Gerasimov V.G. (ed.) Fundamentals of Industrial Electronics

Chapter 1. Semiconductor devices
§1.1. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and properties p-n-transition
§1.2. Classification of semiconductor devices
§1.3. Semiconductor resistors
§1.4. Semiconductor diodes
§1.5. Bipolar transistors
§1.6. Field effect transistors
§1.7. Thyristors
§1.8. General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices
Chapter 2. Integrated Circuits
§2.1. General information
§2.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology
§2.3. Hybrid integrated circuits
§2.4. Semiconductor integrated circuits
§2.5. Parameters of integrated circuits
§2.6. Classifications of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system
Chapter 3. Indicating devices
§3.1. General characteristics and classification of indicator devices
§3.2. Electron beam indicators
§3.3. Gas discharge indicators
§3.4. Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators
§3.5. Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators
§3.6. Designation system for indicator devices
Chapter 4. Photovoltaic devices
§4.1. General information
§4.2. Photoresistors
§4.3. Photodiodes
§4.4. Specialty semiconductor photovoltaic devices
§4.5. Electrovacuum photocells
§4.5. Photomultiplier tubes
§4.7. Optoelectronic devices
§4.8. Designation system for photovoltaic devices
Chapter 5. Amplification stages
§5.1. General information
§5.2. Common emitter amplifier stage
§5.3. Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter
§5.4. Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base
§5.5. Amplifier stages based on field-effect transistors
§5.6. Operating modes of amplification stages
Chapter 6. Voltage and Power Amplifiers
§6.1. RC-Coupled Voltage Amplifiers
§6.2. Feedback in amplifiers
§6-3. DC Amplifiers
§6.4. Operational amplifiers
§6.5. Selective amplifiers
§6.6. Power amplifiers
Chapter 7. Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations
§7.1. General information
§7.2. Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators
§7.3. L.C.-autogenerators
§7.4. R.C.-autogenerators
§7.5. Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations using elements with negative resistance
§7.6. Frequency stabilization in autogenerators
Chapter 8. Pulse and digital devices
§8.1. General characteristics of pulse devices. Pulse signal parameters
§8.2. Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers
§8.3. Logic elements
§8.4. Triggers
§8.5. Digital pulse counters
§8.6. Registers, decoders, multiplexers
§8.7. Comparators and Schmitt triggers
§8.8. Multivibrators and monovibrators
§8.0. Linear voltage generators (GLIN)
§8.10. Pulse selectors
§8.11. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC)
§8.12.. Microprocessors and microcomputers
Chapter 9. Secondary power sources for electronic devices
§9.1. General information
§9.2. Rectifier classification
§9.3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
§9.4. Anti-aliasing filters
§9.5. External characteristics of rectifiers
§9.6. Voltage and current stabilizers
§9.7. Voltage multipliers
§9.8. Controlled rectifiers
§9.9. General information about converters of direct voltage into alternating voltage
§9.10. Inverters
§9.11. Converters
§9.12. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources
Chapter 10. Electronic measuring instruments
§10.1. General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments
§10.2. Electronic oscilloscopes
§10.3. Electronic voltmeters
§10.4. Measuring generators
§10.5. Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters
Chapter 11. Application of electronic devices in industry
§11.1. Applications of electronic devices
§11.2. Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities
§11.3. Electronic devices for thermal monitoring
§11.4. Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic magnitudes
§11.5. Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes
§11.6. Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances
§11.7. Electronic devices for flaw detection
§11.8. Basic principles of electronic device design
Appendix I. Active elements of electronic devices
Appendix II. Passive elements of electronic devices
Appendix III. Classification and elements of symbols of integrated circuits by functional purpose
Appendix IV. Operational amplifiers
Subject index

One of the most characteristic features of the development of science and technology of our century is the development of electronics. Today, not a single branch of industry, transport, or communications can exist without electronic devices. The increased development and use of electronics is stimulated by decisions of CPSU congresses and decrees of the USSR government. Electronics problems are discussed at representative and authoritative all-Union and international scientific conferences. Advances in electronics affect not only the economic development of our society, but also social processes, labor distribution, education, and electronic devices are increasingly used in everyday life.

What is electronics? This is a branch of science and technology that deals with the study of the physical principles of operation, research, development and use of devices whose operation is based on the flow of electric current in a solid, vacuum and gas. Such devices are semiconductor(current flow in a solid), electronic (current flow in a vacuum) and ionic (current flow in a gas) devices. The main place among them is currently occupied by semiconductor devices. The common property of all these devices is that they are essentially nonlinear elements, the nonlinearity of their current-voltage characteristics, as a rule, is a feature that determines their most important properties.

Industrial electronics is a branch of electronics that deals with the use of semiconductor, electronic and ionic devices in industry. Despite the different areas of application and the variety of operating modes of industrial electronic devices, they are built on the basis of general principles and consist of a limited number of functional units. The general principles for constructing these functional units are electronic circuits- and is being considered by industrial electronics.

Industrial electronics is divided into two broad areas:

    1. Information electronics, dealing with devices for transmitting, processing and displaying information. Signal amplifiers, voltage generators of various shapes, logic circuits, counters, indicator devices and computer displays are all information electronics devices. The characteristic features of modern information electronics are the complexity and variety of tasks to be solved, high speed and reliability. Information electronics is currently inextricably linked with the use of integrated circuits, the development and improvement of which mainly determines the level of development of this branch of electronic technology.

    2. Energy electronics (conversion technology), engaged in the transformation of one type of electrical energy into another. Almost half of the electricity produced in the USSR is consumed in the form of direct current or non-standard frequency current. Most electrical energy conversion is currently performed by semiconductor converters. The main types of converters are rectifiers (converting AC to DC), inverters (converting DC to AC), frequency converters, adjustable DC and AC voltage converters.

The development of electrical power and electrical engineering is closely related to electronics. The complexity of processes in power systems and the high speed of their occurrence required widespread implementation for calculating modes and controlling processes of electronic computers (computers), connected to the system with complex electronic devices and equipped with developed devices for displaying information. The main production processes are automated on the basis of modern information electronics devices, in which integrated circuits and microprocessors have been widely used in recent years. Power electronics is no less closely related to energy and electromechanics. Semiconductor electrical energy converters are one of the main load elements of networks; their operation largely determines the operating modes of networks. Valve converters are used to power electric drives and electrical technological installations, to excite synchronous electrical machines and in frequency starting circuits of hydraulic generators. High-power DC power lines and DC inserts have been created based on semiconductor valve converters.

Thus, electronic devices are important and very complex components of energy and electromechanical installations and systems, and their creation requires the involvement of specialists in the field of industrial electronics, automation and computer technology. However, engineers specializing in electrical power and electrical engineering cannot avoid solving problems related to electronics. First, they must be able to clearly state the problem for the electronic circuit designer and imagine the difficulties that the designer may encounter. Incompletely specified requirements can lead to the creation of an inoperable device, and unjustified overestimation of requirements can lead to increased costs and decreased reliability of electronic equipment. In order to speak the same language with the developer of electronic equipment, you need to clearly understand what electronics can do and at what cost and in what ways this is achieved. The latter is also necessary for a qualified selection of equipment produced by industry.

Secondly, there is a need for competent operation of electronic devices. Thirdly, electrical engineers take an active part in the installation and commissioning of equipment, including electronics. Fourthly, the design of a number of power plants, including DC transmission lines, requires the joint work of specialists in power engineering and converter technology.

All this requires extensive knowledge in the field of industrial electronics. The basis of this knowledge is laid by studying the course "Industrial Electronics". It contains information about modern circuits of information and energy electronics. The course will help you make smart decisions in engineering practice. However, the result of this course should not be overestimated: it provides only basic solutions, the most typical and common options. To maintain and continually improve his engineering qualifications, an engineer must regularly monitor the scientific literature. This is especially true for such a rapidly changing field as industrial electronics. An engineer must recognize the limitations of his knowledge and not attempt to make decisions in an area where his competence is limited. Therefore, one of the objectives of the course is to prepare for reading specialized literature in the field of circuit electronics.

Many of the most important problems of science and technology arise at the intersections of sciences. Electronics, electrical engineering and energy are now in very close contact; they require the joint work of scientists and engineers and great knowledge in related fields. For many engineers, our course will be only the first step in the problem of electronics.

Electronic technology is constantly evolving, each problem can be solved on the basis of various circuit options: you can build a circuit on discrete components, you can implement it on integrated circuits, use a microprocessor kit, and process information in digital or analog form. Which solution should you choose? Ultimately, everything is decided by economic analysis, and making the wrong decision (say, refusing to use microcircuits) may not interfere with the solution of a local technical problem, but in the end it will turn out to be unprofitable for the national economy: the cost of equipment will increase, or the cost of its operation will increase, or the service life will decrease. services. Almost every engineer in his place influences technical policy in his field and, when developing and advocating technical solutions, must act not only as a specialist, but also as a citizen.

The general course "Industrial Electronics" uses a very simple mathematical apparatus. Its simplification is associated with the desire to more clearly identify the basic patterns inherent in electronic circuits. But this device also makes it possible to qualifiedly determine the main parameters and characteristics of electronic components. Mastering calculation techniques is mandatory when studying the course, therefore among the test questions for sections of the textbook there are many calculation problems, the solution of which sometimes requires not only simply substituting data into formulas, but also thinking about these formulas. These calculation tasks are the first step in mastering the methods of analysis and synthesis of electronic circuits, for the calculation of which modern science has developed a serious mathematical apparatus that makes it possible to create computer-aided design (CAD) systems for electronic components.

Basics of Industrial Electronics- The book outlines the physical foundations, operating principles, designs and characteristics of discrete semiconductor devices and visual display devices; typical components of modern electronic devices are described, etc.

Name: Basics of Industrial Electronics
Gerasimov V. G.
Publisher: graduate School
Year: 1986
Pages: 336
Format: PDF
Size: 33.3 MB
Quality: good

Chapter 1. Semiconductor devices
§1.1. Electrical conductivity of semiconductors, formation and properties p-n-transition
§1.2. Classification of semiconductor devices
§1.3. Semiconductor resistors
§1.4. Semiconductor diodes
§1.5. Bipolar transistors
§1.6. Field effect transistors
§1.7. Thyristors
§1.8. General technical and economic characteristics and designation system for semiconductor devices
Chapter 2. Integrated Circuits
§2.1. General information
§2.2. Integrated circuit manufacturing technology
§2.3. Hybrid integrated circuits
§2.4. Semiconductor integrated circuits
§2.5. Parameters of integrated circuits
§2.6. Classifications of integrated circuits by functional purpose and their designation system
Chapter 3. Indicating devices
§3.1. General characteristics and classification of indicator devices
§3.2. Electron beam indicators
§3.3. Gas discharge indicators
§3.4. Semiconductor and liquid crystal indicators
§3.5. Vacuum-luminescent and other types of indicators
§3.6. Designation system for indicator devices
Chapter 4. Photovoltaic devices
§4.1. General information
§4.2. Photoresistors
§4.3. Photodiodes
§4.4. Specialty semiconductor photovoltaic devices
§4.5. Electrovacuum photocells
§4.5. Photomultiplier tubes
§4.7. Optoelectronic devices
§4.8. Designation system for photovoltaic devices
Chapter 5. Amplification stages
§5.1. General information
§5.2. Common emitter amplifier stage
§5.3. Temperature stabilization of an amplifier stage with a common emitter
§5.4. Amplifier stages with a common collector and a common base
§5.5. Amplifier stages based on field-effect transistors
§5.6. Operating modes of amplification stages
Chapter 6. Voltage and Power Amplifiers
§6.1. RC-Coupled Voltage Amplifiers
§6.2. Feedback in amplifiers
§6-3. DC Amplifiers
§6.4. Operational amplifiers
§6.5. Selective amplifiers
§6.6. Power amplifiers
Chapter 7. Electronic generators of harmonic oscillations
§7.1. General information
§7.2. Conditions for self-excitation of autogenerators
§7.3. L.C.-autogenerators
§7.4. R.C.-autogenerators
§7.5. Autogenerators of harmonic oscillations using elements with negative resistance
§7.6. Frequency stabilization in autogenerators
Chapter 8. Pulse and digital devices
§8.1. General characteristics of pulse devices. Pulse signal parameters
§8.2. Electronic keys and simple pulse signal shapers
§8.3. Logic elements
§8.4. Triggers
§8.5. Digital pulse counters
§8.6. Registers, decoders, multiplexers
§8.7. Comparators and Schmitt triggers
§8.8. Multivibrators and monovibrators
§8.0. Linear voltage generators (GLIN)
§8.10. Pulse selectors
§8.11. Digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters (DAC and ADC)
§8.12.. Microprocessors and microcomputers
Chapter 9. Secondary power sources for electronic devices
§9.1. General information
§9.2. Rectifier classification
§9.3. Single-phase and three-phase rectifiers
§9.4. Anti-aliasing filters
§9.5. External characteristics of rectifiers
§9.6. Voltage and current stabilizers
§9.7. Voltage multipliers
§9.8. Controlled rectifiers
§9.9. General information about converters of direct voltage into alternating voltage
§9.10. Inverters
§9.11. Converters
§9.12. Prospects for the development of secondary power sources
Chapter 10. Electronic measuring instruments
§10.1. General characteristics of electronic measuring instruments
§10.2. Electronic oscilloscopes
§10.3. Electronic voltmeters
§10.4. Measuring generators
§10.5. Electronic frequency meters, phase meters and amplitude-frequency characteristics meters
Chapter 11. Application of electronic devices in industry
§11.1. Applications of electronic devices
§11.2. Electronic devices for monitoring mechanical quantities
§11.3. Electronic devices for thermal monitoring
§11.4. Electronic devices for monitoring acoustic magnitudes
§11.5. Electronic devices for monitoring optical magnitudes
§11.6. Electronic devices for monitoring the composition and properties of substances
§11.7. Electronic devices for flaw detection
§11.8. Basic principles of electronic device design
Appendix I. Active elements of electronic devices
Appendix II. Passive elements of electronic devices
Appendix III. Classification and elements of symbols of integrated circuits by functional purpose
Appendix IV. Operational amplifiers
Subject index

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Industrial Electronics Introduction to Digital Electronics

Semiconductor devices

Electronics is a science that studies the principles of construction, operation and use of various electronic devices. It is the use of electronic devices that makes it possible to build devices that have functions useful for practical purposes - amplification of electrical signals, transmission and reception of information (sound, text, image), measurement of parameters, etc.

The first electronic device was created in England in 1904. It was an electric vacuum diode, a lamp with one-way current conduction. Very quickly (within 30 years) many types of electric vacuum devices were developed. Although they had fairly high quality indicators, they had significant drawbacks: large dimensions, high power consumption and short service life. These shortcomings have seriously hampered the production of complex multifunctional devices.

In the thirties, intensive research work began on the creation of semiconductor electronic devices. In a relatively short period of time, such a variety of semiconductor devices was created, which made it possible to qualitatively perform all the functions of electric vacuum devices. And since semiconductor devices have low power consumption, high reliability, low weight and size, by the beginning of the 70s they had almost completely replaced vacuum electronic devices. Soviet scientists Losev, Frenkel, Kurchatov, Davydov, Turkevich and many others made a great contribution to the development of semiconductor electronic devices.

1.Classification of semiconductor electronic devices

Semiconductor devices are divided according to their functional purpose, as well as the number of electron-hole junctions. Let me remind you that an electron-hole junction is an intermediate transition layer between two regions of a semiconductor, one of which has electronic conductivity (n-type), and the other has hole conductivity (p-type). The entire set of semiconductor devices is divided into junctionless, with one, two or more junctions (Fig. 12.1)

The use of junctionless devices is based on the use of physical processes occurring in the bulk of the semiconductor material. Devices that use the dependence of the electrical resistance of a semiconductor on temperature are called thermistors. This group of devices includes thermistors (their resistance drops by several orders of magnitude with increasing temperature), as well as posistors (their resistance increases with increasing temperature). Thermistors and posistors are used to measure and regulate temperature, in automation circuits, etc.

Semiconductor devices are used as nonlinear resistances, which use the dependence of the resistance on the magnitude of the applied voltage. Such devices are called varistors. They are used to protect electrical circuits from overvoltage, in stabilization circuits and conversion of physical quantities.

A photoresistor is a device in the photosensitive layer of which, when irradiated with light, an excess concentration of electrons appears, which means their resistance decreases.

A large group is represented by semiconductor devices with one p-n junction and two leads for inclusion in the circuit. Their common name is diodes. There are rectifier, pulse and universal diodes. This group includes zener diodes (they are used to stabilize currents and voltages due to a significant change in the differential resistance of the broken p-n junction). Varicaps (the capacitance of their p-n junction depends on the magnitude of the applied voltage), photos and LEDs, etc.

Semiconductor devices with two or more p-n junctions, three or more terminals are called transistors. A very large number of transistors, differing in functional and other properties, are divided into two groups - bipolar and field-effect. The same group of devices (with three or more p-n junctions) includes switching devices - thyristors.

Integrated circuits (ICs) represent an independent group of devices. An IC is a product that performs a specific function of converting or processing a signal (amplification, generation, ADC, etc.) They can contain tens and hundreds of p-n junctions and other electrically connected elements. All integrated circuits are divided into two very different classes:

Semiconductor ICs;

Hybrid ICs.

Semiconductor ICs represent a semiconductor crystal, in the thickness of which diodes, transistors, resistors and other elements are made. They have a high degree of integration, low weight and dimensions.

The basis of a hybrid IC is a dielectric plate, on the surface of which circuit components and connections (mainly passive elements) are applied in the form of films.

In addition to dividing by the number of p-n junctions and functional purpose, semiconductor devices are divided by the maximum permissible power and frequency (see Fig. 12.2.)

Harmonic oscillations and their characteristics. Timing and vector diagrams of a circuit. Sinusoidal current in circuits with resistor, inductance and capacitance. Currents, voltages and powers in unbranched alternating current circuits. Vector diagrams of currents and voltages, resistance triangles. Currents, voltages and powers in branched alternating current circuits. Vector diagrams of currents and voltages, resistance triangles. Features of the calculation of branched chains. Mathematical operations with complex numbers