenly above him he saw an amazing plant from which rained down on him
small pebbles. He decided to try one of them, and suddenly there was a pleasant smell and taste
revived him. He began to collect these pebbles, which turned out to be grains, and eat
their. These grains acted on him like medicine. He grew stronger and recovered, and he
I immediately wanted to tell people about it. He collected these grains and went looking for
of people. Seeing him alive and unharmed, people were surprised, and he told them about the miracle
Every day, each of us picks up bread at least three times, with pleasure
eats him. We are accustomed to bread, like air, sometimes we don’t notice it, we don’t think about it.
him. And bread was very cheap until recently.
Tell me, how much does rye bread cost? () 16 kopecks (80s)
How much does a loaf of white bread cost? () 20 kopecks.
How much do the loaves cost? () 2025 kop.
This is how cheap bread was in our country.
How much bread can you eat? As much as you want.
And we don’t even understand how it could be otherwise.
In the Museum of the Revolution in Moscow, under glass lies a piece of bread of 50 grams
(show a piece of bread). This was the worker's norm in 1919. It was difficult
the then young Soviet Republic. The country was starving, kulaks (rich people)
hid grain, killed selfless people who collected bread in the villages
for the people. Slide.

The country grew stronger. The fields began to rustle, the machines began to work, grain began to flow into the bins.
And during the Patriotic War, bread was given out on ration cards. How are the roads
there were these cards! If you lose them, you will be left without bread for a whole month. There were norms
small, poor quality bread. No one will ever forget the siege of Leningrad.
People suffered from continuous enemy shelling and died of hunger. Look,
how much bread Leningraders received per day during the blockade. Workers – 250g.,
employees, children 125g. In winter, even less is a piece the size of a little finger (show these
pieces of black bread). But people needed to work and survive in spite of the Nazis.
Alive means Victory! Slides.
Teacher During the years of hardship and hardship
The new world has matured and grown strong,
The people walked in the fire of battle,
For freedom and for bread.
So the correct words are:
In chorus: “Bread is the head of all life!”
After the war there was not enough bread for 5, 10 years. And 55 years ago (in 1954) the development began
virgin lands (previously unplowed) The work of the cultivators was not easy day and night
worked hard. (To bake 1 loaf you will need 10,000 grains.) Slide.
Teacher: Is it possible to find a profession?
More necessary, more honorable,
What is the profession of a grain grower?
It will never die out, it will never become obsolete.
And there is no smell for a person
More pleasant than the smell of fresh bread.
People composed not only songs, poems
About bread, but also proverbs.
Proverbs (analysis). Slide.
“The earth is mother, and bread is father”
“A loaf of bread will not fall from the sky”
“He who has bread has happiness.”
Game "Collecting spikelets"
Lesson summary:
Conclusion: How should we treat bread?
1. We must take care of him.
2. At the table, take as much as you eat.
3. Finish your started bread.
4. Don't throw bread.
What products are made from flour? But, do you know, what path do these
products to get to our table? (according to the slide).

Wheat is ripening in the fields
The farmer cherishes her,
The time will come, it will be reaped
The grain will be brought to the mill
The miller will grind flour there,
They will divide it into bags
And he’ll take you to the bakery
The baker will bake bread for us.
Respect work, guys.
Don't throw bread under the bench.
Thank you all guys! I sincerely want to wish everyone peace in your
homes, warmth, comfort. And may every home, every table always smell
fresh fragrant bread!
List of information sources:
R.I. Zotova “A baker is good!” Moscow, “Moscow worker”, 1986
B. A. Almazov “Our Bread” Leningrad, “Children’s Literature”, 1985
Collection “Time for business, time for fun.” Moscow, “Children's Literature”, 1986
E Emelyanova “Tell the children about bread”, “Mosaic - Synthesis”, 2010.
M. Ivin “Bread today, bread tomorrow.” Children's literature, 1980
A. Mityaev “Rye bread - grandfather roll”, Moscow “Children’s literature”, 1990

Class hour on the topic: “Bread is the head of everything.”

Goals and objectives:

    introduce the history of bread,

    develop an understanding of how bread is made,

    to cultivate feelings of respect for bread, love for the Motherland,

to working people,

    strengthen children's understanding of the importance of bread.


A poster with the words “Bread is the head of everything”, an exhibition of books about bread, children’s projects about bread: “Riddles”, “Proverbs”, “Sayings”

Computer, projector

Progress of the class hour.

Teacher . -Good afternoon, guests and guys! Today we have gathered to talk about the miracle of the earth. Guess which one?

It’s easy and quick to guess: soft, fluffy and fragrant.

He's black too ,it’s white, but sometimes it’s burnt (bread)(slide 1)

Today we will talk about bread. Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word! We eat bread every day, but no one thinks that this is one of the greatest miracles in the world. And it is given to a person at the cost of great effort. Bread is a symbol of life, health, labor, prosperity and wealth. ...You and I live on the Don land, where a rich harvest of grain is grown every year.

A boy and a girl in Russian folk costumes come to the center. The girl holds bread and salt. Read a poem.

Boy. Glory to peace on Earth!

Girl. Glory to the bread on the table!

Boy. Glory to those who raised bread,

He spared no effort and effort.

Girl. If we want someone

Meet with honor and honor,

Greet generously from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

With a round white loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.

Boy. We bring salt with the loaf,

As we worship, we ask you to taste

Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread and salt from your hands!

(Hands bread and salt to guests).

Teacher . There are many rituals associated with bread. The newlyweds greeted the guest with bread and salt upon returning from church after the wedding; they took bread with them when they went to woo, they carried the bread along with the bride’s dowry. It was customary among the Eastern and Western Slavs to place bread in front of icons, as if thereby testifying to their loyalty to God. Bread was often used as a talisman: they put it in the cradle of a newborn, and took it with them on the road so that it would protect them along the way.

Bread is a very valuable product. It has a very long history. How did you come to people, bread?

Boy :- It was a long time ago. Bread first appeared over 15 thousand years ago. The life of our ancestors in those distant times was not easy. The main concern was food. Mother Earth has been feeding people for a long time. At a time when people did not yet know how to plow and sow, they took only what the earth itself had in store for them: berries, nuts, mushrooms, juicy stems, edible roots. It also happened that, along with mushrooms and roots, a person accidentally brought something hidden in a basket.grains. (slide 2) They will fall to the ground near the house - several ears of corn will grow in this place. A man tried the grains - they turned out to be tasty. So people paid attention to cereal plants. These cereals are the ancestors of today's wheat, rye, oats, and barley.

Girl : Ancient people noticed that grain thrown into the ground returns several grains, and that more grains grow on loose and moist soil. For a long time, people ate grains raw, and then they learned to grind them between stones to obtain cereals and cook them. This is how the first millstones, the first flour, the first bread appeared.

Teacher: — Do you guys know what bread was called in the old days? - Zhito! From the word "live". This means he is the breadwinner.(slide 4) - A lot of time has passed since then. People have come up with a huge number of recipes for making bread and various bakery products. In preparation for today's event, you and your mothers and grandmothers prepared a lot of flour products. We have such a rich table. Let's call itWhat can you make from flour? (children name their products)

A baker enters in a white cap. In his hands he has a basket of bread - loaves, loaves, buns. On the neck there is a bunch of dryers. Sings to the tune of the song “We are not stokers, not carpenters” (from the film “Height”):

We are not stokers, we are not carpenters,

But there are no bitter regrets...

We are bakery workers,

Hello from the bakery!!!

Baker : Hello, guys! I'm coming straight from work. Straight from the bakery. So I brought some fresh pastries.

Teacher: Did you find out who it is? (baker)

Baker : What do you think a baker does at a bakery?

Children: Baking bread!

Baker: Right!

Do you know what bread smells like?

A hunk of rye labor bread?

It smells like a field, a river, an oven, the sky.

And most importantly, the bread smells of work.

Teacher: -What a long way does a loaf go before it ends up on the store counter! Let's figure out where the journey of bread begins.

Children show drawings on the board that depict arable land, a mill, harvesting, sowing, a store, a bakery. They need to be placed in the correct order .

1.Why are you knocking, masters of gold?

- We are repairing, we are repairing tractors!

- We sharpen, we sharpen the plows.

Spring is upon us,

The agronomist said, “It’s time!”

Start the tractor!

2. Tractors go out into the field,

Plows are pulled on a trailer.

Frequent comb harrow

Comb the land!

Let's prepare for grain

Soft bed!

3.An old sower sowed

From a basket sieve.

Nowadays a seeder is a machine

I'm busy with this matter.

Digs furrows quickly,

He puts grains in them.

4. So that the sprout is strong.

The spikelet was pouring,

It must grow in the earth,

Drink rainwater.

Bask in the warmth of the sun,

Get blown by the breeze!

5.The grain field is ripe,

The hot harvest is near,

And the harvester is taken boldly

Collect everything down to the spikelet!

6.The driver heard it and was rushing.

It's buzzing: - I'm coming! I'm coming!

Leisya warm wheat

Straight into the back on the go!

7. Heard in the summer until sunset

The hum of combine harvesters by the river.

And they take it to the elevator

Harvest trucks.

There they store and protect

Then they take it to the mill.

8. There is wheat in the mill,

This is what's happening to her here!

They take it into circulation,

And they will grind her into flour!

9. The grains became flour,

They won’t give her peace either:

To a large bakery

A flour truck is carrying flour.

10.At a large bakery

You will become dough, you are flour.

Quickly put the dough in the oven -

Thus was born (all in unison) CARAVAY

Baker :

The bread on our table comes thanks to the hard work of people from 120 professions!A lot of human labor has gone into every piece of bread. Look at the pictures and find out the professions of the people who work on growing bread.(flour miller (slide 4), combine operator (slide 5), baker (slide 6), tractor driver (slide 8), driver (slide 9), agronomist (slide 7))

Baker : A sacred task is to grow bread. One grain can yield approximately 20 milligrams of flour. It takes more than ten thousand grains to bake one loaf of bread. This is several times more than in this sheaf.

What do you guys think, do Russian people eat a lot of bread?

Over the course of 60 years, a person eats 15 tons of bread. Russian people have always eaten more bread than meat. This was noted by foreign travelers.

— Do you think 15 tons is a lot or a little?

Look: this carriage holds as much bread as one person eats in 60 years.(slide 10)

Teacher : For all peoples, bread is an eternal symbol of life, a symbol of well-being. – Do you think it is necessary to save bread? - Why?

That's right, from childhood you need to value and cherish every piece of bread as the greatest wealth on earth. Bread should be treated with great respect.

— Our grandparents know the value of every crumb of bread. After all, people who survived the hungry years of the war remember how there was not enough bread.

(slide 11) Bread was the main food in besieged Leningrad. The blockade lasted 900 days and nights. There were 2 million 887 thousand people surrounded by the blockade of Leningrad. During the harshest days of the blockade, Leningraders received 125 grams of bread per day. (slide 12 ), I'm showing this piece)

Baker : Guys, it was difficult to call this pastry bread, because it contained only 5 grams of rye flour, the rest was sawdust, nettles, quinoa, potatoes, beets, pine needles. When baking bread during the Second World War, salt was not added. People didn't have it.

People who survived the war cherish every crumb and never throw away even a small piece of bread.

Teacher : Listen carefully to a short excerpt from a poem about bread by Nina Samkova, and then I will ask you a few questions:

Student : I saw it once, on the way.

The boy was throwing dry bread.

And the crazy feet deftly beat the bread.

He played like a ball, a mischievous boy.

Then an old woman came up and, bending down,

She took the loaf, suddenly began to cry and left

The boy looked after her, smiling.

I decided that it was a beggar woman.

Teacher : - Why do you think the old lady cried while picking up the loaf?

How did this passage make you feel?

Teacher : And now I bring to your attentionskit “Holy Bread” prepared by the students of our class:

Scene “Holy Bread”

Katyusha :- Ugh, what bad bread!

A: The grandmother got angry and began to lecture her granddaughter:

Grandmother :- You can’t talk about bread like that. He must be respected. If it is not very tasty, they say: the bread is poorly baked

Katyusha : -Yura doesn’t respect bread either. On the street, I didn’t finish a piece and threw it on the ground.

Grandmother : “Oh, how bad,” the grandmother got angry.

Don't do that and don't let Yura do it. If you haven’t finished eating, put it in the bread bin and eat it later. And if someone throws bread on the ground, tell him to pick it up.

After all, without bread there is hunger and death. How many people in the world have died without bread. Holy bread.

A: Katyusha thought about it. Then she pressed herself close to her grandmother and said:

Katyusha : -I will never talk about bread like that again. And I won’t throw it away. I won’t allow Yura either. Just don't be angry with me.

A: The grandmother affectionately stroked her granddaughter and hugged her.

Teacher : Let's compare the boys from the poem and the skit... How are they similar?

Now let’s listen to the verse – an appeal to such boys:

Student :

A boy kicking bread

A boy who never knows hunger

Remember that there were dashing years.

Bread is life, not just food.

They swore by bread, they died for bread

Not for them to play football with.

Folk wisdom is hidden in the word.

This is what our people say:

If you stopped appreciating bread,

You have ceased to be a person.

Baker : Well done, guys...I think that you will never play with bread, much less throw away pieces of bread. We should be ashamed when we simply throw away the uneaten pieces. You can’t do this with bread, because so much work has been put into it. Tractor drivers, combine operators in the field, bakers at bakeries work hard to ensure that each of us always has bread on the table. And we must respect their work. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds.

Bread must be protected!

Teacher: - Thank you, uv. baker! I think the guys remembered the rules of careful handling of bread.

Children take turns reading the lines of the poem:

    Take care of our bread!

    Don't waste your bread!

    Respect our bread!

    Don't play with bread!

    You can't throw away bread!

    Take care of your bread, friends!

Song about bread.

Teacher: - Well done! And our girls also know what can be cooked from stale bread.

1. My mother and I know many recipes on how to refresh bread if it has become stale or how to prepare delicious dishes from it.

You can refresh stale bread by wrapping it in a damp cloth for 5 minutes, then unfolding it and putting it in a not very hot oven for 20-25 minutes.

- Stale bread can be cut into thin slices and dried in the oven, you will get croutons - a real delicacy.

You can easily and quickly prepare croutons with cheese

And if you mix ground crackers from wheat bread with butter, egg, sugar, then put them in a mold and put them in the cold, you get a bread cake. It can be topped with fruit juice.

— We have prepared fragrant crackers for you. Help yourself! (distributes to guests crackers lying on a tray)

Baker : Well, well done guys! Now I’m calm about bread! It's time for me to go to the bakery. It is necessary to bake bread so that stores are not left without the product that everyone needs.

Here it is, fragrant bread,

Here it is, warm and golden.

In every home, on every table

He came, he came.

In it is our health, strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Protected, took care of.

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Eat by both cheeks, grow up to be a hero!

While reading the poem, the baker hands out buns from his basket to the children.

Teacher : “It’s a bad meal if there’s no bread,” people say. Bread contains almost all the nutrients necessary for human life. Songs have been written about bread, pictures have been written in books. (reference to the book exhibition)

By participating in the project “The Miracle of the Earth – Bread,” you prepared many different riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems about bread. Those who are interested in these works can get to know them better.

Every day, when you pick up a piece of bread, remember with a kind word all those who created and are creating it. Think about what great wealth you own and how you need to take care of it.

Goal: developing a respectful attitude towards bread and the people who produce it.

  1. Expand students' horizons and knowledge about professions;
  2. Expand knowledge about the process of making bread;
  3. Continue to get acquainted with folk traditions.
  4. Teach children to work in groups.


  • poster: “Bread is the head of everything”;
  • relaxing cassettes sounds of earth, water, sun, fire;
  • poster depicting the profession of combine operator;
  • reproductions of paintings by I.I. Shishkina “Rye”, A.N. Gerasimov “Spring Rain”.

Progress of the lesson

Host: Here’s the case... The mother asked her son in the morning: “What would you like to eat for breakfast?” The boy said without hesitation:

I saw you making mashed potatoes. I wish I had it with sour cream or butter... and even tea with milk.

Think carefully: except for what you ask, nothing will be on the table.

And I don't need anything else. Only, of course, sugar for tea.

The mother put on the table everything the boy asked for. He sat down to have breakfast. He tried the puree with sour cream and put the spoon aside:

It's not tasty!

What's so?

Got it, no salt!

The boy ran, took the salt shaker, and sat down again at the table. He extended his hand for bread, but there was no bread on the table. Mother laughs:

So it turned out that you forgot the simplest and most necessary thing - bread and salt.

No wonder. After all, we are used to it: no matter what the food is, we don’t sit down at the table without bread and salt.

Host: So what are we going to talk about today? (about bread)

In the old days, bread was called “zhito”, from the word to live.

Bread is born from four elements: sun, earth, water and fire. Today we will hear the sounds of the sun, earth, fire, water.

Bread in Russia was baked with domes,
So that there is enough, like the sky, for everyone.
At the wide tables in the house
It was considered a sin to abandon the baby.

Since time immemorial, bread has become the main food of people: nourishing, healthy and tasty.

Where does bread come from?

It turns out that in order to get bread on the table, you need to go a long way. Look at the illustrations - this is what a field looks like in the spring, when it is just sown, and this is what it looks like when it’s time to harvest.

And you have to guess what professions people are employed in this case. We divide into three groups.

Riddle competition: “Kaleidoscope of professions”

He holds the steering wheel in his hands,
Yes, but not from dough,
He is driving a car
To a given place.
In a durable body
The grain is lucky.
That which gives life to bread. (driver ) Show ear

Who came to the mill
And ground the grain into flour? (miller ) Show flour.

Tell me who is so delicious
Baking a pie with cabbage?
Loaves and rolls?
Tell me, girls,
Tell me, boys? (baker)

Each team receives grain for correctly guessing the riddle.

Voitsekhovskaya Natasha brings out a loaf

Here it is - fragrant bread.
With a crunchy twisted crust!
Here it is - warm - golden,
As if filled with sunshine!
In every home, on every table
He has arrived, he has come!

In it is our health, strength,
There is wonderful warmth in it.
How many hands raised him,
Protected and protected!

After all, the grains did not immediately become
With the bread that is on the table -

People have worked long and hard on the earth.

Host: Many professions are needed in order for a bun to come to our table. A mechanic checks and repairs tractors and combines. The agronomist selects the best, strongest grains and decides when and where to plant them. A tractor driver plows the ground and sows grains. After some time, shoots appear. But so that they grow strong and are not eaten by insects and rodents, they are processed by specialists.

Then the combines go out to harvest. It's been removed and needs to be taken to storage. Dry and ventilate to preserve the harvest. And then - to the mill. From there - to the bakery. And only there is bread born.

How many people of different professions put their work into one loaf? (so many)

Our second competition is called “Fair”.

Match the tool and the profession. (children receive cards)

Tractor driver - trailer

Seller – kalach

Teacher - notebook

Grain grower - combine

Locksmith - key

Meteorologist - weather

Doctor is medicine

Baker - dough

Miller - flour

For work done correctly, teams receive grain each.

Extra grain - for explaining the extra pair.

Host: Are these pairs really superfluous? Why?

Over the course of 60 years, a person eats 30 tons of food, about half of which is bread. And to bake one loaf you need...

How many grains do you think you need? (10,000 grains)

Is this a lot or a little? (so many).

Russian people greet and see off a welcome visiting guest with bread and salt and offer bread and salt to a dear person as a sign of special respect. How often do we talk about caring for bread, but are we always able to give examples that would make everyone think: what a wealth bread is!

I'm not afraid to repeat myself in poetry,
Bread knows no bounds of praise,
If rye is heading in Rus',
This means someone was seriously sleep deprived.

In the morning the smell of bread pours out.
Loaves are running along the trays.
I know,
How is that bread given?
Working righteous hands.

It's molded at dawn
May he become rosy in spirit.
There is no easy bread in the world,
In all ages
The bread was difficult.

It is difficult in summer and winter,
Now sowing, now reaping, now grinding.
That bread is at a special price
It lies on the plowman's table.

To him, as before,
So it is now,
There was always one price.
She's not the one in the store
And the one
What's in the field, price.

Bread is thrown away every day in every school. Please, take as much bread from the canteen as you can eat.

Host: An old folk proverb says: “If there is bread on the table, then the table is the throne!”

And when there is not a piece of bread, then the table is a board!”

Now I want to check if you know proverbs, because a proverb is a storehouse of wisdom. Our competition is called “The Fount of Wisdom”

Teams receive sheets of words from which they need to create a proverb and explain its meaning.

If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.

Just as it rains in May, so will there be rye.

If there is bread, there will be lunch.

Teams receive grain each.

I want to talk about the price of bread. He is the head of everything.

This is the most expensive fruit of our mother - the earth and human hands. Bread is our sovereign wealth.

We are used to saying: oil is the bread of transport, metal is the bread of industry, now gas and nuclear energy have been added to the price of bread... In a word, bread is the basis.

Bread is the strength of our state.

There is only one word that is equivalent to the word “bread”. This word is life. What could be more important than bread?! In one of the stories dedicated to the village, I read: “Great is the sower. The world has never forgotten about him and will never forget - neither in joy nor in trouble. And no lump of gold can outweigh a crumb of bread!”

In the Museum of the History of Leningrad there is a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. This was the daily ration for residents of the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. But people needed to work, they needed to live, they needed to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling. Alive means victory!

The Leningrad sky is in smoke,
But worse than mortal wounds
Heavy bread
Siege bread
One hundred twenty-five grams! (show a piece of black bread 125 grams)

In years of hardship and hardship
The new world has matured and grown strong,
The people walked in the fire of battle
For freedom and for bread.
So the correct words are:
Bread is the head of life!

Grains of our days, shine
Gilded carved.
We say: take care
Take care of your native bread.

Take care of every ear
Our joyful fields,
Like a quiet voice singing
Loud homeland!

We don't want to see blacks
Grains scorched by war
Let the patterned one shine for us
Golden waves surf.

We don't dream of a miracle,
Send us a live speech:
“Take care of your bread, you people,
Learn to save bread!”

Look what we got (3 ears).

This is your result. A very important result of labor. Each of you needs it.

What did we talk about today?

What did you remember? So why do they say that bread is the head of everything? Do you agree with this?

What decision did you make? Why? Who wanted to become a grain grower? What should we do today for this?

We will continue our acquaintance with professions related to bread production in library No. 12. Those who are interested can read the books you see.

(save bread, study well, respect the work of other people).

The teacher also sows the seed of knowledge, the seed of kindness. The work of a teacher bears fruit. And when you grow, our grains bear fruit.

Now the word of science is everywhere,
Today is her finest hour.
In our age it is the basis for everything,
She leads us to heights.
You should strive to learn.
Don’t reject simple advice -
Flip through the book pages,
Like furrow after furrow.
After all, the books contain the experience of generations
And knowledge is pure grain.
In your deeds and aspirations
Let it throw away the ear.
So draw wisdom in full measure,
Persistently increase your knowledge.
And you can be quite sure -
You will reap a rich harvest!

A girl (Natasha Voitsekhovskaya) in a Russian folk sundress comes out and carries out a loaf of bread.

If we want someone
Meet with honor and honor,
Greet generously, from the heart,
With great respect,
We meet such guests
A round, lush loaf.
It's on a painted platter,
With a snow-white towel.

We bring salt with the loaf,
As we worship, we ask you to taste:
Our dear guest and friend,
Take the bread and salt from your hands


Who learned a lot of new things and found it interesting - honey

Those who were interested, but didn’t learn anything new - the sun and the clouds.

If anyone was bored, it was raining.

Take the cards and attach them to the board.

Bread baking is also one of the folk traditions. And now we quietly get ready and go to school. A surprise awaits us. Daniil’s mother baked us a loaf of bread, and Marina’s mother baked pancakes. After all, Maslenitsa is coming soon! Let's have fun!

How sunny it is here today! This means that everyone was interested and you learned a lot of new things. Thanks for the work! Well done!


  1. R.I. Zotova “A baker is good!” Moscow, “Moscow worker”, 1986
  2. V. D. Karmazin “Our bread” Moscow, “Pravda”, 1986
  3. B. A. Almazov “Our Bread” Leningrad, “Children’s Literature”, 1985
  4. Collection “Time for business, time for fun.” Moscow, “Children's Literature”, 1986
  5. M. M. Lufti “Different songs of different professions” Moscow, “Children's literature”, 1987
  6. Magazine “Primary School” No. 3, 1986 Moscow, “Enlightenment”.

I bring to your attention the script for the class hour “Bread is the head of everything!”, which we held in 6th grade.

The idea arose somewhat unexpectedly. During one of the Russian language lessons, it suddenly became clear that the children had never seen how a combine harvester worked. And these are rural children! We started talking and it turned out that not everyone understood where bread came from. Both the students and I realized that the conversation clearly needed to be continued. The idea immediately arose to hold a class hour on the topic “Bread is the head of everything!” Together we began to think about what we wanted to learn about bread, what we already knew, what we would like to demonstrate to each other during class. During the week, new ideas and proposals were received. They began to understand that there was a lot of work, it was necessary to somehow distribute and organize it. Together we drew up an action plan and divided into creative groups. None of the 23 students in the class were left idle. There was no need to persuade, the topic was interesting to everyone. Many different ideas arose, they had to be assessed from the point of view of feasibility, something had to be abandoned, some ideas were transformed. But for 2 months we worked together towards our goal - to find out where bread comes from, what its history is, how the theme of bread is reflected in culture and in particular in literature, what types of bread there are, why bread should be treated with care.

The work went in several directions. The history of the origin of bread was studied, proverbs and sayings about bread were collected, a bread dictionary was compiled, presentations were prepared, a competition of riddles on the topic “Bread”, poems about bread were selected, a collection of fairy tales about bread was compiled, one of them was dramatized, the children studied the signs associated with bread, found interesting facts, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and so on. When the material was studied and accumulated, we had to discuss what we could take for class and what would remain in folders and collections. Together we drew up a script for the event and rehearsed individual fragments.

The class hour was very emotional. The main goal was achieved: now the guys knew a lot about bread, and even after the final class hour they still brought interesting materials. The students saw that they could work interestingly, in a group, independently, they had the opportunity to demonstrate their talents, they saw that from a large amount of information they must be able to isolate what is needed right now, they must be able to present the results of their work.

Naturally, after the class hour, we spent many days returning to the work we had done. The guys recalled what they did very well, where they could have done it even better, and what they could have added if time had allowed. And everyone understood that it was not in vain that they turned to this topic, because “Bread is the head of everything!”

I am very pleased with the results, because I saw the children differently - interested, liberated, artistic, obsessed.

I would like to add that the class hour is just one of the products of the bread project. Much was not included in the classroom, remaining in folders and collections. This topic is always relevant and inexhaustible; it can be considered from grades 1 to 11. Presentations are included with the script.



Class hour “Bread is the head of everything!”

  1. Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, you remember that some time ago we suddenly found out that we know too little about bread: how it grows, where it is baked, what its history is, why bread is so healthy. We then decided to study everything related to bread and conduct an interesting class hour. We have done a lot of work together, and now each of you will be able to demonstrate the results of your work. You looked for information about bread, prepared presentations, learned poetry, rehearsed a fairy tale, compiled a bread dictionary, drew a wall newspaper. And now we will see what we have achieved. Let's wish each other success!

Let's start with the history of bread. I wonder when bread appeared, when people learned to use it for food. What are your guesses? (children answer) Let's listen to our classmates who know everything about this!

  1. The history of bread (2 students speak)

According to archaeologists, the first bread was made from acorns. Cereals were first used as food around 15,000 BC in Central Asia. Perhaps wheat seeds were found during a hunt or walk. Soon people began to build their homes near wheat fields, learned to mix mashed seeds with water, and then bake the resulting mixture on flat hot stones. Around 1,000 BC, people began to use potassium carbonate and sour milk to make the first bread.

In Ancient Egypt, 5-6 thousand years ago, there was a kind of rebirth of bread. There they learned how to loosen dough using the fermentation method, using the miraculous power of microscopic organisms - baker's yeast and lactic acid bacteria. The art of making “sour bread” passed from the Egyptians to the Greeks. Looseened wheat bread was also considered a great delicacy in Ancient Rome. Quite large bakeries appeared there, in which craftsmen baked many types of bread.

In Rus', they have owned the secret of preparing yeast dough since time immemorial. Bakeries were once called izbas. But they baked bread in almost every home. Only a few centuries ago, the specialization of bread craftsmen arose. Bread makers, pirozhniki, gingerbread makers, pancake makers, rush makers, and kalachnik makers appeared.

In 1638 According to the census, there were 2,367 artisans in Moscow, of which 52 were bread bakers, 43 were bakers of gingerbread, 7 were bakers of pancakes, 12 were bakers of sieve bread.

In Rus', the main type of bread was sour black bread. They also baked sieve (flour was sifted through a sieve) and white from semolina. But ordinary people could hardly afford to taste “Boyar” bread even on holiday. Russians always ate more bread than meat, which was noted by almost all foreign travelers.

Bread was very valuable. Therefore, bakers were treated with respect. In some countries they were even exempt from taxes. In lean years, bread was worth its weight in gold.

  1. Teacher's word. Bread has such a long history. Of course, it is not surprising that many poems have been written about bread. Let's listen to some of them. (Prepared students speak, their performance is accompanied by a presentation)

You can’t get rye bread, long loaves, or rolls while walking.
People cherish bread in the fields and spare no effort for bread.

It's spring day, it's time to plow. We went out into the tractor field.
They are led by my father and brother, hunchbacked over the hills.
I hurry after them, asking them to give me a ride.
And my father answers me: “The tractor plows, but doesn’t roll!”
Wait a minute, when you grow up, you’ll lead one yourself!

The sky is glad to the sun, the little sunflower is glad.
I’m glad to see the tablecloth with some bread: it’s like the sun on it.

Cornflowers splashed like drops, as if the sky was raining.
A cloud came from afar and soaked the forest through.
The sun draws stripes in the sky, the birds start a song -
Ripe, ear to ear, sweet bread of my land!

So the summer has flown by, the cold is coming from the river.
The rye has ripened, turned yellow, and bent its ears.
Two combines are in the field. Back and forth, from end to end.
They reap - they thresh, they reap - they thresh, they harvest.
In the morning the rye stood like a wall. By nightfall, the rye was gone.
As soon as the sun has set, the grain is empty

Evil winds bent the ear, and rain fell on the ear,
But they couldn’t break him over the summer.
That's what I am! - he boasted - he coped with the wind, with the water!
Before that, he became proud and grew a beard.

Rye bowed her heavy head.
“Thank you, sun and gentle rain!
Thanks to the earth
What was my home
And strong hands,
To my old friends.

I remember the hands working hard
To sow amber grains into the ground,
And now they will harvest the harvest.
Thank you, hands,
For your good work!

I lay in the ground for a long winter,
Huddled under the snow,
I was shaking from the cold,
But the sun warmed me up long ago,
And I brought the golden grain.

Anyone who wants to try some rye bread!
And if you sow me again,
I'll find my way under the snow again
And I will become an ear of corn,
And I will come to people.”

Stubble in empty fields
It withers and turns gray.
The sun is only in the middle of the day
It shines, but does not heat.

Gray fog in the morning
Wanders through the swamps,
Is he hiding something there?
Toly is looking for something.
After dark nights
The sky is fading.....

And in the village from the stoves
Cravings of fresh bread....
Rye bread smells like home,
Mom's buffet
The breeze of the native land,
Sunny and summer.

The knife is sharpened on a block.
-Dad, give me a piece!

Here he is the fragrant bread,
It's warm and golden.
In every home, on every table,
he came, he came.
It contains our health, strength, and wonderful warmth.
How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him.
It contains the juices of the native land,
The sun's light is cheerful in it...
Eat by both cheeks, grow up to be a hero!

  1. Teacher's word. What good poems were spoken! What beautiful slides accompanied the presentation! I looked at the photographs, listened to the performance, and wanted to tell you about my childhood memories.

When I was a child, much like you are now, my father often took me on his trips around the area. He had such a job - to go around the state farm fields, watch how the harvest was going on. Often he and I stopped at the edge of some field, and he told us that wheat grows here, oats grow here, and soon the harvesting will have to begin.

I remember that in kindergarten the kids were put on a bus and taken to the field to show how combine harvesters work!

And this is what happened almost every summer. Imagine, an ordinary summer day, but suddenly you begin to hear a distant, incomprehensible, growing rumble. It becomes even scary, but curious. You go out into the street and you see that guys are also coming out of the neighboring houses, they also don’t understand what’s happening. Then one combine appears, another, a third... There are many of them, they pass by our houses in a column, occupying the entire width of the road. They are led by tired but proud combine operators. They are driving combine harvesters to other fields, where they will continue harvesting grain. It was very solemn. The combines disappeared from sight, but we continued to look after them, amazed at the power of the machines and the importance of the people, thanks to whose work we always have bread on the table.

  1. These are facts from my childhood. And there are also interesting facts that you found in various sources. Let's get to know them. (student speaks)

Interesting facts about bread

From a grain of wheat you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. Baking one loaf requires 10 thousand grains.

Bread provides our body with proteins, carbohydrates, and enriches it with magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium, which is necessary for brain function. Bread contains vitamins. Medical scientists believe that an adult should eat 300-500g of bread per day, or 700g during hard work. Children and teenagers need 150-400g of bread. A person gets almost half of his energy from bread.

The most popular grains for bread are wheat, rye and barley.
Flour from oats, corn, rice, and buckwheat can also be used to bake “bread-like” products.

Wheat dishes normalize digestion and metabolic processes, remove toxins from the body, are a good prevention of dysbacteriosis and diathesis, and help strengthen muscles.

Corn grits, which is obtained from white and yellow corn, are rich in starch, iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP, D, E and carotene (provitamin A).

6. The teacher's word. Guys, bread has existed for so long, of course, there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about it. Let's compete now, who knows more than them? (the competition takes place in rows, one proverb per row, the row who knows more interesting proverbs wins)

Teacher's word. Guys, we know a lot of proverbs, but do we always understand their meaning? Let's check.

If there is bread, there will be song!“It is known that bread used to be and, perhaps, remains to this day the most important product. In Rus', the harvest of rye and wheat was used to judge how favorable the year would be and whether one would have to live from hand to mouth. Because rye and wheat will make flour, and flour will make bread. You can live without many products, but bread should be the first thing in the house. That’s why the saying goes: there will be bread, the rest will follow.

Other people's breads are picky.“Each family baked bread in its own way. Even with very similar recipes, the results could taste quite different. And each family, naturally, got used to the taste of their own homemade bread and considered their recipe the most delicious. This is where the expression came from. It doesn’t mean that the neighbor’s bread is bad, it’s just that the bread you’re treated to can get boring, but your own homemade bread is already familiar and the most delicious.

You can’t put a cut piece on bread.“What has been done cannot be changed.

Bread is good everywhere - both here and overseas.“The cultures are different everywhere, the rulers are different, but the essence of humanity and the basic values ​​are the same.

Bread is the head of everything.“Perhaps this is the most popular proverb about bread, however, its interpretation is not familiar to everyone. The importance of bread in people's lives is difficult to assess. Not a single meal, not a single feast could be done without it, because bread is nourishing and healthy. No matter what complex or simple dishes were served on the table, bread was a must. Even if there was a famine, as long as you have something to bake bread from, you can live until the next harvest. In addition, it is worth remembering that many battles and wars began over the fertile lands on which wheat and rye were grown. If the enemy set fire to a field in which rye grew, he doomed the settlement to starvation. And therefore, in many political and military conflicts, the reason was the desire to improve well-being, and therefore bread as a symbol of this well-being.

They say they boil the bread and bake the cabbage soup.” – that many of the popular rumors may be untrue.

Well mixed, but not baked.“The case might at first look very interesting and promising, perhaps a lot of work was put into it, but as a result the efforts were not justified, and the result was disappointing.

Bread cannot be kneaded without leaven.” – they don’t start work without preparation.

In different situations, sayings can be interpreted differently, but the general meaning is the same.

  1. Teacher's word. And, of course, there are many traditions and customs associated with bread (students speaking)

Traditions and customs

Traditions are formed over centuries, and not all of them are able to coexist with progress. Only those without which human life is unthinkable are preserved from generation to generation. The most ancient traditions are firmly woven into our lives. Bread is one of those traditional values ​​that has stood the great test of time. Since the role of this product in people’s lives was very great, many customs and traditions are associated with bread, including in Russian culture.

In our culture, according to ancient custom, dear guests, newlyweds, and new residents are still greeted by carrying a loaf of black bread with salt out of the house on a towel or tray.

For us, bread is associated with a full table, and salt was once a protective symbol, protecting the house from fire, and then, due to its taste-improving qualities, it turned into a symbol of good food.

Peter's Day

Currently, July 12 is better known as the day of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

In Rus', Peter was revered as the patron of productive fields and fishing. In some areas, the shepherds' holiday was celebrated on this day, and it was customary to present the shepherds with bread, butter and eggs. And during the time of paganism in Rus', they celebrated the collection of hay from the fields on this day. Since Veles patronized all agricultural work, this holiday was called the Day of the Sheaf of Veles. Many holidays in Rus' existed to introduce routine into people's lives. Over the years of living and gaining experience, people have come to the conclusion on what days it is better to sow rye, what time to harvest, when it is better to get married, and so on. So the day of the sheaf was the final point for collecting hay for the winter and carrying out arable work. They used to say: “Plow until Veles’ day, harrow until Perun’s day, sow until Savior.” And disobedience to this principle promised anger and disfavor of the gods.

Mermaid Week

According to popular belief, the entire week before Trinity, mermaids were on earth, settling in forests, groves and living not far from people. The restless souls of the dead, returning to earth,could destroy the growing grain, send disease to livestock, harm the people themselves and their farms.

Since mermaids were considered evil creatures who intended to harm people, there were a number of rules that had to be followed in order not to incur the mermaids' disfavor. It was impossible to carry out serious field work, and women were not allowed to sew, weave, or whitewash canvases, because the results of labor could be stolen by mermaids.

The whole week was considered festive, so they organized general festivities, dances, danced in round dances, mummers in mermaid costumes sneaked up on the gape, frightened and tickled them.

To gain the favor of the mermaids, they were cajoled. For example, in some provinces it was believed that if livestock died or disappeared in the past year, then this was the work of mermaids. To avoid repeating such a fate, they wrapped the bread and salt in a clean towel, carried it into the forest and placed it on a tree branch, or left new bast shoes on the tree. At the same time, certain words were spoken to the mermaids.

The period of celebration coincided with the time of flowering of rye. The mermaid had the power to destroy the grain harvest or make it more abundant. If she was favorable to people, then in the place where her foot would step, the grain harvest would be richer, the grass would be thicker, the flowers taller. Otherwise, everything will wither and the field will never grow again.

Fomino Sunday, or Red Hill

The week following Easter is called Fomina. Although another name is popular among people - Krasna Gorka.

Among the people, Krasnaya Gorka was a holiday of the beginning of spring, and it was celebrated most actively by young people. Bridal viewings were often held, and Krasnaya Gorka was considered a favorable day for weddings. All boys and girls were required to take part in the festivities. Staying at home on this day was considered a bad omen. They said that the guy would find himself an ugly and bad wife, and the girl would marry unsuccessfully. Those who were out of sorts that day were given various offensive nicknames. On Krasnaya Gorka, the newlyweds were congratulated (this ceremony was called vyunin), bonfires were lit on the hills, the girls danced in circles and called for spring. The clicking of spring usually began early in the morning at sunrise. The essence of the ritual was that the girls all shouted short songs together - spring songs, inviting spring. Sometimes they baked bread in the shape of birds and, shouting calls, threw the birds high into the air.

Radonitsa, or Parents' Monday

On the tenth day after Easter, it is customary to celebrate Parenting Monday. This day also has other names: radovitsa, radovnitsa, radovnitsa.

In Rus', rainbows were called pagan deities of kinship ties, who acted as guardians of the souls of the departed. It was customary to make sacrifices to these deities during the holiday. Radonitsa was a cheerful day, the meaning of which was the victory of life over death. It was believed that those dead, to whom no one came to the grave, cried uncontrollably that day, while everyone around them was having fun. It is worth noting that family ties were the most important, so it was necessary to visit the graves of parents and close relatives.

Each family necessarily took wine, bread and other food with them and went to the cemetery. All acquaintances and strangers who met along the way, treated with bread , an egg or candy “for the remembrance of the soul” or “for the memorial.” They believed that the more treats given out here on earth today, the more the deceased will be rewarded in the next world.

Why do Russians prefer rye bread?

It's no secret that bread is one of the most popular food products in Russia. To understand the reason for our eating habits, let's remember that traditionally the national bread in Russia is black bread. That is, one that is made from rye flour with yeast and has a sour taste. According to recent biochemical studies, black bread is well absorbed. But this is exactly how traditional Russian bread was prepared.

Here, for example, is an interesting historical fact that clearly illustrates the consequences of the sudden deprivation of Russian people of the opportunity to consume black bread. In 1736, during the Russian-Turkish War, the Russian army entered the territory of the Crimean Khanate. It so happened that somewhere in the Ukrainian steppes, carts with rye flour, which was intended to feed the army, got stuck. Bread had to be baked from local wheat flour and illnesses began among the military.

A.S. Pushkin, while in the Caucasus, noticed that the captured Turks who worked on the construction of the Georgian Military Road complained about the food, having failed to get used to Russian bread, despite quite good nutrition. “This reminded me,” wrote Pushkin, “of the words of my friend Sheremetyev upon his return from Paris: “It’s bad, brother, to live in Paris: there’s nothing to eat, you can’t ask for black bread.” And a few days later, Pushkin himself was offered lavash due to the lack of black bread, which was the reason for the appearance of several rather harsh lines in his diary: “In an Armenian village built in the mountains on the banks of a river, instead of lunch I ate the damned churek, Armenian bread baked in the form of a flat cake in half with ash, which the Turkish captives in the Daryal Gorge grieved so much for. I would give a lot for a piece of Russian black bread, which was so disgusting to them.”

8. The teacher's word. In addition to traditions and customs, there are many signs associated with bread. (student speaks)


It was not allowed for one person to finish eating bread after another - you would take away his happiness and strength. You can’t eat behind another person’s back—you’ll also eat his power.

If you give bread from the table to dogs during a meal, poverty will befall you.

With a young and aging month, it was impossible to start sowing: “It is good to sow when the month is full!” Although bread sown on the new moon grows and ripens quickly, the ear will not be rich in grain. And vice versa: “full moon bread” grows quietly and has a short stem, but is abundant in full-fledged grain.

If the sun has set, “don’t start a new war,” otherwise the bread will not be good, and the entire economy may fall into disrepair. Well, if you really needed to cut off some bread, then you didn’t eat the crust, but after cutting off as much as you needed, you put the crust on the rug.

It was considered the greatest sin in Rus' to drop at least one crumb of bread, and an even greater sin was to trample this crumb underfoot.

People who break bread become friends for life.

When taking bread and salt on a towel, you should kiss the bread.

9. The teacher's word. What else is dedicated to bread? That's right, riddles! (student’s speech is accompanied by a presentation)

10. The teacher's word. And, of course, it couldn’t have happened that people wouldn’t have invented so many fairy tales about bread! Now the guys will show the Belarusian fairy tale “Easy Bread” (dramatization of the fairy tale)

Light bread (Belarusian fairy tale)






old grandfather


A mower was mowing the meadow. I got tired and sat down under a bush to rest. He took out the bag, untied it and began to chew the bread. Suddenly a hungry wolf comes out of the forest and sees a mower sitting under a bush and eating something. The wolf approached him and asked:
- What are you eating, man?
“Bread,” the mower answers.
- Is it tasty?
- And how delicious it is!
- Let me taste it.
- Well, try it.
The mower broke off a piece of bread and gave it to the wolf. The wolf liked the bread. He says:
- I would like to eat bread every day, but where can I get it? Tell me, man!
“Okay,” says the mower, “I’ll teach you where and how to get bread.”
And he began to teach the wolf:
- First of all, we need to plow the land...
- Then there will be bread?
- No, brother, wait. Then you need to harrow the ground...
- And can I eat bread? – the wolf waved his tail.
- What are you talking about, wait. First you need to sow the rye...
- Then there will be bread? – the wolf licked his lips.
- Not yet. Wait until the rye sprouts, survives the cold winter, grows in the spring, then blooms, then begins to spike, then ripens...
“Oh,” the wolf sighed, “however, we have to wait for a long time!” But then I’ll eat plenty of bread!..
- Where can you eat? - the mower interrupted him. - It's too early. First you need to squeeze the ripe rye, then tie it into sheaves, put the sheaves in heaps. The wind will blow them away, the sun will dry them, then take them to the current...
- And will I eat bread?
- How impatient you are! You must first thresh the sheaves, pour the grain into bags, take the bags to the mill and grind the flour...
- That's all?
- No, not all. You need to knead the flour in the bowl and wait for the dough to rise. Then place it in a hot oven.
- And will the bread be baked?
- Yes, the bread will be baked. “That’s when you’ll eat it,” the mower finished his lecture.
The wolf thought, scratched the back of his head with his paw and said:
- No! This work is painfully long and hard. Better advise me, man, how to get food easier.
“Well,” says the mower, “if you don’t want to eat heavy bread, eat light bread.” Go to the pasture, the horse is grazing there.

The wolf came to the pasture. I saw a horse.
- Horse, horse! I will eat you.
“Well,” says the horse, “eat.” Just take the horseshoes off my feet first, so as not to break your teeth on them.
“And that’s true,” the wolf agreed. He bent down to take off the horseshoes, and the horse hit him in the teeth with its hoof... The wolf somersaulted and ran.
He ran to the river. He sees geese grazing on the shore. “Should I eat them?” - thinks. Then he says:
- Geese, geese! I'll eat you.
“Well,” the geese answer, “eat.” But first, do us one favor before you die.
- Which one?
- Sing to us, and we will listen.
- It's possible. I am a master of singing.
The wolf sat down on a hummock, raised his head and began to howl. And the geese flapped their wings, flapped - they rose and flew. The wolf got down from the hummock, looked after the geese and went away empty-handed. He goes and scolds himself with the last words: “What a fool I am! Why did you agree to sing? Well, now I’ll eat whoever I meet!” Just when he thought so, lo and behold, an old grandfather was walking along the road. The wolf ran up to him:
- Grandfather, grandfather, I will eat you!
- And why is it in such a hurry? - says Del. - Let's smell the tobacco first.
- Is it tasty?
- Try it and you'll find out.
- Let's.
The grandfather took a tobacco pouch out of his pocket, sniffed it himself and gave it to the wolf. As the wolf sniffed with all his might, he inhaled the entire pouch of tobacco. And then he started sneezing all over the forest... He can’t see anything because of his tears, he keeps sneezing. He sneezed like this for an hour until all the tobacco was sneezed out. I looked around, and there was no trace of my grandfather. There is nothing to do, the wolf moved on. He walks, walks, and sees a flock of sheep grazing in a field, and the shepherd is sleeping. The wolf spotted the best ram in the herd, grabbed it and said:
- Ram, ram, I will eat you!
“Well,” says the ram, “this is my lot.” But so that you don’t suffer for a long time and don’t break your teeth on my old bones, you better stand in that hollow over there and open your mouth, and I’ll run up the hill, accelerate and draw you into my mouth.
“Thank you for the advice,” says the wolf. - That's what we'll do.
He stood in the hollow, opened his mouth and waited. And the ram ran up the hill, sped up and hit the wolf on the head with its horns. So sparks fell from the gray one’s eyes, and the whole light began to spin in front of him! The wolf came to his senses, shook his head and reasoned with himself:
- Did I eat it or not?

Meanwhile, the mower has finished his work and goes home. He heard the wolf’s words and said: “I didn’t eat anything, but I did taste some light bread!”

11. The teacher's word. Thanks guys! We learned so much about bread today! You are such great guys, you have done a great job. I think you yourself were interested in looking for material for class, learning roles, your words, selecting the most interesting material, preparing presentations, drawing a wall newspaper. You found so many interesting things that it is impossible to fit it all into one lesson. So let’s see what we have accumulated on the topic “Bread is the head of everything!” These are folders containing fairy tales of Russian writers and peoples of the world, proverbs and sayings, riddles, signs, rhymes and simple sayings about bread, materials on the history of the origin of bread, interesting facts, materials about traditions associated with bread, poems about bread and a bread dictionary! You will be able to refer to the collected materials, because I am sure that now your interest in this topic will not end. You will want to learn something new for yourself, to continue searching for interesting facts, because this topic is endless. Now let's see what beautiful bread your mothers baked, thanks to them! Remember the tradition: if you break bread with someone, you will never quarrel with that person? Let's split bread, taste it, and never quarrel!


Slide captions:

Riddles about bread

They beat me with sticks, they crush me with stones, they keep me in a fiery cave, they cut me with knives. Why are they ruining me like this? For being loved.

The ring is not simple, the ring is golden, shiny, crispy, for everyone to enjoy... What a delicious treat!

What do they pour into a frying pan and bend it four times?

First they put him in the oven, and when he comes out, they put him on a dish. Well, now call the guys! They will eat everything one piece at a time.

Behind the forest lies the mustachioed sea, Wave after wave runs across the sea. A giant steamship will pass through the waves, And take every drop with it.

He is stronger than ten horses: Where in the fields in the spring the bread rises like a wall in the summer.

Walks through the field - from edge to edge, Cutting a black loaf.

Behind the iron horse a box is dragged with grain, grain spills out through the holey bottom.

In the summer it sleeps, in the winter it burns, its mouth opens, it swallows what they give.


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Bread Dictionary

Baguette - traditional French long loaf. A real one necessarily has 7 diagonal cuts. Borrowed via French. baguette "rod, stick" from It. Bachetta.

Baranka - a bakery product in the form of a small ring of choux pastry. Comes from the ancestors. forms *ob-variti, from which, among other things, came: Russian. bagel, Ukrainian Obarinok, Belor. Abaranak, Polish obarzanek, obwarzanek.

Loaf - oblong white bread. Derived fromFrench bâton « stick »

Baursaki - Kazakh fried bread. Small pieces of irregularly shaped wheat dough are fried in hot oil. Comes from Kazakh. baursak "small pieces of dough fried in lamb fat"

Pancakes - a culinary product prepared from liquidtest , poured onto a hot frying pan; has a round shape. Pancakes are served with various snacks, and thin pancakes are sometimes served with a filling that is wrapped in them. Pancakes may have been the first flour-based food and date back to prehistoric times. All nations that use flour in cooking have their varieties. Comes from the ancestors. forms from which, among other things, they originated: ancient Russian. Damn. The more ancient form is mlyn. Associated with I grind, grind .

Bagel - a culinary product, a ring of wheat dough, boiled in water (or treated with hot steam) and then baked. Depending on the size, moisture and softness of the resulting product, it may have independent names, such as “drying " Bagels are a traditional productRussian cuisine . Similar words exist in other languages: Ukrainian. bagel, Bulgarian bʹbna "swell", bʹbʹnets "tumor", Serbohorv. bubučica "bubble, knot", Slovenian. bobljáti "to blow bubbles (about water)", Czech. boubel "water bubble"

Bun - this is what they call any wheat bread. The word comes from the French boule, which means “round like a ball.” Initially, in Rus', white bread was baked only by French and German bakers.

Bun - a small bun.

Loaf - tin bread, usually black bread. Comes from the noun “buhon” (a type of bread, a flatbread made from sour dough), which is a re-formulation of a borrowing from Polish. Bochen.

Ikmek - Tatar rye bread.

Kalach - wheat bread, shaped like a castle with a bow. phonetic changes that words undergo often make them unrecognizable, and only knowledge of the laws of language development makes it possible to restore the original form of a word. Akanye, characteristic of many Russian dialects, both in pronunciation and in writing, consolidated the current appearance of this word, formed from kolo (wheel) with the help of the suffix -ach. And this culinary product was named that way because of its round shape.

Loaf - round or rectangular sweet yeastbread .

In Rus', loaves were prepared for weddings, and many rules were observed.ritual rules

The loaf was considered a symbol of happiness, prosperity and abundance. The loaf was taken out totowel - embroidered towel. The more magnificent the loaf is baked, the happier and richer the newlyweds who taste it will become. The loaf was multi-layered, and was divided by the godfather of the bride or groom. The top was given to the young, the middle part to the guests, and the bottom, in which coins were often baked, to the musicians. Together with a piece of loaf, the newlyweds shared their happiness with the guests. The guests thanked the bride and groom in return with gifts.

The tradition of baking festive ritual bread for a wedding - at Russian weddings a loaf - is inherent in all Slavic peoples. Belarusians and Ukrainians also have loaf traditions; the Tatars prepare a puff pastry pie for weddings - gubadia, and its ritual meaning is completely identical to the loaf.

According to Russian custom, dear guests are greeted with bread and salt - a rye loaf, which is carried out on an embroidered towel. This custom comes from pagan antiquity, when bread was a deity. Comes from the ancestors. forms from which, among other things, they originated: ancient Russian. Korowai, Russian loaf, Ukrainian Korovai, Bulgarian Krawaj, Polish krávaj "loaf".

Pretzel - twisted wheat bread. According to legend, manna suddenly rained down from the sky on the monks of one of the monasteries, from which they baked delicious bread, giving it the shape of a figure eight, similar to hands folded in a prayer of thanks. Comes from him.Kringel, Krengel

Croissant - Bagel-shaped bun. The word is of French origin.

Kulich - sweet, very rich tall white bread, always with raisins or candied fruits, which, according to Orthodox tradition, is prepared for Easter. The name of this sweet bread was borrowed from Greek, where koulliki(on) goes back to the ancient Greek kollix - “round bread”.

Kurnik - National Russian dish: a festive or ritual pie made from rich unleavened dough filled with chicken, porcini mushrooms, eggs, cockscombs, and spicy herbs. According to ancient tradition, kurniki were baked in the house of the groom (decorating it with human dough figures - a symbol of the strength of the young family) and the bride (decorating it with flowers - a symbol of beauty and tenderness)

Flatbread - baked goods fromtest , mostly round and flat. Traditionalbread Central Asian peoples. Also, other types of flatbreads are found in many cuisines around the world. You can add various components to the dough:spices , seasonings , cracklings , cheese , berries And fruits . Originally Russian. Derived from sculpt

Cookie - A confectionery product made from small pieces of dough. From the word "oven"

Cakes - a small-sized confectionery product made from various types of butter dough, mainly with a sweet filling. Derived from a nounpie .

Pie - a baked product made from dough with some kind of filling. From Praslav. forms from which, among other things, they originated: Russian. pie, Ukrainian piríg (gen. p. -oga), Belor. pie, Czech, Slovakpiroh , Polish pirog.

Braided - Oblong twisted white bread. From the verb weave.

Hearth - bread baked on special sheets in the lower part of the oven (on the hearth). From the word under - the lower horizontal surface in the furnace in the furnace firebox on which fuel is placed. Cooking pots were placed in the middle of the fire, and after removing the coals, bread was baked on the hearth.

Gingerbread - flour confectionery product baked from special dough; can be added for tastehoney , nuts , raisin , fruit or berry

Amvrosievskaya secondary schoolI- IIIstation No. 6

Amvrosievsky district of the Donetsk People's Republic

Class hour on the topic:“Bread is the head of everything”

Completed by: Olga Aleksandrovna Vertela, teacher of English and German languages ​​at the Amvrosievskaya secondary schoolI- IIISt. No. 6, specialistIIcategories

Annotation for the development of a class hour on the topic

“Bread is the head of everything”
A constant abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people living on Earth. Bread is not expensive, but not everyone knows how hard it is to get it, what its true price is. Before getting to our table, bread goes through a long and difficult journey. In order to grow grain in the fields, day and night, under the scorching rays of the sun and torrential rains, thousands of people from more than 120 professions work (breeders, agronomists, engineers, machine operators, elevator workers, flour millers, designers, car drivers, bakers, sellers, tractor drivers, combine operators and many others).

The Russian people have always treated bread with reverence as a gift that saves from hunger, as wealth.

Relevance of the problem: the attitude of teenagers to bread.

This scenario can be used to conduct a class hour in grades 5-6 in a cycle of educational conversations.
The purpose of this event ischange the attitude of teenagers towards bread by introducing them to the activitygrain growers;educate children to be caringrelationshipeto bread.
The scenario involves carrying out preparatory work:
- Children's drawings and illustrations on the topic of the class hour.
- Vase with ears of wheat.

Bread Quote Posters
- Exhibition of flour and bread products produced by a local bakery and baked by parents.

Class hour

Subject:“Bread is the head of everything”


Expand students’ knowledge about the benefits of bread, its values, and the hard work of a grain grower;

To cultivate a sense of thrifty attitude towards bread;

Equipment:posters with quotes about bread, children's drawings, illustrations, different types of bread, ears of corn in a vase, tape recorder.

Material:poems about bread,poster with a reminder “Appreciate bread!”,song “Bread is the head of everything”, song “Sweets-lambs”, song “Taste of Bread”.

Progress of the event

The song “Bread is the head of everything!”

Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We encounter bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor a weekday lunch, nor a holiday table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like there is now, but grain fields grew even then. However, the wheat grains were different from ours, they were much smaller and tasted different. There is such a legend.

It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a spike of wheat. To make the grains easier to eat, moisten them with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day, in one of the stone caves, a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire quietly crept up to the pot. The pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly smelled an unfamiliar smell. Having put a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes with pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread. The word “bread” first appeared in Ancient Greece. There they used specially shaped pots called “klibanos” for baking. It is consonant with our word “bread”.As for the origin of the Russian word “bread,” it was associated with the borrowed name Gleb, or the verb “to take bread.”Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

1 lesson Here it is, fragrant bread

With a fragile twisted crust

Here it is, warm and golden

As if filled with sunshine.

2 lessons In it is our health, strength

There is wonderful warmth in it

In it are lands of native salt

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Grab both cheeks!

Grow up to be a hero!

3 lessons How many hands raised him?

Protected and protected!

After all, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

People never got bread for free. In Rus', bread was always treated with reverence, and over time, many beliefs about bread arose, unique laws, breaking which was a great sin.

For example, bread was always baked on Saturday. And they looked: if the bread turns out good, there will be good luck for the whole week; if it bakes poorly, it means tears; if it burns, it means sadness; if it cracks, wait for news. The fate of the new family was predicted by how the wedding loaf turned out. Therefore, they asked a kind and skillful person to bake the loaf.

Russia has long been famous for bread. Bread still remains the main wealth of the country. And the work of a farmer is the most important, because our life cannot be imagined without bread.

1 study At first the grain was sown with grain,

Then the sprouts were nurtured by an agronomist.

Then the combine operator took the ear of grain in his hands,

He rubbed it carefully in his palms.

Having learned that the bread had long since ripened,

He went out into the field to remove it with a combine harvester.

2 studies Then flour was ground from the grain

And she went to the baker.

And he was able to try:

You baked such delicious buns!

Appreciate, love and respect the one

He who sowed bread raised and baked it.

Quiz. Children, did you know...

1. What is the difference between spring and winter wheat? (spring crops are sown in spring, winter crops are sown in autumn, in winter)

2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (to the elevator - grain storage)

3. Where is grain turned into flour? (at the mill)

4. What is kvashnya? (wooden dough tub, or yeast dough)

5. What is another name for yeast, fermented dough? (dough)


Guess easily and quickly: soft, fluffy and fragrant,
It is black, it is white, and sometimes it is burnt.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea.
A giant ship is moving along the ground.
The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped.

A house grew up in a field. The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded. The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking on a golden pillar


Don't peck me, my friend, you loud cockerel.
I’ll go into the warm earth and rise up to the sun.
Then there will be a whole family like me.

They don’t feed him oats, they don’t drive him with a whip, but when he plows, he drags seven plows.

Teacher:Do you know what bread smells like, a slice of rye bread, labored bread?


1 study It smells like a field

Hot heat and dew,

Cool wind in the open air

And the fresh morning dawn.

The bread smells like fresh flour

And the hot flame of the stove,

When with a weary hand,

Rolls of dough are baked.

2 studies Here it is - ruddy and fragrant

He lies and breathes on the table.

Thank you very much for the bread

To all grain growers on earth!

A game with the word "farmer".

Make as many other words as possible from the letters in this word.

Reading a poem

Student 1:Some people like it with butter,

Some people like it with cheese

And another with meat

Or with kefir.

Student 2:Some people like white

Some people like black

Some people like it with poppy seeds

Or baked.

Student 3:It can be a wedge

It can be narrow

Some people like it with cumin

Or French.

Student 4:He is a grain, he is an ear,

He is flour and dough

And at the festive table

Knows his place.

Student 5: Look at the earth, look at the sky,

Nothing in the world

Nothing is more important than bread

Guys, look at the table. How many different baked goods were baked from flour by the hands of the baker. There are loaves of bread and buns, as well as butter rolls. It turns out how many things can be baked from flour. Tell me, guys, what proverbs and sayings about bread do you know?

A lot of snow - a lot of bread.

Bread is the head of all life.

If there is bread, there will be song.

Not a piece of bread - and there is sadness in the house.

If there is no bread, there will be no lunch.

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

A big harvest is a joy for grain growers and all the people of the country.

Music is playing

Dramatization of the poem

T. Kolomiets “Feast of the Loaf”


To fifth graders by car

The loaf has arrived now

Let's crunch with a fluffy crust

We'll treat everyone in the world.

Get up in a circle, loaf,

Choose whoever you want!

(The loaf stands in the middle of the circle)


He didn’t warm his side on the stove -

I baked a loaf for the guys.

Baker play with us

Whoever you want - choose!

(the baker enters and stands next to the loaf)


He wasn't talking nonsense!

And he ground the grain into flour!

Melnik, play with us

Whoever you want - choose!


He didn't lie in the shade

And he raised and reaped bread!

Farmer, stand in a circle,

Whoever you want - choose!


He came to us with gifts -

Tractors, tractors!

And the reward is a harvest!

Invite everyone to the holiday!

Baker - Glory to the grain harvest!

Miller - Glory to the loaf on the table!

Farmer - Glory, glory to friendly hands!

Worker - Glory, glory to the workers!

Bread is a gift from the Earth! During the hungry years, people had to take care of every crumb, because they received a small piece of bread a day, 125g, and 3 more pasta, the length of a notebook, clayey, but desired by every person.In the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg there is a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. This was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. But people needed to work, they needed to live, they needed to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.And these crumbs helped to survive in the harsh times of war and trials. You and I don’t know what hunger is. We should be ashamed when we simply throw away the uneaten pieces. You can't do that. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds.

A. Morozov

Military bread
I remember bread
military, bitter,
It's almost all quinoa.
In it in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
He was very involved in that misfortune
Hard bread of hard days,
But how sweet the moment was
When the piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Flavored with mother's tears.

The war is over. The country grew stronger. But there was still not enough bread. And the development of virgin lands began. The fields rustled, the machines started working, grain flowed into the granaries of the Motherland.

Grains of our days, glow

Gilded carved

We say, take care

Take care of your native bread.

Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields

Loud of your homeland!

We don't dream of a miracle

Send us a live speech

“Take care of your bread, you people.

Learn to save bread!”


Restore the original drawing from pieces of cut pictures depicting bread.

During the competition, the good mood of all those present is ensured by the song “Candy Lambs”.

Competition "Cinderella"

Sort by type a small amount of mixed seeds of various grain crops.

The song “Taste of Bread” performed by Leonid Smetannikov

Bread, peace, life - the most important thing. Therefore, the smallest child should take care of bread. If a family of 4 people throws out only 11g of bread every day, 100 elevators throughout the country will be empty, 57 mills, 130 bakeries baking 50 tons of bread per day will stop. Don't be one of those people. Stop those who throw bread too. But you can prolong the freshness of the bread. To do this, you need to store it in a plastic bag or in a special bread box.

How much bread does your family need?

And if there is bread left, what can you do with it?

(Sprinkle the sides of the loaf with water and place in the oven for 5 minutes or over a boiling pan of water. Dry the crackers, make croutons.)

Today we talked a lot about bread. Without bread, people are orphans, and the earth is a sufferer. And vice versa, the land is our wealth, our generous nurse, when it is in the careful, kind hands of the owner. (The teacher hangs a poster with a reminder on the board and reads it)

Guys, let's summarize our meeting. There are pictures on your table. Let's repeat where the journey of bread begins. You need to put the pictures in the correct order.

And we will always remember the wise saying that came to us from the depths of centuries, born of popular experience: “Let the hand wither away, who throws even a crumb of bread under our feet!”

Let's adhere to the Russian tradition of hospitality.

(Treats for guests)

List of used literature and sources

1. M.O. Volodarskaya. Social hour. 5th grade. - Kh.: Publishing house "Ranok", 2011.- 176 p. - (Classroom teacher).

2. M. Ivin “Bread today, bread tomorrow.” Children's literature, 1980

3. S. A. Mogilevskaya. Girls, this book is for you! - M., “Children’s Literature”, 1974

4. http:// nportal. ru/ initial- shkola/ vospitatelnaya- worka/2012/11/22/ classnyy- hours- na- topic- khleb- vsemu- golova