Bread is the head of everything, class hour, elementary school. Class hour on the topic: “Bread is the head of life”

Amvrosievskaya secondary school I-III st. No. 6

Amvrosievsky district of the Donetsk People's Republic

Class hour on the topic:“Bread is the head of everything”

Completed by: Olga Aleksandrovna Vertela, teacher of English and German languages ​​at Amvrosievskaya secondary school I-III st. No. 6, specialist of category II


Annotation for the development of a class hour on the topic

“Bread is the head of everything”
Constant abundance of bread is the cherished dream of millions of people living on Earth. Bread is not expensive, but not everyone knows how hard it is to get it, what its true price is. Before getting to our table, bread goes through a long and difficult journey. In order to grow grain in the fields, day and night, under the scorching rays of the sun and torrential rains, thousands of people from more than 120 professions work (breeders, agronomists, engineers, machine operators, elevator workers, flour millers, designers, car drivers, bakers, sellers, tractor drivers, combine operators and many others).

The Russian people have always treated bread with reverence as a gift that saves from hunger, as wealth.

Relevance of the problem: the attitude of teenagers to bread.

This scenario can be used to conduct a class hour in grades 5-6 in a cycle of educational conversations.
The purpose of this event is change the attitude of teenagers towards bread by introducing them to the activity grain growers; educate children to be caringrelationship e to bread.
The scenario involves carrying out preparatory work:
- Children's drawings and illustrations on the topic of the class hour.
- Vase with ears of wheat.

Bread Quote Posters
- Exhibition of flour and bread products produced by a local bakery and baked by parents.

Class hour

Subject:“Bread is the head of everything”


Expand students’ knowledge about the benefits of bread, its values, and the hard work of a grain grower;

To cultivate a sense of thrifty attitude towards bread;

Equipment: posters with quotes about bread, children's drawings, illustrations, different types of bread, ears of corn in a vase, tape recorder.

Material: poems about bread, a poster with the memo “Appreciate bread!”, song “Bread is the head of everything”, song “Sweets-lambs”, song “Taste of Bread”.

Progress of the event.

The song “Bread is the head of everything!”

Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We encounter bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor a weekday lunch, nor a holiday table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like there is now, but grain fields grew even then. However, the wheat grains were different from ours, they were much smaller and tasted different. There is such a legend.

It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a spike of wheat. To make the grains easier to eat, moisten them with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day, in one of the stone caves, a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire quietly crept up to the pot. The pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly smelled an unfamiliar smell. Having put a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes with pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread. The word “bread” first appeared in Ancient Greece. There they used specially shaped pots called “klibanos” for baking. It is consonant with our word “bread”. As for the origin of the Russian word “bread,” it was associated with the borrowed name Gleb, or the verb “to take bread.” Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

1 lesson Here it is, fragrant bread

With a fragile twisted crust

Here it is, warm and golden

As if filled with sunshine.

2 lessons In it lies our health and strength.

There is wonderful warmth in it

There are lands of native salt in it

The sun's light is cheerful in it...

Grab both cheeks!

Grow up to be a hero!

3 lessons How many hands raised him?

Protected and protected!

After all, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

People never got bread for free. In Rus', bread was always treated with reverence, and over time, many beliefs about bread arose, unique laws, breaking which was a great sin.

For example, bread was always baked on Saturday. And they looked, if the bread turns out good, there will be good luck for the whole week; if it bakes poorly, it means tears; if it burns, it means sadness; if it cracks, wait for news. The fate of the new family was predicted by how the wedding loaf turned out. Therefore, they asked a kind and skillful person to bake the loaf.

Russia has long been famous for bread. Bread still remains the main wealth of the country. And the work of a farmer is the most important, because our life cannot be imagined without bread.

1 study At first the grain was sown with grain,

Then the sprouts were nurtured by an agronomist.

Then the combine operator took the ear of grain in his hands,

He rubbed it carefully in his palms.

Having learned that the bread had long since ripened,

He went out into the field to remove it with a combine harvester.

2 studies Then flour was ground from the grain

And she went to the baker.

And he was able to try:

You baked such delicious buns!

Appreciate, love and respect the one

He who sowed bread raised and baked it.

Quiz. Children, did you know...

1. What is the difference between spring and winter wheat? (spring crops are sown in spring, winter crops are sown in autumn, in winter)

2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (to the elevator - grain storage)

3. Where is grain turned into flour? (at the mill)

4. What is kvashnya? (wooden dough tub, or yeast dough)

5. What is another name for yeast, fermented dough? (dough)


Guess easily and quickly: soft, fluffy and fragrant,It is black, it is white, and sometimes it is burnt.(Bread)

The giant ship does not sail on the sea.A giant ship is moving along the ground.The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped.(Harvester)

A house grew up in a field. The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded. The shutters are boarded up.The house is shaking on a golden pillar


Don't peck me, my friend, you loud cockerel.I’ll go into the warm earth and rise up to the sun.Then there will be a whole family like me.(Corn)

They don’t feed him oats, they don’t drive him with a whip, but when he plows, he drags seven plows.(Tractor)

Teacher: Do you know what bread smells like, a slice of rye bread, labored bread?


1 study It smells like a field

Hot heat and dew,

Cool wind in the open air

And the fresh morning dawn.

The bread smells like fresh flour

And the hot flame of the stove,

When with a weary hand,

Rolls of dough are baked.

2 studies Here it is - ruddy and fragrant

He lies and breathes on the table.

Thank you very much for the bread

To all grain growers on earth!

A game with the word "farmer".

Make as many other words as possible from the letters in this word.

Reading a poem

Student 1: Some people like it with butter,

Some people like it with cheese

And another with meat

Or with kefir.

Student 2: Some people like white

Some people like black

Some people like it with poppy seeds

Or baked.

Student 3: It can be a wedge

It can be narrow

Some people like it with cumin

Or French.

Student 4: He is a grain, he is an ear,

He is flour and dough

And at the festive table

Knows his place.

Student 5: Look at the earth, look at the sky,

Nothing in the world

Nothing is more important than bread

Guys, look at the table. How many different baked goods were baked from flour by the hands of the baker. There are loaves of bread and buns, as well as butter rolls. It turns out how many things can be baked from flour. Tell me, guys, what proverbs and sayings about bread do you know?

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

Bread is the head of all life.

If there is bread, there will be song.

Not a piece of bread - and there is sadness in the house.

If there is no bread, there will be no lunch.

Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

A big harvest is a joy for grain growers and all the people of the country.

Music is playing

Dramatization of the poem

T. Kolomiets “Feast of the Loaf”


To fifth graders by car

The loaf has arrived now

Let's crunch with a fluffy crust

We'll treat everyone in the world.

Get up in a circle, loaf,

Choose whoever you want!

(The loaf stands in the middle of the circle)


He didn’t warm his side on the stove -

I baked a loaf for the guys.

Baker play with us

Whoever you want - choose!

(the baker enters and stands next to the loaf)


He wasn't talking nonsense!

And he ground the grain into flour!

Melnik, play with us

Whoever you want - choose!


He didn't lie in the shade

And he raised and reaped bread!

Farmer, stand in a circle,

Whoever you want - choose!


He came to us with gifts -

Tractors, tractors!

And the reward is a harvest!

Invite everyone to the holiday!

Baker - Glory to the grain harvest!

Miller - Glory to the loaf on the table!

Farmer - Glory, glory to friendly hands!

Worker - Glory, glory to the workers!

Bread is a gift from the Earth! During the hungry years, people had to take care of every crumb, because they received a small piece of bread a day, 125g, and 3 more pasta, the length of a notebook, clayey, but desired by every person. In the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg there is a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. This was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. But people needed to work, they needed to live, they needed to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling. And these crumbs helped to survive in the harsh times of war and trials. You and I don’t know what hunger is. We should be ashamed when we simply throw away the uneaten pieces. You can't do that. The bread must be eaten, and the crumbs must be fed to the birds.

A. Morozov

Military bread
I remember bread
military, bitter,
It's almost all quinoa.
In it in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
He was very involved in that misfortune
Hard bread of hard days,
But how sweet the moment was
When the piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Flavored with mother's tears.

The war is over. The country grew stronger. But there was still not enough bread. And the development of virgin lands began. The fields rustled, the machines started working, grain flowed into the granaries of the Motherland.

Grains of our days, glow

Gilded carved

We say, take care

Take care of your native bread.

Take care of every ear

Our joyful fields

Loud of your homeland!

We don't dream of a miracle

Send us a live speech

“Take care of your bread, you people.

Learn to save bread!”


Restore the original drawing from pieces of cut pictures depicting bread.

During the competition, the good mood of all those present is ensured by the song “Candy Lambs”.

Competition "Cinderella"

Sort by type a small amount of mixed seeds of various grain crops.

The song “Taste of Bread” performed by Leonid Smetannikov

Bread, peace, life - the most important thing. Therefore, the smallest child should take care of bread. If a family of 4 people throws out only 11g of bread every day, 100 elevators throughout the country will be empty, 57 mills, 130 bakeries baking 50 tons of bread per day will stop. Don't be one of those people. Stop those who throw bread too. But you can prolong the freshness of the bread. To do this, you need to store it in a plastic bag or in a special bread box.

How much bread does your family need?

And if there is bread left, what can you do with it?

(Sprinkle the sides of the loaf with water and place in the oven for 5 minutes or over a boiling pan of water. Dry the crackers, make croutons.)

Today we talked a lot about bread. Without bread, people are orphans, and the earth is a sufferer. And vice versa, the land is our wealth, our generous nurse, when it is in the careful, kind hands of the owner. (The teacher hangs a poster with a reminder on the board and reads it)

Guys, let's summarize our meeting. There are pictures on your table. Let's repeat where the journey of bread begins. You need to put the pictures in the correct order.

And we will always remember the wise saying that came to us from the depths of centuries, born of popular experience: “Let the hand wither away, who throws even a crumb of bread under our feet!”

Let's adhere to the Russian tradition of hospitality.

(Treats for guests)

List of used literature and sources

1. M.O. Volodarskaya. Social hour. 5th grade. – Kh.: Publishing house “Ranok”, 2011.- 176 p. - (Classroom teacher).

2. M. Ivin “Bread today, bread tomorrow.” Children's literature, 1980

3. S. A. Mogilevskaya. Girls, this book is for you! – M., “Children’s Literature”, 1974

4. /nachalnaya -shkola /vospitatelnaya -rabota /2012/11/22/klassnyy -chas -na -temu -khleb -vsemu -golova


Evgenia Sevryukova
Class hour “Bread is the head of all life”

Bread is the head of life»


Introduce students to the history of the appearance of bread,

Teach to appreciate the work of others, listen carefully to your comrades,

Develop speech, attention,

Cultivate a caring attitude towards bread, love of work, kindness.

(Class decorated with children's drawings. Children come out with a loaf of bread in their hands)


Glory to peace on Earth!


Glory bread on the table!


If we want someone

Greet generously, from the heart,

With great respect,

We meet such guests

A round, lush loaf.

It's on a painted platter,

With a snow-white towel.


We bring salt with the loaf,

Worshiping, taste please:

Our dear guest and friend!

Accept bread - salt from hands.

Teacher: Today, our we devote class hour to bread« Bread is the head of life»

1st student

Lush, soft, baked,

Lightly browned

Bread with gilded top

I came to you from afar.

2nd student

After all, the grains did not immediately become

With bread, What is on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

3rd student

In every home on every table

He came, he came

In it is health, our strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Preserved, protected.

4th student.

It contains the juices of the native land,

The sun's light is cheerful in it,

Grab both cheeks

Grow up to be a hero.

Teacher: Bread! What a familiar and yet unusual word. In fact, think about it! In a word « bread» are called different from each other friend: plants, grain, flour, flour products. Poetess I. Tokmakova asks us: "What's happened bread

5 student Only the snow melted in April,

How the fields turned green.

We are speaking « bread» !

6th student

The golden space is endless.

Harvesters are working there.

We are speaking « bread» !

7th student

Here the grain flows like a river.

To become flour

We are speaking « bread» !

8th student

The dough swirls in the kneading bowl

Baked in the fire.

We are speaking « bread» !

9th student

Eat it, grow and remember:

There is no greater work in the world,

So that he appears on your table

Fresh bread.

This is such a short, capacious word - « bread» . Rolls, gingerbread, crackers, cookies, curls - all this too bread. Now let's play, 1 child comes out to me, close your eyes and you must pick up (kalach, cracker, gingerbread, cookies) and determine what he took. Let's play the game.

10th student

Bread. Will he get bored?

Don't try to do without it

Without it, a person is in trouble.

The sacred thing is to grow bread. From a grain of wheat you can get about 20 milligrams of first grade flour. To bake one loaf, more than 10,000 grains are required. How much does it take to feed the people? Anyone who decided that in modern times, with modern technology, is deeply mistaken bread comes easy. No, it is earned by the sweat of your brow. Bread has always been a value. And in our age, the age of great achievements, it is the fundamental principle all my life. People have escaped into space, conquered the oceans, extracted oil and gas, and bread is still bread. And when we sit down at the table after a hard day, there is nothing tastier or sweeter on it. bread-father.

11th student.

When you guys are sitting at the table,

Then remember who is for you bread creates:

Peasant, worker, oil worker, builder,

Miner, machinist, metallurgist - people.

In old times bread cutting with a knife was considered a sin; it was broken into pieces. And when they started cutting, they cut while pressing him to his chest. ABOUT bread people put together a lot proverbs:

Break up with someone bread - generate friendship.

Earn your own bread- be known as hardworking.

Be hospitable- be hospitable.

When did he appear bread?

Researchers believe that bread and the person are the same age. At first the person used raw grain bread, then in the form stews and porridges. A baked bread has its own history. First a flatbread is considered bread, baked on coals from sour porridge. Modern way of cooking of bread made from sour dough was discovered in Ancient Egypt about 4000 years ago. Masters who mastered this skill in Ancient Greece were revered. This work is still honorable today.

Guys, bread must be saved. Oh, how we must take care! Would you like me to tell you a fairy tale about a girl who stepped on bread? (Yes)

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Inga. She was very pretty, but proud and cruel. While still very young, she caught flies and beetles and tore off their wings. She was amused by how pitiful and helpless they became. One day Inga's mother baked a large bread and said: “Daughter, take this bread for our grandmother» Inga put on her best dress and smart shoes and hit the road.

The road passed through a swamp. Inge felt sorry for her smart shoes. Without thinking twice, she threw bread into the mud and stepped on it to cross the puddle. But as soon as Inga stepped on bread, How bread together with her he began to plunge into the swamp. And Inga ended up in the dungeon of the Poisonous Old Woman - Bolotnitsa.

“Yeah,” the Swamp Girl hissed, “this girl will be a statue in my hallway.” And the girl became an idol, her arms and legs were petrified, spiders entwined them, and flies with torn off wings crawled on them with their web. The shepherds saw what happened in the swamp and soon everyone knew about the girl who stepped on bread. One day a hot tear fell on Inge's head. It was the mother crying. “What good is it if my mother whines about me?”- Inga thought, and her thoughts became rougher and fiercer. One day a little girl heard this story girl: “Poor, poor Inga!”- the girl cried.

How I wish she would ask for forgiveness and be allowed to return to earth.

These words reached Inga’s heart. For the first time she looked back on her short life and cried tears of repentance. At that same moment, a ray of sun penetrated the dungeon, and Inga, like a little bird, flew out into freedom and returned to her home. And on this day there was no happier person on earth than mother and Inga.

Did you like the fairy tale?

What does she teach us?

Guys from one village held such a count: if each person does not finish eating in 1 day, but throws away 50g. Of bread(showing a piece,

Then at school it will be 20 kg. , and in the village 200 kg, about two hundred loaves of bread, will be thrown out.

12th student

Bread is a jewel! Don't bother them.

Bread in moderation for lunch.

13th student

Take care bread, you people

Learn save bread!

14th student

Grains of our days, shine.

Gilded carved.

We say: "Take care"!

Take care native bread!

We don't dream of a miracle, -

Living from the fields to us speech:

Take care bread, you are people,

Learn save bread!

Here comes our great hour at the end. I think you have learned a lot of new and interesting things, you will always cherish and love bread.

Round dance "Loaf - loaf" I invite everyone to the circle.

This class hour is designed to expand students’ knowledge about the benefits of bread, its value, and the hard work of a grain grower. And also, to cultivate a sense of thrifty attitude towards bread, respect for the work of a machine operator, baker, and love for their native land.



Class hour on the topic “Bread is the head of everything”


1. Expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, its value, and the hard work of the grain grower.

2. Cultivate a sense of thrift for bread, respect for the work of a machine operator, baker, and love for one’s native land.

Hall decoration:

on the stage there is a three-dimensional panel “Grain Field”. Above the stage there is a poster: “Bread is the head of everything.”

Drawings by the children on the topic: “Bread is the head of everything.” Exhibition of books about bread. Sheaves of grain crops. The festive table is laid, on it are bread products of different nations: golden brown buns, pies, gingerbread cookies, lavash, chorek, baguette, pizza, in the center - a loaf of bread on a towel.

Children enter the classroom to the sounds of the song “Bread is the Head of Everything” performed by Olga Voronets.

The first to go is a girl in a folk costume with a loaf in her hands.

1. Teacher's opening speech.Dear Guys! As you may have guessed, we will talk about bread. We encounter bread every day. Neither a modest breakfast, nor a weekday lunch, nor a holiday table can do without it. He accompanies us from birth to old age. Guys, in ancient times there was no bread like there is now, but grain fields grew even then. However, the wheat grains were different from ours, they were much smaller and tasted different. There is such a legend. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a spike of wheat. To make the grains easier to eat, they were moistened with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire quietly crept up to the pot, the pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The roar woke the man, he ran to the fire and saw that his porridge had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly smelled an unfamiliar smell. Having put a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes with pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.

Although bread today is very different from that first time, it still remains the main product.

2. Reading a poem (by children)


Some people like it with butter,

Some people like it with cheese

And another with meat

Or with kefir.


Some people like white

Some people like black

Some people like it with poppy seeds

Or baked.


It can be a wedge

It can be narrow

Some people like it with cumin

Or French.


He is a grain, he is an ear,

He is flour and dough

And at the festive table

Knows his place.


Look at the ground, look at the sky

Nothing in the world

Nothing is more important than bread

3. Crossword.

Teacher: Let's try together to solve the word encrypted in our crossword puzzle.

Who grows the bread? ( X Leborob)

Small baked goods. (Horns Lik)

Without salt, without half bread... (About Food)

Ay, my name is Ilya Muromets,

The son is called Ivanovich after his father.

I don’t need a princely court,

I don’t hold on to feasts,

I'm an unpretentious man

If only I had a piece of bread...

Who is Ilya Muromets? ( B ogatyr)

If you sow at the right time, you will gather the grains in... (Horus U)

Cereal (P Shenitsa)

Riddle: A house grew up in a field,

The house is full of grain.

The walls are gilded

The shutters are boarded up ( K olos)

No arms, no legs, but belted. (Sn O p)

What word did you get? ( KHLEBUSHKO)

Teacher: And also, in the fall, the most important harvest is harvested. Guess the riddle: “He’s golden and mustachioed, there’s a hundred guys in a hundred pockets” (spike)

That's right, guys, this is a spike. What do you get from the ear? (corn)

What can you get from grain? (flour)

What will we bake from flour? (bread)

Bread is our main wealth. Therefore, harvesting bread is the most important thing. We must take care of bread, not throw it anywhere, but if you see it, be sure to pick it up.

Or maybe someone remembers the proverbs about bread? …………………….

Very good, I hope you will always take good care of your bread.


Bread is one of the amazing products of human labor. How much can a person do with one finger? Some kind of trifle. It’s a different story if all five are at work. There are five essential conditions for plant life, like fingers on a hand.

Once - it’s warm (spring has come - there’s warmth).

Two – warmth (The sun in the sky is light).

Three – moisture (the snow has melted, it has rained – there is moisture).

Four - air (the entire plant is enveloped in air from tops to roots).

Five - food (fertilizer - eat food).

Taken separately, they mean nothing. Collected together - all five - they give the plant a full life from seedlings to fruits.

Poems (narrated by children)

1. After all, the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.

2. At first the grain was sown with grain,

Then the sprouts were nurtured by an agronomist.

Then the combine operator took the ear of grain in his hands,

He rubbed it carefully in his palms.

Having learned that the bread had long since ripened,

He went out into the field to remove it with a combine harvester.

3. Then flour was ground from the grain

And she went to the baker.

And he was able to try:

You baked such delicious buns!

Appreciate, love and respect the one

He who sowed bread raised and baked it.

Bread round dance.

A spikelet grew in the field,
At first he was short.
The rain watered the field -
He was growing up a little.
And then with friends together
Found myself right in the test.
Bread baked in the bakery
And they brought it to the holiday.
He looks around his friends:
Round cake and pies,
And even girlfriends -
Sweet cheesecakes.
A cheerful round dance -
Bread festival at school.

5. Quiz.

1. What is the difference between spring and winter wheat? (spring crops are sown in spring, winter crops are sown in autumn, in winter)

2. Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (to the elevator - grain storage)

3. Where is grain turned into flour? ( at the mill)

4. What is kvashnya? (wooden dough tub, or yeast dough)

5. What is another name for yeast, fermented dough? ( dough)


Guess easily and quickly: soft, fluffy and fragrant,
It is black, it is white, and sometimes it is burnt.

The giant ship does not sail on the sea.
A giant ship is moving along the ground.
The field will pass and the harvest will be reaped.

He walks the field from one end to another, cutting a black loaf.

A house grew up in a field. The house is full of grain. The walls are gilded. The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking on a golden pillar


The bird Yuritsa looks at the wind, flaps her wings, without moving.

The new moon shone on the field during the day and flew into the sky by night.

They don’t feed him oats, they don’t drive him with a whip, but when he plows, he drags seven plows.

6. Teacher: Do you know what bread smells like, a slice of rye bread, labored bread?


1. It smells like a field,

Hot heat and dew,

Cool wind in the open air

And the fresh morning dawn.

The bread smells like fresh flour

And the hot flame of the stove,

When with a weary hand,

Rolls of dough are baked.

2. Here he is - ruddy and fragrant

He lies and breathes on the table.

Thank you very much for the bread

To all grain growers on earth!

7. Teacher. How should you treat bread?

The attitude towards bread should be careful. And here you often see a picture that resonates with pain in your heart: abandoned bread, a loaf of bread trampled in the dirt, buns in the garbage bin. This indicates the immorality of the act. It should be remembered that the bread on our table appears thanks to the hard work of people of 120 professions. The work of a grain farmer is hard and long work. The one who grows bread will not throw a half-eaten piece of bread anywhere. Learn to appreciate the work of others.

Now let’s listen to Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Bulka” and find out how to treat the most expensive product of human labor.

Mironov reads:

Three boys down the street

It's like playing football,

Here and there they drove the bun

And they scored a goal with it.

They didn't buy it

Found in the yard behind the house,

They didn’t pick her up from the ground,

And now she is already in the game...

An unfamiliar uncle walked past,

Stopped and looked

And, almost without looking at the guys,

He reached out his hand to that bun.

After. frowning angrily,

He blew the dust off her for a long time

And suddenly calm and open

He kissed her in front of everyone.

Who are you? - the children asked,

Forgetting about football for a while,

I'm a baker! - the man answered

And he slowly left with the bun.

And this word smelled like bread

And that special warmth

Which are poured under the sky

Sea of ​​wheat golden.

Teacher: I hope there are such people among you “ there are no boys.

8. Playing with the word “farmer”.

Make as many other words as possible from the letters in this word.

Teacher. People never got bread for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to the sinner Adam, it was said: “You will earn bread by the sweat of your brow.” In Rus', bread has always been treated with reverence; the custom of greeting guests of honor with bread and salt has even been preserved. Look at the table. - Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour). There is also gray bread (made from oatmeal or barley flour) and rice bread.

During the Great Patriotic War one could come across the slogan: “Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry.” The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: for an employee - 125 g of bread, for a worker - 200 g (show a piece of 125 g) And 3 more pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clayey, but desirable for every person. After all, I had to work.

In the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg there is a piece of moldy bread the size of a little finger. This was the daily ration for the city besieged by the Germans during the winter months of the blockade. But people needed to work, they needed to live, they needed to survive - in spite of the Nazis, in spite of the bombing and shelling.

Military bread.
I remember bread
military, bitter,
It's almost all quinoa.
In it in every crumb,
In every crust
There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.
He was very involved in that misfortune
Hard bread of hard days,
But how sweet the moment was
When the piece is in my hand
Sprinkled with a pinch of salt
Flavored with mother's tears.

We, young, happy people, never dream of war.

We are completely unfamiliar with hunger and cold.

But we know the price of a loaf of wheat,

And we know the power of simple spikelets.

And during the war he helped the heroes:

Gave me strength to withstand mortal fire.

Let the clear sky shine over the world,

Let the sun reflect in your eyes,

Yes, may bread always be held in high esteem

On your and our family tables.

Loaf of earth and sky
On your table -
Nothing is stronger than bread
Not on earth.
In every little piece
grain fields,
And on every spikelet
The earth holds on.

10. Puzzles.

Restore the original drawing from pieces of cut pictures depicting bread.

During the competition, the song “Candy Lambs” performed by the group “Stagecoach” ensures a good mood for all those present.

11. Competition "Cinderella"

Sort by type a small amount of mixed seeds of various grain crops.

The song “Taste of Bread” performed by Leonid Smetannikov

12. Teacher.

The Slavs have long had this custom: people who break bread become friends for life. Bread is the ambassador of peace and friendship between peoples, and remains so today.

Life changes, values ​​are revalued, but bread, the father, bread, the breadwinner, remains the greatest value.

They escorted us to the front with bread. Those returning from the war were greeted with bread.

Everyone has their own bread. Everyone remembers, perceives and appreciates it in their own way. But there is one thing in common for everyone without exception: bread is life.

Today in our country there is no place where bread is not baked. It is baked in both large and small cities, villages, and hamlets. Bread is consumed at any time of the day, at any age. Everyone needs bread. It is an integral and essential part of the diet.

Every nation has a historically established assortment of bread and bakery products, varied in form and composition.

In Ukraine very popular palyanitsa.

In Armenia the famous, oldest of breads are baked from the thinnest sheets of dough pita.

Residents of Central Asia all kinds are popular flatbreads.

Armenian pita - this is a flat round white flatbread, inside of which they put the filling: cheese, ham, herbs.

Matzo - thin dry flatbreads made from unleavened dough, which Jewish believers eat during Passover.

Biscuit - Western Europe.

Bretzel - Germany.

Brioche – Normandy, France.

Naan, chapati - India.

Pete - Near East.

Pizza – Italy.

Tortilla - Mexico.

Folar - Portugal.

Baguette - France.

13. Ditties.

We welcome you with a samovar,
We bring pies to the table,
We don't miss tea
We talk about this and that

We have a pie on the table,
Donuts andcheesecakes,
So let's sing with some tea
Bread ditties.

BreadI eat from morning till night
Buns from night to morning
It's a lot of fun
Mom and I have evenings.

Buns are good for lunch
Bread, loaves and cheesecakes.
Warm bread will feed everyone
There is no better bread in the world.

Bread and porridge - good
You will jump high.
And sweets, pies -
Our brains are moving.

I give preference
I'm milk porridge
So that with every new day
Become more beautiful.

Eat porridge for health
It has a lot of protein
Also eat some bread
And drink some milk.

Bread in Kaluga is becoming more expensive,

All the people are worried.

I tightened my belt

Old granny.

There was a bad harvest today

Due to the rain,

There will be a loaf of bread

More expensive than a cake.

14. Poems. ( children tell)

1. Bread removed. And it became quieter.

The bins breathe hotly.

The field is sleeping. It's tired.

Winter is coming.

2. But the grains did not immediately become

The bread that is on the table.

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground!

3. Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Here it is, fragrant bread,

With a crunchy twisted crust.

Here it is warm, golden,

As if filled with sunshine!

4. Smoke floats over the village.

Pies are baked in houses.

Come in, don't be shy

Help yourself to good bread!

Teacher: And now we invite everyone to the table!

Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school No. 172"

Class hour

“Bread is the head of everything”

Developed by:
Vasilevskaya Natalya Mikhailovna,
teacher of Russian language and literature

Goal: to promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards bread as the main wealth of the country.

Progress of the event.

Classroom teacher:
I hold a piece of bread in my hands. Bread is a food product that we encounter every day: neither a modest breakfast, nor lunch, nor a holiday table can do without it. He is always with us: from birth to old age.

Here he is, a fragrant bread,
With a crunch, twisted crust.
Here it is... yellow, golden,
As if bathed in sunshine.

Bread is one of the most amazing products of human labor. It is not for nothing that people have made up proverbs and sayings about bread.
- Name the proverbs about bread.

Classroom teacher:
That's right, guys, “bread is life”, “bread is the breadwinner”. You can live without gold, but “without bread you cannot”. You and I sometimes forget about the true price of bread, that relatively inexpensive rolls and loaves have absorbed the great work of not one person, but the work of many people.
- Name the professions related to bread.

Classroom teacher
Thousands of people work to grow grain, collect it, grind it, and finally bake bread.
After all, the grains did not immediately become
With the bread that is on the table,
People work long and hard
We worked hard on the ground!

Day and night - both in the scorching heat and in the rain - there is a battle for the harvest. True grain growers are constantly worried about him. The harvest is always suffered by the farmers, won both in alliance and in confrontation with nature.

It contains the juice of the native land,
The spring light of the sun is in it.
How many hands raised him,
Protected, took care of.

Classroom teacher:
I will read you a fairy tale about Stobed, and you listen carefully.

“Stobed ​​became more obedient when I scolded him. But I was always angry with the way he handled the bread, crumbled it, bit into it. He left and threw it at us. I strictly forbade him to do this.
“I won’t,” Stobed ​​promised. Time passed and I never saw a piece left on the table, I was happy. But one Sunday morning, there was a knock on the door. It was our neighbor Ivan Fomich. He was a kind old man, and he always gave gifts to children. This time he was also holding some kind of bag in his hands. And when he unwrapped the bag, I saw that it was not a gift, but several soggy pieces of bread stained with earth. “They threw it out of your window,” he said. Stobed ​​blushed and silently hid in a corner, but everything became clear to me. “I got into trouble, don’t hide. Come out and apologize to Ivan Fomich,” I said. “You don’t need to apologize to me,” he noted. “The boy offended a lot of people, but not me.”

Guys, why did Ivan Fomich say that?
- Why is bread called the miracle of the earth?
- Why does it occupy such an important place in a person’s life?

Classroom teacher:
For a long time people could not answer why bread did not bother them. It turns out that it contains a lot of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral waters. Scientists have calculated that an adult usually eats 500 g of bread per day, and during hard work - 800 g. Bread contains from 4.7% to 7% protein, 40-50% carbohydrates, providing a person with 1000-1600 kcal daily. This means that a person receives almost half of the energy resources necessary for life from bread.
Bread... Will it get boring?
Don't try to do without it,
Without it, a person is in trouble.

During the Great Patriotic War, women, old people, and children remained on collective and state farms. And the country, the front needed bread! People worked selflessly to grow it. For 1941-1944 4312 million poods of grain were stored in the country.
Bread has always been held in high esteem in Rus'
Its vastness is its main wealth
Do you want to know its price? –
Leningraders can answer you.

Leningraders lived under blockade for 900 days. Workers received 250 grams. bread, and city residents - 125g.
“I remember a dark, sticky, small piece of bread. Just one piece! For everyone - adults and children. All day. And my mother slowly cuts it into identical cubes... I remember how I crawled on the floor on my knees in the hope of finding at least some crumb of bread. I remember my grandmother, old and thin. She often gave us children her rations. I remember my mother, sick and exhausted, who, together with other women, dragged a plow across the collective farm arable land in the Vologda region. And all these years this memory has burned my heart with hatred of war.”

One cannot remain indifferent to historical documents that speak about the fate of people who lacked a “crumb” of bread and died.

Do you and I protect and value bread?

It is calculated that if each person does not eat enough in one day and throws away 50 grams. bread, it will be 200 kg, i.e. about 400 loaves of bread will be thrown away.

Bread is a jewel.
Don't bother them.
Take bread in moderation for lunch.

People who have survived hunger, people who respect the work of others, will never throw bread into the trash; they will pick up a piece of bread that for some reason ended up on the floor. And the hearts of kind, honest, noble, well-mannered people swell with anger, pain, and pity when they see bread in a trash container. We must not allow the bread to be thrown away. After all, bread is the main wealth of our country.
Take care of your bread, you people
Learn to save bread!

Practical task (work in groups).
- Make a note on how to handle bread.

Our meeting has come to an end. I am sure that you will treat the bread with care and will never take it with dirty hands, take as much as you can eat. The piece of bread that I brought you is small, break it off, eat it, and you will be full. After all, the work and love of many people who grow wheat, make flour from grains, bread and buns from flour, have been put into it. And let us bow low to them.

Honor and honor to you, grain growers!
For your wonderful harvest,
For what you gave to your homeland
A fragrant loaf of bread!

"GKS (K) OU RM Povodimovskaya boarding school"

Lomshina O.A. Classroom teacher.

Class hour “Bread is the head of everything.”

Goals: expand knowledge about the benefits of bread, its value, and the hard work of the grain grower; cultivate a sense of thrifty attitude towards bread.

Equipment: posters with quotes about bread, children's drawings or illustrations; different types of bread: buns, white bread.

Class progress

In order to prepare children to perceive the material, it is advisable to start the class hour by reading poems or asking children to guess riddles.

1. Introductory part.

- Guess:

Wide, not the sea,

Gold, not money

Today on earth

And tomorrow - on the table.

Here it is, fragrant bread,

Here it is, warm and golden.

In every home, on every table

He came, he came.
Today we will talk about bread. (The teacher opens the topic of the lesson on the board).

How do you understand these words? (“Bread is the head of everything.”)

Bread is the main food item on the table. We eat bread during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If the whole table is laden with dishes and there is no bread, then a person will not be satisfied. After all, they say: “Without a stove it’s cold, without bread you’re hungry.”

Now I want to tell you one legend, when a person first tried bread.

Teacher's word. It was a long time ago, during the Stone Age. When heavy rain and cold came to the earth, man had nothing to eat. And then he first noticed a spike of wheat. To make the grains easier to eat, moisten them with water. Then man learned to grind grains into flour. And then one day, in one of the stone caves, a man left a pot of wheat porridge by the fire. The fire quietly crept up to the pot. The pot could not withstand the heat and burst. The noise woke the man. He ran to the fire and saw that his food had turned to stone. When the stone cooled down, the man began to clean it and suddenly smelled an unfamiliar smell. Having put a piece in his mouth, the man closed his eyes with pleasure. So the night fire in the cave taught me how to bake bread.
The word “bread” first appeared in Ancient Greece. There they used specially shaped pots called “klibanos” for baking. It is consonant with our word “bread”.

Bread has no price. Its value cannot be measured in pennies.

After all, in order for bread to appear on the table, a lot of people must work hard.

Children take turns reading poems about bread.
In it lies health, our strength,

It's wonderfully warm.

How many hands raised him,

Protected and protected!

After all, the grains did not immediately become

Bread - the one on the table,

People work long and hard

We worked hard on the ground.
That's exactly what it's about

The story begins.

Tractor drivers rose

We washed our faces very cleanly.

To the spring steppe in the morning

The tractors were brought out.
The story continues

Our harvest is ripe.

They float out into the open spaces,

The wind sings a song to them,

Combine captains

They look forward from the bridges.

Like from a tight ear

The grain is knocked out

As please - ready,

It pours into the box.
There's wheat in the mill,

This is what's happening to her here!

They take it into circulation,

They will grind her into powder!

At a large bakery

You will become dough, flour.

The dough is cramped, there is not enough space,

“Oh, let me in,” whispers the dough.

Okay, let's go

Let's go to the oven -

The loaf is dressed up.
Glory to peace on earth!

Glory to the bread on the table!

Glory to those who raised bread,

He spared no effort and effort.
2. Teacher's story.

People never got bread for free. After all, even in paradise, as a parting word to the sinner Adam, it was said: “You will earn bread by the sweat of your brow.” In Rus', bread has always been treated with reverence; the custom of greeting guests of honor with bread and salt has even been preserved. Look at the table. You see different types of bread: white and black.

– Why is one bread black and the other white? (Wheat and rye flour.)

– What is bran bread made from?

Millstones grind grain into flour, the flour is sifted through a sieve, leaving waste - the shell of the grain. This is bran, an excellent remedy. Bran is added to some types of baked goods and fed to animals.

During the Great Patriotic War one could come across the slogan: “Peace to the peoples, bread to the hungry.” The ration in besieged Leningrad was as follows: for an employee - 125 g of bread, for a worker - 200 g ( show a piece of 125 g) and 3 more pasta, the length of a notebook, gray, clayey, but desirable for every person. After all, I had to work.
The student reads.

Military bread

I remember bread, military, bitter,

It's almost all quinoa.

In it in every crumb,

In every crust

There was a bitter taste of human misfortune.

He was very involved in that misfortune

Hard bread of hard days,

But how sweet the moment was

When the piece is in my hand

Sprinkled with a pinch of salt

Flavored with mother's tears.

I was hungry, but my mother was in pain

She looked away.

How grief was a frequent guest

(Their childhood days were full),

I especially remember that fortunately

The bitter bread of war was equal.

A. Morozov
– How much bread does your family need?

3. Scene: “Holy Bread.” Now the guys will show you a skit.

Grandmother brought bread from the store. But Katyusha was not hungry, she took a bite and even wrinkled her nose:
- Ugh, what bad bread!
The grandmother got angry and began to lecture her granddaughter:
- You can’t talk about bread like that. He must be respected. If it doesn’t taste good, they say the bread is poorly baked...
“And Yurchik doesn’t respect bread either,” Katyusha frowned. “I didn’t finish a piece on the street and threw it on the ground.” Then they started playing football with Petya.
- Oh, how bad! - Grandma got angry.
- Don’t do that and don’t let Yurchik. If you haven’t finished eating, put it in the bread bin and eat it later.

And if someone throws him to the ground, tell him to pick him up. After all, without bread there is hunger and death. How many people in the world have died without bread. Holy bread.
Katyusha thought about it. Then she pressed herself close to her grandmother and said:
- I will never talk about bread again. And I won’t throw it away. I won’t allow Yurchik either. Just don't be angry with me. Love me...
The grandmother patted her granddaughter on the head and hugged her affectionately.
4. Teacher's story(continuation).

– What rules do you know for using bread? (Children's answers.)

Teacher. In order for a delicious loaf to be on our table every day, we must define clear rules for ourselves:

    Take as much bread as you can eat.

    Learn to cook various dishes from stale bread.

    Don't throw away the crumbs. You can give them to the birds.

To prepare one loaf of bread you need to use 10,000 grains. How many grains should be used to feed the entire country?
5. Working with proverbs.

Teacher. Let's remember the folk wisdom about bread - proverbs. (Children's answers.)

Assignment: finish the second part of the proverb.

It’s not the fur coat that warms you, but... (bread).

On the road, bread is not... (interference).

There will be no bread... (there will be no lunch either).

It’s not tasty without salt, but without bread... (insatiable).

Whoever has the bread has... (happiness).

Bread for everything... (head).

Without a stove it’s cold - without bread... (hungry).
3. Brainstorming Quiz.

Questions and questions:

1) What is the difference between winter and spring wheat? (Spring crops are sown in spring, winter crops are sown in autumn, and in winter.)

2) Where is the grain taken after harvesting? (At the elevator - storage for grain.)

3) Where is grain turned into flour? (At the mill.)

4) What is kvashnya? (Wooden dough tub, or yeast dough.)

5) What is another name for yeast, fermented dough? (Opara.)

---what path does bread take to end up on our table?


    Competition "Loaves".

--For 3 minutes, make loaves. (3 people from different classes).
The rest play the game “Jock-zhok-zhok is a pie”

Reading a poem, and children finish the last word in each line.

Zhok-zhok-zhok is a (pie).

Shki-shki-shki - mom fries (pies).

Shki-shki-shki - we love (pies).

Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat, Zhenya, (pie).

Ach-ach-ach - here (kalach).

Chi-chi-chi - baked in the oven (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi - we love (kalachi).

Chi-chi-chi - there will be (kalachi) for the holiday.
Examination of salt dough products made by children.

-How talented you are! You can already come to our bakery and borrow wonderful loaves from everyone! All that remains is to put them in the oven and wait until they dry.


We speak and we will say again

Let's repeat it like twice makes two:

Bread is the basis for everything

And of course. Head.
How many hands raised him,

How much sweat has flowed!

All human strength is in bread,

And health and warmth.
Many years and many winters

People are enjoying themselves.

The main product we eat is

Everyone likes bread.
From golden wheat

Bread is piled

How fragrant is it?

Bread with a crispy crust.
If the house smells like bread,

If bread kvass is tasty,

There will be joy at dinner

Bread in the village is simply classy.
To those who bake bread for us,

And whoever plows the land,

Respect to them, honor

And our thanks.


Take care of our bread!

Don't waste your bread!

Respect our bread!

Don't play with bread!

You can't throw away bread!

Take care of your bread, friends!
Teacher's word. And we will always remember the wise saying that came to us from the depths of centuries, born of popular experience: “Let the hand wither that throws even a crumb of bread under your feet!”