Twelve Mari heroes. Prince Akpars

Posted Tue, 04/09/2018 - 08:10 by Cap

Akpars is the hundredth prince of the mountain Cheremis, an active supporter of the entry of the mountain side into the Russian state.
The years of life and death are not known for certain.
According to historical legends, during the Moscow-Kazan confrontation of the 1540-1550s, he proved himself to be a far-sighted politician and diplomat, so in 1546 he headed the embassy of the mountain Mari to Ivan IV with a request to accept citizenship.
In the summer of 1552, at the head of his detachment, he took part in the campaign of Russian troops against Kazan.

In the middle of the 16th century. in the historical fate of the mountain Mari, as well as the entire Mari people, there was a sharp turning point associated with the annexation of the Mari lands into the Russian state. In an effort to free themselves from the power of the Kazan khans and put an end to military devastation, the mountain Mari, together with the Chuvash, in December 1546 sent a delegation to Moscow led by centurion Tugai to Tsar Ivan the Terrible with a request to accept them as their citizenship. The Mari ambassadors were solemnly received and presented with precious gifts.

The king agreed to accept the “mountain people” into his state. In turn, the military detachments of the mountain Mari were obliged to join the Russian army and take part in the conquest of Kazan. In the summer of 1551, the mountain Mari, led by their prince-leaders Akpars, Akaz, Kovyazh, Yanygit, Toksubai and Tokhpai, took an oath of allegiance to the Russian Tsar to the Moscow governors in Sviyazhsk, together with the Chuvash and Mordovians. According to Russian chronicles, the text of the “Kazan History”, historical legends, armed detachments and mountain Mari took part in the campaign against Kazan and its capture.

The peaceful nature of the annexation of the lands of the mountain Mari largely predetermined their future administrative and territorial structure. The Moscow administration preserved in the middle of the 16th century. the established division of the indigenous population into “hundreds” and “fifties” with the names of the authoritative leaders who led them. The largest area was in the Akparsov hundred. On the Mountain side, the whole structure included the yasak village-communities of Tsonibekova, Chermysheva, Pinel Pernyangash, Chortakova, Kadysheva, Koptyakova (Shapkila), Bolshaya Yul Shudermara, Other Yul Shudermara, Yul Shudermara, Yul Kusherga, Yunga Kusherga, Bolshaya Yunga, Yunga Pernyangash, Shudermara, Who Shudermara, Another Shudermara, Big Shurmara, Another Shurmara, Siukhina, Yamolina, Almandaeva, Salmandaeva, Karamysheva, Karaeva, Shaltikova, First Shoshmara (Emangash), Third Shoshmara (Extreme Shoshmara), Another Shoshmara (Middle Shoshmara), and on On the meadow side are the villages of Bolshaya Arda and Malaya Arda. In the Akazin hundred on the Mountain side there were the villages of Akazina, Bolshaya Yakterlya (Akazina), Second Yakterlya (Akazina), Third Yakterlya, Vilovatiy Vrag, Bolshaya, Srednyaya and Malaya Paratmara, Kozhlananger, Other Kozhlanangerskaya, Apshat Pelyak, Other Kuznetsovskaya, Kuznetsova (Apshat Pelyak ), and on the Meadow side are the villages of Ermuchash and Kildeyary. The Mari-Chuvash Kobyashev hundred was located entirely in the Right Bank and included the Mari villages of Bolshie, Srednie and Malye Kozhvazhi, Kozhvazh-Yulyaly, Big and Small Yulyaly. Toksubaev's hundred was located on the Left Bank and consisted of the villages of Toganasheva, Kukshara, Enikeeva, Shudugany, Kromka, Iksha, Yurkina. To the east of the Toksubaeva hundred was the fiftieth Tokhpaeva and included the villages of Pervaya and Staraya Rutka, Kumya, Osharashi, Second and Third Osharashi. Some of the villages of this fiftieth were 120 km away from the mouth of the Vetluga upstream. Yanygitov's fiftieth was located on the Gornaya (villages of Gornaya Kusherga and Other (Gornaya) Kusherga) and Lugovaya (villages of Akhtaeva, Karachyurina, Kelemary, Madary, Bolshaya Kulonga, Lugovaya Kusherga) sides. The boundaries of settlement of the mountain Mari on the Mountain Side covered the interfluve of the Sura and Bolshaya Sundyrka rivers, and on the Lugovaya Side their settlements were located in the basins of the Vetluga, Rutka, Arda, Parat rivers, and other rivers and lakes.

Monument to Prince Akpars

With the founding of the city of Kozmodemyansk in 1583, the entire Mountain Mari population became part of the vast Kozmodemyansk district, which indicates that the authorities took into account the ethnic characteristics of the Mountain Mari (Russian sources in the middle of the 16th century first called them “Mountain Cheremis”), connected by the unity of origin, language, culture, place of residence, mutual attraction to each other of different hundreds and fiftieths. Traditional "compatriot" groups survived until the end of the 18th century, when volost divisions were introduced instead of hundreds and fiftieties. During the provincial reform, the villages of Shaltykovo, Yemangashi, Middle and Extreme Sheshmary were transferred from the Kozmodemyansky district of the Kazan province to the Vasilsursky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province from the Akparsovo hundred in 1779, and the left-bank villages of Iksha, Kromka, Koticom, Peksheevo, and Kuzmino from the Toksubaeva hundred. The villages of Bolshaya, Krainaya, Srednyaya and Malaya Osharashi of Tokhpayeva's fiftieth century were transferred to the Makaryevsky district of the same province. In 1797, the above-mentioned villages on the left bank of Vasilsky district moved here. With the establishment of the Vyatka province in 1780, the villages of Shuduganskaya of the Toksubaev hundreds, Bolshaya and Malaya Kelemara of the Yanygitov hundreds appeared in the Tsarevosanchur district. With the abolition of the Tsarevosanchursky district in 1797, these three settlements became part of the Yaransky district of the Vyatka province. So, at the end of the 18th century. The mountain Mari population was divided between four districts. But the bulk of it, as before, remained in Kozmodemyansk district.
The composition of the population of Kozmodemyansky district within the modern borders of the region after the annexation was represented exclusively by mountain Mari. With the construction of the fortress city of Kozmodemyansk on the land of the Akparsova hundred, a permanent Russian population appeared from among the officials of the voivodeship administration, the clergy, archers, coachmen and townspeople. At the end of the XVI-XVII centuries. Russian peasants, serfs and other fugitives founded the villages of Troitskoye (modern Troitsky Posad), Pokrovskoye, Sumki and Korotni (Akhmylovo), the villages of Kopani, Bolonikha, Gavrenikha, Danilikha, Sosnovka, Krasnogorka, Rutka. The owners of these Russian Volga villages were the Suzdal (from 1671 Nizhny Novgorod) bishops and the Spaso-Yunginsky Monastery (founded in 1625). Residents of the village of Troitskoye were related to Kozmodemyansk by "tax". The newly baptized Mari and Chuvash servicemen of the village of Vladimirskoye, who later became Russified, carried out military marching and border guard service. In the 18th century Russian villages Rutkinskaya Griva and Vyakshlap appeared.

Arkady Krupnyakov. Historical novel "March of Akpars" (1978);
Sergey Nikolaev. Dramatic story "Akpars";
Kim Vasin. The story “With you, Russians!”;
Anatoly Pushkov. Painting “Mari Ambassadors at Ivan the Terrible”;
Anatoly Luppov. Suite “Sons of Akpars”;
Cinema "Akpars" (Kozmodemyansk), has not been operating in recent years.

Bronze sculpture "Akparsu". Sculptors: Anatoly Shirnin, Sergey Yandubaev. The sculpture is located in the Gornomariysky district on the P173 “Bolshoy Sundyr-Volga” highway, near the Kartukovsky turn. Akpars is depicted standing, playing the harp with one hand, and greeting his people with the other. On the pedestal of the monument there is a bronze bas-relief depicting the centenary Prince Akpars and the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, shaking hands.

Akaz Tugaev is the real name of the Mountain Mari hundredth prince Akpars, an associate of Ivan the Terrible, who distinguished himself during the capture of Kazan in 1552. He commanded the Mountain Regiment, in which the mountain Mari, Chuvash, and Mordovians fought. The banner of the mountain regiment, according to some sources, was a white cloth with an eight-pointed Orthodox cross in the middle (Akpars was deliberately baptized into Orthodoxy) and a Mari ornament along the edges.
Some facts related to the personality of Akpars are worthy of mention. In particular, legends have been preserved that Tsar Ivan IV stayed for three days in his ancestral village of Nuzhenaly and hunted in the local oak forests, and “for the happy outcome of the war, which began through the excitement of the Cheremis intercessors,” he presented Akpars with a gold (silver?) cup with the image King Solomon (according to other sources - an eagle) stallion, an expensive saddle and a saber. According to some sources, the cup was kept for a long time in the Yelasovskaya church.

At the Korkatovsky turn of the road in the Gornomariysky district of the Mari El Republic, cars slow down every now and then. People go outside, heading towards a small bronze pedestal and put their palms on the image of two human figures. Thus, travelers ask for blessings and good luck from two great rulers - Russian and Mari.

The Russian prince on the monument is Ivan the Terrible, the great sovereign of Moscow and All Rus', the conqueror of Western Siberia and the region of the Don Army, Bashkiria, the land of the Nogai Horde, the Astrakhan and Kazan khanates, and so on, and so on, and so on. Directly in front of him on the monument is a picture of a man, thanks to whom, according to legend, the Kazan Khanate was conquered. This is the great Mari mountain prince Izima, but he went down in history under a different name - Akpars.

For the Mari, Akpars is one of the main national heroes. A person surrounded by legends, although he existed in reality. He ruled the mountain Mari (then called Cheremis) during the Golden Horde. The Mari, frankly speaking, did not like being under the yoke of the cruel Tatar-Mongols. Izima, who was also called the White Prince, sought to free his people from the yoke of the invaders, for which he made a deal with Ivan IV. He helped the Russian Tsar take the Tatar fortress of Orol-Kyryk-Salymkhala, for which he resorted to a military trick. The troops of Ivan the Terrible could not approach the enemy fortifications. Izima promised the defenders of the fortress that he would help them with food. The Tatars believed the Mari prince, but in vain. Instead of food, the carts contained Russian soldiers with arquebuses and sabers.

The next time Izima offered his help during the Kazan siege. And here not only Izima’s outstanding military abilities manifested themselves, but also his musical talent. According to one legend, the leader of the Mari suggested digging under the walls and blowing them up using powder barrels on which burning candles were placed. The Cheremis prince himself measured the distance to the enemy fortress in steps, while playing the harp to distract the attention of the Kazan people. The Russians made another tunnel on the other side. But the candles in Izima’s mine burned slower than those lit in the Russian soldiers’ camp, and the explosion planned by Izima did not occur at the promised time.
Ivan the Terrible immediately suspected the Mari governor of treason and, in the best traditions of that time, immediately grabbed a saber to chop off his head. At this undoubtedly dramatic moment, the candles finally burned out and the walls of Kazan fell with a roar.

Ivan the Terrible changed his anger to mercy: he rewarded the prince and his soldiers with gifts, and from now on ordered Izim himself to be called Akpars. As for the Mari people as a whole, the king handed Akpars a letter in which he ordered the Mari “not to oppress, not to give them to the boyars and governors, not to attach them, but to live freely on their land and pay only a certain tribute for each Mari hunter, come of age." The payment, however, did not work out historically - from the hands of the enterprising Akpars, the tax payment document mysteriously disappeared somewhere...
Five centuries have passed since then, but the Mari have not forgotten their White Prince. Every year on April 26, the day of the National Mari Hero is celebrated in Mari-El, and Akpars’ name is one of the first to be named on this day. He did a lot for the voluntary accession of the mountain Mari to the Russian state on the condition that they preserve their cultural identity.

In the 18th century, a significant part of the modern Gornomariysky region on both sides of the Volga was officially called the land of Akparsa. Already in the 21st century, a monument to the prince himself was erected on the right bank of the river. Akpars is depicted unarmed - in one hand he holds a harp, and with the other he greets his people. With this, the wise Mari prince reminds people that great things are done not only by strength, but also with the help of intelligence and talent.

March of Akpars
Miklay Kazakov

Translation into Russian by Semyon Olender (1907 - 1969, Odessa)

On a warm evening in May I walk towards the Volga,
And all around were my native villages in front of me.
I hear a battle song being heard,
Living sound is near and dear to me.

The harp sounded under the skillful hand,
Girls play, girls sing
About our Akpars, what’s going on with the Russian squad
I sang this song in battle near Kazan.

The sounds of this song are getting louder and more wonderful!
With them I am carried away to the ancient years,
As if I and the legendary Akpars are together
Stormed the stronghold of the Khan's nest.

It was as if I were next to our older brother -
A warrior of Russia to take revenge on the khan,
It’s as if I’m with Akpars and at the embassy - next to me,
To serve the people of Moscow with honor.

Shining with beauty, the girls play,
They repeat the song of battle glory,
A song about Akpars, about our native land,
About the great power of age-old friendship.

The strings are golden, like in years past,
They still sing about the glorious Akpars,
This song of friendship is from gray times,
Like a baton they pass to us.

Under the skillful hand the song rang,
So the heart sings along with the harp.
About mighty ancestors, about brave heroes
Remember our free working people!

We descended by car from the Kartovsky slope towards Yelas, and, as always, a stunning view opened up to our eyes. The dammed Malaya Yunga, which filled the ravine to the very brim, bathed the clouds floating in the sky in its waters. Blue sky, blue lagoon below. A boat with two fishermen, seemingly tiny from above, emphasized the majesty of the landscape. I have long wanted to remove this beauty not from the road, but from the very top.
I asked to stop the car, and the director of the Gornomari centralized club system, Leonid Kubekov, and I began to climb the steep slope up the mountain. Ahead, among the young pines, a white rectangle of either a flag or a coat of arms suddenly appeared. “What is that there?” - I asked. “Have you never been here? - my guide was surprised. “This is Akpars’s grave.” Thoughts about beautiful landscapes were instantly replaced by the desire to see the attraction.
We climbed to the very top. Akpars's grave is a small mound on which a massive block of white marble is installed. Above the stone on a pole rises the coat of arms of the mountainous Mari land - a white leopard. The combination of a boulder and a heraldic symbol is not accidental: the name Akpars comes from the Tatar “ak” - white, clean, light and the Turkic “leopard” - leopard.

Who doesn't know Akpars in our republic? He is a legendary hero of the Mari people, who glorified himself as a far-sighted and intelligent politician, the most authoritative representative of the mountain Cheremis. The names of Akpars and his associates have been preserved not only in folk legends, but also in written historical sources. It was Akpars who led the Mari region to reunification with the Russian state. The years of his life and death are not known for certain. According to folk legends, the hundredth prince was born at the very beginning of the 16th century and died in the second half of the same century. The hero was buried in his homeland with full honors.

I asked how it was possible to establish the hero’s burial place. Leonid Zinovievich, not at all embarrassed, replied that this was not a gravestone, but a kind of symbol, but the place where it was installed was not chosen by chance. On a hillock near the village of Kartukovo, archaeologists discovered an ancient pagan burial ground at the end of the last century. From the village of Nuzhenaly, the birthplace of Akpars, it is located across the Malaya Yunga River, and in the old days burial places were usually located on the other side of the river from the place of residence. According to the beliefs of the Mari people, the other world is located underground beyond the sea, where all the rivers flow that carry away the souls of the dead. It was assumed that deceased brothers would visit their relatives in the village from time to time. Having woken up in the water, they return back and do not disturb the living.
Each settlement had its own graveyard. The location of the Kartukovsky burial ground, the variety and richness of things found by scientists in the burials indicate the nobility of the local family and its special status. So, by general agreement, after weighing all the pros and cons, a place for the memorial sign was chosen. And, according to local residents, Prince Akpars still protects his native Mountain Mari land from this hillock.
I have already seen symbolic burials. In Bashkiria, in the Mari village of Churaevo, there is the grave of the writer Yanysh Yalkain, who was repressed in 1938. Nobody knows where exactly he is buried - at the Butovo training ground or in one of the Gulag camps, but his relatives come to bow to a small mound in the local cemetery. According to pagan custom, instead of a cross, a long pole with the image of a cuckoo, a symbol of sadness and loss, is installed at the burial place.

revered grave of Akpars

Perhaps I would have critically perceived the “discovery” of Akpars’s resting place, and would have doubted the proximity of the hero’s homeland, the location of the burial ground across the river from Nuzhenal, and the richness of the burials. If only... If not for the sea of ​​daisies that swayed in waves at the foot of the marble block. As if agreeing with the choice made and paying tribute to the memory of their hero, their native land spread a luxurious chamomile carpet at his grave, adding white color to the “white leopard”. If nature gives a sign, Akpars definitely lies in this land.
How can you not believe it?

Akpars, the hundredth prince of the mountain Mari, a prominent politician, military leader and diplomat, is the most prominent personality in the galaxy of Mari national heroes. “The Mari people associate the turning point in their history with the name of Akpars,” the famous scientist K.A. Chetkarev wrote half a century ago.

AKPARS, proper name, from Tat. ak “white; gray-haired; clean (trans.); happy, bright (translated)”, etc. - Turkic. leopard "leopard".

The name of Akpars and his associates - the centenary princes Akaza, Kobyash, Yanygit, Toksubai and Tokpai - are preserved in written historical sources presented in official materials, office records, land documentation of the late 16th-18th centuries, as well as in historical legends about Akpars.

In the legends of the “Akparsov Cycle”, the events about the “embassies” of the mountain Mari to Moscow in 1546, about their petition expressing their readiness to accept Russian citizenship, about the rewards they received in Sviyazhsk are interpreted in the same way.

Some facts related to the personality of Akpars are worthy of mention. In particular, legends have been preserved that Tsar Ivan IV “for the happy outcome of the war, begun through the excitement of the “Cheremis intercessors,” provided the mountain Mari with a number of benefits and presented Akpars with a silver ladle with an eagle, a royal saddle, and a bow with a quiver filled with arrows. A.I. talks about the same thing. Svechin, who visited the Mari region two centuries after the events described during an audit of ship forests in the Middle Volga region in 1764-1765 and compiled a geographical description of cities and villages.

According to the 19th century local history teacher I. Ya. Molyarov, “the silver ladle given to Akpars is still kept in the Elasovo church: it weighs about a quarter of a pound, and is gilded inside.” As for other rare royal gifts (saber, gun, horse saddle), as well as ancient written documents kept by one of Akpars’ descendants in the village of Nuzhenaly, they, according to him, were subsequently lost.

Documents from the second half of the 15th-18th centuries contain references to administrative-territorial divisions called “hundreds”.

Yum", "fiftieths". Thus, in the territory of settlement of the mountain Mari in the Kozmodemyansk district there were Akparsova, Akazina, Kobyasheva, Toksubaeva hundreds, Tokpaev and Yanygitov fifties.

The name of Akpars, as a national hero, a visionary politician and diplomat, has been preserved in the people's memory. There are legends and traditions about him, recorded and published by I.Ya. Molyarov, L. Iznoskov and an unknown author, signed with the initials “N.” and "N. G.V.” The manuscript department of the MarNII contains the text of the legend about Akpars, recorded by the village teacher V.L. Lukyanov in the village of Nuzhenaly from the words of his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich Lukyanov (Kogo Krisha).

A remarkable monument of folk musical art is the so-called “Akpars March”. One of the publishers of the legend about Akpars wrote: “The music of Akpars’ tunes is original, unique and not devoid of pleasantness. More than once I had to play Akpars' tunes on the violin in front of Russians, and they always find a lot of good in them. And Russian men, one blind violinist Cheremisin I know told me, really love the “Akpars March” (as they call it) and force them to repeat it several times.” The musical notation of “Akpars March” was made by the famous Mari gusli performer A.R. Sidushkina.

The image of Akpars received artistic embodiment in the works of writers A. Krupnyakov, K. Vasin, V. Petukhov, L. Yandakov, playwrights S. Nikolaev, N. Arban, poets G. Matyukovsky, K. Belyaev, M. Kazakov, N. Ilyakov, artists B. Pushkov, I. Mikhailin, B. Arzhekaev, B. Alimov, composer A. Luppov.

The name Akpars was carried by the Mari people through the centuries. “Let us glorify the land of Akpars” - these words rightfully became the motto of the Mountain Mari region.

The grateful descendants of their hero love and remember him. The monument was erected to their hundredth prince. They placed it where his land began. This is now at the Kartukovsky turn, at the crossroads. The authors are Mari sculptors Anatoly Shirnin and Sergey Yandubaev.

Municipal educational institution

"Lyceum of Kozmodemyansk"

(Extracurricular activity dedicated to National Hero's Day)

Completed by: Karmazikova M.L., first teacher

qualification category,



“Akpars is the national hero of the Mountain Mari people”

(Event scenario for 5th grade students)

Goals and objectives:

    introduce students to the legendary image of Akpars: show how Akpars is depicted in literature, music, and fine arts;

    develop skills of coherent speech, expressive reading:

    cultivate a sense of pride in the national hero, love for the native land;

Equipment: computer presentation “Akpars - the national hero of the Mountain Mari people”, exhibition of books, computer, screen, projector, disc with the recording “Opening of the monument to Akpars”.

Type: an open extracurricular activity using ICT.

1 presenter: Andrey Tolstov, 7th grade student.

2 presenter: Darina Krotova, 7th grade student.

Event plan:

I. Organizing time.

II. Main part. Acquaintance with the legendary hero of the Mari people - Akpars.

    Poem by Miklay Kazakov “Nuzhenaly”.

    Poem by Miklay Kazakov “March of Akpars”.

    “March of Akpars” performed by guslar girls.

    Watch a video about the opening of the monument to Akpars.

III. Final part.

Progress of the event:

I . Organizing time: greeting the event participants.

1 presenter:

A national hero is a spokesman for the interests of his people.

The pride of the Russian people are Alexander Nevsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Georgy Zhukov.

The national heroes of the Mari city are Onar and Chotkar, Akpars and Akpatyr, the leader Boldush, who died on April 26, 1556, defending the last residence of the Mari princes.

    Main part. Acquaintance with the legendary hero of the Mari people - Akpars.

1 Presenter:

The legendary Akpars, the leader of the mountain Mari, lived more than 400 years ago in the village of Nuzhenaly. Now this village is located near the village of Elasy on the banks of the Bolshaya Yunga River.

    Poem by Miklay Kazakov “Nuzhenaly”. Read by a 5th grade student.

2 Presenter:

Akpars - the hundredth prince of the mountain Mari, a prominent politician, military leader and diplomat - is the brightest in the pantheon of Mari national heroes. Akpars's possessions, called the “hundred,” occupied a significant part of the territory of the modern Gornomari region. They wrote about him that Akpars lived “near the Bolshaya Yunga River, in the Nuzhenal area, where his descendants, the Cheremis, still live. He was the first intercessor, in every matter he came forward, was bolder and more skillful than his comrades. And therefore he occupied a large expanse of land from the Nizhny Novgorod border along the Sura River and a huge forest along the Sura and Vetluga.”

1 Presenter:

There is information that this man had a different name, he was nicknamed Akpars because he was desperately brave and daring, and he was compared to a snow leopard, they said “like a leopard.”

Prince Akpars is a real historical figure who lived during the time of Ivan the Terrible. The voluntary accession of the Mountain Mari to the Russian state of Ivan the Terrible is associated precisely with the name of Prince Akpars. He came to the aid of the Moscow Tsar and did a lot to establish him on the Volga. Ivan the Terrible appreciated the merits of Akpars. There is a known case when he stayed for three days in his ancestral village of Nuzhenaly and hunted in the local oak forests.

2 Presenter:

Akpars and his retinue took part in the campaigns of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible during the capture of Kazania in October 1552. Many in this hall remember the legend of the capture of Kazan, how masterfully Akpars performed wonderful melodies at the fortress walls, one of them has reached us and is called “Akpars March”.

The legend also says this. How the warriors of Ivan the Terrible and the Mountain Mari archers of Akpars dug under the fortress walls of Kazania and, with the help of gunpowder barrels, blew up this wall, and thus conquered the impregnable city. Legends have been preserved that Tsar Ivan IV, “for the happy outcome of the war...”, provided the mountain Mari with a number of benefits and presented Akpars with a silver ladle with the image of King Solomon. According to some sources, the ladle is still kept in the Yelasov Church.

1 Presenter:

    The poem “March of Akpars” by Miklay Kazakov is read by students.

On a warm evening in May I walk towards the Volga,

And all around me my relatives sat down in front of me.

I hear a battle song being heard,

Her living sound is close and dear to me.

The harp sounded under the skillful hand,

Girls play, girls sing

About our Akpars, what’s going on with the Russian squad

I sang this song in battle near Kazan.

All the ringing, wonderful sounds of this song!

I relate to them in ancient times.

As if I and the legendary Akpars are together

Stormed the stronghold of the Khan's nest.

It was as if I were with our older brother,

A warrior of Russia to take revenge on the khan,

It’s as if I’m with Akpars and at the embassy - next to me,

To serve the people of Moscow with honor.

Shining with beauty, the girls play,

They repeat the song of battle glory,

A song about Akpars, about our native land,

About the great power of age-old friendship.

The strings are golden, like in years past,

They still sing about the glorious Akpars,

This song of friendship is from gray times,

Like a baton they pass to us.

Under the skillful hand the song rang,

So the heart sings along with the harp,

About mighty ancestors, about brave heroes

Remember our free working people!

    “March of Akpars” performed by guslar girls of a specialized boarding school, director Galina Guseva.

2 Presenter:

The legendary Akpars is remembered on Mari land. Artists dedicate their paintings to him. In 1957, Anatoly Sergeevich Pushkov painted the painting “Mari Ambassadors with Ivan the Terrible.” Akpars in a white embroidered caftan stands with dignity in front of the Russian Tsar. He managed to convince Ivan the Terrible of his request: to take the Mari under his protection.

In the painting by Ivan Alekseevich Mikhailin “Akpars and Erviy” we see our hero together with his faithful friend and wife.

1 Presenter:

The snow leopard on the coat of arms and flag of the Mountain Mari region also reminds us of the brave leader. The author of this coat of arms is a talented and famous artist, our fellow countryman from the village of Porandaikino, Izmail Efimov. He now lives in Yoshkar-Ola.

2 Presenter:

And just recently, on November 20, 2007, a monument to Akpars was unveiled at the Kartukovsky turn as a national hero, whom we should know and remember.

The monument, 5 meters high, was cast at the Butyakov plant by Kazan craftsmen.

1 Presenter:

There is another monument to leader Akpars in our city of Kozmodemyansk. This monument stands on the banks of the Volga, next to Gorbuntsov Park.

In a beautiful place not far from Akpars’s native village, Nuzhenaly, there is a large stone. This is another of the monuments dedicated to our hero. The legend says: in ancient times, Akpars picked up a stone and, throwing it to the ground, said: “This is my land!”

2 Presenter:

And now we invite you to watch a video about the opening of the monument to Akpars at Kartukovsky turn. Watch the video.

    Final part.

1 Presenter:

Guys, today you met the brave hero of our Mari people - Akpars. We learned a lot of interesting things about his achievements. And we hope that the memory of Akpars will remain in your hearts for many years to come. With this we say goodbye to you.

Akpars is more of a title than a name. Before participating in the capture of Kazan, the prince was called in Cheremis - Izima, and after the victory over the capital of the Kazan Khanate he received a name that became known to descendants. A personality on the verge of history and legend. The hundredth prince of the mountain Mari, who, according to legend, lived in the town of Nuzhenal. But back in the 18th century, a significant part of the modern Gornomari region on both sides of the Volga was officially called the land of Akpars. The name of Akpars is associated with turning points in the history of the Mari people. In an effort to free themselves from the power of the Golden Horde, the mountain Mari sent several of their most respected leaders to Ivan the Terrible, asking for patronage and military support. In the matter of the voluntary annexation of the mountain Mari to the Russian state, it was Prince Akpars who played a major role, as historical legends say. According to one legend, Akpars proposed to the Russian Tsar, who was unsuccessfully besieging Kazan, his plan for taking the city - to dig under the walls and blow them up using powder barrels on which burning candles were placed. The Cheremis prince himself measured the distance to the enemy fortress in steps, while playing the harp to distract the attention of the Kazan people. But the candles in the tunnel burned more slowly than those lit in the camp of the Russian soldiers, and the explosion did not occur at the scheduled time. Ivan the Terrible, accusing Akpars of treason, had already drawn his saber, but then the walls of Kazan fell with a roar.
According to legend, the gusel melody that Akpars played when approaching the walls of Kazan is now known as the “March of Akpars.” It was passed down by living tradition from generation to generation of guslar players and was written down in notes (music notation by A. Sidushkina).

The Republic remembers:
On November 20, 2007, a bronze sculpture of Akparsu was installed at the Korkatovsky turn in the Gornomariysky district. He is depicted standing with a harp in front of him. Akpars plays them with one hand and greets his people with the other. The author of the sculptural composition is the creative tandem of A. Shirnina and S. Yandubaev. The monument has turned into a calling card of the area and modern traditions associated with the monument have already appeared: newlyweds come to the monuments for “parting words”, drivers stop at the Korkatovsky turn to receive the prince’s blessing on the road. On the pedestal of the monument there is a bronze bas-relief depicting the centenary Prince Akpars and the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, shaking hands. The “pilgrims” touch the royal hands and ask for good luck. A series of historical legends and works of literature are dedicated to him (A. Krupnyakov’s novel “March of Akpars”, S. Nikolaev’s drama “Akpars”, K. Vasin’s story “With you, Russians!”, L. Belyaev’s poem “Argamak”, etc.) , painting ("Mari Ambassadors with Ivan the Terrible" by A. Pushkov), music (suite "Sons of Akpars" by A. Luppov).

Cinemas, catering establishments, children's organizations, and sports teams in the republic bear his name. The motto of the Mountain Mari region is: “Let us glorify the land of Akpars!”

The extracurricular event is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Mari El.

Folklore and sports festival “Let’s glorify the land of Akpars” for grades 4-9.

Participants in grades 4-6. Composition: 2 teams: “Russian heroes” and “Heirs of Akpars”, 10 people each in Russian and Mountain Mari costumes.

The form of the event is a relay race. In relay races, the 1st place team gets 3 apples, a tie gets 2 apples, and a losing team gets 1 apple.


    Introducing children to historical heritage. Instilling respect and interest in Mari and Mountain Mari culture.

    Developing students' curiosity and creativity.

    Fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance; development of physical qualities and the ability to survive in extreme conditions.

(Phonogram “March of Akpars”)

Akpars comes out and plays the harp.

Akpars : Good afternoon, dear guests!

(This is in Mari).

According to legend, in ancient times, the Hundred Prince Akpars was born in the village of Nuzhenaly, Kazan province, was the head of the mountain Mari, and Ivan the Terrible reigned in Rus' at that time. Life was difficult for the Mari people back then. They were oppressed from all sides, and then Akpars and his mountain Mari decided to ask for the protection of the Moscow Tsar.

Having arrived, he turned to the king:

“- Great sovereign! The Mari and Chuvash peoples beg you in tears: take us under your wing, like a mighty eagle chicks, and our peoples will be with Russia forever.

And Ivan the Terrible replied:

I listened to your words, and the grief of your peoples touched my heart.

From now on, Rus' considers the mountainous bank of the Volga to be my land and I will not leave you without help.”

The mountain side became part of the Russian state in 1551, the meadow side - after the capture of Kazan in 1552.

In the process of formation of the Mari people, two ethnographic groups emerged: mountain and meadow Mari. Today they are usually called subethnic groups. The Mari belong to the Finno-Ugric language family.

On November 4, 1920, the Mari Autonomous Region was formed, which in 1936 was transformed into the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; in 1992, the republic became officially known as the Republic of Mari El.

The state languages ​​of the republic are Mari (mountain and meadow) and Russian. The Republic of Mari El is located in the east of the East European Plain in the middle part of the Volga River basin. It borders on the Kirov region, the republics of Tatarstan and Chuvashia, and the Nizhny Novgorod region. The capital of the Mari El Republic is the city of Yoshkar-Ola, founded in 1584. There are 14 districts and 4 cities in the republic. The total area of ​​Mari El is 232 thousand km.

As of January 1, 2004, the population of the republic was 728 thousand people. Of these, 460 thousand are urban residents, 268 thousand are rural. The national composition is 47.5% Russians, 42.9% Mari, 6% Tatars, 3.6% other nationalities.

The main natural resources are forests and agricultural lands; there are 476 large and small rivers, 200 large lakes, and more than 2,000 springs on the territory of the republic. The Volga, the deepest and most abundant river in Europe, flows through the republic for 155 kilometers. The Mari have managed to preserve their traditions, rituals,

National clothing, folk and calendar holidays are closely related to the economic activities of peasants.

The city of Kozmodemyansk (founded in 1583) is located on the Volga, it is the regional center of the Gornomariysky district. The population of the city in 2005 was 22.7 thousand people, in the region 28.4 thousand. Composer Andrei Eshpai was born in the city, there is a cinema "Akpars". In the city of Volzhsk, Akpars skis are produced, and the Ariada-Akpars hockey team plays. In the area there is a monument to the centurion Prince Akpars. The children's organization of the district is called “Heirs of Akpars”.

And then they entered into a final alliance. And he turned ________ years old.

Today we are ready to test your heroic prowess, skill, skill. You are the future of our republic, its strength, its pride. And judges today are a council of elders. We welcome them.


Akpars : Now I will ask you to name the names of Russian and Mari heroes"

(children run up in turn and call names. Russian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Ivan Bestalanny, Gol Royansky, Dobrynya Nikitich, Svyatogor, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Tolka Barannikov, Volga, Nikula Selyaninovich, Vasily Buslaevich, Sadko; Mari heroes: Koksha the hero , Martian, Onar, Akpars, Ivuk, Chotkar - Patyr, Nenchyk - Patyr, Alym - Patyr).

Akpars : Let's stretch our muscles and get ready for the competition. Charging under

the melody of the song “Our Heroic Strength”. carried out by class physicists.

Akpars: The most important person in the team is the captain; all hope lies in him.

Captains, show your strength.

(pull-ups on the crossbar - captains).

Akpars: Autumn. The Mari people are very hardworking. From time immemorial, our fathers and grandfathers grew potatoes and sent them down the Volga. Barges loaded with potatoes departed from the pier one after another. The real owners took away the harvest on horseback.

1. Relay race "Potato picking".

(Children run with a basket and collect potatoes).

2. Relay "Horse racing".

(2 people running with a broom between their legs))

Akpars: Winter. In the mountain Mari forests in former times, animals were abundant. The best hunter was considered to be the one who could shoot an arrow into a squirrel's eye with a bow. The Mari even paid tribute to the Russian Tsar in fur.
There were moose, beavers, bears, martens, squirrels, and wild boars.

Akpars : There are many large and small rivers, streams, and lakes on the territory of Mari El and the Gornomari region. The rivers also fed the local residents, since there was an abundance of fish here.

In winter, many fished under ice.

1. Relay race “Boar Hunting”.

(Wear felt boots with snowshoes, run and hit the wild boar with the ball) (there is a drawing of a wild boar on the wall).

2. Relay "Fishing"

(Children run, take fishing rods with a magnet on a string, catch a fish made of iron, put the fish in a bucket)

Akpars: Spring. The land of Akpars is a heroic land. The Mountain Mari did not receive anything from nature for free. You need to spend a lot of effort and have great perseverance to cut down centuries-old trees, uproot stumpy stumps, making room for arable land.

Yes, here everyone had to be a hero. The forest was the first friend for the Goronomarians. For centuries, the Mountain Mari lived only in the forest: they cut trees, floated them down rivers, and peeled bast.

Akpars: Having cut off the old branches and collected the garbage in heaps, the young ones organized their own games and fun in the spring. The young men set fire to large fires and jumped over them, some higher and some further.

1. Relay race “Uprooting stumps”.

(Two children carry one player on a bag)

2. Relay race “Jumping over the fire”.

(3 legs are made from 3 gymnastic sticks, children run and jump over them)

Akpars: The Mountain Mari knew the forest well and navigated it. They could provide any first aid for illnesses and injuries.

3. Life Safety Quiz (children run to the end of the hall, choose the correct answer to the quiz question, and return back)

Human behavior in an extreme situation

1. First aid for overheating of the body in the sun.

a) perform artificial respiration,

b) take it to the shade, apply a cold compress,

c) cover the patient warmly.

2. You were bitten by a viper or snake. Necessary:

    suck out the poison from the wound,

    apply a tourniquet

    cauterize with something.

3. You were bitten by a bee or wasp. Necessary:

    apply a tight bandage,

    remove the sting

    lubricate with iodine.

4.How to properly disinfect water:

    let the water stand,

    strain through cheesecloth,


5. How to help a person who is drowning:

    throw a lifebuoy, board, give a scarf, rope,

    call a policeman for help,

    make a raft, a boat.

Akpars: Summer. Having sowed the arable land. You can also be happy for the future harvest. The mountain coast is famous for its gardens. Along the steep ravines, wherever you look, there are gardens everywhere. It’s beautiful all around in the summer.. The Mountain Mari people organized the holiday “Peledysh Aiyo”, which translated means “Festival of Flowers”. It was held after the sowing season. A choir review is taking place on the singing field. At the festival, young men took part in various competitions, where they could measure their strength.

And now we will become participants in the celebration.

All heroes participate in various competitions in the four corners of the hall (they receive additional apples).


    Pillow fight on a log.

    Climbing on a pole (rope) for a prize.

    Tug of war.

    Walking on stilts.

    In the center of the hall is the game “Baps under your feet.”

Everyone stands in a circle. The driver rotates the bast shoe on a rope under his feet or above his head. Whoever you hit is out of the game.

Akpars. Song and dance, like true friends, accompany the mountain Mari everywhere. And where the song sounds, the sound of the harp is also heard. Where the harp is, there is life, there is fun. Mari dances resemble bird flight. Russians and Mountain Mari have been living in friendship and harmony for many years now.

We invite everyone to the Mountain Mari dance

(performing the Mountain Mari dance).

Akpars .And now the final relay race. Children run, open the letters on the floor one by one and make up the sentence “Let us praise the land of Akpars.”


M. Kazakov.


On a warm evening in May I walk towards the Volga,

And all around me my relatives sat down in front of me.

I hear a battle song being heard,

Her living sound is close and dear to me.

The harp sounded under the skillful hand,

Girls play, girls sing

About our Akpars,

what's wrong with the Russian squad?

I sang this song in battle near Kazan.

All the ringing, wonderful sounds of this song!

With them I am carried away to the ancient years.

As if I and the legendary Akpars are together

Stormed the stronghold of the Khan's nest.

As if I were next to ours

older brother -

A warrior of Russia to take revenge on the khan,

It's like I'm with Akpars

and at the embassy - nearby,

To serve the people of Moscow with honor.

Shining with beauty, the girls play,

They repeat the song of battle glory,

A song about Akpars, about our native land,

About the great power of age-old friendship.

The strings are golden, like in years past,

They still sing about the glorious Akpars,

This song of friendship is from gray times,

Like a baton they pass to us.

Under the skillful hand the song rang,

So the heart sings along with the harp,

About mighty ancestors, about brave heroes

Remember our free working people!

The floor is given to the Council of Elders. Rewarding.

Akpars: The Motherland can do a lot! It can feed you warm and tasty bread, give you spring water to drink, and delight you with its beauty, but it cannot protect itself. Therefore, protecting the Fatherland, the Motherland is the duty of each of us. You, the heirs of Akpars, are future soldiers. With honor and courage, defend the Russian land, the Mari land, as our ancestors defended it.1. Guys! You can read information about the Mari region and the heroes in these books.

1. V.A. Aksorin. Mari folk tales, Y-Ola, 1984.

2. G.N. Ayplatov. Forever with you, Russia, Y-Ola, 1967, p.96.

3. A. Krupnyakov. Guslars. Y-Ola, Mari Book Publishing House, 1978.

4. S.I. Zakharov. The youth of the ancient city. Y-Ola, 1983

5. The sun over the forests (Anthology of Mari prose. Y-Ola, 1979, p. 272

Akpars: Goodbye, see you again! ("Akpars March" sounds and the children leave the hall)/

Equipment and inventory

1. Phonogram “March of Akpars” and “Heroic Power”

2. Two baskets, 2 buckets of potatoes.

3. Two brooms.

4. Two pairs of felt boots with snowshoes and two designs of a wild boar.

5. Two fishing rods with magnets, two iron fish.

6. Two bags.

7. Six gymnastic sticks.

8. Quiz on life safety.

9. Gymnastic balance beam.

10. Two pillows.

11. Rope.

12. Two pairs of stilts.

13. Bast shoes.

14. Set of letters.